You share sliders and say that they would be more effective with my superstar settings, but you don't have many wrestlers for superstar settings. I tried v3.5, and you say that you adjusted it so that it wouldn't end with a wrong ending. I did an Ilja vs Nakamura match to have the same experience because of a video you shared. However, the match ended with Ilja's signature, not a finisher.
You share sliders and say that they would be more effective with my superstar settings, but you don't have many wrestlers for superstar settings. I tried v3.5, and you say that you adjusted it so that it wouldn't end with a wrong ending. I did an Ilja vs Nakamura match to have the same experience because of a video you shared. However, the match ended with Ilja's signature, not a finisher.
I’ve tested over 30 matches, all ending after taking two or more finishers. It depends on who you are using in matches