I would recommend throwing cleansing flame on your quick slot. As you switch to main-hand for movement and reach a new pack you can hit that key to use cleansing flame out of pre-awaken. This is handy for squishier mobs or when you have the elvia buff. As you reach tankier endgame mobs you can use fireborn rupture from the quickslot to transition from main hand to awaken and start your combo. I usually use Fireborn Rupture (+20AP), To Ashes, Glorious Advance (20% attack speed), God Incinerator, Cleansing flame, Dragon's Maw, and finish with Searing Fang. Another ability to use on weaker mobs is fierce distain into gate crasher.
I would recommend throwing cleansing flame on your quick slot. As you switch to main-hand for movement and reach a new pack you can hit that key to use cleansing flame out of pre-awaken. This is handy for squishier mobs or when you have the elvia buff. As you reach tankier endgame mobs you can use fireborn rupture from the quickslot to transition from main hand to awaken and start your combo. I usually use Fireborn Rupture (+20AP), To Ashes, Glorious Advance (20% attack speed), God Incinerator, Cleansing flame, Dragon's Maw, and finish with Searing Fang. Another ability to use on weaker mobs is fierce distain into gate crasher.
Don't know if it's important for elvia but I also recommend to use your pre awakening buff with A or D +RMB and after that space