Todos estos canales son puras mentiras, fraudes y lo único que quieren es que los suscriptores les den dinero y ellos vivir sin trabajar. Qué cómodo es verdad😡😡😡
I’m guessing the sons of Zahra aren’t getting along is because they were spoiled as children as the grandchildren are spoiled and if they don’t get their way they behave badly.. Since I’ve been 😂watching Ali demanded his parents sell the family home so Ali could get his share of the money. Shahram wanted to get married even though he didn’t have a job or family didn’t have the money to pay for a wedding. He still doesn’t have a job. One of the brothers left the family compound after a fight three months ago and doesn’t answer any of their phone calls. Now Bahrain demands the car be sold by him so he can pay off a debt. This will leave the family without a vehicle. In the midst of all these conflicts the family patriarch hardly ever says a word and the sons don’t listen to their mother. It’s a mess
I agree, I never see kids disrespect their parents like this, boys always love their mothers and respect more than their fathers, I don’t what is up with these guys.
How do you know that friend is an addict ? And because Bahram is smoking a cigarette you automatically think he’s taking drugs and has become an addict ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
واقعاً دیگه استپ بدین واقعاً دیگه بس کنین من که دیگه از کانالتون خارج شدم واقعاً شرم آوری همه خشونتی همه وحشیبازی واقعاً واقعاً آخه این پول انقدر ارزش دارد هر چقدر وحشی بازی در بیاورید که شايد کسی پدا بشه به شما کمک کند به نظر من چر کسی که به شما کمک بکند وحشی بازي شما را تید کرده 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Bahram needs to call the police. He should not be fighting people over his own car. They do not want to buy their own cars, but they want to be buying land, building houses, while Bahram face prison because he cannot use his car to pay off his fine.
@@TrudyCenac Why does it belong to all the brothers? What did the other 4 contribute to it? The van was bought from the money obtained from the sale of Bahram and Ali Saleh's cars. The other 4 contributed nothing, and cannot just take something that does not belong to them
This is ridiculous !!! Dear mom if he is an addict it is you and your sons fault !! Why is this channel trying to make the unemployed losers Hero s and Bahram an out of control addict! And to say if he was not an addict I would of given him the car .what a lie.The worst thing is it is his truck not yours all these two along with the parents take and take. Ali is working on a shelter before it snows and the university idiot has helped him the last few days but the people living in the houses he built have went there once for a few hours cause they need to built a bread room. Oh operator if you really wanted this to look real than the two clowns would of got their buts kicked....Bahram and his friend could of won the fight. This channel is sooo wrong .
No me agrada nada esta mujer, es totalmente incoherente lo que habla, trata de defender al hijo que solo es irresponsable y grosero con sus hermanos y está con ella y todavía lo justifica qué Horror. Por eso estamos como está mi S por tanto consentimiento. Semejante grandulon. Qué le justificas, 😡😡😡😡😡
Totalmente de acuerdo con tu comentario ...Quiere que los hermanos pongan la otra mejia y se dejen golpear y sobajar por un hijo que ella no quiere reconocer que ya se perdio en cualquier vicio que este tenga quisiera haberle visto la cara que les hubiera quitado el carro a los muchachos ahi tambien los estaria regañando por permitirlo la solucion esta en sus manos dejar de comprar tanto material y pagarle el dinero que aporto en el carro y quitarselo de ensima por lo menos por un tiempo porque ya con un vicio es dificil ....ja ja ja y me causa gracia cuando dice sean cortes con el amigo que mujer no sabe lo que dice pobre ...
vous avez raison cette Mère est très méchante envers ses propres enfants et l'ensembles de la famille y compris son Marie . ou c'est une mise en scène ?
When I first started watching this channel I thought how wonderful it would be to have all these good looking sons who get along so well. Boy, was I wrong.. I don’t know if the fights are real or made for the TH-cam channel. Not sure how much longer I’ll watch.
condition in iran is so awful, there is no job, wages are low , and expenses are very high, government a dictatorship killing people , hanging , against women, or any activities , poor people are getting poor , this channel you gotta support this is just how they make money , 1 dollar ir lot of money in Iran ,
I am leaving this channel,I blame the mother for all of this.I love Ali channel,it is wonderful.I hope it doesn't change.But if that mother come's to it,I will leave it. A mother that destroys their family is digusting.This all started when the little short one wanted to get married.
Give him his truck back problem solved help bahram ' he contributed most of what you have right now Zahra he builds your houses and servant for the family, respect him' he is such a nice guy letting you borrow his truck.
زهرة كافي بطلي تضحكي على الناس والله عيب انتم العايلة الوحيدة اللي اولادكم يتعاركون إذا علمود المشاهدات كافي بطلي كذب بالبداية كنت متعاطفة وياكم الأن كلش كرهتكم من تصرفاتكم لان كلو كذب عندك بيت كبير روحي عيشي بي او بطلي هاي الشغلات
لو فعلا غرضكم شريف من اللى بيحصل ده كان المفروض مشاكلكم تبقى بعيد عن التصوير لانها فضائح بمعنى الكلمة انكم تضربوا بعض امام المتابعين عيب جدا انما انا شايفة انها متاجرة سخيفة من اجل استعطاف الماتبعين لجمع المال عيب عليكم اللى بتعملوه ده قرفتونا من متابعتكم
And you know this how? He was gone for 3 years, bought that car and was doing well by himself. When he came back, they made him sell the car. They bought the van, with most of the money for the purchase coming from the sale of his car. Ali Saleh's car was sold and brought in a much smaller amount of money which was added to the price of the van.
😂😂😂😂 all scripted, how Behram suddenly appear, how did he know they are in that area, of course if he asked them they will not them. Nomads nomads nomads change the script, so obvious
Four grown men and one truck, and you’re trying to kill each other already. Once you’re married, you should have your own home, a car and should not be living with mommy and daddy. If transportation is so important, you should think of getting a car before buying a bigger land.
Во всё этом виноваты Захра и Шахрам бездельник который женился не во время и за него в семье получилось раздор. Бахрам продал свою машину 🚔 из-за семьи . мать не разу не беспокоилась за него где он находится чем занимается он. Захре лижбо дети строили какую нибудь хижину она была довольна этим. Бахрам уйда из дома работал на заработанные деньги покупал подарки папе маме жёнам братьям чтобы они пошли на свадьбу бездельника Шахрама. Салех теперь избивает Бахрама. а что он сделал для семьи где то гулял и пришёл домой командует избивает брата. Помню в начале съёмки у Бахрама был какой-то бизнес приходила и снимала мама видео. куда оно делось?
Ya ne soqlasna vse bratya rabotyawwiye a Baxram lentyay i yewwo svizalsya s narkomanami bezssovestniy. Zaxre i pape nado bilo bit s nim postroje a ne pokrivat yevo
Insanlar sizin kavganizimi izleyecek kötü orneksiniz cocuklariniz ogreniyor kavgayi şiddet butun iranda.boylemi yalanda olsa kötü orneksini.izlenmek için bunlari yapmayin izlemiyorum sizi çok kötü
اعتقد انهم يمثلون وقد اصبح هذا الشيء لا يطاق المشكلة ان والدتي تتابعهم وهي مؤمنة بأنهم يتقاتلون حقاً وأن بهرام ابنٌ عاق. اعتقوا بهرام المسكين من هذا التمثيل واجعلوا شخصاً آخر يصنع بعض الدراما
Are you people not watching Bahram and Aliseleh both sold their cars to get that so it’s not just for Bahram. He wants to sell the truck for his habit can’t you see he’s out of character and disrespectful even to his mom. Zahrah wants to deal with the friend and not Bahram and when her sons try to talk to him she intervenes. I love Bahram but not acting like this. Should they have bought the extra property before repaying Alideleh and Bahram? No but it’s done and they are trying to help him.
Maybe when they get the warehouse built they can take all those big pots out of the kitchen and put inside the warehouse . Kitchen is starting to look very junky
Bahram haklı arabasını verin yeter artık Bahramı mağdur etmeyin ali salih efendi sen kaçamazsın Bahramin arabasını ver ailenin huzurunu sen bozdun ali efendi
That’s only car that both families need until they get through building than give Braham the car. But I believe any if they give him the car it still won’t solve his debt problems.
Эгоисты,взяли машину Бахрама и со сылой не хотьят отдать владелцу!Разве ваши стройки когда нибудь закончится???И потом если вам так необходима машина,так купитье её,вы,не понимаетье человеческий язык,что Бахраму нужна своя машина???
Y ahora resulta que hicieron mal en darle su merecido no Ali no hiciste mal tu mamá es la que está mal con palabras blandas ya no va a entender está loca señora me da mucho coraje con usted 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Zahra. Con todo respeto eres una mamá muy mandona nada más ordenas deja de ser la protagonista de tu teatro y deja decer una madre metiche y educa al hijo adicto búscalo y mételo a un centro de rehabilitación y dejen de dar shows están aburriendo salgan y convivan como familia unión de familia es lo que quiero ver buenos ejemplos los admiraba mucho por eso se separó Ali por que se desmoronó la familia por tantos problemas y ya Zahra deja de mandar y ser autoritaria
Các bạn vẫn diễn xuất kiểu này chính tự mình đánh mất những người đăng ký và đóng dấu bình luận, tôi nghĩ ko nên diễn xuât kịch tính nữa vì chúng tôi đây chỉ là muốn xem quay phim về cuộc sống bình thường hàng ngày chứ không phải đánh nhau hãy viết kịch bản quay phim hay vào chứ càng xem càng bực mình chúc bạn thành công
Türkiyeden selamlar ❤🇹🇷❤ zahra anne okadar çok çocuk yapmışınki sorunlar bitmiyor , bahramda çok saygısız ve terbiyesiz büyüklerine el kaldırıyor, Allah'a emanet olun kolay gelsin sohelide öpüyorum 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Tem que ir a polícia , prestar queixa contra esse drogado. Quer prejudicar a família. Vender a Van pra pagar é comprar drogas. Depois que gastar o dinheiro, vem pra casa. Tirar a paz da família. Essa qualidade de gente, nunca deixa de dever.
Hola cuando yo henpese aver este canal me gustaba mucho de ver que familia tan unida pero desde que enpesaron los malos entendidos y peliando entre hermanos me dio tristeza 😢porque para ver pleito entre familia seria solo ver a mis siete hermanos juntos😔 Dios bendiga su familia Sara y ojala cambien eso de pelear
I agree im apalled at how they are dealing, with this, this is how people are surviving in that country, making videos to feed their children. Its a way of surviving. These people dont live their its all filming to make money. Maybe they will live there once its finished. I think its showing the world how its like to live there and be glad your not there. 😮
صباح الخير اتمنا ان تنقذو بهرام سريعا ولاتتركو يخرج من البيت قبل فوات الاون ابعدو عن اصدقاء السؤ يارب يحفظكم جميعا انتم عائلة طيبه لااتمنا لكم غير الخير والاستقرار وحياة جميله ..تحياتي لكم
Что бы не отдать мащину из Бахрама сделают наркомана,как вам не стыдно,сигареты это ещё не наркотик!Отдайтье человеку свою мащину,пусть отдаст долги!!!
Please Bahram don’t stress your family over a money, go get job and pay your loans, this family already going through a lot, BAHRAM ENOUGH IS ENOUGH SPOT INTERRUPT YOUR FAMILY THEY NEED YOUR HELP NOT FIGHT shame on you your mother is working and you keep fighting with your brothers, please leave this family SubhanaAllah you almost make us leaving you guys we don’t like disrespect
زهرة خانم عليكم بمحاسبة الشاب الذي جاء مع بهرام يساعد بهرام على اذاء اخوته ويحب تقديمه للقانون بحجة تحريض بهرام على الإساءة ومنعه مع الاتصال ببهرام هذا منحرف ويدمر اخلاق بهرام
Bahram joined the bad guys. He is sooo highly influenced by them and their behaviour. May the Lord protect him whilst the family trying to resolve this. Bahram is sooo unfair, even Alisaleh contributed towards the car, and all what happened was to benefit the entire family as we all witness. Bahram, go to your senses, talk to your family, they are ready to assist you in resolving your challenge. Those bad guys already they are deceived and went astray by the devil's evil plans. Apologise to your family brother. Much Love to the family 💞💞💞🌿🌿🌿
😢Oh no, this is a big problem, TH-cam supposedly says that one must follow the parameters and rules, but I see that in this channel there is none of that, the rules are pure violence, but one is also to blame because one supports these channels, blessings, well I will have to get out of this case.
شنو هاي التربيه اذا الاخوة يتضاربو مع بعض كثر الكذب في هذه القناة كثيرا صارت تزعج من كثر المشاكل بعدين عرفنا ان بهرام هو المصور لقناة علي صالح لذالك لاداعي للتمثيل اكثر لان صار اوفر وانا راح الغي اشتراكي لقناة زهرة لان احسها تسحب الطاقه الإيجابيه عندي وابقى منزعجة كنت اتابعكم من كندا
سجلو رقم السيارة التي كان برهام راكب مع الشلة فيها لازم تكون أخواة وتاخذوه لطبيب لكي يتعالج وتلك الاصحاب بلغو عنهم الشرطة هم سبب ما وصل أليه برهام 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮 ما أحلاكم بي تلك الضحكة مع النساء مع بعضها ربي يفرحكم يارب 🤲🤲🤲🤲🥰 😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Да вы все курите 😁 когда была свадьба Шахрама, то в зале вас поднимали на плечи родственники и там курили все, но конечно все я молчу 🙈🙈🙈 это все по настоящему 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍👍
Zahra keeps saying talk to him politely! He’s not going to listen even if you talk politely to him. It’s alcohol or drugs. His body movements are exaggerated !
حرام بهرام صرف فلوسه عليهم والبيت القديم بجانب البيت الجديد لماذ ا تفادي التصوير ارجعوا عندما كانوا يعملوا البيت الجديد كان هناك بيت امام الارض الجديدةً
Todos estos canales son puras mentiras, fraudes y lo único que quieren es que los suscriptores les den dinero y ellos vivir sin trabajar.
Qué cómodo es verdad😡😡😡
@lupitazepeda9144 english please
Para için benliğini kaybetmez insan bu nasıl bir karekter bunları izlememek lazım
Yakında yatak videoları da çekerler işin ucunda kolay para var
اتا برهام وصديقه بسيارته التي كانت معه ببيت البدو انا متأكد انها هي سيارت برهام عيب تكذبو على متابعينكم لماذا هذه الكذب والغش اخس على هذا البشر
I’m guessing the sons of Zahra aren’t getting along is because they were spoiled as children as the grandchildren are spoiled and if they don’t get their way they behave badly.. Since I’ve been 😂watching Ali demanded his parents sell the family home so Ali could get his share of the money. Shahram wanted to get married even though he didn’t have a job or family didn’t have the money to pay for a wedding. He still doesn’t have a job. One of the brothers left the family compound after a fight three months ago and doesn’t answer any of their phone calls. Now Bahrain demands the car be sold by him so he can pay off a debt. This will leave the family without a vehicle. In the midst of all these conflicts the family patriarch hardly ever says a word and the sons don’t listen to their mother. It’s a mess
I agree, I never see kids disrespect their parents like this, boys always love their mothers and respect more than their fathers, I don’t what is up with these guys.
@@sandyleonard1605 same thing I am saying
How do you know that friend is an addict ? And because Bahram is smoking a cigarette you automatically think he’s taking drugs and has become an addict ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
اینها همش فلم است میخواهند مردم کمک شان کند خیلی دروغ میگن کسی موضوعی فامیلی را ویدیو نمیکیرند این ها همیشه دروغ میگن
واقعاً دیگه استپ بدین واقعاً دیگه بس کنین من که دیگه از کانالتون خارج شدم واقعاً شرم آوری همه خشونتی همه وحشیبازی واقعاً واقعاً آخه این پول انقدر ارزش دارد هر چقدر وحشی بازی در بیاورید که شايد کسی پدا بشه به شما کمک کند به نظر من چر کسی که به شما کمک بکند وحشی بازي شما را تید کرده 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
كافي كذب على المتابع وكافي افلام هنديه كل فتره هذا بهرام يظهر يتشجار ويذهب والجميع يتصرفون بعصاب بارده قاطعو هكذا قنوات تثير الفتنه بين الاخوان
Bahram needs to call the police. He should not be fighting people over his own car. They do not want to buy their own cars, but they want to be buying land, building houses, while Bahram face prison because he cannot use his car to pay off his fine.
I agree
The car belongs to all the brothers
@@TrudyCenac Why does it belong to all the brothers? What did the other 4 contribute to it? The van was bought from the money obtained from the sale of Bahram and Ali Saleh's cars. The other 4 contributed nothing, and cannot just take something that does not belong to them
The father got loans on his name for most of it and He said they share the car
@@TrudyCenacI thought it was Ali and Bahram only . The other did not contribute to anything .
This is ridiculous !!! Dear mom if he is an addict it is you and your sons fault !! Why is this channel trying to make the unemployed losers Hero s and Bahram an out of control addict! And to say if he was not an addict I would of given him the car .what a lie.The worst thing is it is his truck not yours all these two along with the parents take and take. Ali is working on a shelter before it snows and the university idiot has helped him the last few days but the people living in the houses he built have went there once for a few hours cause they need to built a bread room. Oh operator if you really wanted this to look real than the two clowns would of got their buts kicked....Bahram and his friend could of won the fight. This channel is sooo wrong .
For almost two years, I have been watching nomad channels; and now I just found out, it's all fake!!!
All fake just entertainment people don't
No me agrada nada esta mujer, es totalmente incoherente lo que habla, trata de defender al hijo que solo es irresponsable y grosero con sus hermanos y está con ella y todavía lo justifica qué
Por eso estamos como está mi S por tanto consentimiento.
Semejante grandulon.
Qué le justificas, 😡😡😡😡😡
Totalmente de acuerdo con tu comentario ...Quiere que los hermanos pongan la otra mejia y se dejen golpear y sobajar por un hijo que ella no quiere reconocer que ya se perdio en cualquier vicio que este tenga quisiera haberle visto la cara que les hubiera quitado el carro a los muchachos ahi tambien los estaria regañando por permitirlo la solucion esta en sus manos dejar de comprar tanto material y pagarle el dinero que aporto en el carro y quitarselo de ensima por lo menos por un tiempo porque ya con un vicio es dificil ....ja ja ja y me causa gracia cuando dice sean cortes con el amigo que mujer no sabe lo que dice pobre ...
Unfortunately, the mother Zehra is a trouble instigator. She keep causing a divid between the sibling!
مخرج ومنتج هي😂😂
vous avez raison cette Mère est très méchante envers ses propres enfants et l'ensembles de la famille y compris son Marie . ou c'est une mise en scène ?
When I first started watching this channel I thought how wonderful it would be to have all these good looking sons who get along so well. Boy, was I wrong.. I don’t know if the fights are real or made for the TH-cam channel. Not sure how much longer I’ll watch.
condition in iran is so awful, there is no job, wages are low , and expenses are very high, government a dictatorship killing people , hanging , against women, or any activities , poor people are getting poor , this channel you gotta support this is just how they make money , 1 dollar ir lot of money in Iran ,
I am leaving this channel,I blame the mother for all of this.I love Ali channel,it is wonderful.I hope it doesn't change.But if that mother come's to it,I will leave it. A mother that destroys their family is digusting.This all started when the little short one wanted to get married.
I agree. This country cares more about building weapons that cost $ billons. And fight with Israel.
I cannot stand these people or this channel. What they are doing to Bahram is terrible
Give him his truck back problem solved help bahram ' he contributed most of what you have right now Zahra he builds your houses and servant for the family, respect him' he is such a nice guy letting you borrow his truck.
Hey it’s nothing but scripted, how in the world that Behram suddenly appear where he don’t where they are? 😂😂😂😂
Shum primitivizem shof ne ket familje plus edhe me knaqsi e prezentojn ne kanal turp
Shum familje primitive vetem dhun shef ne ket familje turp
كله تمثيل لاجل المزيد من المشاهدة والمتابعة فقط وهذا ليس قتال حقيقي
لازم تودون مستشفى يتعالج هذا صار مدمن خلاص❤❤ وانت يا زهره لا تدافع عنه
Главное для них стройка и матерялы ,а что будет с Бахрамам им наплевать!!!
هذي دواما فاشله مثل قناتهم.
Acilen bahramin arabasını verin ali efendi aldığı arsayı satsın bahramin arabasını versin
Sell the land that Shahram got his mom to purchase .
Bu bokları karıştıran ali efendi @@pampo3717
Zahra makes me sick. This is all on her.
I agree
this is not good very bad ☹️ mehran why are you showing there fights in your videos😢
lütfen bu kanalı gençler izlemesin şiddet içeriyor birde kardeş kardeşe sigara ayıp değil saglığa zararlı bu yaptığınız çok çook ayıp
زهرة كافي بطلي تضحكي على الناس
والله عيب انتم العايلة الوحيدة اللي اولادكم يتعاركون
إذا علمود المشاهدات كافي بطلي كذب
بالبداية كنت متعاطفة وياكم
الأن كلش كرهتكم من تصرفاتكم
لان كلو كذب
عندك بيت كبير روحي عيشي بي او بطلي هاي الشغلات
انتبهي يا اختي وركزي لما زهرة مسكت الستار لعبد الصالح بين البيت والسيارة مال بهرام البيضاء يعني كلة كذب وتمثيل الله يسامحهم كل هذا على شان الأرباح
Düzmece kavgalar yapıyorlar insan duygularını sormuyorlar çalışmadan kazanç saglıyorlar
Yes, this is the reality for the sake of many views.
Boycott this channel . Cancel this channel!!!
Izlenmesi icin hergün kavga .bu ne görgüsüzlük kötü ornek oluyorsunuz hiç hoş degil
Смотрим как кино 😁 индийское
لو فعلا غرضكم شريف من اللى بيحصل ده كان المفروض مشاكلكم تبقى بعيد عن التصوير لانها فضائح بمعنى الكلمة انكم تضربوا بعض امام المتابعين عيب جدا انما انا شايفة انها متاجرة سخيفة من اجل استعطاف الماتبعين لجمع المال عيب عليكم اللى بتعملوه ده قرفتونا من متابعتكم
After Braham gets the car he will come back with another problem
And you know this how? He was gone for 3 years, bought that car and was doing well by himself. When he came back, they made him sell the car. They bought the van, with most of the money for the purchase coming from the sale of his car. Ali Saleh's car was sold and brought in a much smaller amount of money which was added to the price of the van.
Come on! All is fake 4 youtube. @@MzeewaUjiji
Sure he will be back after few days when he finishes the money 😂😂😂😂
Fake channel like all the rest
Essa é a verdadeira familia da mentira 🤥🤥🤥🤥
Reality is that, bahrams the rightful owner of that vehicle
I caught Saleh say it was and also said just let them keep it. No Saleh you want a vehicle you go get one yourself .
Glad dad is up walking around 😊
Que bueno ahora sí le dieron su merecido como no estaba mamita que con sus palabras tiernas lo defiende que bueno y dele más para que entienda😊😊😊😊😊😊
😂😂😂😂 all scripted, how Behram suddenly appear, how did he know they are in that area, of course if he asked them they will not them. Nomads nomads nomads change the script, so obvious
هذا ابنكم بهرام خرج عن الطريق فادبوه وعلموه ان سلوكه خطأ وان يحترم اخوانه وأهله ولا يمشي مع أصدقاء السوإ
You do realize they’re all grown adults and not children . 😂
Four grown men and one truck, and you’re trying to kill each other already. Once you’re married, you should have your own home, a car and should not be living with mommy and daddy. If transportation is so important, you should think of getting a car before buying a bigger land.
Лучший канал иранских кочевников это SARDAR! Посмотрите, не пожалеете! Вот там настоящая семья добрая, трудолюбивая, красивая!😊
هل هذه عائلة زهره الحقيقه
Agree and Endorse Fully ! Lovely Family well raised children ❤
Такой же хитрожопый герой ваш сардар(саджат)
همگی دروغ می گویند فیلم بازی می کنند من دیگر از این کانال خوارج شدم برای شعور خودم ارزش قائل استم @@RE_SA1995
البناء لم يتم انجاز له من البارحة هل البناء ثناء فترة التصوير فقط
سوف تخسرون المتابعين
ليش الكذب والدراما على المشاهدين ...
Во всё этом виноваты Захра и Шахрам бездельник который женился не во время и за него в семье получилось раздор. Бахрам продал свою машину 🚔 из-за семьи . мать не разу не беспокоилась за него где он находится чем занимается он. Захре лижбо дети строили какую нибудь хижину она была довольна этим. Бахрам уйда из дома работал на заработанные деньги покупал подарки папе маме жёнам братьям чтобы они пошли на свадьбу бездельника Шахрама. Салех теперь избивает Бахрама. а что он сделал для семьи где то гулял и пришёл домой командует избивает брата. Помню в начале съёмки у Бахрама был какой-то бизнес приходила и снимала мама видео. куда оно делось?
Ya ne soqlasna vse bratya rabotyawwiye a Baxram lentyay i yewwo svizalsya s narkomanami bezssovestniy. Zaxre i pape nado bilo bit s nim postroje a ne pokrivat yevo
Insanlar sizin kavganizimi izleyecek kötü orneksiniz cocuklariniz ogreniyor kavgayi şiddet butun iranda.boylemi yalanda olsa kötü orneksini.izlenmek için bunlari yapmayin izlemiyorum sizi çok kötü
لابد من التزام الهدوء بين الاخوة والتفاهم بينهم والود والاحترام الله يهدي النفوس 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
اعتقد انهم يمثلون وقد اصبح هذا الشيء لا يطاق المشكلة ان والدتي تتابعهم وهي مؤمنة بأنهم يتقاتلون حقاً وأن بهرام ابنٌ عاق. اعتقوا بهرام المسكين من هذا التمثيل واجعلوا شخصاً آخر يصنع بعض الدراما
😂😂😂اخراج وتنفيذ كومار الهندي👳♂️🎬🎬🎬وتمثيل صالح وشهرام وبهرام 🤣🤣
معظم العوائل عندها مشاكل ويا ابنائها
ربي يصلح الاحوال ويهدي بهرام لطريق الصواب
هذه العائله لا تستحق المساعدة لانها سيئة دائمًا معارك والاب والام فاشلين وبهرام عنده حق الا انهم ضده ؟؟
اكثر واحد سيء شهرام
Cahil ane durmadan oğlunun arkadaşlarını suçluyor belki senin yetiştirdiğin oğlun arkadaşlarını yoldan çıkarın kötü ornek oluyor.
Are you people not watching Bahram and Aliseleh both sold their cars to get that so it’s not just for Bahram. He wants to sell the truck for his habit can’t you see he’s out of character and disrespectful even to his mom. Zahrah wants to deal with the friend and not Bahram and when her sons try to talk to him she intervenes. I love Bahram but not acting like this. Should they have bought the extra property before repaying Alideleh and Bahram? No but it’s done and they are trying to help him.
اهم شي المصور ياخذ لقطات من زوايا حلوة علشان الفيلم 😂😂
المصور اخوهم منهم وفيهم 😅😅😅😅
المصور اخوهم وامنهم@@Adel-v9w9s
Bayram İn sesi cok ğüzel maşallah alisalih ve kardeşleri cok efendi insalar gelin leride cok calışkan ve ğüzel ler zahra hanımın
Maybe when they get the warehouse built they can take all those big pots out of the kitchen and put inside the warehouse . Kitchen is starting to look very junky
اتفق تماما
Bahram haklı arabasını verin yeter artık Bahramı mağdur etmeyin ali salih efendi sen kaçamazsın Bahramin arabasını ver ailenin huzurunu sen bozdun ali efendi
That’s only car that both families need until they get through building than give Braham the car. But I believe any if they give him the car it still won’t solve his debt problems.
Give Bahram his car
@@yvonnegilmore712 It is not their car. He needs to call the police on them
Realmente está tendo muita mentira eu gostava de assistir ZARA MAIS ESTA🎉 FICANDO CHATO ASSISTIR VCES É MELHOR A DORA FARIBA PER
Totally fake… that’s why they are losing lots of viewers
Where are the fantastics videos of Zahara walking alone at mountains??????? I am meesing it....
Эгоисты,взяли машину Бахрама и со сылой не хотьят отдать владелцу!Разве ваши стройки когда нибудь закончится???И потом если вам так необходима машина,так купитье её,вы,не понимаетье человеческий язык,что Бахраму нужна своя машина???
How are they sposed to build a whole house in a day, and nobody's helping Saleh Behnam is helping Ali Saleh, Sharam plays all day so who is building
Y ahora resulta que hicieron mal en darle su merecido no Ali no hiciste mal tu mamá es la que está mal con palabras blandas ya no va a entender está loca señora me da mucho coraje con usted 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Zahra. Con todo respeto eres una mamá muy mandona nada más ordenas deja de ser la protagonista de tu teatro y deja decer una madre metiche y educa al hijo adicto búscalo y mételo a un centro de rehabilitación y dejen de dar shows están aburriendo salgan y convivan como familia unión de familia es lo que quiero ver buenos ejemplos los admiraba mucho por eso se separó Ali por que se desmoronó la familia por tantos problemas y ya Zahra deja de mandar y ser autoritaria
Dislike the video👎👎👎👎👎
I will not continue watching the blog with the amount of acting I watch
Los dos niños separados lo estan
pasando mal ,de pronto no tienen
,compañia,juegos,mimos ,abrazos
De todos , ahora estan 😮
Các bạn vẫn diễn xuất kiểu này chính tự mình đánh mất những người đăng ký và đóng dấu bình luận, tôi nghĩ ko nên diễn xuât kịch tính nữa vì chúng tôi đây chỉ là muốn xem quay phim về cuộc sống bình thường hàng ngày chứ không phải đánh nhau hãy viết kịch bản quay phim hay vào chứ càng xem càng bực mình chúc bạn thành công
Вина Сахела в том ,что взял ключи машины и помешал Бахраму отвестьи свою машину!!!Сахил не должен был этого делать,это не его темма!!!
Building, cooking, fighting…over and over every episode…losing interest, checking out!!!
Best wishes and happy new year to all!
It gets so boring when they do the same old thing every day.....mostly working with dirt.
All fake
That’s with all the other channels .. really sad
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد الله يهديكم أنتم عائلة محترمة وانتم اخوان احترم بعضكم تحياتي
لماذا كلكم مديونين الا تعملون انتم سبعة رجال
Personne ne travaille jamais 😂😂😂😂😂
انتم اهل التعليقات ليش تصدكون كل هاذه فلم علمود يكسبون مشاهدات وبطله الفلم زهره
ابرو ايران وايرانين بردي خا تو سرت زهراء خانم
Türkiyeden selamlar ❤🇹🇷❤ zahra anne okadar çok çocuk yapmışınki sorunlar bitmiyor , bahramda çok saygısız ve terbiyesiz büyüklerine el kaldırıyor, Allah'a emanet olun kolay gelsin sohelide öpüyorum 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
З смотрю редко это канал вообще не нравится захра со своими сёстрами особенно фарида клторая вечно хохочет
Tem que ir a polícia , prestar queixa contra esse drogado. Quer prejudicar a família. Vender a Van pra pagar é comprar drogas. Depois que gastar o dinheiro, vem pra casa. Tirar a paz da família. Essa qualidade de gente, nunca deixa de dever.
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم ياكريم ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
Porque está sem traducao
Hola cuando yo henpese aver este canal me gustaba mucho de ver que familia tan unida pero desde que enpesaron los malos entendidos y peliando entre hermanos me dio tristeza 😢porque para ver pleito entre familia seria solo ver a mis siete hermanos juntos😔 Dios bendiga su familia Sara y ojala cambien eso de pelear
Страшный клоп шахрам...не будет тебе в жизни счастья....запомни это!!
I agree im apalled at how they are dealing, with this, this is how people are surviving in that country, making videos to feed their children. Its a way of surviving. These people dont live their its all filming to make money. Maybe they will live there once its finished. I think its showing the world how its like to live there and be glad your not there. 😮
I’m blessed to not be living in a 3rd world country like that
@pampo3717 thank you
Não deveria filmar filhos brigando estamos aqui pra ver coisas Alegre essa mãe e insuportável não gosto dessa mulher
سعدوا ابنكم انهمريض ارجوكم قبل فن الاوانامه طيب💗⛺🇮🇷🩷👏🇩🇿💐🥀🌹🤲🤲
زهرة وزوجها أجرموا بحق برهام وأخوته ضده بدون حق هذه العائلة ما احد رشيد يحل قضية ابنهم بهرام نحن حزينين
أعتقد أن بهرام سوف يحرق السيارة
Zara ty jsi tak naivní. S feťáky se těžko domlouvá. Znám hodně rodičů, kteří to nakonec vzdali.
صباح الخير
اتمنا ان تنقذو بهرام سريعا ولاتتركو يخرج من البيت قبل فوات الاون ابعدو عن اصدقاء السؤ يارب يحفظكم جميعا انتم عائلة طيبه لااتمنا لكم غير الخير والاستقرار وحياة جميله ..تحياتي لكم
موكافي تمثيل
ماشاء الله عليك يا صالح كم انت حكيم وتعرف كيف تتصرف بارك الله فيك انت واخوك شهرام ولا كن بهرام ماقصة وما الرفقة التي يمشي معها انهم أصدقاء سوء😢😢😢😢😢😢
Что бы не отдать мащину из Бахрама сделают наркомана,как вам не стыдно,сигареты это ещё не наркотик!Отдайтье человеку свою мащину,пусть отдаст долги!!!
Please Bahram don’t stress your family over a money, go get job and pay your loans, this family already going through a lot, BAHRAM ENOUGH IS ENOUGH SPOT INTERRUPT YOUR FAMILY THEY NEED YOUR HELP NOT FIGHT shame on you your mother is working and you keep fighting with your brothers, please leave this family SubhanaAllah you almost make us leaving you guys we don’t like disrespect
هم اخدوا فلوسه واشتروا فيها بيوت وأراضي وزوجوا شهران علي حساب بهرام الذي تعب فيها
Где семка там Зухраи шахром ташнит нам от вас😮😮😮
هذا السيارة شهدتها واقفة خلف المبنى حقهم
زهرة خانم عليكم بمحاسبة الشاب الذي جاء مع بهرام يساعد بهرام على اذاء اخوته ويحب تقديمه للقانون بحجة تحريض بهرام على الإساءة ومنعه مع الاتصال ببهرام هذا منحرف ويدمر اخلاق بهرام
Porque está sem audio
لماذا لايقتدين الأخريات بالاخت صدري بكيفية لبسها للحجاب بارك الله فيها كم هوا جميل لبسها للحجاب أما القناة فأصبحت طاقة سلبية للمشاهدين
الله يحفضكم ويسعدك ويوفقك يارب العالمين 🎉مشاء الله تبارك الرحمن الله 🎉مساء النور والسرور والورد المنثور والياسمين 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🪻💜🪻🇮🇶
انقضوا اخوكم قبل فوات الأوان انه صار مدمن عالجوه ولا تقاتلوه اعرضوه على الطبيب النفسي احترموا بعضكم يا أبناء زهرة ❤❤❤❤❤🎉
Such a inspiring fake story
They deserve Oscar for the best fake story
Bahram joined the bad guys. He is sooo highly influenced by them and their behaviour. May the Lord protect him whilst the family trying to resolve this. Bahram is sooo unfair, even Alisaleh contributed towards the car, and all what happened was to benefit the entire family as we all witness. Bahram, go to your senses, talk to your family, they are ready to assist you in resolving your challenge. Those bad guys already they are deceived and went astray by the devil's evil plans. Apologise to your family brother. Much Love to the family 💞💞💞🌿🌿🌿
😢Oh no, this is a big problem, TH-cam supposedly says that one must follow the parameters and rules, but I see that in this channel there is none of that, the rules are pure violence, but one is also to blame because one supports these channels, blessings, well I will have to get out of this case.
شنو هاي التربيه اذا الاخوة يتضاربو مع بعض كثر الكذب في هذه القناة كثيرا صارت تزعج من كثر المشاكل بعدين عرفنا ان بهرام هو المصور لقناة علي صالح لذالك لاداعي للتمثيل اكثر لان صار اوفر وانا راح الغي اشتراكي لقناة زهرة لان احسها تسحب الطاقه الإيجابيه عندي وابقى منزعجة كنت اتابعكم من كندا
Bahram is the camera man for Ali's channel??? Please please please please show me where you saw this, so that I can post it here!!!!
@@MzeewaUjijiغير صحيح علي صالح قال أن المصور مهران و صديق العائلة ولم يرغب بظهور للمشاهدين
بهرام هو مصور علي صالح عائلة كذابة مستمرين في الفيلم 😂
@@lolozzi Mehran is Zarah's younger son !!
سجلو رقم السيارة التي كان برهام راكب مع الشلة فيها
لازم تكون أخواة وتاخذوه لطبيب لكي يتعالج
وتلك الاصحاب بلغو عنهم الشرطة هم سبب ما وصل أليه برهام 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
ما أحلاكم بي تلك الضحكة مع النساء مع بعضها ربي يفرحكم يارب 🤲🤲🤲🤲🥰
Incredible acting scene
Да вы все курите 😁 когда была свадьба Шахрама, то в зале вас поднимали на плечи родственники и там курили все, но конечно все я молчу 🙈🙈🙈 это все по настоящему 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍👍
اصبحت الحلقات مشوقه مع صراعات بهرام😂😂😂
Zahra keeps saying talk to him politely! He’s not going to listen even if you talk politely to him. It’s alcohol or drugs. His body movements are exaggerated !
Sohail is spoiler brat and need cut his hair
And Crybaby too! That kids behavior is horrible! Don’t like
حرام بهرام صرف فلوسه عليهم والبيت القديم بجانب البيت الجديد لماذ ا تفادي التصوير ارجعوا عندما كانوا يعملوا البيت الجديد كان هناك بيت امام الارض الجديدةً
Saleh is a quiet one he barely talk he just gets on with it
Duvarın arkasında beyaz araba var onu sat bahram
Cuando ya no tenga dinero
DE FATIMA ,ES lo mas valioso 😮