I always felt that Bloodhound Knight next to Latenna was protecting her. He's very close to her but stays at the last section of the cave like he's waiting to ambush anyone else going after her.
@@square-table-gaming The "all-hearing brute" Latenna is talking about is Gideon. Gideon is described as "the All-Knowing", he tells you about Latenna if you bring Albus's half of the Haligtree medallion to him, and his men are responsible for the attack on the Albinauric village.
Considering the connection the Albinauric's have with their wolves and the possibility Bloodhound Knights (as their name suggests) might be half-wolves like Blaidd, it could be the case that this Bloodhound having lost his master at some point chose to become loyal to Latenna and protect her as she mourns the death of her wolf Lobo.
@@ChuckPalomo I think it could easily go either way. Gideon has enough muscle in his command to dedicate a bloodhound knight to wait and ambush anyone who might come to Latenna with the part of the medallion that Albus gives you (and what Ensha and his team destroyed their village to find). My only problem with that is if they are waiting to squeeze info out of Latenna, they should have had her under secret surveillance waiting for her to divulge the truth to the right person, instead of attacking anyone before they even get to see her. That's why I lean ever so slightly towards the Bloodhound Knight being there to protect her.
I love the bloodhound knight’s, the idea of beast-like knights was so cool, encountering Darriwil in the Forlorn Evergaol actually made me soft for these guys, and you’re video just made my love for them even more apparent! I’ve always liked the idea of honor, pride or loyalty most prevalent in the hands of assassins and foul beasts instead of the very knights who swear these beliefs who intentionally throw them away for their own goals. Bloodhound knights are just so cool.
You know the AoW on the Bloodhound’s Fang Sword has a follow up attack, it seems not many people have realized this but if you use the AoW then Strong/Heavy attack you dash back at your opponent for a 2nd strike. Just wanted to point that out for those who don’t know
I thought the "all knowing brute" was sir gideon, i mean, it's in his full name, and once you get half of the medallion, ensha is ordered to invade the player (by sir gideon) upon returning to the round table hold.
So on my first playthrough I recall hearing someone call Ensha ‘the all-hearing’ as a tongue in cheek reference to him being the right hand of ‘the all-knowing.’ When I did Latenna’s quest, she mentioned the ‘all-hearing brute’ and I immediately was like damn you Ensha… but Ive only heard people saying that she was talking about Gideon
Crucible knight Ordovis means Ordovician period, and Siluria means Silurian period. Curiously, bloodhound Knight Darriwil means the Darriwillian of the Ordovician period, and bloodhound knight Floh, means the Floian of the Ordovician period. It's really interesting.
You and me, tarnished, baby Spurned by the tree, but whatever. Gonna burn the shit down, like I had a choice No matter Do it like I knew my maiden was ever going to matter! Ps: melina killed our original maiden
Raani isn't the snow witch. Most likely the snow witches name is Renna. The snow witch is the person who mentored Raani and taught her about the dark moon.
I assumed Renna was a reference to Rennala and it makes since Rennas rise in her house pulse I doubt Rennala would let a heretic set up a rise at the manor
@@jacobridley1159 Ranni combines her teaching from the snow witch and through the guidance of her mother she discovers her own moon but unlike Rennalas it was cold and dark
We need to know more about this cold witch, because she looks A LOT like Melina. I believe the cold witch is the gloam eyed queen. How else would ranni know about the death rune and all of its intraquacies……. Ion kno if I spelled that right🙃
@@kingfatty_sea5885 well first off Ranni is the one who look like melina her souls face matches Melinas probably because if she is Marikas daughter their techniquelly sisters and the snow witch looks like the doll since it’s modeled after her. Also there’s no evidence the the snow witch has anything to do with the rune of death Ranni most likely because she is a demigod and empyrean her two fingers probably told her the different parts of the elden ring before she betrayed them
Personally I believe that the bloodhound knights are of the same race as the half-wolves like Blaidd and Maliketh. We know that the greater will bestows these beings onto Empyreans as thier shadows and right hand men of the chosen few. For me it would make sense that their would be a few of the same type beings but of lesser renown that were placed in the Lands Between. Maybe they are versions of the Half-wolves that didn't come out right and lost their ability to speak. Maybe they were loyal to their earthly masters but not to the greater will the same way true Shadows are. It's all up to interpretation but it would make sense why they have similar builds to the shadows, similar stances, and even similar ideologies on the whole master subordinate hierarchy.
I doubt that, from what I can tell the bloodhound knights are an order of knights sent out to battle, to imply that every empyrean has a shadow really convolutes things since there's only a handful of empyreans in the world , I think it's more likely that the bloodhound knights are mutated humans of some kind or an advanced bestman of farum azula
@@thebunnybun that’s my point exactly. Blaidd and Maliketh can talk and have their own will to a certain extent but the bloodhound knights would be a lesser species of the same type. They wouldn’t be able to talk or have their own will only to follow orders but the similarities in stances, body shape, and even some attacks are very similar to Maliketh and Blaidd
@@YDD_Luke17 i have to look into their items more but is there anything that says they are beasts? Could they maybe be similar to the outrider knights of ds3. But with a cool helm shaped like a snout? The one thing that really makes me question if they are a beastial species is maliketh has claws but the bloodhound knights have slaw weapons. Also their snout wouldn't fit in the helm unless because they are lesser they are more human like and have sone kind of underworld the movie werewolf type make up.
@4:19 The issue with that is you encounter a Bloodhound knight that is loyal to the grave site of their master. It could be that Darril was still loyal to Ranni, but since she wanted to go against the 2 fingers he took the blame for her plan.
I know this is a necropost but in your theory why would Blaidd want to slay Darrawil then? It seems to me like he would know he just took the fall and never betrayed Ranni
@@FishmaniusQuimbelton Well after much lore acquired knowledge, My new stance is that Darrawil was loyal to rannis body, and once she switched bodies his service was completed in his eyes.
If I remember correctly Ensha is known as the "The all-hearing" and Gideons "The All-knowing" though both the bloodhound and Ensha work under Gideon maybe they were together on the same quest for the medallion. After not retrieving what they came for Ensha might have told the Bloodhound Knight stay back and slay any Tarnished that might try to reach Latenna.
Not only that, but then he sends us that way when he discovers we have one half of the medallion if you pick it up from the village of the Albenauracs. If the bloodhound Knight was indeed instructed to guard Latenna and kill all tarnished that come near, that will be the second time he tries to have you killed.
@@AnnoyingSquib i never thought Gideon Ofnir wanted to help us, he will send you straight to danger if not to a trap. After all he is mentioned in the intro cutscene as one of the forces you'll find.
The bloodhound knights stance on all fours, as well as the flipping and jumping movement reminds me of the knight at the end of the undead settlement in dark souls 3, and the berserker armour scenes in berserk, welding a large sword and heavy looking armour yet still incredibly mobile
I’m so glad you’re covering the lore of enemies in Elden Ring. They are honestly my favorite part of the game and it’s awesome hearing their lore. Do you plan on covering the clean rot knights at all?
I actually came to the very conclusion that Darriwil belonged to Ranni initially, all on my own. It would explain not only Blaidd calling him a traitor, but also why Ranni is eager for a new person to enter her service. I did not make the connection to Farum Azula or Gideon, however. I’m glad your channel exists to cover these topics. Is the lore regarding the undead on your list as well? From what I understand there’s quite a lot, spread between the Fia questline, Deathbirds, etc
The undead is a huge topic and right now we're focusing on specific characters and enemy types. That said if it's something people really want to hear our take on we would look into it!
I'm under the impression that they're from Numen as their fighting styles are very similar, as well as their use of invisibility and curved weapons. Since all Black Knives are women, perhaps Bloodhound Knights are all men?
I like this theory a lot but the only thing missing that I think points to beasts is their legs. If you look at the armor you can see that their legs are inverted like animals
Small Correction, all knowing is Gideon. All hearing is ensha of the royal remains, who works for Gideon. Ensha seems to command the omenkiller and perfumer in the village of albenaurics and the bloodhound knight. This is why ensha attacks you when you return to the round table and the all hearing monicker makes sense because he never speaks yet his implement seems to be a spy of sorts. Gideon doesn’t like to get his hands dirty so he uses ensha as his ears and eyes in the lands between.
I came to the assumption that that had something to do with Darrawill, considering the giant was probably iji The wolves represent bliedd The dragon represents the dragon that was also loyal to Ranni.
Good video, enjoyed it. I believe they are the same species as Malekith the Black Blade. They move similarly and are built similar. This would further back your theory of them hailing from Farun Azula.
Thanks for your work! Your theory about them being actually beast men makes so much sense, considering the strange beaked helmets. You helped me connect the dots I didn't realise even though I dedicated days to playing this game.
My question is, how do the ravenmount relate to this. They aren't related to the evergaol, but have a very similar reverence towards the primal beings. (Ravenmount: Deathbirds, Bloodhounds: Beastmen.) On another tangent entirely I can't help shake the feeling the bloodhounds are not too dissimilar to the boreal knights in Ds3.
Ravenmount are remnants of a Death cult that predates Marika, and possibly even the Gloam Eyed Queen and the Black Flame cult, who preceded her. When a new outer god takes control of the world and puts their new god and lord-consort in place to rule it, the believers of the previous faith or the rival outer gods who wanted to take over don't automatically go away. So, you end up with all these fragmented cults and traditions biding their time, waiting for the next time a ring is broken, to reassert their own ideas about how things ought to be done.
Whatever the answer is. The bloodhound knights are especially distinct in the lands between. From the pointed strange nose helm they wear to the unusual bloodhound werewolf like stance they take during a fight. The pseudo teleport dodge is unique exclusively to them until we the tarnished gain the move for our selves. I find that especially strange that they are the only one's that have access to such a powerful dodge that closes such immense distance and extremely quickly while also vanishing for a second. There's something supernatural going on about these Knights that's clad in mystery. Outside of the main story characters these guys and the nox maidens have a very different glow about them.
Those helms are called bascinets and were really a thing in medival times. The visor is referred to as a houndskull visor. The pointy shape made it harder for arms and projectiles to penetrate the helm and cause injuries.But it also kinda looks like a funny doghead ofcourse
My interpretation was that the unwavering loyalty of the Bloodhound Knights is there to show us that Blaidd was being lied to and manipulated by Ilji. Remember that it’s Darriwil’s Evergaol that Blaidd is later trapped inside (by Ilji). I think Ilji told Blaidd that Darriwil was a traitor that needs to be put down but in reality he was trying to clear the space so he could imprison Blaidd when he inevitably goes mad. We see Ilji’s deceptions throughout and his job as War Counselor implies that many of the plots are his (Ranni has no idea that Blaidd is imprisoned). He apologies for “misleading words of warning” regarding Carian Manor (there was no snare), and he remarks that Blaidd is “honest to a fault” (meaning Ilji sees value in deception). He also plots to have Jerren kill Sellen by reminding him of “an old promise made.” He notes that “A certain sorceress is dispossessed of her immortality... Finally, we can be rid of a long-standing Carian weed.” Everything he did was in service to benefit Ranni, but it’s clear he has no moral qualms about lying, cheating or killing. Darriwil wasn’t a traitor (that should be impossible), rather he was a chess piece that had to be removed for the sake of eventually protecting Ranni from Blaidd.
I would also like to add that it is very likely the bloodhound was pledged to Ranni before being turned into a doll. During the Rannala boss fight, when you go into 2nd phase, you hear Ranni speaking and we know it was her who set a spell for whoever disturbed Rannala. That being said, Rannala summons a bloodhound spirit to attack you at some point.
YES! I FREAKING LOVE BLOODHOUND KNIGHTS!!!!! It's good to see someone caring about their lore. These guys are so cool and unique. I actually run a bloodhound knight build, with summon as well.
That's our whole deal, we want to explore the individual enemies. There so much they have to offer about the different factions existing in the Lands between and how they interact
@@square-table-gaming I know someone was saying Darriwil served Rennala? Which would male sense why Ranni sent Blaidd. Darriwil served Rennala, and left her for some unknown reason. Ranni, being her daughter, sent Blaidd to hunt him down for betraying Her mother
Another interpretation of the bloodhound knights I heard was that they are humans who were so inspired by the Empyrean's shadows that they formed an order around this concept and trained themselves to be like shadows. The knight you kill with Blaidd was called a traitor by him. So this knight committed the sin of disobeying their master.
I think it's also possible that Darriwil actually did betray Ranni, in that perhaps he had someone before her that was his true master, and his real master sent him to infiltrate Ranni and lie that he was going to be her knight. We might never really know, but I find that much more of an interesting possibility because then the question is who was his real master, and what did he send Darriwil to Ranni for that he betrayed her?
Thank you for the great video, you did an amazing job tying up all the (rather scarce) fragments of lore on this mysterious and fascinating beings. The concept of Bloodhound Knights has seemed fascinating to me from my first encounter with tme in the same. It is both quite likely and narratively interesting that their origins lie at least partially in fractured storm-hidden city of Farum Azula, as beastmen enemies there share some traits with the Knights, notably their ferocious leaping attacks and overall fighting style. Bloodhound Knights are, as per item descriptions, devoid of language, however, they are definitely not devoid of higher cognition, as Blaidd does not treat Darriwill as a mere beast gone feral. Moreover, Floh, the other named Bloodhound Knight, also evidently posesses complicated motivations and psychology far beyond simple obedience of a hound and instrumental effectiveness of a figher and killer. Besides Farum Azula beastmen, the other enemy group, albeit foreign to Lands Between, also shares a lot of similarities with the Bloodhounds. Outrider Knights from Dark Souls 3 are former humans, twisted and mutated by the power of their rings, posessing a remarcably "bestial" and frantic fighting style not dissimilar from this of the Bloodhounds. I don't know how much of this is a homage of sorts by From and how much is pure unintentional archetypical convergence, but the similarities are rather peculiar nevertheless. This brought me to my speculative "theory" of sorts regarding the Knights. Two of them, actually. Firstly, they can very well be descendants of some human-beastmen hybridization process. When fragments of Farum Azula with its native fauna hit the Lands Between, many factions like lesser Lords likely saw something beyond simple scorn or hatred in newly arrived species - an opportunity. We see many evidences of variably succesfull attempts at "domesticating" non-human species by human armies in the Lands Between - Misbegottens, Trolls (which are, however, confirmed to be human-level intelligent, if Iji is not just magically evolved by Carians), Demi-humans. Pumpkin Heads are also not really human-looking in shape. It's not really a stretch to assume there were attempts to train beastmen in the same way, breeding them selectively for increased intelligence and cross-breeding them with humans for the same reasons, like Uruk-Hai were bred from Orcs and Men. On the other hand, what if they are men either willingly rejecting humanity in favor of the "inner beast" or forcibly made to do so by some cruel experimentations. Twisting and mutating humans with the beastial blood, training them in the ways of the beasts, excising away from their psyche all "unnesessary" traits exept the driving force of their singular purpose. There are half or full bestial Shadows of the Empyreans in the game like Blaidd or Maliketh, which were created by the Greatwe Will for their purpose. But what if one were not to create from scratch, but rather to make a human into a watered-down, bootleg version of a Shadow, a completely loyal and fierce warrior bound to a single master and a single purpose? A bladed fang, ever guided by the scent of blood and its unshakable loyalty to its master's will, a perfect instument of elegant violence for those Lords preferring gold to blood on their hands.
One thing I noticed you said is that you get the whole set from the evergol which isn’t true the only thing you get is the bloodhound fang. The armor is in a dungeon and the claws are in a castle
The bloodhound sword, if you do the backflip and press R1/RB right after, it will propel you forward with another follow up strike. If anyone reading don't know about that yet.
6:42 not really. Floh doesn't actually serve us. Floh has a strange AI compared to other spirit ashes. As expected, it will aggro on enemies within range. However, it lacks a certain core part of the AI behavior of other ashes- FLOH WILL NOT FOLLOW US. For example, let's say that a boss door opens into a corridor. You summon Floh in the nice, safe corridor, and then you walk down the corridor and go into the arena. Floh, however, stays where she is spawned, and she never gets close enough to aggro on the enemies. Floh doesn't serve us- she is must a mercenary that is willing to murder targets that happen to be there. If we wander off and get ourselves killed? That's our problem, not hers
This is definitely a possibility, but it's more likely this is an inherent issue with making these enemies a spirit ash that From just hasn't addressed.
@@square-table-gaming Floh's behavior is actually shared with red eyed spirit ashes. So They might be a distinct recognizable class of characters that share the "Does not play nice with others" trait.
I managed to go unspoiled and completely blind into elden ring 2 years after it came out. I'm having a blast piecing together the lore on my own ATM but the bloodhound knights are so alien to me in their lore references that I needed to watch this video. I had to skip a lot of parts tho to not get spoiled on stuff I didn't encounter or explore yet. Imagine my face when I just found the capital city. I thought I had discovered most of the map and suddenly it expands by two times the size lmao. Also the stone/giant fire guardians were a lot easier on the Holy bridge then the one Guardian you encounter in the capital city when you get sent there by a trap chest. Also the chest that puts you into the mines of salia was goddamn horrific. I went with a nobody build and was trapped in selia at level 6 with no armour and just my club. You can imagine the amount of tries I needed to get out of this forsaken hell hole. Once I got the bloodhound sword I returned with some glitter magic and *FUCKED SHIT UP* . Honestly I struggle moreso with the mutated steroid bears in the eastern starter area then most bosses I encountered lmao.
Also if someone could explain to me where the puppets are that you need to give the message of rodrika to that'd be appreciated. I completed the quest and she is at the roundtable now but I have no clue when or how I finished said quest lol
Kind of poetic justice or tragedy ( depending on your perspective ) that Blaidd wanted to slay an individual that let go of his loyalty due to some kind of lawful mandate or personal philosophy and then when Blaidd is forced down the same path against his will, he must be slain as well.
Looking at them, the Bloodhounds have a very similar frame and posture to Maliketh, so i definitely feel like the Farum Azula connection holds some weight.
“the all hearing brute is the bloodhound Knight” No, she’s talking about Gideon Ofnir, he and Ensha killed her wolf trying to get the information about the Haligtree
I think they really might be beastmen from Farum Azula, with the way they behave and the form of the helm, that might fit a small muzzle in. Also almost everything about them is somehow related to canines, even the name "Floh" means flea in german ^^
From the pledging of service to the all of the hound motifs. There might be a possible connection or correlation of them desiring to be like the shadows of Empyreans like Blaidd and Maliketh.
You notice that the blood hound knights have a similar fighting pattern as maliketh the black blade? We do find him in faram azula, maybe they were taught by him. Maybe they are people but took on personality traits like that of the shadows. They are supposed to be loyal incapable of treachery. These bloodhound knights seem to try to live up to that and in combo with their fight style i feel like its very plausible.
I could see the bloodhound knights being demi-humans. They have a similar posture and the mask could fit the demi-humans' muzzle. And the demi-humans do have a kind of canine look to them.
There's reasons as to why Darriwil might not have served Ranni at all, but someone else linked to the greater will. Blaidd's job is to kill those that oppose the will of his Master's fingers, including his master. He would have no reason to slaughter Darriwil has Darriwil, as far as we know Darriwil never opposed the fingers or Ranni. Besides that, the translation of Forlorn according to Oxford is "pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely". The Forlorn Hound then would be an abandoned, lonely hound. It seems to me that a knight who abandoned their master would hardly be labeled as abandoned themselves. Darriwil might have been abandoned or betrayed by his master and locked in the Evergaol to stop him from retaliating. What if Blaidd knew Darriwil, as we see him speak about Darriwil with some semblance of recognition and respect, and Blaidd did not mean to kill him as an act of revenge, but as an act of kindness. "Rotting in a cell is no true justice, this is where it ends for you". An end to the tale of Darriwil, an end to the suffering. Darriwill does not deserve to rot forever, locked in a magic cell by injustice.. He deserves to die and let his tale of bravery and loyalty come to an end. Anyways that's my take on it.
They’re probably, if not, my favorite creatures in the lands between. Only about 32 hours in but they’re still my favorite boss/mini boss so far, their fighting style is cool asf and their lore is cool.
yeah me too... i actually never found out about blaide helping me with Darwin until today. But i just love the overall concept of the bloodhound knights. Mabey the devs will go more in depth with a DLC?
@@Sillymonkey-or1zo Same lol, I just went in and soloed him first try before even knowing who blaide was, after his first attack which was his jump attack, he instantly became my fav. But yes I do hope they add more to their lore but I know you can find a couple of them in the game, i’m not gonna say where but you can find one somewhere in Mt. Gelmir, makes me wonder what his business was being there
@@JdwagDoesStuff yeah I have found a few others and have also stuck with the bloodhound fang through most of my play through… I just beat the godson duo.
the bloodhound knights could also be beast men and thus one under the service of ranni would likely have seen the theft of the rune of death as maybe a betrayal of his oath to her and thus chose to turn against her
the more i learn about the lesser non-godlike characters in this game, the more i realize why the storytelling is so mesmerizing. it feels real. it feels like an actual mythology thats worth knowing about because of the lack of information. think about the first people to rediscover greek mythos. its not like a game you read up on its like a diving into a world with a complex history and events to lead up to it own destruction
That's exactly why we love doing these lore dives on smaller enemies. There's SO much to learn about who we're fighting and why they're fighting us. It goes so deep.
Farum Azula was a giant cathedral built to house Placidusax, not an actual city. The ruins around the lands between i dont think are from Farum Azula, as the Giant Golems were also scattered across the lands between in many of the same areas the ruins are found, which implies they were also part of the city that was destroyed; yet we don't see a single one in Farum Azula. I will concede its possible the golems were actually in or on the object and not part of the city, which would then allow for Farum Azula to be the city that was destroyed by a cosmic collision. However, i feel its much more likely that Farum Azula is a ruin because its situated in the middle of a storm, and also outside of time; meaning its perpetually in the midst of getting destroyed as well as being a brand new construct, and every point in time between.
This is a very well put together video. I've been loving all the lore videos put out about the various enemies in Elden Ring. Keep up the great work!! Also, Im not sure how good a topic this is, but have you all considered making a video about spirit ashes/summons and how they work?
Nothing refers to Ensha as "All-hearing" whereas Gideon is the "All-knowing" but doesn't exactly know everything, most likely his nickname comes from his network of goons and spies (and thirst for knowledge). His armor is litteraly covered in ears. So yes, maybe Ensha was the one to come to Latenna (because Gideon don't do that himself) but the "All-hearing brute" is still Gideon.
Blair and the bloodhounds knights are kinda like th suns and moon example the bloodhound knight sword attacks and sends you back Blair’s sword sends you towards then attacks
I don't think that Floch recoznizes Tarnished as Elden Lord, due to his red eyed summon nature, he ignores you unless there is a fight going on. That tells me that as a spirit he can help but as a person he still doesn't think that it's you in my opinion.
Though it is faded and threadbare, the device displayed on the Bloodhound knight's capes appears to be the same crest seen in Maliketh's sanctum.* This does lend credence to the idea that they are Beastmen of Farim Azula, who have gone in search of new masters, and learned to wield human style armor and weapons, which nevertheless retain some of the quirks of their homeland's armaments. *The Elden Ring, but superimposed over a root design, similar to the capes of the Erdtree Guardians, the capes and shields of crucible kights, or the legs of the male statuary found in Clay Man cities.** Possibly related to Godwyn and the crucible knights. Faram Azula is full of interesting environmental storytelling, because it contains so many items from before Marika's rise, or the earliest years of her reign. **Though there is one statue that feature's Marika's upper half, on top of the man's root-wrapped legs, as well as several statues broken off at the waist, so it is hard to tell if these had the male or female upper portion. I assume that they had the male upper, and Marika or Radagon had them deliberately defaced, to help erase the memory of there having been an Age prior to hers.
lol weird how they didn't reply but they loved the comment. It's called the Beast Champion Armor and it's dropped by Bernahl when he invades you. He drops the altered chestpiece, you have to use the tailoring kit or Boc on it to get that version of it.
I believe blaidd and maliketh are bloodhound knights, they are obviously hounds that shadow their masters with undying loyalty, they also wear similar armor. It would also explain why blaidd wanted to kill that bloodhound knight for doing something bad, as blaidd is a bloodhound knight himself. Obviously blaidd and maliketh can speak, but maybe they were gifted with the ability to speak, as they're master's are queen Marika, holder of the elden ring, and ranni the witch. Lemme know if u disagree interested to so how everyone feels about this
So the shadows are created by the 2 fingers which makes it unlikely they are bloodhound knights. They're totally unique creatures created for their empyreans.
The bloodhound night isn't the all hearing beast, Gideon is and he was the one looking for the medallion and ordered to massacre the albinaurics' village
@@square-table-gaming i feel but what about the clergymen in the beastal place. Is that melekieth or just something like him? If not then what about the wolf people that are in the dragon palace in the air
@@gamer9462 so it's weird, the clergyman literally is Maliketh, the Maliketh that exists in Farum Azula is outside of time. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense but then again this is a fromsoft game.
Best enemy in the game. They kinda remind me of the Outrider Knights from DS3. But its a shame that they armor looks kinda silly on the player. At least their weapon is amazing and the helm is high tier fashion.
There’s also another piece of bloodhound night Lore that ties directly to Game of Thrones and since GRR Martin helps do the world building the hound in Game of Thrones was loyal to many masters hounds are loyal to whoever feds them so maybe they are the animalistic personification of the hound from Game of Thrones
I might be mistaken, and this is months after but I deduce she is actually referencing the edge lord known as ensha. Gideon wouldn't be physically there as he usually uses other agents for tasks.
I forgot which video I heard this from but apparently Farum Azula was connected to Caelid and was destroyed when Melania and Radahn battled. It was a theory of the creator, but sorta makes due to the Dragons found in Caelid and the Dragons found in Farum Azula.
@@square-table-gaming ooo yea Ranni makes a lot of sense, especially with how Moongrum, a Carian Knight, is also guarding Rennala. Could also maybe be following the people who locked Rennala in the library so no one could get to her, but I think I like the Ranni option wayy more
I always felt that Bloodhound Knight next to Latenna was protecting her. He's very close to her but stays at the last section of the cave like he's waiting to ambush anyone else going after her.
Knowing their nature it seems unlikely but I like the idea!
@@square-table-gaming The "all-hearing brute" Latenna is talking about is Gideon. Gideon is described as "the All-Knowing", he tells you about Latenna if you bring Albus's half of the Haligtree medallion to him, and his men are responsible for the attack on the Albinauric village.
Considering the connection the Albinauric's have with their wolves and the possibility Bloodhound Knights (as their name suggests) might be half-wolves like Blaidd, it could be the case that this Bloodhound having lost his master at some point chose to become loyal to Latenna and protect her as she mourns the death of her wolf Lobo.
Interesting, i always assumed he was working for Gideon, keeping her imprisoned in the cave, but maybe you're right.
@@ChuckPalomo I think it could easily go either way. Gideon has enough muscle in his command to dedicate a bloodhound knight to wait and ambush anyone who might come to Latenna with the part of the medallion that Albus gives you (and what Ensha and his team destroyed their village to find).
My only problem with that is if they are waiting to squeeze info out of Latenna, they should have had her under secret surveillance waiting for her to divulge the truth to the right person, instead of attacking anyone before they even get to see her.
That's why I lean ever so slightly towards the Bloodhound Knight being there to protect her.
I love the bloodhound knight’s, the idea of beast-like knights was so cool, encountering Darriwil in the Forlorn Evergaol actually made me soft for these guys, and you’re video just made my love for them even more apparent! I’ve always liked the idea of honor, pride or loyalty most prevalent in the hands of assassins and foul beasts instead of the very knights who swear these beliefs who intentionally throw them away for their own goals. Bloodhound knights are just so cool.
You know the AoW on the Bloodhound’s Fang Sword has a follow up attack, it seems not many people have realized this but if you use the AoW then Strong/Heavy attack you dash back at your opponent for a 2nd strike. Just wanted to point that out for those who don’t know
It's so good too, add a incantation to it aswell for extra damage and your set
yeah it's a bloodhound step attack, you have a lot of i-frames as you yeet yourself toward your enemy which is very practical
Littterally found this out today just by accident on maliketh after killing every boss with it lol
Bro you teleport and it can dodge attacks if you use it right it looks like an anime fight scene and it's so fucking cool I love the Bloodhound's Fang
I thought the "all knowing brute" was sir gideon, i mean, it's in his full name, and once you get half of the medallion, ensha is ordered to invade the player (by sir gideon) upon returning to the round table hold.
Omg, so i paused the video and made this comment, only to listen to your update 🤣🤣🤣
So on my first playthrough I recall hearing someone call Ensha ‘the all-hearing’ as a tongue in cheek reference to him being the right hand of ‘the all-knowing.’ When I did Latenna’s quest, she mentioned the ‘all-hearing brute’ and I immediately was like damn you Ensha… but Ive only heard people saying that she was talking about Gideon
wow I just didnt read all the comments, gang
@@2coch If she meant Gideon I'm pretty sure she would have used his full name or his actual tite.
Holy crap.... that was a dick move.. i always wondered why he did. Gideon was a PoS from the start
Crucible knight Ordovis means Ordovician period,
and Siluria means Silurian period.
Curiously, bloodhound Knight Darriwil means the Darriwillian of the Ordovician period,
and bloodhound knight Floh, means the Floian of the Ordovician period.
It's really interesting.
Geological eras.... this can truly tie them to the Dragons dominated period.
I love that reference❤️❤️
Together, *The Bloodhound Knights* make up *The Bloodhound Gang.*
The erdtree
The erdtree
The erdtree is on fire
We don't need no gods
Just let that maidenless burn
Burn maidenless burn
You and me, tarnished, baby
Spurned by the tree, but whatever.
Gonna burn the shit down, like I had a choice
No matter
Do it like I knew my maiden was ever going to matter!
Ps: melina killed our original maiden
The crips knights
Raani isn't the snow witch. Most likely the snow witches name is Renna. The snow witch is the person who mentored Raani and taught her about the dark moon.
I assumed Renna was a reference to Rennala and it makes since Rennas rise in her house pulse I doubt Rennala would let a heretic set up a rise at the manor
It’s said that rentala shows ranni the dark moon tho isn’t it?? Or is that just the regular moon..?
@@jacobridley1159 Ranni combines her teaching from the snow witch and through the guidance of her mother she discovers her own moon but unlike Rennalas it was cold and dark
We need to know more about this cold witch, because she looks A LOT like Melina. I believe the cold witch is the gloam eyed queen. How else would ranni know about the death rune and all of its intraquacies……. Ion kno if I spelled that right🙃
@@kingfatty_sea5885 well first off Ranni is the one who look like melina her souls face matches Melinas probably because if she is Marikas daughter their techniquelly sisters and the snow witch looks like the doll since it’s modeled after her. Also there’s no evidence the the snow witch has anything to do with the rune of death Ranni most likely because she is a demigod and empyrean her two fingers probably told her the different parts of the elden ring before she betrayed them
Personally I believe that the bloodhound knights are of the same race as the half-wolves like Blaidd and Maliketh. We know that the greater will bestows these beings onto Empyreans as thier shadows and right hand men of the chosen few. For me it would make sense that their would be a few of the same type beings but of lesser renown that were placed in the Lands Between. Maybe they are versions of the Half-wolves that didn't come out right and lost their ability to speak. Maybe they were loyal to their earthly masters but not to the greater will the same way true Shadows are. It's all up to interpretation but it would make sense why they have similar builds to the shadows, similar stances, and even similar ideologies on the whole master subordinate hierarchy.
I doubt that, from what I can tell the bloodhound knights are an order of knights sent out to battle, to imply that every empyrean has a shadow really convolutes things since there's only a handful of empyreans in the world , I think it's more likely that the bloodhound knights are mutated humans of some kind or an advanced bestman of farum azula
It also seems like Blaidd’s armor is similar to the Bloodhound set.
Idk if either of their mouths would fit in that helm also blaidd and maliketh both talk.
@@thebunnybun that’s my point exactly. Blaidd and Maliketh can talk and have their own will to a certain extent but the bloodhound knights would be a lesser species of the same type. They wouldn’t be able to talk or have their own will only to follow orders but the similarities in stances, body shape, and even some attacks are very similar to Maliketh and Blaidd
@@YDD_Luke17 i have to look into their items more but is there anything that says they are beasts? Could they maybe be similar to the outrider knights of ds3. But with a cool helm shaped like a snout? The one thing that really makes me question if they are a beastial species is maliketh has claws but the bloodhound knights have slaw weapons. Also their snout wouldn't fit in the helm unless because they are lesser they are more human like and have sone kind of underworld the movie werewolf type make up.
@4:19 The issue with that is you encounter a Bloodhound knight that is loyal to the grave site of their master. It could be that Darril was still loyal to Ranni, but since she wanted to go against the 2 fingers he took the blame for her plan.
I know this is a necropost but in your theory why would Blaidd want to slay Darrawil then? It seems to me like he would know he just took the fall and never betrayed Ranni
@@FishmaniusQuimbelton Well after much lore acquired knowledge, My new stance is that Darrawil was loyal to rannis body, and once she switched bodies his service was completed in his eyes.
If I remember correctly Ensha is known as the "The all-hearing" and Gideons "The All-knowing" though both the bloodhound and Ensha work under Gideon maybe they were together on the same quest for the medallion. After not retrieving what they came for Ensha might have told the Bloodhound Knight stay back and slay any Tarnished that might try to reach Latenna.
Not only that, but then he sends us that way when he discovers we have one half of the medallion if you pick it up from the village of the Albenauracs. If the bloodhound Knight was indeed instructed to guard Latenna and kill all tarnished that come near, that will be the second time he tries to have you killed.
@@AnnoyingSquib i never thought Gideon Ofnir wanted to help us, he will send you straight to danger if not to a trap. After all he is mentioned in the intro cutscene as one of the forces you'll find.
The bloodhound knights stance on all fours, as well as the flipping and jumping movement reminds me of the knight at the end of the undead settlement in dark souls 3, and the berserker armour scenes in berserk, welding a large sword and heavy looking armour yet still incredibly mobile
I’m so glad you’re covering the lore of enemies in Elden Ring. They are honestly my favorite part of the game and it’s awesome hearing their lore. Do you plan on covering the clean rot knights at all?
They hadn't come up in our community requests yet but we can add them to the list!
I actually came to the very conclusion that Darriwil belonged to Ranni initially, all on my own. It would explain not only Blaidd calling him a traitor, but also why Ranni is eager for a new person to enter her service. I did not make the connection to Farum Azula or Gideon, however. I’m glad your channel exists to cover these topics. Is the lore regarding the undead on your list as well? From what I understand there’s quite a lot, spread between the Fia questline, Deathbirds, etc
The undead is a huge topic and right now we're focusing on specific characters and enemy types. That said if it's something people really want to hear our take on we would look into it!
I'm under the impression that they're from Numen as their fighting styles are very similar, as well as their use of invisibility and curved weapons. Since all Black Knives are women, perhaps Bloodhound Knights are all men?
I like this theory a lot but the only thing missing that I think points to beasts is their legs. If you look at the armor you can see that their legs are inverted like animals
@@square-table-gaming Oh, I didn't notice they had American Werewolf if France legs. I kind of hate that.
I believe all bloodhound knights are male - "Without the use of language, each knight chooses his own master"
Small Correction, all knowing is Gideon. All hearing is ensha of the royal remains, who works for Gideon. Ensha seems to command the omenkiller and perfumer in the village of albenaurics and the bloodhound knight. This is why ensha attacks you when you return to the round table and the all hearing monicker makes sense because he never speaks yet his implement seems to be a spy of sorts. Gideon doesn’t like to get his hands dirty so he uses ensha as his ears and eyes in the lands between.
As someone who values loyalty in friendships, and love bloodhound knights anyway, they are fascinating. Thanks you so much for making this.
Renalla can also summon a bloodhound knight, and there is one guarding the Raya lucaaria gate.
I came to the assumption that that had something to do with Darrawill, considering the giant was probably iji The wolves represent bliedd The dragon represents the dragon that was also loyal to Ranni.
@@MoreLoreThenThereSeems The dragon represents Adula.
Good video, enjoyed it. I believe they are the same species as Malekith the Black Blade. They move similarly and are built similar. This would further back your theory of them hailing from Farun Azula.
I really like your narration a lot. The video quality is much clearer on this one too.
Thanks for your work! Your theory about them being actually beast men makes so much sense, considering the strange beaked helmets. You helped me connect the dots I didn't realise even though I dedicated days to playing this game.
My question is, how do the ravenmount relate to this. They aren't related to the evergaol, but have a very similar reverence towards the primal beings. (Ravenmount: Deathbirds, Bloodhounds: Beastmen.)
On another tangent entirely I can't help shake the feeling the bloodhounds are not too dissimilar to the boreal knights in Ds3.
Ravenmount are remnants of a Death cult that predates Marika, and possibly even the Gloam Eyed Queen and the Black Flame cult, who preceded her. When a new outer god takes control of the world and puts their new god and lord-consort in place to rule it, the believers of the previous faith or the rival outer gods who wanted to take over don't automatically go away. So, you end up with all these fragmented cults and traditions biding their time, waiting for the next time a ring is broken, to reassert their own ideas about how things ought to be done.
Whatever the answer is. The bloodhound knights are especially distinct in the lands between. From the pointed strange nose helm they wear to the unusual bloodhound werewolf like stance they take during a fight. The pseudo teleport dodge is unique exclusively to them until we the tarnished gain the move for our selves.
I find that especially strange that they are the only one's that have access to such a powerful dodge that closes such immense distance and extremely quickly while also vanishing for a second.
There's something supernatural going on about these Knights that's clad in mystery. Outside of the main story characters these guys and the nox maidens have a very different glow about them.
I love their helmet designs! Theyre based off of the aptly named hound bascinet helm and im sure thats just a play on the whole hound thing
Those helms are called bascinets and were really a thing in medival times. The visor is referred to as a houndskull visor.
The pointy shape made it harder for arms and projectiles to penetrate the helm and cause injuries.But it also kinda looks like a funny doghead ofcourse
@@luman1109 my family own a real french bascinet. Inside it are the words Hundemann, which roughly translates to "Dog man".
If I'm not mistaken, Juno Hoslow, the knight of blood, also has access to bloodhound step
@@edu27110 in my very extensive first partially blind playthrough I only saw him twice and turn poof couldn't find him anywhere in the lands between.
My interpretation was that the unwavering loyalty of the Bloodhound Knights is there to show us that Blaidd was being lied to and manipulated by Ilji.
Remember that it’s Darriwil’s Evergaol that Blaidd is later trapped inside (by Ilji). I think Ilji told Blaidd that Darriwil was a traitor that needs to be put down but in reality he was trying to clear the space so he could imprison Blaidd when he inevitably goes mad.
We see Ilji’s deceptions throughout and his job as War Counselor implies that many of the plots are his (Ranni has no idea that Blaidd is imprisoned). He apologies for “misleading words of warning” regarding Carian Manor (there was no snare), and he remarks that Blaidd is “honest to a fault” (meaning Ilji sees value in deception).
He also plots to have Jerren kill Sellen by reminding him of “an old promise made.” He notes that “A certain sorceress is dispossessed of her immortality... Finally, we can be rid of a long-standing Carian weed.”
Everything he did was in service to benefit Ranni, but it’s clear he has no moral qualms about lying, cheating or killing.
Darriwil wasn’t a traitor (that should be impossible), rather he was a chess piece that had to be removed for the sake of eventually protecting Ranni from Blaidd.
This is a really good theory based on the info we have and your interpretation of iji. I could get behind this.
I would also like to add that it is very likely the bloodhound was pledged to Ranni before being turned into a doll. During the Rannala boss fight, when you go into 2nd phase, you hear Ranni speaking and we know it was her who set a spell for whoever disturbed Rannala. That being said, Rannala summons a bloodhound spirit to attack you at some point.
It's good to see someone caring about their lore. These guys are so cool and unique. I actually run a bloodhound knight build, with summon as well.
That's our whole deal, we want to explore the individual enemies. There so much they have to offer about the different factions existing in the Lands between and how they interact
@@square-table-gaming I know someone was saying Darriwil served Rennala? Which would male sense why Ranni sent Blaidd. Darriwil served Rennala, and left her for some unknown reason. Ranni, being her daughter, sent Blaidd to hunt him down for betraying Her mother
They do fight similarly to maliketh in my opinion all over the place and quick maybe a connection there?
Another interpretation of the bloodhound knights I heard was that they are humans who were so inspired by the Empyrean's shadows that they formed an order around this concept and trained themselves to be like shadows. The knight you kill with Blaidd was called a traitor by him. So this knight committed the sin of disobeying their master.
There's also a Bloodhound Knight just chilling on a wall in Raya Lucaria Academy bridge but there's just no backstory as to why
Of all elden ring lore videos, logic in your speculations is the most sound.
Suggestion for the next voting: "Seluvis, Pidia and puppets"
🎵 When our master's in trouble, we're there on the double; we're the Bloodhound Knights 🎶
The "All-hearing brute" is Ensha. He is considered the ears of Gideon, being a spy and all.
I think it's also possible that Darriwil actually did betray Ranni, in that perhaps he had someone before her that was his true master, and his real master sent him to infiltrate Ranni and lie that he was going to be her knight. We might never really know, but I find that much more of an interesting possibility because then the question is who was his real master, and what did he send Darriwil to Ranni for that he betrayed her?
what makes them even more mysterious is they make absolutely no sound not even a grunt.
Bloodhound knights and outrider knights are my favorite in all soulsborne games. They terrified me at first encounter
The thing I like about your videos is that you pick up your souls when you're recording. So many people walk past and that makes me twitch
Dude. Same.
Thank you for the great video, you did an amazing job tying up all the (rather scarce) fragments of lore on this mysterious and fascinating beings. The concept of Bloodhound Knights has seemed fascinating to me from my first encounter with tme in the same. It is both quite likely and narratively interesting that their origins lie at least partially in fractured storm-hidden city of Farum Azula, as beastmen enemies there share some traits with the Knights, notably their ferocious leaping attacks and overall fighting style.
Bloodhound Knights are, as per item descriptions, devoid of language, however, they are definitely not devoid of higher cognition, as Blaidd does not treat Darriwill as a mere beast gone feral. Moreover, Floh, the other named Bloodhound Knight, also evidently posesses complicated motivations and psychology far beyond simple obedience of a hound and instrumental effectiveness of a figher and killer.
Besides Farum Azula beastmen, the other enemy group, albeit foreign to Lands Between, also shares a lot of similarities with the Bloodhounds. Outrider Knights from Dark Souls 3 are former humans, twisted and mutated by the power of their rings, posessing a remarcably "bestial" and frantic fighting style not dissimilar from this of the Bloodhounds. I don't know how much of this is a homage of sorts by From and how much is pure unintentional archetypical convergence, but the similarities are rather peculiar nevertheless.
This brought me to my speculative "theory" of sorts regarding the Knights. Two of them, actually. Firstly, they can very well be descendants of some human-beastmen hybridization process. When fragments of Farum Azula with its native fauna hit the Lands Between, many factions like lesser Lords likely saw something beyond simple scorn or hatred in newly arrived species - an opportunity. We see many evidences of variably succesfull attempts at "domesticating" non-human species by human armies in the Lands Between - Misbegottens, Trolls (which are, however, confirmed to be human-level intelligent, if Iji is not just magically evolved by Carians), Demi-humans. Pumpkin Heads are also not really human-looking in shape. It's not really a stretch to assume there were attempts to train beastmen in the same way, breeding them selectively for increased intelligence and cross-breeding them with humans for the same reasons, like Uruk-Hai were bred from Orcs and Men.
On the other hand, what if they are men either willingly rejecting humanity in favor of the "inner beast" or forcibly made to do so by some cruel experimentations. Twisting and mutating humans with the beastial blood, training them in the ways of the beasts, excising away from their psyche all "unnesessary" traits exept the driving force of their singular purpose. There are half or full bestial Shadows of the Empyreans in the game like Blaidd or Maliketh, which were created by the Greatwe Will for their purpose. But what if one were not to create from scratch, but rather to make a human into a watered-down, bootleg version of a Shadow, a completely loyal and fierce warrior bound to a single master and a single purpose? A bladed fang, ever guided by the scent of blood and its unshakable loyalty to its master's will, a perfect instument of elegant violence for those Lords preferring gold to blood on their hands.
One thing I noticed you said is that you get the whole set from the evergol which isn’t true the only thing you get is the bloodhound fang. The armor is in a dungeon and the claws are in a castle
4:02 He's His Own Master Now
The bloodhound sword, if you do the backflip and press R1/RB right after, it will propel you forward with another follow up strike. If anyone reading don't know about that yet.
6:42 not really. Floh doesn't actually serve us. Floh has a strange AI compared to other spirit ashes. As expected, it will aggro on enemies within range. However, it lacks a certain core part of the AI behavior of other ashes- FLOH WILL NOT FOLLOW US. For example, let's say that a boss door opens into a corridor. You summon Floh in the nice, safe corridor, and then you walk down the corridor and go into the arena. Floh, however, stays where she is spawned, and she never gets close enough to aggro on the enemies. Floh doesn't serve us- she is must a mercenary that is willing to murder targets that happen to be there. If we wander off and get ourselves killed? That's our problem, not hers
This is definitely a possibility, but it's more likely this is an inherent issue with making these enemies a spirit ash that From just hasn't addressed.
@@square-table-gaming Floh's behavior is actually shared with red eyed spirit ashes. So They might be a distinct recognizable class of characters that share the "Does not play nice with others" trait.
you can see gideon's insignia on the bloodhound cape, therefore we know they serve gideon
I like to think that the Bloodhound knights are basically the knight variant of the Beastmen in Farum Azula
I managed to go unspoiled and completely blind into elden ring 2 years after it came out. I'm having a blast piecing together the lore on my own ATM but the bloodhound knights are so alien to me in their lore references that I needed to watch this video. I had to skip a lot of parts tho to not get spoiled on stuff I didn't encounter or explore yet.
Imagine my face when I just found the capital city. I thought I had discovered most of the map and suddenly it expands by two times the size lmao.
Also the stone/giant fire guardians were a lot easier on the Holy bridge then the one Guardian you encounter in the capital city when you get sent there by a trap chest.
Also the chest that puts you into the mines of salia was goddamn horrific. I went with a nobody build and was trapped in selia at level 6 with no armour and just my club. You can imagine the amount of tries I needed to get out of this forsaken hell hole.
Once I got the bloodhound sword I returned with some glitter magic and *FUCKED SHIT UP* .
Honestly I struggle moreso with the mutated steroid bears in the eastern starter area then most bosses I encountered lmao.
Also if someone could explain to me where the puppets are that you need to give the message of rodrika to that'd be appreciated.
I completed the quest and she is at the roundtable now but I have no clue when or how I finished said quest lol
They are close to the end of the game, found in the Consecrated Snow Field
Kind of poetic justice or tragedy ( depending on your perspective ) that Blaidd wanted to slay an individual that let go of his loyalty due to some kind of lawful mandate or personal philosophy and then when Blaidd is forced down the same path against his will, he must be slain as well.
These gotta be one of my favorite enemies, even though it’s just a dude on all fours they’re badass as hell
There’s also a bloodhound knight outside Raya Lucaria, just past the merchant. Seems like he’s trying to get in the academy, but couldn’t.
Yea still a pretty big mystery. Certainly could be farum azula
Nice! Subscribed!
I always liked them since they’re basically the Outrider Knights from Dark Souls 3
Looking at them, the Bloodhounds have a very similar frame and posture to Maliketh, so i definitely feel like the Farum Azula connection holds some weight.
The circular spinning attacks of the Bloodhound are also reminiscent of Maliketh.
I never considered the possibility of the bloodhound knights to actually be beastmen lmao
“the all hearing brute is the bloodhound Knight” No, she’s talking about Gideon Ofnir, he and Ensha killed her wolf trying to get the information about the Haligtree
I think they really might be beastmen from Farum Azula, with the way they behave and the form of the helm, that might fit a small muzzle in. Also almost everything about them is somehow related to canines, even the name "Floh" means flea in german ^^
From the pledging of service to the all of the hound motifs. There might be a possible connection or correlation of them desiring to be like the shadows of Empyreans like Blaidd and Maliketh.
I’m about to RP this in my next level
Up bois
Giddion was the one who murdered everyone at the village of albernorics so makes sense that is his bloodhound
You notice that the blood hound knights have a similar fighting pattern as maliketh the black blade? We do find him in faram azula, maybe they were taught by him. Maybe they are people but took on personality traits like that of the shadows. They are supposed to be loyal incapable of treachery. These bloodhound knights seem to try to live up to that and in combo with their fight style i feel like its very plausible.
I could see the bloodhound knights being demi-humans. They have a similar posture and the mask could fit the demi-humans' muzzle. And the demi-humans do have a kind of canine look to them.
While the one bloodhound knight serving under Gideon makes a lot of sense, my theory is that he was trying to get to Malenia so he could serve her
I agree with your Farum Azula origin theory
There's reasons as to why Darriwil might not have served Ranni at all, but someone else linked to the greater will. Blaidd's job is to kill those that oppose the will of his Master's fingers, including his master. He would have no reason to slaughter Darriwil has Darriwil, as far as we know Darriwil never opposed the fingers or Ranni.
Besides that, the translation of Forlorn according to Oxford is "pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely". The Forlorn Hound then would be an abandoned, lonely hound. It seems to me that a knight who abandoned their master would hardly be labeled as abandoned themselves. Darriwil might have been abandoned or betrayed by his master and locked in the Evergaol to stop him from retaliating. What if Blaidd knew Darriwil, as we see him speak about Darriwil with some semblance of recognition and respect, and Blaidd did not mean to kill him as an act of revenge, but as an act of kindness. "Rotting in a cell is no true justice, this is where it ends for you". An end to the tale of Darriwil, an end to the suffering. Darriwill does not deserve to rot forever, locked in a magic cell by injustice.. He deserves to die and let his tale of bravery and loyalty come to an end.
Anyways that's my take on it.
They’re probably, if not, my favorite creatures in the lands between. Only about 32 hours in but they’re still my favorite boss/mini boss so far, their fighting style is cool asf and their lore is cool.
yeah me too... i actually never found out about blaide helping me with Darwin until today. But i just love the overall concept of the bloodhound knights. Mabey the devs will go more in depth with a DLC?
@@Sillymonkey-or1zo Same lol, I just went in and soloed him first try before even knowing who blaide was, after his first attack which was his jump attack, he instantly became my fav. But yes I do hope they add more to their lore but I know you can find a couple of them in the game, i’m not gonna say where but you can find one somewhere in Mt. Gelmir, makes me wonder what his business was being there
@@JdwagDoesStuff yeah I have found a few others and have also stuck with the bloodhound fang through most of my play through… I just beat the godson duo.
the bloodhound knights could also be beast men and thus one under the service of ranni would likely have seen the theft of the rune of death as maybe a betrayal of his oath to her and thus chose to turn against her
I wonder if the hounds are “human” since their legs are wolf like
the more i learn about the lesser non-godlike characters in this game, the more i realize why the storytelling is so mesmerizing. it feels real. it feels like an actual mythology thats worth knowing about because of the lack of information. think about the first people to rediscover greek mythos. its not like a game you read up on its like a diving into a world with a complex history and events to lead up to it own destruction
That's exactly why we love doing these lore dives on smaller enemies. There's SO much to learn about who we're fighting and why they're fighting us. It goes so deep.
I personally refer to Bloodhound Knights as "Mr.X" cuz if you slip up he is gonna give it to ya
My first play through was a vyke cosplay and I think NG+ will be the bloodhound knight next
Bloodhound claws are dropped by the bloodhound knight at volcano manor
Farum Azula was a giant cathedral built to house Placidusax, not an actual city. The ruins around the lands between i dont think are from Farum Azula, as the Giant Golems were also scattered across the lands between in many of the same areas the ruins are found, which implies they were also part of the city that was destroyed; yet we don't see a single one in Farum Azula. I will concede its possible the golems were actually in or on the object and not part of the city, which would then allow for Farum Azula to be the city that was destroyed by a cosmic collision. However, i feel its much more likely that Farum Azula is a ruin because its situated in the middle of a storm, and also outside of time; meaning its perpetually in the midst of getting destroyed as well as being a brand new construct, and every point in time between.
This is a very well put together video. I've been loving all the lore videos put out about the various enemies in Elden Ring. Keep up the great work!!
Also, Im not sure how good a topic this is, but have you all considered making a video about spirit ashes/summons and how they work?
Cool video! Thatnk you for your work!
Watching the playlist backwards kinda blows tho.
The price of progress. Our video and audio editing skills/equipment was really lacking at first. We feel we're in a good groove now
Latenna was talking about Ensha, not Gideon. although Ensha worked for Gideon so it's an understandable mistake
Nothing refers to Ensha as "All-hearing" whereas Gideon is the "All-knowing" but doesn't exactly know everything, most likely his nickname comes from his network of goons and spies (and thirst for knowledge). His armor is litteraly covered in ears. So yes, maybe Ensha was the one to come to Latenna (because Gideon don't do that himself) but the "All-hearing brute" is still Gideon.
Blair and the bloodhounds knights are kinda like th suns and moon example the bloodhound knight sword attacks and sends you back Blair’s sword sends you towards then attacks
There's a fourth bloodhound knight, past a hidden wall on the volcano manor, he may have belonged to Rykard before being eating by the snake
I don't think that Floch recoznizes Tarnished as Elden Lord, due to his red eyed summon nature, he ignores you unless there is a fight going on. That tells me that as a spirit he can help but as a person he still doesn't think that it's you in my opinion.
They gave me Outrider knight vibes when I first saw one.
Can't believe im here so early lmao
Great video!
Thank you! Share around haha
What about the blood hound knight at the opposite side of the gate to the magic school near the nomadic merchant?
I had thought the blood hounds were hunters from bloodbourne since the beast blood does what is shown in the hounds
Though it is faded and threadbare, the device displayed on the Bloodhound knight's capes appears to be the same crest seen in Maliketh's sanctum.* This does lend credence to the idea that they are Beastmen of Farim Azula, who have gone in search of new masters, and learned to wield human style armor and weapons, which nevertheless retain some of the quirks of their homeland's armaments.
*The Elden Ring, but superimposed over a root design, similar to the capes of the Erdtree Guardians, the capes and shields of crucible kights, or the legs of the male statuary found in Clay Man cities.** Possibly related to Godwyn and the crucible knights. Faram Azula is full of interesting environmental storytelling, because it contains so many items from before Marika's rise, or the earliest years of her reign.
**Though there is one statue that feature's Marika's upper half, on top of the man's root-wrapped legs, as well as several statues broken off at the waist, so it is hard to tell if these had the male or female upper portion. I assume that they had the male upper, and Marika or Radagon had them deliberately defaced, to help erase the memory of there having been an Age prior to hers.
What is that blue armor you had on when fighting Darryl?
lol weird how they didn't reply but they loved the comment. It's called the Beast Champion Armor and it's dropped by Bernahl when he invades you. He drops the altered chestpiece, you have to use the tailoring kit or Boc on it to get that version of it.
I believe blaidd and maliketh are bloodhound knights, they are obviously hounds that shadow their masters with undying loyalty, they also wear similar armor. It would also explain why blaidd wanted to kill that bloodhound knight for doing something bad, as blaidd is a bloodhound knight himself. Obviously blaidd and maliketh can speak, but maybe they were gifted with the ability to speak, as they're master's are queen Marika, holder of the elden ring, and ranni the witch. Lemme know if u disagree interested to so how everyone feels about this
So the shadows are created by the 2 fingers which makes it unlikely they are bloodhound knights. They're totally unique creatures created for their empyreans.
The bloodhound night isn't the all hearing beast, Gideon is and he was the one looking for the medallion and ordered to massacre the albinaurics' village
I would assume they are the same breed as melekith
Likely not since Maliketh is a unique being created by the 2 fingers to be Marikas shadow, much like Blaidd to Ranni.
@@square-table-gaming i feel but what about the clergymen in the beastal place. Is that melekieth or just something like him? If not then what about the wolf people that are in the dragon palace in the air
@@square-table-gaming also thank you for your explanations ive enjoyed them a lot
@@gamer9462 so it's weird, the clergyman literally is Maliketh, the Maliketh that exists in Farum Azula is outside of time. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense but then again this is a fromsoft game.
Its kinda odd for me that blaidd had such extrem hatred in him because dariwill just left. Feels like there is more to it
I think dawrlil was actually loyal to selivus, explains the mask of the assassin at his rise
What armor is that at 3:08?
Forget off the top of my head but we definitely answered this question I'm other comments
Best enemy in the game. They kinda remind me of the Outrider Knights from DS3. But its a shame that they armor looks kinda silly on the player. At least their weapon is amazing and the helm is high tier fashion.
I with there were special move sets that went with weapons like the blood hounds fang and claws.
There’s also another piece of bloodhound night Lore that ties directly to Game of Thrones and since GRR Martin helps do the world building the hound in Game of Thrones was loyal to many masters hounds are loyal to whoever feds them so maybe they are the animalistic personification of the hound from Game of Thrones
What even is your mimic tear doing 4:25
I think it got locked into the snails outside of the arena
Damn, I feel like Vargram I want to be a Shadow.
Bro hit R2 after blood hound step for a cool fazing bloodhound slash, that is cool
3:08 what set is this?
Bernhals armor actually, you just have to unmodify it
Bloodhound Knight Daryl prefer Ranni in a maid costume rather than her current appearance. (according to the comedy manga lol)
I might be mistaken, and this is months after but I deduce she is actually referencing the edge lord known as ensha. Gideon wouldn't be physically there as he usually uses other agents for tasks.
We agree. She calls him the all hearing brute and ensha is the all hearing.
I forgot which video I heard this from but apparently Farum Azula was connected to Caelid and was destroyed when Melania and Radahn battled.
It was a theory of the creator, but sorta makes due to the Dragons found in Caelid and the Dragons found in Farum Azula.
I am fairly certain that's been debunked. Couldn't give you a source on it though.
Great vid! I wonder who the one Bloodhound Knight hanging behind Raya Lucaria's gate followed...
My assumption is Rennala. It's also possible Ranni sent him to defend her mother.
@@square-table-gaming ooo yea Ranni makes a lot of sense, especially with how Moongrum, a Carian Knight, is also guarding Rennala. Could also maybe be following the people who locked Rennala in the library so no one could get to her, but I think I like the Ranni option wayy more
Bcs of this video I made a pure bloodhound knight build and it’s actually extremely good bloodhound sword is prob one of the best swords in the game
I was able to take 20% of morgott health on ng+5 with just its skill
Wasn’t fully upgraded either