The sad thing about Christians of today is that they don't search the Scriptures themselves to confirm whether what preachers like these ones are saying is of the Holy Spirit or is their stomach. At SCOAN, they don't allow visitors to come there and start any kind of fasting because they don't want you to come there and start any kind of fasting which is not instructed by the church. They don't want any medical problem from any visitor for coming to SCOAN and not eat. if you want to fast, fast at where you are coming from and when done, come. If you go somewhere and they do something which you don't understand, ASK so you don't become a blasphemer.
I personally don't need a papa or man of God to tell me who is real or not but the spirit of God, I can safely attest and testify that Prophet TB Joshua was and is a true Prophet of God.
@@charlesmuwunga7174 Oh no. A student of the school of the spirit would not make a statement like the one you made earlier. Again, I wonder who's pastoring you. Worst still is if you are pastoring people at this time.
Those days when i was in Nigeria we were among those who hated tb joshua with passion .... Our neighbour then was so sick without any medical diagnosis had to run to synagogue and was totally healed then i became sceptic yet hated tb joshua....years latter i came to europe attended a church service and one of the pastor spoke about tb joshua as a man of God been persecuted by fellow pastors then i decided to do my investigation .....through his sermon i became a better chritian , BBC just started they are comming for all the pastors i only cry for young souls and the faith of young christians ....the fact that people spoke about him does not make it right,my ex spoke alot of evil against me how i sleep around with white men but i left everything to God
2 Thessalonians 2:9: When the enemy of God appears, he will be doing Satan's work. Satan will give him the power to do great things and miracles that are false.
@@Highlyfavoured7187well said! All these religious self-righteous jealous "ministers" / "pastor" need to show me a false prophet or witch doctor that casts out demons on TV in Jesus name, lives in his Church, hated and accused by pastors around the world, and never defended himself or fought back, but kept on preaching Jesus till his last day on earth. BBC did him a HUGE favor though, this attack WILL actually vindicate him finally! Jay Israel and Wiseman Harry's responses exposed all those paid accusers! They're total frauds!
You are spiritually blind of he can't see tlTB JOSHUA is God's own Holy and ANOINTED Vessel of honor. The things TB JOSHUA speaks and does are not for those whose spiritual understanding are not mature enough to understand. TB JOSHUA operates on high spiritual plans and is highly ANOINTED and EMPOWERED by the King of Heaven. Bless his Soul 😮😮😮
Thank You Abba Father and Glory to You, Lord Jesus. Thank You for teaching your children. This is what The Lord commanded me when I came across one of these scandals; to pray for everyone working for God in the field. And not to accuse even in my thoughts. I repented of everything I had done till then. And since that moment, The Lord graciously prevents me from failing. He is good. :-) We need to pray for the global church. God is doing an audit. It is His Church. So let's pray every day for the ministers and priests of Christ all over the world. God bless you all.
Any pastor or what ever they called them self who does not believe pr tb Joshua is sent by God he him self is not of God. I know pr tb Joshua by asking God not man.
a4702 all his critics cannot even do a quarter of what he did All they know is talk without results. TB Joshua went to Mexico, Israel, Phillipines etc in large stadiums with hundreds of thousand proving himself. If they claim they have genuine power of God let them do more than TB Joshua since God is powerful than Satan. And you know what they can't do it. All they know is talking on social media whilst people are dying of cancers etc.
I’ve seen so much genuineness to discern what is fake… I’m convinced in my spirit that Ps. Chingtok and many others are genuine just as Prophet TB. Joshua and his ministry is!!! Even so, let God be true and man false.
Where is the true? Cause I have not seen miracles like of TB Joshua anywhere. People with leaking leg ulcers with ozooing pus, cancered people with distorted faces being restored etc. All others what they know is criticism and talking
The masses are saying T. B. Joshua is fake. And yet, in his fakeness, he imparted our lives far more than they could and made this world a better place. How ironic.
Yes, if the so-called men of God were of God they would have done better than the so-called person Satan has sent. Let's wait till we see Jesus Christ. See how he forces his people to delete or make their decisions, if one called that witchcraft, how would he be able to prove himself. All these so-called men of God are far below in the knowledge of God. Babes, they don't know what is obtainable in the kingdom. Never able to come into the knowledge of truth, holier than thou nature. Ask them if Jesus needed to go and check the other man who was doing miracles in Jesus name. God forgive all of you. Tinubu became the president, explain that, how did your soul miss out on that? If you understand the prophetic you will know how that happened, and we know that God who revealed a thing to you also knew that Tinubu was going to be president. God was teaching you all a lesson because of your pride. It would be justifiable in mere sight to call you a false prophet due to your "false prophecy" but we know more than that because we walk with the Lord and see with the Lord. God bless you and cause you to grow in grace. Judge of another man's servant.
@@joycekorede874please explain how he's occultic?? If Jesus were on earth in person today and He used spit and sand they'll say He's using juju/witchcraft. And what occultist ever preached Jesus Christ openly on video weekly all over the world. Please share the link/videos, I'd like to watch. What occultist cast out demons in Jesus name?? You sound like the religious folks in Jesus day who accused Him of getting His power from Belzeebub. Matthew 12:22-32 - read and see Jesus' response to them. This pastor and you may have a religious spirit. Please ask God for understanding when it comes to things you don't understand.
This stand is same view I shared when I talk about it because the body of Christ is raising a generation that do not know their God as much as they do their man of God. They proclaim doctrines not based on the word but other men’s revelations. May God help us
The church 😭 by what spirit are these pastors speaking? It really breaks my heart to see the level of spiritual pride among many pastors in Nigeria. Prophet TB Joshua, let's leave it all for God. Rest well God's General. Our lives and understanding of our relationship with God has changed since we encountered Emmanuel tv and SCOAN. IT IS WELL
Forget that thing jarred, allow people that can see clearly talk, I'm a Christian ,that loved TB Joshua, but ajoke looks more like him, so many said by BBC looks to good to be a lie
The comment section is just filled with people that this scripture speaks about: 1 Timothy 4:1: God's Spirit clearly says that in the last days many people will turn from their faith. They will be fooled by evil spirits and by teachings that come from demons. Lets ask for discernment, be humble and be broken before him so that we can arrive in his presence blameless before him.
@@akotheffie8087a true believer cant say what you have said but sure.... Was Thomas greater than mathew or Nathaniel greater than James? He that is first shall become the last and the last shall be the first...take heed
We can know who is genuine man of God by bible and our spirit of God, TB Joshua is the great man of our time. Actually missing him is like world is full of darkness!
Please, I keep asking... Why does darkness shines so brightly than light? Most calls TB Joshua fake and yet we see less of Jesus made manifest through them. Has miracles and signs the things of the past?
Now you defend the church? It was pastor like you who opened the door for the devil to attack the church because you first attacked. You broke the hedge. What people don’t understand they criticize. I wonder what scriptures in the Bible convinced you that the man was fake. I hope for your sakes that the man was truly fake. Because if he did those acts by the power of the Holy Spirit then you’ve just blasphemed against the Holy Spirit of God. That, Jesus said, is unforgivable.
See hatred for another MOG, TB Joshua in life and death you can never beat his record!! Never! Pharisee Man! In death yet TB Joshua is still causing men to tremble Glory to Jesus! Jesus was persecuted exactly like TBJ
Some Nigeria Pastors are now Deputy Jesus. They know who will enter heaven and who will not and also they are the ones to enlist those who will enter heaven 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I don't believe he was a man of God neither do I need deliverance, am a sinner saved by God's grace and I wish people would fight for Jesus the way they are fighting for that prophet.
One thing I agree with about this take is that rhe documentary is not working the will of God. People should not be quick to celebrate any revelations in the documentary
I urge all believers to pray for those pastors and their members so that God will forgive them and open their eyes of faith to know the truth. Please read the scripture below. I pray that as you read it God will give you greater understanding of His heart Acts7:51-60
If TB Joshua really did all these things these disciples who practically lived with him confessed he did, may what they went through in his hands be done 10 folds to everyone defending him, and to their daughters most especially, let them have a foretaste of what it means to be abused by a "MAN OF GOD" But if these disciples just out of the blues decided to makeup and maintain same confession they've been saying for over 15, some 20 years now, may what they've said TB did to them become a foundational reality, not just for only them, but for their unborn generation to come.. I think that's the right prayer now.. Let God handle the rest by REWARD! People are just talking about the opened life of TB, nobody is contesting that, a prophet, a good Pastor, a miracle worker etc? The documentary opened up his secret life, those witnesses are people living with him, having direct contact with him at night. Anyone that can say what they like in defense but then the documentary revealed his secret life, what he did in the dark, in secret and in the corner. People who are beneficiaries of his arms and charity have never even spent a day with him in his bedroom 🙄🙄☹️
You are deceived. TB JOSHUA did none of the things he is accused of. Don't forget it is now revealed that the BBC paid Huge amount of money to those who spoke evil against TB JOSHUA --to bribe them . Don't forget ,BBC is renowned all over the world as the top channel dedicated to the Destruction of ISRAEL and the Church. They hate Christians with bitter Hatred n that is well documented about BBC. Don't forget the biological mother of the girl who claimed TB JOSHUA was her biological father had been revealed! There are still eye witnesses of people who are alive when the girl was rescued from the trash can and thrown away by her biological parents outside SCOAN. TB JOSHUA Accepted her when she was rescued by security of the church and TB JOSHUA paid heavily to put her through school as a Thrown away child! din6t forget TB JOSHUA was once arrested and falsely accused of dealing in drugs and put in prison for 14 Days but later on Nigerian authorities write him a letter begging him for Forgiveness-- because TB JOSHUA was innocent and they acted & arrested him based entirely on false reports and false accusations. Don't forget Judas Iscariot was one of the Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ and Betrayed Lord Jesus Christ. Don't forget when Apostle Paul was arrested and being prosecuted to be sentenced to death,Jews brought and paid False witnesses to Fabricate stories and false accusations against Paul which he never did those things but they accused him in order to find him guilty and to condemn Apostle Paul to Death. TB JOSHUA is as PURE as Show! And he did nothing Wrong Go and listen to the Video of Jay Isreal on the BBC documentary -- He knows one of the accusers personally -- he knows the accuser of TB JOSHUA and reveals why she Hatred TB JOSHUA bitterly was because she is a drug addict who came to join the Disciples in SCOAN -- not be saved but in order to seduce . But she was not successful and failed in her mission and left SCOAN very bitter and angry and vowing to destroy the ministry. Because she was able to successfully seduce people in other places elsewhere but failed in her mission against PROPHET TB JOSHUA --when she came to Joshua. Don't be deceived by those Daughters of Perdition who are condemned before God Almighty as evil Blasphemers 😮😮😮
But if TB Joshua didn't do what these people said he did, may God forgive you for you know not what you're doing. One day you'll die and Jesus will wipe the tears of your pain away for reducing the power of God to the works of the devil. You will be ashamed of yourself on that day but God will have mercy on you
@@abraham9596 that's y am saying that God is exposing people hearts u are hearing the evil words that is talking to other believers your brother's As for me if he is guilty he is a man and it's sad that he died without confessing but if he was a true man of God then God have mercy on u and everything on who calls the power of the holy spirit devil's power because the holy spirit that's one sin he hates I love that apostle Selman hasn't said anything about the issue some times it's good to be quiet 🤐
Cry louder 😂😂😂you will cry until you will leave earth. TB Joshua will still be seen through sons around the world and there is nothing you can do about it. You better sit and relax and mind your business
I wish i could send him a personal message. I thought you are more matured than this. How are we sure you are a man if God. TBJ thank you for being a great blessing to the world.
May the lord grant the body understanding. Satan uses very intelligent devices, this message is so profound and full of insight. The documentary on a false prophet is Satan's weapon to taint the true church on a global scale. He that has ears let him hear.
Yup, these pastors are jealous of him - that they can not have the impact he had on the world, so they'd rather join BBC in defaming him, instead of defend him.
It’s cause you don’t know that’s why, people glamorize what they see and not what they can’t see. I lived in Ikotun for years as a teenager, and we know the truth!
Listen Tb joshua may be Jesus Christ but once he goes into his room and shuts the door, nobody can say what goes on in that room, only God and very, very few disciples know what goes on
Ariel, i advise you in the name of Jesus Christ that spend time to fast and pray and ask the Holy Spirit about who TB Joshua is whether he is of God or of the devil and repent from your blasphemy. You blasphemers always say one thing: "NOBODY KNOWS WHERE HE CAME FROM OR HOW HE BEGUN". Since when did Jesus Christ say that to determine who a man of God is, you have to know where he is coming from? you have to know who his so-called spiritual father is, you have to know who laid hands on him and anointed him? I personally do not know anything about you. So does that make you fake? have you gone to him to ask him how he became a servant of God? Jesus made it clear on who a true Christian and for that matter a man of God should be. 1. a person who bears the fruits of the Holy Spirit which is the seal of God by which believers are identified. 2. Have to be convicted by the Holy Spirit about a person or a situation and not judge things by our own understanding or what people say. my question to you. 1. Did Prophet TB Joshua bear all the 9 fruits of the holy Spirit when he was on earth by your personal assessment of him and not based on what people said? 2. Did the Holy Spirit spoke to you personally as a servant of God that Prophet TB Joshua was of the devil? Non of you blasphemers has ever boldly said in fact not what i have head of saying the Holy Spirit told me T B Joshua is of the devil. So if you cannot say the Holy Spirit told you Prophet T B Joshua is of the devil then by what authority do you teach your members that this man, Prophet TB Joshua, a Holy man of God, is of the devil? As a man of God that you claim to be, you supposed to say nothing either great or small without hearing from God through the Holy Spirit. You don't say things because other popular people are saying it, hear from God. The Prophet Elijah did not know anything about the 7,000 prophets God kept in secret. The disciples of Jesus had no idea that the people who were not part of them but were using Jesus's name to heal the sick were indeed for Jesus. Paul said he did not confer with flesh and blood when God called and sent him to preach his Word. You don't rely on popular views and ideas to do the work of God and mislead your followers. Rely solely on the word of God and the instructions and directions of the Holy Spirit as your source of message please.
You said TB Joshua was not a man of God bla bla bla..How wrong you are. Do you know how many peoples lives were changed?. Deliverances, healings, humanitarian works etc. I especially owe part of my intense walk with God to TB joshua teachings, who inspired me to always put God first before I do anything ask the holy spirit.
Well said. Jealousy and a focus on self glorification rather than the concern of defending the gospel and keeping the spiritual bonds of the body of Christ.
Nigerian pastors why can't you unite. It's sad to see man of God againsting another pastor using not Satan's name but God's name to cast out devil's, heal the sick, perform miracles..
Awhhhh!!! Talk we all can do that sir with hoarse voices. We don't see the power of Jesus Christ but struggles. You are begging for testimonies yet the man you call occultic didn't do that. Just sing... because that's what Prophet TB Joshua didn't do.
Pastor Chingtok, I am rather disappointed as one who is blessed by your worship. You seem very categorical that TB Joshua was not a servant of Christ. If the Lord has not categorically told you that he was not His, why speak? Inquire of the Lord for a definite answer before taking a position because you will one day stand before the Lord and give an account for your words.
TB JOSHUA operates at a much more Higher Spiritual Level than the "pastor "is able to understand . So pity this pastor and STOP every association with him and his ministry. He is bringing wrath on himself and those who hear him by raising his tongue against God's Holy and ANOINTED servant Prophet TB JOSHUA 😮😮😮
In John 14:12 The Lord Jesus Christ said that anyone who believes in Him will do the same miracles that He did and even greater. Read your Bible!!! TB Joshua is imitating exactly what Christ said in that verse. In Mark 9:39, The Lord Jesus Christ said that no one does miracles in His name can speak evil of Him. In verse 40, He said that anyone that is not against Him is of Him. Where are you getting your facts to prove your evil claim against TB Joshua? In 1john 4:2, The Bible stated how to know if any man is of God and TB Joshua passed that scriptural test(criterion) successfully. It says and I quote; "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God" Do you have any verse to prove your frivolous claims against a man who passed Bible test? From Rev12:10 satan is the accuser of the brethren. When people accuse any child of God, they're working for the devil indirectly or directly. Whose servant are you?
The audience is quiet probably because more than half of them are TB Joshua fans, and know that he's a true man of God. I sense jealousy and some self-righteousness or just total lack of discernment that he'll so easily believe fraudulent paid liars and BBC! 🤦 Sad!
😂 sir... we don't do "fan" arround here... we listen with our heart cos we have the spirit of GOD. If in all he said you only sence jealousy, sommething is wrong with the spirit with you. No wonder you are thinking "fan"
NO. What he means is that TB Joshua is FAKE but the BBC attack is not against TB Joshua but against the CHURCH. And the Agenda is to discredit the Church as a whole.
Not true. He emphasized the need to call blasphemy out by its name but to be mindful that you do not strengthen the hand of the enemy by casting aspersions inspired by the enemy who instigated the deception firsthand. So, probe all churches and teachings through the scripture, not by exposure conducted by BBC who are wolves in sheep's clothing
I have alot to say but let me summarise it this way.....When a wolf 🐺 is talking, the Elect who God has blessed with discernment can't be deceived, it will get to all the pretend pastor's turn, wait for it The wolves in sheep's clothing are jittery, talk is cheap these days, don't believe anyone with Jesus on their lips,examine their doctrine against biblical doctrine, watch their fruits and not miracles signs or wonders, test all spirits and enquire of everyone claiming to be of God from the holy spirit, remembering we're in the last days of great deceptions, even the very ELECT SHALL BE DECEIVED IF POSSIBLE, Shalom brethren!
You are self contradicting , on one hand TB Joshua is not part of church, on the other hand BCC is attacking the Church, what nonsense!!!! God is not the author of confusion. Preach, don't command members , do not bring down TB JOSHUA in order to lift yourself.
Okay fine, you that is from God, what have you done for God? TB Joshua that is not of God , changed lives changed nations and changed the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you think Prophet TB JOSHUA was not A true servant of God, your spiritual eyes are not enlightened or even blinded-- so much so You should NOT be preaching to ANYONE.😮😮😮
On what biblical proves are people saying that TB Joshua is not false? Pls let's read our Bible with discernment, singliness of heart and light, not using our emotions...
For every lying tongue speaking against God's prophet there are another one thousand other living witnesses of God's power to heal, deliver and bless that speak for him. Jesus, Paul and TB Joshua I know but who are you?
I sense fear, you know now the aim is not Saint TB Joshua, Sir relax its coming to you as well just pray that you will have people who will stand for the God in you. How do you guys listen to a person who is all about him, its Me Me Me and More Me service🤣😂
But, the sorcerers mentioned, in the bible did not stop the gospel. Please, lets show our love for Jesus. Jesus Himself stood against the liars of the day. We are cities built on the hill, Jesus said, that cant be hidden so, its not any satan doing anything, its false men among us so, why cover it, when the bible did not cover it. Exposing/talking about them is part of the message.
As a little child in Primary 4 in 1997 when I saw TB Joshua's miracle videos on OGTV I must confess, I was irritated, I didn't like him . In the early 2000s a young man who had stayed with in TB Joshua's church for sometime and left told me the man was nice, he never said anything negative about him. As a growing Christian between 2009 and 2011 based on the information I got I joined the bandwagon and assumed he was fake and I asked God for mercy. Like Apostle Paul said, wether the gospel is preached out of self serving purpose or God serving purpose, the most important thing is that it is preached. Either he was fake or original the most important thing is that he makes heaven. A fake pastor can make heaven if he repents even at the last minute. An original pastor can make hell if he has a spot of unrighteousness. Jesus told his disciples not to rejoice in the miracles they perform but to rejoice that their names are in the book of life. Let's stop tearing the body of Christ apart with all these arguments. Person don die don go where him belong (which no one knows) yet human being still dey use him name gather traction for internet. In fact I'm beginning to feel God specifically raised TBJ up to be a rock of offense and bone of contention to many people
Thanks you sir... It's my prayers that grace and truth of God continue to abound in your life and ministry❤
l Stand with Prophet TB Joshua...
You need deliverance
Thank you sir, I am from Freetown I have never know you but this instrument on how to attend to this issue goes for me. I honor this wisdom thank you.
The sad thing about Christians of today is that they don't search the Scriptures themselves to confirm whether what preachers like these ones are saying is of the Holy Spirit or is their stomach.
At SCOAN, they don't allow visitors to come there and start any kind of fasting because they don't want you to come there and start any kind of fasting which is not instructed by the church. They don't want any medical problem from any visitor for coming to SCOAN and not eat. if you want to fast, fast at where you are coming from and when done, come. If you go somewhere and they do something which you don't understand, ASK so you don't become a blasphemer.
I personally don't need a papa or man of God to tell me who is real or not but the spirit of God, I can safely attest and testify that Prophet TB Joshua was and is a true Prophet of God.
You lied? Bro
TB Joshua's level of connection with holy spirit is an envy to many pastors.
I wonder who is pastoring the lot of you.
Holy spirit@@gbemilekearigbede
@@charlesmuwunga7174 Oh no. A student of the school of the spirit would not make a statement like the one you made earlier.
Again, I wonder who's pastoring you. Worst still is if you are pastoring people at this time.
I thank God for the great works of healing. salvation.. deliverance and blessings wrought through him Prophet tb Joshua during his life time on earth.
God bless you, Pastor. This is what the spirit told me.
Those days when i was in Nigeria we were among those who hated tb joshua with passion .... Our neighbour then was so sick without any medical diagnosis had to run to synagogue and was totally healed then i became sceptic yet hated tb joshua....years latter i came to europe attended a church service and one of the pastor spoke about tb joshua as a man of God been persecuted by fellow pastors then i decided to do my investigation .....through his sermon i became a better chritian , BBC just started they are comming for all the pastors i only cry for young souls and the faith of young christians ....the fact that people spoke about him does not make it right,my ex spoke alot of evil against me how i sleep around with white men but i left everything to God
And one of the accusers said the miracles were staged. People are believing the lies
2 Thessalonians 2:9: When the enemy of God appears, he will be doing Satan's work. Satan will give him the power to do great things and miracles that are false.
@@TheOnlyWayYeshuaso Satan, head, cast out demons and love. Clap for yourself
@@Highlyfavoured7187well said!
All these religious self-righteous jealous "ministers" / "pastor" need to show me a false prophet or witch doctor that casts out demons on TV in Jesus name, lives in his Church, hated and accused by pastors around the world, and never defended himself or fought back, but kept on preaching Jesus till his last day on earth.
BBC did him a HUGE favor though, this attack WILL actually vindicate him finally!
Jay Israel and Wiseman Harry's responses exposed all those paid accusers! They're total frauds!
you know not what deception is.@@Highlyfavoured7187
So true. You have given me words to describe my personal situation
The commendation on his wife and the reply he got is beautiful...
Thank you for the explicit expression on the subject matter Pastor Chi.
lol. She is definitely playing a key role. i love love them
You are a True man of God filled with wisdom.
You are spiritually blind of he can't see tlTB JOSHUA is God's own Holy and ANOINTED Vessel of honor. The things TB JOSHUA speaks and does are not for those whose spiritual understanding are not mature enough to understand. TB JOSHUA operates on high spiritual plans and is highly ANOINTED and EMPOWERED by the King of Heaven. Bless his Soul 😮😮😮
@@christieprince6991 💯% 🎯
thank you Daddy for those words of wisdom
Thank You Abba Father and Glory to You, Lord Jesus. Thank You for teaching your children. This is what The Lord commanded me when I came across one of these scandals; to pray for everyone working for God in the field. And not to accuse even in my thoughts. I repented of everything I had done till then. And since that moment, The Lord graciously prevents me from failing. He is good. :-)
We need to pray for the global church. God is doing an audit. It is His Church. So let's pray every day for the ministers and priests of Christ all over the world. God bless you all.
Prophet tb Joshua is the greatest man of God ever leaves. I am a leaving testimony.
That warlock and rapist?
Any pastor or what ever they called them self who does not believe pr tb Joshua is sent by God he him self is not of God. I know pr tb Joshua by asking God not man.
He was humble and meek than most of these proud ministers
He is the greatest.
a4702 all his critics cannot even do a quarter of what he did
All they know is talk without results. TB Joshua went to Mexico, Israel, Phillipines etc in large stadiums with hundreds of thousand proving himself. If they claim they have genuine power of God let them do more than TB Joshua since God is powerful than Satan. And you know what they can't do it. All they know is talking on social media whilst people are dying of cancers etc.
I’ve seen so much genuineness to discern what is fake… I’m convinced in my spirit that Ps. Chingtok and many others are genuine just as Prophet TB. Joshua and his ministry is!!! Even so, let God be true and man false.
Haba, how can you pack this genuine man of God in the same basket as TB Joshua? How???
You didn’t listen at all😂
Doesn't this show confusion. You believe both are genuine but one of them that you believe is speaking in the contrary against the other.
Thank You for this Pastor Chingtok
Thank you for this
Thank you Pastor Chingtonk.
thank you sir!!!
Nothing can be faked if the real does not exist...true words
Where is the true? Cause I have not seen miracles like of TB Joshua anywhere. People with leaking leg ulcers with ozooing pus, cancered people with distorted faces being restored etc. All others what they know is criticism and talking
The masses are saying T. B. Joshua is fake. And yet, in his fakeness, he imparted our lives far more than they could and made this world a better place. How ironic.
Yes, if the so-called men of God were of God they would have done better than the so-called person Satan has sent. Let's wait till we see Jesus Christ. See how he forces his people to delete or make their decisions, if one called that witchcraft, how would he be able to prove himself. All these so-called men of God are far below in the knowledge of God. Babes, they don't know what is obtainable in the kingdom. Never able to come into the knowledge of truth, holier than thou nature. Ask them if Jesus needed to go and check the other man who was doing miracles in Jesus name. God forgive all of you. Tinubu became the president, explain that, how did your soul miss out on that? If you understand the prophetic you will know how that happened, and we know that God who revealed a thing to you also knew that Tinubu was going to be president. God was teaching you all a lesson because of your pride. It would be justifiable in mere sight to call you a false prophet due to your "false prophecy" but we know more than that because we walk with the Lord and see with the Lord. God bless you and cause you to grow in grace. Judge of another man's servant.
It is occultic not impacting more in your society. But do u know the pain others bear for the good they do to others.
God bless you Meshael❤
@@joycekorede874please explain how he's occultic??
If Jesus were on earth in person today and He used spit and sand they'll say He's using juju/witchcraft.
And what occultist ever preached Jesus Christ openly on video weekly all over the world. Please share the link/videos, I'd like to watch.
What occultist cast out demons in Jesus name??
You sound like the religious folks in Jesus day who accused Him of getting His power from Belzeebub. Matthew 12:22-32 - read and see Jesus' response to them.
This pastor and you may have a religious spirit. Please ask God for understanding when it comes to things you don't understand.
This stand is same view I shared when I talk about it because the body of Christ is raising a generation that do not know their God as much as they do their man of God. They proclaim doctrines not based on the word but other men’s revelations. May God help us
Tb Joshua was true man of God
Jesus saved my soul from eternal doom
Thank you Jesus
I love pastor Chingtok
Thank u sir,u are a man of Love...
The church 😭 by what spirit are these pastors speaking? It really breaks my heart to see the level of spiritual pride among many pastors in Nigeria. Prophet TB Joshua, let's leave it all for God. Rest well God's General. Our lives and understanding of our relationship with God has changed since we encountered Emmanuel tv and SCOAN. IT IS WELL
Lord have Mercy on Nigerian Pastors... Am still wondering which Spirit are these Pastor's operate😭😭😭
It baffles me. How does a man come up with so much pride and talk about another man of God? It is sad.
Forget that thing jarred, allow people that can see clearly talk, I'm a Christian ,that loved TB Joshua, but ajoke looks more like him, so many said by BBC looks to good to be a lie
Thank you Holy Spirit. He has made me quiet on the issue.
Thank You Sir! 💯💯💯
True man of God Almighty
We pray for your true salvation pastor
The church need to teach about the end times and encourage poeple to read the Bible
Say this louder....we should read the Bible and seek God earnestly, He is the only One with answers...
They should have left the Omi Iye song at the beginning, such an powerful song.
The comment section is just filled with people that this scripture speaks about:
1 Timothy 4:1: God's Spirit clearly says that in the last days many people will turn from their faith. They will be fooled by evil spirits and by teachings that come from demons.
Lets ask for discernment, be humble and be broken before him so that we can arrive in his presence blameless before him.
With due respect sir there is pride in you
True , I think he is task with his comment he made years ago, he can't change Now.
That is why the bible says, be quick to listen slow to answer.
Pray for this Pastor to be DELIVERED from being deceived
No wonder he is not as big as TBJ
@@akotheffie8087 🤣🤣
@@akotheffie8087a true believer cant say what you have said but sure.... Was Thomas greater than mathew or Nathaniel greater than James? He that is first shall become the last and the last shall be the first...take heed
I will come back to this topic, I just need to have deep reflection.
Slippery grounds!
If you know the cost of war; you’ll pay the price for peace.
This is a sound perspective. God bless P.C.I
No disrespect sir, but am afraid to say if it takes listening to a message to understand what is going on, then you are ignorant of the times.
@ariel media channel please the full message
Thank you sire!
We can know who is genuine man of God by bible and our spirit of God, TB Joshua is the great man of our time. Actually missing him is like world is full of darkness!
But BBC stand where you stand from the beginning,
I hear you sir
Please, I keep asking... Why does darkness shines so brightly than light?
Most calls TB Joshua fake and yet we see less of Jesus made manifest through them.
Has miracles and signs the things of the past?
Now you defend the church? It was pastor like you who opened the door for the devil to attack the church because you first attacked. You broke the hedge. What people don’t understand they criticize. I wonder what scriptures in the Bible convinced you that the man was fake. I hope for your sakes that the man was truly fake. Because if he did those acts by the power of the Holy Spirit then you’ve just blasphemed against the Holy Spirit of God. That, Jesus said, is unforgivable.
See hatred for another MOG, TB Joshua in life and death you can never beat his record!! Never! Pharisee Man! In death yet TB Joshua is still causing men to tremble Glory to Jesus! Jesus was persecuted exactly like TBJ
Some Nigeria Pastors are now Deputy Jesus. They know who will enter heaven and who will not and also they are the ones to enlist those who will enter heaven 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Thank you sir for this enlightenment.
Nothing can be faked if there is no original: true words
But then the church must improve in teaching discipleship and just faith
You that is real prove yourself to do more...
Anyone in 2024 who still believes that prophet tb Joshua was a false prophet, needs deliverance.
I don't believe he was a man of God neither do I need deliverance, am a sinner saved by God's grace and I wish people would fight for Jesus the way they are fighting for that prophet.
@@Nikkichogoyes you need deliverance
Ur the one who needs deliverance. Than man is burning in hell now
@@Nikkichogo you are right my dear. He bewitched all of them
you need to get saved! you defend that demon joshua? you are delusional.
One thing I agree with about this take is that rhe documentary is not working the will of God. People should not be quick to celebrate any revelations in the documentary
I urge all believers to pray for those pastors and their members so that God will forgive them and open their eyes of faith to know the truth.
Please read the scripture below.
I pray that as you read it God will give you greater understanding of His heart
Pure Wisdow.....
We can not keep quiet when you use Belzebub in the name of Christ....." to him that knoweth what to do and doeth not, to him it is sin.....
If TB Joshua really did all these things these disciples who practically lived with him confessed he did, may what they went through in his hands be done 10 folds to everyone defending him, and to their daughters most especially, let them have a foretaste of what it means to be abused by a "MAN OF GOD"
But if these disciples just out of the blues decided to makeup and maintain same confession they've been saying for over 15, some 20 years now, may what they've said TB did to them become a foundational reality, not just for only them, but for their unborn generation to come..
I think that's the right prayer now.. Let God handle the rest by REWARD!
People are just talking about the opened life of TB, nobody is contesting that, a prophet, a good Pastor, a miracle worker etc? The documentary opened up his secret life, those witnesses are people living with him, having direct contact with him at night. Anyone that can say what they like in defense but then the documentary revealed his secret life, what he did in the dark, in secret and in the corner. People who are beneficiaries of his arms and charity have never even spent a day with him in his bedroom 🙄🙄☹️
You are deceived. TB JOSHUA did none of the things he is accused of. Don't forget it is now revealed that the BBC paid Huge amount of money to those who spoke evil against TB JOSHUA --to bribe them . Don't forget ,BBC is renowned all over the world as the top channel dedicated to the Destruction of ISRAEL and the Church. They hate Christians with bitter Hatred n that is well documented about BBC. Don't forget the biological mother of the girl who claimed TB JOSHUA was her biological father had been revealed! There are still eye witnesses of people who are alive when the girl was rescued from the trash can and thrown away by her biological parents outside SCOAN. TB JOSHUA Accepted her when she was rescued by security of the church and TB JOSHUA paid heavily to put her through school as a Thrown away child! din6t forget TB JOSHUA was once arrested and falsely accused of dealing in drugs and put in prison for 14 Days but later on Nigerian authorities write him a letter begging him for Forgiveness-- because TB JOSHUA was innocent and they acted & arrested him based entirely on false reports and false accusations. Don't forget Judas Iscariot was one of the Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ and Betrayed Lord Jesus Christ.
Don't forget when Apostle Paul was arrested and being prosecuted to be sentenced to death,Jews brought and paid False witnesses to Fabricate stories and false accusations against Paul which he never did those things but they accused him in order to find him guilty and to condemn Apostle Paul to Death. TB JOSHUA is as PURE as Show! And he did nothing Wrong
Go and listen to the Video of Jay Isreal on the BBC documentary -- He knows one of the accusers personally -- he knows the accuser of TB JOSHUA and reveals why she Hatred TB JOSHUA bitterly was because she is a drug addict who came to join the Disciples in SCOAN -- not be saved but in order to seduce . But she was not successful and failed in her mission and left SCOAN very bitter and angry and vowing to destroy the ministry. Because she was able to successfully seduce people in other places elsewhere but failed in her mission against PROPHET TB JOSHUA --when she came to Joshua. Don't be deceived by those Daughters of Perdition who are condemned before God Almighty as evil Blasphemers 😮😮😮
But if TB Joshua didn't do what these people said he did, may God forgive you for you know not what you're doing. One day you'll die and Jesus will wipe the tears of your pain away for reducing the power of God to the works of the devil. You will be ashamed of yourself on that day but God will have mercy on you
@@abraham9596 that's y am saying that God is exposing people hearts u are hearing the evil words that is talking to other believers your brother's
As for me if he is guilty he is a man and it's sad that he died without confessing but if he was a true man of God then God have mercy on u and everything on who calls the power of the holy spirit devil's power because the holy spirit that's one sin he hates I love that apostle Selman hasn't said anything about the issue some times it's good to be quiet 🤐
Did you watch the video at all????
Time will tell
One thing no one lie about being abused/ rape. If we are honest let's pray for to God handle this.
Creating a full sermon to criticize a Man who is dead. Shame.
The number of minions TB Joshua had is the real alarm... How gullible can people be?
Very gullible
Cry louder 😂😂😂you will cry until you will leave earth. TB Joshua will still be seen through sons around the world and there is nothing you can do about it. You better sit and relax and mind your business
So you have members! What I know is Christ is the tree and we are the branches.
I wish i could send him a personal message. I thought you are more matured than this. How are we sure you are a man if God. TBJ thank you for being a great blessing to the world.
May the lord grant the body understanding. Satan uses very intelligent devices, this message is so profound and full of insight. The documentary on a false prophet is Satan's weapon to taint the true church on a global scale. He that has ears let him hear.
You can even tell that this man is speaking out of the flesh, and not out of the Spirit of God.
TB Joshua, a true prophet of God.
If TBjoshua is not a Man of God, how do i know you are?
If you have the Holy Spirit you will know.
TB Joshua was not an occultist. He was a real man of God
Yup, these pastors are jealous of him - that they can not have the impact he had on the world, so they'd rather join BBC in defaming him, instead of defend him.
You are right
It’s cause you don’t know that’s why, people glamorize what they see and not what they can’t see. I lived in Ikotun for years as a teenager, and we know the truth!
@jesseabuka4849 please, share your truth with us.
Listen Tb joshua may be Jesus Christ but once he goes into his room and shuts the door, nobody can say what goes on in that room, only God and very, very few disciples know what goes on
Arrogance! Prophet Tb Jushua was much more than anyone of you can ever be in your next generation. May your soul keep resting in the Lord, Man of Love
That it is popular does not make it right.
@paulabucoomber1111 Mr right man show us your good works
@@paulabucoomber1111 So could you pls tell us what is right sir?😏🙄
@@paulabucoomber1111 lts ok to listen to clouts chasing but more ok to do your findings, I am a witness 🤞
Show us ur work of faith sir and ur impact on the less privilege irrespective of religious affiliations. What is ur example of character as of Christ
You are right Sir, TB is fake but we have many that original.
Talk more about the original than the fake.
So the hankachif didn't work meracle?
Ariel, i advise you in the name of Jesus Christ that spend time to fast and pray and ask the Holy Spirit about who TB Joshua is whether he is of God or of the devil and repent from your blasphemy.
You blasphemers always say one thing: "NOBODY KNOWS WHERE HE CAME FROM OR HOW HE BEGUN". Since when did Jesus Christ say that to determine who a man of God is, you have to know where he is coming from?
you have to know who his so-called spiritual father is, you have to know who laid hands on him and anointed him? I personally do not know anything about you. So does that make you fake? have you gone to him to ask him how he became a servant of God?
Jesus made it clear on who a true Christian and for that matter a man of God should be. 1. a person who bears the fruits of the Holy Spirit which is the seal of God by which believers are identified. 2. Have to be convicted by the Holy Spirit about a person or a situation and not judge things by our own understanding or what people say.
my question to you. 1. Did Prophet TB Joshua bear all the 9 fruits of the holy Spirit when he was on earth by your personal assessment of him and not based on what people said? 2. Did the Holy Spirit spoke to you personally as a servant of God that Prophet TB Joshua was of the devil?
Non of you blasphemers has ever boldly said in fact not what i have head of saying the Holy Spirit told me T B Joshua is of the devil.
So if you cannot say the Holy Spirit told you Prophet T B Joshua is of the devil then by what authority do you teach your members that this man, Prophet TB Joshua, a Holy man of God, is of the devil?
As a man of God that you claim to be, you supposed to say nothing either great or small without hearing from God through the Holy Spirit.
You don't say things because other popular people are saying it, hear from God.
The Prophet Elijah did not know anything about the 7,000 prophets God kept in secret. The disciples of Jesus had no idea that the people who were not part of them but were using Jesus's name to heal the sick were indeed for Jesus.
Paul said he did not confer with flesh and blood when God called and sent him to preach his Word.
You don't rely on popular views and ideas to do the work of God and mislead your followers. Rely solely on the word of God and the instructions and directions of the Holy Spirit as your source of message please.
You said TB Joshua was not a man of God bla bla bla..How wrong you are. Do you know how many peoples lives were changed?. Deliverances, healings, humanitarian works etc. I especially owe part of my intense walk with God to TB joshua teachings, who inspired me to always put God first before I do anything ask the holy spirit.
Well said. Jealousy and a focus on self glorification rather than the concern of defending the gospel and keeping the spiritual bonds of the body of Christ.
"I need my members to not comment on the issue"= "I am an insecure and controlling leader" RUN!
Jesus and satan who is more powerful,,,if the devil could use someone more powerful than those claiming to be genuine then there God is powerless
Pastor Ishaku too??!?!?!?!?? Oga o! I must read my bible for myself o. So this pastor is talking
Like this.
Nigerian pastors why can't you unite. It's sad to see man of God againsting another pastor using not Satan's name but God's name to cast out devil's, heal the sick, perform miracles..
With all due respect sir your introduction to this issue is really not fair on his name but it's fine
Pastor Be careful --You are not worthy to lose the shoes of God's Holy ANOINTED Servant Prophet TB JOSHUA 😮😮😮
Awhhhh!!! Talk we all can do that sir with hoarse voices. We don't see the power of Jesus Christ but struggles. You are begging for testimonies yet the man you call occultic didn't do that. Just sing... because that's what Prophet TB Joshua didn't do.
Love not your enemy, you say?
If he didn't affect your life Pastor keep quiet and continue preaching Jesus christ.
Pastor Chingtok, I am rather disappointed as one who is blessed by your worship. You seem very categorical that TB Joshua was not a servant of Christ. If the Lord has not categorically told you that he was not His, why speak? Inquire of the Lord for a definite answer before taking a position because you will one day stand before the Lord and give an account for your words.
TB JOSHUA operates at a much more Higher Spiritual Level than the "pastor "is able to understand . So pity this pastor and STOP every association with him and his ministry. He is bringing wrath on himself and those who hear him by raising his tongue against God's Holy and ANOINTED servant Prophet TB JOSHUA 😮😮😮
If he is real or fake is another bore game but this man sermon is full of flesh. I rest my case
In John 14:12 The Lord Jesus Christ said that anyone who believes in Him will do the same miracles that He did and even greater. Read your Bible!!!
TB Joshua is imitating exactly what Christ said in that verse.
In Mark 9:39, The Lord Jesus Christ said that no one does miracles in His name can speak evil of Him.
In verse 40, He said that anyone that is not against Him is of Him.
Where are you getting your facts to prove your evil claim against TB Joshua?
In 1john 4:2, The Bible stated how to know if any man is of God and TB Joshua passed that scriptural test(criterion) successfully. It says and I quote;
"This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God" Do you have any verse to prove your frivolous claims against a man who passed Bible test?
From Rev12:10 satan is the accuser of the brethren. When people accuse any child of God, they're working for the devil indirectly or directly.
Whose servant are you?
I agree with you
Shame you need deliverance, TBJ is a Great man of God, His legacy leave on, feel sorry for your followers.
Y'all should go and read Matthew 7:21
Jealous people like pastors who only have a church for collecting money .false .......
The audience is quiet probably because more than half of them are TB Joshua fans, and know that he's a true man of God.
I sense jealousy and some self-righteousness or just total lack of discernment that he'll so easily believe fraudulent paid liars and BBC! 🤦 Sad!
😂 sir... we don't do "fan" arround here... we listen with our heart cos we have the spirit of GOD.
If in all he said you only sence jealousy, sommething is wrong with the spirit with you. No wonder you are thinking "fan"
Please you obviously arent a genuine believer , fans ke in the kingdom😩 abeg oo. We follow Christ, he is the only pattern
What he directly means is that TB Joshua was fake but we shouldn't talk about it because it will affect the faiths of baby christians.
NO. What he means is that TB Joshua is FAKE but the BBC attack is not against TB Joshua but against the CHURCH. And the Agenda is to discredit the Church as a whole.
TB Joshua is not fake!
I pray we all make heaven 🙏🏻
Mark my words! You'll then know that what I'm saying right now is the truth.
@@yah763 Please...I said you get proof apart from 10 people speaking from a script? You were there?
Not true. He emphasized the need to call blasphemy out by its name but to be mindful that you do not strengthen the hand of the enemy by casting aspersions inspired by the enemy who instigated the deception firsthand.
So, probe all churches and teachings through the scripture, not by exposure conducted by BBC who are wolves in sheep's clothing
I have alot to say but let me summarise it this way.....When a wolf 🐺 is talking, the Elect who God has blessed with discernment can't be deceived, it will get to all the pretend pastor's turn, wait for it
The wolves in sheep's clothing are jittery, talk is cheap these days, don't believe anyone with Jesus on their lips,examine their doctrine against biblical doctrine, watch their fruits and not miracles signs or wonders, test all spirits and enquire of everyone claiming to be of God from the holy spirit, remembering we're in the last days of great deceptions, even the very ELECT SHALL BE DECEIVED IF POSSIBLE, Shalom brethren!
No wonder we don't know you...
You are self contradicting , on one hand TB Joshua is not part of church, on the other hand BCC is attacking the Church, what nonsense!!!! God is not the author of confusion.
Preach, don't command members , do not bring down TB JOSHUA in order to lift yourself.
@@prophetgiftshongwe86Well said
I know him. I also know that TB Joshua was not from God.
Okay fine, you that is from God, what have you done for God? TB Joshua that is not of God , changed lives changed nations and changed the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
If you think Prophet TB JOSHUA was not A true servant of God, your spiritual eyes are not enlightened or even blinded-- so much so You should NOT be preaching to ANYONE.😮😮😮
On what biblical proves are people saying that TB Joshua is not false? Pls let's read our Bible with discernment, singliness of heart and light, not using our emotions...
I'm not there members but I believe his grace was from God,
For every lying tongue speaking against God's prophet there are another one thousand other living witnesses of God's power to heal, deliver and bless that speak for him.
Jesus, Paul and TB Joshua I know but who are you?
I sense fear, you know now the aim is not Saint TB Joshua, Sir relax its coming to you as well just pray that you will have people who will stand for the God in you. How do you guys listen to a person who is all about him, its Me Me Me and More Me service🤣😂
But, the sorcerers mentioned, in the bible did not stop the gospel. Please, lets show our love for Jesus. Jesus Himself stood against the liars of the day. We are cities built on the hill, Jesus said, that cant be hidden so, its not any satan doing anything, its false men among us so, why cover it, when the bible did not cover it. Exposing/talking about them is part of the message.
Freedom of speech being curtailed?
As a little child in Primary 4 in 1997 when I saw TB Joshua's miracle videos on OGTV I must confess, I was irritated, I didn't like him . In the early 2000s a young man who had stayed with in TB Joshua's church for sometime and left told me the man was nice, he never said anything negative about him. As a growing Christian between 2009 and 2011 based on the information I got I joined the bandwagon and assumed he was fake and I asked God for mercy. Like
Apostle Paul said, wether the gospel is preached out of self serving purpose or God serving purpose, the most important thing is that it is preached.
Either he was fake or original the most important thing is that he makes heaven. A fake pastor can make heaven if he repents even at the last minute. An original pastor can make hell if he has a spot of unrighteousness. Jesus told his disciples not to rejoice in the miracles they perform but to rejoice that their names are in the book of life. Let's stop tearing the body of Christ apart with all these arguments.
Person don die don go where him belong (which no one knows) yet human being still dey use him name gather traction for internet.
In fact I'm beginning to feel God specifically raised TBJ up to be a rock of offense and bone of contention to many people
Profound!! ❤
Pastor it's not everything you are supposed to comment on. Leave it for God
Better than to express his two tongues like a snake.