Clearly he has some sort of developmental issue… Being on disability doesn’t mean you can’t do anything… My son is epileptic, ADHD, and ODD… The doctors signed him up for disability but he is very smart and can do A LOT… This is not a case of abusing the government
Typically, if a person has a payee, that means they are judged mentally unfit to manage their own financial affairs. The plaintive may not only have a back problem, but also some mental deficiencies.
My theory is: People who don’t understand that these families normally work minimum wage therefore they need supplemental assistance. It may look fraudulent but i don’t judge some folks who have to scratch the system to live a bit better. But I guarantee the cycle of his upbringing was no dad, his mom probably didn’t grow up with no dad too because she comes from the crack epidemic years… his grandmother comes from discriminatory age where she may had to work seven time harder at minimum wage at the time of $2.30 in the late 70’s with lack of child care support… like it is so much bigger then this… you can tell he is a homebody possibly left alone all the time in the house because based on his demeanor and lack of entitlement anger, especially because he has no motivation to help himself. But to those that say fraud… I agree there’s fraud… and I would suggest to start looking at white collar fraud before judging people like these… because I know for a fact that you the complainer has been fooled by corporations… but go ahead… kick the poverty in the 🍑 (I am copying and pasting this to a bunch of comments). Lastly, I have worked since the age of 16, pay my taxes and live a great life without government assistance, just like my mom and dad! But I don’t judge these class of people at all unless I see malice.
I wish the plaintiff had someone to help advocate on his behalf, as he clearly had a disability /maybe development issues , but struggled to articulate his case well 😔
if u work on SSI they will cut your check depending how much u make a month to 1 Dollar and keep you on it if you ever can no0t work or keep making the same amount of money I am sure that what SSI has bin doing with him I know I am on SSI Disability
@@2bstiff584, there's still an amount you can make before that happens. I know this as a former hiring manager that used to work with the folks who couldn't get more than a certain amount of hours. Those people aren't worth hiring generally, just because it costs money to onboard a useless individual, but that doesn't mean there's nothing they can do. Call center work from home is a growing field, and would be perfect for someone with alleged back issues
@@2bstiff584 well one would think his uncle would mention that for sure right? and also the lady crying even when shes winning and said nothing,, maybe jj was going to the point instead of going further into this mess,,,
Before I even watched this video, I knew JJ would ask him about the disability ... I get the impression that he doesn't really want to be here. Maybe his family pressured him? Who knows
Being disabled doesn’t stop you from doing sport activities or making music. Look up disabled people with these talents for example: people born without arms can take care of themselves with their feet or playing music with their feet. Blind artists can draw their face on their canvas. They can do anything with or without disabilities.
Sounds like his mom used the money til he was of age and now he has to have another payee. He doesn't seem bright so wonder if there's something else underlying or he was raised to be a bum. I have a feeling the defendant lost money in this deal and to be sued helping someone. If JJ asked for proof I doubt that woman kept his 5 months of social security.
I agree. But, I wonder if there is more to this story behind the scenes of his life. If there is more to his disability that he may not fully understand just because his mom had him on it for so long. I wonder if he tried sports and the reason he couldn’t do it long was because he started hurting and the music is something that someone can do that is disabled. How much money is he himself really making? I am very curious about his family because he does come across as a honest guy. But, who knows. I only saw about 5 minutes of him. Lol
Poor guy didn't have the chance to present his case in a proper manner. It is so obvious he has some difficulties to even know why he is on disability.
He may also have a mental/emotional disorder .I know someone who gets a similar check for schizophrenia with a payee also yet when asked just like this young man he says it is for a back problem. Maybe he didn't want to blast his real problem to the world on t.v. jmo
yes. In 2025, substantial gainful activity is 1620 usd. To eligable for ssdi, you have to be unable to perform substantial gainful activity and have a condition in the blue book of impairments that will last 12 months or result in death prior to then. Music producers on soundcloud usually dont make very much, just fractions of a penny per stream. He may not be committing fraud, but the lady who housed him is entitled to her money, and did go without for some time. People only get payees when they cannot manage themselves, which is indicative of some sort of mental impairment. Part time work is allowed with ssi and ssdi, and is even encouraged as benefits are not very high.
I think his disability is more extensive than what he is saying. If he is appointed a payee, it means he doesn't have the capabilities of handling his own affairs.
Don’t be mean to the plaintiff. He’s just an unfortunate consequence of bad upbringing. He may be 22 but it’s clear his mind is a lot closer to 15 and he doesn’t understand how he got to the position he’s in. And from his answers it’s clear he doesn’t even really understand why he’s getting money, he just knows his mom says he had a bad back. This is far more sad than it is despicable.
@@charleneblack2792 I honestly think he doesn’t have a real sense of what “normal” is. Do you honestly think that this person grew up in the same TYPE of household that your 8yr old did?
Hearing the plaintiff talk made me think of someone far younger. Even if he wasn’t owed the money, JJ should’ve considered that he was told the SSI was for his back when it very well may have been due to his seemingly delayed cognitive capacity. Some families find that type of thing shameful and/or may be trying to protect the recipient and themselves emotionally & financially. He may not be (fully) aware of his limitations. I’m also wondering what happened to those SSI benefits during the 1st 2 months at the defendant’s home because it doesn’t seem as though the SSA would just cut them off during his transition.
I agree. There's no way he's earning any real money from the "job" he has, either. He's not some renowned producer! It sounds more like a hobby his uncle and grandmother set up for him, to try and find something he could do and give him some independence/sense of "working" & purpose. I didn't like that she cut him off on the sports question, either. He said he played basketball, but couldn't play for very long at a time (very indicative of spinal issues). Chances are, he wasn't on the team, he was just allowed to join in practice periodically, so he felt "normal" (they did the same at my school when I was a kid, for a pupil with cerebral palsy - 5 minutes at a time didn't mean the kid was somehow cured), but her answer was "so you can play basketball?". It's not that cut and dry...
I have parents who live off their kid’s disability checks and refuse to work. One said she doesn’t know what she’ll do when the kid turns 18 in a few months. I guess a job is out of the question. 🤷♀️
Yes! That money should be put away for the kid instead of using it to support the whole family. IMO, the majority of ppl on disability could work if they wanted to. Hard work is no longer valued the way it used to be
@@marriimar6562 I've worked minimum wage jobs. My Dad was a delivery driver, my Mum was a cleaner and my brother a lay about who brought nothing into the family except demanding new games consoles that my Dad had to buy on credit. I still remember being evicted because of Dad not being able to afford the mortgage and us having to move to a violent estate. We fit the definition of poverty in our area. Yet now I'm married, pulling a pension, working a good job with a big company. My brother is still knee deep in poverty. What's the difference? Because I learned early to put others before myself, always be kind, always be generous, work hard, work harder still, but don't let your circumstances dictate your future. I'm not saying people can't get stuck in a poverty trap, but some people can break it if they want to. It takes blood sweat and tears, it takes a lot of unselfishness and sacrifice, but I think more people can break it if they want. All of my biggest job opportunities came from people I loved and helped along the way. I didn't let my poverty dictate to me whether I could share some food with someone or invite them into what shell of a flat I had for a cup of coffee. And in time those people remembered. Those people gave me opportunity because they could see what I was like with a little, I could be trusted with a lot. I'm very very blessed and very very lucky. I know lots of people stuck in poverty who can't get out of it who have a more generous heart than I'll ever have. That's not fair but it is what it is. However I also know people stuck in the poverty trap who keep making excuses for why they're stuck there - it's the black men, it's the white men, it's the patriarchy, it's the feminist movement, I'm not being appreciated, etc. - lots of excuses. But you don't see them trying and nor do you see them being unselfish. Those people are also stuck in the poverty trap but I'd argue that it is, perhaps, more self propagating than enforced. Maybe my view is too simplistic, I don't know but I can only call what I see.
@@JeremiahEcks777 I loved everything you said because you did something about your situation. Here’s what I’m saying… there is a population that’s been cut off in being surrounded by solutions and hope… and when any human looses hope there’s just what most people judge about… but I just stopped by to respond to you. Gotta go back to work… 😘
She has one prejudice that clouds her judgement. It is her disgust and disdain for people on disability. It alters my level of respect for her. She uses exhaustive lines of questioning to imply you are not credible if you're on disability. Tired of witnessing itm
She questions if you should even be on it. She questions how loan money, buy certain things etc if on disability . This guy works, makes money and therefore shouldn't be getting disability . Its a crime
She does this to any litigant who is receiving any public service. SSDI, housing assistance... it really seems like she takes personal offense to people getting help.
She has no business judging anyone when she works 52 days out of the year and gets $900,000 a week so this man gets pennies when she works less than most people, yet gets paid an insane amount more. I guess if your rich like her, you look down on the less fortunate.
I work in disability, and honestly just based on this video and the way this man talks and presents himself, it appears as though he MAY have some sort of mild intellectual disability.
It’s more about his responses. The short answers that agree with whatever is being said, without the awareness of the contradictions those answers create. It’s not difficult to detect. This poor fella is not the one steering his ship.
She doesn't think anyone should receive disability. There are people with all kinds of disabilities and its not that easy to get it. Yes, like everything else there are people can game the system but more people who need it don't get and most people who receive it need it. Most physicians think the process is arbitrary they don't understand why some people are turned down.
My theory is: People who don’t understand that these families normally work minimum wage therefore they need supplemental assistance. It may look fraudulent but i don’t judge some folks who have to scratch the system to live a bit better. But I guarantee the cycle of his upbringing was no dad, his mom probably didn’t grow up with no dad too because she comes from the crack epidemic years… his grandmother comes from discriminatory age where she may had to work seven time harder at minimum wage at the time of $2.30 in the late 70’s with lack of child care support… like it is so much bigger then this… you can tell he is a homebody possibly left alone all the time in the house because based on his demeanor and lack of entitlement anger, especially because he has no motivation to help himself. But to those that say fraud… I agree there’s fraud… and I would suggest to start looking at white collar fraud before judging people like these… because I know for a fact that you the complainer has been fooled by corporations… but go ahead… kick the poverty in the 🍑 (I am copying and pasting this to a bunch of comments). Lastly, I have worked since the age of 16, pay my taxes and live a great life without government assistance, just like my mom and dad! But I don’t judge these class of people at all unless I see malice.
As soon as i heard him say disability, hes currently 22 and hes been collecting since 6 years old i knew he was going to get drilled into. The fraud is outrageous in this country. This is a perfect example of it!
The man is trying to improve his life by working part time. It is the doctors decision on whether or not he qualifies for disability, not Judge Judy's decision.
She gave her opinion about the grant. She did not revoke it. Remember: HE said it was a physical disability. He mentioned nothing about mental incapcitation. She is not a Dr. She is a judge! She works wirh facfs. If the man was pushed to pleas his case alone, JJ cannot help that.
Sure seems like he can. He can stand up, he could take calls in a call center, etc.....there are millions of people collecting disability for little to NO reason and it pisses taxpayers like me off to no end. I worked until I was 62 and took and early retirement because I was having heart trouble. I didn't whine to the government so I could collect money every month, I paid in for over 40 years to SS and now I can collect what I PUT IN TO IT. This kid put NOTHING into the fund.
Reminder that Judge Judy has NO jurisdiction over anything aside from what she can rule on. So all of you jerks sitting behind your computer wishing people lose their livelihood will have to find another hobby.
@@donjohn4910 who am I? Someone who is sick of paying for the existence of layabouts like you who refuse to work because you're depressed. We're all depressed. We just don't use it as an excuse to leech off others
Judge Judy did a disservice here. This young man's mental capacities could be at that of a much younger level and without being rude I am assuming that what he does with his uncle is more of a hobby than "work". He should have had a representative there to represent him, as he answered all questions truthfully but with the whimsy and naivety of a child. Shame JJ allowed her personal beliefs about Social Security cloud her usually good judgement.
He has a payee when means he has a developmental delay and is unable to manage his own finances. She 100% took advantage of him. Thats why she’s so relieved she doesn’t have to give the money back. What a despicable person.
It doesn't sound like he was paying anything at all for food, rent, water etc. She probably is owed this money...she got basically $1600 for 8 months ($200 a month) which helps with his bills. She wasn't getting rich off him.
You can absolutely work while collecting social security. I have no idea why JJ is always disdained with people who say they collect disability. Whether or not he’s “scamming” is irrelevant if the defendant actually kept money she wasn’t entitled to. I have no idea why people would go on this show for shit related to social security - you are facing a biased judge.
The current administration encourages dependency and then they are going to stop and so many will become criminals to try and survive because they are helpless. Fight to hang on to your right to bear arms cause you are going to have to protect what you have worked for.
These Rich I worked for this and that don’t understand the real struggle we going through even after going to college not having a criminal background work odd end jobs and still struggling. She felt like he stole from the government and in return someone stole from him. She ain give af. Gotta take ur feelings out these cases she didn’t even care to listen to him after he couldn’t tell her why he was on disability
@@123451248ify OR, if they no longer need to be on Disability like this guy that can work doing something. Call centers always need people and all you have to do it SIT on your back side all day.
exactly. Unfortunately she has a very typical " all or nothing" impatient way of thinking and it sometimes affects her judgement. A person can be partially disabled, and can work to better their minds and bodies and volunteer or work part time and *gasp* believe it or not, can have hobbies. God forbid she be a bit more open minded.
I don't know why JJ is so oblivious to the very clear sign that there is something else going on with this young man and THAT may be why he's on it. So sick of her self-righteous attitude toward every single person on disability.
get over your self. so sick of ridiculous people like you who think can do a better job than JJ. There are limitations to what she can get involve in so read, educate your self and you may start understanding Judge Judy.
I believe there was more to this disablity than his back. He has a rep payee, which meant he couldn’t manage his finances. You need to designate at rep payee through SS. At that time they ask you for what reason are you unable to manage your finances. It doesn’t just happen.
I agree. I doubt his music makes any money it would be more like a hobby. And $800 a month is not enough to live in anyway. I think many people genuinely on disability who come on JJ cannot articulate well why they are in disability or if it is because of mental illness or intellectual disability they are too embarrassed.
He seems quite child like in nature. Like he has a learning disability. I think he knows the reason he get's disability, but maybe felt uncomfortable with saying the reason.
He seems a little delayed and she judged him based off producing for a few months. Who knows if he is even making money because she failed to ask. He can post his work all he wants, doesnt mean anyone is buying it. She would have done better just asking for medical records instead of stereotyping.
@@brandymiller5188 Sicial Security vets people extensively, it not like they gave it to him for no reason. I have to disagree with her prejudice toward disabled people on Social Security.
I don't think he's scamming tho you can tell he's a little bit behind and he's just saying his back pain! But there's a delay CLEARLY and it seems people take advantage of him
I actually feel bad for the kid. It's clear his family has taken advantage of his injuries over the years. I have a disability; never did collect SS but I know what it's like to have your family tell you you're not capable of doing anything because of it. He is only 22 and doesn't seem malicious. Almost seems like he doesn't even wanna be there. Shame on all of them, and seeing the defendant cry was also sad because you can tell she lost an old friend because of it. I hope the kid gets the support system he needs.
@@Christina-rb8vk He's not 'selling music on TH-cam"......and history says he's been involved in crack sales, armed robberies, probably some carjackings... he knows what's up with the "disability" money, and he takes it anyway. Just another form of stealing. That's a lot of audacity to sue over stolen money.
@@toniyahgarcia4150 right dude been getting SSI since he been 6. Im sure its been audited and approved. Who is she to determine how much a person can work
Here's what makes my head hurt - my father was crippled with severe scleroderma (basically turns you into cement from the inside out) and refused SSI. He said, "Well, when I can't repair things any longer, I can train someone else to repair them, answer phones as a dispatcher, advise others as a master gardener, whatever it takes. I am able and more importantly, I am willing."
@@jazzyj6640 Of course, not and no slight intended for people that truly cannot work in any capacity to support themselves. I just thought it was remarkable that given the hardship, pain and struggle, my dad just wanted to work and help make a difference.
I live on a very short street and there are THREE people (that I know of) on "disability". They can all see, walk, have all their limbs, and drive cars ... yet they're "disabled".
She is right, we are finding it way to normal that people are lazy and make up excuse after excuse. I got a collegue, cross eyed, does not see 50 procent, crooked arms and legs, his life truly hursts, still he works 40 hours a week. Paying a lot of taxes for people way better of.... to not have to go to work.
I work in the I/DD field, and it's sad to see how some people can get disability funds so easily. Meanwhile, I have individuals and families who truly need it struggle every day and cannot get the assistance they need.
Being able to work and being able to maintain gainful employment are not the same thing! Most people can work a bit, it’s that they can’t work 40 hours. I hate her judgment here.
Judge Judy is wrong to rule against him because he is collecting disability benefits . If he has back problems it likely means his outgoings are higher as he may need more money for transport, pain relief etc. she shouldnt have taken that into consideration when ruling
He’s not making a livable wage off of making records when he JUST learned how to play the keyboard. If he experiences severe back pain.. he *can’t* do other work… this is ridiculous - her biases.
You are not incorrect, but it does not apply for this case. The guy can clearly move around and work at a desk or instrument. So logically he can work in an office for example. And a poor back is no excuse. There are dozens of solutions for people with poor backs that make office work sustainable. Heck, my mother in law has 4 hernia's from giving birth to 6 children and recently graduated from college so she could work as an accountant. I have one and a neighbour who works at the same company has one too. This guy is just using his disability as an excuse to not have to work at all.
Judge Judy know that some disabled people work. They may not be able to work as vigorously as another person but they do things to make ends meet. We all know that disability benefits don't cut it , especially with inflation.
@@ds2465 how do you know he’s faking it? He said he had surgery on his spine when he was younger. Spinal problems could last for years. He may be able to move a little bit, but we don’t know how it is for him on a day to day basis.
@shaz2761 I worked the medical industry for 10 yrs. I know people who have back pain where they cannot sit for long periods of time otherwise they have pain for days. No one should be worried about the next person's disabilities.
People who don’t understand that these families normally work minimum wage therefore they need supplemental assistance. It may look fraudulent but i don’t judge some folks who have to scratch the system to live a bit better. But I guarantee the cycle of his upbringing was no dad, his mom probably didn’t grow up with no dad too because she comes from the crack epidemic years… his grandmother comes from discriminatory age where she may had to work seven time harder at minimum wage at the time of $2.30 in the late 70’s with lack of child care support… like it is so much bigger then this… you can tell he is a homebody possibly left alone all the time in the house because based on his demeanor and lack of entitlement anger, especially because he has no motivation to help himself. But to those that say fraud… I agree there’s fraud… and I would suggest to start looking at white collar fraud before judging people like these… because I know for a fact that you the complainer has been fooled by corporations… but go ahead… kick the poverty in the 🍑 (I am copying and pasting this to a bunch of comments). Lastly, I have worked since the age of 16, pay my taxes and live a great life without government assistance, just like my mom and dad! But I don’t judge these class of people at all unless I see malice.
Fraud has intent. And although this kid is 22 he clearly has the mind of a 15 year old. He doesn’t know he’s doing something wrong, it’s just how he was raised. And hopefully he finds some mentors to lift him out of that mindset.
@@CookieWoods. on another note I’m with you all the way though, I love when scammers come on and JJ tears them a new one. 😂😂 Hope you enjoy your lunch breaks like I do!
@@iamthomasgreenman I already know when she continually repeats the SSI/disability recipients statements, she's sending smoke signals to the Soc. Security Administration! 😂 I actually believe she reports them when the shows are over! & yes I do enjoy my breaks watching JJ. I hope you enjoy the rest of your work week! And thank you!
She is ignorant. Folks can be disabled and not look it. This man just told her hr has severe back pain since 6 years old. He is not doing labor work, and some people on disability work as well.
I don’t understand the genuine ignorance and animus surrounding ppl who receive govt benefits. All disabilities are NOT physical just bc you cannot see it does not mean it does not exist!
@@crupert23225 Fraud, You don't qualify for disability if you're not disabled .. You can't fake mental and physical disabilities. Tests are conducted to determine these kinds of things. A physician had to give the ok. It's not like his Mom falsified documents. He clearly had a major surgery that prevented him from his normal activities. Not only that, he clearly has other issues.There's a young man that works at McDonald's near where I live. He clearly has a disability but also works. Should I assume that he's faking as well.
@@crupert23225are you that deluded into thinking you know the intricacies of a persons life by looking at them behind a screen? Perhaps you don’t even know what the world “intricacies” means.
So if a disabled man in a wheelchair is trying to lighten up his boring days and start to paint painting and he managed to sell some of them he should be cut out of benefits. I think NOT. AND u can’t always see if someone is disabled, and u are actually not supposed to ask someone about it. Its like asking someone in front of a audience if they are impotent, it’s a way to shaming people. Stop that JJ
ya ive never thought it was right either at least do it off camera or edit it out many people struggle for various reasons and thers so much competition out ther efor work , esp the next generatoin n bored retireees but ya and some are just trying to keep their house , have food protect thier spouse n themselfs, als o we are musicians everyone wants free or not at all mosty
Thank you!!!!! Money really jades people’s minds to where they don’t see the obvious! He seems like he’s not all the way there, and like you pointed out he has a payee which means he’s not capable and if you have back issues, that doesn’t affect your brain to make day-to-day decisions so it has to be more and he doesn’t even know why he’s there let alone why he has disability. They are mad about $800 a month which is not feasible for people to live off of in its entirety unless you have other benefits which I’m sure he qualifies for too. Being on a fixed income takes away certain freedoms that we have and you’re mad because you can’t be fixed on barely living? Sad
She took care of him for his 800 dollars social security disability payments. All she took was 2 extra months to make up for the 2 months she did not get paid. She was crying because of how ungrateful he was for dragging her to court.
It is obvious he has mental issues by the way he speaks and the fact that his grandma was his payee. Judge Judy was relatively easy on him because she saw this. He was only in court because his grandmother wants everything.
No I feel like she is incorrect This man probably has spinal pain throughout the day. They have doctors that examine and approve for short-term or long-term
It’s obvious there’s more wrong with the young man, than his back when he’s not able to receive his check as an adult in his own name. He may need disability in order to have medical. I don’t think he’s a high dollar earner and obviously doesn’t have the mental capacity to fully support himself.
He doesn't have to be a high dollar earner, he just have to be able to have a job, and someone who plays basketball is fully capable of answering a phone or working as a receptionist even if he is not a genius. Stop making excuses for lazy people.
@@allwhatilove914 you know nothing about back pain unless you have or lived with someone who has it extremely bad. my dad died because what has setting his off he had it most of my childhood. some days it was so bad he couldnt get up to go to the bathroom other days he was fine working on his truck and doing yard work. it could vary much be the same for him. its vary sad he had to deal with this since a young age
From what I understand if you consistently earn over a certain amount on the books, your disability is pulled. He may only be able to work a few hours a day. There might also be good days and bad days.
I do enjoy watching Judge Judy but she irritates tf out of me sometimes. She’s asking 1,000 questions about what he does and his “disability” like who tf cares can we just get on with the case?!
Please, Please, Please People, do not go on JJ's show if you are collecting any type of SSDI payments! If you do, the chances of you winning your case will be greatly diminished.
She has a real bias against the disabled and a lack of knowledge regarding the Social Security Ticket To Work program. I was on SSI since age 9, for blindness, and have been a CNA for 8 years. It’s STILL a struggle, but I’m off SSI, making it work. Shut your mouth, JJ.
For the people asking why the Defendant is crying: Maybe because she was a close family friend that helped out the Plaintiff in his time of need, even allowing him to live with her. Then, he turns around and sues her for keeping money that obviously went to HIS bills. I don't think the Plaintiff even understands why he's there. The Defendant was probably just relieved JJ seemed to understand the situation. She was probably terrified she was going to be accused of ripping off a "disabled" kid.
She was gearing up to make an Oscar-winning victim performance, complete with tears, but never got the chance because Judge Judy dismissed the case before she had any chance to start. Must have been very disappointing for her.... lol.
@Kayla I think her feelings were hurt. I think she truly was helping this young, naive man. Ironically, his real family had been taking advantage of him for years; someone genuinely comes along and tries to help him, and he takes that person to court claiming theft.
I love JJ but everybody who receives SS is not scanning the system 🤦🏾♀️ it’s like as soon as she hear they are on disability she’s already made up in her mind that they are scamming.. not to say that people aren’t, but everybody is not and it’s a shame that just because of that one fact she dismissed his case. Making music is not the same as doing construction. He’s sitting in a chair. This one kinda pissed me off
People can work while on Disability. They can work part time afterr their trial work period which is 9 month while on disability. It's not or her to say He's disabled. He was deemed as such years ago and that's why he's on disability.
If he has a payee at 22 then I believe it’s very likely that he is getting SSI based on a disability and I think part of that disability might be neurological. Maybe his mom just never wanted him to know that he was developmentally delayed. Some parents do that.
There are different kinds of disabilities that a person can’t necessarily see. Not all are physical. There emotional traumas people have to live with. An example is EMDR that veterans resort to so 4:20 that they don’t kill themselves.
No one should feel they can judge this young man. Seems a really decent human being and merely a product of his upbringing, JJ should not judge him receiving disability benefit. He could be in excruciating pain for the rest of his life.
So many people acting like they know his exact medical history he may not be able to lift heavy objects sometimes in the range of 30 pounds and up. He may not be able to stand for an extended duration. We don't know, you're just assuming because he LOOKS healthy he is.
The government doesn't give a shit about helping people. My mom had a stroke suffers from seizures, has ptsd and severe depression and still getting denied disability 2 years later. It pisses me off that people who truly need it gets denied
I had a friend who had two brain tumors and when her third brain tumor was removed unfortunately the surgery affected nerve damage and was disabled on her right side, she the poor darling was not able to continue to work and applied for disability. She was told she cannot apply for full disability payments only part payment due to her age and told to work part-time.......she managed for one year but her health declined quite rapidly....she past away at the age of 42.
I honestly HATE the way judge judy treats people with disabilities or who gwt social security benefits .. if you go back and watch any one of the cases where someone is on disability she automatically drops their cases without even listening to what they have to say .....not all disabilities are visible you know... just because someone doesn't looks disabled doesn't mean they're lying about it. Q
From the beginning he stated that he has back issues. Working in a studio doesn't involve lifting weights or anything that would aggravate his condition. Young people have learned how to make money on social media. This should not be hard to understand.
That's not the point. If he is able to make money on social media, or in any other way that does not entail physical labor, that would at all jeopardize his health, then that is his bridge to being able to take care of himself. If 'young people have learned how to make money on social media', then they 'learn' how to get off the government money and liberate themselves financially.
Nobody asks her for a Lecture about 850 dollars a month Social Security when she is making millions of dollars a year sitting on that bench for 10 hrs a week.
@@ayamystic I'm talking about JJ not liking him being a disability. She is very judgemental about that, and she really shouldn't be, she doesn't know their situation.
Totally disagree with JJ on how SSI works. It’s supplementary! He receives $800 a month! He can’t live off of that so naturally he’d have to work to save and possibly live on his own. Yes there are people that abuse the system but there are those who’s disabilities effect what type of work they can do and SSI doesn’t pay enough for people to even make ends meet. All SSI cases are not the same.
Clearly he has some sort of developmental issue… Being on disability doesn’t mean you can’t do anything… My son is epileptic, ADHD, and ODD… The doctors signed him up for disability but he is very smart and can do A LOT… This is not a case of abusing the government
Typically, if a person has a payee, that means they are judged mentally unfit to manage their own financial affairs. The plaintive may not only have a back problem, but also some mental deficiencies.
I thought he had a payee because he was a minor
@@georgiasmith7615 yeah when he was a minor he’s 22 now
My theory is:
People who don’t understand that these families normally work minimum wage therefore they need supplemental assistance. It may look fraudulent but i don’t judge some folks who have to scratch the system to live a bit better. But I guarantee the cycle of his upbringing was no dad, his mom probably didn’t grow up with no dad too because she comes from the crack epidemic years… his grandmother comes from discriminatory age where she may had to work seven time harder at minimum wage at the time of $2.30 in the late 70’s with lack of child care support… like it is so much bigger then this… you can tell he is a homebody possibly left alone all the time in the house because based on his demeanor and lack of entitlement anger, especially because he has no motivation to help himself. But to those that say fraud… I agree there’s fraud… and I would suggest to start looking at white collar fraud before judging people like these… because I know for a fact that you the complainer has been fooled by corporations… but go ahead… kick the poverty in the 🍑 (I am copying and pasting this to a bunch of comments). Lastly, I have worked since the age of 16, pay my taxes and live a great life without government assistance, just like my mom and dad! But I don’t judge these class of people at all unless I see malice.
@@marriimar6562 bot
@@Transformers2Fan1 Oh shut up lol they’re not a bot
I wish the plaintiff had someone to help advocate on his behalf, as he clearly had a disability /maybe development issues , but struggled to articulate his case well 😔
if u work on SSI they will cut your check depending how much u make a month to 1 Dollar and keep you on it if you ever can no0t work or keep making the same amount of money I am sure that what SSI has bin doing with him I know I am on SSI Disability
@@2bstiff584, there's still an amount you can make before that happens. I know this as a former hiring manager that used to work with the folks who couldn't get more than a certain amount of hours. Those people aren't worth hiring generally, just because it costs money to onboard a useless individual, but that doesn't mean there's nothing they can do. Call center work from home is a growing field, and would be perfect for someone with alleged back issues
That should be clear to Judge Judy also
@@Sachi52 Right... TH 🙄😒
@@2bstiff584 well one would think his uncle would mention that for sure right? and also the lady crying even when shes winning and said nothing,, maybe jj was going to the point instead of going further into this mess,,,
Before I even watched this video, I knew JJ would ask him about the disability ... I get the impression that he doesn't really want to be here. Maybe his family pressured him? Who knows
I agree! I am not an American living in the states and working two jobs.
Being disabled doesn’t stop you from doing sport activities or making music. Look up disabled people with these talents for example: people born without arms can take care of themselves with their feet or playing music with their feet. Blind artists can draw their face on their canvas. They can do anything with or without disabilities.
Sounds like his mom used the money til he was of age and now he has to have another payee. He doesn't seem bright so wonder if there's something else underlying or he was raised to be a bum. I have a feeling the defendant lost money in this deal and to be sued helping someone. If JJ asked for proof I doubt that woman kept his 5 months of social security.
I agree. But, I wonder if there is more to this story behind the scenes of his life. If there is more to his disability that he may not fully understand just because his mom had him on it for so long. I wonder if he tried sports and the reason he couldn’t do it long was because he started hurting and the music is something that someone can do that is disabled. How much money is he himself really making? I am very curious about his family because he does come across as a honest guy. But, who knows. I only saw about 5 minutes of him. Lol
That makes sense to me! He may have been pressured by grandma. Cause his uncle was there… grandma sons.
Poor guy didn't have the chance to present his case in a proper manner. It is so obvious he has some difficulties to even know why he is on disability.
That uncle is so lucky Judge Judy did not tell him to stand up and speak. 😂
She could be eating him🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@Zainab_salat For breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Easily! 🤗
he's the reason that his nephew is there, HE wants that money back...🙁
Something more is going on with this young man.
Yea, a controlling grandmother and uncle. He almost got away.
He may also have a mental/emotional disorder .I know someone who gets a similar check for schizophrenia with a payee also yet when asked just like this young man he says it is for a back problem. Maybe he didn't want to blast his real problem to the world on t.v. jmo
Def being used
That also happens a lot when you are raised without a father
His family seems to have exploited his childhood back pain to milk Social Security money. He didn’t know any other way when he became an adult.
Disabled people can work, they just have to report these earnings to SSDI, as a Judge she should know this.
yes. In 2025, substantial gainful activity is 1620 usd. To eligable for ssdi, you have to be unable to perform substantial gainful activity and have a condition in the blue book of impairments that will last 12 months or result in death prior to then. Music producers on soundcloud usually dont make very much, just fractions of a penny per stream.
He may not be committing fraud, but the lady who housed him is entitled to her money, and did go without for some time. People only get payees when they cannot manage themselves, which is indicative of some sort of mental impairment.
Part time work is allowed with ssi and ssdi, and is even encouraged as benefits are not very high.
I think his disability is more extensive than what he is saying. If he is appointed a payee, it means he doesn't have the capabilities of handling his own affairs.
thats the scam after the back healed
Right. What does she not understand about disability?
Don’t be mean to the plaintiff. He’s just an unfortunate consequence of bad upbringing. He may be 22 but it’s clear his mind is a lot closer to 15 and he doesn’t understand how he got to the position he’s in. And from his answers it’s clear he doesn’t even really understand why he’s getting money, he just knows his mom says he had a bad back. This is far more sad than it is despicable.
You honestly think he doesn't know normal people have jobs? My 8yr old knows the basics, so I'm sure he does.
@@charleneblack2792 I honestly think he doesn’t have a real sense of what “normal” is. Do you honestly think that this person grew up in the same TYPE of household that your 8yr old did?
@@iamthomasgreenman boom! Exactly
I completely agree.
Exactly, but I was thinking more like 11/12 yrs old.
Hearing the plaintiff talk made me think of someone far younger. Even if he wasn’t owed the money, JJ should’ve considered that he was told the SSI was for his back when it very well may have been due to his seemingly delayed cognitive capacity. Some families find that type of thing shameful and/or may be trying to protect the recipient and themselves emotionally & financially. He may not be (fully) aware of his limitations. I’m also wondering what happened to those SSI benefits during the 1st 2 months at the defendant’s home because it doesn’t seem as though the SSA would just cut them off during his transition.
They go to the old payee because SSI is a month behind. But they are were supposed to send it to the new payee.
I agree. There's no way he's earning any real money from the "job" he has, either. He's not some renowned producer! It sounds more like a hobby his uncle and grandmother set up for him, to try and find something he could do and give him some independence/sense of "working" & purpose.
I didn't like that she cut him off on the sports question, either. He said he played basketball, but couldn't play for very long at a time (very indicative of spinal issues). Chances are, he wasn't on the team, he was just allowed to join in practice periodically, so he felt "normal" (they did the same at my school when I was a kid, for a pupil with cerebral palsy - 5 minutes at a time didn't mean the kid was somehow cured), but her answer was "so you can play basketball?". It's not that cut and dry...
It's SS-D. And he is a FRAUD.
I have parents who live off their kid’s disability checks and refuse to work. One said she doesn’t know what she’ll do when the kid turns 18 in a few months. I guess a job is out of the question. 🤷♀️
Yes! That money should be put away for the kid instead of using it to support the whole family. IMO, the majority of ppl on disability could work if they wanted to. Hard work is no longer valued the way it used to be
how pathetic
@@marriimar6562 I've worked minimum wage jobs. My Dad was a delivery driver, my Mum was a cleaner and my brother a lay about who brought nothing into the family except demanding new games consoles that my Dad had to buy on credit.
I still remember being evicted because of Dad not being able to afford the mortgage and us having to move to a violent estate.
We fit the definition of poverty in our area.
Yet now I'm married, pulling a pension, working a good job with a big company. My brother is still knee deep in poverty. What's the difference?
Because I learned early to put others before myself, always be kind, always be generous, work hard, work harder still, but don't let your circumstances dictate your future. I'm not saying people can't get stuck in a poverty trap, but some people can break it if they want to. It takes blood sweat and tears, it takes a lot of unselfishness and sacrifice, but I think more people can break it if they want.
All of my biggest job opportunities came from people I loved and helped along the way. I didn't let my poverty dictate to me whether I could share some food with someone or invite them into what shell of a flat I had for a cup of coffee. And in time those people remembered. Those people gave me opportunity because they could see what I was like with a little, I could be trusted with a lot.
I'm very very blessed and very very lucky. I know lots of people stuck in poverty who can't get out of it who have a more generous heart than I'll ever have. That's not fair but it is what it is. However I also know people stuck in the poverty trap who keep making excuses for why they're stuck there - it's the black men, it's the white men, it's the patriarchy, it's the feminist movement, I'm not being appreciated, etc. - lots of excuses. But you don't see them trying and nor do you see them being unselfish. Those people are also stuck in the poverty trap but I'd argue that it is, perhaps, more self propagating than enforced.
Maybe my view is too simplistic, I don't know but I can only call what I see.
Have another kid
@@JeremiahEcks777 I loved everything you said because you did something about your situation. Here’s what I’m saying… there is a population that’s been cut off in being surrounded by solutions and hope… and when any human looses hope there’s just what most people judge about… but I just stopped by to respond to you. Gotta go back to work… 😘
Do JJ know that people who is on Disability can work?!!!!
She has one prejudice that clouds her judgement. It is her disgust and disdain for people on disability.
It alters my level of respect for her. She uses exhaustive lines of questioning to imply you are not credible if you're on disability. Tired of witnessing itm
She questions if you should even be on it. She questions how loan money, buy certain things etc if on disability . This guy works, makes money and therefore shouldn't be getting disability . Its a crime
Scammers like you are obviously triggered
She does this to any litigant who is receiving any public service. SSDI, housing assistance... it really seems like she takes personal offense to people getting help.
So many people fake their disability. Cost tax payers.
She has no business judging anyone when she works 52 days out of the year and gets $900,000 a week so this man gets pennies when she works less than most people, yet gets paid an insane amount more. I guess if your rich like her, you look down on the less fortunate.
I work in disability, and honestly just based on this video and the way this man talks and presents himself, it appears as though he MAY have some sort of mild intellectual disability.
How does he 'present himself'? Standing? With clothes on?
@@stratfordbabywow you really are dumb aren't you.
It’s more about his responses. The short answers that agree with whatever is being said, without the awareness of the contradictions those answers create. It’s not difficult to detect. This poor fella is not the one steering his ship.
If you don’t know already, JJ HATES people on disability who shouldn’t be. 😂💀
so do i
Well I’m totally and permanently disabled due to service connected disabilities serving our country. I want to work but my Doctors said no.
She doesn't think anyone should receive disability. There are people with all kinds of disabilities and its not that easy to get it. Yes, like everything else there are people can game the system but more people who need it don't get and most people who receive it need it. Most physicians think the process is arbitrary they don't understand why some people are turned down.
Especially cuz she’s paying for it ! Lol
You never know what someone has been through. Be careful of judging 🧐
To be honest to get disability at 6 it must have been a serious condition. Who really knows his situation.
My theory is:
People who don’t understand that these families normally work minimum wage therefore they need supplemental assistance. It may look fraudulent but i don’t judge some folks who have to scratch the system to live a bit better. But I guarantee the cycle of his upbringing was no dad, his mom probably didn’t grow up with no dad too because she comes from the crack epidemic years… his grandmother comes from discriminatory age where she may had to work seven time harder at minimum wage at the time of $2.30 in the late 70’s with lack of child care support… like it is so much bigger then this… you can tell he is a homebody possibly left alone all the time in the house because based on his demeanor and lack of entitlement anger, especially because he has no motivation to help himself. But to those that say fraud… I agree there’s fraud… and I would suggest to start looking at white collar fraud before judging people like these… because I know for a fact that you the complainer has been fooled by corporations… but go ahead… kick the poverty in the 🍑 (I am copying and pasting this to a bunch of comments). Lastly, I have worked since the age of 16, pay my taxes and live a great life without government assistance, just like my mom and dad! But I don’t judge these class of people at all unless I see malice.
@@marriimar6562 this sounded very racist but go off? I’m so glad you don’t judge this “class of people”. Jesus Christ…
@@marriimar6562 Reading it one time was bad enough 🙄
Judge Judy dont like black people can a man like with 8 hundred Dollars a month
I feel the exact same way.
As soon as I saw the defendant crying- I was like 🙄
Literally lmao !! Like !!!✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾
why was she crying?? because he took advantage of her or something??
She was crying because she didn't expect him to sue her for bring kind to him when he had no where to go. I would cry too.
She wasn't getting her owed money
@@abigailmartins6148she doesn’t get to keep his entire check though, does she? What was the agreement? I believe she took advantage of him.
As soon as i heard him say disability, hes currently 22 and hes been collecting since 6 years old i knew he was going to get drilled into. The fraud is outrageous in this country. This is a perfect example of it!
No wonder the US is insolvent. Just disgusting that people think the government is Robin Hood.
Oh please this country was stolen on fraud. The nerve lol. The USA is corrupt in itself
That’s what happens when your country is a greedy capitalist that leaves the poor behind
Yup, it’s absolutely crippling to our taxpayers.
Yes - but to be fair to him, he isn't the one responsible. It's his mother that is responsible for that.
Both plaintiff and defendant are weirdly nervous. If it was an airport they would be getting aggressively strip searched.
😂 Great description.
That's hilarious.
Careful now we are getting turned on.
What an incredibly weird yet accurate way to word that 🤣
Nowhere does strip searches now. They're all X-Ray machines.
The man is trying to improve his life by working part time. It is the doctors decision on whether or not he qualifies for disability, not Judge Judy's decision.
He’s lying
@ravenbaa7989 That's for a doctor to decide.
She gave her opinion about the grant.
She did not revoke it.
Remember: HE said it was a physical disability. He mentioned nothing about mental incapcitation.
She is not a Dr. She is a judge!
She works wirh facfs. If the man was pushed to pleas his case alone, JJ cannot help that.
Why is the lady crying tho? 😂😂
Lmaooo right
I guess she doesn't watch judge Judy 🤣
She is making me so mad. 🤣
They're all fraudulent AF 🤣
He isn't in a business. He's playing around in a studio. He can't work a regular job.
He literally said he is in business and selling the music 🤣🤣
How do you know he can't work?
He is allowed to make so much working and still collect social security.
@@Liana_St how do you know he can?
Sure seems like he can. He can stand up, he could take calls in a call center, etc.....there are millions of people collecting disability for little to NO reason and it pisses taxpayers like me off to no end. I worked until I was 62 and took and early retirement because I was having heart trouble.
I didn't whine to the government so I could collect money every month, I paid in for over 40 years to SS and now I can collect what I PUT IN TO IT. This kid put NOTHING into the fund.
Reminder that Judge Judy has NO jurisdiction over anything aside from what she can rule on. So all of you jerks sitting behind your computer wishing people lose their livelihood will have to find another hobby.
1) Individuals on disability are able to work
2) Not all disabilities are physical
his back is healed why he was put on the system to begin with at 6 SSDI isn't designed to be a life-long meal ticket
Facts. I get SSI due to depression
@@donjohn4910 grow up and get a job. Everyone gets depressed. That's no reason to leech off everyone else
@@shaz2761 yo who the f^^^ is you to tell me to grow up and get a job? i know how to how to get a job and plus i worked before
@@donjohn4910 who am I? Someone who is sick of paying for the existence of layabouts like you who refuse to work because you're depressed.
We're all depressed. We just don't use it as an excuse to leech off others
Judge Judy did a disservice here. This young man's mental capacities could be at that of a much younger level and without being rude I am assuming that what he does with his uncle is more of a hobby than "work". He should have had a representative there to represent him, as he answered all questions truthfully but with the whimsy and naivety of a child. Shame JJ allowed her personal beliefs about Social Security cloud her usually good judgement.
He has a payee when means he has a developmental delay and is unable to manage his own finances. She 100% took advantage of him. Thats why she’s so relieved she doesn’t have to give the money back. What a despicable person.
It doesn't sound like he was paying anything at all for food, rent, water etc. She probably is owed this money...she got basically $1600 for 8 months ($200 a month) which helps with his bills. She wasn't getting rich off him.
Karma will get her
You can absolutely work while collecting social security. I have no idea why JJ is always disdained with people who say they collect disability. Whether or not he’s “scamming” is irrelevant if the defendant actually kept money she wasn’t entitled to.
I have no idea why people would go on this show for shit related to social security - you are facing a biased judge.
Yeah his mom made up the disability to help raise him and now he’s like I just get free money for existing 💁🏻♀️
You don't have surgery for something made up.
The current administration encourages dependency and then they are going to stop and so many will become criminals to try and survive because they are helpless. Fight to hang on to your right to bear arms cause you are going to have to protect what you have worked for.
She needed the father to raise him not the government.
@@patperez8223 If your a taxpayer you support them, government only has taxpayer money
He seems to be a little nervous, the way he watches the Judge
People that collect disability are encouraged to work part time. They have to eat, Judy.
These Rich I worked for this and that don’t understand the real struggle we going through even after going to college not having a criminal background work odd end jobs and still struggling. She felt like he stole from the government and in return someone stole from him. She ain give af. Gotta take ur feelings out these cases she didn’t even care to listen to him after he couldn’t tell her why he was on disability
Yes, but they also have the responsibility of letting Social Security know when have additional income. Its the law!
@@123451248ify until age 66...then it doesnt matter
@@123451248ify OR, if they no longer need to be on Disability like this guy that can work doing something. Call centers always need people and all you have to do it SIT on your back side all day.
exactly. Unfortunately she has a very typical " all or nothing" impatient way of thinking and it sometimes affects her judgement. A person can be partially disabled, and can work to better their minds and bodies and volunteer or work part time and *gasp* believe it or not, can have hobbies. God forbid she be a bit more open minded.
I don't know why JJ is so oblivious to the very clear sign that there is something else going on with this young man and THAT may be why he's on it. So sick of her self-righteous attitude toward every single person on disability.
get over your self. so sick of ridiculous people like you who think can do a better job than JJ. There are limitations to what she can get involve in so read, educate your self and you may start understanding Judge Judy.
I don’t like sharing my paycheck either.
His family is the issue. Bet 90% of his family is on disability
I believe there was more to this disablity than his back. He has a rep payee, which meant he couldn’t manage his finances. You need to designate at rep payee through SS. At that time they ask you for what reason are you unable to manage your finances. It doesn’t just happen.
I didn't understand that either.
I agree. I doubt his music makes any money it would be more like a hobby. And $800 a month is not enough to live in anyway. I think many people genuinely on disability who come on JJ cannot articulate well why they are in disability or if it is because of mental illness or intellectual disability they are too embarrassed.
He seems quite child like in nature. Like he has a learning disability. I think he knows the reason he get's disability, but maybe felt uncomfortable with saying the reason.
He seems a little delayed and she judged him based off producing for a few months. Who knows if he is even making money because she failed to ask. He can post his work all he wants, doesnt mean anyone is buying it. She would have done better just asking for medical records instead of stereotyping.
@@brandymiller5188 Sicial Security vets people extensively, it not like they gave it to him for no reason. I have to disagree with her prejudice toward disabled people on Social Security.
Pure genius, scamming disability and then exposing your grift on Judge Judy
Might be evidence of a disability…
How is he scamming if he has back pain?
I don't think he's scamming tho you can tell he's a little bit behind and he's just saying his back pain! But there's a delay CLEARLY and it seems people take advantage of him
He’s not scamming as long as he doesn’t make more than his disability check per month he’s fine!
He was "slow" because he knew his answers would expose the fraud.
This whole thing just disgust me because clearly it’s more then back pain with this boy and Judy decided to be ignorant and embarrass him
Judge Judy will not involve her self further in cases she has no jurisdiction (it is a law to not do that)
She treated him as another young man. She did not disrespect him.
He's not a boy he's an adult
She's so evil at times
I actually feel bad for the kid. It's clear his family has taken advantage of his injuries over the years. I have a disability; never did collect SS but I know what it's like to have your family tell you you're not capable of doing anything because of it. He is only 22 and doesn't seem malicious. Almost seems like he doesn't even wanna be there. Shame on all of them, and seeing the defendant cry was also sad because you can tell she lost an old friend because of it. I hope the kid gets the support system he needs.
Go to Work u crook.
He us not a kid. He is a grown man
@@Christina-rb8vk He's not 'selling music on TH-cam"......and history says he's been involved in crack sales, armed robberies, probably some carjackings... he knows what's up with the "disability" money, and he takes it anyway. Just another form of stealing. That's a lot of audacity to sue over stolen money.
@broeheemed32 He is still not a kid!
He us I’m weak😂😂🤦🏽♀️
Him receiving Social Security has nothing to do with this case. I dont get why she asks. She does not work for SS.
My point she steady doing that to people…people income and how they live be having absolutely nothing to do with why they are there I don’t understand
@@toniyahgarcia4150 right dude been getting SSI since he been 6. Im sure its been audited and approved. Who is she to determine how much a person can work
She's a thorough bitch sometimes and this is one case. He clearly has learning difficulties.
@@jplaya2023 I agree! It's like she digs deep,then throws it back at'em!
Here's what makes my head hurt - my father was crippled with severe scleroderma (basically turns you into cement from the inside out) and refused SSI. He said, "Well, when I can't repair things any longer, I can train someone else to repair them, answer phones as a dispatcher, advise others as a master gardener, whatever it takes. I am able and more importantly, I am willing."
Good for him. Doesn’t make anyone else on disability any less.
@@jazzyj6640 Of course, not and no slight intended for people that truly cannot work in any capacity to support themselves. I just thought it was remarkable that given the hardship, pain and struggle, my dad just wanted to work and help make a difference.
@@jazzyj6640 yes it does.
70/80 % of them in my neighbourhood are just lazy fks who do not want to work.
Don't be so naive
Who cares.....
@@jazzyj6640 thank you!
She has something against people on disability
NO, she doesn't she has something against people that obviously can work and don't need disability
I’m starting to think that everyone in the United States is on disability 😂😂
Everyone but me apparently
The screening process needs to be a lot better for fraudulent cases
I work two jobs and am not on disability.
I live on a very short street and there are THREE people (that I know of) on "disability". They can all see, walk, have all their limbs, and drive cars ... yet they're "disabled".
A lot of people yes, bunch of fraud too
Why she is talking about this. It's not her job to determine if he should be getting disability. The system has already determined that 🙄
its a broken system ,hes not disabled where he can't WORK!
She is right, we are finding it way to normal that people are lazy and make up excuse after excuse.
I got a collegue, cross eyed, does not see 50 procent, crooked arms and legs, his life truly hursts, still he works 40 hours a week.
Paying a lot of taxes for people way better of.... to not have to go to work.
Correct! He had every right to not answer her.
I would not answer Judge Judy's question about my disability and my life
He could have a disability that he's just not exposing but he can work but not make a certain amount of $$
I work in the I/DD field, and it's sad to see how some people can get disability funds so easily. Meanwhile, I have individuals and families who truly need it struggle every day and cannot get the assistance they need.
Being able to work and being able to maintain gainful employment are not the same thing! Most people can work a bit, it’s that they can’t work 40 hours. I hate her judgment here.
@@sadie2235that’s not anybody’s problem. Sounds like laziness
Judge Judy is wrong to rule against him because he is collecting disability benefits . If he has back problems it likely means his outgoings are higher as he may need more money for transport, pain relief etc. she shouldnt have taken that into consideration when ruling
I am getting the feeling the plaintiff's family is no good for him. Poor young man.
I think so as well. I think that they were the reason he's there for the money. Maybe they want it????
He’s not making a livable wage off of making records when he JUST learned how to play the keyboard. If he experiences severe back pain.. he *can’t* do other work… this is ridiculous - her biases.
I have back problems too. I work in an office and with a comfy chair. It's no excuse not to work in this day and age.
Judge Judy is old school ethics, The way it should be❤
Clearly your looking at something else because clearly something is mentally wrong with him…
I'm not sure it's old school, its common sense. Nobody, young or old wants to see fraud in the system.
Our country wouldn’t be where it is. This country is in big trouble and I don’t see any light
@@dinahbrown902 you’re being very over dramatic.
Fact. Keep sending out taxpayer money. government has no money except for what they get from over taxing the taxpayers. Duh
Judge Judy doesn’t understand just because a person can work with disabilities doesn’t mean they can work enough hours to sustain life.
agreed. and it’s actually really hard to even get a check and most of the time it’s barely enough. she is out of touch a bit
She does understand. She simply does not care.
You are not incorrect, but it does not apply for this case. The guy can clearly move around and work at a desk or instrument. So logically he can work in an office for example. And a poor back is no excuse. There are dozens of solutions for people with poor backs that make office work sustainable. Heck, my mother in law has 4 hernia's from giving birth to 6 children and recently graduated from college so she could work as an accountant. I have one and a neighbour who works at the same company has one too. This guy is just using his disability as an excuse to not have to work at all.
JJ spent decades in family court in NYC... I think she's seen her share of basically everything
You guys need a course in civics.
PSA: do not come to Judge Judy if you are getting money from the government and you’re not obviously disabled or elderly. Please save yourself!!
Or if you own a pit bull or allowed your car insurance to lapse
Exactly it drives her insane. He must’ve didn’t watch any Judge Judy shows before.
@@CanadianMonarchist 😂😂
Or if you don’t work at all and do nothing or if you go to school and don’t also work. She loves work
Agreed however it is clear to me just in the 4mins watching this he is on the spectrum
Judge Judy know that some disabled people work. They may not be able to work as vigorously as another person but they do things to make ends meet. We all know that disability benefits don't cut it , especially with inflation.
True, but her issue is bums like that man who fake a disability.
Yes they do these scam artists also get rent reduced to 140 a month free food free heat help with electric.
@@ds2465 how do you know he’s faking it? He said he had surgery on his spine when he was younger. Spinal problems could last for years. He may be able to move a little bit, but we don’t know how it is for him on a day to day basis.
@@SB18TH exactly
@D S He got on disability at 6. You think a 6 year old was faking?
People can work up to 20 hours with SSI/SSDI
and make up to 2500 a month
I hate that she drills people when they say their disabled. I know people that look regular and are sick. People judge too quickly
This guy wasn't though. Even he didn't know why he was getting benefits. A bad back doesn't preclude you from an office job.
@shaz2761 I worked the medical industry for 10 yrs. I know people who have back pain where they cannot sit for long periods of time otherwise they have pain for days. No one should be worried about the next person's disabilities.
@@ghettogossippodcast6606 so do I. I have slipped disk. I simply change my position when I work from sit to stand every so often. Simple.
He NEEDED some1 to help him out verbally...
It's mindblowing how many ppl come on JJ & completely expose their fraud! 😂😂🤣
People who don’t understand that these families normally work minimum wage therefore they need supplemental assistance. It may look fraudulent but i don’t judge some folks who have to scratch the system to live a bit better. But I guarantee the cycle of his upbringing was no dad, his mom probably didn’t grow up with no dad too because she comes from the crack epidemic years… his grandmother comes from discriminatory age where she may had to work seven time harder at minimum wage at the time of $2.30 in the late 70’s with lack of child care support… like it is so much bigger then this… you can tell he is a homebody possibly left alone all the time in the house because based on his demeanor and lack of entitlement anger, especially because he has no motivation to help himself. But to those that say fraud… I agree there’s fraud… and I would suggest to start looking at white collar fraud before judging people like these… because I know for a fact that you the complainer has been fooled by corporations… but go ahead… kick the poverty in the 🍑 (I am copying and pasting this to a bunch of comments). Lastly, I have worked since the age of 16, pay my taxes and live a great life without government assistance, just like my mom and dad! But I don’t judge these class of people at all unless I see malice.
Fraud has intent. And although this kid is 22 he clearly has the mind of a 15 year old. He doesn’t know he’s doing something wrong, it’s just how he was raised. And hopefully he finds some mentors to lift him out of that mindset.
@@iamthomasgreenman I agree with your assessment of that.
@@CookieWoods. on another note I’m with you all the way though, I love when scammers come on and JJ tears them a new one. 😂😂 Hope you enjoy your lunch breaks like I do!
@@iamthomasgreenman I already know when she continually repeats the SSI/disability recipients statements, she's sending smoke signals to the Soc. Security Administration! 😂 I actually believe she reports them when the shows are over! & yes I do enjoy my breaks watching JJ. I hope you enjoy the rest of your work week! And thank you!
She is ignorant. Folks can be disabled and not look it. This man just told her hr has severe back pain since 6 years old. He is not doing labor work, and some people on disability work as well.
It's seems like the checks aren't just for his back
I don’t understand the genuine ignorance and animus surrounding ppl who receive govt benefits. All disabilities are NOT physical just bc you cannot see it does not mean it does not exist!
Why does Judy gotta know that personal information?
Because she's exposing the FRAUD that he IS.
@@crupert23225 Fraud, You don't qualify for disability if you're not disabled .. You can't fake mental and physical disabilities. Tests are conducted to determine these kinds of things. A physician had to give the ok. It's not like his Mom falsified documents. He clearly had a major surgery that prevented him from his normal activities. Not only that, he clearly has other issues.There's a young man that works at McDonald's near where I live. He clearly has a disability but also works. Should I assume that he's faking as well.
@@crupert23225are you that deluded into thinking you know the intricacies of a persons life by looking at them behind a screen? Perhaps you don’t even know what the world “intricacies” means.
So if a disabled man in a wheelchair is trying to lighten up his boring days and start to paint painting and he managed to sell some of them he should be cut out of benefits. I think NOT. AND u can’t always see if someone is disabled, and u are actually not supposed to ask someone about it. Its like asking someone in front of a audience if they are impotent, it’s a way to shaming people. Stop that JJ
ya ive never thought it was right either at least do it off camera or edit it out many people struggle for various reasons and thers so much competition out ther efor work , esp the next generatoin n bored retireees but ya and some are just trying to keep their house , have food protect thier spouse n themselfs, als o we are musicians everyone wants free or not at all mosty
I know people in wheelchairs that WORK! not freeload with their disability.
1:22 why did the redhead on the right roll her eyes after Judy called that guy potentially honest. LOL
There is another reason plaintiff is getting disability. People with back injuries do not normally have rep payees.
Thank you!!!!! Money really jades people’s minds to where they don’t see the obvious! He seems like he’s not all the way there, and like you pointed out he has a payee which means he’s not capable and if you have back issues, that doesn’t affect your brain to make day-to-day decisions so it has to be more and he doesn’t even know why he’s there let alone why he has disability. They are mad about $800 a month which is not feasible for people to live off of in its entirety unless you have other benefits which I’m sure he qualifies for too. Being on a fixed income takes away certain freedoms that we have and you’re mad because you can’t be fixed on barely living? Sad
"There is no traffic jam along the extra mile." *Roger Staubach
Why is she crying like Judge Judy just told her she beat cancer? 🤣
Because she shouldn't have been dragged there by someone who takes advantage to begin with????
She took care of him for his 800 dollars social security disability payments. All she took was 2 extra months to make up for the 2 months she did not get paid. She was crying because of how ungrateful he was for dragging her to court.
@@katec4096 Hes just lazy and don't want to work. I have more pain than he does
It is obvious he has mental issues by the way he speaks and the fact that his grandma was his payee. Judge Judy was relatively easy on him because she saw this. He was only in court because his grandmother wants everything.
No I feel like she is incorrect This man probably has spinal pain throughout the day. They have doctors that examine and approve for short-term or long-term
They don't just GOCE you disability --- it actually requires medical records AND recertification after so long
It’s obvious there’s more wrong with the young man, than his back when he’s not able to receive his check as an adult in his own name.
He may need disability in order to have medical. I don’t think he’s a high dollar earner and obviously doesn’t have the mental capacity to fully support himself.
I agree.
He doesn't have to be a high dollar earner, he just have to be able to have a job, and someone who plays basketball is fully capable of answering a phone or working as a receptionist even if he is not a genius. Stop making excuses for lazy people.
@@allwhatilove914 he said he had to quit
@@allwhatilove914 you know nothing about back pain unless you have or lived with someone who has it extremely bad. my dad died because what has setting his off he had it most of my childhood. some days it was so bad he couldnt get up to go to the bathroom other days he was fine working on his truck and doing yard work. it could vary much be the same for him. its vary sad he had to deal with this since a young age
From what I understand if you consistently earn over a certain amount on the books, your disability is pulled. He may only be able to work a few hours a day. There might also be good days and bad days.
I don't think he actually makes any good money that's why he's keeping it going.
I do enjoy watching Judge Judy but she irritates tf out of me sometimes. She’s asking 1,000 questions about what he does and his “disability” like who tf cares can we just get on with the case?!
Please, Please, Please People, do not go on JJ's show if you are collecting any type of SSDI payments! If you do, the chances of you winning your case will be greatly diminished.
I would if there was a reason to be there suing some who did me wrong, for I am legally in SSDI, disabled and unable to work.
JJ doesn't hate people who are legitametly on SSDI, stupid. She hates people who abuse the system by lying just to get free money.
Really and it’s sad because people cases be having absolutely nothing to do with them getting the ssi
I've had back pain since I was 8! I didn't know I was sitting on a goldmine!
She has a real bias against the disabled and a lack of knowledge regarding the Social Security Ticket To Work program.
I was on SSI since age 9, for blindness, and have been a CNA for 8 years. It’s STILL a struggle, but I’m off SSI, making it work.
Shut your mouth, JJ.
For the people asking why the Defendant is crying: Maybe because she was a close family friend that helped out the Plaintiff in his time of need, even allowing him to live with her. Then, he turns around and sues her for keeping money that obviously went to HIS bills. I don't think the Plaintiff even understands why he's there. The Defendant was probably just relieved JJ seemed to understand the situation. She was probably terrified she was going to be accused of ripping off a "disabled" kid.
I absolutely adore Judge Judy. Always looking out for the common good.
JJ can get it wrong sometimes.
The defendant crying is epic
like what was she possibly crying about 😂
@@Kvylal Could be stress. Some people can't cope with stressful situations. Thankfully she didn't have to say anything.
She was gearing up to make an Oscar-winning victim performance, complete with tears, but never got the chance because Judge Judy dismissed the case before she had any chance to start. Must have been very disappointing for her.... lol.
@@judyhayward6291 stress or attention? We’ll never know
@Kayla I think her feelings were hurt. I think she truly was helping this young, naive man. Ironically, his real family had been taking advantage of him for years; someone genuinely comes along and tries to help him, and he takes that person to court claiming theft.
I love JJ but everybody who receives SS is not scanning the system 🤦🏾♀️ it’s like as soon as she hear they are on disability she’s already made up in her mind that they are scamming.. not to say that people aren’t, but everybody is not and it’s a shame that just because of that one fact she dismissed his case. Making music is not the same as doing construction. He’s sitting in a chair. This one kinda pissed me off
Love her ! Common sense judgements!
People can work while on Disability. They can work
part time afterr their trial work period which is 9
month while on disability. It's not or her to say He's disabled. He was deemed as such years ago and that's why he's on disability.
If he has a payee at 22 then I believe it’s very likely that he is getting SSI based on a disability and I think part of that disability might be neurological. Maybe his mom just never wanted him to know that he was developmentally delayed. Some parents do that.
There are different kinds of disabilities that a person can’t necessarily see. Not all are physical. There emotional traumas people have to live with. An example is EMDR that veterans resort to so 4:20 that they don’t kill themselves.
This was obviously not the case.
Why is the defendant crying?!
No one should feel they can judge this young man. Seems a really decent human being and merely a product of his upbringing, JJ should not judge him receiving disability benefit. He could be in excruciating pain for the rest of his life.
I dont think he could work much. to make his music most of the time hes sitting and its highly unlikely he make thats much
Why was the defendant crying? She didn't have to say anything to win the case lol
If only Judge Judy spoke out against rich grafters with the same zeal.
First of all that is none of her frickin business I hate Judge Judy 🤣
0:31 She pouring that water like she knew she had time for tea.🤣🤣
She got on my nerves 🙄🤣.
He isn't intellectually astute enough to understand what's going on.
So many people acting like they know his exact medical history he may not be able to lift heavy objects sometimes in the range of 30 pounds and up. He may not be able to stand for an extended duration. We don't know, you're just assuming because he LOOKS healthy he is.
There are a lot of jobs where you don’t have to lift more than 30 pounds or be on your feet for long periods of time.
The crying on point is Golden!
The government doesn't give a shit about helping people. My mom had a stroke suffers from seizures, has ptsd and severe depression and still getting denied disability 2 years later. It pisses me off that people who truly need it gets denied
I had a friend who had two brain tumors and when her third brain tumor was removed unfortunately the surgery affected nerve damage and was disabled on her right side, she the poor darling was not able to continue to work and applied for disability. She was told she cannot apply for full disability payments only part payment due to her age and told to work part-time.......she managed for one year but her health declined quite rapidly....she past away at the age of 42.
I honestly HATE the way judge judy treats people with disabilities or who gwt social security benefits .. if you go back and watch any one of the cases where someone is on disability she automatically drops their cases without even listening to what they have to say .....not all disabilities are visible you know... just because someone doesn't looks disabled doesn't mean they're lying about it. Q
The trouble is that most of the people on Judge Judy have rather mysterious disabilities.
His momma should be ashamed of herself. Now he facing the judge and really don't know what to think. Thank God Judy explained it to him.
From the beginning he stated that he has back issues. Working in a studio doesn't involve lifting weights or anything that would aggravate his condition. Young people have learned how to make money on social media. This should not be hard to understand.
That's not the point. If he is able to make money on social media, or in any other way that does not entail physical labor, that would at all jeopardize his health, then that is his bridge to being able to take care of himself. If 'young people have learned how to make money on social media', then they 'learn' how to get off the government money and liberate themselves financially.
@@LisaJohnson-dx1dp who said he’s making money?
One thing JJ is going to do... ask somebody why they are on disability 😂
Nobody asks her for a Lecture about 850 dollars a month Social Security when she is making millions of dollars a year sitting on that bench for 10 hrs a week.
It doesn't matter if she likes it or thinks he should hqve it.
The fact of the Matter is he does and that lady stole his money.
Right but it was bc he didn’t pay for his stay
@@ayamystic I'm talking about JJ not liking him being a disability.
She is very judgemental about that, and she really shouldn't be, she doesn't know their situation.
Totally disagree with JJ on how SSI works. It’s supplementary! He receives $800 a month! He can’t live off of that so naturally he’d have to work to save and possibly live on his own. Yes there are people that abuse the system but there are those who’s disabilities effect what type of work they can do and SSI doesn’t pay enough for people to even make ends meet. All SSI cases are not the same.
Not to mention the number of hours a week you work. If you work over that limit (say it's 10 hours a week) SSI can reduce your benefits.
He actually should be receiving LESS than $800 a month if he's living somewhere rent-free.