《親愛的》- 香港預告 DEAREST - HK trailer

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ม.ค. 2025
  • 香港上映日期:2015年1月22日
    Hong Kong Release Date: January 22, 2015
    Director: Peter Ho-Sun Chan
    Cast: Zhao Wei, Huang Bo, Tong Dawei, Hao Lei, Zhang Yi, Zhang Yuqi
    兒子失蹤了,這打破了離異夫婦田文軍 (黃渤 飾) 和魯曉娟 (赫蕾 飾) 的普通生活。他們於萬般愧疚中度日如年,於常人無可想像的苦痛中苦捱支撐,找遍大半個中國,卻始終渺茫無音信。如果說等待是世上最難的事,他們甘心情願。哪怕是來自騙子的消息,那也意味著一個希望,希望成為他們活下去的理由。春去秋來的某一天,夫婦二人坐看秋風落葉,終於了悟,如果一對男女有了一個小孩,無論他們如何分開,他們都會割捨不開。
    尋子途中,他們遇上了有著相同經歷的夫婦韓德忠 (張譯 飾) 和樊芸 (張雨綺 飾),亦接觸到一個幫忙尋找失蹤孩子的民間組織,頗感同是天涯淪落人,相逢何必曾相識。眾人彼此互助,相互取暖。在韓德忠的襄助下,田文軍和魯曉娟依據一條新線索,隱身潛入北方某地農村,終於找到了日思夜想的兒子田鵬。
    田文軍和魯曉娟攜子回家,豈料物是人非,兒子早已將他們視作陌生人,幼小的心靈猶如遭遇情感的第二次拐賣。與此同時,田鵬的農村養母李紅琴 (趙薇 飾)也來到這座城市,她要找回她唯一的親人,也揭開了一個隱藏已久的秘密……
    Shenzhen, southern China - When their 3-year old son goes missing, TIAN WEN-JUN and his ex-wife, LU XIAO-JUAN, find their ordinary lives thrown into complete turmoil. Overwhelmed with guilt, they struggle to cope with the never-ending nightmare that most people would be unable to comprehend. They comb through half the country in search of their child but to no avail. The waiting is the hardest thing to endure but they persevere, clinging to the faintest glimmer of hope - even if it comes in the form of a conman’s lie. Hope is the only thing that gives them a reason to live.
    Months pass. One day, the couple sits and watches the autumn leaves fall. Although they are divorced, they realize that once a man and a woman have a child together, they are inextricably linked forever. While on the road, they encounter HAN DE-ZHONG and his wife FAN YUN, another couple who lost their child. Han introduces Tian and Lu to a support group that is dedicated to locating missing children. Tian and Lu are both grateful and saddened to meet others in the same circumstances. The members of the group offer each other assistance and emotional support.
    Still searching years later, Tian and Lu travel up north to a remote village, where they have been tipped to find their long lost son, TIAN PENG. Tian and Lu return home with their son, now 6, but Peng has changed. He sees his biological parents as strangers. The child is traumatized after being taken away from his ‘family’ for a second time. Meanwhile, LI HONG-QIN, Peng’s foster mother from the village arrives in the city in search of her last surviving relative, exposing long buried secrets…

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