I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary. Such a well balanced portrayal of life in Abu Dhabi, not just the perfect shots of glittering skyscrapers in the night sky.
unbelievable throwing-away of money...get real. $14,000 a day for a hotel room? Geez. I don't care how beautiful the room may be...I'd rather give that money to someone that has no home.
Iv been here as a tourist for 5 days. I am enthralled by the wealth and grandeur of this land. Amazingly wealthy Dubai and Abu Dhabi ☑️☑️☑️ Though I am Roman Catholic, I visited the majestic Sheikh Zayed Mosque... It is a beautiful place of worship to Allah. Emirates will always be blessed because they respect their Ramadan very seriously. I respect them for this. 🙏🙏🙏🌹
my blood boils when I see people living such lavish lives on one hand and on the other, billions of people are living from pay check to pay check and millions are dying for a day's meal. :(
I've watched this video several times and each time I see more interesting things.... I've heard of Abu Dhabi but never fully realized how beautiful it is. One of the world's most modern metropolises........that's not quite adequate enough to describe this place. It's amazing!
Because people from India come to work but end up in slave labor by the so called holy families but as a Muslim myself, the actions of these super rich “holy or royals” in no way reflects what God (Allah) told us to do,act, etc...
That suite was unimpressive, it was grandiose and enacted a lot of expensive fabrics, precious metals and embroidery however it felt barren and cold. Where was the warmth and comfort?
This place is an architect's dream but an environmentalist nightmare. Altering the country's natural landscape to that extent I hope Allah saves them God forbid a natural disaster strikes. All that sand and blue water isn't as luxurious as the sight of lush green trees.
Environmentalists nightmare? I dont think an environmentalist would like to see lush green trees in a desert environment (except the mangroves that have been heavily protected by the UAE government). After-all, a desert isn't supposed to be green.....
WOW! I live in the United States in the state of Indiana. The ceiling you showed inside the Sheikh Zayed Mosque is so very beautiful! Such pretty colors and me being an Artist, I have to tell you that ceiling and the circle ceiling window in this video -they are breathtaking. When I was in college, my friend took me to a Catholic church and it was so pretty inside that church. The colors and the trims and angels and of course their statue of mother mary - everything looked so nice. After that day, I have admired the beauty of ceiling art. My Grandma's Methodist church in the state of Ohio is painted beautifully in white, gold and turquoise walls and trim with angels and cherubs and other pretty designs, but your Mosque is the prettiest inside artistry I've ever seen!
The worst country for labor rights, this country never impressed me, they want to impress the world with their skyline, and luxury living, but it is nothing but the capital of money laundry,
Agreed Its life for Rich & Royals. Even if you are well deserving for a white collar job you don't get it so easily unless you have some Good references or you white
Worked in Jebel Ali Palace as a chef and got a salary same as stewards went out alive after 6 months. Piece of SHIT. "Word coming from a secretary right hand of a sheikh olypian : If you dont like it here Leave. Creat clean food for them and they repay you nothing not even a thank you after a Ramadan worked 18 hours / day cooking allday and night until they sleep by early morning. What now? after that not even a thank you!!
embe1 I grew up in Abu Dhabi and last summer I went to the mosque. It truly is amazing AND it is the second largest mosque in the world. I wish I could go back there every year.
Renee I haven't been to Abu Dhabi, although I have been to Dubai, but it is my dream to visit that mosque. And am not even a Muslim btw but I feel i need to see it
embe1 anybody could visit that mosque even if the person is a non Muslim only during visiting hours / non prayer hours. The founder of UAE , Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s tomb is also located within the premises of the mosque and the whole atmosphere is absolutely heavenly there. As if you have been transported back in time a thousand years in the past. Amazing how a city so technologically advanced could also preserve its heritage so well. I would suggest you visit Abu Dhabi in the winter time because it is EXTREMELY hot and may be unbearable in the summer. Good luck.
Agreed, gold leaf isn't even worth as much as they claimed. People associate gold with prestige.. I highly doubt there are any studies to show it has any positive effect on the skin. It seems like a treatment people later brag about to their friends.
The documentary reveals that foreign nationals remain indispensable pillar of such a presumed "civilisation", whilst the native Arabs are spending time with animals (camels & falcons). This reality resumes it all.
I don't care how much money i have, i couldn't live like this so barren of joy and warmth, and pretentious, give me a nice hovel and outdoors, with nature and wonderful companions, of animals and humans, that's all i ask, but,to each his own
I dont undertand why there are so much hate about the wealth of Abu Dhabi and UAE in this video. If you are talking about human equality, the one who really created the wide gap are the World Bank, IMF and other Rothschild's machines. And it is from Europe and US. Dude, even US has more homeless and unemployed people in the street. At least UAE and other gulf countries accept and invite all people from all over the world, regardless their race and faith to come and get jobs. It helps most of these migrants to generate income. And what do you expect migrant workers to do in foreign countries like UAE? enjoy their life while sip wine and eat like kings? you got to be realistic when commenting. put those hatred and prejudice away.
People in the comment section are complaining they treated people like this like that stay in your own country and make it great ....stop expecting to be treated well in other peoples country when you can't make your own country great
Tons and tons of respect for the fishermen clan who are here to earn decent money ..and send back home to support their family.. Amidst such scorching heat of 50° and strenuous work find time to remember their goddess Laxmi..
anwion this video is very one-sided, trying to make it look bad. It's literally a dream to be there, in a regular apt. It's beautiful. The money aspect.. just like a Los Angeles/New York. Apts are expensive.. but in Dubai, they're worth the $. Cops are local celebrities, it's safe, clean asf. You won't see any of these people who struggle (anything that is an eyesore is confined to small obscure areas). Sure it sucks but we buy everything in the USA from Chinese sweatshops without even realizing it. So how are we any different.
if you have dark skin , the first discrimination you'll face will be at the mosk. being forced to sit behind , so i am quite sure getting in those places is next to impossible.
+Beverly Not ALL Americans have wealth let alone extravagant wealth. Los Angeles Ca. has more homeless than you would even know! They've all suffered under the windbags of a debacle of a government that doesn't give 2 shits about their people
+Abitamim Bharmal We did have a lot in that field along with comp programming, writing/breaking codes, etc... until our elite & uber rich dogs crashed the Stock Market AGAIN in 2008, they seem to do it every decade or so. Problem is you had people who were/are high up in the CS, knew everything-people were making over $1,000 an hour-now if anyone does their math you'd know that this is unsustainable. So after the 2008 crash-Americans got shafted, lost everything they own but they want us to trust the Stock Market??!! Why? You CEO's, CO's, bankers got a huge BONUS check for all of you but most Americans lost it all. Our Government allowed them to do what they did then rewarded the bank-Goldman Sachs for tanking more than half of America. Now these same people who are out of jobs, can't find a place to live or afford it without a job. The people who made $1,000 per hour now can't find work for $25.00 an hour. Why? He's "Over Qualified." Someone just starting might get in but it's not the big money it used to be. It IS a job though and hell even for $25.00 I'd be working my ass off if I could & as I did when I WAS able to work prior to having lower back surgery and now can barely walk. I digress...anyways...What the U.N.World Government's trying to do is to completely derail America, completely, utterly, destroy our money system. Look at the Justice Supreme Court. These people are in that office until they damn die!!! Some of them have been there since the 1st Ice Age=Pelosi, McConnell!! They actually created a few of their own laws such as "They MUST take a raise EVERY year, no matter what" and that their positions in that key office will be for the "rest of their lives." I think it should be be like the President's term-4 years, 8 max if you're voted in again..
CarsAndProfits, any good quality school has field trips to consolidate the learning that takes place in the classroom. Saadiyat Public Beach (where the turtle rescue program happens) is only a few blocks away from Cranleigh, which makes it the perfect place to take students on Environmentally friendly field trips. I’m not quite sure what helping out with conservation efforts has to do with money...please elaborate on the connection between the two.
the sad thing that Muslims do is talking how much peaceful is Islam yet some of them especially golf countries enjoy this luxury and Syrians are suffering die by hunger yet no any Arabic counties toke refugees I found this showing as how wonderful is to be an a Muslim wow
Bullshit my country is an Arab country and we accepted 100k Syrian and Lebanon did too so Egypt Sudan Morocco all those accepted Syrian Islam is the only perfect thing in this world
Hindu boys work so hArd for theirs family. I respect them so much n in the same time I fell sorry for them. Word is cruel, it doesnt matter If you have a good heart or not..... keep praying for good souls
Indians live better in India than in Arab countries. But they think they have no way out. In my opinion if they fight more for social justice, and anti corruption government, india would've been so much better than all other Asian countries. But there is so much of corruption. The people need to stand up together to fight that. They are many people and they can bring a real change.
Abu Dhabi very interesting city that show different point of interests such as the luxury hotel in which everything should be perfect, the lifestyle of people as the fishermen, the camel'traders and the falcon's buyers and the last the conservation of the ecosystem. Thanks for sharing and good job🐪🐫🐐🦃🕌🌅⛵🏨
What ever happen in this country..this county has a lot of dreams for many people around the world to see about😊so enjoy your times in this country my sis n broo all around the world just see the Goodness of the struggle many sheiks to build this country in the former time...and let behind the bad things..learn from anything😇🙏love n peace from me
It's strange to see arrogance and hate of Indians towards Muslims and the Islam at the same time they doing millions of jobs in the Gulf countries. Indians want to expell Muslims from India and what if Muslims expell Indians from their countries UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Malaysia, Brunei and Jordan.
I just want to the Gulfs and India's huge relation is the Magnificient TAJ MAHAL. The Moughals actually contributed a lot in shaping India's modern history. The great emperor Jallauddin Akbar and Shah Jahan are most recongnized emperors who ruled India. The slaves you say in Gulf is nothing just a tradition between them and us. The real beauty between them and us is growing together and empowering everyone. And this is the reason India have a huge trade with Saudi Arabia.
I'm always so interested in seeing how other people live...but I really don't like the over the top wealthy..wasteful . So many people have nothing and then there is THIS
Dearest Maria Madalina Mata You are very Beautiful, And I Love You :). In this whole video only you are good. Your voice, your way of talking, your walking absolutely grea8. God Bless You. All the Best. :)
The woman replanting the small shrubs ,is to be commended, she really has a vision for the future!! She is looking not just toward the future but more of the distant future where she will be gone but her work will still be carried on !
Nishaunt, duh! we all clicked because of the pic, i ain't going to pretend otherwise. but i'm reading the comments while hearing the clip because i know she is off the picture now.
Most polluted Sea, Worst environmental conditions And there are almost no regulations. Just its a run for being 'better' .. Yes. Better in Shiny buildings.
Absolutely right about her Dress. And I Love Maria's. Only Maria is good in this whole video. Any one know about her or atleast know her full name..? Please
To the Indian it is approximately 20,000 rupees. Where in their country they don't earn that much, probably not more than 10,000 rupees per month. This is why they r thankful to Arab peoples. And he did say that the more he catch the more money he get, so.
having money comes with responsibility ; being humble and respectful of other is one of them .Abu Dhabi is a beautiful place its just some people use money in vain and very Bulent ways just to objected their lavish lifestyle upon others which is unislamic and appalling to me just makes me see Abu Dhabi in a different way now
Well they should. If they are smart, they should unite together and form an oligarchy and set a quota of how much fish to catch. That way they can sell them at a higher price to the Arabs and everybody would benefit. And the environment would benefit too with no overfishing.
@@bttrade6286 Lets say we decide to cath 10 fish only a piece. And Lets we increase our prices to 1 dollar per fish. If we deciede to only catch 10 fish each, thats 10 dollar. But if we catch free and sell free, then i can catch 50 fish and sell for 50cent each. Thats 25 dollar. Get the point?
إِنَّ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ لَآيَاتٍ لِأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding. الَّذِينَ يَذْكُرُونَ اللَّهَ قِيَامًا وَقُعُودًا وَعَلَىٰ جُنُوبِهِمْ وَيَتَفَكَّرُونَ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ رَبَّنَا مَا خَلَقْتَ هَٰذَا بَاطِلًا سُبْحَانَكَ فَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire. The holy Quran -Sourate Aal-E-Imran, Aya 190-191
Come to watch the adds but the damn documentary kept interrupting.
lol Michael.
Haha here to watch the fancy buildings and luxurious materials and stuck with the bump lol
use chrome and add a app call Avast Online Security
I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary. Such a well balanced portrayal of life in Abu Dhabi, not just the perfect shots of glittering skyscrapers in the night sky.
unbelievable throwing-away of money...get real. $14,000 a day for a hotel room? Geez. I don't care how beautiful the room may be...I'd rather give that money to someone that has no home.
FeeelingAlive 14,000 euros. Not dollars. That's close to 19,000 dollars
FeeelingAlive. If your a billionare thats like 140 bucks to them... they dont care just living in the moment bcuz they cant go broke
Evan Vincent yah ofcourse we arabs are amazing
FeeelingAlive Ur full of shit
Saves 1 family from starvation
Iv been here as a tourist for 5 days. I am enthralled by the wealth and grandeur of this land. Amazingly wealthy Dubai and Abu Dhabi ☑️☑️☑️
Though I am Roman Catholic, I visited the majestic Sheikh Zayed Mosque... It is a beautiful place of worship to Allah.
Emirates will always be blessed because they respect their Ramadan very seriously. I respect them for this. 🙏🙏🙏🌹
You should read the quran.
my blood boils when I see people living such lavish lives on one hand and on the other, billions of people are living from pay check to pay check and millions are dying for a day's meal.
The world isn't fair and we can't be bitter about it.
Place of womanizer
@@MyAleema please come out of Hollywood
@Henrich Godwinson STFU dude!
I've watched this video several times and each time I see more interesting things.... I've heard of Abu Dhabi but never fully realized how beautiful it is. One of the world's most modern metropolises........that's not quite adequate enough to describe this place. It's amazing!
I missing forest and general green areas, the Nature crying by building those cities like this...
Anna Skopkov please carry on your crying
nonsense :-D
Anna Skopkova It's in the desert FYI. Trees don't grow there because of the climate. So stop nagging will you.
bibi ozera well enjoy it then :-D
Anna Skopkova I presume u r frm Russia.... Nation which has biggest forest in terms of area....
We went to Abu Dhabi for the opening of the Louvre in 2017 and we also visited the Sheikh Zayed mosque - really amazing!!
Sounds like a grotesque monstrosity
In all honesty, If you didn't know where you are located, you would think you are in India. Abu Dhabi and Dubai is over flowing with Indians.
Exposé lmfaoooo😂😂😂
d smell there is india as well
Because people from India come to work but end up in slave labor by the so called holy families but as a Muslim myself, the actions of these super rich “holy or royals” in no way reflects what God (Allah) told us to do,act, etc...
@@CB-mz7kl no one told em to be cheap, they offered themselves for service.
Ummm because they built those cities. If you look closely at the sparkling skyscrapers you will find their blood, sweat and tears on them.
Enjoyed all of that! The fishermen, the Camel sellers, the Falcon guys and the conservationists. Seems like a nice place to visit.
That suite was unimpressive, it was grandiose and enacted a lot of expensive fabrics, precious metals and embroidery however it felt barren and cold. Where was the warmth and comfort?
That's Ur opinion
@@lilalila9463 Thats because it was empty at that point, duh! No one had checked in yet. It was beautiful to me.
Lala Shelala If I paint a turd with gold color you’d love it..
Your taste is equivalent to the aforementioned turd 💩
Same thinking here!
Grapes are sour.
This place is an architect's dream but an environmentalist nightmare. Altering the country's natural landscape to that extent I hope Allah saves them God forbid a natural disaster strikes. All that sand and blue water isn't as luxurious as the sight of lush green trees.
Environmentalists nightmare? I dont think an environmentalist would like to see lush green trees in a desert environment (except the mangroves that have been heavily protected by the UAE government). After-all, a desert isn't supposed to be green.....
Could you add more ads on this video? Lol
Unboxing Sve. U won the internet today. The ads are too much
Download VLC media player. Select 'open network' from the file menu, paste the url to this video, congratulations, you now watching ad free
I know. It's almost unbearable to watch. Every 2 minutes!
Unboxing Sve no ads for me
agreed! It's ridiculous
3:15 my heart got bumped for while here.
WOW! I live in the United States in the state of Indiana. The ceiling you showed inside the
Sheikh Zayed Mosque
is so very beautiful! Such pretty colors and me being an Artist, I have to tell you that ceiling and the circle ceiling window in this video -they are breathtaking. When I was in college, my friend took me to a Catholic church and it was so pretty inside that church. The colors and the trims and angels and of course their statue of mother mary - everything looked so nice. After that day, I have admired the beauty of ceiling art. My Grandma's Methodist church in the state of Ohio is painted beautifully in white, gold and turquoise walls and trim with angels and cherubs and other pretty designs, but your Mosque is the prettiest inside artistry I've ever seen!
this video wins award for most youtube ads
what ads? i got none.
There is a little something called "Ghostery". Try it. (At least for a desktop. Not so great on mobile devices)
biebe08 Exactly, I haven’t even seen a single Ad 😕 I don’t know why everyone is complaining about ads
Never heard of ad blocker?
Now watch Slaves of Dubai by VICE and see what the reality is.
No1 slave them , they sign the contract and still getting paid even low , but its decent for their money and being dirty is their own choice.
Alpha Magus when white people owned slaves, arabs also owned slaves. the difference is, some white man slaves survived to tell the story.
@Alpha Magus so thats suppose to make it right?
Alpha Magus, that might be wrong, there are estimates that conclude that more slaves were sent east than west.
Muslims started the slave trade, not whites..........
The worst country for labor rights, this country never impressed me, they want to impress the world with their skyline, and luxury living, but it is nothing but the capital of money laundry,
People are enslaved there.
Agreed Its life for Rich & Royals. Even if you are well deserving for a white collar job you don't get it so easily unless you have some Good references or you white
yeah true
Verry true
Worked in Jebel Ali Palace as a chef and got a salary same as stewards went out alive after 6 months. Piece of SHIT. "Word coming from a secretary right hand of a sheikh olypian : If you dont like it here Leave. Creat clean food for them and they repay you nothing not even a thank you after a Ramadan worked 18 hours / day cooking allday and night until they sleep by early morning. What now? after that not even a thank you!!
Beautiful Religion. Beautiful Place. Beautiful Culture.
WOW ... such a great presentation about absolutely greatest country
The South Asian community has really helped to build up all of these GCC Economies.
SYED ADEEL HUSSAIN. Yes, but not for free, they creates a lot of jobs.
Sayd its the dark skinned south asians. low castes. there is something to be told about this too.
My neighbor has been to Petra, and showed me pictures! This area of the world is full of ancient histories!
That mosque took my breath away.
embe1 I grew up in Abu Dhabi and last summer I went to the mosque. It truly is amazing AND it is the second largest mosque in the world. I wish I could go back there every year.
Renee I haven't been to Abu Dhabi, although I have been to Dubai, but it is my dream to visit that mosque. And am not even a Muslim btw but I feel i need to see it
embe1 anybody could visit that mosque even if the person is a non Muslim only during visiting hours / non prayer hours. The founder of UAE , Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan’s tomb is also located within the premises of the mosque and the whole atmosphere is absolutely heavenly there. As if you have been transported back in time a thousand years in the past. Amazing how a city so technologically advanced could also preserve its heritage so well.
I would suggest you visit Abu Dhabi in the winter time because it is EXTREMELY hot and may be unbearable in the summer. Good luck.
embe1 what sbout mosque in Brunei?
My breath was taken away by amount of money they have wasted on it.
Really breathtaking and mind blowing.
A facial gold message, LOL!
I do not think I want metal on my face
Gotta love the little Scottish Kid at 28:51 handling the falcons. Lol -- Ginger Megs's Travels in Arabia. - There to make his fortune no doubt.
Richard Mason
His father is an Arab but it maybe the mother.
These fisherman are some of the most diligent people I have seen..."Yeshua/Jesus is the way"
Jdor D Jesus?
*"The fish of the Persian gulf love flat breads from India"*
That has meaning on so many levels..
Yea, Real deep one bro
you are absolutely right....I was stunned with this conclusion!>
so sensational
Maria...wow.. She's pretty n knows her job...very nice
13:58 that sound is just peaceful
8:00 that gold facial is absolute bullshit
you can buy it on Ebay lol
We know this😂😂
im not sure , if you eat it , it make your doodoo sparkle.
Agreed, gold leaf isn't even worth as much as they claimed. People associate gold with prestige.. I highly doubt there are any studies to show it has any positive effect on the skin. It seems like a treatment people later brag about to their friends.
Documentary is misleading and talks more about the fishing trade in Abu Dhabi than anything else.
Juanito, its called an angle .
you mean they are angling?? and that there is the rotting smell of human corruption underlying everything - maybe something is fishy???
Juan Vargas yes, I was disappointed as well.
u just save my time my friend...lmfao
The documentary reveals that foreign nationals remain indispensable pillar of such a presumed "civilisation", whilst the native Arabs are spending time with animals (camels & falcons). This reality resumes it all.
What a spectacular place to stay and its only a dream for me to be there.
Yeah, no wonder Garfield mall nermal here
I don't care how much money i have, i couldn't live like this
so barren of joy and warmth, and pretentious, give me a nice
hovel and outdoors, with nature and wonderful companions,
of animals and humans, that's all i ask, but,to each his own
How can the sea sustain itself with all of the overfishing?
@Liz bth 👍🏼
I would not want to live away from my family for so long. Such a sad sacrifice!
But sometimes we live away because we need.
I dont undertand why there are so much hate about the wealth of Abu Dhabi and UAE in this video. If you are talking about human equality, the one who really created the wide gap are the World Bank, IMF and other Rothschild's machines. And it is from Europe and US. Dude, even US has more homeless and unemployed people in the street. At least UAE and other gulf countries accept and invite all people from all over the world, regardless their race and faith to come and get jobs. It helps most of these migrants to generate income. And what do you expect migrant workers to do in foreign countries like UAE? enjoy their life while sip wine and eat like kings? you got to be realistic when commenting. put those hatred and prejudice away.
Wanderful video 📹 thank you very much happy Day to you,
People in the comment section are complaining they treated people like this like that stay in your own country and make it great ....stop expecting to be treated well in other peoples country when you can't make your own country great
Arabic Sheikh life is awesome and Amazing.
beautiful video !
Tons and tons of respect for the fishermen clan who are here to earn decent money ..and send back home to support their family.. Amidst such scorching heat of 50° and strenuous work find time to remember their goddess Laxmi..
Respect from me too.
YES PLEASE! more Ads would be great!
I think I'll stay where I am.. (green, beautiful and evolving naturally) and people should stop fishing the oceans for the next decade..
@@palestinabaddie l
People starve and die. You should say don't do overfishing
Big fan of Docs especially about Middle east and Asia I've always wanted to go to Dubai and Abu!!
anwion this video is very one-sided, trying to make it look bad. It's literally a dream to be there, in a regular apt. It's beautiful. The money aspect.. just like a Los Angeles/New York. Apts are expensive.. but in Dubai, they're worth the $. Cops are local celebrities, it's safe, clean asf. You won't see any of these people who struggle (anything that is an eyesore is confined to small obscure areas). Sure it sucks but we buy everything in the USA from Chinese sweatshops without even realizing it. So how are we any different.
please go there if you get the chance (Abu dhabi & Dubai) it is just amazing probably the best place on the planet.
Wow amazing with great design
Sam Gibson lets take a trip
Sam Gibs
Theana Taylor yes lets go lol
if you have dark skin , the first discrimination you'll face will be at the mosk. being forced to sit behind , so i am quite sure getting in those places is next to impossible.
Lechiffresix six not true at all
Always wanted to go to Dubai
Beth Barclay ...This is Abu Dubai not Dubai but there’s more vibe and more in Dubai than Abu Dubai
Beth Barclay are u looking for job ?
Beth Barclay let's go together
عاصمة الدوله. الله يحفظ شيوخها.
Those "Volunteer Kids" ALLL have richass parents....what school would pay for a bunch of kids to save Turtles in ABu Dhabi -.-
I asked about This purticuler school and it costs 17k $ a year for grade 1
+Beverly Not ALL Americans have wealth let alone extravagant wealth.
Los Angeles Ca. has more homeless than you would even know! They've all suffered under the windbags of a debacle of a government that doesn't give 2 shits about their people
+Abitamim Bharmal We did have a lot in that field along with comp programming, writing/breaking codes, etc... until our elite & uber rich dogs crashed the Stock Market AGAIN in 2008, they seem to do it every decade or so. Problem is you had people who were/are high up in the CS, knew everything-people were making over $1,000 an hour-now if anyone does their math you'd know that this is unsustainable.
So after the 2008 crash-Americans got shafted, lost everything they own but they want us to trust the Stock Market??!! Why? You CEO's, CO's, bankers got a huge BONUS check for all of you but most Americans lost it all. Our Government allowed them to do what they did then rewarded the bank-Goldman Sachs for tanking more than half of America. Now these same people who are out of jobs, can't find a place to live or afford it without a job. The people who made $1,000 per hour now can't find work for $25.00 an hour. Why? He's "Over Qualified." Someone just starting might get in but it's not the big money it used to be. It IS a job though and hell even for $25.00 I'd be working my ass off if I could & as I did when I WAS able to work prior to having lower back surgery and now can barely walk. I digress...anyways...What the U.N.World Government's trying to do is to completely derail America, completely, utterly, destroy our money system.
Look at the Justice Supreme Court. These people are in that office until they damn die!!! Some of them have been there since the 1st Ice Age=Pelosi, McConnell!! They actually created a few of their own laws such as "They MUST take a raise EVERY year, no matter what" and that their positions in that key office will be for the "rest of their lives." I think it should be be like the President's term-4 years, 8 max if you're voted in again..
CarsAndProfits, any good quality school has field trips to consolidate the learning that takes place in the classroom. Saadiyat Public Beach (where the turtle rescue program happens) is only a few blocks away from Cranleigh, which makes it the perfect place to take students on Environmentally friendly field trips. I’m not quite sure what helping out with conservation efforts has to do with money...please elaborate on the connection between the two.
Islam is a sick and perverted way to live. Mohammad raped Aisha. Islams history is violent and sadly sick to the core.
24.4.2023.First class,very good and best.💯💋😎.Thank you.
Great fishing doc
but gold is one of the most non reactive material on earth...
it wont do anything to your skin...
💕💕!! ~ Dubai, Abu Dhabi, The Emirates is MAGNIFICANT!!💕💕💕💕
Loved the documentary... Keep it up!!
the sad thing that Muslims do is talking how much peaceful is Islam yet some of them especially golf countries enjoy this luxury and Syrians are suffering die by hunger yet no any Arabic counties toke refugees I found this showing as how wonderful is to be an a Muslim wow
Bullshit my country is an Arab country and we accepted 100k Syrian and Lebanon did too so Egypt Sudan Morocco all those accepted Syrian
Islam is the only perfect thing in this world
Hindu boys work so hArd for theirs family. I respect them so much n in the same time I fell sorry for them. Word is cruel, it doesnt matter If you have a good heart or not..... keep praying for good souls
Indians live better in India than in Arab countries. But they think they have no way out. In my opinion if they fight more for social justice, and anti corruption government, india would've been so much better than all other Asian countries. But there is so much of corruption. The people need to stand up together to fight that. They are many people and they can bring a real change.
I appreciate the way how things are well mentained to look clean and beautiful ...?👌👌👌👌
Thank to slave labors
Goat: _So long, suckers!_
Bro I was once taking my uncle goat to another uncles house and the whole time I was chasing it around the village
The building is magnificent✨
This would get boring fast. How many times can you be wowed?
Very beautiful mosque, but empty
That's coming of end times..
Abu Dhabi very interesting city that show different point of interests such as the luxury hotel in which everything should be perfect, the lifestyle of people as the fishermen, the camel'traders and the falcon's buyers and the last the conservation of the ecosystem. Thanks for sharing and good job🐪🐫🐐🦃🕌🌅⛵🏨
Dubai is a beautiful country
Great Documentary
this place is amazing i wish i could afford to go there.
Nah dnt its a trap to spend yo money🤣
No it is not
I like watching it like this cause travel for me feels like work
Natalie is the best part of the video.
ooo C
But Maria is way hotter!
What is her name/instagram lol?
the real VIP
Mohammad Hussain exactly bro....she is super hot !
Which one has that big FUPA? She's hot af despite that slightly overgrown FUPA
Abu Dhabi , Nigthmare for a modern Human .
Thanks for sharing with us please
Islam tells us to help anyone even if their not Muslim. We must share the natural resources and wealth that comes from it.
All those broke people's tears in the comment section...
K ikr😂😂I’m one of them
Dont worry bubble will burst some day
keep being jelous
It can not go forever. I would love to see, what they will do for living after their Oil resources gets over.
By 2022 America and Canada will have the technology to extract more oil from the deep parts of the ocean, making them fully independent for oil.
Lol, jealousy
I guess by 2030, Oil will not be major source of energy. Most countries will move towards renewable energy resources
I don't want to visit anyplace where some "leader's" face is on the front of a skyscraper. So authoritarian.
It's also narcissistic
yet their average citizen are more prosperous than the average American
What ever happen in this country..this county has a lot of dreams for many people around the world to see about😊so enjoy your times in this country my sis n broo all around the world just see the Goodness of the struggle many sheiks to build this country in the former time...and let behind the bad things..learn from anything😇🙏love n peace from me
Wonderful documentary.
It's strange to see arrogance and hate of Indians towards Muslims and the Islam at the same time they doing millions of jobs in the Gulf countries.
Indians want to expell Muslims from India and what if Muslims expell Indians from their countries UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Malaysia, Brunei and Jordan.
The countries that you listed with the exception of Malaysia, Brunei, and Jordan are very dependent on Indians. They would collapse without them.
I just want to the Gulfs and India's huge relation is the Magnificient TAJ MAHAL. The Moughals actually contributed a lot in shaping India's modern history. The great emperor Jallauddin Akbar and Shah Jahan are most recongnized emperors who ruled India. The slaves you say in Gulf is nothing just a tradition between them and us. The real beauty between them and us is growing together and empowering everyone. And this is the reason India have a huge trade with Saudi Arabia.
there's so much sadness in Maria's eyes :(
there is none . she has fine exfoliated face and a pretty smile.
Just got back from Dubai it was great enjoy it and went to abu Dhabi
Time is money way they don't used hier, Thank You Very much for nice video 📹,
The ads are wayyy to many! It's why I stopped watching TV!!
use adblocker i am enjoying without ads
That hostess girl is so pretty
she' s very plain
She would never have gotten the job if she wasn't...
she is romanian
She is beautiful
I'm always so interested in seeing how other people live...but I really don't like the over the top wealthy..wasteful . So many people have nothing and then there is THIS
Dearest Maria Madalina Mata You are very Beautiful, And I Love You :). In this whole video only you are good. Your voice, your way of talking, your walking absolutely grea8. God Bless You. All the Best. :)
The woman replanting the small shrubs ,is to be commended, she really has a vision for the future!! She is looking not just toward the future but more of the distant future where she will be gone but her work will still be carried on !
Her accent is cute
Wow, high levels of testosterone.
Mohaamd_7 ما عندهم سالفه هايل، ما عليك منهم
She kinda reminds me of Alicia Vikander
Mohaamd_7 why don't you Saudis rise up to your Zionist crown prince MBS, who is selling Palestine?
Belive me nobody is here for Abudhabi, but they here because of thumbnail chick 😂😂😂...
Nishaunt, duh! we all clicked because of the pic, i ain't going to pretend otherwise. but i'm reading the comments while hearing the clip because i know she is off the picture now.
that gold sheets cost like 4 euros at my local art supply store...but sure, pay 500 for a face mask with these sheets..
Yes cus they ‘re not real gold unlike this one
Great job Maria..
so what happens when the oil runs out?
Most polluted Sea,
Worst environmental conditions
And there are almost no regulations.
Just its a run for being 'better' ..
Yes. Better in Shiny buildings.
I love Maria’s dress
Fahsai moon do U live in Abudhabi?
Garden Restaurant nope i just like her dress.
Fahsai moon ok fahsai moon 😊
I can make it.
Absolutely right about her Dress. And I Love Maria's. Only Maria is good in this whole video. Any one know about her or atleast know her full name..? Please
20:45 mins Wow $250 Euro per MOOOOOOONTH just call it slavery
For some, 250 euros is ample to support their family back home
To the Indian it is approximately 20,000 rupees.
Where in their country they don't earn that much, probably not more than 10,000 rupees per month.
This is why they r thankful to Arab peoples. And he did say that the more he catch the more money he get, so.
مفارقات عجيبه. رحمه من عندك يارب
I have been to Abu Dhabi stayed at beach rotana hotel amazing place.
Nice documentary... 😊
having money comes with responsibility ; being humble and respectful of other is one of them .Abu Dhabi is a beautiful place its just some people use money in vain and very Bulent ways just to objected their lavish lifestyle upon others which is unislamic and appalling to me just makes me see Abu Dhabi in a different way now
All those dows catching fish every day trying to catch as much fish as they can? Is anybody worried about over-fishing?
BT Trade No.
Well they should. If they are smart, they should unite together and form an oligarchy and set a quota of how much fish to catch. That way they can sell them at a higher price to the Arabs and everybody would benefit. And the environment would benefit too with no overfishing.
not like the big corporations like west, china or japan.
@@bttrade6286 Lets say we decide to cath 10 fish only a piece. And Lets we increase our prices to 1 dollar per fish. If we deciede to only catch 10 fish each, thats 10 dollar. But if we catch free and sell free, then i can catch 50 fish and sell for 50cent each. Thats 25 dollar. Get the point?
إِنَّ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافِ اللَّيْلِ وَالنَّهَارِ لَآيَاتٍ لِأُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.
الَّذِينَ يَذْكُرُونَ اللَّهَ قِيَامًا وَقُعُودًا وَعَلَىٰ جُنُوبِهِمْ وَيَتَفَكَّرُونَ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ رَبَّنَا مَا خَلَقْتَ هَٰذَا بَاطِلًا سُبْحَانَكَ فَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ
Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or [lying] on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, [saying], "Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.
The holy Quran
-Sourate Aal-E-Imran, Aya 190-191
In this video mr. Ramesh & Lady Lora both r great human...
finally a documentary that shows us that not everybody in the Persian gulf is rich