My theory why we don't remember past lives is: A couple of reasons why memory resets is to get rid of past life traumas and bad memories. To get a fresh life spark and to get curious about the life and the world again. To cut the strings between you and everything and everybody you were attached to, so you can start from scratch and create new ones. Anything else that you can think of?
I’ve finally found an explanation that I truly believe and agree with. This existence is about love and understanding. We were put here to take care of each other.
When I started searching for truth, I came across an article talking regarding a experiment asking people coming close to death, "What do you wish you did during your life?" Most people said "I wish I had loved more especially my family, relatives and friends" it is all about love. The more we open hearts to love and care for people, the more God will be present in our lives. Jesus Christ said "Love one another"
No, you merely wish it was true, that doesn't mean it is. Of course we would be better off collectively if we looked after each other. Unfortunately religion and other hideous doctrines merely encourages hatred and divides us
RustyTube where is the proof? Because god says you only have one life. And the bible is a supernatural book that predicts future to the tea. So im going to believe god.
While Eben does not endorse a particular religion, his message is similar to that of many religions. The idea of hardships being blessings that help us grow is a religious concept. I would say Love and Forgiveness are some of the primary messages of my religion. My point is that religion is often derided in our society, but in reality religions are usually preaching very important messages that can guide us down the right path in life. They should not be dismissed so easily.
The fact that you seek answers to the question of Afterlife or previous lives, says something. Is there more to this life or is this it, is this all that there is. Our true nature knows the truth. Dont loose sight of what is important right now, love. Love for one another. If the answers you seek help with love then keep going on the path.
Imagine the first soul that incarnated into a human! It had to be so intense and scary. But, after I was thinking about it I realized that the souls had the built in ability to slowly ease into a physical existence. The earliest humans were far lower in awareness than we are today. They were almost like animals who had none of the innate fears humans do such as the fear of death, guilt and shame etc. But as the humans and souls co-evolved, the awareness of humans increased increasing our ability to experience physical, emotional and psychological pain.
Can you imagine being a highly evolved soul and volunteering to pop into a neolithic body LOL. You would be like - OK, that was different, but I think I will wait until humans evolve a bit before going back ...
I think the other way round.consciousness is consciouness.The evolution of intergrated neural circuits increased self awareness bit by bit by bit over eons.To the point where the 'I" was experienced
"We all here to learn lessons...Your consciousness is the awareness...We share One Mind...It's all about the relationship...fundamentally it's about about ourselves, ... we are in together...showing compassion, kindness, forgiveness, mercy. We are really here to take care of each other...We are here to learn and grow..."
Master Sergeant I get what he’s saying. I’m agnostic myself as I cannot claim to Know anything with absolute certainty. We are not omniscient. Being open to possibilities is more logical and scientifically sound over being absolutely biased. We all have biases, but if you only exist to prove your ideology, than you’ll never find truth.
Reincarnation is real, and it’s not as clean cut as we like to think. Souls grow and mix and multiply. That’s why you see several children having the same memories. In a universe that constantly surprises us, it’s not that hard to believe that something as crazy as reincarnation exists. Energy doesn’t die, it transfers.
@@bloodraven2887 I remember the theory of brains,how like everytime a universe,or “ brain “ rubs together,it creates a new universe,or brain. I believe every living thing that is created was a part of that brain. I also believe that we get souls from other universes,and vice versa.
The fact that you consider yourself part of a religious tradition merely shows that you can't think critically, so you suggesting this guy "nailed it" is a worthless opinion
0:20 Lord Krishna said that in The Bhagved Gita BG 4.5: The Supreme Lord said: Both you and I have had many births, O Arjun. You have forgotten them, while I remember them all, O Parantapa.
@EloraSelah sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣhayiṣhyāmi mā śhuchaḥ BG 18.66: Abandon all varieties of dharmas and simply surrender unto Me alone. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions; do not fear. Jai Sri Krishna 🙏🕉️🚩🪈🦚
@@EloraSelah yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata abhyutthānam adharmasya tadātmānaṁ sṛijāmyaham BG 4.7: Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest Myself on earth. Jai Sri Krishna 🙏🕉️🚩🪈🦚
@@EloraSelah paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ vināśhāya cha duṣhkṛitām dharma-sansthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge yuge BG 4.8: To protect the righteous, to annihilate the wicked, and to reestablish the principles of dharma I appear on this earth, age after age. Jai Sri Krishna 🙏🕉️🚩🪈🦚
One does not need to be religious to be spiritual. As the matter of fact, religions have long been manipulated purposefully to deviate us from our very essence.
King: Why don't I remember my past life? Me: Can you remember 50% of the things your heard, did, and said last Saturday? Nope! Our inability to recall precise moments in our life is the real reason why we don't remember past lives.
Woman: "Have you ever been abroad?" Man: "I don't know if I've ever been a broad. Maybe hypnotism would help me remember if I was a woman in a former life."
@@tasteslikechicken1371 let’s say there was no trees but they exist so therefore you wouldn’t believe in trees because you haven’t seen one. In other words we live in a world where seeing is believing. I remember two past lives and in great detail.
The universe is experiencing itself through us. Its learning about itself by being conscious in a body. It could be humans, animals , birds, fish, plants etc. Each of us is a unique experience. We never really die, we just transform into another body for a new experience. That is what i think.
It’s been three year since my brother passed away and I have also missed my dogs and family members have passed and I have been trying to find a answer to make sure I will see them again and that there ok 💔😢 and that the family I still have when the day comes that they will be happy, safe, at peace and seeing one another again some day So when my own time is coming to its end and to find peace with the fact that I’m going to die someday
You are not going to die Berry - your body is going to die. You will still exist and you will be among all those other souls again. You have all known each other a very long time. You are all part of each other. We are all part of one another. Live, love and be as happy as you can - that's what you are here for!
I believe in reincarnation because it’s the most logical way to explain why life happen in certain way. Imagine it’s like working in a corporation, if you done good, you get promoted. And because I find it highly unfair for those who born less fortunate,poor or handicapped vs those born fortunate, rich and powerful to have only one life.
Karma tells us that the less fortunate, poor and handicapped are actually the 'lucky' ones, for they are learning huge life lessons that will 'promote' them up the ladder to nirvana quicker than the happy and the lucky. That is why we must support the less fortunate, give to the poor and love the handicapped - they have taken on a burden for this life that is truly heroic. When we love them as we love ourselves, we are lightening our own burden of karma.
I read Virgil's Aeneid recently. This was the great epic of the foundation of Ancient Rome. The Emperor Augustus helped poets to creat epics and poems in Latin to rival those of Ancient Greece. It is interesting to note that in the middle of his epic, Virgil states that his Trojan hero, Aeneas, has to go into the underworld to meet the dead. He meets his deceased father in Elysium, or paradise. His father shows him the future Rome that his descendents will create. He does this by showing him a procession of future Romans who are about to be incarnated on planet Earth. However, this is reincarnation, not one ssingle birth, and tthose future Romans have to drink of the River Lethe, the River oof Forgetfulness, in order to be reborn. So, once they are born as Romans, they will forget all past lives. Virgil believed in reincarnation, and he had learned this not from Hinduism, or Buddhism as one might expect, but from Greek philosophy. That is to say, that there was already a seprate, rationalist tradition of reincarnation in the West, even in the first century B.C.
I find it interesting that people who have had a near death experience come back with the same knowledge that someone would after having a powerful psychedelic experience.
I don't know why people get hung up on numbers. The human race reproduces and expands, so there are more bodies available for souls to inhabit and return to. Eg, life on earth did not start with a hundred souls and a hundred bodies. It started with billions and billions of souls and a hundred bodies. Some people say life is a theme park ride, and there is quite a big queue to get on it!
I’m more like Larry King when it comes to my beliefs but unlike Larry, I have an open mind. I think that reincarnation is possible. That’s why I’m looking into it. I feel that there’s something bigger than us all, but I’m not sure what it is.💘
We live in a universe of science. If your definition of reincarnation is Frankenstein then I'd be glad to hear it. A God cannot Physically exist as the universe in its most natural form is simply empty space meaning it has limits Last time I checked god is omnipresent and omnipotent lmao
@@bsalkhi Alexander is merely telling a story. There is no way to know if his story is true or not, but there remain lots of unanswered questions which makes it difficult to accept his account. It is very clear a brain is required for consciousness and neuroscience has even identified specific brain components and networks that provide for conscious experiencing, such as the brain stem, thalamus, and large parts of the cerebral cortex. What can you provide (other than your beliefs) that supports the notion that consciousness is supported without these brain parts?
@justaguylearningmusic 1. I have experienced memories of past lives. 2. There is real evidence of past lives in the form of extraordinary testimonials from children. 3. Many well-known religious leaders, both modern and past, who are/were considered to have a degree of integrity, have quietly acknowledged the truth of reincarnation based on their own experience.
@justaguylearningmusic As far as I know, there is no concrete proof. Concrete proof requires a direct observation that proves a given theory. For instance, general relativity (and Newtonian mechanics apparently) predicted gravitational lensing, and that prediction was concretely proven through an observation that occurred during an eclipse. The mechanism of reincarnation is not directly observable through (most people’s) senses or with modern instruments. What researchers and others have done is collected very compelling stories of children who produced extremely specific information about the lives of deceased adults. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson is a gold standard in the field. A more modern book is “Soul Survivor” by Bruce Leininger regarding his son. A skeptic can always claim that the young children were somehow coached, and usually that theory is impossible to disprove, even though the skeptics can’t affirmatively prove it either. Another interesting book that touches briefly on the topic is “The Monk and the Philosopher” by Jean-Francois Revel and Matthieu Ricard. Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk and the French interpreter of the Dalai Lama. Although his discussion in the book is mainly based around Buddhist philosophy and practice, he touches on metaphysical experiences a couple of times, including reports he received from a trusted source about a case of the reincarnation of a Tibetan spiritual leader (chapter 3). I believe that we have to seriously consider claims of metaphysical occurrence if they come from those we otherwise would consider honest. If you believe every word out of someone’s mouth except if they talk about a metaphysical experience, there is a cognitive dissonance that should be explored, don’t you think? I have been lucky(?) enough to not have to rely on the reports of others, as indeed, I have had fairly vivid and unexpected visions of previous lives. I have also done “past life readings”. I haven’t done it a lot, but once a woman told me what I saw was indeed a past life that she had experienced in a regression session. You don’t have to believe me, and you have no reason to. However, it is testimony that I offer as my honest experience. At this point there is evidence and there is a theory, which is true of many modern scientific endeavors, especially those in biology, medicine, or psychology.
@justaguylearningmusic I don’t know why we have them. I don’t understand the underlying principles of the universe, to be honest. It just seems so easy to go wrong when making statements of “Why”. Unfinished business sounds right to me, and it’s a phrase that I’ve used spontaneously when I was thinking of a specific previous life. I am attracted to the Buddhist idea that we have habitual mental tendencies that are like an energy that doesn’t get destroyed when we die so that energy has to go somewhere. As to animals or the origin of souls: I have no idea at all.
I totally was gonna comment the same thing. Also, I do have three random potential theories for that first question. The first is what if god has created more souls. The second is what if there are more planets souls can reincarnate to, and for whatever reason, this planet has gotten more popular. And third, what if there are alot of souls in the ether, and there are a limited amount of bodies on earth to reincarnate into. The more bodies that are born, the more souls have an opportunity to come down here.
No, you want to believe it because you can't accept death, religion wants you to believe it because it gives them power, tyrants want you to believe it because it makes you accept injustice in this life. You weakened by falling for this reincarnation crap
We are spiritual beings in a human form. Man minus mind is God. We reincarnate because its only through the human experience that we have the opportunity to right the wrongs of our past lives, its our bad Karma. The NDE experience is to spread the message of love and compassion. Remember Nicola Tesla saying that everything comes from Light, God is Light and Love
I don’t know if reincarnation is real or not. I can’t say for sure. But I use to have vivid and terrifying recurring dreams of being attacked by a grizzly bear. I had them up until I reached the age of 20. I also had this, weird unconscious feeling of panic anytime I was in a forest or secluded wooded area with a lot of trees. Never could explain that because nothing traumatic happened to me in a forest as a child. I have since grew out of that, but it’s experiences like that that make me a believer. And I’ve talked to others that’s had similar experiences, so I know I’m not alone.
"I don’t know if reincarnation is real or not." "it’s experiences like that that make me a believer" Why do you permit your beliefs to be derived from peer pressure? All children have nightmares and it's a matter of scientific speculation as to their value or purpose.
My own well founded speculation on the why of dreaming goes like this... During the time our brains are in the conscious mode of function, all the neurons not participating directly in maintaining those thoughts currently in 'focus', are in a mode something like a readiness to support, modify, adjust, attack, defend the thoughts that are in focus and they also must be participating in shuffling the patterns of that focus into memory. Then, when our brains change to sleep mode, all the neurons start accommodating and adjusting all the information acquired while conscious, all the thoughts in our memory may be undergoing slight adjustments to make that recorded experience conform to our world view or, equally possible, our world view is being adjusted in to accommodate new info. Can't help but imagine that our unconscious neural processes and our memories are in a sense the same dynamic process. I have to imagine that in order to understand this, one needs to have a pretty good knowledge of how neurons and synapses function else what I said will appear so abstract as to make no sense whatsoever.
I use to have a similar dream all the time when I was younger and it was opening a barn door and it was full of bats. That is the most vivid dream I remember and had multiple times. Weird.
Lives, even thousands, of which there is no conscious memory have no meaning. However, it is said that they decide my Karma and this makes everything much worse because if I now have a bad illness due to my past bad karma, this is IDENTICAL to putting someone in prison without telling him why he should be in prison. If I am not aware of my past sins I cannot even repent of such sins. The simplest explanation for the absence of memories of "past lives" is that these lives do not exist.
One of the greatest truths I've come to realize is that. . . God, the universe a force, divine intelligence, or what ever label you give it. It transcends religion.
their are many talk show host but larry is the best of all the hosts he's a very curious and asking questions all the time He seems to know all the questions he wants to know as fast as u can turn a dime. Ground control calling larry king.
For me. Reincarnation and why adults rarely remember (I have experienced two of mine), anyway, the reason adults don't remember past lives for me is simple. It would be like reading a history book. We would be so engrossed in our own passed life history, we forget to live this incarnation. We would also be second guessing ourselves so not to make mistakes, we would forget to live this life.
In my two past lives, I was not an Indian chief, Roman emperor, famous actor, or anyone famous. I was just an ordinary Joe or Fred, or John. I was living the life I had chosen for the lessons I had to learn, like most of us living now. I was only special to the people around me that loved me.
i don't understand how NDE support reincarnation. You enter into a world of pure peace and unconditional love ... only to rebirth and comeback on earth and experience all the misery of human life ? Also during NDE people meet loved ones. How could that be if they are reincarnated ? NDEs do not support reincarnation at all.
Lot of people who do not trust NDE, start be nerves from life after life and court. Take it easy - you will judge you as you judge people around you - so easy it is.
Simple Fact if you’re alive now in a physical body , that happened one time …that means that can happen again and again and again .. the truth is simple right now we’re in our body but people think that can only happen one time , what is wrong. That miracle is eternal
This is for ALL ATHEISTS. if this isn't enough for you to open yours eyes and consider there's more out there, then your just like this man before his NDE. he publicly denied God, but always hoped He was real.
I don't see what this video has to do with God. I think alot of athiests just have a problem with identifying it with a bearded white man sitting on a throne.
Alexander is not describing what he experienced, he is recalling the memories of what he claims he experienced. And memory formation is subject to the constraints of human biology. How did Alexander form new memories if his brain was "shut down?" Alexander never addresses this point. "The brain’s medial temporal lobe, which includes the hippocampus and parahippocampal region, converts short-lived perceptions into long-term memories." As a neurosurgeon, Alexander is well aware of this.
I have definitely had past lives and have struggled with this for years bc I didn’t know what was happening!!?? It was VERY SCARY FOR OVER A COUPLE DECADES!! And showed up as mental health issues and caused me so much pain!! I kept this a secret bc I didn’t know others experience this also… I attempted suicide multiple times and was pronounced dead on arrival 3 times.. the last time I was on life support in a coma and I did go to Heaven… much like Dr says in here since my blessing of going to heaven… and returning I still Struggled and secretly (which was an illusion from darkness to keep me isolated) and that led to erratic and irrational behavior in addiction! Today I’m aware that I’m surrounded by amazing and loving totally anointed people… I know most of us have been here before and most likely will be until we get it right..
God and past lives don’t mix, especially the god of the Bible! And can you explain to me why most of us don’t remember our past lives, and how are we supposed to break the cycle so we learn when we can’t remember these supposed past lives? Makes absolutely no sense, stay away from pseudoscience cause there’s zero evidence to back up these theory’s! Period! Not a single drop of science backs reincarnation! None, zilch nada
Jesus didn’t teach reincarnation he taught resurrection. There is a big difference between them. Reincarnation is coming back as something else and resurrection is being raised back to life as yourself in spirit without flesh and blood. No one with flesh and bones can enter heaven but your soul, which your conscience is part of.
First of all, our species is one of a billion or trillion different intelligent life forms throughout the universe in a trillion different galaxies. There is an incubation process whereby souls are created. This is explained very well in Neale Donald Walsh's "Conversations with God" series. God Bless.
Some possible theories are that all the new souls are literally "new" souls that have just been created recently while others are "old" souls, or that they lived on other planets or in other dimensions previously, and another is what he seemed to mention here that maybe some souls split into multiple souls.
Hi Robert. Thanks for the note. I have not heard of "souls" splitting but I have heard of one soul incarnating into more than one body, but I understand this is rare per Michael Newton's books. To add further confusion, since everything is happening in the "now", one theory is that all of the souls that will ever be created have already been created. The whole thing is fascinating. Take care! Mac
I note that the number of wild animals is decreasing as the number of people is increasing. Perhaps animals have souls that come back as people. Perhaps souls migrate here from the planet Krypton after that planet blows up. Perhaps I was once a termite or flatworm.
The reason by 6 they forget is, at 5 years of age the ego starts to really develope, and Devine voice starts to become suppressed. So yes more lessons can occur un obstructed.
Something for life He can only remember the life before him for 7️⃣7 years. It is common to everyone. 8️⃣8 is 00 which is the end. Seven years later, there is no memory of reincarnation. Although she has merit, she has to live a long life. She has to say goodbye to an accident. In that sense, she owes a debt of gratitude for her lost life. If the lost person becomes a human being, reincarnation will take place. Everyone called reincarnation will have lost their life in an accident.
Well I found out you can remember past lives using three methods: 1. hypnosis - which is the easiest 2. psychedelics (LSD) - which is the riskiest 3. meditation - which is the hardest All three methods can bypass the filters of your brain that prevent memory access, but be careful because once you peak into your past lives a gigantic wave of emotions from your past life may come flooding into your consciousness which can be incredibly overwhelming especially if you are by yourself and don't know how to deal with them. My past life was bad and the emotional floods drove me close to suicide every time I snuck a peak into it for days and weeks afterwards. Furthermore on psychedelics you may become literally stuck in memories from your past lives, traumatic ones also with no hypnotherapist or so to get you out of them again so be careful with that.
I believe everything the Dr. Is saying. I just don’t understand why earth is a place to learn, grow and be better. None of us barely can get it right. The thought of being here in past lives, as well as coming here again is sickening! I don’t want to come back. I’ll do another task on another planet
I remember my past life but in my case I was given the option to relive my life again or move on and I chose to relive my life. And once I chose I starting flowing out of my grave and flying in the sky to where my body was at and I remembered seeing twins and my soul entered one of the bodies. I have a birthmark on my right thight which may mean something
If you were given the chance to relive your life, does this mean that you get the chance to make different choices but to have the same starting environment? I have so many regrets and wish that I did so many things differently that I would never want to relive this life again, but I do wish that I had the opportunity to be able to go back to an earlier point in my life and live forward from there but get things right with the knowledge that I now have. Thank you.
My theory as to why we don't remember past lives is simply because...the brain can't hold all that information. From what I've seen of both Reincarnation and NDE [Near Death Experience] research, I think the body and consciousness/soul are two separate entities and the BRAIN itself acts as an anchor point between them. The brain is sorta like an organic computer. It can hold vasts amount of information but once it reaches it storage limit, you have to delete some information to make room for the new one. It could be that kids who recall memories didn't use up their entire "storage limit" in the last life and were able to recall the more recent memories from said life but as they grew and began making new memories, the "old information" had to be moved out to make room for the new ones, which could also explain why kids seem to forget most if not all the memories when they reach the ages of 5-7. I think that our soul is able to remember ALL of our past lives but our organic physical bodies can't handle all of those memories at once so for the current life, only current memories are stored but when you die and aren't tethered to your current body, your soul can remember everything.
How does he know what he's saying though? He makes a lot of statements, but he doesn't explain how he knows that any of those statements are true. What's his evidence?
There is no evidence more than children who remember past lives or hypnotism but beyond that there is no evidence. Yet it makes sense to me because as it's pretty well known we are energy and energy can't be created nor destroyed. So when you die you go to the exact same place when you didn't existed this "nothingness" so why you can't come back? if you already did it when you were born.
@@Jason619x There is no scientist that I know of who has ever asserted that we are energy. In fact, there is no definition of energy. There is only physical stuff (i.e. the concerns of physics) that is in motion. Look at the definition of 'heat' for a great illustration of this idea. It is far more likely that we are dynamic patterns created by principles innate in matter that organize matter into bodies in which an extraordinarily complex arrangement serves as substrate for the process we call thinking some of which we label conscious.
I am a Christian and I am with this guy all the way. The biggest problem with Christians (or any religion for that matter) is they put their god in the smallest box they can find, and because of this ignorance and shallow faith, is why they miss out on the bigger things like this guy is talking about. For those with an ear, the bible teaches reincarnation, and once this reality is accepted, mate, your tiny little puny box expands into the entire universe. I can attest to the fact that I lived before, and reincarnation answers all the questions that religion cannot.
@@EloraSelah Small things amuse small minds. Your take on this shows your lack of understanding. FYI You live... you die... the soul lives on to go wherever God deems it deserves to go. If you feel thats to confusing for you... go to the library and gain some knowledge.
I died for 40 minutes after suffering a cardiac arrest very similar experience the orb etc they spoke to me telepathically wasn’t expected to see the night out no brain damage I’m 6 years down the line 40 minutes of cpr 2 shots of adrenaline air lifted to hospital 6 defibrillator shocks
The truth is not a matter of consensus. Still, if the entire pattern of your body (all one hundred trillion one hundred trillion atoms) could be recorded then there would be a chance that you could be recreated by some fancy technology way off in the future. Or mere chance could recreate you though you wouldn't know that you were but a copy.
i mean he also talks about animals. There are billions if not more different forms of lives on Earth. But i wonder if his theory fits with creatures from other planets.
The NT clearly states that we die ONLY ONCE, and then the judgment: Hebrews 9:27. Furthermore, Jesus made it clear that the re-birth of which he spoke was spiritual, NOT physical: John 3:1-21.
Larry King I just wanted to tell you that Jesus loves you so much more than you could ever even imagine and He will never leave you nor forsake you 💙💯 His Grace overpowers any sin
I just want to be with my loved ones in the end. I would love to learn to love everyone of course but I love my family. Maybe I'm selfish idk all I know is this isny helping my ocd at all.
Yes, it's strange. The answer seems to be misinterpretation. Simply because we have a supernatural experience does not mean we fully understand it or have all the answers. He had a temporary out of body experience and relates well the feeling of unconditional love that he experienced. The reincarnation stuff seems to be his own spin on it, based on the fact he was not given greater Christian awareness, as have others in their experiences. Perhaps the Lord will enlighten him further if he is open to it.
Larry u will judge yourself in the end and have the awareness of all the people u touched in this incarnation, you're beliefs do not matter, truth is truth. No disbelief will change that.
but if consciousness is the base and the start and the brain is a limiting valve and filter, why ? why should we exitst?, why should w learn? why cant we just be the universal conciousness?
I'm not religious, I just find it logical that we live all lives possible and that all minds and all consciousness is actually just one consciousness, different lives, different perspective, different thoughts, personality, likes and dislikes, everything related to the biological bodies, however the consciousness, the awareness i feel like it's just one thing, we're that thing, me and you are the same consciosness, you gonna live my life, I'm gonna live yours, or we already lived it, well outside of time
"outside of time" is an utterly incoherent notion. If anything exists then it exists for a while else it does not exist! "outside of space " is an equally incoherent notion. If anything exists then it takes up some space else it does not exist! You must be quite young to have these ideas. Hope my comments fertilize your mental progress.
If reincarnation is real does it mean new life cant grow, cos if you dont have no previous life you cant be born right? So what is population growth then? The explanation for 'why not all people "dont remember previous life" isnt making any sense. Havent met anyone with a previous life memory in my almost 40 years life and have never heard it before from anyone, i am from India.
This is for all you RELIGIOUS PEOPLE. You don’t have to believe in the traditional concept of God in order to believe in the afterlife. An external force doesn’t need to exist in order for universe to hold other realms or an afterlife. You CAN be an atheist and still believe in the afterlife. Spirituality, pantheists don’t believe in god yet they believe in spirits, ghosts and the afterlife. So all you anti-atheists need to get educated before ranting in the comment section.
When you incarnate in to a new vessel, your souls knowledge is suppressed because the neuro capabilities of the new vessel cannot comprehend the whole of the souls knowledge, and only upon death, when the soul is released from the vessel, does your soul regain the whole of its knowledge. The cycle of the soul is started with each soul having a particular goal to accomplish. These goals can vary, and I personally believe if a soul chooses to once it regains its whole of knowledge, it can even reincarnate to repeat the same life over. This is how I explain deja vu. Once the soul has achieved it’s goal, however many incarnated lives that requires, it is allowed to ascend to the heavens to live amongst the gods in paradise. The first question Larry asked regarding why there are so many people now is that there are an endless number of souls within the underworld waiting to be reincarnated, and only in modern times, having the technology and peace to sustain longer life, have so many souls been able to incarnate at any given time. New souls are also constantly born in the overworld to be sent to the underworld to await incarnation.
It could also be possible that reincarnation is not exactly the classic buddhism samsara (about learning from mistakes and becoming better) but some kind of simple physical or biological fact or rule-of-life in this universe, compared to gravitation or magnetism, that death throws the consciousness in a non-existing state like it (maybe) was before being born into this life - only to leave the realm of non-existing and non-awareness again in a random way to suddenly become a random new self aware life-form again somewhere in this universe. It has happened once before with all of us (we all were born and don´t know why or what exactly life itself is - is it just a simple survival mechanism to cope with surroundings fine-tuned by evolution to make "better and moving plants" on planets?) Or to make various planets in habitable zones more interesting and "alive"? If yes why does the universe produces life-forms in the first place - and what exactly is their purpose? Maybe it is even possible to reincarnate on other planets in habitable zones because it is yet unclear what exactly life is.... is it only a cloud of electrons flying around in the neuron cells inside the brain, or is it something way deeper maybe going far beyond pure electricity and far beyond our knowledge about physics and what medicine can understand..... I think we are similar to some hypothetical medival knight who got told by some wise seer that a mysterious thing called WLAN might exist, capable of transmitting sounds and pictures through thin air.... But yet a medival knight cannot see, smell, feel or register radio transmitted frequencies, and also the whole world has no technology or machines to receive or register these waves in any way. Therefore a medival knight can only assume during his whole lifetime that that "higher more sophisticated things way beyond his understanding and technologicial capabilities exists in this universe." Maybe the spark of consciousness is the receiving of unknown energies from the universe into a beings brain, and maybe after death some kind of unknown energy is released from the body going back into it`s origins. Maybe I am just some sophisticated furless ape having started to somehow be alive on pure randomness, having a few millivolts of electricity in my brain which will disappears (together with all my thoughts memories and self-awareness) forever after death. Possible? Everything is possible in this universe and every explaination has some value as long as we don`t know why life and self-awareness is happening. No one knows what exactly will happen after death (or what took place before birth), and the sad thing is no matter how far our technology will go, we will probably never understand what life truly is, WHY there life is in this universe, what is the universe itself (and why does it exist?) and what will happen after death. These questions will forever be the greatest unknown, and a closed door forever for science, physics and medicine.
God would rather have someone who thinks for themselves, even if they are wrong, than someone who blindly follows. Why else would God give us a brain and a mind ? Why give us a mind then tell us not to use it ? Why give us a questioning mind..then tell us not to question ? Knowledge is gained by questioning, not by blindly following. Why have faith, when you can know ? Knock and the door shall be opened to and you shall find...ask and you shall be given. Is that not the questioning mind...not faith.
Looking carefully into the description of what dr. Eben Alexander experienced, he was concious traveling to what he calls heaven while he was in coma; his brain was completely destroyed cell by cell. However, there is some baffling, frustrating and unclear points about his description. First...he said that he was conscious as an observer but he was unconscious about himself and his family on earth; he didn't remember anything about what he had experienced back on earth. According to his book, proof of heaven, he didn't even recognize who he himself was or people around him including his sons when he got back from coma. It was only after a few weeks later when he got his normal brain function back that he started recognizing his family members and getting the knowledge back that he had gotten here on earth. Of course, he was amnesiac from the damage by the bacterial infection...but if we should be conscious beyond our brain, don't we have to know who we are, at least in heaven, if not on earth where we might be under the influence of physical body like brain? It would be so frustrating if my mom didnt recognize me in the heaven. If anybody has an idea or answer to this, please let me know. I will really appreciate it.
If we did not fulfill our purposes in this life, then God can give us another life because he so loves us. He is the light-love-life and we are a piece of his light. we have an ultimate purpose which is to love each other.
There is a great deal science knows about memory and memories can be pruned from the brain which is why we do not recall some of the events in our lives. In this case, the question becomes: How were memories formed in the brain of a person in a coma? And there is no reason to believe any were.
@99 fortytwo It is unclear what claim you are attempting to make here about "consciousness," or what you mean by consciousness producing to the brain. Sedation clearly demonstrates that consciousness can be shut down in the brain without shutting down autonomic body functioning in the brain. Neuroscientist such as Michael Grazziano has explored "awareness" (see his Attention Schema Theory).
@99 fortytwo You didn't listen to Graziano did you? When you say, "I am aware of...," who is this the "I" that is experiencing the awareness? Are you suggesting that there is a "self" that magically interfaces with the body? This will require some explanation as to why a body is even needed. Science does indeed have clues about consciousness and they are called theories. It's also clear to me that we have more than just our awareness. We have attention which can direct awareness. We have a sense of agency and feelings. That said, I believe consciousness is a dated concept (consciousness is not a thing) which is why science may not yet understand how we experience our subjective state. But Graziano comes close. Much like Alexander, there certainly is no evidence for what you are suggesting and it, therefore, remains a belief system.
@99 fortytwo I read your reply several times and keep getting confused by the terminology you are using, such as "the content of consciousness" or "true self." These descriptors appear to be part of a belief system that you've subscribed to but for which there is no evidence. From your description, it is difficult to determine whether awareness is generated by the brain or whether it is a property of this transcendent aspect you've label "consciousness" (The body is just a way for awareness to experience life). Other belief systems refer to souls and this appears to be what you call "consciousness."
The thinking mind is the annoying roommate. This guy nailed it.
He sure did!
Probably referencing the second chapter of The Untethered Soul
Our natural state is silence . A state of no mind
But that state Is filled with something
And the anxiety voice is the roommate you hate.
My theory why we don't remember past lives is: A couple of reasons why memory resets is to get rid of past life traumas and bad memories. To get a fresh life spark and to get curious about the life and the world again. To cut the strings between you and everything and everybody you were attached to, so you can start from scratch and create new ones. Anything else that you can think of?
Why are there more people now?
@@CMoore8539 why do people believe in 2000 year old book
And when we go back, we remember.
@@CMoore8539 Good question. Maybe new souls are born as well?
We are asking ourselves where we go after we die. I'm asking myself. Where was I before I got born?
I’ve finally found an explanation that I truly believe and agree with. This existence is about love and understanding. We were put here to take care of each other.
and we are doing good, you think?
I'd really wished you to be right. Peace.
When I started searching for truth, I came across an article talking regarding a experiment asking people coming close to death, "What do you wish you did during your life?" Most people said "I wish I had loved more especially my family, relatives and friends" it is all about love. The more we open hearts to love and care for people, the more God will be present in our lives. Jesus Christ said "Love one another"
Unless you're a democrat. Then you hate Republicans, and people who like freedom, and argue about how you're a victim until the end of your days
No, you merely wish it was true, that doesn't mean it is. Of course we would be better off collectively if we looked after each other. Unfortunately religion and other hideous doctrines merely encourages hatred and divides us
1:37 he is humble....he said "why am i wrong?" Not ...."im not wrong" 🤝 true icon
Come on, Larry, what he said has nothing to do with religion. You can be convinced we have multiple lives even if you are not religious.
RustyTube where is the proof? Because god says you only have one life. And the bible is a supernatural book that predicts future to the tea. So im going to believe god.
@@dai3nm Proof of what? That some people believe we live more than once?
While Eben does not endorse a particular religion, his message is similar to that of many religions. The idea of hardships being blessings that help us grow is a religious concept. I would say Love and Forgiveness are some of the primary messages of my religion. My point is that religion is often derided in our society, but in reality religions are usually preaching very important messages that can guide us down the right path in life. They should not be dismissed so easily.
Reincarnation is a religion
@@dai3nm Nothing miraculous about biblical prophecy.
The fact that you seek answers to the question of Afterlife or previous lives, says something. Is there more to this life or is this it, is this all that there is. Our true nature knows the truth. Dont loose sight of what is important right now, love. Love for one another. If the answers you seek help with love then keep going on the path.
Phil//// You may find "Life in the World Unseen" to be helpful. You can download it for free.
Imagine the first soul that incarnated into a human! It had to be so intense and scary. But, after I was thinking about it I realized that the souls had the built in ability to slowly ease into a physical existence. The earliest humans were far lower in awareness than we are today. They were almost like animals who had none of the innate fears humans do such as the fear of death, guilt and shame etc. But as the humans and souls co-evolved, the awareness of humans increased increasing our ability to experience physical, emotional and psychological pain.
Can you imagine being a highly evolved soul and volunteering to pop into a neolithic body LOL. You would be like - OK, that was different, but I think I will wait until humans evolve a bit before going back ...
I think the other way round.consciousness is consciouness.The evolution of intergrated neural circuits increased self awareness bit by bit by bit over eons.To the point where the 'I" was experienced
I think about that all the time and asked that question before how was it for the first soul to incarnate here? Lol 😂
"We all here to learn lessons...Your consciousness is the awareness...We share One Mind...It's all about the relationship...fundamentally it's about about ourselves, ... we are in together...showing compassion, kindness, forgiveness, mercy. We are really here to take care of each other...We are here to learn and grow..."
quod grātīs asseritur, grātīs negātur
How can we learn lessons if we forget everything?
@@otakurocklee it's your awareness that grows.
I’m a former atheist, I started having faith.
I do respect all faiths
I dislike extremism in all forms ;anti-theist is the worst
xXxArdenTdevilxXx So what your saying is you accept everything and stand for nothing.
Master Sergeant I get what he’s saying. I’m agnostic myself as I cannot claim to Know anything with absolute certainty. We are not omniscient. Being open to possibilities is more logical and scientifically sound over being absolutely biased. We all have biases, but if you only exist to prove your ideology, than you’ll never find truth.
xXxArdenTdevilxXx most Atheists are anti theist
@@athalaparlambang50 not true
@@athalaparlambang50 Not true. For one, all babies are atheists.
That voice in our head is like an "annoying roommate". That was hysterical, yet strangely accurate.
I’m learning about Universal consciousness, and he’s right we are all here to learn our individual lessons.
What do you think the word 'conscious' means?
Being aware
@@justaguywithaturban6773 Not just aware but even more so...SELF aware.
What are we learning?
Or we are here to enjoy by experiencing a physical world.
Reincarnation is real, and it’s not as clean cut as we like to think. Souls grow and mix and multiply. That’s why you see several children having the same memories. In a universe that constantly surprises us, it’s not that hard to believe that something as crazy as reincarnation exists. Energy doesn’t die, it transfers.
I thought the truth is Christianity now its reincarnation ?
Bhagavad gita has answers on reincarnation
i believe we are not always human so animal insect ect ect maybe even a living tree
@@bloodraven2887 I remember the theory of brains,how like everytime a universe,or “ brain “ rubs together,it creates a new universe,or brain. I believe every living thing that is created was a part of that brain. I also believe that we get souls from other universes,and vice versa.
@@pookiesis1465 : you should watch an interview of Shri M, for a once
This is the first time i listen to someone outside my religious tradition spelling out our view on life and death. He nailed it to the point!
What tradition is that?
The fact that you consider yourself part of a religious tradition merely shows that you can't think critically, so you suggesting this guy "nailed it" is a worthless opinion
@@jupitermoongauge4055he did nail it. It's the only explanation I've ever heard that makes sense.
@@alexv1190 Sense ? No. Just the wishful thinking of people who can't think rationally
0:20 Lord Krishna said that in The Bhagved Gita BG 4.5: The Supreme Lord said: Both you and I have had many births, O Arjun. You have forgotten them, while I remember them all, O Parantapa.
Lol ur God is getting birth due to sins
@EloraSelah sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣhayiṣhyāmi mā śhuchaḥ
BG 18.66: Abandon all varieties of dharmas and simply surrender unto Me alone. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions; do not fear. Jai Sri Krishna 🙏🕉️🚩🪈🦚
@@EloraSelah yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati bhārata
abhyutthānam adharmasya tadātmānaṁ sṛijāmyaham
BG 4.7: Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest Myself on earth. Jai Sri Krishna 🙏🕉️🚩🪈🦚
@@EloraSelah paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ vināśhāya cha duṣhkṛitām
dharma-sansthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge yuge
BG 4.8: To protect the righteous, to annihilate the wicked, and to reestablish the principles of dharma I appear on this earth, age after age. Jai Sri Krishna 🙏🕉️🚩🪈🦚
One does not need to be religious to be spiritual. As the matter of fact, religions have long been manipulated purposefully to deviate us from our very essence.
King: Why don't I remember my past life?
Me: Can you remember 50% of the things your heard, did, and said last Saturday? Nope! Our inability to recall precise moments in our life is the real reason why we don't remember past lives.
It’s fake
that's a good one. lol yeah there is some truth in there.
Woman: "Have you ever been abroad?"
Man: "I don't know if I've ever been a broad. Maybe hypnotism would help me remember if I was a woman in a former life."
😁lololool.....thanks, I needed a good laugh today.
Human is not often reborn as human. Human sometimes reborn to pig cow or small animal or etc.
@@butbunwin3107 - Prove it !!
@@tasteslikechicken1371 let’s say there was no trees but they exist so therefore you wouldn’t believe in trees because you haven’t seen one. In other words we live in a world where seeing is believing. I remember two past lives and in great detail.
@@jimi8393 - Let's say there were no trees that didn't fall in a forest that doesn't exist.😎
The universe is experiencing itself through us. Its learning about itself by being conscious in a body. It could be humans, animals , birds, fish, plants etc. Each of us is a unique experience. We never really die, we just transform into another body for a new experience. That is what i think.
I hope you know that there is an Afterlife now Larry :) rest in peace ✌ 🙏
@@Hhjhfu247 Is that you Larry Rose 🤔
It is quite disturbing to hear him speak
@@jasminejones9937His reincarnation 😂😂😂
Another way to stay positive 🤙
It’s been three year since my brother passed away and I have also missed my dogs and family members have passed and I have been trying to find a answer to make sure I will see them again and that there ok 💔😢 and that the family I still have when the day comes that they will be happy, safe, at peace and seeing one another again some day So when my own time is coming to its end and to find peace with the fact that I’m going to die someday
You are not going to die Berry - your body is going to die. You will still exist and you will be among all those other souls again. You have all known each other a very long time. You are all part of each other. We are all part of one another. Live, love and be as happy as you can - that's what you are here for!
To J Dee..lovely reply x
You will see them in Paradise. Like Jesus said to the man NXT to him in the Cross "today you will be with me in paradise" Luke 23:42
I believe in reincarnation because it’s the most logical way to explain why life happen in certain way. Imagine it’s like working in a corporation, if you done good, you get promoted. And because I find it highly unfair for those who born less fortunate,poor or handicapped vs those born fortunate, rich and powerful to have only one life.
Karma tells us that the less fortunate, poor and handicapped are actually the 'lucky' ones, for they are learning huge life lessons that will 'promote' them up the ladder to nirvana quicker than the happy and the lucky. That is why we must support the less fortunate, give to the poor and love the handicapped - they have taken on a burden for this life that is truly heroic. When we love them as we love ourselves, we are lightening our own burden of karma.
Where is they getting promoted to?
I really love and appreciate what Dr. Alexander says 💙
I read Virgil's Aeneid recently. This was the great epic of the foundation of Ancient Rome. The Emperor Augustus helped poets to creat epics and poems in Latin to rival those of Ancient Greece. It is interesting to note that in the middle of his epic, Virgil states that his Trojan hero, Aeneas, has to go into the underworld to meet the dead. He meets his deceased father in Elysium, or paradise. His father shows him the future Rome that his descendents will create. He does this by showing him a procession of future Romans who are about to be incarnated on planet Earth. However, this is reincarnation, not one ssingle birth, and tthose future Romans have to drink of the River Lethe, the River oof Forgetfulness, in order to be reborn. So, once they are born as Romans, they will forget all past lives. Virgil believed in reincarnation, and he had learned this not from Hinduism, or Buddhism as one might expect, but from Greek philosophy. That is to say, that there was already a seprate, rationalist tradition of reincarnation in the West, even in the first century B.C.
Do you recommend any videos or books on reincarnation as discussed by the Greeks?
Reincarnation is a soul trap. You will keep running in circlesm
I find it interesting that people who have had a near death experience come back with the same knowledge that someone would after having a powerful psychedelic experience.
A good dose of mushrooms will give you all the same love feeling for sure.
Good man Eban. Well handled.
The opportunity for lessons to be learned at this time in history is greatly valued. That's why there are so many ppl on the planet.
I don't know why people get hung up on numbers. The human race reproduces and expands, so there are more bodies available for souls to inhabit and return to. Eg, life on earth did not start with a hundred souls and a hundred bodies. It started with billions and billions of souls and a hundred bodies. Some people say life is a theme park ride, and there is quite a big queue to get on it!
I’m more like Larry King when it comes to my beliefs but unlike Larry, I have an open mind. I think that reincarnation is possible. That’s why I’m looking into it. I feel that there’s something bigger than us all, but I’m not sure what it is.💘
We live in a universe of science. If your definition of reincarnation is Frankenstein then I'd be glad to hear it.
A God cannot Physically exist as the universe in its most natural form is simply empty space meaning it has limits
Last time I checked god is omnipresent and omnipotent lmao
i read his book few years ago on his experience and i'm convinced that what he described was his reality.. it's very thought provoking
Please tell us how Alexander explains that memories were formed in his brain while he was in a comma.
Theodore A Hoppe he had consciousness outside his brain aka his nde. pretty fascinating and soothing my fear of death
@@bsalkhi Alexander is merely telling a story. There is no way to know if his story is true or not, but there remain lots of unanswered questions which makes it difficult to accept his account.
It is very clear a brain is required for consciousness and neuroscience has even identified specific brain components and networks that provide for conscious experiencing, such as the brain stem, thalamus, and large parts of the cerebral cortex.
What can you provide (other than your beliefs) that supports the notion that consciousness is supported without these brain parts?
@@bsalkhi "Please tell us how Alexander explains that memories were formed in his brain while he was in a comma."
Theodore A Hoppe he was actually in a quotation mark.
I don't believe he answered the first question.
(BTW, reincarnation is real, but this guy dodged a question.)
@justaguylearningmusic 1. I have experienced memories of past lives. 2. There is real evidence of past lives in the form of extraordinary testimonials from children. 3. Many well-known religious leaders, both modern and past, who are/were considered to have a degree of integrity, have quietly acknowledged the truth of reincarnation based on their own experience.
@justaguylearningmusic As far as I know, there is no concrete proof. Concrete proof requires a direct observation that proves a given theory. For instance, general relativity (and Newtonian mechanics apparently) predicted gravitational lensing, and that prediction was concretely proven through an observation that occurred during an eclipse. The mechanism of reincarnation is not directly observable through (most people’s) senses or with modern instruments. What researchers and others have done is collected very compelling stories of children who produced extremely specific information about the lives of deceased adults. Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson is a gold standard in the field. A more modern book is “Soul Survivor” by Bruce Leininger regarding his son. A skeptic can always claim that the young children were somehow coached, and usually that theory is impossible to disprove, even though the skeptics can’t affirmatively prove it either. Another interesting book that touches briefly on the topic is “The Monk and the Philosopher” by Jean-Francois Revel and Matthieu Ricard. Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk and the French interpreter of the Dalai Lama. Although his discussion in the book is mainly based around Buddhist philosophy and practice, he touches on metaphysical experiences a couple of times, including reports he received from a trusted source about a case of the reincarnation of a Tibetan spiritual leader (chapter 3).
I believe that we have to seriously consider claims of metaphysical occurrence if they come from those we otherwise would consider honest. If you believe every word out of someone’s mouth except if they talk about a metaphysical experience, there is a cognitive dissonance that should be explored, don’t you think? I have been lucky(?) enough to not have to rely on the reports of others, as indeed, I have had fairly vivid and unexpected visions of previous lives. I have also done “past life readings”. I haven’t done it a lot, but once a woman told me what I saw was indeed a past life that she had experienced in a regression session. You don’t have to believe me, and you have no reason to. However, it is testimony that I offer as my honest experience. At this point there is evidence and there is a theory, which is true of many modern scientific endeavors, especially those in biology, medicine, or psychology.
@justaguylearningmusic I don’t know why we have them. I don’t understand the underlying principles of the universe, to be honest. It just seems so easy to go wrong when making statements of “Why”. Unfinished business sounds right to me, and it’s a phrase that I’ve used spontaneously when I was thinking of a specific previous life. I am attracted to the Buddhist idea that we have habitual mental tendencies that are like an energy that doesn’t get destroyed when we die so that energy has to go somewhere. As to animals or the origin of souls: I have no idea at all.
I totally was gonna comment the same thing. Also, I do have three random potential theories for that first question. The first is what if god has created more souls. The second is what if there are more planets souls can reincarnate to, and for whatever reason, this planet has gotten more popular. And third, what if there are alot of souls in the ether, and there are a limited amount of bodies on earth to reincarnate into. The more bodies that are born, the more souls have an opportunity to come down here.
Never heard of this guy before now,I believe everything he’s just said!
Yea he is really inspiring couse he is right and everything he says he has researched
And everything he says is nonsense -- at least his conclusions are pure nonsense.
No, you want to believe it because you can't accept death, religion wants you to believe it because it gives them power, tyrants want you to believe it because it makes you accept injustice in this life. You weakened by falling for this reincarnation crap
We are spiritual beings in a human form. Man minus mind is God. We reincarnate because its only through the human experience that we have the opportunity to right the wrongs of our past lives, its our bad Karma. The NDE experience is to spread the message of love and compassion. Remember Nicola Tesla saying that everything comes from Light, God is Light and Love
I read your book 10 yrs ago. That's the beginning of my spiritual journey.
So what have changed on your side? Or any findings in life? Turning points?thanks
Repent and read the New Testament.
I don’t know if reincarnation is real or not. I can’t say for sure. But I use to have vivid and terrifying recurring dreams of being attacked by a grizzly bear. I had them up until I reached the age of 20. I also had this, weird unconscious feeling of panic anytime I was in a forest or secluded wooded area with a lot of trees. Never could explain that because nothing traumatic happened to me in a forest as a child. I have since grew out of that, but it’s experiences like that that make me a believer. And I’ve talked to others that’s had similar experiences, so I know I’m not alone.
"I don’t know if reincarnation is real or not."
"it’s experiences like that that make me a believer"
Why do you permit your beliefs to be derived from peer pressure?
All children have nightmares and it's a matter of scientific speculation as to their value or purpose.
Maybe its what's going to happen to you in the future..
My own well founded speculation on the why of dreaming goes like this...
During the time our brains are in the conscious mode of function, all the neurons not participating directly in maintaining those thoughts currently in 'focus', are in a mode something like a readiness to support, modify, adjust, attack, defend the thoughts that are in focus and they also must be participating in shuffling the patterns of that focus into memory.
Then, when our brains change to sleep mode, all the neurons start accommodating and adjusting all the information acquired while conscious, all the thoughts in our memory may be undergoing slight adjustments to make that recorded experience conform to our world view or, equally possible, our world view is being adjusted in to accommodate new info. Can't help but imagine that our unconscious neural processes and our memories are in a sense the same dynamic process. I have to imagine that in order to understand this, one needs to have a pretty good knowledge of how neurons and synapses function else what I said will appear so abstract as to make no sense whatsoever.
I use to have a similar dream all the time when I was younger and it was opening a barn door and it was full of bats. That is the most vivid dream I remember and had multiple times. Weird.
@@hector5749 Bruce Wayne is that you? 😊
Paramahansa Yogananda has all the answers to all of these questions in his lessons. There is so much more to this than what this neurosurgeon knows.
+1 His collected talks series is amazing. In my top 10 books of all time (divine romance, journey of Self-Realization)
Lives, even thousands, of which there is no conscious memory have no meaning. However, it is said that they decide my Karma and this makes everything much worse because if I now have a bad illness due to my past bad karma, this is IDENTICAL to putting someone in prison without telling him why he should be in prison. If I am not aware of my past sins I cannot even repent of such sins. The simplest explanation for the absence of memories of "past lives" is that these lives do not exist.
Sometimes when i hear certain traditional music I feel so nostalgic i think its because i was apart of that culture in a past life
I can relate to that. And certain time periods too when I see them on film.
One of the greatest truths I've come to realize is that. . . God, the universe a force, divine intelligence, or what ever label you give it.
It transcends religion.
I love Even Alexander's story.wish to see him in person.
Yes I would love to meet him too!
MSB Google Eben Alexander. All that glitters isn’t gold. You won’t like what you’ll find. Stay woke.
@@Mark-yb1sp Chill
@@Mark-yb1sp People who say "stay woke" shouldn't be listened to.
geez Spot on. Only libturds use the term “woke”.
their are many talk show host but larry is the best of all the hosts he's a very curious and asking questions all the time He seems to know all the questions he wants to know as fast as u can turn a dime. Ground control calling larry king.
For me. Reincarnation and why adults rarely remember (I have experienced two of mine), anyway, the reason adults don't remember past lives for me is simple. It would be like reading a history book. We would be so engrossed in our own passed life history, we forget to live this incarnation. We would also be second guessing ourselves so not to make mistakes, we would forget to live this life.
In my two past lives, I was not an Indian chief, Roman emperor, famous actor, or anyone famous. I was just an ordinary Joe or Fred, or John. I was living the life I had chosen for the lessons I had to learn, like most of us living now. I was only special to the people around me that loved me.
As Sadghuru says - do you really want to remember all your ex wives LOL!
“I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me” John 14:6
Amen 🙏🏼 ✝️
Research Dr Jim Tucker from the University of Virginia. He's been researching this stuff for decades. It's pretty fascinating.
Also Dr Dean Radin
Their evidence is shockingly strong.
@@qetoun What evidence? There is so little evidence that it remains largely unknown.
@@qetoun If their evidence was "so strong" why are we here still debating the topic?
i don't understand how NDE support reincarnation.
You enter into a world of pure peace and unconditional love ... only to rebirth and comeback on earth and experience all the misery of human life ?
Also during NDE people meet loved ones. How could that be if they are reincarnated ?
NDEs do not support reincarnation at all.
Lot of people who do not trust NDE, start be nerves from life after life and court. Take it easy - you will judge you as you judge people around you - so easy it is.
Josef Pcola You make no sense. Edit your comments.
@@Mark-yb1sp Joe makes as much sense as the raving doctor.
Fact if you’re alive now in a physical body , that happened one time …that means that can happen again and again and again .. the truth is simple right now we’re in our body but people think that can only happen one time , what is wrong. That miracle is eternal
This is for ALL ATHEISTS. if this isn't enough for you to open yours eyes and consider there's more out there, then your just like this man before his NDE. he publicly denied God, but always hoped He was real.
Well said mate.
Robert Rogers well said Robert.
I don't see what this video has to do with God. I think alot of athiests just have a problem with identifying it with a bearded white man sitting on a throne.
Alexander is not describing what he experienced, he is recalling the memories of what he claims he experienced. And memory formation is subject to the constraints of human biology. How did Alexander form new memories if his brain was "shut down?" Alexander never addresses this point.
"The brain’s medial temporal lobe, which includes the hippocampus and parahippocampal region, converts short-lived perceptions into long-term memories." As a neurosurgeon, Alexander is well aware of this.
I hope you dont think this proves christianity
I have definitely had past lives and have struggled with this for years bc I didn’t know what was happening!!?? It was VERY SCARY FOR OVER A COUPLE DECADES!! And showed up as mental health issues and caused me so much pain!! I kept this a secret bc I didn’t know others experience this also… I attempted suicide multiple times and was pronounced dead on arrival 3 times.. the last time I was on life support in a coma and I did go to Heaven… much like Dr says in here since my blessing of going to heaven… and returning I still
Struggled and secretly (which was an illusion from darkness to keep me isolated) and that led to erratic and irrational behavior in addiction! Today I’m aware that I’m surrounded by amazing and loving totally anointed people… I know most of us have been here before and most likely will be until we get it right..
God and past lives don’t mix, especially the god of the Bible! And can you explain to me why most of us don’t remember our past lives, and how are we supposed to break the cycle so we learn when we can’t remember these supposed past lives? Makes absolutely no sense, stay away from pseudoscience cause there’s zero evidence to back up these theory’s! Period! Not a single drop of science backs reincarnation! None, zilch nada
I like this Neurosurgeon alot 🙏☺️
Jesus didn’t teach reincarnation he taught resurrection. There is a big difference between them. Reincarnation is coming back as something else and resurrection is being raised back to life as yourself in spirit without flesh and blood. No one with flesh and bones can enter heaven but your soul, which your conscience is part of.
superb sir, you are exactly right. thanks for giving a nice speech about reincarnation.
He couldnt be further from the truth I pray for salvation for this man.
He did not answer where the new souls come from to increase the world population
First of all, our species is one of a billion or trillion different intelligent life forms throughout the universe in a trillion different galaxies. There is an incubation process whereby souls are created. This is explained very well in Neale Donald Walsh's "Conversations with God" series. God Bless.
Some possible theories are that all the new souls are literally "new" souls that have just been created recently while others are "old" souls, or that they lived on other planets or in other dimensions previously, and another is what he seemed to mention here that maybe some souls split into multiple souls.
Hi Robert. Thanks for the note. I have not heard of "souls" splitting but I have heard of one soul incarnating into more than one body, but I understand this is rare per Michael Newton's books. To add further confusion, since everything is happening in the "now", one theory is that all of the souls that will ever be created have already been created. The whole thing is fascinating. Take care! Mac
Wendy Knox-Leet , he just mentioned is everyone's soul who are sent back to earth
I note that the number of wild animals is decreasing as the number of people is increasing. Perhaps animals have souls that come back as people. Perhaps souls migrate here from the planet Krypton after that planet blows up. Perhaps I was once a termite or flatworm.
Larry King has learned the truth now after he passed over.
Our thoughts match. I also think that we are here to learn and impediments are our teachers.
Love and unity really is the answer… even if we don’t understand it
The reason by 6 they forget is, at 5 years of age the ego starts to really develope, and Devine voice starts to become suppressed. So yes more lessons can occur un obstructed.
Incredible account !
Alfa Won Yeah, if it was true, but it is not.
@@Mark-yb1sp why not, i am not saying u are wrong, i just wanna know ur reason.
Something for life
He can only remember the life before him for 7️⃣7 years. It is common to everyone. 8️⃣8 is 00 which is the end. Seven years later, there is no memory of reincarnation. Although she has merit, she has to live a long life. She has to say goodbye to an accident. In that sense, she owes a debt of gratitude for her lost life. If the lost person becomes a human being, reincarnation will take place. Everyone called reincarnation will have lost their life in an accident.
More of this please!
Well I found out you can remember past lives using three methods:
1. hypnosis - which is the easiest
2. psychedelics (LSD) - which is the riskiest
3. meditation - which is the hardest
All three methods can bypass the filters of your brain that prevent memory access, but be careful because once you peak into your past lives a gigantic wave of emotions from your past life may come flooding into your consciousness which can be incredibly overwhelming especially if you are by yourself and don't know how to deal with them. My past life was bad and the emotional floods drove me close to suicide every time I snuck a peak into it for days and weeks afterwards.
Furthermore on psychedelics you may become literally stuck in memories from your past lives, traumatic ones also with no hypnotherapist or so to get you out of them again so be careful with that.
He just explained the meaning of suffering.....for crying out loud..... 👍👏✌
I believe everything the Dr. Is saying. I just don’t understand why earth is a place to learn, grow and be better. None of us barely can get it right. The thought of being here in past lives, as well as coming here again is sickening! I don’t want to come back. I’ll do another task on another planet
I remember my past life but in my case I was given the option to relive my life again or move on and I chose to relive my life. And once I chose I starting flowing out of my grave and flying in the sky to where my body was at and I remembered seeing twins and my soul entered one of the bodies. I have a birthmark on my right thight which may mean something
If you were given the chance to relive your life, does this mean that you get the chance to make different choices but to have the same starting environment? I have so many regrets and wish that I did so many things differently that I would never want to relive this life again, but I do wish that I had the opportunity to be able to go back to an earlier point in my life and live forward from there but get things right with the knowledge that I now have. Thank you.
My theory as to why we don't remember past lives is simply because...the brain can't hold all that information.
From what I've seen of both Reincarnation and NDE [Near Death Experience] research, I think the body and consciousness/soul are two separate entities and the BRAIN itself acts as an anchor point between them. The brain is sorta like an organic computer. It can hold vasts amount of information but once it reaches it storage limit, you have to delete some information to make room for the new one. It could be that kids who recall memories didn't use up their entire "storage limit" in the last life and were able to recall the more recent memories from said life but as they grew and began making new memories, the "old information" had to be moved out to make room for the new ones, which could also explain why kids seem to forget most if not all the memories when they reach the ages of 5-7. I think that our soul is able to remember ALL of our past lives but our organic physical bodies can't handle all of those memories at once so for the current life, only current memories are stored but when you die and aren't tethered to your current body, your soul can remember everything.
That might be true if there was such a thing as a soul
but I've never seen one,
have you?
How does he know what he's saying though? He makes a lot of statements, but he doesn't explain how he knows that any of those statements are true. What's his evidence?
There is no evidence. Its faith. Religion is purely faith based. As is reincarnation. Our energy must go somewhere when we die.
There is no evidence more than children who remember past lives or hypnotism but beyond that there is no evidence. Yet it makes sense to me because as it's pretty well known we are energy and energy can't be created nor destroyed. So when you die you go to the exact same place when you didn't existed this "nothingness" so why you can't come back? if you already did it when you were born.
@@Jason619x you’re lost
@@titaa56 Why am I lost? Because I don't believe in what you believe?
@@Jason619x There is no scientist that I know of who has ever asserted that we are energy. In fact, there is no definition of energy. There is only physical stuff (i.e. the concerns of physics) that is in motion. Look at the definition of 'heat' for a great illustration of this idea.
It is far more likely that we are dynamic patterns
created by principles innate in matter
that organize matter into bodies
in which an extraordinarily complex arrangement
serves as substrate for the process we call thinking
some of which we label conscious.
I am a Christian and I am with this guy all the way. The biggest problem with Christians (or any religion for that matter) is they put their god in the smallest box they can find, and because of this ignorance and shallow faith, is why they miss out on the bigger things like this guy is talking about. For those with an ear, the bible teaches reincarnation, and once this reality is accepted, mate, your tiny little puny box expands into the entire universe. I can attest to the fact that I lived before, and reincarnation answers all the questions that religion cannot.
Come on don't lie.
Reincarnation itself is a confused concept. Animal will become spirit, you will become dog. Blah blah.
@@EloraSelah Small things amuse small minds. Your take on this shows your lack of understanding. FYI You live... you die... the soul lives on to go wherever God deems it deserves to go. If you feel thats to confusing for you... go to the library and gain some knowledge.
lovely man, he is right, we are all connected, to each other, to all living beings, to the earth, to creation
I died for 40 minutes after suffering a cardiac arrest very similar experience the orb etc they spoke to me telepathically wasn’t expected to see the night out no brain damage I’m 6 years down the line 40 minutes of cpr 2 shots of adrenaline air lifted to hospital 6 defibrillator shocks
Surely I’m not the only one that thinks re incarnation is true although I don’t follow any religions
The truth is not a matter of consensus. Still, if the entire pattern of your body (all one hundred trillion one hundred trillion atoms) could be recorded then there would be a chance that you could be recreated by some fancy technology way off in the future. Or mere chance could recreate you though you wouldn't know that you were but a copy.
He never answered King's first question: why are there more people now compared 100 years ago?
He compared life to waves, so wr come and go... but also, that wouldnt knock off the idea for someone who lived 1000 years ago can live among us
i mean he also talks about animals. There are billions if not more different forms of lives on Earth. But i wonder if his theory fits with creatures from other planets.
The NT clearly states that we die ONLY ONCE, and then the judgment: Hebrews 9:27. Furthermore, Jesus made it clear that the re-birth of which he spoke was spiritual, NOT physical: John 3:1-21.
Karma is related to Hinduism 🥰
Larry King
I just wanted to tell you that Jesus loves you so much more than you could ever even imagine and He will never leave you nor forsake you 💙💯
His Grace overpowers any sin
I just want to reunite with my grandpa
I just want to be with my loved ones in the end. I would love to learn to love everyone of course but I love my family. Maybe I'm selfish idk all I know is this isny helping my ocd at all.
@@user-tl6he1mn7s The universe does not care what you want. Relax and enjoy your freedom.
@@REDPUMPERNICKEL what freedom?
Larry is at the stage where these thoughts might appear to comfort him.
how can a man who went to heaven believe in reincarnation please elaberate.
Yes, it's strange. The answer seems to be misinterpretation. Simply because we have a supernatural experience does not mean we fully understand it or have all the answers. He had a temporary out of body experience and relates well the feeling of unconditional love that he experienced. The reincarnation stuff seems to be his own spin on it, based on the fact he was not given greater Christian awareness, as have others in their experiences. Perhaps the Lord will enlighten him further if he is open to it.
Heavens are under laws as well, time in heaven has its limits and boundaries
This gives me hope that my two best friends are still here
The Dead are more Alive than the Living !! 🙏
God to your brain every time u die: start-disk management-format
Only a quick format though - information can sometimes be recovered with the right software ;)
Larry u will judge yourself in the end and have the awareness of all the people u touched in this incarnation, you're beliefs do not matter, truth is truth. No disbelief will change that.
but if consciousness is the base and the start and the brain is a limiting valve and filter, why ? why should we exitst?, why should w learn? why cant we just be the universal conciousness?
Maybe in order for the universe to become self aware it needs us, the universe experiences itself through us 🤷♀️
why not post the whole interview? 🙄
We all know that saying "he who thinks knows everything, knows nothing"!
Same saying goes for atheist who things after death is nothingness😂
I'm not religious, I just find it logical that we live all lives possible and that all minds and all consciousness is actually just one consciousness, different lives, different perspective, different thoughts, personality, likes and dislikes, everything related to the biological bodies, however the consciousness, the awareness i feel like it's just one thing, we're that thing, me and you are the same consciosness, you gonna live my life, I'm gonna live yours, or we already lived it, well outside of time
Why do you think there is only one way of being conscious?
"outside of time" is an utterly incoherent notion.
If anything exists then it exists for a while else it does not exist!
"outside of space " is an equally incoherent notion.
If anything exists then it takes up some space else it does not exist!
You must be quite young to have these ideas.
Hope my comments fertilize your mental progress.
Love this man
If reincarnation is real does it mean new life cant grow, cos if you dont have no previous life you cant be born right? So what is population growth then? The explanation for 'why not all people "dont remember previous life" isnt making any sense. Havent met anyone with a previous life memory in my almost 40 years life and have never heard it before from anyone, i am from India.
This is for all you RELIGIOUS PEOPLE. You don’t have to believe in the traditional concept of God in order to believe in the afterlife. An external force doesn’t need to exist in order for universe to hold other realms or an afterlife. You CAN be an atheist and still believe in the afterlife. Spirituality, pantheists don’t believe in god yet they believe in spirits, ghosts and the afterlife. So all you anti-atheists need to get educated before ranting in the comment section.
When you incarnate in to a new vessel, your souls knowledge is suppressed because the neuro capabilities of the new vessel cannot comprehend the whole of the souls knowledge, and only upon death, when the soul is released from the vessel, does your soul regain the whole of its knowledge.
The cycle of the soul is started with each soul having a particular goal to accomplish. These goals can vary, and I personally believe if a soul chooses to once it regains its whole of knowledge, it can even reincarnate to repeat the same life over. This is how I explain deja vu.
Once the soul has achieved it’s goal, however many incarnated lives that requires, it is allowed to ascend to the heavens to live amongst the gods in paradise.
The first question Larry asked regarding why there are so many people now is that there are an endless number of souls within the underworld waiting to be reincarnated, and only in modern times, having the technology and peace to sustain longer life, have so many souls been able to incarnate at any given time.
New souls are also constantly born in the overworld to be sent to the underworld to await incarnation.
He's not really helping the cause with that bow tie
lol I think we need more bow ties in the world.
I love bow ties. I wish all men wore them.
Not the way Larry has pulled humanity forward with those suspenders, I get it. 😂
Appearance is completely irrelevant to the nonsense that he's spewing.
It could also be possible that reincarnation is not exactly the classic buddhism samsara (about learning from mistakes and becoming better) but some kind of simple physical or biological fact or rule-of-life in this universe, compared to gravitation or magnetism, that death throws the consciousness in a non-existing state like it (maybe) was before being born into this life - only to leave the realm of non-existing and non-awareness again in a random way to suddenly become a random new self aware life-form again somewhere in this universe.
It has happened once before with all of us (we all were born and don´t know why or what exactly life itself is - is it just a simple survival mechanism to cope with surroundings fine-tuned by evolution to make "better and moving plants" on planets?)
Or to make various planets in habitable zones more interesting and "alive"?
If yes why does the universe produces life-forms in the first place - and what exactly is their purpose?
Maybe it is even possible to reincarnate on other planets in habitable zones because it is yet unclear what exactly life is.... is it only a cloud of electrons flying around in the neuron cells inside the brain, or is it something way deeper maybe going far beyond pure electricity and far beyond our knowledge about physics and what medicine can understand.....
I think we are similar to some hypothetical medival knight who got told by some wise seer that a mysterious thing called WLAN might exist, capable of transmitting sounds and pictures through thin air....
But yet a medival knight cannot see, smell, feel or register radio transmitted frequencies, and also the whole world has no technology or machines to receive or register these waves in any way.
Therefore a medival knight can only assume during his whole lifetime that that "higher more sophisticated things way beyond his understanding and technologicial capabilities exists in this universe."
Maybe the spark of consciousness is the receiving of unknown energies from the universe into a beings brain, and maybe after death some kind of unknown energy is released from the body going back into it`s origins.
Maybe I am just some sophisticated furless ape having started to somehow be alive on pure randomness, having a few millivolts of electricity in my brain which will disappears (together with all my thoughts memories and self-awareness) forever after death. Possible? Everything is possible in this universe and every explaination has some value as long as we don`t know why life and self-awareness is happening.
No one knows what exactly will happen after death (or what took place before birth), and the sad thing is no matter how far our technology will go, we will probably never understand what life truly is, WHY there life is in this universe, what is the universe itself (and why does it exist?) and what will happen after death.
These questions will forever be the greatest unknown, and a closed door forever for science, physics and medicine.
I'd be asking SO many questions
God would rather have someone who thinks for themselves, even if they are wrong, than someone who blindly follows. Why else would God give us a brain and a mind ? Why give us a mind then tell us not to use it ? Why give us a questioning mind..then tell us not to question ? Knowledge is gained by questioning, not by blindly following. Why have faith, when you can know ? Knock and the door shall be opened to and you shall find...ask and you shall be given. Is that not the questioning mind...not faith.
To be condemned to exist forever is a horror vastly greater than a little fear of dying.
Love you Dr Eben
Love everything what Dr. Alexander said and believe what he and most NDE'rs are saying but, the bow tie, really Eben!
This is what i believe explained in more detail.
Looking carefully into the description of what dr. Eben Alexander experienced, he was concious traveling to what he calls heaven while he was in coma; his brain was completely destroyed cell by cell.
However, there is some baffling, frustrating and unclear points about his description.
First...he said that he was conscious as an observer but he was unconscious about himself and his family on earth; he didn't remember anything about what he had experienced back on earth.
According to his book, proof of heaven, he didn't even recognize who he himself was or people around him including his sons when he got back from coma.
It was only after a few weeks later when he got his normal brain function back that he started recognizing his family members and getting the knowledge back that he had gotten here on earth.
Of course, he was amnesiac from the damage by the bacterial infection...but if we should be conscious beyond our brain, don't we have to know who we are, at least in heaven, if not on earth where we might be under the influence of physical body like brain?
It would be so frustrating if my mom didnt recognize me in the heaven.
If anybody has an idea or answer to this, please let me know. I will really appreciate it.
Reincarnation is my biggest fear.....I HATE IT!!!!!
If we did not fulfill our purposes in this life, then God can give us another life because he so loves us. He is the light-love-life and we are a piece of his light. we have an ultimate purpose which is to love each other.
Do you remember when you were just born? Do you remember the two first years of your life ? No ? So you had never been born 😅
There is a great deal science knows about memory and memories can be pruned from the brain which is why we do not recall some of the events in our lives. In this case, the question becomes: How were memories formed in the brain of a person in a coma? And there is no reason to believe any were.
@99 fortytwo It is unclear what claim you are attempting to make here about "consciousness," or what you mean by consciousness producing to the brain. Sedation clearly demonstrates that consciousness can be shut down in the brain without shutting down autonomic body functioning in the brain.
Neuroscientist such as Michael Grazziano has explored "awareness" (see his Attention Schema Theory).
@99 fortytwo You didn't listen to Graziano did you?
When you say, "I am aware of...," who is this the "I" that is experiencing the awareness? Are you suggesting that there is a "self" that magically interfaces with the body? This will require some explanation as to why a body is even needed.
Science does indeed have clues about consciousness and they are called theories. It's also clear to me that we have more than just our awareness. We have attention which can direct awareness. We have a sense of agency and feelings. That said, I believe consciousness is a dated concept (consciousness is not a thing) which is why science may not yet understand how we experience our subjective state. But Graziano comes close. Much like Alexander, there certainly is no evidence for what you are suggesting and it, therefore, remains a belief system.
@99 fortytwo Additionally, I'd like to hear about why the brain has unconscious aspects and how consciousness and unconsciousness interact.
@99 fortytwo I read your reply several times and keep getting confused by the terminology you are using, such as "the content of consciousness" or "true self." These descriptors appear to be part of a belief system that you've subscribed to but for which there is no evidence.
From your description, it is difficult to determine whether awareness is generated by the brain or whether it is a property of this transcendent aspect you've label "consciousness" (The body is just a way for awareness to experience life).
Other belief systems refer to souls and this appears to be what you call "consciousness."
Dr. Alexander knows what he is talking about👍👍👍