Silly culture. When i married with my wife, we spend zero money. We just go to the registration office with our parents and signed the necessary documents. We dont have crazy wedding dinner or reception. Wedding to us is between the 2 of us and not for other people to see or pleasure! We are still happily married and respecting each other after 20 years.
彩礼多少才对 ?? 没价 !!!!
想想久时的门当户对 其实是有它的道理原由
而现今 很多父母就拿嫁女儿的彩礼来坑未来女婿 干嘛叻 就为了给自己儿子累积彩礼有体面 这就变成了恶性循环
Silly culture. When i married with my wife, we spend zero money. We just go to the registration office with our parents and signed the necessary documents. We dont have crazy wedding dinner or reception. Wedding to us is between the 2 of us and not for other people to see or pleasure! We are still happily married and respecting each other after 20 years.