Rewrite: X did you just nuke the veiwers (...Yeah) Why? (...for the pentagon) ... good point like no one should ever hit the pentagon (No actually like i agree sure you turned me to a ball but that doesn't mean we'll I wouldn't help you like I actually cried water NOT BLOOD isn't that crazy) Well thanks then X for helping also we can cry water I didn't know that (Yeah isn't that crazy) Yeah haha Anyway want to go out and get something to eat (Sure you know when i heal from the explosion) Ok good so in s few days then? (Yes a few days see you at the chilidog place) Sure meet you there (Ha good see you then) (Well there he goes ugh I didn't think blowing up a nuke point blank would do this much damage how does the overlord do this with barely a scratch like im here like burnt and irradiated but I should recover from both burns and radiation in 2 to 3 days anyway I should gets some rest see ya veiwers later also sorry for nuking yall I did it for Rewrite so we can rebuild trust after well our introduction anyway got to go see ya mortals... when I recover bye... I hate this😑😑😑
anti pentagon
anti pentagon
as great as the original
thanks spend quite a bit of time on this
Rewrite: X did you just nuke the veiwers
(...for the pentagon)
... good point like no one should ever hit the pentagon
(No actually like i agree sure you turned me to a ball but that doesn't mean we'll I wouldn't help you like I actually cried water NOT BLOOD isn't that crazy)
Well thanks then X for helping also we can cry water I didn't know that
(Yeah isn't that crazy)
Yeah haha
Anyway want to go out and get something to eat
(Sure you know when i heal from the explosion)
Ok good so in s few days then?
(Yes a few days see you at the chilidog place)
Sure meet you there
(Ha good see you then)
(Well there he goes ugh I didn't think blowing up a nuke point blank would do this much damage how does the overlord do this with barely a scratch like im here like burnt and irradiated but I should recover from both burns and radiation in 2 to 3 days anyway I should gets some rest see ya veiwers later also sorry for nuking yall I did it for Rewrite so we can rebuild trust after well our introduction anyway got to go see ya mortals... when I recover bye... I hate this😑😑😑