You loan money to the visa card company, they make it near impossible to use the card on line, and you always leave a buck or two on card. Visa Cards are a rip off.
My brother and sister are 10 and 11 and they both have debit cards. Your parents can open up a bank account for you and they can issue a debit card which works similar to a credit card.
I tried to get a gift card for my bday in Walmart and they haven't restocked the Roblox gift cards for like 3 weeks
Feels bad man
hey there kid want some lettuce? Probably the shipment is taking long
hey there kid want some lettuce? Omg in Woolworths, they keep replacing Roblox gift cards like every 2 days! 😭
I couldn't even find these amazon gift cards because I was trying to buy star trek classic games for pc
It's harder to come by especially when it's the holidays or the covid-19
i used to know someone who would buy these with his own CC and then claiming fraud, wearing all sorts of theatrical makeup.
Its becoming way easier than ever before
You loan money to the visa card company, they make it near impossible to use the card on line, and you always leave a buck or two on card. Visa Cards are a rip off.
Thank you kindly for the warning.
Rip off
Tanya was not really listening...
When I was little I almost stole one and I was about to realized no cash would be on it
I get them because of coarse you have to be 18+ just to have a credit card so gift cards are my only option
And it's not like my parent are willing to do the online shopping for me
I've $215, and I'm trying to buy something from Amazon, but there are scam gift cards, so.... I'm gonna wait 6 yrs.... To get a Credit Card..... :'/
My brother and sister are 10 and 11 and they both have debit cards. Your parents can open up a bank account for you and they can issue a debit card which works similar to a credit card.
can you buy gift cards with cash
thats nothing new
I hate it its sook hard to find now
can we buy gift card with cash. plzz reply
Well game stop gives them on resivve
i love gift card like itunes and google play store it is so nice
@@Richard-qw3lc wait google play cards have a chance that they are already used?