Inspirasi tema jungle pny om Nick, blm selesai sy eksekusi...sdh kluar inspirasi baru lg 😅😭...bisa2 semua sisi rumah keisi tank semua nih om wkakaka....
@@nickzaquascapegallery tema yg jungle persis seperti yg sy pingin berhubung sy disemarang, jd berdasar YT om, cb sy scape sendiri 😁😁🙏...lanjutkan menginspirasinya om CAYOOOO
@@nickzaquascapegallery Tp kl dr pengamatan sy... Yg jd ciri khasnya seni aquascape bang nick & team adl. BONSAI hehehe...(maaf kl salah) slnya bbrp kali, begitu sy liat aquascape dg bonsai yg bnr2 rapi dan halus bgt, sy tau pasti ini "anaknya" bang Nick...bnyk jg sih yg main bonsai, cm beda aja
if you have the equipment and the moss needs are complete and also correct in maintenance such as the length of time the lamp is on, the wattage of the lamp is according to the needs of the moss. Then the plant can live for 6 months - 1 year
@@nickzaquascapegallery Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I really like the bonsai look but I’m looking for a plant which will grow slowly and can be maintained indefinitely. Is there a plant or type of moss which you would recommend?
Best bonsai aquascape ever!
Juaranya bonsai nih
Kerennnn mantulll
Terima kasih om 😁
Om sekali" bikin settingan aquascape buat chana atau predator dong
Pesen aja gan, pasti dibuatin
Di channel nya pakne kenzho udah dibuatin bang
Siap om
Ini juga bagus buat canna auranty/ yang canna warna" Cantik😁
Mantap kawan salam satu hobi salam sukses selalu kawan
Heran sya bang.... Kokk gak abis2 ni ide.... 😁.... Sngat menginspirasi bang....tanks...🙏
hahaha...siap bang
Ini dia yg ditunggu" video" nya ❤️
Hehehe selamat menonton om
Semangat buat kontennya om
Siap om
Great detail process
Thank you sir, GBU
Mantul bang🤩👍🏿
Mantap betul
Mantap yang punya BSD
BSD rotala? wkwkw
Look like so peaceful...🙂
Thank you ❣
I love this and am planning to make this, what do you use for basic fertilizer.
Jbl Aquabasis
Terima kasih om
That's superb ....
greetingsu from the aquascaping sir lanka channel
Hello, greetings👋
We also often share our video links in the Sri Lanka Aquascape group 😁
Thank you very much in advance for supporting our channel
Terima kasih om
Ditunggu buat jungle mini
Siappp bang 💁👌
Inspirasinya luar biasa om nickz, ga ad abisnya... 😊👍
Terima kasih kak 😊😊
where do you get the trees with the flat parts for the plants at.. i cant find any trees like that at any local stores
its handmade we use coconut shell to make a flat one
besok bikin bginian juga buat kontes iaplc nnt
Hahaha rank berapa ya kira-kira
@@nickzaquascapegallery mudah2n tembus 200 besr om hu
@@WayanDona siiiapp mas wayan
Inspirasi tema jungle pny om Nick, blm selesai sy eksekusi...sdh kluar inspirasi baru lg 😅😭...bisa2 semua sisi rumah keisi tank semua nih om wkakaka....
Hehehe maapkeun om 🙏🙏🙏😁
Semoga konsep jungle yang om buat sesuai ekspetasi om 🙏🙏😁😁 pantau terus tutorial pembuatan konsep jungle nya ya om 🤭
@@nickzaquascapegallery tema yg jungle persis seperti yg sy pingin berhubung sy disemarang, jd berdasar YT om, cb sy scape sendiri 😁😁🙏...lanjutkan menginspirasinya om CAYOOOO
@@nickzaquascapegallery Tp kl dr pengamatan sy... Yg jd ciri khasnya seni aquascape bang nick & team adl. BONSAI hehehe...(maaf kl salah)
slnya bbrp kali, begitu sy liat aquascape dg bonsai yg bnr2 rapi dan halus bgt, sy tau pasti ini "anaknya" bang Nick...bnyk jg sih yg main bonsai, cm beda aja
Lindo de mais nossa😲
отличная работа..какой клей используете
Мы используем железный клей с красивым брендом
what are the circles that you put moss on called?
Its coconut shell that we attach on bonsai
Yang di video itu langsung planting atau sebelumnya di cycling dulu ya bang..
Langsung planting om
How do you get the santigi wood
you can also get in our store sir
is this setup suitable for amateur?
Yes of course , you can build it 😉
Pengen punya kaya gitu -_-
Ayok buat om
Can I leave it out of the water?
for moss plants you can't
Which light is used
We use our custom led HPL
arent you affraid of that mold spreading ? or do you dip it in some kind of salt mix to kill all the bacteria
Om media perekat lemnya pakai apa? Tisu atau apa?
Mass hairgras bro watt kira kira lampunya .dan kalau pake Moss diawal set up itu apakah akan ada daun y mati gak mas
Lampu berapa watt tergantung aquarium yang digunakan om.
Mati sih tidak hanya penyesuaian saja
@@nickzaquascapegallery aqurium 80×40 Lampunya nya kira kira 48 watt
Background sanblast atau skolet putih om
Sunblast om
When you plant moss on a savannah bonsai like this, how long can you expect it to last? Does it flourish or will it have a shorter life than normal?
if you have the equipment and the moss needs are complete and also correct in maintenance such as the length of time the lamp is on, the wattage of the lamp is according to the needs of the moss. Then the plant can live for 6 months - 1 year
@@nickzaquascapegallery Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. I really like the bonsai look but I’m looking for a plant which will grow slowly and can be maintained indefinitely. Is there a plant or type of moss which you would recommend?
I don't understand is it meant to last forever with correct maintenance
@@CaptainofmyShed you can use anubias petite as leaf, it is slow growth and easy maintenance, but bit pricy
Co2nya pakai inline diffuser ya gan?
Ya betul om pake inline diffuser...
Greetings from 🇮🇳 phenomenal scape! Which glue is used for hardscape?
hi..greetings from indonesia too... i used power glue
Ruang gallery nickz aquascape sekarang kn sdh memakai AC.apa alasannya knp msh menggunakan fan.?
Biar suhu airnya makin dingin om 😛
Mas knp aquascap saya awal planting PD lumer termasuk tenallus dan sagitaria
Ukuran aquariumnya berapa kak? apakah menggunakan co2? lampu berapa watt?
@@nickzaquascapegallery pake lampu 48 watt pake co2diy juga .tapi kaya ada muncul kek bintik bintik coklat dikaca itu knp ya
Om filter nya PH berapa itu ya, kenceng manteb pengen tau buat acuan..
Untuk sistem filtrasi ukuran tank 100cm kita saran kan menggunakan canister / filter eksternal om..
@@nickzaquascapegallery iya om, saya nanya nya canister PH berapa ? Power Head ( kluaran FLOW nya berapa ribu per liter ) ?
1800 L/P Outflow nya om
Om nick parameter air gimana ngeceknya? Itu semua pake air apa om?
Pakai air tanah om
pake mos apa om nickson
Moss peacock
Ngidam thema beginian...
Tp kalo yg tnpa co2 hairgrass nya gnti apa ya bang?
Agak gamppang tenelus bang, tp rajin ganti air bs tiap 2 hari. Krna tanpa co2
Filter untuk tank ukuran 100cm x 45cm x 50cm yang recomend apa ya om..🙏
Hang on
Bisa cek di video bagian equipment filtrasi nya om untuk rekomendasi filter nya 😁🙏
@@javatv7050 Hang on matamu, 1 meter pke hang on
@@fahriii6488 sabar
Filternya pakai filter apa itu om?
Yang di tabung itu apa mas
Oksigen kah??
Maaf pemula belum tahu 🙏🙏
Bukan Tabung oksigen melainkan Tabung co2 om....
Bisa kirim ke luar kota om?
Jelas bisa om hehehe
No co2?
Kalo terima jadi kaya gini berapa om?
untuk ukuran aquarium seperti di video fullset terima jadi itu di harga 28.000.000 kak
Hello France 👋
Minggu kmrn moss ku ak lem..dan Skrg kok gk tumbuh ya... Cuma pake pukcir tanpa co2
Wajib pakai co2 om heheh
@@nickzaquascapegallery oh iya biar lebat subur ya om
Untuk tank ukuran 70 × 30 × 40 standard lampu bisa tanam rotala brp watt om...? Soalny tiap saya tanam melting terus...
84watt om
Semua hasil tinggal bahan
Itu nama ikanya apa om?
Ikan Kitty Tetra
Ukurannya berapa ini?