PlatformCon2024 - Building an OSS playground in 1 command (workshop)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024
  • Platforms are complex and interconnected systems. They necessarily depend on shared tools such as Infrastructure as Code implementations, certificate management, secrets management, and more.
    Many tools give you "quick starts" that bypass all of these integrations, but then you can feel bamboozled when it comes to actually tackling key company challenges with that shiny tool you just trialed.
    This workshop will introduce OSS Kubefirst to put up a mature platform that enables exploration of cloud native application delivery using Argo CD, GitHub Runner, and Argo Workflows, along with infrastructure management using Crossplane, Terraform, and Atlantis, while implementing access policy and security with Vault, External Secrets Operator, and Kyverno.
    See for more information.

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