Pirmą kartą pamačiau/išgirdau per LRT, dabar ši daina sukasi mano play list'e, tiek jausmų, emocijų, prisiminimų susipina šioje dainoje, ačiū Tau, Tu nuostabi :)
Labas! I'm a descendant from Lithuanians and i'm learning more about the culture, I loved your music and i'll definetely look for more of your work. Beautiful song! Your voice transmits so much peace. Keep up the good job!
Daina nuplaunanti nuo sielos kasdieninio gyvenimo dulkes, judinanti švelniausias ir geriausias dvasios stygas, raminanti širdį, suvargusią gyvenimo rūpesčiuose, išgujanti iš jos melą, nedorybę, pavydą ir neapykantą.
Noriu išdalint save Į tūkstantį dalių, Į tūkstančius kitų veidų. Sau nėi vienos nepasilkt, Nes kas aš būsiu kai, Nes kas aš būsiu kai, Išnyksiu... pavejui... Išgirsiu... kai bus per vėlu... Ir tik dalink mane perpus, mano buvusias dienas ar prisiminimus. Ir kai vanduo pradės banguoti, tu įkvėpki ten ir aš, ramybę atėjau padovanoti tau. Ir tik dalink mane perpus, dalink mane perpus, perpus... Būti čia ne kitur, nes tik šiandiena teturiu, rytojui būsiu su tavim, kartu tarp išnykusių dienų, taip ilgai lauktų, taip ilgai... Išplaukt... kur vėjai nepūs, Tyliai... likimui paklust. Ir tik dalink mane perpus, mano buvusias dienas ar prisiminimus. Ir kai vanduo pradės banguoti, tu įkvėpki ten ir aš, ramybę atėjau padovanoti tau. Ir tik dalink mane perpus, dalink mane perpus, perpus... Palikau, kad turėčiau ko išsiilgt. Užmiršau, kad galėčiau prisimint. Palikau, kad turėčiau ko išsiilgt. Užmiršau, kad galėčiau prisimint. Ir tik dalink mane perpus, mano buvusias dienas ar prisiminimus. Ir kai vanduo pradės banguoti, tu įkvėpki ten ir aš, ramybę atėjau padovanoti tau. Ir tik dalink mane perpus, dalink mane perpus, perpus... Ir tik dalink mane perpus, Mano ašaras ir skausmus...
mielieji, ačiū, kad klausot ir jaučiat. o kad klausyti būtų dar patogiau, rasite 'Dalink mane perpus' jau ir Spotify platformoj: open.spotify.com/track/0BvG5Ha7xzF46CxDf8nDs5 šiltai 💛, Liucė
**English literal translation:** I want to distribute myself Into a thousand parts, To thousands of other faces. Without leaving any for myself, Because who will I be when, Because who will I be when, I'll disappear ... downwind ... I'll hear ... when it'll be too late ... And just divide me in half, my past days or memories. And when the water starts to rise in waves, breathe in, there I will be, I have come to give you peace. And just divide me in half, divide me in half half ... Be here and nowhere else, because I have only this day, I will be with you tomorrow, together between the days that have faded out, ones that we've waited for so long, For so long... Sail out ... where the winds don't blow, Quietly ... obeying to destiny. And just divide me in half, my past days or memories. And when the water starts to rise in waves, breathe in, there I will be, I have come to give you peace. And just divide me in half, divide me in half half ... I left, so I would have something to long for. I forgot, so I could remember. I left, so I would have something to long for. I forgot, so I could remember. And just divide me in half, my past days or memories. And when the water starts to rise in waves, breathe in, there I will be, I have come to give you peace. And just divide me in half, divide me in half half ... And just divide me in half, My tears and aches ...
Beautiful song! my girlfriend is from Vilnius and I am from Spain, i was lisen a spotify list of 100 lithuanians songs and after 80 songs... this song was my first "wow" :)
I’m on my 5 th video on Liucė’s channel and saying “Wow!” to each song. My great grandparents were from Vilnius so I looked up Lithuanian folk songs to hear what they may have heard.
I can't begin to say how beautiful this song is. I loved Lithuania and think about the gorgeous city of Vilnius from time to time. Do you have any concerts in Lithuania where you perform live? Cheers!
👏🏻👏🏻💟💐beautiful.What’s it about? If you have time in your life to post English translations I’d sure love it! Or a little bit about the song like you did with the old folk song about the orphan going to the woods to cry.
Ačiū,labai gražu!
Meilės ir šviesos
Tiesiog nėra žodžių, nuostabu!
Pasakiskas balsas, fantastishki zodziai. Dainavimas kaip zylutes giesme ankstu pavasario ryta....Liucija. Jus leisk pasveikinti...
kaip ramybės banga, tokiam vėjuotam laike😍
gilu, išmintinga, jausminga, tikra. ačiū.
Pirmą kartą pamačiau/išgirdau per LRT, dabar ši daina sukasi mano play list'e, tiek jausmų, emocijų, prisiminimų susipina šioje dainoje, ačiū Tau, Tu nuostabi :)
Labas! I'm a descendant from Lithuanians and i'm learning more about the culture, I loved your music and i'll definetely look for more of your work. Beautiful song! Your voice transmits so much peace. Keep up the good job!
Bardzo przyjemna melodia.
Nuostabi daina, balsas Tavo ypač! Ačiū ❤️
Daina nuplaunanti nuo sielos kasdieninio gyvenimo dulkes, judinanti švelniausias ir geriausias dvasios stygas, raminanti širdį, suvargusią gyvenimo rūpesčiuose, išgujanti iš jos melą, nedorybę, pavydą ir neapykantą.
Dekui, Liucija!
Amazing! Wonderful! Music at its very best. WELL DONE, Liucé!
Noriu išdalint save
Į tūkstantį dalių,
Į tūkstančius kitų veidų.
Sau nėi vienos nepasilkt,
Nes kas aš būsiu kai,
Nes kas aš būsiu kai,
Išnyksiu... pavejui... Išgirsiu...
kai bus per vėlu...
Ir tik dalink mane perpus,
mano buvusias dienas ar prisiminimus.
Ir kai vanduo pradės banguoti,
tu įkvėpki ten ir aš,
ramybę atėjau padovanoti tau.
Ir tik dalink mane perpus,
dalink mane perpus,
Būti čia ne kitur,
nes tik šiandiena teturiu,
rytojui būsiu su tavim,
kartu tarp išnykusių dienų,
taip ilgai lauktų,
taip ilgai...
Išplaukt... kur vėjai nepūs,
Tyliai... likimui paklust.
Ir tik dalink mane perpus,
mano buvusias dienas ar prisiminimus.
Ir kai vanduo pradės banguoti,
tu įkvėpki ten ir aš,
ramybę atėjau padovanoti tau.
Ir tik dalink mane perpus,
dalink mane perpus,
Palikau, kad turėčiau ko išsiilgt.
Užmiršau, kad galėčiau prisimint.
Palikau, kad turėčiau ko išsiilgt.
Užmiršau, kad galėčiau prisimint.
Ir tik dalink mane perpus,
mano buvusias dienas ar prisiminimus.
Ir kai vanduo pradės banguoti,
tu įkvėpki ten ir aš,
ramybę atėjau padovanoti tau.
Ir tik dalink mane perpus,
dalink mane perpus,
Ir tik dalink mane perpus,
Mano ašaras ir skausmus...
Beautiful! 🌱🌿🙌👁️💫
ačiū, kad klausot ir jaučiat.
o kad klausyti būtų dar patogiau, rasite 'Dalink mane perpus' jau ir Spotify platformoj:
šiltai 💛,
And Apple Music :p
It will be on Apple Music soon! :))
**English literal translation:**
I want to distribute myself
Into a thousand parts,
To thousands of other faces.
Without leaving any for myself,
Because who will I be when,
Because who will I be when,
I'll disappear ... downwind ... I'll hear ...
when it'll be too late ...
And just divide me in half,
my past days or memories.
And when the water starts to rise in waves,
breathe in, there I will be,
I have come to give you peace.
And just divide me in half,
divide me in half
half ...
Be here and nowhere else,
because I have only this day,
I will be with you tomorrow,
together between the days that have faded out,
ones that we've waited for so long,
For so long...
Sail out ... where the winds don't blow,
Quietly ... obeying to destiny.
And just divide me in half,
my past days or memories.
And when the water starts to rise in waves,
breathe in, there I will be,
I have come to give you peace.
And just divide me in half,
divide me in half
half ...
I left, so I would have something to long for.
I forgot, so I could remember.
I left, so I would have something to long for.
I forgot, so I could remember.
And just divide me in half,
my past days or memories.
And when the water starts to rise in waves,
breathe in, there I will be,
I have come to give you peace.
And just divide me in half,
divide me in half
half ...
And just divide me in half,
My tears and aches ...
A breath of beauty in these difficult times. Thank you and God bless you.
So sweet, draws you in, in a special space, like spider net in the wind
Beautiful song! my girlfriend is from Vilnius and I am from Spain, i was lisen a spotify list of 100 lithuanians songs and after 80 songs... this song was my first "wow" :)
you can't imagine how much this means to me. thank you from the bottom of my heart!. and I promise to write more and more and more... 🌻
I’m on my 5 th video on Liucė’s channel and saying “Wow!” to each song. My great grandparents were from Vilnius so I looked up Lithuanian folk songs to hear what they may have heard.
kažkas ko seniai jau reikėjo, nuostabu, ne kitaip!
I can't begin to say how beautiful this song is. I loved Lithuania and think about the gorgeous city of Vilnius from time to time. Do you have any concerts in Lithuania where you perform live? Cheers!
Negaliu atsiklausyti... 🎶♥️ Wow
man patinka tavo saldus valsas!
Labai graži daina❣️
Be galo gražu (:
Leta bet labai grazi daina
Tu nuostabi🖤
Nuostabiai skaidriai ir maloniai klausosi.
"Divide me in half: I left, to have something to forget for a while, so that I could remember"
Can you please translate all the song? It's absolutely impossible to find the lyrics :(
👏🏻👏🏻💟💐beautiful.What’s it about? If you have time in your life to post English translations I’d sure love it! Or a little bit about the song like you did with the old folk song about the orphan going to the woods to cry.
I have left a comment with my simple translation as an appreciation of this song. :)
Zawsze myślałem że litewski brzmi troche szorstko a okazuje się że jest niezmiernie melodyjnym językiem.
could someone translate this to english or polish please
I have left a comment with my simple translation as an appreciation of this song. :)
Iš kur šitas stebuklas?
Mm. Man patinka naujas garsas. Malonumas klausyti.
Kas per nelaimė su mūs tauta melamcholija arba verkiu
Verkit .astik linksmienaus. Supratai bajoras