Oh yeah, this channel is doomed. I was amazed youtube didn't yeetus deletus this channel days ago. Awesome it's still up, thank you so much for keeping these in circulation.
No, ge only posted 1-5 over all, then all th8s reupliading and deleting started on his end, mat be due to copyright, may not be, I honestly don't know at this point
For the rest on TH-cam Search dragon ball 22nd world tournament movie Dragon ball king piccolo movie Dragon ball piccolo jr movie That’s how I got the rest of the series.
It actually was in the 90s, but the desenatized world changed it in mid 2000s, pg 13 back then is norw R, pg back then is now pg13, and g back then is now any were from pg to pg 13 depending on the content in the movie back then now, vut yes, technically dragonball was always pg 13 rated orginsl by true rating standardsfrom the 90s and before@MaknutsFanCuts1437
Don't like the truth even with link for proof, sad how desentized this world is, believe what you want but fact is that dragonball has always been pg 13 from get go
Thank you so much for these! It's amazing being able to rewatch these in such high quality
Thanks for the upload
Please don't skip ads to support the uploader.
Oh yeah, this channel is doomed.
I was amazed youtube didn't yeetus deletus this channel days ago.
Awesome it's still up, thank you so much for keeping these in circulation.
surprised as well
We need the 6 arc plz
our new king. thanks very much
We need the next one wooo good job thanks buddy
one hour done of tien arc so far
Thanks for censoring this, I spent months trying to edit dragon ball for my sister and only got 2 episode 50, this video is a great help
Never give up!
47:29 This scene gets me every time.
That’s Roshi’s student alright 😂
Sometimes i wish siblings 😪 can get along.❤
The playlist thumbnail goes hard as fuck
you go hard af
1:02:11 bro has his dragon balls hanging out
Mako, I am a big fan of the cuts! I hope you are doing well! Is there a timeline on when we can expect a part 6?
currently got one hour dont of tien
where is the 6th arccccc, please upload
Well, here we are again.
0:17 i think she predicted the super dragon balls, idk
57:01 meanwhile goku does during z and super
Is Grandpa Gohan the same voice actor as Kami?
the nostalgia.
not really watching them, but the moments skimming....
i really hate CoCo Melon
im trying to dl the 5 arcs, is there more than the 5 currently available? I hate to have missed the other ones. Thank you so much GOAT
No, ge only posted 1-5 over all, then all th8s reupliading and deleting started on his end, mat be due to copyright, may not be, I honestly don't know at this point
@@sirducksworthythe3rd842it is 100% due to copyright
@@sirducksworthythe3rd842 thank u
I have all five dl thats been put up myself over all, still hoping for the rest, but at this rate, 5 nay be it sadly it seems
For the rest on TH-cam Search
dragon ball 22nd world tournament movie
Dragon ball king piccolo movie
Dragon ball piccolo jr movie
That’s how I got the rest of the series.
@@Nitemerican nothing pops up for the dragon ball 22nd world tournament movie
@ I think I had to watch NotMarks coverage of the 22nd tournament saga via manga. But other than that you can find it all.
@@Nitemerican yeah thats all i could find as well
@@ashton9310 internet archive is another good place to look
Wormwood still up surprised, usually down and re-upload by now, thus good surprised
6 arc :)
Sucks we never saw goku hang out with gohan in other world
you saying that makes me excited to edit the post jr saga stuff. cant wait for you to watch that
Do you have something other than Venmo that we can use to support you?
currently no
thank you very much tho for considering
@@MaknutsFanCuts1437 no problem. I don’t have Venmo but if you make something like a cash app or pay pal I’ll be more than willing to support
Plz plz plz upload each episode upto vegeta saga we.... Are eager...... Sama......
Are they taking it down? Sigh..
Dragon ball is already PG-13.
Look me dead in my eyes and tell me a show showing a minor getting sexually assaulted multiple times is PG-13 💀💀💀💀
in the tien arc they literally beat a guy by flashing bulma's boobs
It actually was in the 90s, but the desenatized world changed it in mid 2000s, pg 13 back then is norw R, pg back then is now pg13, and g back then is now any were from pg to pg 13 depending on the content in the movie back then now, vut yes, technically dragonball was always pg 13 rated orginsl by true rating standardsfrom the 90s and before@MaknutsFanCuts1437
Don't like the truth even with link for proof, sad how desentized this world is, believe what you want but fact is that dragonball has always been pg 13 from get go
waiting for nex episodes please
… this is the same…
No nvm. She extended the gohan fight. Redownloading this video again
Every singleone of these is being reported as tou are stealing andchanging the content of a story produced by the original creator.