Pappappagpapppppppppapapppapappppapapapppappppaappappaiap silk ppaiji Aug iisipgi Aug i dig i ash igiagipgi dog p slog ipjpaipsi ag pspppapapapapapapappappapapapapapapap AIG ppapapsgpapaipspgaipppaapppppai ag ippAIG isiippgpgpgppapapaapppapapppiaiappapapappappppapapapappaiapspapaipspapapppgpapappaappaapaigpiagppgp AIG papapAIG papppappapapappapapappappppapappppapapapapappapappipsi AIG pppapagpaippaigi AIG ipsiiaisiaiaiaiaiapapppapppapappappappappapappapappppappppappappagpappap AIG p AIG pgpgiagpappaipgi SK ppaaiigkppagiggpsisipppapapapapapapappappapapppiaipapppppapppapapapap AIG iai AIG iaigiaiaaii AIG ppppgi AIG isiaiaiaiaiaiagpapapappapapaapapapapaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaippaiaiaipsppagi AIG iaiigisi dog iagi ally i dig ipjially ppapapaiaippapappappappappappapappapapappappgpappgpgpgaapi AIG i Aug i AIG i AIG i AIG i AIG iaai dig iagiAIG psilk pAIG pAIG pigppappapapself pappapapapppapappapppgpapappapapself pgppapapapaaii AIG p SK i AIG i AIG igi and i AIG ipsp alot pgpagi AIG pspapgpapappappappapapppap alot paiai AIG ipsiagipgi self psplk igjiscuk iSK iaiaiAIG iagppapally paipppappapapappppapapappapapapapapapappgpapgi AIG i AIG i AIG i AIG i AIG i ain't i ain't i ain't igp AIG pspappaipgi AIG p silk paipjpapapapap aid papgpapippspappppppp ally p AIG p ahit iggiggi DJ i dig i AIG i alot i ahit i alot i alot i AIG iggigggg sh i SK i AIG i AIG i ahit ipg after iagpapaappapappapapapapapapapapapapappapapappgpagpagi AIG pjlong pgipspgp self p self igp slog i AIG iagpagp AIG iaiaipspiapspppapappapapppapapggi AIG ppappapaapigpji AIG psappgp AIG p SK igjsapgpagp ally ppapppapappappapppappappappappappaappppapapapapapapappappappppappapapppapppapapapapppapapapppapapppapappapappappapappapapapapapppappapapppapapppppapppapappppapppaappppapppppapppapaappaappppapapapapapappapaapappppapapppappappappappappappapapapappapapapapapppappapapapapapapppappapapapapapapaappapppappapapapapapappppppapapapapapappapapppapppapppapapapaaaapppaappappapppapappappapapapppppappapapppappppappppppapapapappappapapapappapapppppappppapapappapapapappapappapppapapapapapappappapppaapapapaappappapappapppppapppapppppapapppaapaappapappapaappapppappappapapapapappapapppapppapapppppppppapapppaapapapapapapappappappapappappppapapppapapapappapapapapapapappapapapppapapapapappappapappappappppappappapappapapappppappapapapapppppapppppapapapapappappapapppaapapappppapappppapappapapappappappapapppppapapapapapappppappaaapppappappapppappppppapppaappapaapppapaaaappapppppaaaapapapappapapappappppappapppapappapppppappapppaappppppppapapapappappappaaaapppapappapppappapappapapapppapapppppapppapappappapappppapapappapapappppapapapappapappapaaappapppapapppapappapappapapapapappppapppappapapappapapppaapapapappapapapppppappappapappapapappapapppaappapapappaappaapapppapappapappapapapapapapappapapppapappapapappapapppapappapapappapapappapapppapapapapaapappappapapppapppppapapapapapapapppaapapppappppapppapppapapappapppapapapapppapapappapapppppapapapapapappapapapapappappapapapppappappapappappppapappapapppapapppapapapppappapapppppapppappappppappappapppapapapappappppappppappppapppppapappppapppappappapapapapapapappppppapapapappapppappapapppappapapapapapppppappapppappapapappapapapapapapapapppappappapappapapapapaapppapapapapppapapapappappapappapapappppappppapapppaapappaapapapapaapppapapppapaapppapapappppppappapapapapapppapapapappappappapapppppapappappappapppapappapapappppappapapappapapappapapapppappapapapapapapppppapapappaappapapapaappapapapppappapappapapapapappapapapappapppapapppapppaapapappapppapappapapppapppapapapapapapapppapapaapapappapapapappapapapapapppapppappapapapppapapapappppapapapppapaapapppapapapappapappappappapppppapapKJHHHHhhk djjxb KKKKKKKKLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LLL LLC LLLLLLLL LLC LL loc LLLLcLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LL BBC LLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LLLL lv LLLL lv LLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLC L lv LLLLLLLLL lv LLLvLLLLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLL lv LLLLvLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLLlv Lbc LLLLLLLBBC LlLLLLBBC LLLLLLLBBC LLLLLLLLLL lv LLLLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLLL lv L bc LLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLL l LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLcLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLcLLlLLLLLLLLLLLLc ccac LLC LLl LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLP LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLVLLLLLLLL live stock Llllllllllllllllll android Angela's of u coming soon asask asks cccccccccccccccccur labour. c and here with the c and you cc. Andrew jackson was just playing a . cccccccL lv LLLLLLLLLL lv LLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv L LLC LLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LLLLLL BBC LLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLlLlLLLLLL lv LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLVLLLLLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLvLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLvLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLL for ccccccLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLL lv LLLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLJ f f2dedec2.
I don’t like the amount of swearing but I love the things he does with his mouth and voice! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Also that little scene with Papa Bee from the Eh Bee Family! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Harmony Cote that’s me. But I’m pissed at it. I’m finally starting to fall asleep, then I plummet to my death in the dream, wake up. “GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!”
3:03 My cousin : can i have a gum Me : *pulls out the bubblegum* Every of my cousins : CAN I HAVE GUMMM ! ME : AHHHHHHHH *DROWNING IN A TSUNAMI OF KIDS* help me
11:01 when you're not done with the argument Christian: FINE! Logan: FINE! Christian: you know what i'm done with this conversation Logan: cool Me: 3..2..1 Christian: and you know what else!?!
Can you tell me where the snow is!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME ITS EVERYWHERE! where- *hits Dora with shovel* *Covers her in snow* Dora: Let's check the map! OH GOD
Christian's like the friend I always wished for! His friends are the luckiest people on Earth!
For real
17:01 that face when you see your math or science test with 105 questions
and you haven't even studied
Bro I wish I could go back to these times. I remember being like 9 years old and literally dying of laughter.
@@SomeStrangeFreak elaborate?
@@ThisMrMisterThis is hella late but they're referring to when you said you *literally* died of laughter
@@trynottohappen ah lol. I might as well have
I bet you now you are wishing to go back when you commented that.
always makes me laugh no matter what😂😂
Four years ago, I saw this channel, and It was the funniest channel i've ever found. Four years later, this video still makes me laugh
16:34 omg so real I love this guy he’s so relatable
So true
That vine is the best!!😊
Thursday May 2 2019
meme the wolf 11:30
Wednesday 3 of july
Meme the wolf u were watching this video on my birthday
btw july 18
May 2 is meh birthday
@@Zombifez mine too
When I lost my drawing journal
*It happened today, still crying and decided to watch funny vines but still crying*
That is also me when my favorite character in a anime dies.
Cut your eyes out
strawberry kitkat yvgyguhjhjjkjkjjh
Did you find it yet
I can give you my spare
7:03 made me laugh so hard 😂
@einarhb7985, you're the definition of cringe
@@Hungrywig thats cringe to say
20:08 how I answer my mum when im in a bad mood
15:23 through the end of that vine is ALL me every time I sleep lol
Me to
4:39 had me dead!!!😂😂😂
When you're in the last circle in pubg and you hear footsteps
The Sniper
2:04 I can relate 😂😂
Play it at a really fast speed and it's even funnier
9:19 I don't know why but this one made me cry 😂
You: "singing in car"
People at outside:OMG he is dying
Yes, please. Name of the song?
@@ksdtsubfil6840 selena gomez slow down
23:53 this is exactly me at a party. I just come for the food.
ɪ'ᴍ ᴛʀᴀsʜ same. Except instead of parties, it’s my sister’s softball games. I come for the nachos and shit
don't we all do that
@@JayWasLost hell yea
@@Shedorixi lol
Song for "When your friend has the same favorite Tv show"
YG - my ni**a
18:27 The funniest out of all of them! XD
when we still had humor and didn't have to deal with covid and life was still good
@@TheBeast-wd5lb Exactly
Kill me bring me back to when life was good with the call of duty chat rooms and off brand soda with chips when life was good ya know
20:02 I do this all the time🤣
4:29 lance actually took it off though 😂
At least they didn’t show the morning wood also
I Love Lance Stewart, He's One Of My Favorite Viners
☀️ 4:32
R.I.P Christian's Eyes,Lol!
4:55 me when I wake up and it’s Monday
Lol that is me..*Everyday of the week!* 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
My friend and me at the gim
The struggle is real brother.
Matthew Buckley pretty accurate
23:42 thats how my friends be when I'm hangn' w/ bae😂
ommmmggg so true
That’s my whole class because we’re in 6th grade. I mean...we’re in middle school now. It’s not like we’re five years old LOGAN!!! 🙄
I hate my friends
Same if i had bae
15:28 I actually woke up like that once
When i see a spider
When mom sees a spider
Don't get it 😕❓
it's okay if you dont get it ;-;
Sorry i dont get the joke
The face the mom makes is priceless. XD
27:21 when you drop your phone through the drain
How big is your drain
@@drum586 bfc gfcg fc gfc game ccfcccccccccccccccccccc bmhtfnhtfnytf
@2:43 was looking for this all over. One of the OG “i forgot your blankets fellas” meme.
That scream says everything 🤣 26:02
4:40 me when I'm home alone and my mom comes home early
same but with my stepfather.
@@kayciebryant1331 ok
I think they work that hard because they're walking around and crazy 🙂😝🙂😝🙃😌😛🙂 and all the people say what are they doing 😕
The everything is louder at night got me so good
It's so true
Lol at my house at night even if im tip toeing my mom always comes out and tells at meh
Lol i meant yells at the tells part
Same 😂
20:36 Totally me when i hit my foot on the edges of the bed. But i only sing the Lion King Intro!!!
Regin, after hitting the bed: ...
Me: You good?
Regin: *NAAA-*
*Anyone here after Willy’s Wonderland?*
Love it
I just watched it last night, I knew who he was before the movie and got so excited when I seen him in it❤❤
0:57 when I forgot to do my homework
When he’s pretending to be a girl, that’s actually how my mom and her friends talk when they’re all with each other
Pappappagpapppppppppapapppapappppapapapppappppaappappaiap silk ppaiji Aug iisipgi Aug i dig i ash igiagipgi dog p slog ipjpaipsi ag pspppapapapapapapappappapapapapapapap AIG ppapapsgpapaipspgaipppaapppppai ag ippAIG isiippgpgpgppapapaapppapapppiaiappapapappappppapapapappaiapspapaipspapapppgpapappaappaapaigpiagppgp AIG papapAIG papppappapapappapapappappppapappppapapapapappapappipsi AIG pppapagpaippaigi AIG ipsiiaisiaiaiaiaiapapppapppapappappappappapappapappppappppappappagpappap AIG p AIG pgpgiagpappaipgi SK ppaaiigkppagiggpsisipppapapapapapapappappapapppiaipapppppapppapapapap AIG iai AIG iaigiaiaaii AIG ppppgi AIG isiaiaiaiaiaiagpapapappapapaapapapapaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaippaiaiaipsppagi AIG iaiigisi dog iagi ally i dig ipjially ppapapaiaippapappappappappappapappapapappappgpappgpgpgaapi AIG i Aug i AIG i AIG i AIG i AIG iaai dig iagiAIG psilk pAIG pAIG pigppappapapself pappapapapppapappapppgpapappapapself pgppapapapaaii AIG p SK i AIG i AIG igi and i AIG ipsp alot pgpagi AIG pspapgpapappappappapapppap alot paiai AIG ipsiagipgi self psplk igjiscuk iSK iaiaiAIG iagppapally paipppappapapappppapapappapapapapapapappgpapgi AIG i AIG i AIG i AIG i AIG i ain't i ain't i ain't igp AIG pspappaipgi AIG p silk paipjpapapapap aid papgpapippspappppppp ally p AIG p ahit iggiggi DJ i dig i AIG i alot i ahit i alot i alot i AIG iggigggg sh i SK i AIG i AIG i ahit ipg after iagpapaappapappapapapapapapapapapapappapapappgpagpagi AIG pjlong pgipspgp self p self igp slog i AIG iagpagp AIG iaiaipspiapspppapappapapppapapggi AIG ppappapaapigpji AIG psappgp AIG p SK igjsapgpagp ally ppapppapappappapppappappappappappaappppapapapapapapappappappppappapapppapppapapapapppapapapppapapppapappapappappapappapapapapapppappapapppapapppppapppapappppapppaappppapppppapppapaappaappppapapapapapappapaapappppapapppappappappappappappapapapappapapapapapppappapapapapapapppappapapapapapapaappapppappapapapapapappppppapapapapapappapapppapppapppapapapaaaapppaappappapppapappappapapapppppappapapppappppappppppapapapappappapapapappapapppppappppapapappapapapappapappapppapapapapapappappapppaapapapaappappapappapppppapppapppppapapppaapaappapappapaappapppappappapapapapappapapppapppapapppppppppapapppaapapapapapapappappappapappappppapapppapapapappapapapapapapappapapapppapapapapappappapappappappppappappapappapapappppappapapapapppppapppppapapapapappappapapppaapapappppapappppapappapapappappappapapppppapapapapapappppappaaapppappappapppappppppapppaappapaapppapaaaappapppppaaaapapapappapapappappppappapppapappapppppappapppaappppppppapapapappappappaaaapppapappapppappapappapapapppapapppppapppapappappapappppapapappapapappppapapapappapappapaaappapppapapppapappapappapapapapappppapppappapapappapapppaapapapappapapapppppappappapappapapappapapppaappapapappaappaapapppapappapappapapapapapapappapapppapappapapappapapppapappapapappapapappapapppapapapapaapappappapapppapppppapapapapapapapppaapapppappppapppapppapapappapppapapapapppapapappapapppppapapapapapappapapapapappappapapapppappappapappappppapappapapppapapppapapapppappapapppppapppappappppappappapppapapapappappppappppappppapppppapappppapppappappapapapapapapappppppapapapappapppappapapppappapapapapapppppappapppappapapappapapapapapapapapppappappapappapapapapaapppapapapapppapapapappappapappapapappppappppapapppaapappaapapapapaapppapapppapaapppapapappppppappapapapapapppapapapappappappapapppppapappappappapppapappapapappppappapapappapapappapapapppappapapapapapapppppapapappaappapapapaappapapapppappapappapapapapappapapapappapppapapppapppaapapappapppapappapapppapppapapapapapapapppapapaapapappapapapappapapapapapppapppappapapapppapapapappppapapapppapaapapppapapapappapappappappapppppapapKJHHHHhhk djjxb KKKKKKKKLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LLL LLC LLLLLLLL LLC LL loc LLLLcLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LL BBC LLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LLLL lv LLLL lv LLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLC L lv LLLLLLLLL lv LLLvLLLLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLL lv LLLLvLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLLlv Lbc LLLLLLLBBC LlLLLLBBC LLLLLLLBBC LLLLLLLLLL lv LLLLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLLL lv L bc LLLLLLLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLL l LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLcLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLcLLlLLLLLLLLLLLLc ccac LLC LLl LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLP LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLVLLLLLLLL live stock Llllllllllllllllll android Angela's of u coming soon asask asks cccccccccccccccccur labour. c and here with the c and you cc. Andrew jackson was just playing a . cccccccL lv LLLLLLLLLL lv LLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv L LLC LLLLLL LLC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LLLLLL BBC LLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL lv LLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLlLlLLLLLL lv LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLVLLLLLLLLL BBC LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLvLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLvLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLL for ccccccLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLL lv LLLLLLLLLLLLLlLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLJ f f2dedec2.
Bae means poop
More like my dad and his pals
4:39 “Superman Vader lightsaber thrust” by far the funniest/weirdest things I’ve seen
Christin brings the life craziness out of real life situations..😆😆😆
True so true
I love his reaction videos, there hilarious
ManedWolf m
U hot
26:34 trying to get hair out of your mouth, I know that feeling 😆
I don’t like the amount of swearing but I love the things he does with his mouth and voice! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Also that little scene with Papa Bee from the Eh Bee Family! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
legend has it Christian is still laying outside with his pillow and blanket to this very day
6:43 is me and my friend, that's my friend when she tries to sing lol me too tbh!😂😂😂
9:32 I’m dying 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Do you know what the song is
Jungle Fire - Jingle Punks
14:04 And that’s when poor Julian was horrified for life.
24:24 "How I go to sleep" DIES*
7:09 Yep.
GG same. I said fuck and censored it on an Instagram post, then my mom was mad at me
Gabe same
13:22 😂😂
Harmony Cote that’s me. But I’m pissed at it. I’m finally starting to fall asleep, then I plummet to my death in the dream, wake up. “GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!”
How is that funny
9:32 idk why i laughed so hard at this one
Who wouldn't
Song ?
The one before it is the best
7:25 “hold on, is this a febreeze commercial”
20:35 I 100% know that feeling
26:49 Why did this make me laugh my ass off XD
8:39 me everytime I'm near one of these. 😂😁❤️
That face doh
=( )
LOL i just walk past it
Zack and Kunsel?
This is too relatable. are you spying on me?
The smile soooo funny
0:55 me when I clean my closet and then later
Me too, I can be a bit of a pig sometimes.
2:48 that momen when you realize that you have to go all way to your room after watching a scary movie
These vines get me ...
I’m not alone***
11:56 always makes me laugh no matter what😂
20:48 when my mum uses this on me I say “ur fault for getting pregnant 😳😂”
nah, imma say “I found my adoption papers.”
2:53 is the best one 😂
Finally, one that has all the original music/sounds!
11:36 will forever be my favorite Vine
29:49 When you discover the MLP fandom.
20:23 oh lord, he beet the system O_O
Ethan TimeTraveler lol
Jesus christ I jason born
Ethan TimeTraveler lol
Next day the room is destroyed
4:06 Bendy and The Ink Machine reference
1:50 is so relatable
My cousin : can i have a gum
Me : *pulls out the bubblegum*
Every of my cousins : CAN I HAVE GUMMM !
War never changes, my friend...It never does.
Thats why I don't take gum out of my pocket.
You are 5 years old 😭
17:16 me and its verry true
7:25 me when I’m drunk and my friends take me home and then my parents realize damn it
4:08 when I clean like an adult
Wait for it
He legit looks like a mad chicken.
11:01 when you're not done with the argument
Christian: FINE!
Logan: FINE!
Christian: you know what i'm done with this conversation
Logan: cool
Me: 3..2..1
Christian: and you know what else!?!
That just me when I get into an argument and stub my toe it takes 3 seconds
1:25 even im not that scared of spiders lol 😂
That's a lie
Spiders are the most scary thing in the world 🤬
KK Crazy Along with cockroaches💀
Me too
Go spiders
How to wake me up in the car made me laugh so hard 😂😂😂
“Use conditioner they say,it a good idea they say”😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
23:47-That is me at ANY sort of party I go to!! I'm that friend that just sits in the back of the room FAR, FAR away from others!!🤣🤣🤣
Can you tell me where the snow is!?
where- *hits Dora with shovel*
*Covers her in snow*
Dora: Let's check the map!
Teresa Andrews I don’t get snow from were I live😅😅
@@carissagiles3286 i live in texas
10:56. Me every morning when I have to go to school.
5:52 I can relate to that 😂😂
7:06 always cracks me up
3:35 best one XD Cristian what the f* xD
2:26 this is me when im ready to fight jason friday the 13th
Markgaming 244 that’s me when my mom knocks on my door angrily because my report card is trash
It's so damn funny😭
Can't stop laughing😂
Hahahahahaha hahahahaha
Help me😁😄😂😅
8:38 got me rolling his face🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
From 26:50 to 26:55 I was laughing my ass off the first time I saw it🤣🤣🤣
The face you make when your parents say your going to Disneyland
I lose it at his expression xD
Christian be looking like a chihuahua
4:30 is what my sister dose after she takes a shower
MangleGamer2019 0_0 Alabama 100
MangleGamer2019 0_0 do you live in alabama?
I used to
How the heck did you know that your sister did that
I feel you
4:41 when it’s the first day of summer and your parents are asleep
I'm still watching in 2024
Me too.😃
Here in 2024 live it😂
Not anymore
Christian: *STAYIN*
Bach: *Wakes Up* *ALIVE!!!!!!*
26:20 100% hapens to me.
Every damm day!
Same, every *FRICKEN* day!
The most relatable one for me is 13:00-13:05 😂 that is totally me
Oh my god this is the funny part of the vine some guy took a sh*t on the sink hahahahahaha 0:19
He's the funniest dude!!! Where's the snow?!!! Lets check the map!!! hahahaha Bro please make these as much as possible!!!!
1:24 Me and my friends on the sofa hugging each other for dear life while watching insidious 1 and 2 at 3AM
While the other one just sleeps
People are always saying " That's me on Monday when I wake every morning"
Christian1:hey i got to tell you something
Christian2:okay what is it?
everyone in the morning: what a lovely day *yawns*
Them: WOOO
Me: you won’t be happy for long
Me: look at my name
Girls fan their eyes so they can at least try to stop or to stop their mascara from running.Hope you get it.Like if you agree.
Animals for life no I don’t. Cause I’m in *middle school* :D
I'm in middle school to but I do that
Animals for life I don’t wear mascara but I do it so people don’t see my tears and it’s less obvious
Yo, it's a vine, you don't have to explain that.
Giovenee_17_ we just felt we had to