Heavy equipment unloads huge rocks for the piers in the Black Sea on the beach of the Jupiter resort

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.พ. 2024
  • Daylight work is being done, on the Black Sea coast in Romania, to set up the new protective dykes, we are in February 2024, and the temperature is high, plus 17 degrees Celsius. A coastal erosion reduction project is underway, which has entered a new phase, providing coastal protection against erosion for a guaranteed lifetime of over half a century, 50 to 100 years. These investments for sanding and strengthening the beaches of the Romanian coast were thought up and debated by the technical managers of the Dobrogea company, ABDAL, since 2003. The area in the south of the Romanian coast includes the works carried out by the Dobrogea Coastal Water Basin Administration, ABDAL. Divided into portions, lot 8, Jupiter and Neptun tourist resorts, and lot 9, Balta Mangalia, Venus resort, and Cap Aurora. Machines and heavy tonnage vehicles are engaged in this reconstruction process, which involves titanic work, we can say, with these huge pieces of rock. The drivers of these large-scale modern machines are Romanians who show seriousness and a high qualification in the production process, and work safety, of these engineering works. All these works on the Romanian Black Sea coast will protect and rehabilitate the Romanian coastline, and environmental factors, fighting the phenomenon of coastal erosion.
    At the same time, the effects and damages on populated localities, which are caused by natural phenomena produced by climate change, which we all see and feel, will be reduced.
    It protects marine biodiversity and environmental activities, which over time will regenerate, and develop marine habitats, and targeted coastal areas. The works on the Romanian coast are managed by a Dutch company Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors BV, which has over 100 years of experience in the maritime field. As we all know, the Netherlands has faced the flooding of the North Sea towns for hundreds of years, they have always built defense dykes against sea storms. I worked in the Netherlands from 2018 to 2023, as an electrician and instrumentation foreman, in various projects at refineries, petrochemicals, Lelystad airport, wind platforms in the port of Rotterdam at Schiedam, and other projects. There I saw how the Dutch build defense dykes against sea floods, which occur during storms. In my TH-cam channel, I have many films made in the Netherlands, where you can see dikes and canals with locks, specially built against the effects of sea waves due to climate change. I invite you to see the films made by, I am an amateur, and I somehow want to contribute to the promotion of places in Romania, as they are at the time of filming, without making changes to the filmed sequences, everything is natural, I want them to remain for our descendants, moments from our lives, on the date when the filming was done. I am retired, this is my pleasure, to be a tourist, to film. If you think it's worth it, please subscribe to my TH-cam channel, and write a comment. We have a very, very beautiful country, we must take care, and the responsibility to preserve it, to remain with our descendants, our descendants, in the ages to come. My desire, respect, civilization, and trust in the research and development of science and technology. Promotion and implementation of universal liberal ideas, world interethnic harmony. I hope that educated and responsible young people will change societies in a participatory democracy. We are already entering a new era of economic progress, and religious freedom. The world moves forward with time, moment by moment, right now. Let them all live, without politically imposed borders with devastating wars. World history helps us to understand past civilizations, and the evolution of societies, and we can learn a lot to solve current problems on the globe. Get involved in civic engagement, sustainable development, EU dialogue with young people, connection, mobilization, and autonomy: Support in rural areas, contribute to the realization of the vision of young people, mobilize existing policy instruments at the EU level, encourage interested parties to act at a national level, regional and local. Think that we only have one life each, we take nothing with us when we pass away, but we can leave positive deeds and progress. Good things as a point of support, reference, and comparison, for the future generations that follow us on the scale of human evolution. The EU Youth Strategy provides information at national, European, and global levels on opportunities and initiatives of interest to young people living, studying, and working in Europe. You must know that a vacation in the lands of the Romanians will be unique in the world only here in Romania, find intercultural understanding This is Romania! #EUYouth4PeaceThe European Green Pioneer of Smart Tourism

ความคิดเห็น • 3

  • @IVB61
    @IVB61  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Vă invit să vedeți filmele făcute de mine, sunt amator, vreau cumva să-mi aduc aportul la promovarea locurilor din România, așa cum sunt ele în momentul filmării, fără să fac modificări la secvențele filmate, totul este natural, doresc să rămână urmașilor noștri , momente din viața noastră ,la data când au fost făcute filmările. Eu sunt pensionar, acesta este plăcerea mea, să fiu turist, să filmez. Dacă credeți că merită, vă rog să vă abonați la canalul meu de TH-cam, și să scrieți un comentariu. Avem o țară foarte, foarte frumoasă, trebuie să avem grijă, și responsabilitatea de a o păstra, să rămână ,urmașilor, urmașilor noștri, în veacurile car vin. Dorința mea, respect, civilizație, încredere în cercetarea și dezvoltarea științei și tehnicii. Promovarea și implementarea ideilor liberale universale, armonie interetnică mondială. Sper ca tinerii educați, și responsabili să schimbe societățile, într-o democrație participativă. Suntem deja intrați într-o nouă eră a progresului economic, și libertate religioasă. Lumea avansează odată cu timpul, clipă ,de clipă ,chiar acum .Să trăiască cu toții ,fără granițe impuse politic cu războaie devastatoare. Istoria mondială ne ajută să înțelegem civilizațiile trecute ,să înțelegem evoluția societăților, putem învăța enorm pentru a rezolva problemele actuale, pe globul pământesc. Implică-te în angajament civic, dezvoltare durabilă, dialogul UE cu tinerii ,conectare, mobilizare și autonomie: Susținerea în zonele rurale, contribuie la realizarea viziunii tinerilor, mobilizând instrumentele de politică existente la nivelul UE, încurajând părțile interesate să acționeze pe plan național, regional și local. Gândiți-vă că doar o viață avem fiecare dintre noi, nu luăm nimic cu noi când trecem în neființă, dară putem lăsa fapte pozitive și progres. Lucruri bune ca punct de sprijin, de referință, și de comparație, pentru viitorul generațiilor, care ne urmează pe scara evoluției omenirii.

  • @user-xe4dh3mx5b
    @user-xe4dh3mx5b 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Multumim pentru efortul pe care-l faci!

    • @IVB61
      @IVB61  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      va invit sa va abonati la canalul meu de youtube