Thank you very much. Jazakumullahu khairan katsiron. I have someone in my mind, that in pray I will marry this person in future, aameen. May Allah makes it easier for me and for anyone who reads this, aameen.
pray for me too guys, i love a girl from my college, i'm praying to allah to get her for my life. my best friend also loves her best friend, please pray for us both and help us
I am going to approach a girl tomorrow in my college for marriage, please pray for me that she accept and share her fathers or brothers number with me! I really like her, and finally got guts to approach her after 1.8 years
tell us how it went akhi. Go with a friend dont be alone with woman. Inshallah if it is good for you may Allah make it happens and may Allah keep you from things that are not good for you amen
May Allah make this journey easy for you and grant you success in your noble intentions. I pray that Allah opens the heart of the one you're approaching and blesses your efforts with goodness and happiness. Remember to place your trust in Allah and seek His guidance in every step. May He grant you the best outcome, Ameen.✨
I never comment on videos,but i thought maybe someones prayer might please Allah s.w.t ,so please anybody whos reading this comment, I like someone very much,who is 2 years older than me ,the things are complicated between our families, please pray for me that I marry her as soon as possible,maybe someones prayer might please Allah s.w.t, jazakallah khair
May Allah bring you to your loved one and may He be pleased with you. Ya Rabb! Bless This man with a pious faithful woman who is steadfast on her deen. Ameen! Jazakallahu khayr akhi. May Allah accept all your duas inshaAllah! Allah is the best of the planners May He unite you to your loved one! Ameen!
I’m really shy. He lives in another country but I will go see him soon. He’s a few years older (around 3 years) than me but I want to give it a shot. He’s my cousin. He’s really caring and kind. I’m going to speak to his mother first. Thank you for sharing this ❤
May Allah bless your intentions and make it easy for you. Speaking to his mother first shows your respect and wisdom. Trust Allah’s plan, and may it bring khayr for you both.✨
May Allah Azzwajal grant us all a good, religious and faithful and truthful spouse and make us all raise a respectful and religious family in this dunya and in the Akhira امين يا رب العالمين
Always remember that nothing is impossible for Allah the almighty the creator of everything ❤the best planners of all ❤by making Dua to Allah anything is possible ❤be patient insha'Allah better days are coming ❤
The problem here with Noman Ali Khan my ex Ustadh here is that, in those "Days" he is talking about "Sahabah" (RA)... the religion was under process of being revealed. Whereas, we live in an era & society, our Deen Alhumdulillah is full fledged complete and we have it on our mobile phones, laptops the Quran Apps and all the Sheikhs Alhumdulillah easily. So, for us we have to follow the proper "Methodology"/Manhaj in our 'Dealings".... coz Allah says in Quran "UDKHULU FII SILMI QAAFA" And get into the Deen completely. not partially.... JAZAKALLAH KHAIR
In these times you have to do online research on the person cuz family lie and act perfect Dumb uncle fob desperately for Western passport give his daughter away to a man who has a bad history all because the father wants money
In person, have their Wali (Father or Uncle usually) or a Wakeel (their brother usually) present, not another women or a non-Mahram and online such as a group chat have the same, avoid being alone together before the Nikah. And the conversations will usually happen naturally, prepare some suitable questions that are important to you, there are lists on various Islamic websites for help if you're unsure. You're testing for a spark of attraction and if you actually like each other, once that's clear make Istikharah and then get married as soon as possible. Also, neither party is in any way obligated to continue and can leave the process at any point for any reason at all between them and Allah until the Nikah is finalised. Nobody is to be forced into this agreement and it's absolutely imperative that we get married of our own free will to whomever we choose that is a person of good character, as well as a practicing Muslim.
Liking by seeing her maybe you like how she looks or how she acts. Then if your interested you approcah her tell her you like her and want marriage if she accepts you go to her father and then you and her start talking with each other to see if you are compatible with each other then get married. The love usually happens when your have done your nikkah because your officially married.
It's starts with a look save yourself it's usually lust and attachment even if you know nothing about the girl. just get over her. If the start doesn't please Allah the end won't please you.
Pray for me everyone reading my comment I love her so much and I am waiting for her strangers dua works if more than 40 people say aameen on this Insha Allah it will be easy for me Allah SBT unite us in the most beautiful way and make it easy for both of us and Insha Allah we always be there for each other in this duniya and akhira Aameen ❤️
Assalam walekum, sir is there anyway I could message you? I wanna discuss a serious matter and wanted to know few opinions of it If you see my comment and if is there any time for you it shouldn't take more than few mins then let me know JazakAllah
Wa alaikumussalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Brother, I’m not a scholar, but I’ll try my best to help, In'Sha'Allah. You can share your matter with me on Instagram. Here’s my ID @ss.reminders . BarakAllahu feek.
Not a single hadeeth cited. Mentions the story of the Prophet Musa, not a single backed example from the times of our prophet. Completely neglects surat al Isra "وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا۟ ٱلزِّنَىٰٓ ۖ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ فَـٰحِشَةًۭ وَسَآءَ سَبِيلًۭا", emphasis on "وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا۟" here. Yep, that's Noman Ali alright. lmao. If you are actually serious about approaching someone for marriage, learn from multiple Islamic sources and then decide the right approach to take. Just make sure they back themselves up with hadeeth and Quran.
idk if I can trust Noman Ali Khan because Sheikh Assim would say that you cannot speak to the daughter, you have to ask a female member of your family to speak to her and ask.
@@muayyedsiraj Well Alhamdulillah most people have a mother or a sister or an aunt that is alive who can ask, so why do people watch this video if they are able to get a female member of their family to ask?
@ilyphysix many people not live with there mother or sister. If you do maybe you work in a far place. But the point is you can ask the woman you want for marriage by genuinely maintaining the islamic guidelines. Its just better if you have a female mahram that is willing and can help.
if i'm not mistaken muslim men can only marry women from the three following religions Islam, Christianity, And Jew. And for women it's only muslim men right?? if i'm wrong please correct me!!!
Prophet Muhammed - Peace be upon him - said in his last sermon: "O people! I have left with you something, that if you adhere to, you will never be led astray: the book of Allah (the noble Qur'ān) and the sunnah of his prophet."
I approached a girl in the same respectable way But his parents took her and went so far and now I don't even know where they went. Idk what was wrong her parents went mad at. I didn't do anything wrong. I approached her parents and they thought we committed an unforgivable sin by falling in love with each other.
Islamically that's how it is. If you like a girl by her beauty or how she acts you ask the female mahrams of your family to go talk to her if you cannot do that then you go up to the girl respectfully with dignity tell her your interested in marriage and if she accepts you take her father number and involve the parents. Then you can talk with her with her father or walis presence get to know her and if you like each other you get married. The love part happens after the nikkah when your officially married.
If someone has committed Zina in their life but was never married, does this mean they are only bound to marry a spouse who also committed the same sin in their past?
If you are guy( cause I didn’t get whether asterixlol is male name or not:) ) : my dear brother if you are in a state where you can marry, so look out for girls in your environment, but be careful, this girl won’t be just your lover, she will also be mother of your dream childs and grandma of your all lineage. After listening both your heart and brain (and parents) you can talk to this lucky female and if she is into you also, congrats, then talk to her parents and this formal things. Well, if you aren’t in a state where you can marry, close your eyes, make a lots of fasting (yes it works) don’t get interact with girls. And try hard to develop into next level, get a job, finish your school etc. then do step 1. If you are a girl: Well I’m a guy and I am not in a position to give lecture to you. But Nouman Ali says(the guy in the video): you need to be crystal clear with your parents especially with your father. You should tell almost anything to them, don’t hide that guy who proposed to you. Also be aware of that marriage is not haram or a shameful act, in ayath and hadith being mother is a very special thing and you can’t be mother without husband. Being dignified (not being naive) is a good feature in Islam ofc, and in all different teachings. Lastly, if you watched the video and also read until here, you’re probably doing good in searching truth, may Allah help you in your all questions and in all phases of life. I strongly suggest Nouman Ali Khan videos.
@@tosunpasaofficial Jazakullah khairan brother, and yes i am a guy. thank u very much to take the time out of ur day to explain this to me, i did watch the video i just didn't really understand if he was referring to a girl or a guy. and may Allah guide us all to the righteous path/partner.❤
@@AzlanZafar-zn6uw Bro my friend went to the father of the girl he liked, And he straight up kicked him out of his house, and relocated to another city. 💀💀 As the Scholar mentioned here; How would you get married if not approached by someone like this, Honest answer of parents be like; We will look for a man and make u marry him. Ong, bro what the hell.
Yes it is. Sheik Assim is not a scholar, however he is very knowledgeable in Islam. As long as the man asks the woman's father for permission, then it is acceptable.
Firstly Brothers need to do there research on the potential women beige going to her father I’ve heard do case men approach the fathers who desperate to get rid of his daughters, he’s lie and give his instant blessings The family are bad daughters aren’t exactly good deen the father desperate for passport marriages
A humble request to all Muslims reading this please make dua that Allah accepts the dua that I've been making for a very long time
If it benefits may by the will of God it becomes a reality at the right time Ameen
may Allah accept your dua
trust in allah it will happen when allah wills is its good for u. keep asking
Please Dua For Me I Will Mary Her Soon, May Allah Fix Everything Among Us Ameen ❤
Inshallah, Dua for us too
@nazmulmanx Ameen, Sure 😊
Ameen summa ameen ya rabbul alamin 🤲🏻 🥺 🫀 😊 ☝🏻 @@ZicnoGaming
Thank you very much. Jazakumullahu khairan katsiron. I have someone in my mind, that in pray I will marry this person in future, aameen. May Allah makes it easier for me and for anyone who reads this, aameen.
pray for me too guys,
i love a girl from my college, i'm praying to allah to get her for my life.
my best friend also loves her best friend, please pray for us both and help us
May Allah grant what's best for all of u ameen
I am going to approach a girl tomorrow in my college for marriage, please pray for me that she accept and share her fathers or brothers number with me!
I really like her, and finally got guts to approach her after 1.8 years
tell us how it went akhi. Go with a friend dont be alone with woman. Inshallah if it is good for you may Allah make it happens and may Allah keep you from things that are not good for you amen
Bring us an update may Allah grant you the best answer
@@Tk.Bogarts in Sha Allah not inshaAllah
Let us know how it goes akhi
May Allah make this journey easy for you and grant you success in your noble intentions. I pray that Allah opens the heart of the one you're approaching and blesses your efforts with goodness and happiness. Remember to place your trust in Allah and seek His guidance in every step. May He grant you the best outcome, Ameen.✨
4:44 Correction, it's "Madian" not "Medina"
Madian is where Musa AS went after running away from the pharaoh and it's there where he married his wife
I never comment on videos,but i thought maybe someones prayer might please Allah s.w.t ,so please anybody whos reading this comment, I like someone very much,who is 2 years older than me ,the things are complicated between our families, please pray for me that I marry her as soon as possible,maybe someones prayer might please Allah s.w.t, jazakallah khair
May Allah bring you to your loved one and may He be pleased with you. Ya Rabb! Bless This man with a pious faithful woman who is steadfast on her deen. Ameen! Jazakallahu khayr akhi. May Allah accept all your duas inshaAllah! Allah is the best of the planners May He unite you to your loved one! Ameen!
I’m really shy. He lives in another country but I will go see him soon. He’s a few years older (around 3 years) than me but I want to give it a shot. He’s my cousin. He’s really caring and kind. I’m going to speak to his mother first. Thank you for sharing this ❤
May Allah bless your intentions and make it easy for you. Speaking to his mother first shows your respect and wisdom. Trust Allah’s plan, and may it bring khayr for you both.✨
I wish everyone can follow this
must watch for every muslim
Respectful as well as dignified
May Allah Azzwajal grant us all a good, religious and faithful and truthful spouse and make us all raise a respectful and religious family in this dunya and in the Akhira
امين يا رب العالمين
Such a wonderful video this is>>❤
Always remember that nothing is impossible for Allah the almighty the creator of everything ❤the best planners of all ❤by making Dua to Allah anything is possible ❤be patient insha'Allah better days are coming ❤
Thank you so much ❤
NOUMAN ALİ KHAAAAN. You da best my man.
May Allah make it easy for us
Amin 🤲
Bro decrease the volume of the nasheed, jazakallah :)
Struggling with a few things, please make dua for me
ameen ❤🤲🏻 pray for love her for the sake of Allah
Thank you so much. I was confused for the past few days. Jazakallah khair
Amazing Video ❤
Subhanallah ❤
3:34 is peak acting skills🔥
Such beautiful words!
Jazakallah khair ❤❤
واو… المجتمع الغربي متطور جداً حتى المسلمين عندهم متطورين اكثر مننا 😂❤
Why brother... R u not Muslim???
Please Dua for me and I will marry him soon, May Allah Fix everything around us. Ameen ❤️
Mashallah ❤
Make dua for me we had fell off because I didn’t have my seen and it had to find myself with allah for allah to guide me back to her
The problem here with Noman Ali Khan my ex Ustadh here is that, in those "Days" he is talking about "Sahabah" (RA)... the religion was under process of being revealed. Whereas, we live in an era & society, our Deen Alhumdulillah is full fledged complete and we have it on our mobile phones, laptops the Quran Apps and all the Sheikhs Alhumdulillah easily. So, for us we have to follow the proper "Methodology"/Manhaj in our 'Dealings".... coz Allah says in Quran "UDKHULU FII SILMI QAAFA" And get into the Deen completely. not partially.... JAZAKALLAH KHAIR
I think one should focus on him or herself. They won't need to approach anyone
Some subtitles are inaccurate , and please don't put music or whatever is that in the background
May Allah reward you
Its nasheed its not music
Ye din bhi dekhne thy???? Ohh tauba tauba made me laugh so hard 😂😂😂😂😂
It is said a strangers dua is very powerful. Yaa Rabb make her my naseeb. May Allah accept from you and me.
Ameen !
Go for the father
Giga chad to giga chad that how u do it
اللهم اجمعني بها يارب العالمين 🤍🌸
يوماً ما ان شاء الله ساعود هنا
anyone can give the link of full lecture of this video? please, jajakAllahu khairan
Go up to ask for her fathers number then talk to her father, or ask your sister or mother to ask her for her fathers number.
In these times you have to do online research on the person cuz family lie and act perfect
Dumb uncle fob desperately for Western passport give his daughter away to a man who has a bad history all because the father wants money
please tell us more about respectful courtship. what sort of talk is allowed?
In person, have their Wali (Father or Uncle usually) or a Wakeel (their brother usually) present, not another women or a non-Mahram and online such as a group chat have the same, avoid being alone together before the Nikah.
And the conversations will usually happen naturally, prepare some suitable questions that are important to you, there are lists on various Islamic websites for help if you're unsure.
You're testing for a spark of attraction and if you actually like each other, once that's clear make Istikharah and then get married as soon as possible.
Also, neither party is in any way obligated to continue and can leave the process at any point for any reason at all between them and Allah until the Nikah is finalised.
Nobody is to be forced into this agreement and it's absolutely imperative that we get married of our own free will to whomever we choose that is a person of good character, as well as a practicing Muslim.
How would come to the stage of liking a girl in the first place.
Liking by seeing her maybe you like how she looks or how she acts. Then if your interested you approcah her tell her you like her and want marriage if she accepts you go to her father and then you and her start talking with each other to see if you are compatible with each other then get married. The love usually happens when your have done your nikkah because your officially married.
We got Halah way to approach a girl before Gta 6.😂
It's starts with a look save yourself it's usually lust and attachment even if you know nothing about the girl. just get over her. If the start doesn't please Allah the end won't please you.
What do you suggest?
Pray for me everyone reading my comment I love her so much and I am waiting for her strangers dua works if more than 40 people say aameen on this Insha Allah it will be easy for me Allah SBT unite us in the most beautiful way and make it easy for both of us and Insha Allah we always be there for each other in this duniya and akhira Aameen ❤️
ameen, i know its not even closer to 40 but maybe its enough. Allah knows the best.
@Musicjunction98 Beshak Jazaak Allah
Rely on Allah only
@@ukhty-y7u Beshak I am relying only on Allah I just said pray for me it doesn't means that I am relying on anybody else except Allah SBT
@@chad5428 don't get me wrong,it was just a kind reminder and InshaAllah...may Allah SBT accept our duas and grant you happiness
She will find me and i must protect my iffat ان شاءالله
just talk to your parents and then hers if possible about it it's no big deal but you can't meet up with her
I am just thinking for long time "Why i am here?"
I forgot that there's no any girl in my life. 😅
So why I full watched video.🤣🤣?
Sincerely, none of this works in todays society. We are beyond lost!
It absolutely does if your getting married to a good practicing girl and family.
Assalam walekum, sir is there anyway I could message you? I wanna discuss a serious matter and wanted to know few opinions of it
If you see my comment and if is there any time for you it shouldn't take more than few mins then let me know
Wa alaikumussalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Brother, I’m not a scholar, but I’ll try my best to help, In'Sha'Allah. You can share your matter with me on Instagram. Here’s my ID @ss.reminders .
BarakAllahu feek.
Not a single hadeeth cited.
Mentions the story of the Prophet Musa, not a single backed example from the times of our prophet. Completely neglects surat al Isra "وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا۟ ٱلزِّنَىٰٓ ۖ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ فَـٰحِشَةًۭ وَسَآءَ سَبِيلًۭا", emphasis on "وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا۟" here.
Yep, that's Noman Ali alright. lmao.
If you are actually serious about approaching someone for marriage, learn from multiple Islamic sources and then decide the right approach to take. Just make sure they back themselves up with hadeeth and Quran.
Starting 😂😂
idk if I can trust Noman Ali Khan because Sheikh Assim would say that you cannot speak to the daughter, you have to ask a female member of your family to speak to her and ask.
If you cannot do that you can ask her respectfully with dignity for her fathers number.
@@muayyedsiraj Well Alhamdulillah most people have a mother or a sister or an aunt that is alive who can ask, so why do people watch this video if they are able to get a female member of their family to ask?
@ilyphysix many people not live with there mother or sister. If you do maybe you work in a far place. But the point is you can ask the woman you want for marriage by genuinely maintaining the islamic guidelines. Its just better if you have a female mahram that is willing and can help.
if i'm not mistaken muslim men can only marry women from the three following religions Islam, Christianity, And Jew. And for women it's only muslim men right?? if i'm wrong please correct me!!!
What if those ways are disliked by him or her
Then he/she is not willing to have a halal relationship. You would need to move on unfortunately or they’ll have to live up to it.
Ya Rasulullah I want to ask questions where are you 😭🥺🤍😭😭😭
In the Quran
@@AzlanZafar-zn6uw 🥺
Prophet Muhammed - Peace be upon him - said in his last sermon: "O people! I have left with you something, that if you adhere to, you will never be led astray: the book of Allah (the noble Qur'ān) and the sunnah of his prophet."
I approached a girl in the same respectable way But his parents took her and went so far and now I don't even know where they went. Idk what was wrong her parents went mad at. I didn't do anything wrong. I approached her parents and they thought we committed an unforgivable sin by falling in love with each other.
Maybe they were so much strict and didnt know anything like who would the girl marry if you dont wanna let her marry a guy she loves💀💀💀
You lost me at the approaching part
Bro go watch goku and shut up
Only problem is when you’re parents are too conservative😅
But it’s fine I’m not ready for those things anyway
Please make doa for me to make her my wife
I scrolled past and I read "Hitler" instead of "Her"
Who on earth Syrians 7:52 💀
Why am I here😂
Learn Islam from scholars not laymen like Omar Suleiman who water down the manhaj of the Sahaba.
true, these laymen will make sure that the Hadith of women entering jahannam be fulfilled.
He is nouman ali Khan
pray for me i want to marry her pray for me that she becomes mine with good naseeb may allah bless ya'll
Who is gonna explain this to the South Asian Muslims
What did he mean by "even for Syrians" hahaha?
How do I like a girl to begin with? Its unwise to look for a girl to start liking her & then approach her
Islamically that's how it is. If you like a girl by her beauty or how she acts you ask the female mahrams of your family to go talk to her if you cannot do that then you go up to the girl respectfully with dignity tell her your interested in marriage and if she accepts you take her father number and involve the parents. Then you can talk with her with her father or walis presence get to know her and if you like each other you get married. The love part happens after the nikkah when your officially married.
I'm 21 and I'd marry but i don't like to flirt 😂
Flirting is Haram bruh
@@-Beliver-Edits- it's only Haram with a person that isn't married to you
if u young andu cant marry .. come sit here with me :)
I’m cooked
If someone has committed Zina in their life but was never married, does this mean they are only bound to marry a spouse who also committed the same sin in their past?
No but what a shameful and disgraceful act and heinous of sins.
No but that's disgusting
can someone pls simplify it to me ?
If you are guy( cause I didn’t get whether asterixlol is male name or not:) ) : my dear brother if you are in a state where you can marry, so look out for girls in your environment, but be careful, this girl won’t be just your lover, she will also be mother of your dream childs and grandma of your all lineage. After listening both your heart and brain (and parents) you can talk to this lucky female and if she is into you also, congrats, then talk to her parents and this formal things. Well, if you aren’t in a state where you can marry, close your eyes, make a lots of fasting (yes it works) don’t get interact with girls. And try hard to develop into next level, get a job, finish your school etc. then do step 1.
If you are a girl: Well I’m a guy and I am not in a position to give lecture to you. But Nouman Ali says(the guy in the video): you need to be crystal clear with your parents especially with your father. You should tell almost anything to them, don’t hide that guy who proposed to you. Also be aware of that marriage is not haram or a shameful act, in ayath and hadith being mother is a very special thing and you can’t be mother without husband. Being dignified (not being naive) is a good feature in Islam ofc, and in all different teachings.
Lastly, if you watched the video and also read until here, you’re probably doing good in searching truth, may Allah help you in your all questions and in all phases of life. I strongly suggest Nouman Ali Khan videos.
@@tosunpasaofficial Jazakullah khairan brother, and yes i am a guy. thank u very much to take the time out of ur day to explain this to me, i did watch the video i just didn't really understand if he was referring to a girl or a guy. and may Allah guide us all to the righteous path/partner.❤
Is having a gf Haram?
Halal way: Appraoch his father
bruh thats not how it works in 2024(in the west).....
@@sanane66543but mostly it works in the middle east
In Pakistan india
@@AzlanZafar-zn6uw yea i know but here in the west if i went to the father they would kick me out for being a creep or something😂
@@AzlanZafar-zn6uw Bro my friend went to the father of the girl he liked, And he straight up kicked him out of his house, and relocated to another city. 💀💀
As the Scholar mentioned here; How would you get married if not approached by someone like this, Honest answer of parents be like; We will look for a man and make u marry him. Ong, bro what the hell.
@@TechySkillsthat's brutal but I am gonna try that
and they have it set up before they are even born
bro you make such a good content but please stop using those nasheed that's haram becaiuse they have musical instrument in them
You know Hindi
whhaaaaaa? is that even halal . Don't make me laugh my friend 😂😂😂😂
Anyone who want to marry me
Anyone want to marry me? I’m a gurl lol
No thank you
You should avoid listening NAK and stick to the major scholars
Why, what's wrong?
What about sons? 😂
why Bangladesh , is this a humiliation.
what ever you say, marriage situation is verry good than India and Pakistan.
This guy teaches Islam with no referencing no scholars no nothing hes just out here tryna make people laugh and be an entertainer
Waste of time
Allah instructed every Muslim to get married. It’s the way of life. So not a waste of time.
Keep Bangladesh out your mouth!
what is your issue?
Chht only use in halal way😢😢
this is next level😄❤🩹
Islam is so much more simple than society makes it out to be brother. Allah guides those who wills to marriage
This is not the way, learn from real scholars. Watch Sheikh Assim on this topic
Exactly, this is a perfect combination for zina. Picked it up immediately when he said they interacted like normal people.
Yes it is.
Sheik Assim is not a scholar, however he is very knowledgeable in Islam.
As long as the man asks the woman's father for permission, then it is acceptable.
Firstly Brothers need to do there research on the potential women beige going to her father
I’ve heard do case men approach the fathers who desperate to get rid of his daughters, he’s lie and give his instant blessings
The family are bad daughters aren’t exactly good deen the father desperate for passport marriages