Origins: Big Problems with the Big Bang

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ต.ค. 2024
  • #OR1511

ความคิดเห็น • 45

  • @axisofbeginning
    @axisofbeginning 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    An entertaining and easy-to-understand book about the Genesis creation and the Big Bang debate is Axis of Beginning.

  • @aznation4592
    @aznation4592 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I Love this show wonder if I could order them on DVD

    • @krakoosh1
      @krakoosh1 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jose Sanchez yes

  • @stephenrobbins6353
    @stephenrobbins6353 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Evolutionist have faith in their religion

  • @rkreike
    @rkreike ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why is there only one theory for the redshift in the universe? The Bigbang-theory is based on the observation: The larger the distance, the larger the redshift;
    but maybe that theory is wrong?
    Maybe that observation should be regarded as a property of light, and not as a proof for bigbang-theory.
    And it can relatively easy be confirmed or refuted, or not?
    When the redshift in the light of galaxies would be measured (at intervals) over a long period of time, then what happens with that redshift?
    According to bigbang-theory then that redshift would increase, but if that redshift does not change,
    then that would be proof that the bigbang-theory is wrong??

  • @eu29lex16
    @eu29lex16 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    No one really knows, best is knows that it's a field of something, not space as they think.
    Real space has no property, space just means distance/absence, such things have no properties.

    • @SpaceDad42
      @SpaceDad42 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not true at all. Space has physical properties. It can be shaken, stretched out, rolled up like a scroll, worn out as a garment, spread out like a tent.
      These are biblical descriptions of space. We also know from modern science that it has physical properties. Gravity is the bending of space-time for example. Space is anything but empty. There is energy in every ounce of space. There is enough energy in an “empty” coffee cup to boil the water of every ocean on earth.

  • @nsp74
    @nsp74 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    make sense
    Βγαζει νοημα

  • @JungleJargon
    @JungleJargon ปีที่แล้ว

    The distant galaxies are *not* expanding away from us. An infinitely expanding universe is utterly nonsensical. It’s the *distance* between galaxies that is expanded (not “expanding”) from the effect of general relativity from the lack of matter and mass between us and distant objects.
    Dark energy isn’t needed to explain the red shift because the lack of matter in outer space explains the expansion of distance between the enormous gravitational wells of very large masses of super massive black holes.
    Time also speeds up where there is less matter so there is no need for dark matter to explain the faster movement of the outer spiral arms of galaxies.
    The problem is that they are not taking into account simple general relativity. They aren’t considering the variable rate of time and the differing measures of distance due to the amount of matter in the vicinity.
    Einstein burned into peoples minds that the speed of light doesn’t change. The units of measurement to measure the speed of light do change over large distances and galaxies cover large distances. That means that the speed of light does change over large distances as observed by us.
    The speed of light doesn’t change. The rate of time changes and the measure of distance changes… *which effectively changes the speed of light as we observe it over great distances.*
    Time runs faster in outer space where there is no matter and much less gravity. This is the reason the outer spiral arms of the galaxies move much faster than expected. It’s because events take place at a faster rate the less mass and gravity there is.
    Distance is expanded in outer space (not expanding). Plasma jets do not stream out five times the speed of light since the distance is expanded away from gravity wells. If the distance within a galaxy affects the rate of time and the measure distance that much, *just think what happens to time and distance in deep outer space where there is no matter in our line of sight!* The distances between us and the galaxies that we see are extreme!
    Time doesn’t run at the same rate everywhere in the universe. Time runs faster in outer space. It just dawned on me the other day that a thousand years and a single day happen at the same time in different places throughout the universe. It's simple (observed) general relativity. Time slows down and distance is contracted because of gravity where there is massive amounts of matter. Conversely, time speeds up and distance is greatly expanded where there is no matter in vast expanses of outer space.
    This eliminates the need for dark matter since time is sped up in the outer spiral arms of a galaxy where there is not nearly as much matter. It eliminates the need for dark energy in outer space where distance is expanded where there is no matter.
    So the result of general relativity is that billions of years pass by in outer space (13 some billion years) at the same time as thousands of years pass by where we are inside of the Milky Way galaxy. ...!
    Billion of years and mere thousands of years are the same thing *at the same time* in deep outer space and where we are, according to physics and according to relativity.
    In review, time slows down where we are. Time speeds up with less gravity so the outer spiral arms of galaxies move faster. There is no need for dark matter.
    Distance increases where there is no matter in outer space. There is no need for dark energy to expand space since the expansion of space is from not having any matter far away from the galaxies.
    Deep time (billions of years) and thousands of years exist simultaneously in this universe where there is no single rate of time or measure of distance!
    Just think what could be the reality *when* the photons register with our eyes or our cameras/detectors and there is a collapse of the wave function as seen or detected by us within our dilated time and distance. (Our rate of time is not the universal rate of time, especially for photons.)
    Conclusion: The time it took for Creation and since Creation in the Bible is absolutely true! Time itself is a (real) fabrication.
    Only your Creator can perfectly cover for you Himself and remake you again from the inside out by the power of His true word as no one else ever can since all of your mistakes are on and against your Maker.

  • @eu29lex16
    @eu29lex16 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's just bullshit pseudoscience people are throwing.
    Space doesn't have properties, it's just distance.
    Sounds to me like they were desperate to give an explanation and gave the most stupid one possible.
    Only substances have the physical property to move something.
    But saying space is moving moving thing is the most dumb thing ever.
    It just shows that they don't know in what reality they live in and watched too much Star trek.

  • @matthewfox3162
    @matthewfox3162 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would love all this to be true i want to believe in god but how was the coal an oil we use created if there was no dinosaurs to die compress and create oil/coal im not gunner go on but thats just 1 problem to deal lets just focus on that

    • @podunkest
      @podunkest 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You know, I'm not religious, but you can believe in God and Science. Just don't believe in the young earth creationists theory. The Bible is far from literal as they like to say, such as the Earth being created in 6 literal days or the Earth being 6,000 years old. It's insane. Look into other takes on the Bible and how it was translated and what a lot of things can mean the way it was originally written. It wasn't originally written in English ya know. You do you, but nothing in life has to be one or the other, escape duality. Best wishes.

    • @cdc3
      @cdc3 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      " was the coal an oil we use created if there was no dinosaurs..."
      Coal and oil are essentially two different things and for the most part made through two different processes.
      Coal is undoubtedly a product of living materials. The process involved in making it is not apparent in today's geology because it would involve massive sudden burial of huge amounts of biological material in a short period of time. The idea that it built up over millennia is just plain absurd based on the evidence of in situ polystrate trees which vertically pierce from coal seam to coal seam through intervening marl. In order for the tree to be there, deposition of all of the associated layers would have to have been geologically instant and cataclysmic. Think massive flood here. Were it to happen today, a Noahic flood would create vast mats of biological material which would gradually sink, be covered with silt and have successive mats sink on top of that in the same way over a very short number of years, creating exactly the seams of coal we observe and use today.
      Oil, on the other hand, while it can be produced from biological sources, now appears to be largely the product of methane rising from the mantle of our planet being metamorphosed into oil in non-volcanic areas. It is not a biological product and that makes sense if you consider how much of it exists and the fact that many dry oil wells are known to replenish over time. Nowhere near enough "dinosaurs" ever existed and died together in the same place to create the huge reserves of oil we see today.

    • @cdc3
      @cdc3 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@podunkest If you actually read the original language of Genesis, a very clear idea of six literal days emerges. There is no escaping it. The formula is "And there was evening and there was morning, the third day." Even Hebrew scholars who don't accept a six day creation admit that the author clearly meant six 24 hour days. It's not really open for discussion rationally. Either you believe it or you don't.
      You say that a literal six day creation is insane. Why? Is your problem with the existence of God as portrayed in the bible? OK, fine. You don't have to believe the bible. But without accepting the proposition of Genesis 1, there's no real point in believing the rest of the bible to be the self revelation of God Himself.
      On the other hand, if you consider the time allowed to create the universe in six literal days to be insane, I'd still ask why. God didn't have enough time to do it? Considering that time/space is part of the same continuum and that God would have been creating that first, would He not be the Master of time? Any two points describe a line in geometry. How many points lie between any two points? Answer: an infinite number. So, between any two points in the timeline of creation, how many points did an Infinite Creator have with which to work? Six days, six billion years, six seconds, it would all be the same to Him.

    • @eu29lex16
      @eu29lex16 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@podunkest Yeah, I agree.

    • @ronbusby3335
      @ronbusby3335 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Actually, the pre-flood world was a lot different than the one we have today. It had a much larger land mass as The Lord created the Earth to be inhabited, not covered by 75% water. The water that forms our oceans are actually the remains of the water from the flood of Noah. Ancient Jewish scholars used to teach that the Earth was surrounded by a canopy of ice three fingers thick that blocked out a lot of the harmful radiation that we experience today that causes us to age. Prior to the flood, with the radiation filtered or blocked out, animals, plants, trees, and humans could grow much larger than those of today, the barometric pressure was also much higher which increased their lifespan and size, hence the Dinosaurs. Once the Lord broke open the great fountains of the deep and drowned the entire world with water, for their sins. He crushed the continents together forming all the mountain ranges, this coupled with the pressure of the continents rising up caused the water to run off which explains things like the Grand Canyon and all the rock layers. The intense pressure and catastrophic damage completely destroyed the land, fauna and horrifyingly all the people, which ultimately formed the large coal and oil deposits that we all use today. The heartbreaking and terrifying truth is is that the coal and oil fields that exist today are all the remnants of the pre-flood civilization.

  • @creeib
    @creeib 2 ปีที่แล้ว
