I love seeing things like this. My papaw and my uncle were both coalminers in Kentucky. It means a lot to see places like this. The mountains of Tennessee and Kentucky are absolutely beautiful. Great video ♥️
The minute someone goes in a mine with collapsed beams, I have to nope nope nope out of watching it. My grandad had a lot of mine stories. 🥶 Glad to see you survived though, since you posted the video…
@@dakmycat3688 James Earl Ray (assassinated MLK) was there when she worked there. She was pretty much a mom to him. My dad when he was a kid got to meet him a few times and even ate with him. Said he was a really intelligent guy.
I like your hat, man! Watch out for Jason! Amazing how quickly abandoned structures get overgrown back East. In the West, you'd STILL be able to walk up to the mine, see the mine, no problem.
Awesome! I just moved to Northern Georgia from Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. Spent the past three years finding and hiking decommissioned and overgrown logging roads. Love finding abandoned ‘artifacts’ in the wilderness. Great video and this will be my first adventure out here.
Super video, Chris. I admire your tenancity and bravery in entering those mine areas. Appreciate you, and your keen interests! Thank you for sharing them.
Glad you are still in Tennessee. We have lots of interesting as well as beautiful places to see. If you have moved on, then you are always welcome to return.
That mountain side is so beautiful, it makes the hike look so enjoyable. I would use the old timber in the mine shaft. I love the history behind the prison and that area.
I live in eastern Kentucky and we have abandoned mines all over the place. When I was little and didn’t know any better I’d craw back in them with a flashlight till I couldn’t go any further.
I live 30 minutes from there Chris, are you still in town ? I knew people on both sides of the bars up there and one of them hated it. Good stuff brother. God Bless
I was going to say. I think you and Lamont already did this one? But it seems you came all the way back to continue your discoveries at this relic. Fucking brilliant man I love it - no stone unturned!
Thanks so much for walking through all of that to get the video, fascinating look at past treatment of people and how little things have changed. But thank you because the more we learn the more our knowledge can change our futures
Nice video. You are on the old mine trail at Frozen Head. On up the mountain is more mines, one called the mega mine that is tricky to get to but has about a 20' x 15' opening blocked by an 8' fence.
You're definitely brave Highgate Cemetery is one creepy place and it's such a shame what happened in the 60's with the desecration of the bodies. I agree with you its beautiful in there even though the trees and bushes are overgrown.
Loved this video, I have seen many Brushy Mountain ghost hunting Video's and never heard of the coal mines, so interesting Thanks for taking that long hike up the mountain. I thought it was kind of funny whispering in the mine, but I probably would of done the same thing not knowing what was there.
@@allennezi1674Not all non-venomous will. King snakes kill and eat other snakes, but black rat snakes don't. Black rat snakes will den with copperheads and rattlesnakes. They are still good to have around your home or barn because they will keep the population of pretty animals down making it a less desirable spot for another snake to stay around.
If you go further back, it splits off into two tunnels. It's very dangerous and main entrance is blocked off(gated) for a reason, but I've been up to the split offs then turned around as i found it was very dumb and unsafe. I was surprised at how hot it was in there as well
What an extraordinary adventure you just took me on. TYSVM! Thouroughly enjoyed very second. That was a biggg snake! Please be careful, you take so many risks xx
My mom's family is from Floyd County Kentucky, McDowell and my family have been coal miners for generations. I have lost family, to bad air, cave ins, explosions and mines flooding. My grandfather died when I was 3 from a heart attack. It was a side effect of black lung. Coal miners are a whole different breed of man. I am proud of my roots.
That Black Snake you filmed is what we country folks call a '' Black Racer.'' I had one race me from my nanny's mailbox all the way to her door one day, and after racing it for over 2 acres I was nearly ready to faint of fear b/c I was really young and had never seen one before, and my nanny just laughed. Much love friend.
That was a pretty big cottonmouth. Saw one like that wrapped around a tree stump in my neighbor's yard when we were kids. We thought it was fake because of it's perfectly geometric black scales. Until it moved. That one you stumbled into was huge. Awesome video!
Hi there. Yes you were absolutely right when you said “I can hear you all yelling at me”. I was like REALLY?? What if something were to happen to you and we view it live. 😬😖🥺 you never know. These mines are rotting away. Please be very careful! 🙏🏽
I live half an hour away from the prison. I've been in that mine. If you had gone another 20 yards or so you'd have found an old dynamite box. If you had turned right then taken the next left you'd have found a pair of boots.
I seen the box but not the boots, was it past where it "Y's" off? I went to the y then turned around. How far back does the actual mine go? I wasn't brave enough to go any further
@@Nozzle_Ninja it goes back pretty far. I haven't been all the way. To find the boots, you take the left side of the Y, and cross a stream that goes through an adjoining tunnel.
@@manicmechanic448 I was smart and brought my gas detector (natural gasses like propane,methane, ethane,butane) it also tests air quality and as far as down to the Y it's safe air wise and has good oxygen readings. Welcome to join me and my friend any time! (If we decide to explore there further)
Interesting there being a Prison mine camp so high up in the mountains. The snake and the tortoise weren't too interested in you glad they kept to themselves. Thanks for sharing!
I absolutely love your hat. I would love to explore places like this. Looks awesome. I live in Knoxville Tn and never been to Brushy Mountain. Need to check it out. Awesome video.
I normally watch train vidios but now I have seen your exploration on the country ill be glad to watch more vidios and broken my horizon. I used to explore alot when I was young. I relly enjoyed the unexpected surprise. ☺
I am one of the people that you heard screaming at you 😂..My uncle is a retired coal miner and he was in a collapsed mine accident right before he retired..The doctors said it was a miracle that his heart had not been punctured ..He was working in one of the safest, and high tech mines in the country and the ceiling caved in on them .I know you were not in that type of situation however, I was still worried that the same thing could have happened to you..I am like that whenever, I watched someone take a risk that could end with a potential accident ..I was also wondering why you were whispering? so it seems you have your viewers figured out .I am always watching your videos but I rarely ever comment. Anyway keep up the good work and watch out for snakes..
Another interesting video as usual. Those spiders on the wall, I was brought up in Scotland and as a kid growing up you'd see them all the time. Don't ever see them no more, weird.
I knew exactly what spiders you meant before I'd even seen them in the video. And you're right, they used to be everywhere, but I rarely see them these days. We called them daddy long legs, but apparently most people call crane flies daddy long legs. But I still think I'm right, they definitely deserve the name more lol.
Yikes!! What a creepy place! I fear for your lungs in a few years after going into these moldy, dusty and unclean air places. That snake was a big one, too. How depressing of a place would that have been for those inmates who worked day in and day out in those dark and dank underground mines. I can't help but wonder what the death toll was for both inmates and guards. Being sent to that prison must have been similar to being sent to San Quintin. Thanks for being boots on the ground for us and please be careful in those kinda places, all by yourself!!
Another Johnstown native here. I started watching Mobile Instinct when he did the Johnstown Flood video. Many of my high school mates, Laurel Valley, came from mining families. Once I went into an abandoned mine about 100 feet. Couldn’t get out quick enough!
@@specialk5296I started watching him at the same time. I worked for rosebud mining for a few years and got to explore lots of mines lol. It was pretty fun but definitely a hard job
Here's the prison tour video - th-cam.com/video/zAUumHaPl7M/w-d-xo.html
It's a Eastern spotted box turtle
Instead of a cave in could it have been back fill ? Also you should have air meter as to keep you safe !
@@jimrossi7708 Jimbo, he didn't go in deep enough. As such, no need for an air meter.
Why did this prison close down?
very scary
10 minutes into the video and I haven't seen any spray paint, that's amazing. What a beautiful part of the country
You made me laugh when you said 'I can hear you all yelling at me' because I was saying, get out of there, it is so dangerous. Brilliant video,
another great video! there's something so mesmerizing about old abandoned buildings in the middle of the woods
Liked for butthead
I think the same way 💜
this guy deserves his own tv show, hes better than any history show on television
I was at Brushy Mountain area last year visiting for a few days. Beautiful part of the country.
I love seeing things like this. My papaw and my uncle were both coalminers in Kentucky. It means a lot to see places like this. The mountains of Tennessee and Kentucky are absolutely beautiful. Great video ♥️
My mom's family were all coal miners in KY, Floyd County
@@Cutter-jx3xj My family was from Bell County 🙂
The minute someone goes in a mine with collapsed beams, I have to nope nope nope out of watching it. My grandad had a lot of mine stories. 🥶
Glad to see you survived though, since you posted the video…
My grandma worked and retired from there!
Where is this, I would love to take a tour someday.
@@monicahyland8641 Petros Tennessee! About 50 minutes west of Knoxville
Does she talk about what happened in there? Any good stories ??
Y'all get ticks in there?
@@dakmycat3688 James Earl Ray (assassinated MLK) was there when she worked there. She was pretty much a mom to him. My dad when he was a kid got to meet him a few times and even ate with him. Said he was a really intelligent guy.
I like your hat, man! Watch out for Jason!
Amazing how quickly abandoned structures get overgrown back East. In the West, you'd STILL be able to walk up to the mine, see the mine, no problem.
You are so lucky to be able to visit such amazing places, so glad you share them with us, thank you
@@duetoronomy Sentence.
Thank you, Chris! ❤️
Chris, you have brought hours of watching and discussion pleasure to myself and my family. Thank you. 👍
Awesome! I just moved to Northern Georgia from Washington’s Olympic Peninsula. Spent the past three years finding and hiking decommissioned and overgrown logging roads. Love finding abandoned ‘artifacts’ in the wilderness. Great video and this will be my first adventure out here.
Super video, Chris. I admire your tenancity and bravery in entering those mine areas. Appreciate you, and your keen interests! Thank you for sharing them.
Love these videos for the crunch of leaves and twigs as you hike around. Seriously good ASMR
Glad you are still in Tennessee. We have lots of interesting as well as beautiful places to see. If you have moved on, then you are always welcome to return.
That’s a beautiful prison camp!
I agree we so have a lot of beautiful places here!
Thank you Mr.Radford,I didn't know you owned Tennessee.👍
So so nervous when he walks into these situations..love the silence and nature. The sound of being outside is my favorite. Thank you ❤️
Chris hope all is well in your travels looking forward to the next video stay safe!
That mountain side is so beautiful, it makes the hike look so enjoyable. I would use the old timber in the mine shaft. I love the history behind the prison and that area.
Yup beautiful materials almost as pretty as your picture⚘🌞
I live in eastern Kentucky and we have abandoned mines all over the place. When I was little and didn’t know any better I’d craw back in them with a flashlight till I couldn’t go any further.
Dude, I’m a hiker and a backpacker, and I love your channel because you have great content and great style. 👍🏻👍🏻 Another great adventure, thanks.
I live 30 minutes from there Chris, are you still in town ? I knew people on both sides of the bars up there and one of them hated it. Good stuff brother. God Bless
I was going to say. I think you and Lamont already did this one? But it seems you came all the way back to continue your discoveries at this relic. Fucking brilliant man I love it - no stone unturned!
Always enjoy when I see another video pop up! Thanks for the (years now?) of exploring for us!
Thanks so much for walking through all of that to get the video, fascinating look at past treatment of people and how little things have changed. But thank you because the more we learn the more our knowledge can change our futures
Nice video. You are on the old mine trail at Frozen Head. On up the mountain is more mines, one called the mega mine that is tricky to get to but has about a 20' x 15' opening blocked by an 8' fence.
Thanks Chris, a very interesting look at what has been left behind from back in the day.
Thank you for sharing, much love. xx ❤
Hey Chris; We enjoy watching your videos, you do a great job. I love history. My Dad worked in the coal mines in West Virginia back in the late "40's
👍I’m a 3rd gen coal miner in Utah. Always cool 2 c how they did it back in the day!!
You're definitely brave Highgate Cemetery is one creepy place and it's such a shame what happened in the 60's with the desecration of the bodies.
I agree with you its beautiful in there even though the trees and bushes are overgrown.
Great job! It’s tough to hike up and down all of that!
Loved this video, I have seen many Brushy Mountain ghost hunting Video's and never heard of the coal mines, so interesting Thanks for taking that long hike up the mountain. I thought it was kind of funny whispering in the mine, but I probably would of done the same thing not knowing what was there.
Common Box Turtle. Black Rat snake is nonvenomous. I'd been worried about rattlers and copperheads tho.
Doesn’t the non -venomous snakes kill and eat the poisonous ones?
@@allennezi1674Not all non-venomous will. King snakes kill and eat other snakes, but black rat snakes don't. Black rat snakes will den with copperheads and rattlesnakes. They are still good to have around your home or barn because they will keep the population of pretty animals down making it a less desirable spot for another snake to stay around.
If you go further back, it splits off into two tunnels. It's very dangerous and main entrance is blocked off(gated) for a reason, but I've been up to the split offs then turned around as i found it was very dumb and unsafe. I was surprised at how hot it was in there as well
Always a joy to watch your videos. Good job at the information and history of the places you visit. Stay safe.
Thanks Dave
What an extraordinary adventure you just took me on. TYSVM! Thouroughly enjoyed very second. That was a biggg snake! Please be careful, you take so many risks xx
You sure do visit interesting places, thanks for taking us along
Those mines looked so crumbly and dangerous. I was on pins and needles hoping you would be okay.
My mom's family is from Floyd County Kentucky, McDowell and my family have been coal miners for generations. I have lost family, to bad air, cave ins, explosions and mines flooding. My grandfather died when I was 3 from a heart attack. It was a side effect of black lung. Coal miners are a whole different breed of man. I am proud of my roots.
The structures were built in quite excellent condition considering the location is in the middle of nowhere
That Black Snake you filmed is what we country folks call a '' Black Racer.'' I had one race me from my nanny's mailbox all the way to her door one day, and after racing it for over 2 acres I was nearly ready to faint of fear b/c I was really young and had never seen one before, and my nanny just laughed. Much love friend.
That was a pretty big cottonmouth. Saw one like that wrapped around a tree stump in my neighbor's yard when we were kids. We thought it was fake because of it's perfectly geometric black scales. Until it moved. That one you stumbled into was huge. Awesome video!
Eastern box turtle.
Thanks for the tour Chris!
Hi there. Yes you were absolutely right when you said “I can hear you all yelling at me”. I was like REALLY?? What if something were to happen to you and we view it live. 😬😖🥺 you never know. These mines are rotting away. Please be very careful! 🙏🏽
I live half an hour away from the prison. I've been in that mine. If you had gone another 20 yards or so you'd have found an old dynamite box. If you had turned right then taken the next left you'd have found a pair of boots.
I seen the box but not the boots, was it past where it "Y's" off? I went to the y then turned around. How far back does the actual mine go? I wasn't brave enough to go any further
@@Nozzle_Ninja it goes back pretty far. I haven't been all the way. To find the boots, you take the left side of the Y, and cross a stream that goes through an adjoining tunnel.
@@manicmechanic448 interesting, might just be stupid enough to check it out again just for the boots haha
@@Nozzle_Ninja there's plenty of tunnels I haven't been down in there, so I'm not sure of the air quality in them.
@@manicmechanic448 I was smart and brought my gas detector (natural gasses like propane,methane, ethane,butane) it also tests air quality and as far as down to the Y it's safe air wise and has good oxygen readings. Welcome to join me and my friend any time! (If we decide to explore there further)
That was awesome thanks so much for your adventures you allow me to be on
This is so cool I hope someday I can do what you do and travel around the country with my little toyota pickup
Going above and beyond man.
Interesting there being a Prison mine camp so high up in the mountains. The snake and the tortoise weren't too interested in you glad they kept to themselves. Thanks for sharing!
What an incredible place
Love your videos, amazingly clear and your voice is calming. Keep up the great work 👍
Be safe out there. Thank You
“There maybe Bears in there I didn’t want to disrupt them “ 😂 that’s gotta be one of his best quotes ever 😂, another brilliant video 👍🏽
Beautiful ! ❤️ 🤗. Amazing ! 🤩
Thank you for the great content as always 👍👍👍
I absolutely love your hat. I would love to explore places like this. Looks awesome. I live in Knoxville Tn and never been to Brushy Mountain. Need to check it out. Awesome video.
My fear of snakes keeps me from going on mountain hikes. Your a brave one, take care and be careful
You are a youtube sensation.
Having prisoners work is a great idea. Do they actually work today? Seems like they are coddled and then released.
You make history interesting 😊 That's why I follow your channel
I normally watch train vidios but now I have seen your exploration on the country ill be glad to watch more vidios and broken my horizon. I used to explore alot when I was young. I relly enjoyed the unexpected surprise. ☺
Broden not broken .can't spell never could.And now I hgave auto correct to help spell wrong .lol.
These are some very interesting places that you are visiting
it looks like the prisoners and a lovely view
Fantastic, Chris
You should check out the Fraterville Mine Disaster Site
I definitely need to get there
Thank you for all the information. Really helps!
Very interesting,, watch for ticks!,,,,✌🏼😊
Keep the vids coming
I when to it last summer when I up state seeing family it a cool place to see Brushy!
you've got such a badass channel and energy. love it! keep up that awesome videos man!
I am one of the people that you heard screaming at you 😂..My uncle is a retired coal miner and he was in a collapsed mine accident right before he retired..The doctors said it was a miracle that his heart had not been punctured ..He was working in one of the safest, and high tech mines in the country and the ceiling caved in on them .I know you were not in that type of situation however, I was still worried that the same thing could have happened to you..I am like that whenever, I watched someone take a risk that could end with a potential accident ..I was also wondering why you were whispering? so it seems you have your viewers figured out .I am always watching your videos but I rarely ever comment. Anyway keep up the good work and watch out for snakes..
@@Blox117 watch the video
I toured the prison last September it is very interesting
U r brave going through all that dense growth. But it’s somethg that was great to see
One of the best vids you've made !
I enjoy all your videos. Thank you
Fantastic video Chris very enjoyable, many thanks 👍👊🇬🇧🇺🇸
Very good. Thank you
Eastern Box Turtle? It sure is pretty!
👍🏼& Black Racer 😍
Another interesting video as usual. Those spiders on the wall, I was brought up in Scotland and as a kid growing up you'd see them all the time. Don't ever see them no more, weird.
They took a boat to the US.
@@jburnett8152 The only US immigrants that are happy to see a wall
I knew exactly what spiders you meant before I'd even seen them in the video. And you're right, they used to be everywhere, but I rarely see them these days.
We called them daddy long legs, but apparently most people call crane flies daddy long legs. But I still think I'm right, they definitely deserve the name more lol.
Insect apocalypse many insect types collapsing populations from pesticide use etc
Yikes!! What a creepy place! I fear for your lungs in a few years after going into these moldy, dusty and unclean air places. That snake was a big one, too. How depressing of a place would that have been for those inmates who worked day in and day out in those dark and dank underground mines. I can't help but wonder what the death toll was for both inmates and guards. Being sent to that prison must have been similar to being sent to San Quintin. Thanks for being boots on the ground for us and please be careful in those kinda places, all by yourself!!
That snake I think was a water moccasin, and the turtle was a box turtle. Cool vid kid. 😻
Black Rat snake. Non venomous. Very docile. Very beautiful. Good pet snake.
Once again...Fantastic Job!! Thank You!!
What an AWESOME view!! XXXX ❤👍
You go to the best places
So cool to see the old structures and mines
Very cool 😎 Chris
That turtle looks pretty good your birds in the background that's pretty cool I like your video
Love your videos
Great video. Don't ever stop making these!
Wow, great finds, who knew that those buildings were there?
I love learning about things I've never heard of
Cool video
Now that was a very interesting video.... Thank you ! be careful always 💛
Awesome video
Enjoyed the history, nature.....very beautiful area...
Love this channel!!!!
You have a new subscriber 👍
I sw you and Lamonte at large video. Very good.
Hey brother. I'm a new subscriber. This channel is awesome. I dig your work. Thanks for sharing. God bless. 🙏🇺🇸🇨🇦
Awesome video brother!! Loves these places. I live by johnstown PA so we have lots of old coal mines and such
Hi! I grew up in Johnstown, PA and live in Windber now. Yes, so many coal mines. There were many old handworked mines, with carts pulled by donkeys!
@@kevinshiley9061 that's awesome I live over by Portage 👍
Another Johnstown native here. I started watching Mobile Instinct when he did the Johnstown Flood video. Many of my high school mates, Laurel Valley, came from mining families. Once I went into an abandoned mine about 100 feet. Couldn’t get out quick enough!
@@specialk5296I started watching him at the same time. I worked for rosebud mining for a few years and got to explore lots of mines lol. It was pretty fun but definitely a hard job