Thank you for encouragement. They are trying so many times. God is always bringing someone to enlightenment to set the person free. God said, Nothing can hide in the darkness. Please dear stand up and God bless you for being good Samaritan.😊✨🙏🫰✌️when they done to innocent people, God will bring justice, believe me. 😊🙏
I call karmic justice on this entire situation and Divine intervention on all things to prevent us from joining together and successfully completing our mission on this earth together Glory to God it is done Amen 🙏
przez lata, od wczesnego dziecinstwa bylam manipulowana jako autysta, nie zdawalam sobie z tego sprawy, to byly dni milczenia, obserwacji roznego rodzaju ironii i sarkazmu i kiedy pisalam wiadomosc kilka lat temu, bylam w katastrofalnym stanie psychicznym, nie bedac tego swiadoma, szukalam pomocy. Nie wiedzialam tez kim jestem i ze mozna mna latwiej manipulowac. To co sie wydarzylo, o czym piszesz calkowicie mnie przeroslo. W zasadzie im dluzej wypoczywam tym bardziej zdaje sobie sprawe, nawet przez to ze przez lata nie ogladam wiadomosci
So you say in the next few days, lies will be revealed that need to be corrected? I'm on the edge of my seat in wonder when, where and how all of this will manifest. Take care, we're rooting for you and are beside you.
I feel very bad they tried to tarnish my reputation and that someone could believe their lies about me but I can nobserve their behaviour towards other persons and maybe in that way I can understand that its nothing new when it comes to their oppoents.
I Already know about this God Showed me.😂 I don't care what they say or the rumors they spread. I know the fake profiles and they will never break me or God
aha przypomnialo mi sie, kiedy zobaczylam ich jedna sugestie odnosnie produktow, chyba zdrowej zywnosci, w zeszlym roku, chcilama kupic cos podobnego tanszego, wyszukac, na tamto nie bylo mnie stac, to byla roznica z 80 do np 20 zlotych, i dostawalam jakies hasla, ze powinnam pamietac kto pomaga, cos o sluchaniu polecen, takze mialam zasugerowane - nie pamietam jak, ze nie mam korzystac z niczego innego
chodzi o to, ze naprzemiennie wysylano mi hasla, nie wiem, na ile zdjecia i reklamy dzialaly podprogowo, bo nigdy nie poszlam sama do sklepu i nie kupilam 10 sukien, obecnie boje sie ogladac te hasla i reklamy, czasem mysle, czy mogly miec zaszyfrowany podteskst, czy ktos zlamal mnie psychicznie, dlaczego w pewnym momencie nie moglam przestac scrollowac, dlaczego nie pijac poczulam sie jak pijana i zaczelam zdradzac sprawy rodzinne, czy to bylo normalne skoro balam sie tych ludzi
Many times I blamed myself I couldn't be stronger and felt very bad that someone lied about me. Last year I had this feeling that someone wants to trap me like in the prison, so that I couldn't escape. It was overwhelming for me but now I know that my ideas were important for them and I can't sell them idependently from their offer. Good ideas are significant for image and all generations, also for children, that I would like to have. I feel very bad I didn't react always in a better way but I would like to realise my goals and projects
zrozumialam jak dzialala procedura oraz kto ja rozpczal. Naprzemiennie dostawalam reklamy z sugestiami: take risk lub sugestiami,ze nalezy ryzykowac aby odmienic wlasne zycie, kiedy sie probowalam odsunac takze mnie straszono, to wplynelo na mnie na moje zalamanie, na poczucie calkowitej bezsilnosci, wiem tez, ze kazano mi odsunac sie od rodziny. Nie chcialam ich zabic, wiec im nic nie powiedzialam, ale nie bylam w stanie emocjonalnie lepiej sie do nich odzywac. Bylam tez pewna, ze spotkam krewnych w przyszle swieta, bo kiedy napisalam, ze chcialabym sie spotkac i kupic im prezent, wyslano mi liczne reklamy z produktami i zdjeciami dziecmi rodziny jakby krolewskiej. Uzalam ze prezent to rodzaj przymusu/ albo presji
Oh dear, I really don't care about these juvenile antics. When I look back over the years, there have been a couple of people who wanted me checked out. That silliness didn't work 30/40 years ago and it certainly isn't even a ripple on my pond now. Such people need to get a life and preferably a hobby. My grandmother used to say, "those who beget evil will receive evil." She was quite correct. I'm focussed on PEACE, CREATIVITY and GROWTH...not doing dark things with black cats and goats' heads in an attempt to feel I have "special" powers. Those who do so are always a little bit sad.
Well good thing I'm walking away because I refuse to deploy that drama I love to be around good people we have good intentions for me and we'll have my back so here I am walking away 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊
My ancestry protects me i know which people. You should make a deaths man trigger in case something happens to you. Dont tell anyone whom you share that triggerinfo it will safe your life. Dont tell me. Im a protege of the lord im true protected. Thanks for your loyality but protect yourself. Contact me when your able to and do that trigger you can google its use.❤ My offer to live with me till we can have something new together is renewed.❤i glad take your offer🙏✨
wczesniej nie mialam fb i zalozylam konto niedawno chyba 5/6 lat temu wiec nie bylam uzalezniona od social mediow, nie pokazywalam zdjec dla likow, doprowadzili mnie do stanu, ze musialam odsluchiwac te wiadomosci, mowili masz je wszystkie sluchac, a potem dostalam sugestie ze jestem uzalezniona od internetu. Konto zalozylam dopiero, kiedy kolezanka z duzej firmy, o imieniu jak moja kuzynka S, polecila mi to zrobic
they will reap what they sow it'll bounceback to them 10x folds 100% am sure ..what they've do unto others will return to them immediately 10x more.. know what will happened to them..
kiedy chcialam byc dla nich mila roku temu jesienia, napisalam ze dziekuje za pomoc, bo to byla beznadziejna sytuacja i chyba liczylam, ze moze ktos sie opamieta- dostalam hasla, nie myl pomocy z nadzorem...ale chyba nie o to mialo chodzic?
nigdy nie kupilam w sklepie tylu rzeczy, moze czasem kupie cos slodkiego kupujac inne rzeczy ale nie wykupywalam tak masowo ubran, czy dla kogos prezentow, nie robilam takich idiotycznych rzeczy, wiec rozumiem ze inni byli manipulowani
wiem natomiast, ze probowano mnie zabic i zniszczyc tak abym wydala wszytko zostala sama, choc praktycznie nie mam nalogow, nie bylam wczesniej idealna ale to naprawde zlamanie psychiczne, wiedzialm tez ze maja twarde poglady i wyslano mi, rozne sugestie, ze prawica jest lepsza, ja bylam wtedy troche slabsza, dwa miesiace temu, moim marzeniem bylo aby to co sie dzieje sie skonczylo, nawet kosztem naszego zwiazku
❤❤,I am sorry but I know about them We are going to deal with them very soon I don't play around.they will be gone by this week end they can not touch me Never I have a bubble around me.
Ljubavi ništa ne može da me poremeti i dame odvoji od tebe ne vise mozdaje bilo jedanput ali sad sam se samo cu tebe dase sa tobom dogovaram i tebi verujem vise niko drugi nista me vise neinteresuje samo ti šta ti kažeš Ljubavi verujmi ti i ja toja sada od ovih dana nema vise nikome ne zanima stose menei tebe tice yoje nasa stvar❤❤❤❤
Look you chose her deal with its lts not not my problem. Beside all you do is make fun so stop Do not worried they will not break me because l am God child and you this God will.see threw everthing. You God was tell how deal all thing that devil.and demon were hure. But ldo and l not get hurt
I loved u .....I knew u could see me I knew u would never b accountable or help me heal enjoy the wedding...continue to live with no consciousness or care for any one else. Ii want you to be happy ...I just texted someone you was bout to try hurt me lol ...nah imma a reality show a's all goo
Thogether is no way till you dont speack to her personly i know you macke many mistackes and now you dont dear but she have knowlige you was under the Black spel work
They are going down!!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you for encouragement. They are trying so many times. God is always bringing someone to enlightenment to set the person free. God said, Nothing can hide in the darkness. Please dear stand up and God bless you for being good Samaritan.😊✨🙏🫰✌️when they done to innocent people, God will bring justice, believe me. 😊🙏
No weapon formed against me shall prospet❤❤
I call karmic justice on this entire situation and Divine intervention on all things to prevent us from joining together and successfully completing our mission on this earth together Glory to God it is done Amen 🙏
You didnt know what you were doing!!!!❤❤❤❤
I have God, all under control God hands ✋ Thanks your contribution helps me now.
I claimed victory over my enemies . They will not succeed in their evil ways. Thank you Jesus ❤🙏
They are trying to take my destiny!!!!! They are all getting their kaema from god!!!!!❤❤❤❤
They will not bring uswn!!!! They cant stop us!!!!!!❤❤❤❤
God is with me! I fear not! Go away for in my Father's name,Yeshua, you shall be destroyed! Amen! 🙏🕊✝️
And very soon will be their demise
This has not been unseen by me nor the divine
All will be well if you believe 🙏
Thank you for your insight
Whyy do u think i need you by my side!!! To protect me❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nope ive fiught all those demons!! Lucifeer himself!!! Its real sweetie!!!❤❤❤❤
They can say what they want
I feel bad I wasn't stronger
Wonder where is God
@@kirank809 I'm trying to convice myself that atheism is not bad
@Misia-p5z You treated me like an option....
przez lata, od wczesnego dziecinstwa bylam manipulowana jako autysta, nie zdawalam sobie z tego sprawy, to byly dni milczenia, obserwacji roznego rodzaju ironii i sarkazmu i kiedy pisalam wiadomosc kilka lat temu, bylam w katastrofalnym stanie psychicznym, nie bedac tego swiadoma, szukalam pomocy. Nie wiedzialam tez kim jestem i ze mozna mna latwiej manipulowac. To co sie wydarzylo, o czym piszesz calkowicie mnie przeroslo. W zasadzie im dluzej wypoczywam tym bardziej zdaje sobie sprawe, nawet przez to ze przez lata nie ogladam wiadomosci
So you say in the next few days, lies will be revealed that need to be corrected? I'm on the edge of my seat in wonder when, where and how all of this will manifest. Take care, we're rooting for you and are beside you.
Fed are watching time is a ticking and bars will be clicking hehe
I feel very bad they tried to tarnish my reputation and that someone could believe their lies about me but I can nobserve their behaviour towards other persons and maybe in that way I can understand that its nothing new when it comes to their oppoents.
I am the body of Christ 🙏 no Satan can touch me or harm me❤❤
I Already know about this God Showed me.😂
I don't care what they say or the rumors they spread. I know the fake profiles and they will never break me or God
aha przypomnialo mi sie, kiedy zobaczylam ich jedna sugestie odnosnie produktow, chyba zdrowej zywnosci, w zeszlym roku, chcilama kupic cos podobnego tanszego, wyszukac, na tamto nie bylo mnie stac, to byla roznica z 80 do np 20 zlotych, i dostawalam jakies hasla, ze powinnam pamietac kto pomaga, cos o sluchaniu polecen, takze mialam zasugerowane - nie pamietam jak, ze nie mam korzystac z niczego innego
nikt mi nie powie, nie uwierze, ze te hasla nie mialy zwiazku z reklamami czy innymi podtesktami
oh only god knows everything.
czy oni sie wlamuja do umyslow, prowokuja te ataki, a potem udaja ze bronia ludzi?
chodzi o to, ze naprzemiennie wysylano mi hasla, nie wiem, na ile zdjecia i reklamy dzialaly podprogowo, bo nigdy nie poszlam sama do sklepu i nie kupilam 10 sukien, obecnie boje sie ogladac te hasla i reklamy, czasem mysle, czy mogly miec zaszyfrowany podteskst, czy ktos zlamal mnie psychicznie, dlaczego w pewnym momencie nie moglam przestac scrollowac, dlaczego nie pijac poczulam sie jak pijana i zaczelam zdradzac sprawy rodzinne, czy to bylo normalne skoro balam sie tych ludzi
Many times I blamed myself I couldn't be stronger and felt very bad that someone lied about me. Last year I had this feeling that someone wants to trap me like in the prison, so that I couldn't escape. It was overwhelming for me but now I know that my ideas were important for them and I can't sell them idependently from their offer. Good ideas are significant for image and all generations, also for children, that I would like to have. I feel very bad I didn't react always in a better way but I would like to realise my goals and projects
@@Ascensionshealingtarot333 you mean comma
@@Ascensionshealingtarot333 po niemiecku przez K
❤❤ yes we go for it you are a warrior too..wat a surprise.
zrozumialam jak dzialala procedura oraz kto ja rozpczal. Naprzemiennie dostawalam reklamy z sugestiami: take risk lub sugestiami,ze nalezy ryzykowac aby odmienic wlasne zycie, kiedy sie probowalam odsunac takze mnie straszono, to wplynelo na mnie na moje zalamanie, na poczucie calkowitej bezsilnosci, wiem tez, ze kazano mi odsunac sie od rodziny. Nie chcialam ich zabic, wiec im nic nie powiedzialam, ale nie bylam w stanie emocjonalnie lepiej sie do nich odzywac. Bylam tez pewna, ze spotkam krewnych w przyszle swieta, bo kiedy napisalam, ze chcialabym sie spotkac i kupic im prezent, wyslano mi liczne reklamy z produktami i zdjeciami dziecmi rodziny jakby krolewskiej. Uzalam ze prezent to rodzaj przymusu/ albo presji
Oh dear, I really don't care about these juvenile antics. When I look back over the years, there have been a couple of people who wanted me checked out. That silliness didn't work 30/40 years ago and it certainly isn't even a ripple on my pond now. Such people need to get a life and preferably a hobby. My grandmother used to say, "those who beget evil will receive evil." She was quite correct. I'm focussed on PEACE, CREATIVITY and GROWTH...not doing dark things with black cats and goats' heads in an attempt to feel I have "special" powers. Those who do so are always a little bit sad.
Thank you for telling me an I wish that God an my Angel's will help me because I dont know who it is😢
Thank you for your concern ....I have been aware of this for a long time. I just don't discuss this matter.
No Worries... I've known this for a long time.
to byl dialog, oni sie odnosili w tych haslach do tego co pisalam
Well good thing I'm walking away because I refuse to deploy that drama I love to be around good people we have good intentions for me and we'll have my back so here I am walking away 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊
My ancestry protects me i know which people. You should make a deaths man trigger in case something happens to you. Dont tell anyone whom you share that triggerinfo it will safe your life. Dont tell me. Im a protege of the lord im true protected. Thanks for your loyality but protect yourself. Contact me when your able to and do that trigger you can google its use.❤ My offer to live with me till we can have something new together is renewed.❤i glad take your offer🙏✨
No weapon formed against me ,I bind the works of the enemy ,in the name of Jesus,amen
wczesniej nie mialam fb i zalozylam konto niedawno chyba 5/6 lat temu wiec nie bylam uzalezniona od social mediow, nie pokazywalam zdjec dla likow, doprowadzili mnie do stanu, ze musialam odsluchiwac te wiadomosci, mowili masz je wszystkie sluchac, a potem dostalam sugestie ze jestem uzalezniona od internetu. Konto zalozylam dopiero, kiedy kolezanka z duzej firmy, o imieniu jak moja kuzynka S, polecila mi to zrobic
You been right the middle
Go tell your story to someone else
they will reap what they sow it'll bounceback to them 10x folds 100% am sure ..what they've do unto others will return to them immediately 10x more.. know what will happened to them..
kiedy chcialam byc dla nich mila roku temu jesienia, napisalam ze dziekuje za pomoc, bo to byla beznadziejna sytuacja i chyba liczylam, ze moze ktos sie opamieta- dostalam hasla, nie myl pomocy z nadzorem...ale chyba nie o to mialo chodzic?
They didn't know wht going on around them
Tr3zy tr3zy she crazy ...😂😂😂😂 ight bet
I doubt theres anything u could tell me thati already know!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
nigdy nie kupilam w sklepie tylu rzeczy, moze czasem kupie cos slodkiego kupujac inne rzeczy ale nie wykupywalam tak masowo ubran, czy dla kogos prezentow, nie robilam takich idiotycznych rzeczy, wiec rozumiem ze inni byli manipulowani
wiem natomiast, ze probowano mnie zabic i zniszczyc tak abym wydala wszytko zostala sama, choc praktycznie nie mam nalogow, nie bylam wczesniej idealna ale to naprawde zlamanie psychiczne, wiedzialm tez ze maja twarde poglady i wyslano mi, rozne sugestie, ze prawica jest lepsza, ja bylam wtedy troche slabsza, dwa miesiace temu, moim marzeniem bylo aby to co sie dzieje sie skonczylo, nawet kosztem naszego zwiazku
Babe, I appreciate for you very much you are my love one to the incredibly make it strengthen my heart and peace. ❤❤❤❤
Baby I appreciate you bring this to my attention
❤❤,I am sorry but I know about them We are going to deal with them very soon I don't play around.they will be gone by this week end they can not touch me Never I have a bubble around me.
What do i do call them out confront them publically im new to all of this but i need help what did you mean by take action love and light thank you
lol. I already know about this. Lol
Nedam niko danam pokvari stosmo ti i ja gradili ljubavi 💯 postoti kazem sreco moja❤❤❤
Who is this from?
Ljubavi ništa ne može da me poremeti i dame odvoji od tebe ne vise mozdaje bilo jedanput ali sad sam se samo cu tebe dase sa tobom dogovaram i tebi verujem vise niko drugi nista me vise neinteresuje samo ti šta ti kažeš Ljubavi verujmi ti i ja toja sada od ovih dana nema vise nikome ne zanima stose menei tebe tice yoje nasa stvar❤❤❤❤
nie moge sie skupic przez kota
How do I know that you are not one of the agendas ever you are not Im the same agenda ?
bardzo sie boje
cat in heat
This just really wrong but how can I change it an who are they
I don’t know who the hell you are talking about.
Look you chose her deal with its lts not not my problem. Beside all you do is make fun so stop
Do not worried they will not break me because l am God child and you this God will.see threw everthing. You God was tell how deal all thing that devil.and demon were hure. But ldo and l not get hurt
I real do not care what they plan and their lier. Look l care is what God think of me. Not people if like fine if bdont l could careless
I loved u .....I knew u could see me I knew u would never b accountable or help me heal enjoy the wedding...continue to live with no consciousness or care for any one else. Ii want you to be happy ...I just texted someone you was bout to try hurt me lol ...nah imma a reality show a's all goo
Till you dont talk with her personly you wont only to Washington your wrong actions before
Thogether is no way till you dont speack to her personly i know you macke many mistackes and now you dont dear but she have knowlige you was under the Black spel work
Why dont you tel that personely to her she is not stuped she know befor you you ate at Spiritual war with evel