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Hello Aun Pheak Tra, Hope Aun and team having fun in states. Bong following everywhere Aun went. Bong have a question for Aun? in Cambodia., why in Cambodia US currency exchange, if the if pepper money a bit old they’re not accepted. Here in the States Al type of conditions the banks still accept it. Thank you Aun, and enjoy the rest of your trip❤️
Hello peaktra rom doul TV newest report Excellent job 👏 👍 🙌 👌 😀 supports all newly ❤🎉Thankyou
Hello from Houston Texas bong ❤
សួស្តីក្មួយភក្រ្តា ! 🇫🇷❤🇰🇭
ចង់ឲប្រទេសយើងដូចគេដែល គ្មានសម្រាមសោះឡើងស្អាត
Police ផាក $200-$1000 បើសិនបោះចោលសំរាម 😄
Hello Aun Pheak Tra,
Hope Aun and team having fun in states. Bong following everywhere Aun went.
Bong have a question for Aun? in Cambodia., why in Cambodia US currency exchange, if the if pepper money a bit old they’re not accepted. Here in the States Al type of conditions the banks still accept it.
Thank you Aun, and enjoy the rest of your trip❤️
Hello Bopeaktra welcome U.S.A Thankyou ❤
I lived in us for 45 years and I haven't been there yet. Washington DC
You should stop by - it is very nice I lived in US 42 year
I thought of stopping by Richmond where I used to in.
ខ្ញុំចង់ឲបងប្រុសទៅដល់តំបន់ប្រាសាទដូនទាម្តង ព្រោះនៅទីនោះមិនសូវមានកូនខ្មែរបានស្គាល់!
I when for Khmer new years back 1977 they rent the halls in there
The States Capitol NO air Plans fly Over,❤🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
លោក ប្រធានាធិបតី អា មេរិក នឹង សេដ្ឋី អា មេរិក អត់ មាន លុយ ទីញ ចិញ្ចៀន ធំ ទេ 😂😂
កន្លែងនោះពេលខែត្រជាក់មនុស្សពាក់អាវCanada Gooseមានចោរប្លន់ដែរ