no its a 240 hp mcxpress turbo kit. Ive lowered the boost down just abit - to around 220 hp. Using a peak 2.5 track on it at 146 inch length. got my sled to 26 000 km at this point. still had no probs with the motor/turbo :). Hope you will be satisfied
Got a 240 kit for mine a week ago. Looking forward to testing it out this winter!
This makes me so excited, I just got myslef a turbo nytro 190 with a 162 2.5. Its going to be a great year
Glad to hear 👍😁
im a 2 stroke kinda guy but holy shit that sound makes me want a 4 stroke
I am happy for your comment :D
Your sled makes my 800 twostroke look like a joke lol.. that's truly a beautiful machine
Haha thanks :P Yeah i really like the turboed 4 strokes. That is my passion with snowmobiling. Cool that you did like my machine/video :)
awesome vid!
thanks :)
Пол скажи а вариаторы всегда так на нитрах гремят?
Is the turbo a 180hp? I just bought a turbo nytro
no its a 240 hp mcxpress turbo kit. Ive lowered the boost down just abit - to around 220 hp. Using a peak 2.5 track on it at 146 inch length. got my sled to 26 000 km at this point. still had no probs with the motor/turbo :). Hope you will be satisfied
this kit is MCX with is 270 hp
LOL i only have a Yamaha phazer 500 mtx
What year on the nytro? Awesome sled man!
A 2009 of birth. Bought winter 2008. XTX model
Somebody i know has that snowmobile and it has 270 hp
MCNEON GAMER 299 its normal if you have something like a sidewinder or xf9000
Me and my dad took an Apex for a test drive wich had 350hp. The guy who owned it upgraded it later for 450hp.
what kind of bov it is ??? :0
Umm im not actually sure what its named :D. But it comes with the turbo kit from MCXPress in sweden
xtx or mtx?
This is a xtx with a peak 2.5 track