"Breakcore" is a single from the album FILES onerpm.link/504189175318?fbclid=PAAabwEdYSDvuh7zv_HEOus4hSenvN08IE_7yfRZX6xr95wS1xeI1SHE6N1Ow Follow me instagram: aaa.agtha TikTok: aaa_agtha Spotify: AGTHA Soundcloud: aaa.agtha
You have so much talent! Can this song be used to put vocals on it? I could do it non-profit, just for fun and views. Please message me back if you can or give me your contacts, I would really appreciate it!
"Breakcore" is a single from the album FILES
Follow me
instagram: aaa.agtha
TikTok: aaa_agtha
Spotify: AGTHA
Soundcloud: aaa.agtha
El primero soy 🎉
I really like this tipes of songs, good job ❤❤
Jeah Master Piece 🎉 creepy hot...
Adoro tu músicaaaa. Me encantaría poder hacer videos musicales sobre tu trabajo algún día ❤
Soy el primero 🎉
You have so much talent! Can this song be used to put vocals on it? I could do it non-profit, just for fun and views. Please message me back if you can or give me your contacts, I would really appreciate it!