Sorry guys I made a mistake when editing, person #20 and #27 are the same person. Nevertheless, hope you enjoyed the video and I'd love to hear your views about Australia Day below!
@connorkenx...your first question should have been what r we celebrating...most people don't know it was when we became aust not British...that's what I believe we r celebrating..nothing to do with the landing
@@connorkenx When did Australia consider itself not British? Remembering when the prisoners came to this continent They consider themselves to be the Subject of the British Empire. .
It was the day we became Australians. Black and White got our own passports. 26th January 1948. 29th April was the day captain Cook landed. Happy Australia Day
Yes but 26th January 1788 was the date that Arthur Philip and the first fleet landed and established the Colony of NSW, Australia day isn't in regards to Captain Cook
Jan 26 was not the day Aboriginal Australians were recognised as Australian citizens. They were first removed from being listed as part of Australia's *FLORA AND FAUNA* (let that sink in.. they weren't even counted as *HUMAN* ) on May 27th, 1967. Change _Australia Day_ May 27. The day every human in Australia was able to become a citizen
There was no atrocity that occurred on January 26, 1788, it was just when the first fleet landed at Port Jackson. If you call the founding of this nation as a British colony as an invasion and a horrible injustice, there is no subsequent event to that you could frame as positive. So I find the people who are just suggesting to change the date as disingenous, their issue is with celebrating Australia at all, not the date it's on.
That date marks the beginning of the unethical occupation of First Nation's land and all of the subsequent atrocities that happened to them caused by colonisers and their ancestors. You could choose another date, not related to the colonisation of Australia, and there wouldn't be a problem
@@theAngusmaster101 Every date in this country's history since then has occurred in a country built and occupied by colonisers as you would say. I find it hard to believe you'd be enthusiastic about celebrating Australia on another date when those are your starting assumptions.
@ That's the day it started though. It marks the first day of invasion. It has always marked that from when the colonisers first arrived. February 1st hasn't, January 20th hasn't. Only one date has and that's the day that Australia Day is on. It's divisive and always has been. If First Nations people are calling for the date to be changed, not cancelled, then why are you so against that? What makes you so attached to that date?
@ The elephant in the room in all this is that the Aboriginal people by and large do not and have never wanted or accepted to be ruled by what they perceive as an invasive enemy that took their land 250 years ago. In Lidia Thorpes words "THIS IS A WAR" for the aboriginal people and their ultimate goal isn't about a celebration day, but to ultimately overthrow the perceived enemy government and take back control of the country which they believe is their ancestral right. It's more likely we will land a human on the sun before that happens. That is the hidden unspoken reality of what this whole aboriginal discontent is about.
@@theAngusmaster101 Fully agree with your first sentence. Don't know about the second. Any date could be picked, but what are we celebrating about Australia? The country still has that history, and that history has shaped how our indigenous peoples and communities exist today, inequalities and all. Separating the day we'd celebrate from Jan 26th doesn't separate the colonisation inherent to Australia since the 1700s. To clarify, I'm pretty indifferent to whether we ought to change the date (so long as it's not on another public holiday). I'm much more interested in how we as Australians celebrate our national day.
Changing the date wouldn’t do anything activists will protest no matter what… before invasion day it was sorry day, then big Kev said sorry now Australia is more divided than ever
No matter what is done, there will always be something. Why can't we be patriotic? We're meant to cower at these woke agenda's. When I go to Turkey, you could be lost in the middle of the bush and I guarantee you'd spot a Turkish flag proudly flying somewhere. I'd love Aussies to be patriotic too, but I don't think it'll happen. It's history, it's past, move on everyone.
@ I will apologize for my comment as I replied in a fit of annoyance and anger of this video. My blood just starts to boil at the ignorance of people throwing out trigger words like "invasion day" when really it is just a day for all Australians to celebrate this great country whether you are white, Asian, Aboriginal or what ever. The only time Australia had every really tried to be invaded was by the Japanese on Darwin during the second world war.
@ Well unfortunately I know they might seem like ' trigger words ' to you - the date represents so much to those people. I just want you to imagine.. you're a part of a people who historically have been abused and treated as second class citizens - now imagine everyone in society started celebrating the starting date of all that mistreatment - the day which marks the beginning of the end of their people, culture and lifestyle as they knew it. I know it's easy to say that they never experienced any of that - but the unfortunate truth is that Indigenous people despite all our efforts still overwhelmingly face hardship. We can celebrate Australia - it's an amazing country, but we don't need to celebrate the day which marks the start of their colonisation. It's unfair and frankly un-Australian. It only takes a little empathy and knowledge of the historical context to understand. In my opinion I think a lot of these people could do better in explaining why it's so bad, I feel like a lot of people think it's for some hate for Australia when it really isn't.. it's just about having empathy for our fellow man. If you have questions please feel free to ask or dispute my claims.
Lets just change Christmas day to October 11, Remembrance Day to the 29th March, ANZAC Day to the 15th November and Pride Week to the 34th - 41st of Never.
@Andrew Fishman. We'll need to go and steal us a couple of grievance blankets to wrap ourselves in before we march to the hallowed doors of parliament though. It's all about the backstory of grand oppression, grief and loss like they do in reality TV shows. It's all about getting empathy even at your own demise.
@@theAngusmaster101 to celebrate as a nation the country our people created, it's hardships and accomplishments, the usual stuff most countries have a national day for.
The Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 came in to force January 26 1949. It established Australian identity for anyone born here and laid the groundwork for becoming an Australian citizen.
@@hilliard665 Aboriginal Australians were first counted as humans and no longer part of the flora and fauna in 1971. Also, just for future, we say 'Aboriginal Australians', not "aboriginals". The term 'aboriginals' and 'aborigines' are considered racial sl*rs. But love your message!!
@ Tell me what rights or advantages non aboriginals have that Aboriginal people dont? I can't think of any, but I can think of several in reverse though. Grow up, stop with the grievance and victimhood it's not a good look.
@ A couple of people asked for a day of acknowledgment that it was invasion. Welcome to country has a similar effect in that it divides us. Everyone has a victim mentality these days, we’re happy to embrace initiatives that highlight the differences between races or genders, but there’s a reluctance to move forward from the past in unity and treat everyone equally.
Happy Australia 🇦🇺 Day 26th January ..!! Don’t change the date ..!! We are All Australian’s 🇦🇺 .. !! We helped build this country , Appreciate what you have today , cause everyone contributed to that .. That’s why we are all Australian 🇦🇺.. our soldiers / Anzacs fought for this country .. Do you think if we didn’t colonise this country and win the wars , that there would be any indigenous left in this country , nor would we be Australia 🇦🇺 .??? I don’t think so … We helped them side by side fight for this country against others that wanted to take over .. so let’s be real here .. Australia 🇦🇺 Day is for everyone and everything we all have achieved in this country ..
Of course we should celebrate Australia Day. Too many people focus on the negatives. Should the date be changed? I will celebrate whatever day it is. Wish we would be more united but that’s just the way it is for now.
And recreated history abounds, like their daydreams of expanding centuries! 🧐 The reality is that we weren't there and it's "history" which cannot be altered!
@Joshua-xr4zm What does the America's Native Indian frontier battles have to do with Australia? We don't have "frontiers", there was no nation or federal army here until 1901, only the state police! ? 🤨
@jenniferharrison8915 your drastically missing the point. If you think you are educated on Australia's history. I dare you to double down and learn even more.
I personally think it makes more sense to celebrate Australia Day on the day we became a nation. We could celebrate Jan 1st as Australia Day, and also have a holiday on Jan 2nd as New Year's Day (Observed), giving Aussies another two public holidays in a row. I also like that May 8 idea as an informal Aussie day!
What has happened to our beautiful country? It’s almost unrecognisable. It’s been infiltrated by brainwashed ignorant people that don’t respect the values of western civilisation and can’t find it in them to appreciate this country, that some could only dream of moving to. I will always celebrate Australia Day on January 26th. If it weren’t for the British, none of our cities and towns would’ve been built and none of us with half European ancestry would’ve been born. People need to stop thinking of the past and think of the future and what unites us. We’re one of the most successful multi ethnic countries in the world and we shouldn’t be taking that for granted all because of an extremist ideology.
Yes you're right Australia is amazing, we're a western liberal democracy that is constantly growing - and this is another step in our path.. celebrating a day which marks the beginning of the end for Indigenous Australians simply is Un-Australian. Use your brain.
@ What..? first of all it's quite bold of you to assume that I would want to celebrate the day in the first place at all..? If you're going to critique my argument as " not making sense " you can at least argue in good faith and use critical thinking skills. I don't need to solve the issue of " which day to move it to " whilst also holding the stance that " It definitely shouldn't be on this day ". What part of this confuses you?
The question shouldn't be "Should We Celebrate Australia Day?", there's lots to celebrate, but rather WHEN should we celebrate it. Whether you love or hate the date, it's clearly divisive. If you're happy to celebrate on Jan 26th, a date that excludes a large chunk of the population (not just the indigenous population feels this way) then what exactly are you celebrating?
I'm not a lefty but the way I see it, it's like what are we even talking about. Australia is just an economic zone at this point with all of the mass immigration that has occurred since the 70's we aren't a monoculture anymore we are full of foreigners and a mix of people that no longer have a shared history. As of 2021 35.7% of the population was foreign-born in Greater Melbourne from a variety of mostly non-western countries and don't give me that bs that being Australian just means you're born here and to be Australian means to be diverse, lets face it if being Australian can mean anything then being Australian means nothing.
What's so bad with foreigners and immigrants..? Australia isn't just for White people / Anglo Descent anymore. We're a multi-ethnic nation that have our own values which go beyond merely race or culture. Why is having immigrants a bad thing anyway?
@@anthonymasluk2295 Face it bro when a million fucking indians migrate to your country in the span of whats it been, two years? The country is changed forever
We should absolutely keep Australia Day on 26 January. It’s a day that unites Australians and brings us together. It promotes happiness, celebration and most importantly, unity. No matter what date we change it to, it won’t stop people from protesting. The protesters love spreading division and hate. We also have many days to acknowledge the past treatment of Aboriginal people such as Sorry Day and NAIDOC Week. The 26th of January was a date that Australia changed forever and the foundation for the amazing country we would become was laid on that day. Happy Australia Day! 🇦🇺
@@NoovaRB What..? Do you lack critical thinking? I'm convinced you're a child considering you're unable to use basic deduction skills. Have you ever considered that the protests are a reaction to the day and not merely an incitement of hate or against unity? If a people are not unified by it then they're going to make that own.. or rather the cause of the division is not the protests as they are merely a reaction to the actual cause which is celebrating a day with joy that for many Indigenous Australians represents the beginning of the end - the start of a few hundred year period where their people would become second class citizens, abused, raped, murdered and ultimately cast aside. I'm confused how this is hard to comprehend?
Australia should celebrate Australia Day but I would change the day not to conflict with the Invasion. Like someone mentioned May 8 (Mate) sounds very Australian
@Rodnob231 You could do it on may 8 but forget the beach and a day celebrating outdoors at that time of the year, especially in the southern half of the country. We could celebrate like America does thanksgiving in the cold weather. Invite family around for a meal. and that's basically it. That's not the kind of Australia day celebration day I'd want. Also It wasn't an invasion in any true sense of the word, although that a nice emotive word for the vested groups to guilt people with.
The victim claiming in this world is absolutely crazy. For things that happened centuries ago. You can tell these people have never dealt with REAL PROBLEMS. We are so coddled in this country, hell the first world has become so fragile. I wish I could lay down with my friends in the middle of the city at a park instead of busting my butt working.
@lotsofLlamas I know. everyone knows!!! It's been shoved down everyone's throats because y'all won't shut up and move on with your lives for something that happened centuries ago. They have it better than anyone on planet earth and they are complaining about a DATE!
Love the idea of Australia day, any issues with indigenous people aside, the day doesn't make sense change it to January second, the day after we became a nation and have a super long week. Too easy
If it was not for the date, all the people opposed will not be in this great land. If it were not for the date all the people here prior would still be here untouched. It to me is a contradiction, The natives suffered so the immigrants could then say 250 years later "we shouldn't be here, but let go have a latte and some avo on toast"
i have the exact opinion as number 3, and i like the idea of may 8 so i think that is reasonable, but we federated on the 1st of jan 1901 so thats when australia became australia. i also think we should keep the 26th of jan and make it a day of apology or a day f mourning even.
@Hilliard665. Why would you celebrate the birth date of the creation of one of the world most successful, enterprising and extraordinary modern civilisations with apologies and mourning? It makes no sense. If aboriginals and activists want to live in the past they can go right ahead know yourself out folks. The rest of us have long since moved on and focused on the future not the past.
@@joetesta5730 That comes from a very privileged and ignorant point of view. I imagine you barely know half the things that Aboriginal people had to endure and still have to because of the atrocities that occurred. Why are you so hard headed on not wanting to acknowledge any of it?
@ the angusmaster101. The wrongs were acknowledged when a sincere apology was given by the then leader of the country to the aboriginal people in 2008 because that's what aboriginal people asked for for years. They said they NEEDED an apology so they could HEAL and MOVE FORWARD from the injustices of the past. Well here we are almost 2 decades later and it's clear as crystal to all that aboriginals have neither healed or moved forward despite having billion annually poured into providing for their needs. Far more than any other group in the country. In truth this whole issue for aboriginal people isn't about an apology or a celebration day. It's political and about money and power and the ordinary people on both sides are being used as pawns and useful idiots to achieve that agenda by those with deeply vested interests on both sides. We are all allowing these people to divide us and destroy this country. I arrived in this country literally pennyless in 64 as a migrant. I have raised a family and operated businesses and paid taxes, some of which have been used to fund Aboriginal services. I worked my arse off all my life and taken not a cent from the government and neither have my children. So please forgive my boldness but no, I owe no one in this country a damn thing. In fact they probably owe me some gratitude for helping to build this phenomenal country. People can play the victim role for ever, it's their choice. I don't care because this is still the land of opportunity for those that want to have a good crack at it and not sit on their tush with their hand out. Instead these people want to make it the land of grievance. No thanks!
@ You came as an immigrant of a government that took over a land from people they massacred who have been here and had a longer consistent culture than any other group of people on planet Earth and are still treated worse than a pennyless migrant and you say you owe them nothing. This is their land that you're lucky to have migrated to and to call home. They weren't even recognised as humans in the 60's when you arrived, they were categorised under flora and fauna. This isn't political, it's what's right and you don't have a clue or an empathetic bone in your body. Congratulations, you reaped the benefits of this land while the First Nations people suffered, congratulations. You say an apology should've fixed it and they should move on, an apology is words but until proper action is taken to actually lift the First Nations people up so that they're on equal footing with the rest of the people in Australia (don't give me that inequality of funding crap) I mean in terms of average health quality, access to education, access to health services, access to clean water, not being overrepresented in the prison system, nothing is going to change and this date and celebrating Australia Day on it is a representation that people like you actually don't give a shit about them or thier struggles or history or anything I've listed and that's bloody shameful and un-Australian
@@joetesta5730 It's a complicated and quite concerning history from where we were pre-First Fleet to where we've come today. Moreover, plenty of events we celebrate involves some form of mourning or recognition of colonisation. They're fine. I'd like to think we're capable enough to reflect on both good and bad for a national day.
i am very privileged to be australian. there are many aspects about being australian that are worth celebrating. however, 26 january is not a day for celebration, because it marks the anniversary of arthur phillip invading australia at botany bay, leading to the dispossession and disenfranchisement of Indigenous peoples. i suggest changing the celebratory date to 1st of january, to mark the anniversary of the federation of the states. we should also keep the 26th of january as a public holiday, so that Indigenous peoples can have a day of mourning.
Why people are so anal on celebrating Australia Day on the date that marks the arrival of the British in Australia is beyond me. People are saying it's to celebrate Australia, but for many it's not and for the First Nations people it has always been a date of mourning, sorrow, and pain. If we want to celebrate Australia why are people so hard headed to need to celebrate on that particular date. If we change the date then everyone can celebrate it happily all together like those so blindly against changing the date think everyone should.
It's impossible for people to know or interpret trauma if they've never experienced it. People need to embrace forgiveness of the past wrongs and move forward into a new mindset of progress and health. We can't change the past but we can have a huge influence over the future. Our maturity and coping skills as a people will benefit our nation greatly when we move on. Forgiveness heals the victim and victimiser.
My friend lost her great-uncle to Aboriginal trophy hunting. He sacrificed himself to save his little brother (my friend's grandfather). Is this not traumatic????
If Australia Day is going to stay the public holiday and the date won't change, then all other states and territories need to make Reconciliation Day a public holiday, shouldn't just be ACT, should be nation-wide.
Change the date. It's not that we don't want a date to celebrate being Aussie, we for sure need a day to celebrate our country. It's an amazing country! We can just change the date to one day after Invasion Day, or find a day that makes everyone happy. If we are truly celebrating Australia and how far it has come as a nation, we should ALL be celebrating. And this can't be done if some of us are mourning our grandparents and great-grandparents' d3ath. #changethedate
Mate, IF you are NOT a citizen, don't dare tell us to change our traditional dates. You come here, you fit in with us, you are welcome. Simple. Don't come and tell us what to do. How are YOU mourning your grandparent's death when you are the first here? What did we do to them?
@DontCareL0L Nah mate. You are the new kid on the block. You cannot just come and tell us what to do and hope to fit in well. Enjoy your stay. There is no place for people who come, get their piece of paper and do not appreciate what we built for them. How is your arrival any less egregious than my ancestors? A bit up yourself.
"People should celebrate what they want to celebrate and if you don't like it, stay away". Excellent, I will celebrate, and invite others to join me, Australia Day on May eighth (mate). Excellent for fireworks as greatly reduced fire risk.
crying about it now won't change history nor will it change the fact that this is the greatest country in the world ... anyone that wants to take away my right to celebrate living in and loving this great country is UN AUSTRALIAN
Don't ask university students anything, and yes on celebrating AUSTRALIA DAY and make naidoc week to only one day so it is fair and equal as equality is what everyone is after.
Oh, do these people know how lucky they live here in Australia. We are privileged to be Australian. Australia Day 🇦🇺 a day to be proud of this nation. Stop trying to divide people. We are all one. People have been brainwashed to feel guilty for the sins that they never committed. Treat everyone as an equal not by race but by merit. We may not be perfect, but my gosh, we do a lot right, compared to other countries.
Everyone understands that Indigenous tribes invaded other indigenous tribes for 50k years before the British arrived right? We do realise that the indigenous people were the first colonisers here right? How can the British be to blame for generational trauma and poverty, if generational trauma and poverty was here before the British arrived?? 🤔🤷♂️
If you want it to be on a different date, fine by me, but it needs to be significant, not something as mundane as May 8 just because it sounds like “mate.” It just shows there’s more of an echo chambered agenda rather than any real thought or care in the issue.
May 27th is perfect. It was on May 27th 1971 that Aboriginal Australians were finally de-classified as "flora and fauna", and were counted as humans in the census. The day all Australians were finally recognised AS AUSTRALIANS!!! #changethedate
Australia wasnt "invaded" if the military came off those boats musket blazings there would be no one here to complain about "invasions" it was a colony in botany bay the rest of the country wasnt affected at all
Keep the date each person can celebrate or commemorate as they see fit AnZAC day is still celebrated or Commemorated each year why cant we each treat Australia day as we see fit .
ANZAC commemorates those who served past and present in our armed forces whereas Australia day celebrates the landing of the British in Australia which for many Indigenous Australians represents the beginning of the end for their people, the hundreds of years of mistreatment and abuse.. how could you even compare these two days? I genuinely feel sick that you would compare such brave men and women to Australia day.
@ Yes, a lot of dense people from the older generation who simply cannot accept that a part of western civilization is that we grow with time and improve upon our values - this has been happening over the last two thousand years, this is merely the most modern phase of such evolution. It's funny how a lot of ' conservatives ' or in my opinion ' right leaning ' individuals try to use phrases like ' facts over feelings ' etc to promote their cause / position whilst also predominantly basing their arguments on feelings and misinformation ( or oftentimes now disinformation. ). The facts are the world is changing and Indigenous people are demanding respect - I'm not sure how someone can see their pleas and spit on it without a second thought? It's absolutely barbaric.
@ just imagine how those brave men and women would feel about your extremist views on the national day of the country they layed down their lives for !
Australia day is Australia day. This crap you ho on about was over 200 years ago. You can tell that our education system is failing. So if we change we all meet up and hug each other and then all problems are solved.
People seem to have a very poor understanding of the history of Australia, becuase of this they conflate time periods and events which were 100 years apart. This leads them to poorly fabricate a recount of events which didn't occur. 18-20 of January, 1788 First Fleet Arrives in Botany Bay 24th of January French Fleet arrives in Botany Bay 26th of January First Fleet arrives in Sydney Cove February 6th Governor Phillips makes the formal proclamation of Colonisation. There are records from at least 1818 of people celebrating Jan 26th. It is well recorded that many of the Governors of NSW had peaceful intent and policies for Aboriginal Australians wanted to treat them as equal subjects. It is in fact rogue white settlers on the frontiers who were not part of the government who were primarily aggressors towards Aboriginal Australians. To conflate these is inaccurate and a misrepresentation. Further anyone who says to change the date to when Australia Federated on the basis that 26 Jan is invasion day is truly not learned and is idiotic. Under Federation the government did have systemic policy target Aboriginal Australians through segregation and the Stolen Generation. Why would you want to celebrate that? It's shows a lack of knowledge and critical thinking driven by an undereducated emotional response.
"Should we celebrate Australia Day?" is not the question and you've lost some of my respect asking it, as I can only imagine it is to goad people. The question is should Australia be celebrated on 26th Jan? Should Australia Day be the 26th Jan? As that is already the Day of Mourning (since 1938), aka Invasion Day, the answer is no. Choose another day. It's "time to all come together", so it's time to choose another day.
Yes it came with a price for both aboriginal and non aboriginal people, but January 26th was the day Australia was brought out of the stone age. Hey, lets celebrate that.
And marks the beginning of a long period that we're still experiencing where Indigenous Australians are treated as second class citizens, abused, murdered, raped and frankly tossed to the side. This is not a day of celebration to anyone who has common sense.. are those all things that we should celebrate? The start of the destruction of some of the most unique people on Earth?
@@lotsofLlamas The aboriginal people were never equipped to survive and hold on to this land in what was at that time a rapidly changing, modernising industrialising world. Australia was never going to remain isolated and undiscovered. Thank god that it was the British and not the Spanish or Dutch that saw the potential here or we very likely wouldn't be having this exchange of opinion. No one denies that there was cruelty and violence but the british also defended and has protected this country and everyone in it. Could the aboriginal people have done that on their own? No! I dont celebrate the destruction of a stone age culture but I do and will proudly and without guilt or shame celebrate the birth date of an extraordinary, modern civilisation that can defend itself and survive in an ever evolving and sometimes threatening and hostile world.
@@joetesta5730 You've totally missed the point.. how are you this dense? As someone ( presumably ) from a modern - western democracy ( Australia ) I'd expect you to have some critical thinking skills but clearly you lack that.. Just because a group of people were ' weak ' or were subject to atrocities doesn't mean we can't recognize our wrongs and apologize for what we did to them. Why are you unable to put respect above wanting to celebrate this horrific day for these people? Have you been diagnosed with autism before? Curious because the lack of empathy for other human beings is horrendous. There is nothing patriotic about celebrating a day which causes so much sadness for a fundamental part of our society.
If we don’t celebrate Australia Day today 26th why would we change the date today is the day when it was decided sometime back that they would have this day is Australia Day. people have no idea of the history of Australia day and I mouth or so and then, five cents worth I haven’t got a clue what is going on it’s very embarrassing when you say for you to view which I want to get a rise out of these little kids sitting in a park. Just remember mate You’re lucky we were colonised by the British you could’ve ended up being anything from French to Dutch to anybody. Just go away and learn some more read more books.
Sorry guys I made a mistake when editing, person #20 and #27 are the same person. Nevertheless, hope you enjoyed the video and I'd love to hear your views about Australia Day below!
Doesn't Australia celebrate the British monarch's birthday?
Question from Indonesian
@@JunitafluxcyfatriciaJunita yes the King’s Birthday second Monday in June
@connorkenx...your first question should have been what r we celebrating...most people don't know it was when we became aust not British...that's what I believe we r celebrating..nothing to do with the landing
@@connorkenx When did Australia consider itself not British? Remembering when the prisoners came to this continent They consider themselves to be the Subject of the British Empire. .
I love australia day!
It was the day we became Australians. Black and White got our own passports.
26th January 1948.
29th April was the day captain Cook landed.
Happy Australia Day
Yes but 26th January 1788 was the date that Arthur Philip and the first fleet landed and established the Colony of NSW, Australia day isn't in regards to Captain Cook
Jan 26 was not the day Aboriginal Australians were recognised as Australian citizens. They were first removed from being listed as part of Australia's *FLORA AND FAUNA* (let that sink in.. they weren't even counted as *HUMAN* ) on May 27th, 1967. Change _Australia Day_ May 27. The day every human in Australia was able to become a citizen
There was no atrocity that occurred on January 26, 1788, it was just when the first fleet landed at Port Jackson. If you call the founding of this nation as a British colony as an invasion and a horrible injustice, there is no subsequent event to that you could frame as positive. So I find the people who are just suggesting to change the date as disingenous, their issue is with celebrating Australia at all, not the date it's on.
That date marks the beginning of the unethical occupation of First Nation's land and all of the subsequent atrocities that happened to them caused by colonisers and their ancestors. You could choose another date, not related to the colonisation of Australia, and there wouldn't be a problem
@@theAngusmaster101 Every date in this country's history since then has occurred in a country built and occupied by colonisers as you would say. I find it hard to believe you'd be enthusiastic about celebrating Australia on another date when those are your starting assumptions.
@ That's the day it started though. It marks the first day of invasion. It has always marked that from when the colonisers first arrived. February 1st hasn't, January 20th hasn't. Only one date has and that's the day that Australia Day is on. It's divisive and always has been. If First Nations people are calling for the date to be changed, not cancelled, then why are you so against that? What makes you so attached to that date?
@ The elephant in the room in all this is that the Aboriginal people by and large do not and have never wanted or accepted to be ruled by what they perceive as an invasive enemy that took their land 250 years ago. In Lidia Thorpes words "THIS IS A WAR" for the aboriginal people and their ultimate goal isn't about a celebration day, but to ultimately overthrow the perceived enemy government and take back control of the country which they believe is their ancestral right. It's more likely we will land a human on the sun before that happens. That is the hidden unspoken reality of what this whole aboriginal discontent is about.
@@theAngusmaster101 Fully agree with your first sentence. Don't know about the second. Any date could be picked, but what are we celebrating about Australia? The country still has that history, and that history has shaped how our indigenous peoples and communities exist today, inequalities and all. Separating the day we'd celebrate from Jan 26th doesn't separate the colonisation inherent to Australia since the 1700s.
To clarify, I'm pretty indifferent to whether we ought to change the date (so long as it's not on another public holiday). I'm much more interested in how we as Australians celebrate our national day.
Changing the date wouldn’t do anything activists will protest no matter what… before invasion day it was sorry day, then big Kev said sorry now Australia is more divided than ever
No matter what is done, there will always be something. Why can't we be patriotic? We're meant to cower at these woke agenda's. When I go to Turkey, you could be lost in the middle of the bush and I guarantee you'd spot a Turkish flag proudly flying somewhere. I'd love Aussies to be patriotic too, but I don't think it'll happen. It's history, it's past, move on everyone.
@@Kelli999Because Turkey is free of British rule. Australia is not. It's still a colonised country. Use ur brain 🤦♀️
@DontCareL0L Use yours and explain yourself. Try and do it without emojis if possible. You don't make any sense.
The cringe levels from incredibly comfortable white people trying to tell us we should be ashamed of the best country in the world are OFF THE CHARTS.
You're missing the point though..?
@@lotsofLlamas No I think you are missing the point.
@ Explain to me how I'm missing the point then since you're so educated? Give it your best shot 👍
@ I will apologize for my comment as I replied in a fit of annoyance and anger of this video. My blood just starts to boil at the ignorance of people throwing out trigger words like "invasion day" when really it is just a day for all Australians to celebrate this great country whether you are white, Asian, Aboriginal or what ever. The only time Australia had every really tried to be invaded was by the Japanese on Darwin during the second world war.
@ Well unfortunately I know they might seem like ' trigger words ' to you - the date represents so much to those people. I just want you to imagine.. you're a part of a people who historically have been abused and treated as second class citizens - now imagine everyone in society started celebrating the starting date of all that mistreatment - the day which marks the beginning of the end of their people, culture and lifestyle as they knew it. I know it's easy to say that they never experienced any of that - but the unfortunate truth is that Indigenous people despite all our efforts still overwhelmingly face hardship. We can celebrate Australia - it's an amazing country, but we don't need to celebrate the day which marks the start of their colonisation. It's unfair and frankly un-Australian. It only takes a little empathy and knowledge of the historical context to understand. In my opinion I think a lot of these people could do better in explaining why it's so bad, I feel like a lot of people think it's for some hate for Australia when it really isn't.. it's just about having empathy for our fellow man.
If you have questions please feel free to ask or dispute my claims.
Lets just change Christmas day to October 11, Remembrance Day to the 29th March, ANZAC Day to the 15th November and Pride Week to the 34th - 41st of Never.
@AndrewFishman. Great Idea, I'm in.
@@joetesta5730 That makes 2 of us. We are a minority, now the Gov HAS to listen!
@Andrew Fishman. We'll need to go and steal us a couple of grievance blankets to wrap ourselves in before we march to the hallowed doors of parliament though. It's all about the backstory of grand oppression, grief and loss like they do in reality TV shows. It's all about getting empathy even at your own demise.
If it is the will of the people, so be it.
@ Welcome to the cause.
No matter what day it is.
Someone will moan about it.
Australia day 26th January, every year for eternity.
@@theAngusmaster101 to celebrate as a nation the country our people created, it's hardships and accomplishments, the usual stuff most countries have a national day for.
@@wormonastring14 Doesn't really explain why we should do it on the 26th
@@angusmcpherson1453 26th is the day the British arrived, beginning the creation of Australia, 26th is Australia's birthday.
the government can change the date, but they can't change history🇦🇺🇬🇧
The Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 came in to force January 26 1949. It established Australian identity for anyone born here and laid the groundwork for becoming an Australian citizen.
and yet aboriginals couldn't vote until 1962. weird.
@@hilliard665 Boom
@@hilliard665 Aboriginal Australians were first counted as humans and no longer part of the flora and fauna in 1971. Also, just for future, we say 'Aboriginal Australians', not "aboriginals". The term 'aboriginals' and 'aborigines' are considered racial sl*rs. But love your message!!
@@hilliard665 they can now.
@ Tell me what rights or advantages non aboriginals have that Aboriginal people dont? I can't think of any, but I can think of several in reverse though. Grow up, stop with the grievance and victimhood it's not a good look.
How does shame and constant acknowledgment of bad things that happened in the past benefit anyone??
I don't think that's what people are asking for, I think we want to avoid this and can do so easily by changing the date
@ A couple of people asked for a day of acknowledgment that it was invasion. Welcome to country has a similar effect in that it divides us.
Everyone has a victim mentality these days, we’re happy to embrace initiatives that highlight the differences between races or genders, but there’s a reluctance to move forward from the past in unity and treat everyone equally.
Happy Australia 🇦🇺 Day 26th January ..!! Don’t change the date ..!! We are All Australian’s 🇦🇺 .. !! We helped build this country , Appreciate what you have today , cause everyone contributed to that ..
That’s why we are all Australian 🇦🇺.. our soldiers / Anzacs fought for this country .. Do you think if we didn’t colonise this country and win the wars , that there would be any indigenous left in this country , nor would we be Australia 🇦🇺 .??? I don’t think so … We helped them side by side fight for this country against others that wanted to take over .. so let’s be real here .. Australia 🇦🇺 Day is for everyone and everything we all have achieved in this country ..
Thank you 🙏🏻🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 well said.
Normal, thankful, appreative etc etc 👍
As an Australian myself i dont know what to celebrate anymore.
The date stays don’t let these woke clowns stop you from celebrating
@anthonymasluk2295 thanks for the support I appreciate it.
@ your welcome mate
dont turn into some woke freak. celebrate this beautiful country mate
@ that’s exactly what I would say cheers mate
Yes I will be and majority of us will.
We need unity now. Conclusions not stirring up issues
Long live Australia Day 26 January 🇦🇺
Oh it’s a tricky one. Are you out of your mind. Of course we should celebrate Australia Day, or should we just cancel everything to pander.
Who else is so tired of this .Crimes up
Of course we should celebrate Australia Day. Too many people focus on the negatives. Should the date be changed? I will celebrate whatever day it is. Wish we would be more united but that’s just the way it is for now.
Unacknowledged history? It's all we hear about!
And recreated history abounds, like their daydreams of expanding centuries! 🧐 The reality is that we weren't there and it's "history" which cannot be altered!
The frontier wars are not acknowledged at all
@Joshua-xr4zm What does the America's Native Indian frontier battles have to do with Australia? We don't have "frontiers", there was no nation or federal army here until 1901, only the state police! ? 🤨
@jenniferharrison8915 your drastically missing the point. If you think you are educated on Australia's history. I dare you to double down and learn even more.
Just separate the two issues to two different dates
@@DarkestdaysAU Why not?
@ because.
@ dumb
I personally think it makes more sense to celebrate Australia Day on the day we became a nation. We could celebrate Jan 1st as Australia Day, and also have a holiday on Jan 2nd as New Year's Day (Observed), giving Aussies another two public holidays in a row.
I also like that May 8 idea as an informal Aussie day!
What has happened to our beautiful country? It’s almost unrecognisable. It’s been infiltrated by brainwashed ignorant people that don’t respect the values of western civilisation and can’t find it in them to appreciate this country, that some could only dream of moving to. I will always celebrate Australia Day on January 26th. If it weren’t for the British, none of our cities and towns would’ve been built and none of us with half European ancestry would’ve been born. People need to stop thinking of the past and think of the future and what unites us. We’re one of the most successful multi ethnic countries in the world and we shouldn’t be taking that for granted all because of an extremist ideology.
Yes you're right Australia is amazing, we're a western liberal democracy that is constantly growing - and this is another step in our path.. celebrating a day which marks the beginning of the end for Indigenous Australians simply is Un-Australian. Use your brain.
@ if you could name an alternative date it should be moved to, I’m willing to hear it.
@@Coastal603Celebration of stolen land . Excepting British lies of Terra Nullus.
@ What..? first of all it's quite bold of you to assume that I would want to celebrate the day in the first place at all..? If you're going to critique my argument as " not making sense " you can at least argue in good faith and use critical thinking skills.
I don't need to solve the issue of " which day to move it to " whilst also holding the stance that " It definitely shouldn't be on this day ". What part of this confuses you?
If you don't want to celebrate Australia day, Don't accept the day off, Go to work
Alice Springs celebrates it everyday
The question shouldn't be "Should We Celebrate Australia Day?", there's lots to celebrate, but rather WHEN should we celebrate it. Whether you love or hate the date, it's clearly divisive. If you're happy to celebrate on Jan 26th, a date that excludes a large chunk of the population (not just the indigenous population feels this way) then what exactly are you celebrating?
I'm not a lefty but the way I see it, it's like what are we even talking about. Australia is just an economic zone at this point with all of the mass immigration that has occurred since the 70's we aren't a monoculture anymore we are full of foreigners and a mix of people that no longer have a shared history. As of 2021 35.7% of the population was foreign-born in Greater Melbourne from a variety of mostly non-western countries and don't give me that bs that being Australian just means you're born here and to be Australian means to be diverse, lets face it if being Australian can mean anything then being Australian means nothing.
What's so bad with foreigners and immigrants..? Australia isn't just for White people / Anglo Descent anymore. We're a multi-ethnic nation that have our own values which go beyond merely race or culture. Why is having immigrants a bad thing anyway?
No we don’t listen to woke snowflakes that’s why we voted NO the date stays don't let
@@anthonymasluk2295 Face it bro when a million fucking indians migrate to your country in the span of whats it been, two years? The country is changed forever
@@anthonymasluk2295 Face it bro once a million indians are let into the country in like what, about a 3 year period? Country's no longer the same
@ I agree to bro your spot on I think thus country lost its identity post covid
We should absolutely keep Australia Day on 26 January. It’s a day that unites Australians and brings us together. It promotes happiness, celebration and most importantly, unity. No matter what date we change it to, it won’t stop people from protesting. The protesters love spreading division and hate. We also have many days to acknowledge the past treatment of Aboriginal people such as Sorry Day and NAIDOC Week.
The 26th of January was a date that Australia changed forever and the foundation for the amazing country we would become was laid on that day. Happy Australia Day! 🇦🇺
how can you say it unites when you know people feel divided by the issue?
Evidently it doesn't unite Aussies. You clearly aren't paying attention.
@ The protesters who spread hate and division are the ones who aren’t uniting Australians.
@@NoovaRB What..? Do you lack critical thinking? I'm convinced you're a child considering you're unable to use basic deduction skills. Have you ever considered that the protests are a reaction to the day and not merely an incitement of hate or against unity? If a people are not unified by it then they're going to make that own.. or rather the cause of the division is not the protests as they are merely a reaction to the actual cause which is celebrating a day with joy that for many Indigenous Australians represents the beginning of the end - the start of a few hundred year period where their people would become second class citizens, abused, raped, murdered and ultimately cast aside. I'm confused how this is hard to comprehend?
@@NoovaRBYour lack of education on trauma , massacres and stolen land is showing.
Australia should celebrate Australia Day but I would change the day not to conflict with the Invasion. Like someone mentioned May 8 (Mate) sounds very Australian
@Rodnob231 You could do it on may 8 but forget the beach and a day celebrating outdoors at that time of the year, especially in the southern half of the country. We could celebrate like America does thanksgiving in the cold weather. Invite family around for a meal. and that's basically it. That's not the kind of Australia day celebration day I'd want. Also It wasn't an invasion in any true sense of the word, although that a nice emotive word for the vested groups to guilt people with.
There was no invasion. Australia was a British penal colony where the british used white prisoners as slaves that built this country.
The victim claiming in this world is absolutely crazy. For things that happened centuries ago. You can tell these people have never dealt with REAL PROBLEMS. We are so coddled in this country, hell the first world has become so fragile. I wish I could lay down with my friends in the middle of the city at a park instead of busting my butt working.
You're clearly not educated enough to understand why it's an issue.
@lotsofLlamas I know. everyone knows!!! It's been shoved down everyone's throats because y'all won't shut up and move on with your lives for something that happened centuries ago. They have it better than anyone on planet earth and they are complaining about a DATE!
A lack of education is so obvious. No real Aussie wants to celebrate a British flag, rapes ,massacres and theft of land.
guy rocking the speed dealers had the best take
Love the idea of Australia day, any issues with indigenous people aside, the day doesn't make sense change it to January second, the day after we became a nation and have a super long week. Too easy
an extra day to recover from new years would make a lot of people happy lol
How many times has the Australia Day date been changed ???
never since it was introduced in 1994.
If it was not for the date, all the people opposed will not be in this great land. If it were not for the date all the people here prior would still be here untouched. It to me is a contradiction, The natives suffered so the immigrants could then say 250 years later "we shouldn't be here, but let go have a latte and some avo on toast"
i have the exact opinion as number 3, and i like the idea of may 8 so i think that is reasonable, but we federated on the 1st of jan 1901 so thats when australia became australia. i also think we should keep the 26th of jan and make it a day of apology or a day f mourning even.
@Hilliard665. Why would you celebrate the birth date of the creation of one of the world most successful, enterprising and extraordinary modern civilisations with apologies and mourning? It makes no sense. If aboriginals and activists want to live in the past they can go right ahead know yourself out folks. The rest of us have long since moved on and focused on the future not the past.
@@joetesta5730 That comes from a very privileged and ignorant point of view. I imagine you barely know half the things that Aboriginal people had to endure and still have to because of the atrocities that occurred. Why are you so hard headed on not wanting to acknowledge any of it?
@ the angusmaster101. The wrongs were acknowledged when a sincere apology was given by the then leader of the country to the aboriginal people in 2008 because that's what aboriginal people asked for for years. They said they NEEDED an apology so they could HEAL and MOVE FORWARD from the injustices of the past. Well here we are almost 2 decades later and it's clear as crystal to all that aboriginals have neither healed or moved forward despite having billion annually poured into providing for their needs. Far more than any other group in the country.
In truth this whole issue for aboriginal people isn't about an apology or a celebration day. It's political and about money and power and the ordinary people on both sides are being used as pawns and useful idiots to achieve that agenda by those with deeply vested interests on both sides. We are all allowing these people to divide us and destroy this country. I arrived in this country literally pennyless in 64 as a migrant. I have raised a family and operated businesses and paid taxes, some of which have been used to fund Aboriginal services. I worked my arse off all my life and taken not a cent from the government and neither have my children. So please forgive my boldness but no, I owe no one in this country a damn thing. In fact they probably owe me some gratitude for helping to build this phenomenal country. People can play the victim role for ever, it's their choice. I don't care because this is still the land of opportunity for those that want to have a good crack at it and not sit on their tush with their hand out. Instead these people want to make it the land of grievance. No thanks!
@ You came as an immigrant of a government that took over a land from people they massacred who have been here and had a longer consistent culture than any other group of people on planet Earth and are still treated worse than a pennyless migrant and you say you owe them nothing. This is their land that you're lucky to have migrated to and to call home. They weren't even recognised as humans in the 60's when you arrived, they were categorised under flora and fauna. This isn't political, it's what's right and you don't have a clue or an empathetic bone in your body. Congratulations, you reaped the benefits of this land while the First Nations people suffered, congratulations. You say an apology should've fixed it and they should move on, an apology is words but until proper action is taken to actually lift the First Nations people up so that they're on equal footing with the rest of the people in Australia (don't give me that inequality of funding crap) I mean in terms of average health quality, access to education, access to health services, access to clean water, not being overrepresented in the prison system, nothing is going to change and this date and celebrating Australia Day on it is a representation that people like you actually don't give a shit about them or thier struggles or history or anything I've listed and that's bloody shameful and un-Australian
@@joetesta5730 It's a complicated and quite concerning history from where we were pre-First Fleet to where we've come today. Moreover, plenty of events we celebrate involves some form of mourning or recognition of colonisation. They're fine. I'd like to think we're capable enough to reflect on both good and bad for a national day.
i am very privileged to be australian. there are many aspects about being australian that are worth celebrating. however, 26 january is not a day for celebration, because it marks the anniversary of arthur phillip invading australia at botany bay, leading to the dispossession and disenfranchisement of Indigenous peoples.
i suggest changing the celebratory date to 1st of january, to mark the anniversary of the federation of the states. we should also keep the 26th of january as a public holiday, so that Indigenous peoples can have a day of mourning.
Doesn't Australia celebrate the British monarch's birthday?
Question from Indonesian
Australian monarch. The crowns are legally distinct.
Who the accession councils elect to wear that crown is another issue
Lol😂 Honestly, if they were indeed a nation, how did 7 ships, 200 soldiers, and 2000 prisoners overthrow a nation? lol.
When are these people disgusted by colonialism leaving?
Why people are so anal on celebrating Australia Day on the date that marks the arrival of the British in Australia is beyond me. People are saying it's to celebrate Australia, but for many it's not and for the First Nations people it has always been a date of mourning, sorrow, and pain. If we want to celebrate Australia why are people so hard headed to need to celebrate on that particular date. If we change the date then everyone can celebrate it happily all together like those so blindly against changing the date think everyone should.
I'd mourn and put on a show too if I had approximately $30+bn thrown at me every year just to be squandered.
There was no invasion lol
It's impossible for people to know or interpret trauma if they've never experienced it.
People need to embrace forgiveness of the past wrongs and move forward into a new mindset of progress and health.
We can't change the past but we can have a huge influence over the future. Our maturity and coping skills as a people will benefit our nation greatly when we move on. Forgiveness heals the victim and victimiser.
My friend lost her great-uncle to Aboriginal trophy hunting. He sacrificed himself to save his little brother (my friend's grandfather). Is this not traumatic????
what the hell I love Australia Day now
If Australia Day is going to stay the public holiday and the date won't change, then all other states and territories need to make Reconciliation Day a public holiday, shouldn't just be ACT, should be nation-wide.
Change the date. It's not that we don't want a date to celebrate being Aussie, we for sure need a day to celebrate our country. It's an amazing country! We can just change the date to one day after Invasion Day, or find a day that makes everyone happy. If we are truly celebrating Australia and how far it has come as a nation, we should ALL be celebrating. And this can't be done if some of us are mourning our grandparents and great-grandparents' d3ath. #changethedate
Mate, IF you are NOT a citizen, don't dare tell us to change our traditional dates. You come here, you fit in with us, you are welcome. Simple. Don't come and tell us what to do. How are YOU mourning your grandparent's death when you are the first here? What did we do to them?
@@AndrewFishmanI am a citizen now so I can very much tell you what to do hahahaha
@DontCareL0L Nah mate. You are the new kid on the block. You cannot just come and tell us what to do and hope to fit in well. Enjoy your stay. There is no place for people who come, get their piece of paper and do not appreciate what we built for them. How is your arrival any less egregious than my ancestors? A bit up yourself.
"People should celebrate what they want to celebrate and if you don't like it, stay away". Excellent, I will celebrate, and invite others to join me, Australia Day on May eighth (mate). Excellent for fireworks as greatly reduced fire risk.
This people have no idea this is not the day Cook landed it is the date we all became Australian citizens in 1949 just show the untruths
crying about it now won't change history nor will it change the fact that this is the greatest country in the world ... anyone that wants to take away my right to celebrate living in and loving this great country is UN AUSTRALIAN
Don't ask university students anything, and yes on celebrating AUSTRALIA DAY and make naidoc week to only one day so it is fair and equal as equality is what everyone is after.
Oh, do these people know how lucky they live here in Australia. We are privileged to be Australian. Australia Day 🇦🇺 a day to be proud of this nation. Stop trying to divide people. We are all one. People have been brainwashed to feel guilty for the sins that they never committed. Treat everyone as an equal not by race but by merit. We may not be perfect, but my gosh, we do a lot right, compared to other countries.
Invasion day people should just leave. Go somewhere else.
I agree mate
god i wish i didnt grow up in inner north melbourne
The problem is when to change it to
The date stays
Everyone understands that Indigenous tribes invaded other indigenous tribes for 50k years before the British arrived right?
We do realise that the indigenous people were the first colonisers here right?
How can the British be to blame for generational trauma and poverty, if generational trauma and poverty was here before the British arrived?? 🤔🤷♂️
If you want it to be on a different date, fine by me, but it needs to be significant, not something as mundane as May 8 just because it sounds like “mate.” It just shows there’s more of an echo chambered agenda rather than any real thought or care in the issue.
May 27th is perfect. It was on May 27th 1971 that Aboriginal Australians were finally de-classified as "flora and fauna", and were counted as humans in the census. The day all Australians were finally recognised AS AUSTRALIANS!!! #changethedate
My opinion is change the date & still celebrate Australia Day.
No date stays let the snow flakes cry
Australia wasnt "invaded" if the military came off those boats musket blazings there would be no one here to complain about "invasions" it was a colony in botany bay the rest of the country wasnt affected at all
Australia Day is what you make it. I am sick of all these moralisers and screamers.
sadly what ever date we chose would be called invasion day but may 8 would have ya typical aussie humour
Keep the date each person can celebrate or commemorate as they see fit AnZAC day is still celebrated or Commemorated each year why cant we each treat Australia day as we see fit .
ANZAC commemorates those who served past and present in our armed forces whereas Australia day celebrates the landing of the British in Australia which for many Indigenous Australians represents the beginning of the end for their people, the hundreds of years of mistreatment and abuse.. how could you even compare these two days? I genuinely feel sick that you would compare such brave men and women to Australia day.
@@lotsofLlamasThanks for explaining this so articulately. The lack of understanding,education and compassion in this country is sad.
@ Yes, a lot of dense people from the older generation who simply cannot accept that a part of western civilization is that we grow with time and improve upon our values - this has been happening over the last two thousand years, this is merely the most modern phase of such evolution.
It's funny how a lot of ' conservatives ' or in my opinion ' right leaning ' individuals try to use phrases like ' facts over feelings ' etc to promote their cause / position whilst also predominantly basing their arguments on feelings and misinformation ( or oftentimes now disinformation. ).
The facts are the world is changing and Indigenous people are demanding respect - I'm not sure how someone can see their pleas and spit on it without a second thought? It's absolutely barbaric.
@ just imagine how those brave men and women would feel about your extremist views on the national day of the country they layed down their lives for !
Yeash… wealthy country problems ….
Are most of these people are toooo scared to be patriotic .. such crap .. get lost if you don’t like it .. 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🦘🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺
Australia day is Australia day. This crap you ho on about was over 200 years ago. You can tell that our education system is failing. So if we change we all meet up and hug each other and then all problems are solved.
People seem to have a very poor understanding of the history of Australia, becuase of this they conflate time periods and events which were 100 years apart. This leads them to poorly fabricate a recount of events which didn't occur.
18-20 of January, 1788 First Fleet Arrives in Botany Bay
24th of January French Fleet arrives in Botany Bay
26th of January First Fleet arrives in Sydney Cove
February 6th Governor Phillips makes the formal proclamation of Colonisation.
There are records from at least 1818 of people celebrating Jan 26th.
It is well recorded that many of the Governors of NSW had peaceful intent and policies for Aboriginal Australians wanted to treat them as equal subjects.
It is in fact rogue white settlers on the frontiers who were not part of the government who were primarily aggressors towards Aboriginal Australians. To conflate these is inaccurate and a misrepresentation.
Further anyone who says to change the date to when Australia Federated on the basis that 26 Jan is invasion day is truly not learned and is idiotic. Under Federation the government did have systemic policy target Aboriginal Australians through segregation and the Stolen Generation. Why would you want to celebrate that? It's shows a lack of knowledge and critical thinking driven by an undereducated emotional response.
I wish to heck that we would change the date - the date we've changed 6 times since 1901 - Im sick of this debate. And everyone should feel included!
wasnt even a national holiday til 1994 bro
"Should we celebrate Australia Day?" is not the question and you've lost some of my respect asking it, as I can only imagine it is to goad people.
The question is should Australia be celebrated on 26th Jan? Should Australia Day be the 26th Jan?
As that is already the Day of Mourning (since 1938), aka Invasion Day, the answer is no. Choose another day. It's "time to all come together", so it's time to choose another day.
Person 8 is cringe, like reading from a book!!
What Invasion???
I agree mate
Yes it came with a price for both aboriginal and non aboriginal people, but January 26th was the day Australia was brought out of the stone age. Hey, lets celebrate that.
And marks the beginning of a long period that we're still experiencing where Indigenous Australians are treated as second class citizens, abused, murdered, raped and frankly tossed to the side. This is not a day of celebration to anyone who has common sense.. are those all things that we should celebrate? The start of the destruction of some of the most unique people on Earth?
@@lotsofLlamas The aboriginal people were never equipped to survive and hold on to this land in what was at that time a rapidly changing, modernising industrialising world. Australia was never going to remain isolated and undiscovered. Thank god that it was the British and not the Spanish or Dutch that saw the potential here or we very likely wouldn't be having this exchange of opinion. No one denies that there was cruelty and violence but the british also defended and has protected this country and everyone in it. Could the aboriginal people have done that on their own? No! I dont celebrate the destruction of a stone age culture but I do and will proudly and without guilt or shame celebrate the birth date of an extraordinary, modern civilisation that can defend itself and survive in an ever evolving and sometimes threatening and hostile world.
@@joetesta5730You are an uneducated import on stolen land kissing arse with British Thieves. #Alwayawasalwayswillbe
@@lotsofLlamas Aborigines committed more atrocities against each other than Britain.
@@joetesta5730 You've totally missed the point.. how are you this dense? As someone ( presumably ) from a modern - western democracy ( Australia ) I'd expect you to have some critical thinking skills but clearly you lack that.. Just because a group of people were ' weak ' or were subject to atrocities doesn't mean we can't recognize our wrongs and apologize for what we did to them. Why are you unable to put respect above wanting to celebrate this horrific day for these people? Have you been diagnosed with autism before? Curious because the lack of empathy for other human beings is horrendous. There is nothing patriotic about celebrating a day which causes so much sadness for a fundamental part of our society.
How about asking some mob.
The racism in these comments is alarming. Colonialism and genocide are not things we should be celebrating.
To the 3 sitting on the grass..%💯💯💯...couldn't of said it better my Self!!!!..🏋♂️💪🏿💪🏿👊🏿
Oh you mean the 3, full of life, have no idea ones?
How many times do we need to say sorry. To many stupid uninformed youngters sitting in a park.
If we don’t celebrate Australia Day today 26th why would we change the date today is the day when it was decided sometime back that they would have this day is Australia Day. people have no idea of the history of Australia day and I mouth or so and then, five cents worth I haven’t got a clue what is going on it’s very embarrassing when you say for you to view which I want to get a rise out of these little kids sitting in a park. Just remember mate You’re lucky we were colonised by the British you could’ve ended up being anything from French to Dutch to anybody. Just go away and learn some more read more books.