Great example of how to make good party food on a budget- cheese and pineapple is such a classic! With jam sandwiches you can also press the outside of the bread into chocolate sprinkles (if not too expensive). You can also bag up food for each child (either in a disposable paper bag or a large freezer bag you could wash and reuse) so that each child gets a set portion and, hopefully, less ends up all over the table/floor!
You can tell who the Americans are in the comments because theyre perplexed by the concept of buttering sandwhiches. We usually always put butter on our sandwhiches in the UK but we also usually use another condiment like mayo as well as butter. Buttering the bread is just the base of a sandwhich.
I love the crudites but I find that the kids don't eat them and I'm left with enough to last me a week (not that I mind as I love them) but sort of wasted on kids.
I'm confused so if we do catering to a event we cook the food get it ready, we supposed to serve to the people or just get everything ready for them to take whatever they like?! looks awesome I'll copy you for my son's next birthday!!😍
If you cut the crust of first then make the sandwiches you can waste less ingredients.
I literally just said this to my husband. Such a waste of food
Great example of how to make good party food on a budget- cheese and pineapple is such a classic! With jam sandwiches you can also press the outside of the bread into chocolate sprinkles (if not too expensive). You can also bag up food for each child (either in a disposable paper bag or a large freezer bag you could wash and reuse) so that each child gets a set portion and, hopefully, less ends up all over the table/floor!
Thank you, really good party ideas 🎉
This reminds me exactly of what my mum used to do for me and my twin brother when we were little! ♥️♥️
Kayleigh Jane I know, me too! I’m sure that’s why I ended up making cheese and pineapple on sticks! The kids loved them and so did I! 🤣
Great ideas! Which cheese did you use for cheese sandwiches?
Thanks for giving us this quick and easy menu 👍🏾
Thank you so much for sharing your ideas! You are so good
I love the idea but thrre is wastage of bread
You can tell who the Americans are in the comments because theyre perplexed by the concept of buttering sandwhiches. We usually always put butter on our sandwhiches in the UK but we also usually use another condiment like mayo as well as butter. Buttering the bread is just the base of a sandwhich.
Why did you spread butter on the bread especially the ones with jelly 🤭
Thanks for the great ideas 😍
Great ideas. Thank you
hello where did you get these platters from?
Too much waste of bread n other ingredients in sandwiches while cutting the sides
misal fatima I thought this too. To much wasteful food.
Would help to see products used (brand).
I love the crudites but I find that the kids don't eat them and I'm left with enough to last me a week (not that I mind as I love them) but sort of wasted on kids.
What sauce is in the middle of the vegs?
i had to watch this for work i might make some of it tho
Was that pineapple and cheese?
Is the butter like your mayo?
Did you just put butter on the ham sandwiches? That’s interesting. We use Mayo. I’ve never had a jam sandwich.
Love that idea, I’ll try Mayo instead of butter! Thanks
@@HeymummyTv use a bit of both & salad
What sauce is in salad
Omg she didn’t boxer to wash the vegetation…I’m in shock
She peeled the veggies, no need to wash
Sandwiches not good for anyone with celiac, diabetes and milk intolerance.
I'm confused so if we do catering to a event we cook the food get it ready, we supposed to serve to the people or just get everything ready for them to take whatever they like?! looks awesome I'll copy you for my son's next birthday!!😍
Haha. I’d love to help. ❤️
I just put food out on the table so the kids can help themselves. Z
@@HeymummyTv thank you,you're so sweet ❤❤
Not even washing the veggies or hands😒
On a budget eat all of the food you must have had a loaf of bread in crusts!
Why peal a cucumber eat all of it.
Sorry crazy wastage.
Cheese & pineapple? Ok!
It’s the best ever. Try it!
I know how uhale truck my mom leaving in morning ny 10 or 11 lemon pie my name is Heather
Very wasteful.
Also it all children like margarine in their sandwiches?
Marie Hill Pemberton don’t worry the crusts can be used for something else.....or eaten separately. X
Atleast wash the veggies..
Hi I
Wow.. That's a tremendous waste of bread and ham...