Hi there, for anwers to technical questions please contact your local GROHE representative directly. Reach out for GROHE Norway here: Telefon: +47 22 07 20 70 (Tast 1) Mail: grohe@grohe.no Website: www.grohe.no/no_no/. Best regards, Anna from GROHE Global
Hvordan tar man av lokket etter at det er montert? Video?
Hi there, for anwers to technical questions please contact your local GROHE representative directly.
Reach out for GROHE Norway here:
Telefon: +47 22 07 20 70 (Tast 1)
Mail: grohe@grohe.no
Website: www.grohe.no/no_no/.
Best regards, Anna from GROHE Global
Hei hvorfor ville du ta av lokket ? fikk du samme problem som meg ? at det ikke vil connecte / paire til remoten og du prøver å resette det igjen ?
Perfect but very complicated, any future problem will make you crazy, plumping should be easy to fix later.
this looks like the future
wrong, it looks like its from 1990s lol
It's easier to go to the moon and back
Ye video hindi me suru se karo
As we are a Global Social Media Team, would you mind to communicate in English with us? Thank you, Anna from GROHE Team
Bakwass sistam hai