I really appreciate your solid, grounded advice. Today's parents lack any backbone and are simply growing overly emotional little monsters that all of society has to put up with.
Sadly, that is so true. And I am seeing SO many parenting "experts" and even just young mothers online touting the old permissive parenting and calling it gentle parenting, or in-sync parenting, or progressive parenting. It's all the same thing underneath. Old failed ideas that caused bratty children and undisciplined adults. Not understanding the REAL need a child has to have a confident, kind, parent who is not afraid to take charge as they should in their role as parent. Children are left abandoned in a sense which only leads to more problems. But many parents today believe the whole thing and both they and their children suffer because of it. Thank you for your kind words!
Being emotionally available for my kids instead of emotionally and physically abusing them creates children who feel safe and secure and come to me about anything 🤷♀️
@@IntotheFray84 I totally agree. The difference is I understand about what emotions are, when they are appropriate and when they are misplaced, and how to deal with that. I assume by your comment, you don’t. I’m assuming you didn’t watch this whole video. Please do so before making comments.
Such great advice for everyone but especially for those who were raised either by Non-Christian parents or Christian parents who didn't have proper role models themselves and who had no clue as to proper child rearing.
@@IntotheFray84 That’s very true depending on the definitions of the operative words used. What is the definition of “emotionally available”? If it means being a punching bag for tantruming children, I disagree. If you mean willing to talk about a child’s feelings and behaviors with them- while helping them to trust their parents’ love and wisdom by being benevolent and strong- I agree with that statement. The same analysis must be used with the terms “physical abuse” and “emotional abuse.” Many people assume that anything that creates any physical or emotional discomfort is “abusive”. I disagree with that premise. Nature constantly uses physical discomfort to teach children, and their brains are wired to learn that way without being traumatized. Children’s brains often can’t understand high level logic (especially when they are raging) but their brains can quickly learn through physical means. For instance, a parent can lecture a toddler about how to walk safely and correctly but the most effective way a child learns to walk is to get a bump when they fall. Kids learn to balance and have good judgement by the natural effects of gravity. No words, lectures, yelling needed. This is neither emotional nor physically abusive. Indeed, the emotional and physical abuse of children occurs when they have not been properly taught to control themselves. Then they are rejected by teachers, peers, other adults over a lifetime. To forego teaching and training children from a young age that they have free will and can choose to control impulses is, in my opinion, the very definition of emotional and physical abuse.
@@IntotheFray84 Well…I suppose my experience with people who use phrases like “being emotionally available” and using the words “physical abuse” in the same sentence has not served me well in this case-I’m happy to say! Nicely said. 😊 I don’t know if you have watched my other videos, but one of the main things I teach is giving the child complete attention and focus at least twice a day to allow them to talk about anything and just listen.
As a millennial mom to a toddler and newborn, it can be hard to find solid, practical parenting advice online. Thank you so much for your pragmatic content.
Every time I see college students rioting, I wonder if they got their way when tantruming as a child. I love this opinion on shame-- shame is an incredible behavioral motivator to socialize children. Tribes have done this for thousands of years. Not only that, but shame doesn’t require a new law, a government bureaucracy and lawsuits to enforce. Shame is an elegantly simple solution. One does not need to be traumatized by some feelings of shame. Shame can prevent the traumatizing of the rest of the family, schoolmates and spouse.
Well said. Unfortunately the left demonizes any feelings that are uncomfortable. Therefore, shame is categorized as always bad. Like all feelings, they can be good if applied appropriately and bad if applied inappropriately. The key is to understand the difference.
Too many people these days don't understand that CONVICTION is a necessity to growth. Great video. I'm so sick of the gentle parenting trend- these kids are jerks!! Love the Sweet Baby plush in the background!! 😅
Not only does the child feel frustrated with that style of parenting, it leaves the parents frustrated too! I got caught up with all the voices telling me how to be a gentle parent, but I became more and more frustrated with my children. What happened was that I ended up bearing the consequences for my child’s behavior rather than the child rightfully bearing them. I was carrying frustration for those consequences when the frustration of consequences rightfully belonged to the child. My children are much more secure when they realize that all their actions/choices whether good or bad yield some type of consequence. I see many people these days, being extremely socially unaware because they have never had to carry the consequences of their actions
I agree, this is why children are more disobedient and entitled now. When I grew up, we wouldn’t think of doing some of the stuff they get away with now!
I mean leading psychologists and thousands of studies will tell you you’re wrong… but you came into this with a warped understanding of gentle parenting as is so 🤷♀️
@Zoe-ym5zq Studies are set up to prove a predetermined outcome, especially ones to prove parenting issues. There is no actual “scientific” study that could ever be conducted to prove or disprove any of this. Experience and history prove it. And it’s amazing that you have actually read “thousands” of studies in the first place! Congrats on that amazing accomplishment! 😉
@@MommyAnswerLadyany time y’all don’t like facts you come in with the “bias study” claim it’s unironically hilarious. “Experience?” So you’ve experienced a kid becoming an orphan bc of gentle parenting? Interesting.
I really appreciate your solid, grounded advice. Today's parents lack any backbone and are simply growing overly emotional little monsters that all of society has to put up with.
Sadly, that is so true. And I am seeing SO many parenting "experts" and even just young mothers online touting the old permissive parenting and calling it gentle parenting, or in-sync parenting, or progressive parenting. It's all the same thing underneath. Old failed ideas that caused bratty children and undisciplined adults. Not understanding the REAL need a child has to have a confident, kind, parent who is not afraid to take charge as they should in their role as parent. Children are left abandoned in a sense which only leads to more problems.
But many parents today believe the whole thing and both they and their children suffer because of it.
Thank you for your kind words!
Being emotionally available for my kids instead of emotionally and physically abusing them creates children who feel safe and secure and come to me about anything 🤷♀️
I totally agree. The difference is I understand about what emotions are, when they are appropriate and when they are misplaced, and how to deal with that.
I assume by your comment, you don’t.
I’m assuming you didn’t watch this whole video. Please do so before making comments.
Such great advice for everyone but especially for those who were raised either by Non-Christian parents or Christian parents who didn't have proper role models themselves and who had no clue as to proper child rearing.
@@IntotheFray84 That’s very true depending on the definitions of the operative words used. What is the definition of “emotionally available”? If it means being a punching bag for tantruming children, I disagree. If you mean willing to talk about a child’s feelings and behaviors with them- while helping them to trust their parents’ love and wisdom by being benevolent and strong- I agree with that statement. The same analysis must be used with the terms “physical abuse” and “emotional abuse.” Many people assume that anything that creates any physical or emotional discomfort is “abusive”. I disagree with that premise. Nature constantly uses physical discomfort to teach children, and their brains are wired to learn that way without being traumatized. Children’s brains often can’t understand high level logic (especially when they are raging) but their brains can quickly learn through physical means. For instance, a parent can lecture a toddler about how to walk safely and correctly but the most effective way a child learns to walk is to get a bump when they fall. Kids learn to balance and have good judgement by the natural effects of gravity. No words, lectures, yelling needed. This is neither emotional nor physically abusive. Indeed, the emotional and physical abuse of children occurs when they have not been properly taught to control themselves. Then they are rejected by teachers, peers, other adults over a lifetime. To forego teaching and training children from a young age that they have free will and can choose to control impulses is, in my opinion, the very definition of emotional and physical abuse.
@@MommyAnswerLady you know what they say about “assuming” 😆 ✌️
Well…I suppose my experience with people who use phrases like “being emotionally available” and using the words “physical abuse” in the same sentence has not served me well in this case-I’m happy to say!
Nicely said. 😊
I don’t know if you have watched my other videos, but one of the main things I teach is giving the child complete attention and focus at least twice a day to allow them to talk about anything and just listen.
As a millennial mom to a toddler and newborn, it can be hard to find solid, practical parenting advice online. Thank you so much for your pragmatic content.
Glad it was helpful! Thank you for the kind words.
Every time I see college students rioting, I wonder if they got their way when tantruming as a child.
I love this opinion on shame-- shame is an incredible behavioral motivator to socialize children. Tribes have done this for thousands of years. Not only that, but shame doesn’t require a new law, a government bureaucracy and lawsuits to enforce. Shame is an elegantly simple solution. One does not need to be traumatized by some feelings of shame. Shame can prevent the traumatizing of the rest of the family, schoolmates and spouse.
Well said. Unfortunately the left demonizes any feelings that are uncomfortable. Therefore, shame is categorized as always bad.
Like all feelings, they can be good if applied appropriately and bad if applied inappropriately. The key is to understand the difference.
Too many people these days don't understand that CONVICTION is a necessity to growth. Great video. I'm so sick of the gentle parenting trend- these kids are jerks!! Love the Sweet Baby plush in the background!! 😅
@@TradwifeyDawn Ahhh…a fellow sweet baby. Nice💕
Not only does the child feel frustrated with that style of parenting, it leaves the parents frustrated too! I got caught up with all the voices telling me how to be a gentle parent, but I became more and more frustrated with my children.
What happened was that I ended up bearing the consequences for my child’s behavior rather than the child rightfully bearing them. I was carrying frustration for those consequences when the frustration of consequences rightfully belonged to the child.
My children are much more secure when they realize that all their actions/choices whether good or bad yield some type of consequence.
I see many people these days, being extremely socially unaware because they have never had to carry the consequences of their actions
Well said!
Great advice in this video! Your book has very much helped me with both my boys
Thanks so much!
You're welcome!
I agree, this is why children are more disobedient and entitled now. When I grew up, we wouldn’t think of doing some of the stuff they get away with now!
Thank you.
am enjoying the content.. good advice.. but i can’t help but am distracted by the man-lamp at the back.
It's a mystery for you to solve! LOL
Ask a few people and see if anyone knows the answer. Then, let me know if you found out!
I mean leading psychologists and thousands of studies will tell you you’re wrong… but you came into this with a warped understanding of gentle parenting as is so 🤷♀️
Studies are set up to prove a predetermined outcome, especially ones to prove parenting issues.
There is no actual “scientific” study that could ever be conducted to prove or disprove any of this.
Experience and history prove it. And it’s amazing that you have actually read “thousands” of studies in the first place! Congrats on that amazing accomplishment! 😉
@@MommyAnswerLadyany time y’all don’t like facts you come in with the “bias study” claim it’s unironically hilarious. “Experience?” So you’ve experienced a kid becoming an orphan bc of gentle parenting? Interesting.
Context matters. You need to either watch the video for context or refrain from commenting.