You mostly play with fantasy words. In some forms Faith is naked without action. The other thing is that you tend to be the director of ministers and ministry. By this it is revealed that you underrate others. The word of God is not reached only to you. You are the fruit of some teachers. Do you agree?
ምርጡ ወድሜ እንወድሃለን ተባረክ ለምልም
thank you bro
You are blessed my beloved brother
U are blesssssssed
Amazing teaching, as always.
አንተ ራሱ ጥበብተሰጥቶሀል ይብዛል ወ/ም ሀይሉ
May live long!Excellent man!Rational and logical teacher!
Amen!! Thank you beloved blessed Hailsha wonderful message more blessing.
Thank you Brother !
Selam Kidusane,
Haylu Geta yebarikehe temheretochehe betame Hiywote yemiyades new. Geta yebarekachehu. Bebezu tebarekalehu.
በጣምያሳዝናል የሀት አስተማሪዎች ሰው ፈጣሪን እንዳይፈራ እየሪጉ ነው ማጭበርበር ሌብነት ጥሎማለፍ ዝሙት ጉበኝነት እደዘመናዊነት ተቆጥርዋል ከዚህ በተቃራኒ የለውን አማኝ አክራሪ ማለት ተጀምርዋል
ድንቅ ትምህርት ነዉ ወንድም ሃይሉ ሁሌ እዉነትን ስለምታስተምረኝ አመሠግናለሁ ተባረክ
Thank you Brother Miki .
Amazing teaching 🙏🙏🙏
Hailu yimechegnal
You too !
እየሱስ ክርስቶስ ሁሉ ነገር በመሥቀል ላይ ፈፅሞታል። ነገር ግን በእርሱ ያለቀው በእኛ መጥቶአል ህይወት ተገልጦአል ወይ?
You mostly play with fantasy words. In some forms Faith is naked without action. The other thing is that you tend to be the director of ministers and ministry. By this it is revealed that you underrate others. The word of God is not reached only to you. You are the fruit of some teachers. Do you agree?