Simple but well articulated. I have lived what he has used to live again. He is the spokesman of our childhood. I don't think that the next generation will have story like this to tell to their coming generation. It is unnatural to have the same lifestyle over many generations as life is in a dynamic process. The important thing is how to hand over our heritages and use in the context of our time and the coming generation. Who will allow you to cut his trees for stick to play Gena, who will deal about proposing a girl friend with song in the era of smart technology,..... It should not be considered as ignoring ones culture but we can make Gena and Timiket to be the part of our curriculum.
Simple but well articulated. I have lived what he has used to live again. He is the spokesman of our childhood. I don't think that the next generation will have story like this to tell to their coming generation. It is unnatural to have the same lifestyle over many generations as life is in a dynamic process. The important thing is how to hand over our heritages and use in the context of our time and the coming generation. Who will allow you to cut his trees for stick to play Gena, who will deal about proposing a girl friend with song in the era of smart technology,..... It should not be considered as ignoring ones culture but we can make Gena and Timiket to be the part of our curriculum.
በፍቅር ነው የምወደው በሀይሉ የፍቅር ሰው
He had a brilliant mind. much respect Behayela💌
በጣም ጨዋታ አዋቂ ነህ ንግግርህ ደስ ይላል ከዚህ ከመአዛ ጋር ያደረከውንም ጭውውት የተወስነ አዳምጫለሁ እና በጣርም ነው በጨዋታህ የተመስጥኩት
ጋሽ በሃይሉ ጨዋታው ደስ ይላል
እጅግ ጨዋታ አዋቂ አንደበተ ርቱዕ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነህ ።
ጨዋታ የማያልቅበት በሃይሉ ገብረመድህን ቀደም ባለው ጊዜ በሸገር ኤፍኤም ራዲዮ ረዘም ያለ ትዝታዎቹን አካፍሎናል።ይህንን ለዛ ያለው ጨዋታ በድጋሚ ለመስማት በመቻሌ ተደስቻለሁ።ረዥም ዕድሜ ከጤና ጋር ለጠያቂውም ለተጠያቂውም እመኛለሁ።ርዕዮት በነካ እጅህ ራሱን የደበቀውን ብርሃነ መዋን ፤ካናዳ ያለውን ሮባን /EPRP/ ብታቀርብልን መልካም ይመስለኛል። አመሰግናለሁ።
ጨዋታ አዋቂው በሀይሉ አክባሪህ ነኝ
This program is done by Maaza Birru years back. I like the interview but would be good if we have others interviewed and be creative...
Bettame desylal