DISCLAIMER: The cow is safe ! The cow appeared so suddenly that I was helpless. In that moment, I was confused whether I should shoo away the cow or I should just pray for it. Thankfully, the train was slowed down by the alert loco pilots and the accident was averted. All the credit goes to the train drivers !
Why the Cattles are untied. in kerala every cattles are tied and it's illegal to gaze them in the railway premises this should be implemented in other state's too
These cattle should not be just free roaming around train tracks, it says alot about India, theyre sposed to be sacred animals so why arent they being monitored by whoever owns them?
Indian government need to pass a law to ban trains from killing a cow. Either they stop the train and move the cow away for make Train operator pay fines. Fluffy Goes To India... Gabriel Iglesias... Taxis and Cow.
You said it's not the train fault. He can see the cow from his window. Distance away. He could've applied the breaks and wait the cow to move rather killing a cow.
DISCLAIMER: The cow is safe ! The cow appeared so suddenly that I was helpless. In that moment, I was confused whether I should shoo away the cow or I should just pray for it. Thankfully, the train was slowed down by the alert loco pilots and the accident was averted. All the credit goes to the train drivers !
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terrible video
Glad you told me the cattle is live, otherwise I would have thought they were zombies.
Thank God. The cow was very smart and intelligent.😁
Hilarious the cow realized the train was passing just half second before. Untill then she was browsing 😂
Thanks for your video. Although the trains go at high speeds, they run very smoothly.
Why the Cattles are untied. in kerala every cattles are tied and it's illegal to gaze them in the railway premises this should be implemented in other state's too
Cow surrounded by two trains heading in opposite direction 😂
Glad to hear ki it survived!👍
Amazing shot of the BWN Twins ❤️
Despite the lack of safety procedures, etc, I'd still rather live in India than China!!
Woww bwn twins 🤩 . Really a lucky spotting ❤️🔥
These cattle should not be just free roaming around train tracks, it says alot about India, theyre sposed to be sacred animals so why arent they being monitored by whoever owns them?
India really needs to up it's health and safety game! They can land a rocket on the moon but basic rail safety is badly lacking!
Considering how crowded a lot of trains are in India I'm inclined to agree with you.
WoW Fabulous video
Gaay ydi Bach gyi to apko use video k last me dikhana chahiye tha.... Jo apne ni dikhaya...
camera man be like: wow nice content 🤣
Nice video bhai
First viewer
10km Train😅
a numb & dull cameraman
Indian government need to pass a law to ban trains from killing a cow. Either they stop the train and move the cow away for make Train operator pay fines.
Fluffy Goes To India... Gabriel Iglesias... Taxis and Cow.
You can't stop train when it's 50kmph.The train driver has no fault
You said it's not the train fault. He can see the cow from his window. Distance away. He could've applied the breaks and wait the cow to move rather killing a cow.
@@screenapple1660 not going to blame the owner of the cow?
@@JK-vk9yy wild cows be like- my owner is god I'm going back to him
@@screenapple1660 Are you really that stupid??? Do you have the slightest idea what is the stopping distance for a freight train going at 80-100 km/h?
This sucked. Thumbs down.