Excellent, ndicho chipo ichi - Dhewa chaiye. While the vocals need polishing, but it's only a matter of time. It's sad that the message talks about very sensitive family matters - but then who are we to judge? We don't know what this young man has gone through, sometimes it helps to speak out. But I pray and hope that hope they will relate well. May God bless you and enrich your talent! Keep it up.
Nice piece of work, hope you get better and better with time. It's very difficult to reach the levels dzaana Dhewa chaivo but with hard work zvinoita. Mazuvano umwe neumwe aakuda kungoita zvake but dai mabatana naPeter maigona kuita zvihombe. Peter's first album has been his best so far, hameno zvinozoitika but vanhu vanenge vatanga zvakanaka
Akaipa mfana uyu,mkoma wako imboko baba vkarwara asipo achitamba bhora ku South Africa akuzouya baba vafa kwakutora pfuma yese mwana wamainin haasi munhu here,plus amai va Peter varwamba na dhewa arikacheche that's why even anga asingataure nezvake ndosaka akanzi Peter iwe uchinzi tongai jnr keep the ball rolling you wll achieve your goals
Matokura so comrade musapusa. Remember this is posted on the Internet and you will not be able to delete. You create a barrier inoita musazogona kubatana zvachose nebrother yako. Zvauri kusangana nazvo hausiwe watanga kuzviona mfana. Bvunza vakakura kukudarika kuti vakazviita sei
A son of a king is a king as well ,,,nzira ndiyoyo Igwee hapana akatanga nekugona ,,,,Baba vaifanira kusiyawo vanyora kuti lyf iyitewo nyore ,,,,by The Legend
Saka murikuti Peter omira here,hamuona kuti makuresva here veduwe......isu ngatingoterera message iri kuimbwa zvemumba mavo hazvinei nesu.....Tongai kana Peter vana vemunhu mumwe isu hatipo pakunongedzera mugoni
excellent piece of work, this is DEWA incarnate, forget the brother Peter, easy soft and cool voice, good wire tone and organized instruments, i bet this is the find of the new generation. avoid media toxics and keep away from women.
Peter kuti achiri kuchengeta mhuri yababa vake here or kwete bcz message yaiswa apa inoratidza kuti havasi kuwana any support from Peter and there are struggling
We are now fed up and bored nemunhu hwemamusicians hwekungoita vana kwese kwavaenda kunoita mashows avo,Apa tosara tave kunyangadzwa nemaresults😆😣 All musicians must sit down and think about that
Jnr untie with Peter do one thing l don't think there's any problem, problem both of you,Ur still young in music industry take ur time to seat down with ur brother
Sevatsigiri veutakataka I advice you Kuti batanai u're one family we don't want kunzwa ruvengo munouraya industry yabambo venyu.. look at Chimbetu family
He is undoubtedly more gifted than Peter. for a starter this is a good offering. my advice is he should focus on his music not family feuds, hakuna musha usina zvawo
Yhaaa unogona unodawo kugadziriswa mbichana u also need to choose your words wisely ukama hwakakosha don't diss your bro.....am not trying to judge but am just saying but otherwise talent unaro
Chimboita ma instrumental chete coz unogona hako, ma lyrics ayo you will never be able to take them back. Just saying 🤐. Sibling rivalry haidi kusvika kwawave uku
Find a platform to settle your differences with your brother Peter, i dont think he will allow you fail in musical dustbin bt rather mentor & prepare you for greatness. You should also avoid being sensitive to family life narratives that you get from your respective mothers for that would only help bold your differences thus triggering actual enemity among yourselves, Good start but next time dont be too direct find a better way to explain yourself in songs!
Family matters are very important but they will never be solved publicly, brother. Your work is great but you need to focus on the words you share with your fans otherwise people will not see the talent. Your music very good but the words umm not good for us your fans.
Good start but vangadai vasina kumhanya pamavocals coz they are so weak,instruments very good and Samaita vakaita basa guru apa asi ngavasatora masides evafana ava coz zvinozovarwisanisa and Obert ngaashinge kuti agone kuzozvimirira ega nekuti Samaita zvinogona kuzovawandira nekuti ndima inemakata iyi inotoda a big machine V6 kkmmmm otherwise bhoo
Makatari bhoo chaizvo iwe na Peter put your difference aside and help each other zvinoita maVoices muchirikure na The Dhewa but get vocal lessons zvinoita
good song. Yes there is a but.Good quality production of the beat,poor backing or maybe it's the mastering. Mr producer please help this young potential and there is greatness in him.Give us 100% you've worked with many gurus so prove it
Instruments are good tho far different from the way yaiitwa naBig Dhewa. Vocals achine nyaya but with practice zvichaita nani. Message ummmmm, hameno but i feel kuti ngaambomire zvekufukura hapwa. We don't broadcast zvemumusha medu plainly like that. Dai akatsvaga way iri a bit hidden zvaindibudira
your instrument is very fine man, spencer 8s wasted you are who deserves him. the the other thing dont publish.. your family issues you will settle down. hauzodi kumanzwa masong ese iwayo. izvozvo zvekunetsana ndozvakupa muono wakanaka uyu so the purpose aint bad be matured man
akagona mupfanha uyo anoda support chete anosvika kure, is singing from the hurt zviri kubva pasi pasi pemoyo, Peter anenge ari kutarisa vana vamai vake chete,i dont Obert mwana wamai vaPeter here?
Rova inotevera ubve waiti”MATSIMBA” yah ndafunga mdara wako na Dembo . Haaaaaa ndatenda hangu 🙏
Bhora mberi mfana urikugona iweee mwari watopindira ipapooo y are going well
there is a big problem among dhewa siblings but my advice to this young man , pfuma yenhaka inoparadza ukama. Shanda zvako
Yaaa ngaashande zvake uye shuwa ukasiya imba isati yapera
shanda hako young man you right on track
Good start chikomana------bhora mberiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....
Utakataka forever & ever Ameni
Thanks Brian Samaita for supporting this lad. He is still young in the game but I like the maturity in his instruments. Mudzidzise zvinhu chaizvo
Excellent, ndicho chipo ichi - Dhewa chaiye. While the vocals need polishing, but it's only a matter of time. It's sad that the message talks about very sensitive family matters - but then who are we to judge? We don't know what this young man has gone through, sometimes it helps to speak out. But I pray and hope that hope they will relate well.
May God bless you and enrich your talent! Keep it up.
Uyu ndiye dhewa mbune manje
Nice piece of work, hope you get better and better with time. It's very difficult to reach the levels dzaana Dhewa chaivo but with hard work zvinoita. Mazuvano umwe neumwe aakuda kungoita zvake but dai mabatana naPeter maigona kuita zvihombe. Peter's first album has been his best so far, hameno zvinozoitika but vanhu vanenge vatanga zvakanaka
unechipo chekuimba kupfuura Peter. keep on
Born talented youngest .......
peter anozogona hake
Yah pana mudhara hawungazosviki hako asi tibvisa voice rako vanhu havambo zvizive kuti ndiwe 🤜
Akaipa mfana uyu,mkoma wako imboko baba vkarwara asipo achitamba bhora ku South Africa akuzouya baba vafa kwakutora pfuma yese mwana wamainin haasi munhu here,plus amai va Peter varwamba na dhewa arikacheche that's why even anga asingataure nezvake ndosaka akanzi Peter iwe uchinzi tongai jnr keep the ball rolling you wll achieve your goals
Peter hagoni..... Anotaura then iwe kaaa jus perfect ur voice uyo back vocalist haaagoni mudzinge
It's a collaboration
I salute yu young igwe good start keep going unosvika chte
Keep it tongai Moyo jnr .
I support both of you guys regardless of your issues
you are good obert tongai juniour l could hear the voice of your father in you love and likes from cyprus
Matokura so comrade musapusa. Remember this is posted on the Internet and you will not be able to delete. You create a barrier inoita musazogona kubatana zvachose nebrother yako. Zvauri kusangana nazvo hausiwe watanga kuzviona mfana. Bvunza vakakura kukudarika kuti vakazviita sei
Tapiwa M unoziva iwe aka bizer
Well said wangu
Itai zvelyf yenyu nezvekumhuri kwenyu nekungwara kwenyu handiti arikurwadziwa ka and music is the only way to Express your feelings
A son of a king is a king as well ,,,nzira ndiyoyo Igwee hapana akatanga nekugona ,,,,Baba vaifanira kusiyawo vanyora kuti lyf iyitewo nyore ,,,,by The Legend
Keep on working bro .....good Start haaaa Peter zvakamuremera kip dehwa's legacy my guy💪
Zvisinei , kwenya waya dzitaure rungano ,kwavari bambo vako vari muchanza cherudyi chaMwari, chibatanai senherera . Ndarangarira kurefu , “ Dewa chizorora vana vatakura ndima iye yamakapihwa naDembo “ 🙏
Uyo anonzi Peter wamthalika dhewa ngaende kumalawi anohwa hondo dzake na chakweva akatora hu president asiire mwana band
Yaaah panodaa kunzwanana kuwirirana kana vatadzaa kunzwanana zvikurucy ngapave nevayananisii zvakonaa vakotenderwaa kusiyanaa but Obert uyo ngashingee atangee chikwata chake zvodaroo okundaa mkomaa wake coz mukatarisa voice ya obet yakafanana neyo mdharaa soo kwakuserii uyo samaita zvakaitaa zvribhoo ayizoitaa cy ngabatsiraa Coz iye akabatsirwawoo na dhehwaa pakawandaa so hazvinaa dhiri kuti arege kumubatsiraa asi kubatana chinhu chakanaka asi pamwe zvinorambaa 🤔
Keep it up Overt Moyo. Like father like son. An apple does not fall away from its tree
Saka murikuti Peter omira here,hamuona kuti makuresva here veduwe......isu ngatingoterera message iri kuimbwa zvemumba mavo hazvinei nesu.....Tongai kana Peter vana vemunhu mumwe isu hatipo pakunongedzera mugoni
Ngaamire Peter hapana chozikanwa Peter idofo, Tongai Moyo Jnr ndizvo manje zvazvinhu.
Ramba wakashinga mpfanha wechidiki , Thank you to Mr Samaita for helping this young man ,Be blessed
Didn't know there was a Tongai Jnr..but great work for a starter...they would achieve greatness if they would work together
Dhewa Jnr your are the best,continue where your father Dhewa Snr left
That's good the same way like father I salute you😅😅
Hutakataka yamuka😁🤣 kastayira ka baba vako ..ndabva ndafunga kwedu Ku kwe-kwe unogonha hako junior Tongai
Keep it up young Igwe,this is a good start.
Haaa regai zvinzi magetsi anotevera waya uri kuzama.
Mpfana anogona mabacking ake akadhakwa akawana mabacking vocals aribhoo anotopfuura Peter
Nice song Obert don't worry mwari ane simba you will be the best
Peter ipa mwana tsigiro and anotogora kudarika iwewe baba havasi vako wega
excellent piece of work, this is DEWA incarnate, forget the brother Peter, easy soft and cool voice, good wire tone and organized instruments, i bet this is the find of the new generation. avoid media toxics and keep away from women.
Peter kuti achiri kuchengeta mhuri yababa vake here or kwete bcz message yaiswa apa inoratidza kuti havasi kuwana any support from Peter and there are struggling
Didnt know dat Tongai left a super star among them all .simudzai mureza guys bt let love lead above all.
is this his first and only song so far good start but message so touching if in reality
Mukoma Samaita musatora divi pakusanzwanana kwevana. Iwe Obert usadurura kugunun'una kwako pamusic. Taura nemukoma wako muite chinhu chimwe. Kana musingawirirani torai gogo kana dzimwe hama dzikuyananisei. Uku kuvatorwa kwowopotera kunongokuparadzanisai.
Music unogona. Msvocals ako akanaka asi uyo aidaira uyo haana izwi rakanaka. Next tym ita wega mavocals ose obva waita zve mabacking wega. Ukwidze pitch yako pane dzimwe nziyo uchingosiyanisa makeys. Asi chikuru usaimbe zvinofumura mhuri. Remember Peter anotori nechaunga. Paunotuka kana kushora Peter pajekerere, vanhu vanovenga iwe nekuti Peter ane zvakawanda zvaakaita zvatinoyemura zvinosanganisira kuchengeta gogo, kupedzisa imba yakasiiwa naTongai nekukuchengetai imi nekuwanda kwamakaita semhuri, kubatanidza band raBaba. Saka vhura meso ako chinun'una
anotaura naye Seiko iwe?
izvi zvinofadza asi zvinhu zvababa hazvisi zvako ratidza nyika kuti munhu unokwanisa kuenda mberi pasina akubatsira
Dont be unreasonable how can you talk to a greedy brother let him continue and you will see Peter begging for help from this talented musician
Wataura chokwadi hatina kutanga kuziva peter nhasi
Wagona mwana wamai ndanga ndichitsvaka song iyi .....
keep it up my brother mongogadzirisa backing vocals chete zvime zvese correct this is mpao mokonzi it means kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Mashoko makukutu ayo aimbiwa vana baba kunze siyai magadzirisa vana kutotanga nhasi nkt hamuzivi munofa rii ndarwadziwa ini zvinhu shandisai mese peter hona mwana achema uyo
Iwe Osasenzekesa nchito nyimbo yabwino kwabasi pitiriza kutsogolo
gud start mpfana
mpfanha. urikumberi oby keep di fire. wadziya.
Thanks to brain samaita nekusimudzira mupfanha uyu anechipo
Unogona mukomana but mazwi awaimba awo anoisa marwo pamhuri yenyu...mhosva haisi yaPeter nekuti ndiye mwana wemumba iwe uri wemusango saka mudhara wako akatokukanganwa,,,zvinowanikwa ita hwako hupenyu zvenhaka siyana nazvo
hanzi vaigara vese wani ...
maigara mese bt ndimi maiva panyanga namama venyu " hapana chako ndezva Peter wedangwe ' mama vako vakatoputsa imba yekutanga saka chakafukidza dzimba matenga '
Ane voice rakanaka obert..akaramba akadaro achadarika Peter but wiriranai vafana muri mwana weTongai Moyo mess.nhaka govanai equal
gud one ,vanotsinhira kumashure kwako ,havana kunyatsoti dyooo but gud for the start mubatane na bla petso
We are now fed up and bored nemunhu hwemamusicians hwekungoita vana kwese kwavaenda kunoita mashows avo,Apa tosara tave kunyangadzwa nemaresults😆😣
All musicians must sit down and think about that
uyu ndiye dhewa manje
Garai pasi iwe naPeter muite chinhu chimwe guys
Derrick Muzunze i support you kwete zvekuswero rwisaniswa nevanhu
Jnr untie with Peter do one thing l don't think there's any problem, problem both of you,Ur still young in music industry take ur time to seat down with ur brother
Sevatsigiri veutakataka I advice you Kuti batanai u're one family we don't want kunzwa ruvengo munouraya industry yabambo venyu.. look at Chimbetu family
great job obi
I really love this music of young Tongai Moyo u play better than peter Moyo u start your own style like yo father
I have been reading the comments, u r saying they are fighting with peter, why are they fighting each other?
A good start bmnn, keep ball rolling
Ungona ramba wakadero
He is undoubtedly more gifted than Peter. for a starter this is a good offering. my advice is he should focus on his music not family feuds, hakuna musha usina zvawo
Zamai henyu but kune mdhara hamusati henyu kwinyai chaizvo 😁
Yhaaa unogona unodawo kugadziriswa mbichana u also need to choose your words wisely ukama hwakakosha don't diss your bro.....am not trying to judge but am just saying but otherwise talent unaro
Obie watove tsoka dzerwendo mfana unorova sababa vako ,sounds vry good more than Peter .
Chimboita ma instrumental chete coz unogona hako, ma lyrics ayo you will never be able to take them back. Just saying 🤐. Sibling rivalry haidi kusvika kwawave uku
Mwari vanewe usatya waizoita rombe mahoko unawoo
keep it up bro bro nice
good start work on your lid gitter
Baba vako vakataura want kuti uchademba vakafa . Unogonakuimba kudarika peter
Pamela chadereka kkkkkkkkkkkk ndirochairo wakutodemba
Ko mwana we dhewa futi here uyu uye wechingani
Find a platform to settle your differences with your brother Peter, i dont think he will allow you fail in musical dustbin
bt rather mentor & prepare you for greatness. You should also avoid being sensitive to family life narratives that you
get from your respective mothers for that would only help bold your differences thus triggering actual enemity among yourselves, Good start but next time dont be too direct find a better way to explain yourself in songs!
Chinongo netsera kuita mwana wamainini kurwirao pfuma yababa!
Zvinowanika barika ihondo shingirira zvinoita chete mwari havakusiye wega
Family matters are very important but they will never be solved publicly, brother. Your work is great but you need to focus on the words you share with your fans otherwise people will not see the talent. Your music very good but the words umm not good for us your fans.
good young man but try to settle the dispute of inheritance with your brother mobatana........yobva yaita utakataka chaiyo
zvinorwadza shuwa
Good start but vangadai vasina kumhanya pamavocals coz they are so weak,instruments very good and Samaita vakaita basa guru apa asi ngavasatora masides evafana ava coz zvinozovarwisanisa and Obert ngaashinge kuti agone kuzozvimirira ega nekuti Samaita zvinogona kuzovawandira nekuti ndima inemakata iyi inotoda a big machine V6 kkmmmm otherwise bhoo
No sides pliz
Song inorwadxa zvayo iyi
good start Tongai junr
Baba pavairwara wausipo kaa Mwana wehuku anodya ndiye aripo
Brian uyo dai asina kudaira voice rake rakanyangadza song yempfana
I wish you all the best guys
Usawara mupfanha siya zvakadaro mwari vanoziva
though in a bitter situation, publicising the issue does not bring any change, opt for a better approach...!
I enjoyed riddims...zvazvinhu
Oberty unogona Rovera bhora mberi kubatana kunonetsa vanhu venhu vemazuvano havatichina zvebasa munhu ngaazvionere batanai pane zvimwe.. not pabasa mogona kuzourayana .
Ummm uku kuseri na Peter chaiye akutokwata haiwa voice riboe
Ronnie don't make those two siblings to fight like urself what u did to late tongai,even l listen to ur song haisi bho
waita nekamhanzi aka ko lp harisati raita here
Makatari bhoo chaizvo iwe na Peter put your difference aside and help each other zvinoita maVoices muchirikure na The Dhewa but get vocal lessons zvinoita
Wakatanga urishamhu
ko kuzotanga nekuchema chema bhoo here dhewa
ahh,ndatanga kuzvihwa nhasi izvi,izvozvi kuti kunemunhu anonzi Tongai Jnr,but anogona,asi the backing vocals is not the real utakataka brand
good song. Yes there is a but.Good quality production of the beat,poor backing or maybe it's the mastering. Mr producer please help this young potential and there is greatness in him.Give us 100% you've worked with many gurus so prove it
Bhora mber mafhana unosvikawo chete
Thumbs up dehwa
Instruments are good tho far different from the way yaiitwa naBig Dhewa. Vocals achine nyaya but with practice zvichaita nani. Message ummmmm, hameno but i feel kuti ngaambomire zvekufukura hapwa. We don't broadcast zvemumusha medu plainly like that. Dai akatsvaga way iri a bit hidden zvaindibudira
Bt better than of Peter dea
Kuchemera zvisizvako
U are right mafana pfuma yababa vako unotofanira kuidyawo
Tora instruments mfana uite basa not matakanana arikuitwa nemkoma wako
your instrument is very fine man, spencer 8s wasted you are who deserves him. the the other thing dont publish.. your family issues you will settle down. hauzodi kumanzwa masong ese iwayo. izvozvo zvekunetsana ndozvakupa muono wakanaka uyu so the purpose aint bad be matured man
Tongai was right naming the boy tongai jnr...i mean he is talented just like his father unlike peter
akagona mupfanha uyo anoda support chete anosvika kure, is singing from the hurt zviri kubva pasi pasi pemoyo, Peter anenge ari kutarisa vana vamai vake chete,i dont Obert mwana wamai vaPeter here?
Yaaah uri ryt mdharaa ipapo panodaa kuu xherechedzwaaa
Mufana uyu anogona, masponsors think twice. This young man is good. Unite them. Teaching good
Unoimba wani nhai Obie
he was not supposed to sing family differences mfana uyu.
why not?akuimba hupenyu hwake waida kuti ati arikuguta?
he should arwadziwa he needs support
Truth must be out,
Expression of feelings thru music z gud
Obie Obie
too direct good start but advisor i have a ?mark
mpfanha akanyanya uyu