You are Life, hence there is no "my Life" and it can not be lost either. Manifest as you wish and see it fit, using your body and mind as a fantastic instrument observed by the conscious observer, your GPS. Just surrender to your inner Master, the Soul. 😊
This character Is addicted to these talks. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, it makes eating more relaxing. But it’s just entertainment, amusing, stuff. Perhaps, something will come of it.
Here the heartbreak is currently arising, and it can only be described as grief, a lost of something. The realization of no control, no problems, no path and no goal it lead the me to feel that everything is pointless, meaningless and hopeless. And this is not the first time that the heartbreak is happening, so I guess It will keep happening until it doesn't. Yay(?)
Make up some goals and pursue them. Hope that you will be happy when you get there. Don't worry about it all being pointless. If you can find something that you can believe that will give you some sort of short time happiness then that's all. Thinking about the ultimate reality is not very helpful. Sometimes it is because it can help you get rid of some residual guilt or worries, but once that happens it's over you have to go back to pursuing the goals otherwise you will just be suffering for no reason. Go meditate.
"The change just happens on it's own. No one needs to reprimand themselves in order for that change to happen. No one needs to to feel like they achieved something in order to continue to change" This just feels very correct. I sometimes feel that both reprimanding or relishing in achievement both get in the way of psychosomatic/spiritual transformation.
we are exactly where we are supposed to be riding the wave destined to be one with the love of the creator! we as one have everything to gain and nothing to loose in this!
I'm so grateful for your videos. This character has been in a space of Absolute terror and hell for several years, and it continues to get worse. I had an energetic" happening" in 2016, resulting in amazing peace and bliss and knowingness for a few days, followed by my entire lifetime of trauma, pain, fear, dysfunctional patterns coming up. Moments of truth, knowing of oneness, never lasting long. Listening to you share "you're " story, having someone to relate to... Sometimes it keeps my head out of the deep desire to leave this body... I thank you, Suzanne. ❣️🙏🌷
Whatever it is, even if it can’t be felt or understood, it’s a great relief from two years of the pain body, ego, thoughts, grief, suffering, every day crying, seeking, devastation, all triggered by a family event. All of that has bought me here to this point. If it all just stops, just is, that is preferable. Everything is moving, changing, like the waves, the weather.
thanks for your were one of the non-duality speakers I listened to when the seeking became exhausted. It was initially devastating/ hopeless/meaningless when the seeking stopped. Still adjusting to living life without the things that motivated the “me”. Roger Castillo’s talks helped a lot with daily living after liberation. There’s now effortless peace of mind more
Well, Suzanne, I was enlightened for a while (is that possible?). I felt this lightness, this vibrant unjudging clarity, there is no time or good or bad, and everything happens because there is no other way. I was very creative and even clearvoyant. I had a big love and compassion for everybody. But I was soo very lonely. No one realy will understand you. I wanted to help my mother with 'my insights', but i knew she never would understand. So I felt so lonely. I felt so astranged from the rest of the normal people. How can I stand to go to work with this ignorant stupid peple? So, maybe you say, you didn't lose your ego all the way, because you felt better, and you still had an ego. It's called the golden chain, as you maybe know, still attached, very sneaky, holding on to some ego. But I was also exhausted , because every moment was so vibrant, living, never coming back, not leaving a trace or a reason, so I was very exhausted. I lponged to live like the old ways, and feel just one of the normal people and not so lonely. I was sad. i understood the whole situation, so if this is what enlightment means, how can you live when nobody really understands you? This changes your whole life. Is it possible 'to fall back'to normality, once you experienced enlightment? Well, anyway, i am not afraid of death anymore. Don't mean I want to die right now. But I know, it is just the end of an illusion, a narrative of your ego and yourself. So when a person dies, just a story dies, you can't divide life or consciousness. An old joke: life strarted with just one soul, and now we have gathered billions of souls and there will be billions more, heaven must be overcrowded. I thought about this when I was only 7 years, after all it was not that a stupid question, but one could say, the start of a 'spiritual journey'. Yes i know, it is not a journey. What you said about: time and our ego reconstruction reason, long after the mind/the body/something already took this direction openen my eyes. Also, much other stuff , you said. I 'reached'this state quite easily, I was just deeply observing without judging or even registrating. Thank you.
If you need constant confirmation from others, you do not live your Life but the Life of others. Do not try to convince others, why ? Just accept that "they" are on "their" path and you are on "yours". Of course Ego is involved, a constant challenge, do not give up, "hou je haaks".
i find your story captivating. everyones fall of self is so different and yours being simply from observation is cool. i had the same experience but i felt that i was unwillingly pushed into that observational state. so i resented it for awhile, now of course i see the value. but cool story.
i had many existential thoughts and questions very young as well. for me it was 11. but for some reason they all had a very somber flavor and created some sort of depression. it seems you were able to do it neutrally since the beginning? except now because of the personal feelings for your mom of course which maybe just came up due to maturing. its beautiful.
If you feel confused or sad or lonely, you are residing in the mind. You might think you are not, but you are only glimpsing freedom from inside your mind - a cell constructed of your fears. Like seeing a passing bird through a crack in the wall. When you've truly had enough (you would rather die than live in the mind) you will exit the mind. When this happens you might think 'Is this enlightenment? Am I enlightened?' If you can ask that question, no you are not. You still reside in the delusional self and such egoic thoughts are only reinforcing that delusion. Exiting the mind is not exiting the self, there is a deeper layer before the ego is completely gone - the heart (unconscious mind). But to exit the heart, you must die. Do not worry about getting enlightenment because it will never happen. 'You' will be dead when it comes. So if you have things you want to do in life, go and do them. You cannot walk the path to enlightenment without fully embracing death, hence almost all seekers only pass this stage on their deathbed. If you want to die before you die, you must deeply consider if there's anything in 'life' you left undone, anything you've suppressed (there is), and make it your sole goal to bring them into conscious reality. If you still mentally cling to friends, health, family, career, goals, money... you cannot embrace non-existence.
most of us watching sense this womens authenticity or honesty and that is mostly what we are watching. that is beautiful. the words, while possibly helpful, are almost afterthought. l
I Love "you" thank you so much.I mean I love what is.I Love the personality that "it is" has chosen to be in this given moment.wait one more try....."it Is " is experiencing a sensory overload of what humans would describe as love towards "it is" in this non existent moment.Thank you 💛
As one can see it as heartbreaking or sad, I find to be so interesting and fascinating. Maybe thats due to me being young, or maybe its the identity, maybe it can't be interested or fascinated and only the person, the character, the me. I've come to many realization from this video alone, not mentions the other 2 of yours that I just watched. I was fascinated and some of the things said hit, while others I couldn't grasp. What was originally an expression of a thought and decision because a little rant. I do not know who this I is that I have been referring to.
No, no, nothing was confusing at all (replying to what you said here at 17:40) but trust me every word of what you say is like a guidance 'I' really needed (because it's language, I have to use the term 'I' ... but I 'know' that there is no personal 'I' but still a 'sense of a personal I' exists here). Very confusing but that's how it is - there's this sense of 'me' here but at the same time a very strong knowing & awareness too that there is no me - as weird & contradictory as it might sound but that's how it is (but might I as well add that no 'experience' as such either ... but still there seems to be a 'knowing' that I can't deny or falsify). I was feeling so torn between these two apparent levels of knowing that I needed some guidance about it ... And even Adya wasn't helping although he generally is. And I am certain that if I weren't at this phase, I wouldn't have been able to watch your video at all, let alone relate to it. I'm sooo glad to have found you & found guidance in your videos. And I also feel so blessed to be at a stage where guidance can be available so easily at the click of a button by someone so seemingly far away from us. Although I know this is just the way it's supposed to play out but I can't not acknowledge the way it's playing out and forming an experience here (because there is still a preference for a pleasant & easy experience, I won't lie). And although I know that each entity becomes a medium for each other for this story to play out, but because this seems so personal on one level, I can't help but appreciate and feel gratitude for the mediums it plays through. Extremely grateful, thank you a million tonnn 💝🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Just watched several videos of yours. This is really strong pointing to me - when a very cute girl makes a generous use of FUCK in her description of awakening! (I am only half kidding). To me, everything you say, is just to make pauses between words (and close your eyes). This is where I can fully agree with you on some trust level. The words are good but they cause all kinds of mental activity in me and cause me to seek. I seek a lot and I can strongly relate to you when seek for better ways of expressing yourself. Of course, the difference is that you don't identify with the small you any more, but I still do quite a lot, even though I believe that to be an illusion. Thank you.
There are a lot of videos on youtube about NDE's, where people remember experience before incarnation and remember planning a life... There are a lot of channels, channeling more evolved beings or something like that, that say the same thing - that we, as souls, from the other side of the "veil", planned all this, our life/experience. The NDE's talk about an actual coming into this "reality", putting on a veil - they say the veil is real, wherein you forget and are cut off from the oneness....and basically it sounds like putting on a sensory suit and entering a video game where you feel hard-wired to the body and all sensory experiences, which don't exist outside or apart from you, but are part of the experience that's in your "brain". It's qualia, not real, but feels real. But, as for the planning - planned from the soul level or from atman level? Is this also illusory? Not happening? Is the soul in delusion? What is doing the "planning"? LOL
This seems it is unable to decide that it’s happened or not …. Confusing on a daily basis 😂❤🎉😢 Oh well … is what is apparently Love this presentation wether it’s actually happening or not 🤷♀️Susanne ❤ 😊
This is probably an ignorant question, but what's next after awakening? Does one not reincarnate? Does one go to higher worlds? Does one disappear or goes on to coat higher bodies, does one create new worlds - mandalas and becomes a mandaleshwar? Is there any meaning in anything ever or do you have to, as an existing consciousness, create a meaning for your existence? Are we eternally to find ourselves in creation, without meaning? Or is the state of lacking a meaning what brings one into a body, etc...? Is there a need for a "soul" to evolve, is that what brings one into these worlds? Or is the "soul" complete? Why the need for this experience? And what if the person, while incarnate, is not reaching their potential spiritually, creatively, as a human or anything... Why do we have to go through this?.... to forget who we are, then remember and then what? I suppose nothing is really happening, yet...WTF? (sorry) Looking at the masters and saints...they've choses service...they seem to be in a higher state than awakening... I guess it's the allowing the all, the absolute, to act through them?? It's been mentioned by the masters that the path never ends.
Impossible to comment in this restrictive linear form which language seems to restrict us to express the multiple layers of interconnected relativity between thoughts then between the waves of emotions, the mind made connections to past events which we define as bringing us to here, the choice we can make to take that narrative into our hands and say no or yes or say nothing and just be. So just, thank you for sharing your expression. Parts resonated nicely with this timing I could have faced years ago, months ago, weeks ago but its now, here... me, you, us... pretty epic and takes the uncomfortable fear out of it and replaces it with something a bit empowering which I am not able to word better I guess...
"No one know's what is going on" - but we all do the best we can with the range and capacity of awareness of awareness we come from and bring to ourselves and the situation... seems endless, fractal in nature - rabbit hole to explore and learn from while maybe getting lost along the way, to remember, there is no lost perhaps as too, there is no 'found'... no nothing perhaps, no anything... just this, here, now - continue on with life... nicely triggering some comprehensions for myself thank you Suzanne.
I don't like the framing of "it's all an illusion". It seems that a thing can only be labeled as "illusion" relative to something that's not an illusion. If what's not an illusion is that which is prior to duality, that's fine, but we can only experience it as such relative to duality. Therefore, it feels that the "illusion" is an inherent part of reality, and the distinction is just another duality. The somewhat negative connotation of "illusion" is because of one's highly polarized orientation towards it. Play in the illusion, while keeping awareness of its counterpoint.
Its like the matrix movie... you might miss all the distractions you had.. I have lost interest in things I thought I liked for years and realised they were mostly distractions from my life... I think it brings more focus though as we dont keep looking for the next best thing...
The preference to repeatedly say “apparently” as part of this message is seen to be arising to no-one. It appears that this character is now ready to either train a LLM ChatGPT Tony-bot to translate English into radical uncompromising nondual-speak (RUNS) or create a RUNS phrases bingo/drinking game. Obviously, this endeavor is pointless, but then so is everything else, since existence itself is meaningless. But then again, this is merely a story… just words. Everything already is what it is, and that’s all it could possibly be. It’s all just this and nothing is happening. It’s ineffable and impossible to describe.
I've noticed over the yrs that a majority of "awakened teachers" have been intense seekers. Soo, this dreamer will probably keep on tracking down more side roads until the dead end. Neither this nor that or anything is the last signpost on the way. Wei Wu Wei.
There’s nothing wrong with believing there is something wrong. If that belief seems to be what’s arising then that’s just what is. That idea, those feelings, that is something is wrong will be replaced by what feels right. Yet are they really two different things, or is that just what’s simply arising?
The me exists. We all exist. The world really exists. Reality is real. If this is all just illusion, and there is nothing outside that illusion, then illusion is 10 on the scale of 0 to 10 of realness. On a scale of no illusion to illusion, illusion is as real as it gets. What is reality supposed to be like? Where does it say how real reality has to be in order for it to be really real?
Most people have a sense of ego or individual self. Through meditation, self-inquiry, psychedelics, etc., it is possible to lose your sense of ego. 2 ways we can frame ourselves 1-as humans experiencing reality (this is most people's experience) or 2-as reality itself experiencing being human (this is her experience and I am generalizing, it's deeper than this). Option 2 is what this woman is experiencing. This is what the Buddha "achieved", or "enlightenment"
Ego is the unconscious identification with thought. You are not conscious of it because it is unconscious. The Me. You are however conscious of ego sign in the form of fear and desire combinations misidentification with thought forms. Ego sign is a communication that you are real and that this explanation is fiction. Ego Sign Sadness: Fear/Desire of Leaving/Remaining. Guilt: Fear/Desire of Acceptance/Rejection. Anxiety: Fear/Desire of Knowing/Unknowing (this explanation). Frustration - Anger: Fearing desire. Excitement: Desiring fear. You cannot begin to remain or leave you. You cannot be less than or more than you. You cannot begin to know or unknow you. You have no opposition that is real. The greatest heartbreak is not boundless freedom. That is just the illusion of form. That is sadness ego sign. Love and surrender to the truth. That truth is the same truth that is aware of it. That is you! You do not know any other than you is. You be. I am that I am. Once the mind appears to recognised who is real in the same way that water is not made from tears, the me identity is seen for what it is. The mind is a logic tool that recognises truth. In the head, ask the question "who is observing this?". Next ask the question "what does this (thought) really know of that which is observing this (thought)?" Be truthful. Be honest. The true answer observed from the mind will be silence. Silence is the only true expression of what the mind knows of you! Anything else is just fiction. Can the mind imagine an apple or a favourite song? Are you an apple or a favourite song in the head and feels in the body? No. So how can you be any other thought of feeling? That's right. You are not made of those things. They are made of you as water is not made from tears, rain or oceans! Notice how the real you requires no explanation and can never be explained. Only known by you only. Accept this known truth with love. Surrender and accept the love of the ego sign with a physical sigh. Accept with love. Surrender with a physical sigh. The physical sigh is one of the last surrenders of the body mind. Ego sign is the last surrender of the mind. Love and give in. You are before all of this, during all of this and after all of this.
Okay, this whole Non-duality philosophy is completely new to me. I don't understand it. She is contradicting herself so much. It's insane. I'm sorry guys. If this works for you, it is working. I do not want to criticize it, yet. If there is no 'Me', no 'self' or no 'ego'. What is there than? What is this emptiness? That is not serenity. That is boredom and depression. This ideology is not for me. I'm sorry. Help me understand. My life is already filled with emptiness and I try to give meaning and be a valuable asset to my community. I don't understand why YT keeps recommending this channel. If Suzanne is happy. That's fine. If her community somehow has some advantage. That's great. But I really don't get it. I want to understand all aspects of life. All ideologies. And I do not think this particular ideology is bad or evil, but it seems rather... pointless. It's so nihilistic. It's depressing.
What you're witnessing here is Buddhist thought. Go to the Hindu traditions and you find the ego, emotions, and intellect persist in the person (who does indeed exist), both before and after Awakening, in which one realizes pure existence, conscious, and bliss are what you are -- not a limited, inadequate, incomplete self devoid of love. Instead of the Buddhist interpretation of consciousness as emptiness, it's fullness. Instead on the Buddhist "no-self", it's the Self. But if for some reason you are really turned off by the idea of divinity, 'God', devotion to the divine inside and out, then a Buddhist or Zen approach to all this non-duality may be more to your liking.
*"LIFE The Real Self" ( NOT the human species, nor the human spirit ) is an Offspring, and Child of "The LIGHT", "The LIFE of GOD"* *GOD is NOT what many experiencing the Earth Program, imagine it to be !* *The Word GOD, when translated into ZION ( NOT Hebrew ) is a Geometric Algorithm...*
The me exists. We all exist. The world really exists. Reality is real. If this is all just illusion, and there is nothing outside that illusion, then illusion is 10 on the scale of 0 to 10 of realness. On a scale of no illusion to illusion, illusion is as real as it gets. What is reality supposed to be like? Where does it say how real reality has to be in order for it to be really real?
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The Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth (John 16:13)
You are Life, hence there is no "my Life" and it can not be lost either.
Manifest as you wish and see it fit, using your body and mind as a fantastic instrument observed by the conscious observer, your GPS. Just surrender to your inner Master, the Soul. 😊
This character Is addicted to these talks. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, it makes eating more relaxing. But it’s just entertainment, amusing, stuff. Perhaps, something will come of it.
I remember writing in my diary: Awakening could probably be the most embarrassing thing ever - yet there isn’t anyone to be embarrassed either.
Here the heartbreak is currently arising, and it can only be described as grief, a lost of something. The realization of no control, no problems, no path and no goal it lead the me to feel that everything is pointless, meaningless and hopeless. And this is not the first time that the heartbreak is happening, so I guess It will keep happening until it doesn't. Yay(?)
Exactly 💯💘
Feels quite similar here..
Make up some goals and pursue them. Hope that you will be happy when you get there. Don't worry about it all being pointless. If you can find something that you can believe that will give you some sort of short time happiness then that's all.
Thinking about the ultimate reality is not very helpful. Sometimes it is because it can help you get rid of some residual guilt or worries, but once that happens it's over you have to go back to pursuing the goals otherwise you will just be suffering for no reason.
Go meditate.
And you can gently ask. Now,,who is this
Heartbreak for? Peace
Nothing matters 😔
"The change just happens on it's own.
No one needs to reprimand themselves in order for that change to happen.
No one needs to to feel like they achieved something in order to continue to change"
This just feels very correct. I sometimes feel that both reprimanding or relishing in achievement both get in the way of psychosomatic/spiritual transformation.
“The person never gets this. The person is never here to experience the absence of itself. It’s impossible. The person can’t make it happen”
Susan, what a loving and gentle pointing to the way back to the center, source. Peace
Thanks John :)
The honesty and transparency is exceptional. Huge applaus from Czechia
yes, not that often seen in such a raw sense...
we are exactly where we are supposed to be riding the wave destined to be one with the love of the creator! we as one have everything to gain and nothing to loose in this!
I'm so grateful for your videos. This character has been in a space of Absolute terror and hell for several years, and it continues to get worse. I had an energetic" happening" in 2016, resulting in amazing peace and bliss and knowingness for a few days, followed by my entire lifetime of trauma, pain, fear, dysfunctional patterns coming up. Moments of truth, knowing of oneness, never lasting long. Listening to you share "you're " story, having someone to relate to... Sometimes it keeps my head out of the deep desire to leave this body... I thank you, Suzanne.
Whatever it is, even if it can’t be felt or understood, it’s a great relief from two years of the pain body, ego, thoughts, grief, suffering, every day crying, seeking, devastation, all triggered by a family event. All of that has bought me here to this point. If it all just stops, just is, that is preferable. Everything is moving, changing, like the waves, the weather.
thanks for your were one of the non-duality speakers I listened to when the seeking became exhausted. It was initially devastating/ hopeless/meaningless when the seeking stopped. Still adjusting to living life without the things that motivated the “me”. Roger Castillo’s talks helped a lot with daily living after liberation. There’s now effortless peace of mind more
Well, Suzanne, I was enlightened for a while (is that possible?). I felt this lightness, this vibrant unjudging clarity, there is no time or good or bad, and everything happens because there is no other way. I was very creative and even clearvoyant. I had a big love and compassion for everybody. But I was soo very lonely. No one realy will understand you. I wanted to help my mother with 'my insights', but i knew she never would understand. So I felt so lonely. I felt so astranged from the rest of the normal people. How can I stand to go to work with this ignorant stupid peple?
So, maybe you say, you didn't lose your ego all the way, because you felt better, and you still had an ego.
It's called the golden chain, as you maybe know, still attached, very sneaky, holding on to some ego.
But I was also exhausted , because every moment was so vibrant, living, never coming back, not leaving a trace or a reason, so I was very exhausted.
I lponged to live like the old ways, and feel just one of the normal people and not so lonely. I was sad.
i understood the whole situation, so if this is what enlightment means, how can you live when nobody really understands you?
This changes your whole life.
Is it possible 'to fall back'to normality, once you experienced enlightment?
Well, anyway, i am not afraid of death anymore. Don't mean I want to die right now.
But I know, it is just the end of an illusion, a narrative of your ego and yourself. So when a person dies, just a story dies, you can't divide life or consciousness. An old joke: life strarted with just one soul, and now we have gathered billions of souls and there will be billions more, heaven must be overcrowded.
I thought about this when I was only 7 years, after all it was not that a stupid question, but one could say, the start of a 'spiritual journey'.
Yes i know, it is not a journey.
What you said about: time and our ego reconstruction reason, long after the mind/the body/something already took this direction openen my eyes.
Also, much other stuff , you said.
I 'reached'this state quite easily, I was just deeply observing without judging or even registrating. Thank you.
If you need constant confirmation from others, you do not live your Life but the Life of others.
Do not try to convince others, why ?
Just accept that "they" are on "their" path and you are on "yours".
Of course Ego is involved, a constant challenge, do not give up, "hou je haaks".
i find your story captivating. everyones fall of self is so different and yours being simply from observation is cool. i had the same experience but i felt that i was unwillingly pushed into that observational state. so i resented it for awhile, now of course i see the value. but cool story.
i had many existential thoughts and questions very young as well. for me it was 11. but for some reason they all had a very somber flavor and created some sort of depression. it seems you were able to do it neutrally since the beginning? except now because of the personal feelings for your mom of course which maybe just came up due to maturing. its beautiful.
@@Ron-rk6izThere's no path. The "path" is part of the illusion.
Not yet having realised who I am or not am, I experience a lot of sadness as if I am going to die or something
Yep. Been there, let it happen, don't resist what's coming up to clear itself. You're not a who, but a what 😊🙏❤️
This couldn't have been said any better.
So attractive is a mind like yours.😍
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder too right? :)
If you feel confused or sad or lonely, you are residing in the mind. You might think you are not, but you are only glimpsing freedom from inside your mind - a cell constructed of your fears. Like seeing a passing bird through a crack in the wall.
When you've truly had enough (you would rather die than live in the mind) you will exit the mind.
When this happens you might think 'Is this enlightenment? Am I enlightened?' If you can ask that question, no you are not. You still reside in the delusional self and such egoic thoughts are only reinforcing that delusion.
Exiting the mind is not exiting the self, there is a deeper layer before the ego is completely gone - the heart (unconscious mind). But to exit the heart, you must die. Do not worry about getting enlightenment because it will never happen. 'You' will be dead when it comes. So if you have things you want to do in life, go and do them. You cannot walk the path to enlightenment without fully embracing death, hence almost all seekers only pass this stage on their deathbed. If you want to die before you die, you must deeply consider if there's anything in 'life' you left undone, anything you've suppressed (there is), and make it your sole goal to bring them into conscious reality. If you still mentally cling to friends, health, family, career, goals, money... you cannot embrace non-existence.
Enjoyed the mystery. Thanks from Sri Lanka.
I lovvvveed this whole talk, till the very end. It was soooo beauuuutiful 💗 thank you so sooo soooooo very much 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
You think properly and are able to express it through words meticulously. Good going.
Thanks Dean ♡
most of us watching sense this womens authenticity or honesty and that is mostly what we are watching. that is beautiful. the words, while possibly helpful, are almost afterthought. l
Great shirt and greater message
Thank you for sharing..❤️
Lovely speaker
So, no need for ourselves to try to be enlightened anymore. That's like a dog chasing its own tail. Woof! Thank you. Full on.
I Love "you" thank you so much.I mean I love what is.I Love the personality that "it is" has chosen to be in this given moment.wait one more try....."it Is " is experiencing a sensory overload of what humans would describe as love towards "it is" in this non existent moment.Thank you 💛
As one can see it as heartbreaking or sad, I find to be so interesting and fascinating. Maybe thats due to me being young, or maybe its the identity, maybe it can't be interested or fascinated and only the person, the character, the me. I've come to many realization from this video alone, not mentions the other 2 of yours that I just watched. I was fascinated and some of the things said hit, while others I couldn't grasp. What was originally an expression of a thought and decision because a little rant. I do not know who this I is that I have been referring to.
2:51 I just started seeing myself as a nervous system reaction I'm claiming ownership of in order to define who I doubt myself to be.
the me died, but didn't understand that the me can't comprehend what is. thank you so much for making that clear!!😄
No, no, nothing was confusing at all (replying to what you said here at 17:40) but trust me every word of what you say is like a guidance 'I' really needed (because it's language, I have to use the term 'I' ... but I 'know' that there is no personal 'I' but still a 'sense of a personal I' exists here).
Very confusing but that's how it is - there's this sense of 'me' here but at the same time a very strong knowing & awareness too that there is no me - as weird & contradictory as it might sound but that's how it is (but might I as well add that no 'experience' as such either ... but still there seems to be a 'knowing' that I can't deny or falsify).
I was feeling so torn between these two apparent levels of knowing that I needed some guidance about it ... And even Adya wasn't helping although he generally is. And I am certain that if I weren't at this phase, I wouldn't have been able to watch your video at all, let alone relate to it. I'm sooo glad to have found you & found guidance in your videos.
And I also feel so blessed to be at a stage where guidance can be available so easily at the click of a button by someone so seemingly far away from us. Although I know this is just the way it's supposed to play out but I can't not acknowledge the way it's playing out and forming an experience here (because there is still a preference for a pleasant & easy experience, I won't lie).
And although I know that each entity becomes a medium for each other for this story to play out, but because this seems so personal on one level, I can't help but appreciate and feel gratitude for the mediums it plays through. Extremely grateful, thank you a million tonnn 💝🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank You! 🤗🙏💚
So beautiful
This is so enlightening 😂😂
Your video's are great, thanks
She is beautiful. ❤️
There is nothing right or wrong to be on a spiritual path..
I am on a path
And your messages trigger and a resonator
You’re really smart Suzanne and pretty 😊❤
Just watched several videos of yours. This is really strong pointing to me - when a very cute girl makes a generous use of FUCK in her description of awakening! (I am only half kidding). To me, everything you say, is just to make pauses between words (and close your eyes). This is where I can fully agree with you on some trust level. The words are good but they cause all kinds of mental activity in me and cause me to seek. I seek a lot and I can strongly relate to you when seek for better ways of expressing yourself. Of course, the difference is that you don't identify with the small you any more, but I still do quite a lot, even though I believe that to be an illusion. Thank you.
Thank you
No one knows anything, yet there is something we don't know, something beyond the illusion, something very real.
What makes you think there is anything beyond "this"?
@@tropialex what makes you think there isn't
There are a lot of videos on youtube about NDE's, where people remember experience before incarnation and remember planning a life... There are a lot of channels, channeling more evolved beings or something like that, that say the same thing - that we, as souls, from the other side of the "veil", planned all this, our life/experience.
The NDE's talk about an actual coming into this "reality", putting on a veil - they say the veil is real, wherein you forget and are cut off from the oneness....and basically it sounds like putting on a sensory suit and entering a video game where you feel hard-wired to the body and all sensory experiences, which don't exist outside or apart from you, but are part of the experience that's in your "brain". It's qualia, not real, but feels real.
But, as for the planning - planned from the soul level or from atman level? Is this also illusory? Not happening? Is the soul in delusion? What is doing the "planning"? LOL
U-go Suzanne 🌌🌠😂
You are lovely ❤️
i fully remember the day I was fully aware of me like the me
What a lovely shirt :))
This seems it is unable to decide that it’s happened or not …. Confusing on a daily basis 😂❤🎉😢
Oh well … is what is apparently
Love this presentation wether it’s actually happening or not 🤷♀️Susanne ❤ 😊
This is probably an ignorant question, but what's next after awakening? Does one not reincarnate? Does one go to higher worlds? Does one disappear or goes on to coat higher bodies, does one create new worlds - mandalas and becomes a mandaleshwar? Is there any meaning in anything ever or do you have to, as an existing consciousness, create a meaning for your existence? Are we eternally to find ourselves in creation, without meaning? Or is the state of lacking a meaning what brings one into a body, etc...? Is there a need for a "soul" to evolve, is that what brings one into these worlds? Or is the "soul" complete? Why the need for this experience? And what if the person, while incarnate, is not reaching their potential spiritually, creatively, as a human or anything... Why do we have to go through this?.... to forget who we are, then remember and then what? I suppose nothing is really happening, yet...WTF? (sorry)
Looking at the masters and saints...they've choses service...they seem to be in a higher state than awakening... I guess it's the allowing the all, the absolute, to act through them??
It's been mentioned by the masters that the path never ends.
Impossible to comment in this restrictive linear form which language seems to restrict us to express the multiple layers of interconnected relativity between thoughts then between the waves of emotions, the mind made connections to past events which we define as bringing us to here, the choice we can make to take that narrative into our hands and say no or yes or say nothing and just be. So just, thank you for sharing your expression. Parts resonated nicely with this timing I could have faced years ago, months ago, weeks ago but its now, here... me, you, us... pretty epic and takes the uncomfortable fear out of it and replaces it with something a bit empowering which I am not able to word better I guess...
"No one know's what is going on" - but we all do the best we can with the range and capacity of awareness of awareness we come from and bring to ourselves and the situation... seems endless, fractal in nature - rabbit hole to explore and learn from while maybe getting lost along the way, to remember, there is no lost perhaps as too, there is no 'found'... no nothing perhaps, no anything... just this, here, now - continue on with life... nicely triggering some comprehensions for myself thank you Suzanne.
I don't like the framing of "it's all an illusion". It seems that a thing can only be labeled as "illusion" relative to something that's not an illusion. If what's not an illusion is that which is prior to duality, that's fine, but we can only experience it as such relative to duality. Therefore, it feels that the "illusion" is an inherent part of reality, and the distinction is just another duality. The somewhat negative connotation of "illusion" is because of one's highly polarized orientation towards it. Play in the illusion, while keeping awareness of its counterpoint.
“Be in the world, but not of it. “
so close that it is closer than Here
In saying "I am" the only truth is "am".
Its like the matrix movie... you might miss all the distractions you had.. I have lost interest in things I thought I liked for years and realised they were mostly distractions from my life... I think it brings more focus though as we dont keep looking for the next best thing...
This me loves you.
The preference to repeatedly say “apparently” as part of this message is seen to be arising to no-one. It appears that this character is now ready to either train a LLM ChatGPT Tony-bot to translate English into radical uncompromising nondual-speak (RUNS) or create a RUNS phrases bingo/drinking game. Obviously, this endeavor is pointless, but then so is everything else, since existence itself is meaningless. But then again, this is merely a story… just words. Everything already is what it is, and that’s all it could possibly be. It’s all just this and nothing is happening. It’s ineffable and impossible to describe.
the concept that none of this is real or the characters are not real right here right now- is strange. the concept of it's no big deal makes sense.
I've noticed over the yrs that a majority of "awakened teachers" have been intense seekers. Soo, this dreamer will probably keep on tracking down more side roads until the dead end. Neither this nor that or anything is the last signpost on the way. Wei Wu Wei.
😊 “Words fail, Silence prevails” Kenzen ☺️👨🎨🎨🥰🔵🎇🌌🎼👀❤️🍯🦏🐢
All words mean nothing, everything just is, there's no understanding because there's no mistery
There’s nothing wrong with believing there is something wrong. If that belief seems to be what’s arising then that’s just what is. That idea, those feelings, that is something is wrong will be replaced by what feels right. Yet are they really two different things, or is that just what’s simply arising?
The me exists. We all exist. The world really exists. Reality is real.
If this is all just illusion, and there is nothing outside that illusion, then illusion is 10 on the scale of 0 to 10 of realness. On a scale of no illusion to illusion, illusion is as real as it gets. What is reality supposed to be like? Where does it say how real reality has to be in order for it to be really real?
Yeah it is.
how much is "a bit of wine"?
Thank you.
Is knowing that there is no separate me intellectually enough?
It's more of an energetic contraction in the body. A thought can be a small part of it so it's not a knowing.
My localized me is hunted by your words... 🐸😑😪🤤
I am transfixed, but because I actually do not understand anything at all that she's talking about. Any help?
Most people have a sense of ego or individual self. Through meditation, self-inquiry, psychedelics, etc., it is possible to lose your sense of ego. 2 ways we can frame ourselves 1-as humans experiencing reality (this is most people's experience) or 2-as reality itself experiencing being human (this is her experience and I am generalizing, it's deeper than this). Option 2 is what this woman is experiencing. This is what the Buddha "achieved", or "enlightenment"
Perhaps Jesus show our true value when he willingly gave his life and came as the incuruptable seed
how is 'no one knows' known?
Ego is the unconscious identification with thought. You are not conscious of it because it is unconscious. The Me.
You are however conscious of ego sign in the form of fear and desire combinations misidentification with thought forms. Ego sign is a communication that you are real and that this explanation is fiction.
Ego Sign
Sadness: Fear/Desire of Leaving/Remaining. Guilt: Fear/Desire of Acceptance/Rejection. Anxiety: Fear/Desire of Knowing/Unknowing (this explanation). Frustration - Anger: Fearing desire. Excitement: Desiring fear.
You cannot begin to remain or leave you. You cannot be less than or more than you. You cannot begin to know or unknow you. You have no opposition that is real.
The greatest heartbreak is not boundless freedom. That is just the illusion of form. That is sadness ego sign. Love and surrender to the truth. That truth is the same truth that is aware of it. That is you!
You do not know any other than you is. You be. I am that I am.
Once the mind appears to recognised who is real in the same way that water is not made from tears, the me identity is seen for what it is.
The mind is a logic tool that recognises truth. In the head, ask the question "who is observing this?". Next ask the question "what does this (thought) really know of that which is observing this (thought)?" Be truthful. Be honest. The true answer observed from the mind will be silence. Silence is the only true expression of what the mind knows of you! Anything else is just fiction. Can the mind imagine an apple or a favourite song? Are you an apple or a favourite song in the head and feels in the body? No. So how can you be any other thought of feeling? That's right. You are not made of those things. They are made of you as water is not made from tears, rain or oceans!
Notice how the real you requires no explanation and can never be explained. Only known by you only. Accept this known truth with love. Surrender and accept the love of the ego sign with a physical sigh.
Accept with love. Surrender with a physical sigh. The physical sigh is one of the last surrenders of the body mind. Ego sign is the last surrender of the mind.
Love and give in. You are before all of this, during all of this and after all of this.
If "it" is made of "me", "I" must be made of "it" 🖤
Okay, this whole Non-duality philosophy is completely new to me. I don't understand it. She is contradicting herself so much. It's insane. I'm sorry guys. If this works for you, it is working. I do not want to criticize it, yet.
If there is no 'Me', no 'self' or no 'ego'. What is there than? What is this emptiness? That is not serenity. That is boredom and depression.
This ideology is not for me. I'm sorry. Help me understand. My life is already filled with emptiness and I try to give meaning and be a valuable asset to my community. I don't understand why YT keeps recommending this channel.
If Suzanne is happy. That's fine. If her community somehow has some advantage. That's great. But I really don't get it. I want to understand all aspects of life. All ideologies. And I do not think this particular ideology is bad or evil, but it seems rather... pointless. It's so nihilistic. It's depressing.
If you want teachings on emptiness, start with The Heart Sutra & go from there.
☯️ Happy New Year 🙏🏼💛🌊🌈🌌
What you're witnessing here is Buddhist thought. Go to the Hindu traditions and you find the ego, emotions, and intellect persist in the person (who does indeed exist), both before and after Awakening, in which one realizes pure existence, conscious, and bliss are what you are -- not a limited, inadequate, incomplete self devoid of love. Instead of the Buddhist interpretation of consciousness as emptiness, it's fullness. Instead on the Buddhist "no-self", it's the Self. But if for some reason you are really turned off by the idea of divinity, 'God', devotion to the divine inside and out, then a Buddhist or Zen approach to all this non-duality may be more to your liking.
It's All Good 🖤
Every One is You, You are Every One 🩶
it's fine if you don't get it, don't worry about it
Please inform those who are killing for gain and control… SATAN in the spirit realm is real…. That is ware our battle is…. Also the pride and flesh
*"LIFE The Real Self" ( NOT the human species, nor the human spirit ) is an Offspring, and Child of "The LIGHT", "The LIFE of GOD"*
*GOD is NOT what many experiencing the Earth Program, imagine it to be !*
*The Word GOD, when translated into ZION ( NOT Hebrew ) is a Geometric Algorithm...*
Great awareness! You are nothing and everything. You opened mind to nowhere.
If I told you the answer
You'd know more than I do.
So confused wtf is no duality
Nonduality in my opinion as a born again christain who found spirituality is the kingdom of God.
Have you ever experienced nonduality?
The me exists. We all exist. The world really exists. Reality is real.
If this is all just illusion, and there is nothing outside that illusion, then illusion is 10 on the scale of 0 to 10 of realness. On a scale of no illusion to illusion, illusion is as real as it gets. What is reality supposed to be like? Where does it say how real reality has to be in order for it to be really real?