What are the odds that’s who he voted for… twice. Doesn’t matter, he deserves punishment either way, I’m just guessing. The lawyer’s argument is stupid btw.
I remember that while the black lady went to prison three white Trump supporters were found guilty of intentional voter fraud and they were given probation.
She was told by two election officials that she was eligible to vote. She put in a provisional ballot so her vote wasn’t even counted. She is currently appealing the sentence. It looks good for a reversal from what I understand- as it should be👍🏻
Defense attorney's argument is ABSURD. EVERYONE KNOWS YOU CAN'T VOTE IN TWO, OR MORE, STATES. You can ONLY vote in the state where your PRIMARY residence is.
He held an office of public trust, likely took an oath, is a lawyer and must uphold ethics. His sense of privilege is immense. Remember the 'unsophisticated' voter in FL who got 5 years??? She was entitled to much more grace than this dude.
BS he knew he is committing a crime even a teenager knows it is illegal to cheat on voting. The state should not be the one to pay his legal fees. Teach him a lesson let him pay for all his legal expenses.
@@iquitnow yes. He thinks he's special. He thinks his vote is more important than yours or mine. They said he had several high degrees so he can read and understand. Not only should he go to jail but he should not be able to vote for the next two elections. His attorneys argument is ludicrous. He knew he couldn't vote in two different states but his privilege makes him think he's special.
Poor baby, will have to drain his TRUST FUND to pay an appeal attorney, which costs $$$. Drain his swamp before others do the same, like Ted Cancun Cruz.
Guilty of a charge? Pay the price. Mr. Saunders should have been charged for each individual time he violated the law, and if found guilty on all counts there should have been more years in prison than what this convict received. He is receiving privilege treatment, for sure. 🙈🙉🙊
Give me a break! The, 'my client lived a privileged life and had two houses, and' although he's a FREAKIN' ATTORNEY AND SO WOULD FREAKIN' KNOW BETTER, 'he shouldn't be held accountable for his illegal activity.' He should be punished MORE because he's a damn attorney and KNEW DAMNED WELL he was illegally voting in two freakin' states!
An attorney with two homes receiving money from a trust plus his actual income and he believes the Ohio taxpayers should pay some or all of his legal bills is absurd. I'm sure he has equity built up in both his homes etc. His property should be auctioned off to pay expenses just like the rest of us and claiming he has no dependents is not a good argument. I wouldn't be surprised that many in the state of Ohio live on $35k per year and expect more from their taxes.Their was a woman in Texas that was told she could vote then she was arrested. Of course she wasn't a white male
He absolutely should be eligible for being declared indigent. You should not believe what the news or media tells you as all citizens are entitled to keep a home, car, and limited cash & still be able to get free healthcare, free atty when needed as it’s to be provided to every single citizen in the USA. Please tell every one when the Government, at any time, is able to legally take possession of any home & sell it off to pay for “atty fees”, lol, you have completely lost it or need to seek a mental health assessment as you’re way off. The man has been incarcerated for more than a year, hasn’t been able to work as he didn’t have bond, & for a white collar crime. I can bet you’re the same person that is 100% one of the catch & release people for those violent criminals that run around stealing, looting, killing others, & you’re worried about a man who has been incarcerated so he has no ability to earn additional income for himself. It’s ironic he’s in jail for voting in elections in 2 state’s when he was told he could vote as he resided in both state’s between his work taking him back & forth. He wasn’t robbing, killing, stealing anything like so many had done at their club home.
Convicted felons and dishonorably discharged individuals are not aloud to vote. just like voting twice we know this. Someone telling you something doesn’t make it true. If your license is suspended and dmv issues you one doesn’t mean you have a valid license means someone made a mistake. Still getting arrested
Suddenly he’s talking with a British accent! What a crook?!? These Judges should receive extra compensation for being exposed to these lawyers and criminals.
That lawyer has achieved a Tibetan Monk’s legendary hability to be at two places at once. Bravo. Seriously, a lawyer pretending not knowing about fraud… If lawyers are not being held to higher standards that lay people, well you end up with judges like Aileen Cannon, John G. Roberts, Jr., Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Brett M. Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.
I don't see anyone thinking that but right now Republicans have lost their way not even requiring them to have experience such as Amy.Also not caring when they obviously receive pay offs.
18:37 Oh lord this guy is opening up a whole new can of worms, where every citizen can vote once in every state. They really are trying to destroy our democratic process, aren’t they?
Would you look at that?! The R’s were right about voter fraud - because they had insider knowledge. Bet they didn’t think the calls for investigation would shine the spotlight their way. 😂
Exactly. You know what GOP stands for: Gaslight. Obstruct. Project (long o). Most of the cases of voter fraud were by MAGAts. There were a few cases where a state (Florida) told ex-convicts that their voting rights were restored, so the person voted, but after the election,the state said their voting rights were not restored. Both MAGAts and Dems had been told this. Guess who was arrested, in Florida, for voting? No one should have been,but the Dems were arrested.
Next, those complicit in Congress! Fourteenth Amendment Section 3 No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
$35,000.00 a year is a decent salary for not working, he has a fekking Trust. My sister lives on less. This was so interesting, I’ve never been in a criminal court, and this was enlightening. Thank you.
@@MultiMicelle LOL -- first, he's wearing orange. Second, "Federal Elections Commission filings showed that Saunders had made monthly donations to then-President Donald Trump’s re-election campaigns and various other conservative political groups in the run-up to that election. Prior to the November 2022 election, Saunders donated to groups that supported GOP congressional candidates in an effort to capture a majority in the U.S. House and Senate."
That is a bunch of bs. He knew what he was doing, amazing how the defense is twisting and turning the law to his advantage. Stooges, we know what you are doing, crooks insulting people's intelligence. Smh
54:26 His lawyer trying to make sure he gets paid by crying "my client is poor", one more time. He's worried he won't get paid because his client is going to jail & won't have access to his money.
The Judges sentencing is HORRIFYING !! He is a lawyer and knew better so he was thumping his nose at the law. He not only did it once he did it twice and he never said that he was sorry. So he showed no remorse. He should get the maximum and should never vote in any state ever again. He is not destitute since he owns more then one home and has other moneys coming in from other places. Poor people get more time then his rich ass just did. How unjust.
@@kimr3755 what is the stars and bars doing on the Ohio flag? Was hoping someone would say that though because flying the stars and bars in a courtroom says the law doesn't matter to us. It's a very upsetting message.
@@bradhombre6912 from Arkansas. Never quite understood why people were offended by the Stars and Bars. But seeing it in a courtroom was indeed terrifying because it told me the judge was prejudiced towards money and cared nothing for human rights. Tennessee heard DeSantis forced all Florida teachers to teach that slavery is OK. They perked up. Then they heard "gender reassignment surgery for pre-pubescent boys" and most Tennesseans are familiar with equine geldings and most Floridians clearly are New Yorkers who know nothing about horses. Tennessee heard "eunuch slaves. Lots of them" and freaked out. No boy will volunteer for that, it is always some kind of force that's used. Tennessee knows. Florida doesn't. They listen to screaming drag prostitutes and say OK. Drag prostitutes are not gelded. Drag queens and lying trannies don't know about geldings either. Tennessee is afraid Judge Karen in Bug Tussle, where the Beverly hillbillies are from, will get the idea to start sentencing DV offenders to be sliced. And here is the Stars and Bars in a courtroom. Yeah: Mike Huckabee is right: if that gets loose on the land it is time to pick up a gun.
He needs to be questioned about which other of his peers did the same. It must have been a Trump supporters thing to do. The lies of his own attorney too. Throw him in after him too.
The defense lawyer has a huge amount of leeway to provide a 'strenuous defense.' That usually means there will be some obfuscation involved. 36 months is an appropriate sentence. The judge was going by guidelines and he followed them to the letter.
I appreciate the context provided at the end regarding maximum sentencing. It seemed too short, even running consecutively, so learning it was the max was helpful.
I certainly don’t condone voter fraud but the normal penalty is a few hundred $’s in fines & up to 2 years in prison so it doesn’t seem like we’d be under the jail or on death row.
@@danielleS257 I wonder if there are extenuating circumstances that could make the penalty could be harsher. If it is a minor slap on the hand they will just do it again, like the big cheeto.
@@MrKilobaked I think historically it hasn’t been a big problem, usually we are pleading with people to vote once but when handing out jail/prison space in an already overcrowded system, there is a hierarchy with violent crimes being first, murder, assault, rape, abuse etc… then financial crimes of a certain value, Enron, Bernie Madoff. robbery, theft then it trickles down to minor/petty crime shoplifting, and apparently voter fraud which is pretty rare, for example in the 2020 presidential election, out of 159,000,000 votes (ballots cast) there were 475 cases of fraud, a decent # of these were people on probation or former felons who thought their voting rights had been restored (see Florida for how that happened), many were people who own homes in more than 1 state who thought that entitled to vote in both or people who voted for a spouse or parent who died relatively close to the election and the family “knew how they wanted to vote) and then there are people who just wanted their guy to win. But either way, you’re talking about far less than 1% of all votes and contrary to the non stop spewing of bull 💩, there are pretty good systems in place to maintain election security, this guy is a perfect example of that. And hopefully he looks at the 18 months as not worth it much like the shoplifter at Walmart who is far more likely to be a repeat offender.
Not for these charges. Even the prosecutor acknowledged this was the maximum, and made it a point in the interview to emphasize it. 1:01:24 ironic that the prosecutor went out of his way to highlight the fact, and clearly people still didn't watch it, or appreciate it.
On indigency: 1) could he rent out his DC condo? There's a source of income. 2. Earning more than $100k / year, and single, I would expect him to have bank accounts. The PD didn't look. 3. He may also have IRA's or other pensions. Hard to believe an attorney in his 50's doesn't.
I'm glad that they are taking this more seriously because its been going on for to long and sometimes they getaway with cheating and cause great harm !!!!
“what is an election? 😂 -def attorney he should get tried in Florida too🙄it should also be noted: this is the state of the republican party (period) the republican party is no longer the party of “fiscal responsibility”, but “fiscal deniability”
Wait, he can’t collect unemployment or social security while he’s incarcerated. He won’t be able to collect social security until the time he gets out of jail & then it will be much lower as he’s not worked since 2018.
I applaud this judge he took this as serious as it is. He went by the book and like the judge stated he knew better that he can't vote from 2 dfferent states. When the defense attorney was speaking earlier he said that his client thought that since he has 2 residences that he could vote at 2 both his residences even though he had to know that you can not vote in both states. He also worked in the federal government and being a lawyer he knew the laws. The judge was'nt buying that story. I was hoping that the prosecuter would ask which state is his drivers license, that would be his primary state of residence, where he can vote from only. I know my aunt and uncle had 3 properties in Florida and they were from Maine and of cause had their primary home in Maine. As they got up to their early 70s they started vacation at one of their propeties longer in Florida. They always left in November from Maine and came back to Maine in May. When they were in their 70s they decided to stay much longer 9 months in Florida and come back to Maine for 3 months. When they made that change they both had to register their car in Florida because they were living in Florida much longer then Maine so Florida became their primary residence. That meant they could no longer vote in Maine they had to vote in Florida. I was only in my 20s with only high school education and certified nurses aide schooling to be state certified and my point, I knew this, so no way did'nt this lawyer know this. He is very lucky for what he received for a sentence, but he thinks he is entitled, and I hope he loses his appeal. There is no good reason for this man to not go to prison. I'm happy that the judge refused him bail. This man was not going to stay another second in jail and figured he will win his appeal. What a snake. I love this judge.
Like hell he should get a state paid attorney...he needs to actually get work and pay his bills. Already, he has had someone's else's income to pay for his lifestyle and his choice to commit crimes
A man with a law degree, among other degrees, claims he didn't know he could only vote once and in only one state. This is also a man with multiple degrees that hasn't been employed for 8 years. Now he wants the state to pay for his appeal. He stated that his income from the last job he had was $125K a year. The man is a bum.
You can only claim one residency and it is that residency that you will vote from the one that you claim to be your residence that you live in not all residents that you own but the one that you live in you only get to vote from there
Im a conservative. And Yes, Only one vote 🗳 per person, Per election. This Saunders guy has a long history of doing this, it sounds like. And hes a lawyer ect. Hmmmm.... He deserves Prison time for sure.
You do the crime.. So you do the time. Especially being an officer holding a position of trust. Thank you to the judge. There is hope for us yet. It helps me sleep better. 💪 🙏
Voter fraud - does not want to pay for his lawyer... hmmm - reminds me of someone else.
The best people. 😂
Let me guess the someone else he reminds you of is the same one he voted for -speaking of voter's fraud! Got what he deserves.
It does sound reminiscent of something I heard on the news recently.....
What are the odds that’s who he voted for… twice. Doesn’t matter, he deserves punishment either way, I’m just guessing. The lawyer’s argument is stupid btw.
🏞🏞🏞🏞Up the river🏞🏞🏞🏞🏞
He should be trialed in Florida too. A black ex-inmate got 5 yrs. for didn’t know that she can’t vote.
I remember that while the black lady went to prison three white Trump supporters were found guilty of intentional voter fraud and they were given probation.
Is she still in jail? That case was bs
Agreed, but skeptical because FL is messed up justice-wise.
She was told by two election officials that she was eligible to vote. She put in a provisional ballot so her vote wasn’t even counted.
She is currently appealing the sentence. It looks good for a reversal from what I understand- as it should be👍🏻
what's good for the goose is good for the ganda
How does a LAWYER live in TWO STATES, get a trust larger then many employees, and is also a LAWYER! just another THIEF!
He needs to sell all property and use trust to pay for his attorney. Then get a J O B - Like the rest of us.
Nah it's not how it works, can't change the law because you don't like the man
Yes to the sale of the property. But NO to get a JOB. He should go to prison.
Defense attorney's argument is ABSURD. EVERYONE KNOWS YOU CAN'T VOTE IN TWO, OR MORE, STATES. You can ONLY vote in the state where your PRIMARY residence is.
Tell that to the left.
This is exactly why lawyers always get the side eye: they argue any point like everyone else is stupid SMH
Don't worry, donny. You'll learn your right from your left when you grow up.
@@ericstevens8131 I know my left from my right. I also know right from wrong. Which you obviously do not.
Oh good. Then you know that it was wrong for this republican lawyer to commit voter fraud.
He held an office of public trust, likely took an oath, is a lawyer and must uphold ethics. His sense of privilege is immense. Remember the 'unsophisticated' voter in FL who got 5 years??? She was entitled to much more grace than this dude.
GOP "justice"
Judge was way to weak.
Yep, lawyers take oaths for their license.
@@alisonhayford37731:01:24 judge gave the defendant the maximum sentence, even the prosecutors acknowledged that.
@uppity1 What was "unsophisticated about her"?
BS he knew he is committing a crime even a teenager knows it is illegal to cheat on voting. The state should not be the one to pay his legal fees. Teach him a lesson let him pay for all his legal expenses.
3 years in jail tho?
@@iquitnow yes. He thinks he's special. He thinks his vote is more important than yours or mine. They said he had several high degrees so he can read and understand. Not only should he go to jail but he should not be able to vote for the next two elections. His attorneys argument is ludicrous. He knew he couldn't vote in two different states but his privilege makes him think he's special.
Poor baby, will have to drain his TRUST FUND to pay an appeal attorney, which costs $$$. Drain his swamp before others do the same, like Ted Cancun Cruz.
Guilty of a charge? Pay the price. Mr. Saunders should have been charged for each individual time he violated the law, and if found guilty on all counts there should have been more years in prison than what this convict received. He is receiving privilege treatment, for sure. 🙈🙉🙊
he was surprised he got caught....that's what is wrong with the judicial system now, two sets of laws 1 one for the rich and one for the poor
Good job Judge 👏 👏👏
I'll never get why these lawyers fall in love with THE ORANGE SWAMP THING.🤔
I’ll never understand why u feel the need to a dead President who is clearly propped up.. seriously! SMH…
Give me a break! The, 'my client lived a privileged life and had two houses, and' although he's a FREAKIN' ATTORNEY AND SO WOULD FREAKIN' KNOW BETTER, 'he shouldn't be held accountable for his illegal activity.' He should be punished MORE because he's a damn attorney and KNEW DAMNED WELL he was illegally voting in two freakin' states!
An attorney with two homes receiving money from a trust plus his actual income and he believes the Ohio taxpayers should pay some or all of his legal bills is absurd. I'm sure he has equity built up in both his homes etc. His property should be auctioned off to pay expenses just like the rest of us and claiming he has no dependents is not a good argument. I wouldn't be surprised that many in the state of Ohio live on $35k per year and expect more from their taxes.Their was a woman in Texas that was told she could vote then she was arrested. Of course she wasn't a white male
He absolutely should be eligible for being declared indigent. You should not believe what the news or media tells you as all citizens are entitled to keep a home, car, and limited cash & still be able to get free healthcare, free atty when needed as it’s to be provided to every single citizen in the USA. Please tell every one when the Government, at any time, is able to legally take possession of any home & sell it off to pay for “atty fees”, lol, you have completely lost it or need to seek a mental health assessment as you’re way off. The man has been incarcerated for more than a year, hasn’t been able to work as he didn’t have bond, & for a white collar crime. I can bet you’re the same person that is 100% one of the catch & release people for those violent criminals that run around stealing, looting, killing others, & you’re worried about a man who has been incarcerated so he has no ability to earn additional income for himself. It’s ironic he’s in jail for voting in elections in 2 state’s when he was told he could vote as he resided in both state’s between his work taking him back & forth. He wasn’t robbing, killing, stealing anything like so many had done at their club home.
She wasn’t the only one. Some where white. Was a Democrat thing not a race thing. If you can’t see that you might as well be maga
Convicted felons and dishonorably discharged individuals are not aloud to vote. just like voting twice we know this. Someone telling you something doesn’t make it true. If your license is suspended and dmv issues you one doesn’t mean you have a valid license means someone made a mistake. Still getting arrested
Great Justice from Judge
For the people & the System set for the people!⚖️
Suddenly he’s talking with a British accent! What a crook?!?
These Judges should receive extra compensation for being exposed to these lawyers and criminals.
He should be charged in federal court too, in my opinion.
The defense lawyer plays dumb and asks what is an election...give me a break, then blames his bad interpretation on the General Assembly.
they will say and do what ever they can to get their client off scott free
That lawyer has achieved a Tibetan Monk’s legendary hability to be at two places at once. Bravo.
Seriously, a lawyer pretending not knowing about fraud… If lawyers are not being held to higher standards that lay people, well you end up with judges like Aileen Cannon, John G. Roberts, Jr., Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Brett M. Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.
Because,God knows Democratic appointed judges adher to the law and no such judges are purer except in heaven.
I don't see anyone thinking that but right now Republicans have lost their way not even requiring them to have experience such as Amy.Also not caring when they obviously receive pay offs.
This is one of those tough guys always talking about personal responsibility.
Well done judge…❤❤
18:37 Oh lord this guy is opening up a whole new can of worms, where every citizen can vote once in every state.
They really are trying to destroy our democratic process, aren’t they?
He received his J.D. from "I Don't Know The Law" Law School founded by Clarence Thomas.
👍😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Good one. Yup, they’re both thieving monsters.
Would you look at that?! The R’s were right about voter fraud - because they had insider knowledge. Bet they didn’t think the calls for investigation would shine the spotlight their way. 😂
I wanna see Mark meadows going to jail. Him and his wife voted illegally in 2020. Nothing has happened.
It is almost always a projection/admission when Rs accuse their adversaries of something.
Right??! So far the only voter fraud found has literally been Republicans voting for Orangina.
Exactly. You know what GOP stands for: Gaslight. Obstruct. Project (long o). Most of the cases of voter fraud were by MAGAts. There were a few cases where a state (Florida) told ex-convicts that their voting rights were restored, so the person voted, but after the election,the state said their voting rights were not restored. Both MAGAts and Dems had been told this. Guess who was arrested, in Florida, for voting? No one should have been,but the Dems were arrested.
Look he voted Republican that's how so called privileged people think???
Next, those complicit in Congress!
Fourteenth Amendment
Section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Bravo judge!
Ask Trump and McCarthy what they think of this.
Shame on him...!!
Another officer of the court blatantly breaking the law...
Trump said vote twice.
Wow! The judge shocked me! I would/will vote for this dude.
Would I be wrong in thinking that he is a republican?
Lol. Not wrong at all.
Hilarious. Look no further then to the left. The majority of Americans know the it is the democrats who have a history of voter fraud, FACT!!
I bet you're not
100% Correct 🤣🤣🙀
If he got 3 years Trump should get 30.... Lock them up.
Serious add up of all years AMERICANS are put away for tRump connections
Oh my God… you took the words right out of millions of other mouths! 🙏
Brought to you by the folks that gave us Gym Jordan.
Other people have served 5 years for this crime once. He got off easy, considering he's an attorney and did it repeatedly.
$35,000.00 a year is a decent salary for not working, he has a fekking Trust. My sister lives on less. This was so interesting, I’ve never been in a criminal court, and this was enlightening. Thank you.
****Another Republican going to jail for Trump*** 🤣🤣‼️‼️
Why are all these GOP types looking sooooooooooooo good in orange?
we dont know what party he voted
@@MultiMicelle LOL -- first, he's wearing orange. Second, "Federal Elections Commission filings showed that Saunders had made monthly donations to then-President Donald Trump’s re-election campaigns and various other conservative political groups in the run-up to that election. Prior to the November 2022 election, Saunders donated to groups that supported GOP congressional candidates in an effort to capture a majority in the U.S. House and Senate."
@@MultiMicellehe donated to trump’s reelection bid😂😂
Yup. Who wouldda thunk? 😊
Way To go Judge nothing like when accountability bites you in the rear🎉🎉🎉🎉😂
He’s a lawyer and he doesn’t know about voting in two places? 😂
That is a bunch of bs. He knew what he was doing, amazing how the defense is twisting and turning the law to his advantage. Stooges, we know what you are doing, crooks insulting people's intelligence. Smh
Keep on locking them up!!! Coming for you Donnie!!!!
He must be nuts. Voter fraud is just stupid by definition.
and Trump didn't even send a thank you note for his staunch support and devotion.
I'm sure this won't be seen on fox news or oan 😅
Only when all the Republicans try to strong arm Ohio into giving him a pardon.
Dam all that for voting twice Trump should go away for life
Be careful what you wish for 😂
The guy blabbing, he knew what he was doing you fool!
54:26 His lawyer trying to make sure he gets paid by crying "my client is poor", one more time. He's worried he won't get paid because his client is going to jail & won't have access to his money.
The Judges sentencing is HORRIFYING !! He is a lawyer and knew better so he was thumping his nose at the law. He not only did it once he did it twice and he never said that he was sorry. So he showed no remorse. He should get the maximum and should never vote in any state ever again. He is not destitute since he owns more then one home and has other moneys coming in from other places. Poor people get more time then his rich ass just did. How unjust.
He knew what he was doing. Ignorance of the Law is of no excuse. He is a bum. House holds live on a lot less income with kids.
Why is a Confederate flag apparently being displayed in an Ohio courtroom? That's quite scary.
Jeez! It's not the confederate flag. It's the State of Ohio flag.
@@kimr3755 what is the stars and bars doing on the Ohio flag? Was hoping someone would say that though because flying the stars and bars in a courtroom says the law doesn't matter to us. It's a very upsetting message.
It isn’t the stars and bars. It’s just folded up a little funny.
@@bradhombre6912 from Arkansas. Never quite understood why people were offended by the Stars and Bars. But seeing it in a courtroom was indeed terrifying because it told me the judge was prejudiced towards money and cared nothing for human rights. Tennessee heard DeSantis forced all Florida teachers to teach that slavery is OK. They perked up. Then they heard "gender reassignment surgery for pre-pubescent boys" and most Tennesseans are familiar with equine geldings and most Floridians clearly are New Yorkers who know nothing about horses. Tennessee heard "eunuch slaves. Lots of them" and freaked out. No boy will volunteer for that, it is always some kind of force that's used. Tennessee knows. Florida doesn't. They listen to screaming drag prostitutes and say OK. Drag prostitutes are not gelded. Drag queens and lying trannies don't know about geldings either. Tennessee is afraid Judge Karen in Bug Tussle, where the Beverly hillbillies are from, will get the idea to start sentencing DV offenders to be sliced. And here is the Stars and Bars in a courtroom. Yeah: Mike Huckabee is right: if that gets loose on the land it is time to pick up a gun.
Why are all these GOP types looking sooooooooooooo good in orange?
He needs to be questioned about which other of his peers did the same. It must have been a Trump supporters thing to do. The lies of his own attorney too. Throw him in after him too.
The defense lawyer has a huge amount of leeway to provide a 'strenuous defense.' That usually means there will be some obfuscation involved. 36 months is an appropriate sentence. The judge was going by guidelines and he followed them to the letter.
Pay no attention to the voter fraud in Cuyahoga
I appreciate the context provided at the end regarding maximum sentencing. It seemed too short, even running consecutively, so learning it was the max was helpful.
And how in the world did he get a public defender???
No sir!!
They said he is 57. I think that trust is more than available to him
Drain the Swamp. Lock him up.
Wow... An attorney who doesn't know you only vote once in an election. Seriously? How dumb does he think this judge is to believe that BS?
So how many times did the attorney himself vote then.? Check him out.
Another one bites the dust!!!
18 months is a joke. Americans pay the f attention. Right or left you and I would be in prison for 10 years.
I certainly don’t condone voter fraud but the normal penalty is a few hundred $’s in fines & up to 2 years in prison so it doesn’t seem like we’d be under the jail or on death row.
@@danielleS257 I wonder if there are extenuating circumstances that could make the penalty could be harsher. If it is a minor slap on the hand they will just do it again, like the big cheeto.
@@MrKilobaked I think historically it hasn’t been a big problem, usually we are pleading with people to vote once but when handing out jail/prison space in an already overcrowded system, there is a hierarchy with violent crimes being first, murder, assault, rape, abuse etc… then financial crimes of a certain value, Enron, Bernie Madoff. robbery, theft then it trickles down to minor/petty crime shoplifting, and apparently voter fraud which is pretty rare, for example in the 2020 presidential election, out of 159,000,000 votes (ballots cast) there were 475 cases of fraud, a decent # of these were people on probation or former felons who thought their voting rights had been restored (see Florida for how that happened), many were people who own homes in more than 1 state who thought that entitled to vote in both or people who voted for a spouse or parent who died relatively close to the election and the family “knew how they wanted to vote) and then there are people who just wanted their guy to win. But either way, you’re talking about far less than 1% of all votes and contrary to the non stop spewing of bull 💩, there are pretty good systems in place to maintain election security, this guy is a perfect example of that. And hopefully he looks at the 18 months as not worth it much like the shoplifter at Walmart who is far more likely to be a repeat offender.
Not for these charges. Even the prosecutor acknowledged this was the maximum, and made it a point in the interview to emphasize it. 1:01:24 ironic that the prosecutor went out of his way to highlight the fact, and clearly people still didn't watch it, or appreciate it.
On indigency: 1) could he rent out his DC condo? There's a source of income. 2. Earning more than $100k / year, and single, I would expect him to have bank accounts. The PD didn't look. 3. He may also have IRA's or other pensions. Hard to believe an attorney in his 50's doesn't.
😂😂😂 OMG in Cleveland 😮 😂😂 he won't do THAT no more 😂😂😊 the judge just BBQ his defense team
Lock him up!!
I'm glad that they are taking this more seriously because its been going on for to long and sometimes they getaway with cheating and cause great harm !!!!
They are picking and choosing who to go after though
Good job your HONOR🙏🙏🙏
An attorney should know.
an atty should get life for what he did
Another one going to jail for trump 😅
What a dumb reason to go to prison smh. No family, no money, and way too much time on his hands 🤣
I love justice
Mark Meadows should go to jail too!
Dude makes more than double what I get a month. Let him pay his own lawyers. Downsize his life style.
Lock him up along with Trump and his maga tears in my democracy cup
Throw him and Trump in PRISON..
Amen Judge
“what is an election? 😂 -def attorney
he should get tried in Florida too🙄it should also be noted: this is the state of the republican party (period) the republican party is no longer the party of “fiscal responsibility”, but “fiscal deniability”
Meadows should join him 😮
Closing arguments lawyer for defendant is a real trip, throw him in the cell too.
Wait, he can’t collect unemployment or social security while he’s incarcerated. He won’t be able to collect social security until the time he gets out of jail & then it will be much lower as he’s not worked since 2018.
I applaud this judge he took this as serious as it is. He went by the book and like the judge stated he knew better that he can't vote from 2 dfferent states. When the defense attorney was speaking earlier he said that his client thought that since he has 2 residences that he could vote at 2 both his residences even though he had to know that you can not vote in both states. He also worked in the federal government and being a lawyer he knew the laws. The judge was'nt buying that story. I was hoping that the prosecuter would ask which state is his drivers license, that would be his primary state of residence, where he can vote from only. I know my aunt and uncle had 3 properties in Florida and they were from Maine and of cause had their primary home in Maine. As they got up to their early 70s they started vacation at one of their propeties longer in Florida. They always left in November from Maine and came back to Maine in May. When they were in their 70s they decided to stay much longer 9 months in Florida and come back to Maine for 3 months. When they made that change they both had to register their car in Florida because they were living in Florida much longer then Maine so Florida became their primary residence. That meant they could no longer vote in Maine they had to vote in Florida. I was only in my 20s with only high school education and certified nurses aide schooling to be state certified and my point, I knew this, so no way did'nt this lawyer know this. He is very lucky for what he received for a sentence, but he thinks he is entitled, and I hope he loses his appeal. There is no good reason for this man to not go to prison. I'm happy that the judge refused him bail. This man was not going to stay another second in jail and figured he will win his appeal. What a snake. I love this judge.
M A G A. Make Attorneys Get Attorneys 😂😂
Maga = my arse got arrested. 😅
Like hell he should get a state paid attorney...he needs to actually get work and pay his bills. Already, he has had someone's else's income to pay for his lifestyle and his choice to commit crimes
Imagine crying wolf and being the wolf in sheep’s clothing that’s what the Republican Party is all about
Let me guess… he voted for republicans in both states.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤦🏻
No Soup for you!!!!
A man with a law degree, among other degrees, claims he didn't know he could only vote once and in only one state. This is also a man with multiple degrees that hasn't been employed for 8 years. Now he wants the state to pay for his appeal. He stated that his income from the last job he had was $125K a year. The man is a bum.
He thought he saw a loophole that he could cynically exploit for his own benefit. He fucked around. And found out.
He should also lose his law license and never be allowed to vote again.
If he’s found indigent, there is no justice.
Let me guess, a trumper
You can only claim one residency and it is that residency that you will vote from the one that you claim to be your residence that you live in not all residents that you own but the one that you live in you only get to vote from there
He has Pedigree?? Dog chow?😂
What a stupid thing to do for one vote extra 😣😶🙃
Im a conservative. And Yes, Only one vote 🗳 per person, Per election.
This Saunders guy has a long history of doing this, it sounds like. And hes a lawyer ect.
Hmmmm.... He deserves Prison time for sure.
Republicans trademark! Cheat and shout 😂😂😂
My income is less. Since I don't break the law, I don't have to worry.
Peculiar pedigree? A life of privilege is a mitigating factor? 🤮
I don't care who he voted for. One person cannot vote in two states. Period.
You have got to care that he voted for Trump
Ohio!! Republicans!!
Defense attorney: *There ARE additional tests that HAVE to happen.
Why the hell is a lawyer using a public defender?
Why didn't Florida charge him too?
Good! That's an appropriate sentence.
Womp Womp Womp Womp
Ha ha, but it's perfectly OK to vote in two states for Mark Meadows.
29,000/month, I make less than that, His Defence Atturney should pay for it if worried.
You do the crime..
So you do the time. Especially being an officer holding a position of trust.
Thank you to the judge. There is hope for us yet. It helps me sleep better.
💪 🙏
B.S ! He's a lawyer! He knew better he didn't think that he would get caught
said he didnt start collecting the trust fund but later said he lived off the trust fund ??? Contradicting much ? Perjury ?