I want a NEW BIKE... doing maintenance at BossBhabe Motorcycle Parts & Repair shop

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @cecilwampler8733
    @cecilwampler8733 10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +5

    I liked that the guy was honest about the belt and was like, "No, you can go another 2000 km." They realize there is no reason to rip off good customers. When you can trust people, it's nice to relax and let skilled people do what they do.

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

      absolutely 👍
      that type of service will keep me coming back and referring others

  • @jwczapper
    @jwczapper 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Thanks for another good video!

  • @ErwinZado
    @ErwinZado 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Nice illustrative vid !

  • @clrodrick
    @clrodrick 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    You know you want a Ducati! You deserve it 🙂

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      itd be fun but too heavy for city riding 👍

  • @teamkapengpangan
    @teamkapengpangan 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Thank you sir. Good luck to you.

  • @Vaderbill
    @Vaderbill 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Love seeing all the locals! Very nice people. Cool bike shop you use! Stay safe on that! 😊

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      yes they are 👍😃
      and theyre not rushed to make quota’s or commissions on up-selling 👏

  • @pukavoket
    @pukavoket 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    Good Show Old Chap. Have Mr. Goodwrench check your spark plugs/wires when you get a chance.🙃

  • @davidpuente1368
    @davidpuente1368 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

    FYI - nice bike stored my motorcycle for me while I went to my home country for the summer P1,000 a month 👍🏽 smoking deal 😅

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      wow good to know 👍😃
      that’s a great deal

  • @Loigis
    @Loigis 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    My local bike repair guy here in leyte is absolutely gentleman ph are super friendly and helpful

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      absolutely 👍 you found a good place

    • @mrrobert177
      @mrrobert177 4 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      Who and where in leyte is your mechanic?

  • @DarrenGough-lm4ym
    @DarrenGough-lm4ym 8 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Can’t wait for the wheel stand that will be something😂❤

  • @dflostrife
    @dflostrife 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Awesome video, if you would mind how about car rental?

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      i5 car rental is where i recommend 👍 ive used them numerous times.. quick and easy and located on Narciso St next to the 7 eleven and Kandi Palace

  • @MrPat-UK
    @MrPat-UK 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Your bike maintenance is very important chubz, good to keep on top of it, it’s a loyal little bike with plenty of miles yet, if it’s up together,your far safer riding it, it’s all the other stuff around you,, 👍

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา


  • @fury5502
    @fury5502 11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    One of the last things you think about bike maintenance so a good reminder. Also good to see that they they did not upsell the belt and was good for the next service so kudos for this. And your dream bike is?

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      👍 some day a larger CC touring bike would be nice.. not sure of the brand, research and test rides will determine

  • @bryanlonger8646
    @bryanlonger8646 9 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Good job...did you mention the total service cost...yes you did...40 bucks ...that was worth it

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  9 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      it always amazes me how inexpensive 😃👍

  • @TheInvisibleAmericanMan
    @TheInvisibleAmericanMan 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    cleanliness is next to Godliness when it comes to vehicle maintenance. I would pay double (if necessary) to have that scooter serviced at the stealership...

    • @brendandoherty2159
      @brendandoherty2159 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      I'm wondering if paying double would even be enough? Nah, I just use the "local" shops, I see no point in me paying for the nice shiny showroom beside the service department.

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  10 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

      dealerships usually require appointments and i dont find them necessary here when small shops are just as professional and most likely quicker friendly and if you want to monitor they have nothing to hide

  • @aranger4collectors70
    @aranger4collectors70 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    They know there bikes for sure… they do there work well, and most are very honest, not like car dealerships, where they take your car parts and replace them with used parts or cheaper parts…

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      😵 that’s crazy but i could see that happening
      Motorbike shops are a dime a dozen and will compete for devoted customers.. find the right place and youll always receive top notch honest service

    @BROFESSORTHE 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    One day I might rent or buy an ass-rocket lol. Thanks Chad.

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      there ya go 😃 best way to get around 👍

  • @srwilliams1963
    @srwilliams1963 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    I saw in Thailand that bike repair shops open all night long. Is it same there?

    • @brendandoherty2159
      @brendandoherty2159 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +3

      Haven't seen that in Angeles, although many may stay open until perhaps 9 or 10pm, Mr. JJ's IS open 24 hours 363 days per year, however as yet they DON'T service bikes!!!!

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      i dont think theyre open 24 around here

  • @mikefoodee7846
    @mikefoodee7846 13 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Every time my mind is blown with the prices of bike maintenance in the Philippines. How much would that have cost here? My son is going to Bohol for 3 months starting February. He was hoping to rent a bike but he doesn’t have a motorcycle endorsement. We’ll have to see how that turns out 💵💰

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      i was surprised how low the cost was for the servicing i recd 😃 that same service would be about $200 in the US
      Some motorbike rental places will look beyond the endorsement, and of course money speaks

    • @dixiekayaker805
      @dixiekayaker805 7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      If you ever want to look for another shop, I highly recommend Patiu's garage on McArthur Hwy. Doc Patiu is one of the most trustworthy mechanics I've come across. They all ride N-Max's or Aerox's and they specialize in the yamaha scooter repair and maintenance. In the States, I have one mechanic I trust and I do most of my own bike work at home. I'm so lucky that Doc was recommend to me here. He has proven to be trustworthy and expert at working on my aerox!

  • @TrevorMelbourne-ef1in
    @TrevorMelbourne-ef1in 12 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +2

    Chubs, Would be great if you could answer my question re the Scorebirds bikini contest in that video’s comment section. Or maybe you could do a “How it works” talk-only video? Thanks! 🙏

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  11 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      some comments dont make it through 🤔
      bead totals determine the winner, some girls have supporters that will spend a lot to insure a girls win; the girls get no money from beads only drinks and winnings if they place in the top 3

  • @DaveOneDay
    @DaveOneDay 5 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Great video. Can't imagine saying kilometers or celsius or the metric system.. 😅.. You paid cash for the bike and car correct ,? ✌ chubs

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      yes cash for both 👍
      it’s still strange going metric 😬

  • @raycatlin3554
    @raycatlin3554 5 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    * Chubs , Why no Foot - brakes on Hondas ? Easier than dropping ⚓
    Cheaper than a James Bond parachute package .
    Ask the shop mechanics sometime , what do they say ?
    Do you know the reasoning ?💰 Co$t$ . . .Anyone have input ?
    Hand braking 0nly . . 👎 Life reliance on a cable . . .🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲Roll'em
    I 've searched briefly , No deep 🤿dives with no suitable answers . 👋. . .👋. . .

    • @chubsDubC
      @chubsDubC  2 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      always having to put feet down in traffic