Manifest Feeling Immensely Grateful & Embrace Abundance|Best in the Morning (POWERFUL SUBLIMINAL)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 มิ.ย. 2024
  • How this subliminal can benefit you?
    ~Help you stay in a state of gratitude
    ~ Help you Live in the End of your wish fulfilled.
    ~Help you replace your negative thought pattern.
    ~Help you feel bless and well supported.
    ~Help you be in a happy state
    & much more.
    Listen atleast once a day to get quick results and reprogram yourself.
    [Subliminal messaging (Formats: Audio/Visual) involves using hidden messages that are below our level of conscious awareness. The idea is that it can act as a powerful tool to help influence/reprogram your subconscious mind and ultimately help you achieve your goals.
    There are all sorts of different subliminal audio tracks out there, from ones that are designed to help you lose weight or quit smoking, to ones that are supposed to help you attract wealth and success. Some people swear by them, while others are more skeptical.
    If you're willing to put in the work and use it consistently over time, it can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement.
    So if you're curious about subliminal audio, I encourage you to give it a try.
    Important Points:
    ◇You don't need to hear/read the subliminals. They are meant to work on you subconsciously.( In case you desire to know about the affirmations used in this video, they've been shared at the end of the description.
    ◇It is better to keep yourself hydrated as sometimes people have observed that listening to/watching subliminal causes them to feel dehydrated.(This is subjective.)
    ◇Some people complain of headaches when the listen to more than one subliminal at a time. In such cases, it is better to take some time off in between. ( This too is subjective.)
    ◇Subliminals/Affirmations/Techniques mentioned on this channel aren't a replacement for any medical advice or medicine.]
    List of affirmations used in the subliminal :
    1. I am grateful for the abundance of love and support in my life.
    2. I am thankful for the opportunities that come my way, big or small.
    3. I am blessed to have a healthy body and mind.
    4. I appreciate the beauty of nature that surrounds me every day.
    5. I am grateful for the roof over my head and the food on my table.
    6. I am thankful for the people who challenge me to grow and learn.
    7. I am blessed to have a profession that allows me to use my skills and talents.
    8. I appreciate the moments of peace and stillness in my busy life.
    9. I am grateful for the memories of happy times with loved ones.
    10. I am thankful for the lessons learned from difficult experiences.
    11. I am blessed to have a supportive community of friends and family.
    12. I appreciate the freedom to pursue my passions and dreams.
    13. I am grateful for the ability to learn and grow every day.
    14. I am thankful for the kindness of strangers and the generosity of others.
    15. I am blessed to have a positive outlook on life and a sense of purpose.
    16. I appreciate the small things that bring joy and happiness into my life.
    17. I am grateful for the courage to face my fears and take risks.
    18. I am thankful for the opportunities to give back and make a difference in the world.
    19. I am blessed to have a sense of belonging and connection with others.
    20. I appreciate the power of forgiveness and letting go of grudges.
    21. I am grateful for the ability to see beauty in everything around me.
    22. I am thankful for the strength to overcome challenges and obstacles.
    23. I am blessed to have a loving heart that gives and receives love freely.
    24. I appreciate the moments of laughter and joy that fill my life with happiness.
    25. I am grateful for the wisdom gained from life experiences and lessons learned.
    26. I am thankful for the moments of clarity and insight that guide me on my journey.
    27. I am blessed to have a sense of gratitude that fills my heart with joy and contentment.
    28. I appreciate the power of positive thinking and affirmations in transforming my life.
    29. I am grateful for the opportunity to live life to its fullest, every single day.
    30. I am thankful for all that is good in my life, both big and small, seen and unseen.
    tags: Jose Silva, Mind Control, Law of Attraction, Law of Assumption, Solfeggio Frequency, Neville Goddard, The Secret, Self-help, Healing with subliminal, Gratitude Subliminal, Fulfilled Desire State, Spiritual growth, metaphysical perspectives, Feeling is the Secret, the power of your subconscious mind, Believing is seeing, Abundance Mindset, It's Done, the power of positive thinking, Affirmations to become a millionaire, Inquestive question, Alpha Frequency, Theta State, Yoga nidra, Turiya State in meditation, listen and manifest, Manifesting while sleeping, Programming the subconscious, Live in the end

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