I believe we create our experiences and God created us to have eternal life in heaven with him but we choose to create experiences of mortality and suffering for the sake of the struggle. So in short I believe that we asked for it
Isaiah 57:1-2 Romans 8:18-22 Isaiah 55:8-9 Jeremiah 29:11-14 Romans 5:3-4 These are some good verses for people who deal with loss. Cliffe doesn’t know because Gods ways are higher than our own. Sometimes this answer isn’t satisfying but trust in God because He knows what is truly best for everyone. Even if it hurts, look no further than Romans 5:3-4. Christ is Lord ✝️❤️.
And who will hold God responsible for the decision to give us free will in the first place? After all, if _we_ create robots and imbue them with the free will to disobey us, who will be responsible _when_ they choose to disobey us? With free will, disobedience is a feature, not a bug.
🙏 Amen God is good
Amen ✝️✨
I believe we create our experiences and God created us to have eternal life in heaven with him but we choose to create experiences of mortality and suffering for the sake of the struggle. So in short I believe that we asked for it
Isaiah 57:1-2
Romans 8:18-22
Isaiah 55:8-9
Jeremiah 29:11-14
Romans 5:3-4
These are some good verses for people who deal with loss. Cliffe doesn’t know because Gods ways are higher than our own. Sometimes this answer isn’t satisfying but trust in God because He knows what is truly best for everyone. Even if it hurts, look no further than Romans 5:3-4. Christ is Lord ✝️❤️.
And who will hold God responsible for the decision to give us free will in the first place? After all, if _we_ create robots and imbue them with the free will to disobey us, who will be responsible _when_ they choose to disobey us? With free will, disobedience is a feature, not a bug.
whats the song
Gods creation is the name of the song
God is revenge