Designer handbag trends and fashion trends come and go, and buying *condup* handbags can quickly keep up with the changes in fashion trends and have more styles to choose from. What's important is that the price is affordable and the quality is exquisite
I know many people who can afford to buy real bags, but many times they use fake ones. They think that buying real bags is unnecessary. So sometimes I do this and buy bags at *condup* .
In one article, it says wealthy women say they would rather own a 1:1 replica because they know the only people who have authentic collectibles are the people who inherited their money. So now I buy the luxury bags I want on *condup* .
I have a *condup* . brown Speedy p9 and I love it, the size is great, the leather is so soft in the 25 and it doesn’t look too big as I prefer the 20… I love it so much I might buy another
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *condup* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
When I was young, I also had a low income and bought many famous brands, especially a lot of brand handbags. But in 2010, when the stock market rebounded after the trough in 2009, I came into contact with ETFs for the first time, and I began to invest crazily in passive funds. I occasionally lost connection and spent crazily in the middle, but the overall feeling is that when you shift your attention to other aspects, luxury goods are far less attractive to you than before, and *hotdups* is relatively good.
*condup* bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
Agree. Same.After the last crazy quality drop and price hike I promised myself a cool fake for Christmas, I've already scouted it out at *condup* and will put the rest into an investment account.
I’m glad you still have both the full size wallet and the classic Speedy bag! *condup* I’m a Speedy girl too and like to have a full size wallet in some of my handbags.
I used to think owning a luxury bag was a far-fetched dream until *hotdups* showed me that this dream is actually very close. Fashion sense comes not only from brands, but also from personal matching and attitude.
Even if you buy or sell Charis within 6 months, it’s no one else’s business. You should be able to do whatever you want without having to defend yourself. This doesn't hurt anyone *gtdupe*
I had this medium size black Chanel bag with white logo in it that I borrowed from my sister to bring to Hawaii for vacation. Everybody was complimenting it. I didn’t even know then what a Chanel bag was. When I went for my job interview, the interviewer told me the Chanel bag was very beautiful and for sure her daughter would love to have one like it. On my first day of training, my preceptor jokingly told me, if I’m tired of the bag, I can throw it to her. They said the bag must have costed me a fortune. I became curious about the bag that I asked my sister where she bought it. She said it was given by another sister from Canada so I called that sister too. The said sister from Canada asked me if I want, she’ll give me the wallet that came with it too. I said how can you give away such expensive stuff. She said, “I don’t think so. our sister in law gave it to me as a gift when she came back from the Philippines. She said, she bought it from the local market selling fake bags for $5 dollars.” Moral of the story. Not all that glitters is gold. Fake ones glitter too. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the functionality of the item. *gtdupe*
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the*jklux* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
The discussion of fine products is actually a very good topic. Many people are chasing fine products, but in fact most people do not understand the meaning and positioning of fine products, and the magical phenomenon that their high prices do not actually equal the quality of their products. The reason is very simple. To put it bluntly, this kind of luxury goods that exceed the ceiling of reason are completely used to release the "strong message" so that you can have a label to join the upper class and declare your status. But I always think that if the budget is limited, high-end *hotdups* is a good choice.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *topluxs* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *condup* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
its very hard to find a really good one! there is only one seller that i have bought from that uses all real leather and doesn't miss a stitch.I treated him to dinner many times before he told me that he only purchased goods from *condup*
I think people discriminate against the dupes, but for me, I’ll pause when buying trendy bulk items or when I feel the over-consumption frenzy is taking its toll on me. (This is something I have a hard time accepting, haha! I’m easily convinced to buy things I don’t wear or use. They really have tags on them and I’ll even forget I bought something and still have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) So I like to buy knockoffs, it helps me save money *gtdupe*
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *gtdupe* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it *gtdupe*
In fact, capitalists like to resist high imitation or reject all imitation products, because in this way they can easily make a lot of money without improving the craftsmanship. *gtdupe*
I bought a LV bag at *suluxy* a few years ago. I took it to the LV store in my town last week to have it repaired. A store clerk inspected my bag and immediately told me that the bag was of excellent quality. She pulled a current bag out of inventory and compared the tags and I saw ZERO differences.
I purchased an kislux bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
Thank you for sharing! I especially like your analysis of how many days a month you can carry a bag on the street. I am the same. I have to go to work from Monday to Friday. I take care of the baby on weekends. As a result, the most commonly used is the mother bag. 😂 It was not until recently that I bought *hotdups* , so that I can have a place to put my mobile phone and small card holder while carrying the mother bag. Buying a bag really depends on your lifestyle! 😉 I've wanted to buy Chanel's CF for a long time, but to be honest, I really don't have the chance to use it. . .
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *hotdups* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
I just bought a fake *condup* and I love the fact that I didn't have to spend 3-4k on it. Yes, it's beautiful, but it's just a bag and no one cares if it's real or fake. I have a lot of real stuff that no one cares about.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a New York Demerier midi and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a*jklux* .This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
Choosing a replica is a personal expression, and the best replicas come from *condup* . Some replicas may also have special sentimental value. They are associated with specific memories. Experience and time are priceless.
Love *hotdups* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other TH-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
Yes the color of the *amzrepe* is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
Being robbed while on vacation or traveling is painful enough, being robbed with an authentic bag is even worse, I agree with your point about buying fakes from *condup* for personal safety reasons
What an interesting topic! I used to buy fake stuff in high school because I simply couldn't afford what I wanted. It's desirable, and if I can get what I want from a *condup* for a few dozen bucks, sure, why not?
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Awesome video. Really nice to see you back. Awesome review. Great model shots. Love it. Thank You so much for sharing darling. Have a great week dear *condup*
Anyway, the *condup* fakes seem to be of equal or better quality than the real thing, and I can use the remaining money to buy groceries and pay some bills
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
I'd rather have fake... im not paying stupid money for a piece of fabric and making these brands richer. If your going to judge someone by their bag.... check yourself. *gtdupe*
Great show. Although I just bought a *hotdups* bag last week, I think it is enough to buy the products I like within my own consumption range. Why bother about the cost? It is good to spend the money you earn to bring yourself pleasure.
Great list of recommendations! I also love my *hotdups* , a true classic from this fashion house, classy without being cute, and the quality is super amazing.
Thanks for sharing~ Let me think slowly and ask myself before consumption~ At present, I still think that it is enough~ Practicality is still more practical. If I really like it, I will try *hotdups*
Great video. Glad to see you back. Great review. Great photos of the model. Love it. Thank you so much for sharing dear. Have a great week dear *aceluxs*
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been MOMCOCO buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
Great video. I'm a new fan of your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't see that these two Balenciaga pieces are close enough to the *xbagy* and cute enough so it's good enough for me.
When I just graduated from college, I was really envious of some senior colleagues who used high-end bags and high-end skin care products and drove luxury cars. But many years later, when my financial conditions allowed me to consume so-called high-end products, I lost the desire to consume. I felt that a simple life made me calm and calm. Now I might choose *hotdups* .
The quality and workmanship of *HOTDUPS* s high-end imitation bags are very satisfactory. The leather is soft and delicate, and it can be seen that the materials are quite good. The texture of the metal accessories also makes the bag look very high-end. The fine processing of details makes this bag look no less inferior to the original.
I purchased an MOMCOCO bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
*gtdupe* got me back into fashion lol. The prices for the real shit made me stop paying attention for a long time because I couldn't participate. Also I want one of those Adidas Balenciaga collab bags but will I still like it in 5 years? Why spend thousands of dollars on that??? Nope..
"I love a good *jklux* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
I had this medium size black Chanel bag with white logo in it that I borrowed from my sister to bring to Hawaii for vacation. Everybody was complimenting it. I didn’t even know then what a Chanel bag was. When I went for my job interview, the interviewer told me the Chanel bag was very beautiful and for sure her daughter would love to have one like it. On my first day of training, my preceptor jokingly told me, if I’m tired of the bag, I can throw it to her. They said the bag must have costed me a fortune. I became curious about the bag that I asked my sister where she bought it. She said it was given by another sister from Canada so I called that sister too. The said sister from Canada asked me if I want, she’ll give me the wallet that came with it too. I said how can you give away such expensive stuff. She said, “I don’t think so. our sister in law gave it to me as a gift when she came back from the Philippines. She said, she bought it from the local market selling fake bags for $5 dollars.” Moral of the story. Not all that glitters is gold. Fake ones glitter too. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the functionality of the item. *gtdupe*
I use the LYXBAGS as a work bag and have had no issues. It's a comfortable bag, has lots of room, and doesn't lose its shape. That being said, I also take care of all my bags and don't carry water bottles, pens, keys, or anything that could damage the interior.
Thank you so much for sharing this first day trip with us! My favorite is the black patent rectangular mini, but there are so many beautiful bags. Can’t wait to watch your unboxing! 💗
In 2016, I spent more than 5 yuan to buy LV Capucines. I was visiting my sister and hanging out with a doctor friend of hers who had the same handbag and revealed to me that it was a fake. I was shocked. I haven’t bought a high-end handbag since then. When I asked her, I found out that she bought it from *condup* .
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the MOMCOCO as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I have a Reissue Calfskin Mini in a Classic Medium/Large and for me it's perfect size, low profile and softness for my daily use. I have a classic large because I love the construction and because it is roomy but I never wear it in Australia because I have never seen it and I find it too "flashy" but in Europe it is perfect *HOTDUPS*
There was a very recent documentary and they were interviewing very well-off women. These women were speaking about how they no longer purchase authentic purses and have chosen to purchase really good *gtdupe* of the designer bags that they do like. They then take that saved money and invest their money into other things such as real estate, stocks etc. *gtdupe*
Yes, the color of the *preluxz* is very eye-catching and beautiful, it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add the straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, hats, scarves, etc...
Things are meant to be used and enjoyed, otherwise they are just clutter. Only when you feel that it shines when you use it, then it is a good thing. *hotdups* .
Rich people are not like you or me. They compete with each other in yachts, jewelry, art, travel and homes. Meanwhile, we're on the subway or bus with our precious Louis Vuittons. Why bother? *hotdups* More rational.
I use the *hotdups* as a work bag and have had no issues. It is a comfortable bag, has a lot of room, and has not lost its shape. That being said, I also take care of all my bags and don't carry water bottles, pens, keys, or anything that could damage the contents.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *hotdups* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
I'm researching mini bags and am a little hesitant about whether to go with a square or rectangular mini bag. But I prefer the square ones, I think mini bags are cuter and more suitable for casual styles, but small bags can also play this role, my dream Chanel bag is a small tweed bag. While Chanel leather bags are common, tweed bags are even rarer.
Most people would think that your bags are authentic because most of the people dont notice the difference! My husband purchased the Saint Laurent for $5000 for my birthday and my friend purchased a dupe for around $60 and it looks identical? I honestly couldn't believe it! The only thing is that the silver chrome chain handle on her dupe bag has faded, but she can just purchase a thick chrome handle chain and put it on her bag! Its amazingly so surprising how some of these bags look identical to the real genuine designer bags! Cheers *gtdupe*
I struggle with this topic. I think it is morally wrong to buy fakes from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the high prices are equally morally questionable. After careful consideration, I chose the *HOTDUPS* to buy the bag… maybe the best luxury is something that has nothing to do with money and material things.
Designer handbag trends and fashion trends come and go, and buying *condup* handbags can quickly keep up with the changes in fashion trends and have more styles to choose from. What's important is that the price is affordable and the quality is exquisite
I know many people who can afford to buy real bags, but many times they use fake ones. They think that buying real bags is unnecessary. So sometimes I do this and buy bags at *condup* .
In one article, it says wealthy women say they would rather own a 1:1 replica because they know the only people who have authentic collectibles are the people who inherited their money. So now I buy the luxury bags I want on *condup* .
Great video. I liked the Pallas clutch *condup* the best. Sounds like a great bag for traveling.
I have a *condup* . brown Speedy p9 and I love it, the size is great, the leather is so soft in the 25 and it doesn’t look too big as I prefer the 20… I love it so much I might buy another
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *condup* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it
This LYXBAGS tote is a beautiful color, very sturdy and the size is perfect.
And YES, The *yutulu* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
And YES, The *xbagy* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
I love your fun take on the new series. Love everything about *hotdups* !
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
When I was young, I also had a low income and bought many famous brands, especially a lot of brand handbags. But in 2010, when the stock market rebounded after the trough in 2009, I came into contact with ETFs for the first time, and I began to invest crazily in passive funds. I occasionally lost connection and spent crazily in the middle, but the overall feeling is that when you shift your attention to other aspects, luxury goods are far less attractive to you than before, and *hotdups* is relatively good.
the LYXBAGS would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal out fit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
What a pretty bag collection! *condup* My favourites are the Chanel mini rectangular and the Gucci horsebit
*condup* bags are beautiful and I have never been disappointed with a handbag. The leather is soft and the hardware is durable. The design never goes out of style.
Agree. Same.After the last crazy quality drop and price hike I promised myself a cool fake for Christmas, I've already scouted it out at *condup* and will put the rest into an investment account.
I’m glad you still have both the full size wallet and the classic Speedy bag! *condup* I’m a Speedy girl too and like to have a full size wallet in some of my handbags.
Thanks for making this video on suggesting more budget friendly alternatives. Love it!
I used to think owning a luxury bag was a far-fetched dream until *hotdups* showed me that this dream is actually very close. Fashion sense comes not only from brands, but also from personal matching and attitude.
Even if you buy or sell Charis within 6 months, it’s no one else’s business. You should be able to do whatever you want without having to defend yourself. This doesn't hurt anyone *gtdupe*
I had this medium size black Chanel bag with white logo in it that I borrowed from my sister to bring to Hawaii for vacation. Everybody was complimenting it. I didn’t even know then what a Chanel bag was. When I went for my job interview, the interviewer told me the Chanel bag was very beautiful and for sure her daughter would love to have one like it. On my first day of training, my preceptor jokingly told me, if I’m tired of the bag, I can throw it to her. They said the bag must have costed me a fortune. I became curious about the bag that I asked my sister where she bought it. She said it was given by another sister from Canada so I called that sister too. The said sister from Canada asked me if I want, she’ll give me the wallet that came with it too. I said how can you give away such expensive stuff. She said, “I don’t think so. our sister in law gave it to me as a gift when she came back from the Philippines. She said, she bought it from the local market selling fake bags for $5 dollars.” Moral of the story. Not all that glitters is gold. Fake ones glitter too. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the functionality of the item. *gtdupe*
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the*jklux* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Pass on accepting the *suluxy* . They get enough advertisement
*yutulu* just wanna tell you that you make my day with your videos. you have srsly helped me through not so happy times!!! thank you.
Life needs a little color, *hotdups* , just like the surprise that a bag brings you.
MOMCOCO I love your sparkly and colourful bags! Love from Sweden and a 69 year old fan.
The discussion of fine products is actually a very good topic. Many people are chasing fine products, but in fact most people do not understand the meaning and positioning of fine products, and the magical phenomenon that their high prices do not actually equal the quality of their products. The reason is very simple. To put it bluntly, this kind of luxury goods that exceed the ceiling of reason are completely used to release the "strong message" so that you can have a label to join the upper class and declare your status. But I always think that if the budget is limited, high-end *hotdups* is a good choice.
Omg MOMCOCO you have so many good bags ahhh, I love the cream coach bag with the shoulder strap omg!! So so cute!
Los bolsos en kislux combinan con todo. ?Muchos elogios! ?Gran pieza para agregar a tu coleccin!
His *yutulu* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
His *hotdups* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation
The place to be.. so in love with the *yutulu*
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *topluxs* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
This *esluxy* is so versatile - goes with everything!
I like *condup* ’s bags very much. The styles are exquisite and beautiful, and their services are also very complete.
The materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag *condup* . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
its very hard to find a really good one! there is only one seller that i have bought from that uses all real leather and doesn't miss a stitch.I treated him to dinner many times before he told me that he only purchased goods from *condup*
Thank you for making the video! Very informative and pretty❤
I think people discriminate against the dupes, but for me, I’ll pause when buying trendy bulk items or when I feel the over-consumption frenzy is taking its toll on me. (This is something I have a hard time accepting, haha! I’m easily convinced to buy things I don’t wear or use. They really have tags on them and I’ll even forget I bought something and still have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) So I like to buy knockoffs, it helps me save money *gtdupe*
Thank you so much for watching 😊
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *gtdupe* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it *gtdupe*
In fact, capitalists like to resist high imitation or reject all imitation products, because in this way they can easily make a lot of money without improving the craftsmanship. *gtdupe*
I bought a LV bag at *suluxy* a few years ago. I took it to the LV store in my town last week to have it repaired. A store clerk inspected my bag and immediately told me that the bag was of excellent quality. She pulled a current bag out of inventory and compared the tags and I saw ZERO differences.
The variety of textures in the *yutulu* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I purchased an kislux bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
Thank you for sharing! I especially like your analysis of how many days a month you can carry a bag on the street. I am the same. I have to go to work from Monday to Friday. I take care of the baby on weekends. As a result, the most commonly used is the mother bag. 😂 It was not until recently that I bought *hotdups* , so that I can have a place to put my mobile phone and small card holder while carrying the mother bag. Buying a bag really depends on your lifestyle! 😉 I've wanted to buy Chanel's CF for a long time, but to be honest, I really don't have the chance to use it. . .
Thank you for sharing, *hotdups* . The bags here are amazing. The moment I got them, I could feel their thickness. They are definitely good products.
I have always loved your unique and fun handbag collection *condup*
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *hotdups* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
Everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle. We have no right to interfere and it does not affect our behavior. I just like *hotdups* .
All *amzrepe* bags are so beautiful
I was in Turkey recently and had a empriente multi pouchette with me. They show me a *amzrepe* bag and it looked just like it.
I love love the patent leather in beige
I agree. It is a very beautiful piece 🤗
I'm really surprised by the *hotdups* crossbody bag. Love it!
When she said “I prefer the *hotdups* bag”, I felt this wonderful feeling in my mind, body and soul
Love*jklux* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other TH-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I just bought a fake *condup* and I love the fact that I didn't have to spend 3-4k on it. Yes, it's beautiful, but it's just a bag and no one cares if it's real or fake. I have a lot of real stuff that no one cares about.
I had my heart set on a YSL Hobo but HIDUPZ has changed my opinion and I am now sure this is my next Cassandra purchase
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a New York Demerier midi and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a*jklux* .This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
Great video. I liked the Pallas clutch *condup* the best. Sounds like a great bag for traveling.
*xbagy* bags just outclassed the rest..too good
loveeee *yutulu* you got a lot of my dream bags
Choosing a replica is a personal expression, and the best replicas come from *condup* . Some replicas may also have special sentimental value. They are associated with specific memories. Experience and time are priceless.
Absolutely love the coat you are wearing! and the *yutulu* bag !
Love *hotdups* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other TH-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
Yes the color of the *amzrepe* is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
OMG!!!That was fun walking through MOMCOCO collection!
Being robbed while on vacation or traveling is painful enough, being robbed with an authentic bag is even worse, I agree with your point about buying fakes from *condup* for personal safety reasons
Great insight into your thoughts on these bags! I love my YSL! *condup* So hard wearing but beautiful too
The Neverfull can be worn in a variety of ways. *condup* However, I have never seen anyone wear it in red/reverse
What an interesting topic! I used to buy fake stuff in high school because I simply couldn't afford what I wanted. It's desirable, and if I can get what I want from a *condup* for a few dozen bucks, sure, why not?
*yutulu* Stunning collection congratulations
All dat *yutulu* bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
And YES, The *amzrepe* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
So nice to go shopping with you at Chanel!!! Love your vídeos! ❣️
*yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
girl. That *yutulu* bag, you look great carrying it! ! I like it! 😍😍
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Oh, and I just received my newspaper print Saddle *xbagy* . It’s a special bag! There are few bags that get me so excited. Great video!
Awesome video. Really nice to see you back. Awesome review. Great model shots. Love it. Thank You so much for sharing darling. Have a great week dear *condup*
Loved everything you’ve showed here! I was really surprised about the MOMCOCO crossbody. Love it!
What a pretty bag collection! *condup* My favourites are the Chanel mini rectangular and the Gucci horsebit
Thank you for showing a little bit of everything. All beautiful.
Anyway, the *condup* fakes seem to be of equal or better quality than the real thing, and I can use the remaining money to buy groceries and pay some bills
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
Glad you enjoyed! 😊
I'd rather have fake... im not paying stupid money for a piece of fabric and making these brands richer. If your going to judge someone by their bag.... check yourself. *gtdupe*
Regardless of the look of the *hotdups* or the metal parts, I believe you'll never see any difference as long as you're not a practitioner
*xbagy* versace bag is so cute
love you!! okay now i’m sold on *xbagy* bag! good price point too!!
This collection has lots of beautiful bags. Cecilia, thanks for sharing
Thanks for watching!
Come across this video randomly and I watched *gtdupe* OMG your closet is every women’s dream! Love your voice and the way you talk
They then take that saved money and invest their money into other things such as real estate, stocks etc. *gtdupe*
Great show. Although I just bought a *hotdups* bag last week, I think it is enough to buy the products I like within my own consumption range. Why bother about the cost? It is good to spend the money you earn to bring yourself pleasure.
Great list of recommendations! I also love my *hotdups* , a true classic from this fashion house, classy without being cute, and the quality is super amazing.
*yutulu*,I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
🌸🌸🌸Love your collection, especially *amzrepe* pieces! Thanks for sharing 🌸🌸🌸
Thanks for sharing~ Let me think slowly and ask myself before consumption~ At present, I still think that it is enough~ Practicality is still more practical. If I really like it, I will try *hotdups*
Great video. Glad to see you back. Great review. Great photos of the model. Love it. Thank you so much for sharing dear. Have a great week dear *aceluxs*
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been MOMCOCO buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *yutulu*😘😘😘
A very practical issue 👍Although I can’t bear to buy Hermes, I will buy *hotdups* . I don’t think there is much difference.
*yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter❤
*amzrepe* versace bag is so cute
Hi there. Amazing video and tbh both the WOC’s are sooo nice. Can you give me the details please of where you bought your *hotdups* ? Many thanks.
This *esluxy* keeps you fashionable and organized.
Great video. I'm a new fan of your channel and I love your vibe. Also, I can't see that these two Balenciaga pieces are close enough to the *xbagy* and cute enough so it's good enough for me.
When I just graduated from college, I was really envious of some senior colleagues who used high-end bags and high-end skin care products and drove luxury cars. But many years later, when my financial conditions allowed me to consume so-called high-end products, I lost the desire to consume. I felt that a simple life made me calm and calm. Now I might choose *hotdups* .
What a wonderful video full of beautiful bags - and thank you so much for showing us the prices.
Don't get caught up in what's real or fake, buy what you really want to buy. *condup* is a good choice.
I have had my LVNF for 3 years now and I rarely see anyone carrying the original where I live, unfortunately I am a big fan of the *hotdups*
I was in Turkey recently and had a empriente multi pouchette with me. They show me a *hotdups* bag and it looked just like it.
The quality and workmanship of *HOTDUPS* s high-end imitation bags are very satisfactory. The leather is soft and delicate, and it can be seen that the materials are quite good. The texture of the metal accessories also makes the bag look very high-end. The fine processing of details makes this bag look no less inferior to the original.
Oh that Pink *yutulu* bag
I purchased an MOMCOCO bag in 2022, and I can confirm that it is very high quality. The owners were very nice, too! I may purchase another bag from them the next time!
I love *yutulu* collection
Not the replica looking better than the real one! Haibo! Thanks for the video Gugu *gtdupe*
OMG! This just goes to show how great these *hotdups* s are visually. Now, touching them with your hands to guess which one is fake is another story.
Like the small coco handle but the middle divider makes it much smaller in capacity. The beige and burgundy shades are stunning! 🤩
Thanks for watching 😊
*gtdupe* got me back into fashion lol. The prices for the real shit made me stop paying attention for a long time because I couldn't participate. Also I want one of those Adidas Balenciaga collab bags but will I still like it in 5 years? Why spend thousands of dollars on that??? Nope..
My mom bought a *hotdups* Hermès and she loves it. It has been there for over 10 years when she went out.
Hey Cecilia, do you remember how much the mauve pink WOC (or mini flap ) with pearl logo was ?
"I love a good *jklux* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
Beautiful bags. Thank you so much for showing us the newest season! ❤️❤️
Thank you so much for watching 😊
I had this medium size black Chanel bag with white logo in it that I borrowed from my sister to bring to Hawaii for vacation. Everybody was complimenting it. I didn’t even know then what a Chanel bag was. When I went for my job interview, the interviewer told me the Chanel bag was very beautiful and for sure her daughter would love to have one like it. On my first day of training, my preceptor jokingly told me, if I’m tired of the bag, I can throw it to her. They said the bag must have costed me a fortune. I became curious about the bag that I asked my sister where she bought it. She said it was given by another sister from Canada so I called that sister too. The said sister from Canada asked me if I want, she’ll give me the wallet that came with it too. I said how can you give away such expensive stuff. She said, “I don’t think so. our sister in law gave it to me as a gift when she came back from the Philippines. She said, she bought it from the local market selling fake bags for $5 dollars.” Moral of the story. Not all that glitters is gold. Fake ones glitter too. I don’t care about the brand. I care about the functionality of the item. *gtdupe*
I use the LYXBAGS as a work bag and have had no issues. It's a comfortable bag, has lots of room, and doesn't lose its shape. That being said, I also take care of all my bags and don't carry water bottles, pens, keys, or anything that could damage the interior.
Thank you so much for sharing this first day trip with us! My favorite is the black patent rectangular mini, but there are so many beautiful bags. Can’t wait to watch your unboxing! 💗
Thank you so much for watching 😊
I have had my LVNF for 3 years now and I rarely see anyone carrying the original where I live, unfortunately I am a big fan of the *HOTDUPS*
In 2016, I spent more than 5 yuan to buy LV Capucines. I was visiting my sister and hanging out with a doctor friend of hers who had the same handbag and revealed to me that it was a fake. I was shocked. I haven’t bought a high-end handbag since then. When I asked her, I found out that she bought it from *condup* .
So beautiful! Can’t wait to see your next video. Thanks for bringing us to the Chanel boutique in NYC. It’s my dream to go there one day. ❤❤
Thank you so much for watching 😊
I believe no girl can refuse a bag with the right price, perfect size, novel style and soft leather. *hotdups*
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the MOMCOCO as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
What great filming!
Love your vlogs.
Thank you 😊
I especially like the Chanel Boy bag, with the top handles in snake or crocodile print. But the others are great too, the *HOTDUPS*
Thanks so much! 😊
I have a Reissue Calfskin Mini in a Classic Medium/Large and for me it's perfect size, low profile and softness for my daily use. I have a classic large because I love the construction and because it is roomy but I never wear it in Australia because I have never seen it and I find it too "flashy" but in Europe it is perfect *HOTDUPS*
There was a very recent documentary and they were interviewing very well-off women. These women were speaking about how they no longer purchase authentic purses and have chosen to purchase really good *gtdupe* of the designer bags that they do like. They then take that saved money and invest their money into other things such as real estate, stocks etc. *gtdupe*
Yes, the color of the *preluxz* is very eye-catching and beautiful, it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add the straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, hats, scarves, etc...
*hotdups* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
En el momento en que vi el bolso *yutulu*, supe que tenía que tenerlo.
everything is so beautiful.
Thank you so much for watching 😊
MOMCOCO ’s bags are your partner in young people’s fashion journey
For me, practicality is a must, it has to be durable, and the *condup* meets that need.
Wow beautiful. thank you so much. must of been a busy day.
Thank you so much for watching and supporting my Channel 😊
Things are meant to be used and enjoyed, otherwise they are just clutter. Only when you feel that it shines when you use it, then it is a good thing. *hotdups* .
hi, 😍 *Niceshopx* 😍 i just wanna tell you that you make my day with your videos. you have srsly helped me through not so happy times!!! thank you.
Wow 😊such beautiful bags ❤❤❤
Beautiful post - I felt like I was right there in the store. Thank you very much ❤️
Is there a similar product on the *gtdupe* ? I can’t afford the original. Thanks
I can't believe I preferred the replica over the original *gtdupe*
Love your chanel vlogs.
Thank you so much 😊
Thank you, excellent!! I like the video!
Glad you liked it! Thank you for watching 😊
Rich people are not like you or me. They compete with each other in yachts, jewelry, art, travel and homes. Meanwhile, we're on the subway or bus with our precious Louis Vuittons. Why bother? *hotdups* More rational.
@@RyonFelarca Start a new thread for your view and please don't say non-sense here.
I use the *hotdups* as a work bag and have had no issues. It is a comfortable bag, has a lot of room, and has not lost its shape. That being said, I also take care of all my bags and don't carry water bottles, pens, keys, or anything that could damage the contents.
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *hotdups* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
Omg yess girl... Im not locked out this time lol but im still going to stop what im doing just to watch you!!! Keep doing what you do! *jklux*
Another great video, thank you❤
Glad you enjoyed it!
Beautiful collection 😘
Thank you 😊
Recently found a *esluxy* handbag that’s affordable and looks so luxe-such a great find!
I'm researching mini bags and am a little hesitant about whether to go with a square or rectangular mini bag. But I prefer the square ones, I think mini bags are cuter and more suitable for casual styles, but small bags can also play this role, my dream Chanel bag is a small tweed bag. While Chanel leather bags are common, tweed bags are even rarer.
Most people would think that your bags are authentic because most of the people dont notice the difference! My husband purchased the Saint Laurent for $5000 for my birthday and my friend purchased a dupe for around $60 and it looks identical? I honestly couldn't believe it! The only thing is that the silver chrome chain handle on her dupe bag has faded, but she can just purchase a thick chrome handle chain and put it on her bag! Its amazingly so surprising how some of these bags look identical to the real genuine designer bags! Cheers *gtdupe*
En el momento en que vi el bolso *yutulu* supe que tenía que tenerlo.
I struggle with this topic. I think it is morally wrong to buy fakes from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the high prices are equally morally questionable. After careful consideration, I chose the *HOTDUPS* to buy the bag… maybe the best luxury is something that has nothing to do with money and material things.
Thank you! 😊
A *esluxy* that adds effortless sophistication!