I watch all your videos. My favorite is the black quilted crossbody Chanel replica. The *gtdupe* bag will be on my list. Thanks for everything. Good luck to everyone.
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *gtdupe* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.:
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *gtdupe* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it *gtdupe*
Shop everything here:
1. www.amazon.in/dp/B084TPQVYK?asc_item-id=amzn1.shoppablemedia.v1.40ac3479-d547-466e-9ec6-c643c4d1f1d3&linkCode=ll1&tag=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21&linkId=756784a148158ea6047055392ce54a90&language=en_IN&ref_=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21
2. www.amazon.in/dp/B0BGT4CW6B?asc_item-id=amzn1.shoppablemedia.v1.40ac3479-d547-466e-9ec6-c643c4d1f1d3&linkCode=ll1&tag=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21&linkId=13ef343f724f8816bd03844d949ef3a5&language=en_IN&ref_=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21
3. www.amazon.in/dp/B0CM12XLN8?asc_item-id=amzn1.shoppablemedia.v1.40ac3479-d547-466e-9ec6-c643c4d1f1d3&linkCode=ll1&tag=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21&linkId=fcf1e6ae6ed6862dab21bc59c2e3ac1c&language=en_IN&ref_=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21
4. www.amazon.in/dp/B07JMS4JLS?asc_item-id=amzn1.shoppablemedia.v1.40ac3479-d547-466e-9ec6-c643c4d1f1d3&linkCode=ll1&tag=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21&linkId=5060cb9696581ad4ff4bf0ea4485c024&language=en_IN&ref_=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21
5. www.amazon.in/dp/B07JMS4JLS?asc_item-id=amzn1.shoppablemedia.v1.40ac3479-d547-466e-9ec6-c643c4d1f1d3&linkCode=ll1&tag=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21&linkId=5060cb9696581ad4ff4bf0ea4485c024&language=en_IN&ref_=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21
6. www.amazon.in/dp/B0CJ2X9XYW?asc_item-id=amzn1.shoppablemedia.v1.40ac3479-d547-466e-9ec6-c643c4d1f1d3&linkCode=ll1&tag=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21&linkId=9302349fa0e28a1b69722a2a9a7e6c9d&language=en_IN&ref_=in_cs_fip_mahibakshi-aug24exp-2-21
whats ur height for refrence pls reply
*gtdupe* The quality of the things I bought is very good. Only professionals can find the slightest difference.
I watch all your videos. My favorite is the black quilted crossbody Chanel replica. The *gtdupe* bag will be on my list. Thanks for everything. Good luck to everyone.
Lol I forgot to edit some of the parts in it 😂😂
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *gtdupe* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.:
you’re literally my comfort person i love you kisluxs !
Hey. Tank top details? 🥹❤️
Miraggio black bag will fit office laptop?
I have thinkpad
I keep my 14 inches’ laptop in this.
15-16 inch?
@@selflove1176 that mirragio black bag can store 15inch laptop? Sure na?
Only then i purchase
Is there a similar product on the *gtdupe* ? I can’t afford the original. Thanks
*amzrepe* is the first time an influencer has recommended a bag that actually looks chic and not a tacky hype product!
Gorgeous bags di ❤
Thankyou! ❤️
I know a rich businesswoman who said she spent most of her money on investments and most of her bags are fake.. but I think *gtdupe* when you show yourself such a level, no one will doubt it *gtdupe*
Verynice haul
Both black 🖤👌🏻
Lino peros and Mirragio 👍💯
Omg yess ❤
The way you say hello guys I'm Mahi😍😍
Beautiful bag
Thanks ❤❤❤
Pls say hi