@@gowithjordan_ but god knows the future as he’s all knowing. Or does he not know everything? If he’s Omniscient then he knew he would cause wars and suffering.
@@gowithjordan_ but if god already knows the future and what you will do…is it really free will? Why would knowingly do something that would cause suffering?
Please make a video on the book of job and the conclusion that you have come to because i cannot accept it as biblical because of the unjust dealings and deviousness
If you want to take out every book of God being horrificly evil, you’d have to get rid of the whole bible. Unjust dealings and deviousness? Did you forget the infinite torture in fire part of the book? How about Numbers 31:18 where god sanctions child sex slavery? What about all of exodus and leviticus? What about the garden story? God creates two newborn humans with no idea of right and wrong, then punished them and all other humans for doing wrong? They had no choice but to do wrong. They were predestined. What about God forcing pharaoh to say no to letting slaves go when he wanted to say yes? Might as well throw away the entire book. The NT isn’t any better either. The infinite torture place is mentioned quiet a bit there.
The Orthodox conception of Theosis is stated perfectly by St. Athanasius(296ad - 373ad), “God became Man that man might become god.” That is that we become by Grace what Christ is by Nature. This is not polytheism, we do not become a person of the Holy Trinity. We do not participate in The Essence of God, but we Participate in the Divine Energies of God.
@@gowithjordan_not in the pagan sense, of course. A saint (true Christian) becomes even greater than they, by the grace of God. This is the importance of the essence/energies distinction, Theosis is the only way our salvation makes sense, as described in scripture.
That is the problem. So you think people before have not taken things out of context? Instead of word God lets change it to father because it is more appealing. The mental gymnastics that people do to prove a point. Translate this. Numbers 23:19 King James Version 19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Do you see the Trinity? Do you also see God made us in his image. Isaiah 46:9 Just Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. Do you see the Trinity? Do you also see God made us in his image. (112:1) Say: “He is Allah, the One and Unique; Allah, Who is in need of none and of Whom all are in need. He neither begot any nor was He begotten, and none is comparable to Him.” Do you the see Trinity? Do you also see God made us in his image.
Man being made in God’s image is literally in the first book, genesis, as is the foundation for belief in the Trinity, as revealed to the Holy Prophet Moses.
@gowithjordan_ Stay with me on this one. Please dont take this the wrong way. But I see a lot of people debating all the time. But I don't ever hear people talk about this iniquity in Romans 1:29-32. There is a list of iniquities that are mentioned, one being debate. Could you clarify this for me.
@gowithjordan_ I'm sorry for the confusion. It's just one of the sins that are worthy of death. I can't get a straight answer out of no one about it. You're the only one I could think of to ask.
No god would rely on a book that is so ambiguous that it causes people interpret it in all kinds of ways…sometimes with horrific consequences!
That's man's failure not Gods.
@@gowithjordan_ but god knows the future as he’s all knowing. Or does he not know everything? If he’s Omniscient then he knew he would cause wars and suffering.
@999everlong man has a free will
@@gowithjordan_ but if god already knows the future and what you will do…is it really free will? Why would knowingly do something that would cause suffering?
@@gowithjordan_Do you believe in hell?
Thanks. This is important.
Please make a video on the book of job and the conclusion that you have come to because i cannot accept it as biblical because of the unjust dealings and deviousness
There’s a great vid on this actually that is 100% the accurate reading of the story by the inspiring philosophy channel
If you want to take out every book of God being horrificly evil, you’d have to get rid of the whole bible. Unjust dealings and deviousness? Did you forget the infinite torture in fire part of the book? How about Numbers 31:18 where god sanctions child sex slavery? What about all of exodus and leviticus? What about the garden story? God creates two newborn humans with no idea of right and wrong, then punished them and all other humans for doing wrong? They had no choice but to do wrong. They were predestined. What about God forcing pharaoh to say no to letting slaves go when he wanted to say yes? Might as well throw away the entire book. The NT isn’t any better either. The infinite torture place is mentioned quiet a bit there.
Up until 1950 church was contemplating if Women have soul. How about them apples?
Source? Also, which church?
The Orthodox conception of Theosis is stated perfectly by St. Athanasius(296ad - 373ad), “God became Man that man might become god.”
That is that we become by Grace what Christ is by Nature. This is not polytheism, we do not become a person of the Holy Trinity. We do not participate in The Essence of God, but we Participate in the Divine Energies of God.
We don't become a God. We become like him bc of our finished sanctification but we do not become a god
@@gowithjordan_not in the pagan sense, of course. A saint (true Christian) becomes even greater than they, by the grace of God. This is the importance of the essence/energies distinction, Theosis is the only way our salvation makes sense, as described in scripture.
That is the problem. So you think people before have not taken things out of context? Instead of word God lets change it to father because it is more appealing. The mental gymnastics that people do to prove a point. Translate this.
Numbers 23:19
King James Version
19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Do you see the Trinity? Do you also see God made us in his image.
Isaiah 46:9
Just Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.
Do you see the Trinity? Do you also see God made us in his image.
(112:1) Say: “He is Allah, the One and Unique; Allah, Who is in need of none and of Whom all are in need. He neither begot any nor was He begotten, and none is comparable to Him.”
Do you the see Trinity? Do you also see God made us in his image.
Man being made in God’s image is literally in the first book, genesis, as is the foundation for belief in the Trinity, as revealed to the Holy Prophet Moses.
Can I ask you a question. Please
@gowithjordan_ Stay with me on this one. Please dont take this the wrong way. But I see a lot of people debating all the time. But I don't ever hear people talk about this iniquity in Romans 1:29-32. There is a list of iniquities that are mentioned, one being debate. Could you clarify this for me.
@@gowithjordan_ I genuinely don't understand
I'm not sure I know what you mean
@gowithjordan_ I'm sorry for the confusion. It's just one of the sins that are worthy of death. I can't get a straight answer out of no one about it. You're the only one I could think of to ask.
the problem with your interpretation is it's YOUR interpretation.
It's many people's interpretation.
@@gowithjordan_ it's also many people's interpretation that Jesus is not God. your point?
@@gowithjordan_ the problem with the Bible is and has always been the many many interpretations and reinterpretations, so go figure.