And Now For the Good News
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- Our religious ancestors got it right, each and every one of us is a child of god, blessed from birth with the potential to bless the world. That was Good News back then and it is still Good News today. The question has always been what a faith grounded in love means in the real lives we live each day. With Rev. Bill Sinkford
Enter to Worship
^Please rise in body and/or in spirit.
Ingathering Music Come and Go With Me
African American Spiritual, Recorded by the Cedar Lane Quartet
Welcome Rev. Ali K.C. Bell
^Greet Your Neighbor
Tolling the Bells
A recording of the bells ringing in our Partner Church in Dicsöszentmárton, Transylvania (Romania) signifies the time for quiet as we prepare for worship.
Prelude Alle, Alle, Alle
Jamaican trad. praise song, Arr. Will Schmid,
Cedar Lane Children’s Choir, Susan Easterly, piano, Jenny Crane, dir
Invocation Rev. Ali K.C. Bell, Rev. Bill Sinkford & Michael Tringale
You Are Beloved and You Are Welcome Here by Rev. Joan Javier-Duval
^Kindling the Chalice Michael Tringale, Worship Associate
excerpt from The Spark of Love, by anastasia birosh
Love begets love, and
it is love that lights
our chalice.
Wisdom Story for All Ages Muddy Children (Hosea Ballou)
From Janine Grosmeyer, A Lamp in Every Corner, read by Rev. Dayna Edwards
^Hymn I Know I Can
Music by Jeannie Gagne, Words by Dennis Hamilton
Community Joys & Sorrows Michael Tringale
Prayer & Guided Meditation Rev. Ali K.C. Bell
During the silence, those grieving a loss or commemorating an anniversary of a loss are invited to rise in mourning and memory.
Song of Prayer 1009 Meditation on Breathing
Music by Sarah Dan Jones
Invitation to the Offering Andrew Batcher, Social Justice Coordinator
Our Share the Plate Offering supports
Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area
You can give by texting CLUUC $ to 73256, online,
Paypal, QR Code, or the offering plate.
Thank you for your generosity and support!
Offertory “The Is More Love Somewhere”
Music by Clif Hardin, Cedar Lane Mini Choir
Reading: Letter From Our Better Angels by Sean Parker Dennison Rev. Bill Sinkford
Message in Song Child of God
Music by Mark A. Miller, Cedar Lane Mini Choir
Reflection Rev. Bill Sinkford
Hymn Bless the World
Music and Words by Elizabeth Norton
Invitations to Engagement
Benediction Rev. Bill Sinkford
Postlude The Wind Forest, by Joe Hisaishi
Dr. Jasmin Lee, piano
Join us for coffee and fellowship after service!
We are deeply grateful for everyone who makes this community possible, both in person and at home.
We appreciate the generosity and support of our Annual Fund Campaign pledgers and contributors, whose gifts sustain our worship services and ministries.
Thank you to our worship, music, A/V, and flower ministry teams for co-creating today’s service.
We extend our gratitude to our facilities and office staff, membership staff, ushers, greeters, caring team members, and faith formation staff and volunteers for their dedication to nurturing and supporting our community.
Thank you to Isabel Marbury-Mauro for the beautiful flower arrangement.
Next Sunday, February 16-
9am in the chapel: Quiet Callings with Kathleen Holmay
10:30 am in person and online: “Happy Birthday Frederick Douglass” with Rev. Mark Morrison Reed - Douglass was ecumenical in his church attendance. While not a Unitarian he frequented our pulpits and pews, worked with Unitarian ministers and laity alike, and inspired many. Today, when we are in need of such inspiration, what does he have to say to us.