I'm so tired of you haters out there you have no life no heart if you are hateing on this beuty she can sing she can act she can dance so tell me why okay and just stop hate people you dont Even know
why do yall think shes trying hard and that shes full of herself? shes being confident, confidence its what comes with being a great woman so stop hating and start appreciating.
Gosh dont watch if you area hater and haters cant say she is ugly thats the truth nobody can say she is ugly thats the truth she is very beautiful and i love her
She acts so dumb lately in interviews .. Seriously though. I'm a huge fan and I always support her, and still am .. I just think she's trying WAY to hard .. It's been that way ever since the middle of last year .. It's annoying. Oh well though. She still looks pretty!
SG is so pretty!
I love Dionne! Love how she talks too
Sono due ragazze fantastiche ❤
Dionne bromfield e veramente forte
Siete bellissime baci
I love you Selena. You always put a smile on my face.
She is so beautiful!!!
queen on my screen!
and pretty too.
I'm so tired of you haters out there you have no life no heart if you are hateing on this beuty she can sing she can act she can dance so tell me why okay and just stop hate people you dont Even know
Selena is the best
I LOVE YOU Selena Gomez.You are my wife. You are my soulmate. #MYWife #MYSoulmate You are
Awww! Dionne is so sweet! And Selena too!
So beautiful
Selena G forever
why do yall think shes trying hard and that shes full of herself? shes being confident, confidence its what comes with being a great woman so stop hating and start appreciating.
honestly I love her :))
Allways smileing
I love her shes beautiful
You're so cute, Sel, love u:)
Adorable much Selena.
I love her so much
Omg so beautiful amazing its like taking with your bff nice interview 3
Just love her
she 's acting diffrent in this interview , I been a fan of selena since I was 10 and now I'm nearly sixteen , but she looks beautiful ,
Beauty Selena
Gosh dont watch if you area hater and haters cant say she is ugly thats the truth nobody can say she is ugly thats the truth she is very beautiful and i love her
Selena is adorable
she`s cool
Of course she has already heard skrillex, she made a movie with that song :P
I was thinking the same thing.. oh my -.-'
i think the interview is prepared
I hop she releases that the wether is not going to get better
Dionne is the Nathan Syjes ex girlfriend?
She is so beauty
3:00 what she doing with her fingers? hm?
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk te amo meu guiih (=
lol the ones that have pot in them im sure that Taylor Swift girl has got a hidden bad girl side to her lol
baked goods! ha
Are dionne and nathan the wanted still together?
aap shei ji oor khoubhou shabha roshani rashtra aashou meei andhera khamosi shei meei ham
I love you aap kouo ham karatee hah jikhooshoumi houo ham
She acts so dumb lately in interviews .. Seriously though. I'm a huge fan and I always support her, and still am .. I just think she's trying WAY to hard .. It's been that way ever since the middle of last year .. It's annoying. Oh well though. She still looks pretty!
I hate her bout she is cute
Grow up little girl
She acts so stuck up in this interview.
stuck up how?