Не упоминай Бруно-но-но-но Не упомянай Бруноооо Был моей свадьбы день Был нашей свадьбы день Солнце заливало небо ясного сине каскад Ни тучки как я был рад Бруно возник и гул праздника стих Бум гром Ты всё говоришь не в попад Прости меня моя любовь Бруно нагадал грозууу Гости простииите Испортил всю мою красу Бабуле зонтик несииите Поженились в ураган И тогда обед юыл нами дан Не упоминай Бруно-но-но-но Не упоминай Брунооооо Хей С детства нас пугали в доме Бруно где-то бродит, шёпот его слышу на меня он страх наводит, с каждым его шагом,буд-то сыпется песок...тс....тс...тсс Ноша тяжела этот дар изводиит, всю семью по замкнутому кругу он водит, чтоб его пророчества просто невдомёк возьмёшь ты в толк. Два метра рост,крысы на спине, позовёт тебя,иисчезнет во тьме Он полночный вой кошмар твой ночной Не упоминай Бруно-но-но-но Не упоминай Брунооооо Про рыбку сказал умрёт на утро смерть Сказал отрощу живот, как это терпеть? Сказал мне не видать густых волос,я начал лысеть Его пророчества лооовят тебя в сеть Он сказал мне,что жизнь,как в мечте получу Я без всяких преград Он сказал моя сила растёт ,словно на лозе виноград Жених Мариана к нам идёт Он сказал позабыть мне о том кто любим обещан другой он..... Я слышу как сейчас.... Сестра,знай что я не шучу Я слышу как сейчас Слышу как сейчас О Бруно,да кстати о Бруно ,должна я всё узнать об этом Бруно,хочу я правду всю правду Бруно Изабелла,твой парень сдесь... Будем есть (А дальше будет трудно писать так как поют сразу несколько персов)
Gf:We don't talk about pico no no no we don't talk about pico but it was my wedding day Bf:it was our wedding day Gf:we were getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in the sky Bf:no clouds allowed in the sky!
We don't talk about Bruno no no no We don't talk about Bruno... but It was my wedding day It was our wedding day We were getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in The sky No cloud allowed in the sky Bruno walk in with a mischievous grin Thunder You tell this story or am i? I'm sorry mi Vida go on Bruno says "it look like rain" Why did he tell us In doing so he floods my brain Abuela get the umbrella Married in a hurricane What a joyous day... but anyway We don't talk about Bruno no no no We don't talk about Bruno! Hey! Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling I could always hear him sort of muttering and Mumbling I associate him with the sound of falling sand ch-ch- Ch It a heavy lift with a gift so humbling always left abuela and the family fumbling Grappling with prophescies they couldn't understand Do you understand A seven foot frame Rat along his back when he calls your name It all fades to black Yeah his sees your dreams And feasts on your sreams (hey!) We don't talk about Bruno no no no (we don't talk about Bruno no no no!) We don't talk about Bruno (we don't talk about Bruno!) He told me that fish would die the next day dead! (No no) He told me I'd grew a gut! And just like he said...(no no) He said that all of my hair would disappear, now look at My head (no no hey!) Your fate is seald when your prophecy is read He told me that the life of my dream would be Promised and someday be mine He told me that my power would grow like the grapes that thrive on the vine One mariono's on his way He told me that the man of my dreams would be just Out of reach betrothed another It like I hear him now Hey sis I want not a sound out of you (it's like I can hear him now) I can hear him now Um Brun... Yeah about that Bruno I really need to know about Bruno Gimma the truth and the whole truth Bruno (Isabella your boyfriend here) Time for dinner
Whitty as Isabella is just amazing 😔👌
Caught in 4K 📸
Whitty pretending to be a princess caught in 4k 😂📸
Senpai fits Camilo's part and Carol fits Dolores's part so well
I was gonna comment dat-
Let’s not talk about selever sounding like Hex at sone point and Hex having Whitt’s health icon
Ignore that,this is a master piece😊👍
Sone tho
Your already saying it
*Just admiting how Whitty literally sings Isabela’s part.*
Yea I was like dude your not a girl
Whitty fits that part
@🌸 nezuko 🌸 agoti is not scary
Do you know the secret in fnf
@@Xx_GamerBoy13490 wh-
Custom name "we don't talk about Daddy Dearest"
Hey, !thats a good name¡
We don’t talk about daddy dearest and mommy mearest
Oh nvm she’s in the song it’s daddy dearest for now 0-0
Or lemon demon
No one:
Gf doing her down pose*
bruh so true
@Shadow_Karma wth..
@Shadow_Karma WDYM DUDE
@Shadow_Karma I wish I didn’t click see more…
U dirty
If the voice of GF didn’t kill me, nothing can kill me
Once you get too old you die😝
Umm 🧐
I Like It When Carol(Dolores) & Whitty's(Isabella) Duet Cuz They Great Couple LOL
It’s hilarious how you made Whitty sing that part XD
I really love the backround Kiza Gameplays
Is no one gonna talk about how gf is really throwing it back- 😃
the down and left?
@@yosoytuamigo328 no 40 likes
The encanto family
Pepa is girlfriend
Felix is boyfriend
Carol is doloras
Senpai is camilo
Whitty is senpai
Mirabelle is agoti
Luisa is unknown
Luisa is tricky just kidding lol 😂
@@Evesoto28 make cover
Super video 👍👍👍
Yo agoti's part is too perfect rn
So, we ain't gonna talk about how sus gf's down pose is?
The video should called “we don’t talk about daddy desert” but nice vid
Daddy desert sounds delicious 😇😇 /j
@@nadeen___ 0_0
@@nadeen___ AYO- (O_O)
@@Livie_Rodrigo dessert, like “cake, cupcake” or things with flavor, dont think sexually :/
Great singing everyone!!!!
GF's voice is a bit buggy but over pretty nice :)
Just some detail, Whitty doesn’t have that part, Julian does.
and Mommy wasn't 1 of the citizens.
and yet, here we are
@@frozenfiredarknight3764 she’s talking about how it’s actually Julians voice
@@killarilez6710 did I stutter?
and I never denied it either.
@@killarilez6710 I’m a she
@@James_Pavell7 oh sorry
I can just imagine skid on pump’s shoulders singing “seven foot frame”
Lol skid and pump as luisa when luisa lost her gift and trying to lift the heavy plant
Senpai’s Voice is just perfect 😌
No it isnt
@@POWBlockAKAGalaxy yes it is
Good job Kiza Gameplays.
It's really Amazing.
Yes!!! Hex sounds amazing in this!
Let's talk about this song being animated!
Senpai being Camillo is perfect.
This sounds like my engine from my car
I think that in Isabella's part it would look better with sarv, but whitty also works well.
Señora del pez muerto=Carol
Señor panson=tankman
Señor calvo=hex
Nada que ver ._.
Pero quien es Dolores._.
Dolores en el primer comentario
@@Tany_SeStudios supongo que del tiene esa pinta revelde
El tipo calvo tendría que ser matt
Skid and Pump just chilling 🤣🤣🤣
That is the coolest ever Kiza Gameplays you've truly done it man
Yes senpai as Camilo was perfect
Agoti como mirabel es una maravilla ✨
This Is Amazing!
i really like the idea of the people who did do mods
Friday night Funkin and Encanto Two of my Favorite Things in One I Absolutely Love this
Whitty llevándose el papel de Isabela,tremendo •u•👌
Не упоминай Бруно-но-но-но
Не упомянай
Был моей свадьбы день
Был нашей свадьбы день
Солнце заливало небо ясного сине каскад
Ни тучки как я был рад
Бруно возник и гул праздника стих
Бум гром
Ты всё говоришь не в попад
Прости меня моя любовь
Бруно нагадал грозууу
Гости простииите
Испортил всю мою красу
Бабуле зонтик несииите
Поженились в ураган
И тогда обед юыл нами дан
Не упоминай Бруно-но-но-но
Не упоминай Брунооооо
С детства нас пугали в доме Бруно где-то бродит,
шёпот его слышу на меня он страх наводит,
с каждым его шагом,буд-то сыпется песок...тс....тс...тсс
Ноша тяжела этот дар изводиит,
всю семью по замкнутому кругу он водит,
чтоб его пророчества просто невдомёк возьмёшь ты в толк.
Два метра рост,крысы на спине,
позовёт тебя,иисчезнет во тьме
Он полночный вой кошмар твой ночной
Не упоминай Бруно-но-но-но
Не упоминай Брунооооо
Про рыбку сказал умрёт на утро смерть
Сказал отрощу живот, как это терпеть?
Сказал мне не видать густых волос,я начал лысеть
Его пророчества лооовят тебя в сеть
Он сказал мне,что жизнь,как в мечте получу
Я без всяких преград
Он сказал моя сила растёт ,словно на лозе виноград
Жених Мариана к нам идёт
Он сказал позабыть мне о том кто любим обещан другой он.....
Я слышу как сейчас....
Сестра,знай что я не шучу
Я слышу как сейчас
Слышу как сейчас
О Бруно,да кстати о Бруно ,должна я всё узнать об этом Бруно,хочу я правду всю правду Бруно
Изабелла,твой парень сдесь...
Будем есть
(А дальше будет трудно писать так как поют сразу несколько персов)
капуста хD
@@joselinuwu6330 где
@@joselinuwu6330 CABBAGE!? I LOVE CABBAGE WHERE IS IT!???
This song is great❤😊
Wow this is insane I loved this
Ta bueno bro ÙwÚ
Me encantó todos los que cantaron
Pdt:me encantó cuando cuando Whitty interpreto a Isabela OuO
someone needs to draw Whitty in Isabella's dress RIGHT NOW
Omg Whitty as Isabela Sound pretty god
Sólo diré que a partir de 2:50 empezó el desmadre XD
Sin decir sobre la pose de gf XD
(Pose de flecha abajo↓)
@@Kayxo_5 si xd
Yo that was epic
Nice job dude this is so good
Whitty= Isabela
That was the best song I’ve ever heard on FNF ❤️❤️ awesome video 👍😎.
Great Video
Didnt know that Selever got bald 💀💀💀
Me gusto el video
Gf:We don't talk about pico no no no we don't talk about pico but it was my wedding day
Bf:it was our wedding day
Gf:we were getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
Bf:no clouds allowed in the sky!
Te quedo super buena la parte de carol
La voz de whitty es hermosa🥰1:54 perfecta para la canción
Soy la única q escucho que cuando sempai volvió a cantar se escucha muy bajito *Isabela tu amor llego * y también que sempai canta hermoso
Que no es
Simplemente perfecto gracias
Te quedo jenial xd y pensar que ellos serian los personajes de encanto xd
GF throwing it back insane
Selever fits the bald priest's part is just magnificent
Los de ingles: 😄😄😃😀
Los de español: no entiendo ni mergas🤨🤨😑😑
Porque es un cover a la canción original solo que con pitidos XD
This is amazing
Bro that was FIREEEEEEE
I like how bf and gf play as pepa and felix!
Agoti as miracle is insane
The way kid and pump just vibing
If you hear when senpai from fnf sings I hear "seven foot frame" like the actual words
Btw love the background it has the real house
why Gf voice sound weird but good video
Amazing just straight up💕❤️💞👍🏾
Girlfriend as pepa is awesome 🤩
The end is so good
o homen bomba cantando a parte da isabela é mt bom cara KKKKKKKKK
Eres un genio
боже мой, это же в моё день рождение вложено!
Bro instead of Whitty being Isabela, it should be Selever because he would definitely dress up as Isabela and Rasazy be Mirabel
We don't talk about bruno - We don't talk about Mommy Mearest
I love that so much you make the best videos for Friday night funkin but this one was the best😍🤩
tht was awsome
They match the voices perfect
Senpai's voice fits camilo's part
Increíble 🌈
i like it
Carol as Delores i love how sings
I 💕 encanto and u!
I think this is better then the original version
Outing senpai as Camilo is perfect👍👌
1:12 cool
When senpai did camilos part when it was like Isabela ur boyfriends here it actually sounded like he was saying it
Whitty’s new name: Whisabella
We don't talk about Bruno no no no
We don't talk about Bruno... but
It was my wedding day
It was our wedding day
We were getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in
The sky
No cloud allowed in the sky
Bruno walk in with a mischievous grin
You tell this story or am i?
I'm sorry mi Vida go on
Bruno says "it look like rain"
Why did he tell us
In doing so he floods my brain
Abuela get the umbrella
Married in a hurricane
What a joyous day... but anyway
We don't talk about Bruno no no no
We don't talk about Bruno!
Hey! Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or
I could always hear him sort of muttering and
I associate him with the sound of falling sand ch-ch-
It a heavy lift with a gift so humbling
always left abuela and the family fumbling
Grappling with prophescies they couldn't understand
Do you understand
A seven foot frame
Rat along his back
when he calls your name
It all fades to black
Yeah his sees your dreams
And feasts on your sreams (hey!)
We don't talk about Bruno no no no (we don't talk
about Bruno no no no!)
We don't talk about Bruno (we don't talk about
He told me that fish would die
the next day dead! (No no)
He told me I'd grew a gut!
And just like he said...(no no)
He said that all of my hair would disappear, now look at
My head (no no hey!)
Your fate is seald when your prophecy is read
He told me that the life of my dream would be
Promised and someday be mine
He told me that my power would grow like the
grapes that thrive on the vine
One mariono's on his way
He told me that the man of my dreams would be just
Out of reach betrothed another
It like I hear him now
Hey sis I want not a sound out of you (it's like I can
hear him now)
I can hear him now
Um Brun...
Yeah about that Bruno
I really need to know about Bruno
Gimma the truth and the whole truth Bruno
(Isabella your boyfriend here)
Time for dinner
Who want to continue the song from me
(Insert overlapping lines here)
Don't talk about Bruno!
Why did I talk about Bruno?
Not a word about Bruno!
Never should've brought up Bruno!
I'm assuming Bruno is Tabi if Pepa is GF and Felix is BF
Gf & bf just sounds like pepa & pepa bf
WOOOWW *aplauso* aplauso* *aplauso* *aplauso* *aplauso* *aplauso* *aplauso*
If you don't know what it is. Well.....Pluto's reprisal is bassically a siries of mods made by Digital Hourglass
Girlfriend is so cute. I would totally rock that outfit.
Im not gonna do dat cuz imma boy lol 😂
@@Evesoto28 I'm a woman so I need to find that outfit. 😁
No se habla de Bruno?
Más bien no se habla de Daddy
agoti being mirabel was funny but it was cool
Buen video
Bf in start was cooooooooooool