I'm favoured only God knows how much I praise Him, $230k every 4weeks! I now have a big mansion and can now afford anything and also support God’s work and the church.
Only God knows how much grateful i am. After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!
After I raised up to 325k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.
You work for 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $10k in a meme coin for just few months sometimes lesser and now they are multi millionaires. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life💯
These two young men working with the tractors are so well skilled in their profession. I am so amazed at how well they work together, awesome job boys!🎉
Yeh well I think they won't get the other workers back, as I've read so many comments saying that the contract constructor guy did a runner with their money, wether it's true or not..
С чего вьі взяли что у них руки грязньіе? Нам показьівают нарезки отснятого за день материала куда не все действия семьи входят. Если чего то не видели не означает что его нет.
@@НатальяКюрчубаш Did you see Bibi hands in the close up her getting water from the goatskin bag? Her nails were filthy and hands grimy because she'd been working. Of course their hands are dirty. The girls cooking have cleaner hands.
انا اتابعكم من بلاد الحرمين واحب عايلتكم واتابعكم باستمرار واحس انكم عايله راقيه بالرغم من بساطة حياتكم الا انكم عايله راقيه في تصرفاتها وكل الاحترام لكم وخاصة الجد والجده قلوبنا معكم واتمنا ان تنجزون بناء بيتكم قبل البرد
Wow wow wow, I really love the way you people welcome Muhammad and the parents back home, this is called LOVE, and this is how the family is supposed to be. You can even see the joy in Muhammad face, that he is really happy to come back home. Please you people keep it up, this is a good spirit, because where there is love, unity and one mind, there is progress, success and blessings. Even Ava is happy to see Muhammad. Everybody make effort. God will not leave you like that, He will support and heal these children.❤
I have told them the same thing several times. They treat her like a rag doll shacking her around . The worst of them all is the bigger boy. Always right in her face and you can tell that she does not like it. I fill so sorry for this baby.
You’re right that shakes the baby’s brain to bounce her the way grandma does and that big boy drags her like a rag doll. Why can’t someone stop this? Don’t understand why you buy new clothes and kids puts them on dirty bodies after being in all that dust and dirt. I thought those close would be good for pajamas for them to have something clean to put on after bath snd then sleep in them. I also noticed again how John bibi kisses on biggest twin boy and very little attention to other twin and to aras son she just ignores. She treats the other small boy same way. It seems like all of it’s fake and just fine for camera. Kids needs to stay off construction site it’s dangerous.
Quando Ava levanta os olhos para olhar para cima, ó olho da direita revira totalmente aparecendo somente a parte branca, não é normal, alguém já prestou atenção??????
نعم لاحظته من فترة واخبرت احسان به ليست اليمين فقط حتى اليسار ،يكون ضعف بأحدى عظلات العين. اذا لم يتم معالجته في بدايته سوف يؤدي الي الحول الدائم . ولكن لا حياة لم تنادي
Please don’t pick up Ava all the time let her play on her own she need to move an learn to do things on her own. Stop kissing an huging an lifting her up please let her be. Glad Aria an family is back.
لان التعليقات تجاوزت حدودها وأصبحت مستفزة للغاية وفيها تدخل في خصوصيات العائلة والكل أصبح يصدر الأوامر ويريد من العائلة أن تتصرف مثلهم ...وأعتقد أن هده وقاحة من المشاهدين
@vitavitalia1 Its Ehsans (cameraman) little daughter. In my opinion he should tell his mother and the other childern not to shake and toss her up. My question to Ehsan DO YOU CARE ??????
Stale vaříte jedno a to samé fuj ryze a to upatlane červené kuře to b y mě rodina vyděsila a hodila by mě to na hlavu je mě divné se na to dívat každý den žádná kreativita nejste přeci ve skalách a Markéty máte dobře zásobene nemuzete si stěžovat kde máte zeleninu pro deti suppolevku tu mají děti také rady ryby králíka jehněčí slepičí hovězí bakara bataty kde je těstoviny čočka hrach špenát květák nic jenom ryze hnusná já už bych neměla domov takhle vařit rodině chacha cha ahoj
John Bibi é uma pessoa alegre, animada e muito ativa! É ela que alegra as crianças com suas músicas e danças. Me admirei em vê-la subida no alto da árvore pra pegar frutas pras crianças. Ela vai além das suas condições físicas e não acho que isso seja falsidade e sim o jeito dela de ser. Prestem atenção nisso: ela tem muito mais ânimo e disposição do que os filhos. Ela enche a casa de alegre e vida! Admiro essa mulher!
@@LadyTianaz Haven't you seen what they've done to Muhammad's wheel chair? The swings legs are bending from the big kids swinging on it. Broken bikes. Sharon is a fortune teller in this case.
One person commented in the past that this foundation was not necessary unless you intend to make an upstairs house but thatis why the engineer has disappeared because there seems to be some misunderstanding here but no comment from the Perens.Why they keep getting into problems.Theywill not get sound advice from people who knows what they need but hopes their nomadic experience will get them where they want to be and also money is the answer. You have to pay your way ...nothing is free and the cheapest always become the dearest.
Q poco se les ve lavar las manos,John B, esta con las cabras y va y coge a Ava, la toca, pellizcar sin lavar las manos los niños igual. Cuando van a comer todos sentados, en vez de levantarse y lavarse las manos, hicieron el baño y el aseo, pero q poco se utiliza.
Menos mal vino la otra criada, esta pobre haciendo las tareas y cocinando todo el tiempo. John B. Se dedica al control, la construcción, en vez de ayudar a su nuera en las tareas.
Aria est vraiment une jolie dame, comme sa belle soeur , et deux femmes tres courageuses et qui aiment, adorent meme leurs enfants, desole, pour moi, les enfants sont propres, bien habilles, et mangent à leur faim, leurs familles les entourent parfaitement
John Bibi por favor não faça esse movimento de jogar a ava pra cima que é muito prejudicial a saúde neurológica dela e pode prejudicar o desenvolvimento de firmeza no corpo precisamos que ava ande o mais rápido pra melhorar cada vez mais sua vida. Não me leve ignore por favor só quero o bem e a saúde de toda sua família .
Меня,уже Джон Биби начинает раздражать, где камера там и она я очень беспокоюсь за здорровье Мого прекрасного Мухамеда,очень надеюсь что обследования погогут вылечить этого прекрасного мальчика,агелочка ,
@@junelucas1959Ясно,как белый день,что близкородственная связь и поэтому такие дети,Ава и Мухамед рождаются..Ну у их так принято,жениться на родственниках,вот и результат!
Stop complaining. It's ridiculous to complain every day about every little thing. Just watch and be kind. These people live their lives just like you live yours. .
@@brendabernal1803 None of them think they are doing anything dangerous or unsanitary and that all of us are just silly busybodies. Maybe we are. If they don't care, why should we?
Tianaz should not be near those metal rods. What if she trips and gets jabbed in the eye? I think 95% of viewers have commented how dangerous it is to have the children near the construction site; however, the camera operator prefers not to listen to us. It seems the viewers care more about these children than the Peren family does.
InshaAllah I'm so happy they took Muhammad for his doctors appointment's. They have a long road ahead of them with many treatments at therapies too come.
The cameraman may think putting that young girl in every scene will bring more viewers but but it creates just the opposite and puts her in danger in more ways than one... but she propably learnt it from grandma and no one wants to see her not doing anything ....keep her off some of the scenes for her own good .The boys do work on camera and that is different. A construction site should be off limit to a little girl her age.
Remember when Shirvan sold his truck and they brought back all that money in the plastic bag? They paid the contractor some of the money and when he saw the money in the plastic bag he wanted more, except Shirvan, Tarmorth and Jon Bibi all at once came at him and the contractor backed off. I felt at that moment that things between the contractor and the Perens would not work out.
حبيبتي كله تمثيل المقاول هواخوزوج بنتهم زينب وهمه غيرمستعجلين على بناء هذالبيت للتصويرفقط وكسب المال عدهم بيت ثاني كبيرفي نفس هذه القريه عملوفيه عرس بنتهم زينب ولم ينزل المقطع على اليوتيوب حتى لاينكشف كذبهم والمقطع موجودفي قناة اخوجون بيبي قناة باباك قبل سنه روحوشوفوالبيت الحقيقي لجون بيبي هذاكله تمثيل
Que bueno que ya llegó la ayuda para la cocinera, por qué la Bibi no le ayuda, se pasa jugando con los niños y la deja sola haciendo lo comida. También me fijo que le demuestra más amor al cuate más gordito y hasta él hace una cara de consentido por qué ella lo mima más que al otro
Admiro muito essa família pela sua união, trabalho, iniciativa e resiliência! Mesmo tristes com a situação, não desistem, vão à luta e vão vencendo a cada dia! Torço por vocês, família Peren!
They don’t care about the safety of children. They ride without seatbelts and standing in back of a truck. If an accident happened children will fly everywhere. Here adults are not in works zone unless they have permission. Very dangerous!
Karen Perry I like your comment about the pet family. That’s why I think that that young man should have gone with his sister to Tyran and get an education and see what the world is like and what the world can offer him instead of living under that poverty and close society, thank youKaren Perry thank you
Está película se llama " Las andanzas de John Bibi" ella es la que dirige, la actriz principal , siempre delante de la camara! Ya aburre! Nos damos cuenta que se hace la bondadosa pero, con esa actitud que tiene de querer figurar en todo...lo dudo mucho...
JOHN BIBI , se passa por mais uma retardada sempre saltitando na frente das câmeras, em meio aos homens q trabalham, shirvan é um marido muito paciente,é um bom homem😊
Раньше я была в восторге от Мехди, сейчас разочаровалась, после того, как он продолжает ездить и дарить подарки своей двоюродной сестре Кобре, которую они с матерью засватали, хочет иметь ребёнка инвалида, я думала он умнее и прислушается ко мнению подписчиков не будет делать глупость… но увы он тоже умом не блещет и идёт на поводу у Бибики не имея мужского, своего слова…очень обидно😢
Они просто подогревают интерес зрителей, побуждая их возмущаться и коментировать. А на самом деле Мехди женат на Наджмие. Присмотритесь к их отношениям, а также к тому как Мехди относится к своим дочкам.
Hasta que alguien dice algo al respecto, se porque dejan que la agarren los niños debería la mamá tener cuidado con esa niña se la pueden lastimar y dejar peor que como está .. hasta a la mamá deberían de enseñarla de cómo cargarla porque también la agarra como si fuera de trapo
Salam sayang dari Malaysia ..gembira melihat suasana harmony ahli keluarga peren channel. Anda saling tolong menolong membuat kerja. berbeza dengan setengah channel normad Iran ada yang sentiasa bergaduh sesama sendiri berebut harta, wanita ..semoga Allah merahmati keluarga anda semua..❤❤❤❤🇲🇾🇮🇷❤❤❤❤❤
A mi no me preocupa si los chicos se lavan , o no las manos o si cuidan su hygiene. Lo que si me pone nerviosa es ver que los adultos no ponen cuidado a los chicos, y los dejan jugar en el peligro como es la construction. Hay barrillas de hierro, bloques y herramientas. Eso es preocupante que alguno de esos chicos tenga un grave accident por la negligence de los adultos.
Estoy de acuerdo con Tigo pero si te darás cuenta haci son ellos felices en el peligro ay que orar x ellos para que no les pase nada malo x que son niños
I’m from a midwestern farming area of the USA. My father was a farmer all his life and grew up on the farm that he farmed from life. I also grew up on a farm with my 3 siblings. It may be of help to those individuals whom are quite worried about the children of Peren get hurt or injured badly in the construction areas along with the dust. My siblings and I were taught early on in our life that we can get hurt if we attempt to play where or with something we shouldn’t. If we got hurt we learned next time not to do it or at least be more careful. it was called the lesson of hard knocks! Learn from your mistakes. I believe the Peren Family basically live by the same philosophy. I understand why the Peren adults let the children play where they do; the children need to learn to survive, and play (get exercise) as this is where they live now.
Hello again and greetings Peren Family ! Poppet is well fed but his fur is totally matted. He needs tobe groomed. And maybe some flea powder would to him some good too. Have a succsessful day. Love and peace.
The kids are tossing and pulling on her put her in her high chair near her mother so she can monitor her Ava is not a toy and heys San should know that😢
Familia paren sr.Ehsan lla familia tiene un abuso con aba uste la,enfoca con su cámara más de 50 veces por programa y so mamá hermano le caen encima como abejas ella no puede hablar ni quejarse déjenla en pas eso es maltrato aleje alos hermanitos tíos abusadores ya no los baños asegúrese por el maltrato ala niña
You're all talking about the engineer not showing up to work. What do you expect him to do? You tell him everytime he is there that you have no money and you have to sell this or that just to pay him for the little bit he has done. He has other clients that have money now and can pay. You, unfortunately, will be put on the back burner until you can come up with a way to pay him. Arya and Tahmwurth, you are missed so very much when you are gone. It's like no one wants to do anything unless you guys are around. You are such motivators. Love you both very much and you have very good children.
Почему Вы врете? Почему????Почему видете только негатив? Это очень работящая семья. Стройка большая и денег надо много. Хороших строителей трудно найти.
عائلة بيرين الغاليه على قلبي حفظكم الله ورعاكم واسعد ايامكم بلعكس الجدة حنونة وهذا امر طبيعي ان تقبل الاحفاد وانتي الخير والبركةارجو من الله عزوجل ان يعطيك الصحة والعافية والسرور يارب العالمين
As i am looking at Muhammed i am thinking why pushy Bibi want her son Medhi to marry her neice. She hasn't seen what happened to Nagma and Aria children. By them msrrying their first cousin their children came out hanficap. Do she bibi wsnt Medhi children to come out hanficap too. Next question why medhi don' have a ssy in who he wsnts to marry? Why he have to marry who his mother choose for him? My desr Medhi sit down and think about if you really want to marry your cousin?
I doubt they even read or interpret our comments. Maybe they ignore when we say what they don't like. They don't care what we say when we are just trying to be helpful. That's a shame. Maybe they don't have interpreters. Who types the close captions? That tells you everything.
Acredito que os nossos comentário por mais útil que seja para eles, no entanto não dão tanta importância, talvez eles nem veja ou não tome conhecimento.
Mira eso de sacudir un niño no es bueno. Pero ellos no saben que peligro es. Más antes uno no savia. Asta que el tiempo pasa van saliendo nuevos estudios. Referente al peligro. De sacudir a un niño.
Aria is really good.The clothes she bought for the boys are beautiful. Aria is good at choosing clothes. The color of the clothes is also beautiful.Muhammad is so cute and handsome boy.❤🥰
Am i the only one seeing this one twin literally eating those snacks so fast sitting next to the other one who is eating normal .. he is rocking back and forth and devouring the juice and food as if he is starving and crawling around trying to find another bag with snacks in it ! This is not ok everyone needs to seriously stop putting the camera on him and do something about this !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something is terribly wrong out of all the kids he’s crawling around trying to get all the snacks suckers chips everything and anything he can find to shove in his mouth! THIS BREAKS MY HEART HE SHOULDNT BE ACTING LIKE THIS SOMETHING IN HIS BODY /MIND IS TELLING HIM HES STARVING NEEDS FOOD WHAT IS WRONG JOHN BIDI TAKE HIM TO A DR THIS ISNT A PHASE PEOPLE HES SHOVELING IT IN HIS MOUTH AND STASHING FOOD UNDER HIS PILLOW THIS IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL! TAKE HIM TO A REAL DR NOT A NURSE THAT STOPS BY THIS IS SO SO BAD FOR HIS HEART CONDITION MY SON HAD TO BE TREATED OVER A SIMILAR CONDITION THIS OVEREATING CAN AND WILL CAUSE A HEART ATTACK!!!!!!!
Please almighty god watch over these children i pray they don’t get injured in any way shape or form from being on the construction site and in the way of these big machines who cannot see when they back up that a child don’t get ran over or hurt in any way because they’re family will not keep them away from danger in jesus’s name amen! ❤❤❤
I agree. They could be around a construction site here in the US. That would be considered negligent and neglect. Endangerment too and Child Protective Services would have to step in. Those kids would be taken if it was here. They work hard and going to school. They will do well in life I hope.
@@treciasaunders8632 oh yes it would absolutely not happen here in the US! First of all personally i wouldn’t allow my children or anyone i know wouldn’t allow their children in around or near a construction site and the workers definitely wouldn’t allow it they would shut the whole thing down if they seen kids anywhere near a construction site. And for parents to see it and allow it shows how different our culture is. If a family here was like this and allowed it the kids would be taken for neglect! CULTURE OR NOT STILL VERY VERY DANGEROUS and they don’t watch them they just giggle and walk away but when get hurt the adult cry about it if they would listen to us would be saving them from their kids getting hurt this is so sad so sad 😞
Everytime Eshan focuses his camera to Ava , the kids would play with Ava right away with exaggeration to the extent hurting the baby . The same with Mohammad on previous videos .
Al camarografo nada más le gusta leer cuando uno dice que su familia es maravillosa cosa que no lo es pero cuando le haces ver que están mal ni caso hace, los niños son sucios y no porque son nomadas, tienen agua y jabón y ropa lo que pasa es que no están acostumbrados a la limpieza igual que la gente grande no diga que porque hay mucho polvo otra vez mientes y sino quieres críticas no pongas que te demos LIKE ya basta de que nos ignores
El camarógrafo es un necio. Se ofende cuando alguien comenta algo que a él no le gusta. No hay que hacer más comentarios y cuando vea que TH-cam no le pague bien ahí se va a arrepentir. Ya sé cree artista el pobre.😅😅😅
Disculpen, pero siempre veo que les compran ropa y enseguida corren a ponérsela, sin bañarse primero! Están llenos de polvo de pies a cabeza, cómo no les apetece una buena ducha antes de ponerse ropa limpia y/o sin estrenar. Uno se siente mejor limpito. Ahora tienen toda la comodidad, un baño que muchos quisiéramos tener y con agua caliente. Pleno siglo 21 ya! Saludos a todos! Aún así los aprecio mucho!😘😊
Kusura bakan baksın. Madem bu yoldan bedava para kazanmak istiyorlar o zaman eleştiriye de açık olacaklar. Bahane arkasına sığınarak pis olmak temizlikten kaçmak aklanamaz.
A home that was destroyed after so much blood.,sweat and tears was not made up!!!!!family are surviving and earning everything because of hard work ❤❤❤
I really enjoyed Mehdi and Mom going to grind their wheat yesterday! it was a typical and very interesting session. and also the fact that Mehdi asks his mother to come with him because he has never done that before! it was great, I would like them to show us more about their organization, customs, habits, describe the preparation of a dish, the spices used, that the grandmother talks about the medicinal herbs picked in the mountain. their nomadic life told in the evening. that would really be great!! It would be a bit of a change from cement! see the progress of the work and also talk about real life. friendships! 🫶for Mehdi from the car' window today😂
En los mellizos pequeños el gordito y holgazán es el favorito de la madre, y en los mayores es e camarógrafo el segundo holgazán y listo de la familia que no hace nada, son iguales que su tío el padre de Cobra, ya me cansé de ver tanto teatro e hipocresías, yo voy a vender un coche viejo que tengo y me haré una casa como esa jajajajaja. Tahmorth es el que merece la pena y no lo cuidan. Me habéis decepcionado todos menos él.
Лучше заставьте детей не с лопатами играться, а собрать в кучу все камни и мусор в не достроенном жилище и по всему участку, а то ждёте когда приедет Ария и уберёт всё …😮
احسن عائلة بيرين .وفقكم الله جميعا .والله يشافي محمد ويسعدكم ب افا ياربي . ويبارك لكم في الجميع جون بيبي و الجد شيفان الرجل الصبور وكذلك الاخ المهدي وتحموت واريا زوجته و ابنتكم .ونعمة والكل ارجوكم بناء منزل عصري مع غرف للنوم و مرتبات للملابس للاطفال و لكل غرفة تبنى حائطيا مع ابواب .اسعدكم الله تعابى والجميع مكافح . ولا ننسى نجمة وجميع .
So happy to see the family back together again. I am wondering why Tamworth’s palms are black in spots. Did he undergo some test that may have turned his palms black? So worried. In India they put a die on the hands for celebrations. Could that be what happened to Tamworth’s hands? Arya looks so happy to be home again. And Mohammed looks pleased to be home too. What a lovely family. May God bless them all. Carole
Джон Биби высокого мнения о своем пении,но как она трясет Аву, это ужасно. Главное, Исхан, отец двух девочек не видит , и не реагирует. Ему все равно, а нам то что? Вот когда лохматая Тианаз повредит себе руку или голову, то тогда семья поймет, что категорически нельзя детям быть на стройке, тем более везде торчит арматура. Семья стала играть на камеру, близнецы и Тианаз с Джон Биби. Что- то не то…
But she hasn’t had an accident, you cannot go through life constantly saying somethings going to cause a problem you’d never do anything or go anywhere, life’s for living, and we used to live just like they do 70 years ago, with out all this stupid health and safety rules, it never did us any harm, we climbed every where. Leave the kids to be kids, they are only children once. Stop trying to wrap them In Bubble wrap all the time.
Para de criticar e cuidar da vida alheia, cada um sabe dos seus. critica a vida, dos seus. Se não quer ver não siga, mas respeita os outros. Que falta de respeito, cada um cuida da sua vida
@@angeluskiana Think about it - if you want only adoring comments but no advises & criticism ,the number of comments would drop significantly. They would be financially hurt , making less money. .
MR; muhammetin engelinin ne düzeyde olduğunu gösterir. Kas iskelet sistemi ve beyni ne kadar etkilenmiş onu gösterir. Tedavi öncesi durum değerlendirmesi için şarttır. MR tedavi yöntemi değil, teşhis yöntemidir.
Último comentário de minha parte se continuarem no meio desta obra e ficarem em cima da Ava e não a colocarem na cadeira e a mãe dar os cuidados necessários simplesmente não vou mais acompanhar porque estas situações está causando mau pra minha saúde
Maybe am wrong but as of now I don't think they need an engineer who barely show up for work 😂 Talwart can fins8h the house. I see on AFSHEEN CHANNEL they are building nearly the same size house and they have a nice humble master as they call him which is doing a splendid job and work fast. Bet theu Sav more money without the "engineer " 😁
I'm favoured only God knows how much I praise Him, $230k every 4weeks! I now have a big mansion and can now afford anything and also support God’s work and the church.
Only God knows how much grateful i am. After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!
I do know Ms. Susan Jane Christy, I also have even become successful....
After I raised up to 325k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.
You work for 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, Meanwhile some people are putting just $10k in a meme coin for just few months sometimes lesser and now they are multi millionaires. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life💯
These two young men working with the tractors are so well skilled in their profession. I am so amazed at how well they work together, awesome job boys!🎉
Absolutely agree. Also so helpful. It’s wonderful to watch people with good work ethics.
سلام ودرود بر تک تک اعضای خانواده محترم وشایسته
آقا احسان عزیز پس پیمانکار کی میخواهد کار کند هوا سرد است آنجا وبرفی
با آرزوی سلامتی برای خانواده تهمورث
Yeh well I think they won't get the other workers back, as I've read so many comments saying that the contract constructor guy did a runner with their money, wether it's true or not..
That took a lot of backfill. You all worked hard getting it done. Glad to see everybody’s home. God bless.
Mohammed looks so good in his gene outfit I think he’s a wonderful little boy
Mohamed is an angel 😇 ❤
Ava is a baby. The twins kept tossing her around like a ragged doll. They have to stop putting their dirty hands on her face
С чего вьі взяли что у них руки грязньіе? Нам показьівают нарезки отснятого за день материала куда не все действия семьи входят. Если чего то не видели не означает что его нет.
@@НатальяКюрчубаш Did you see Bibi hands in the close up her getting water from the goatskin bag? Her nails were filthy and hands grimy because she'd been working. Of course their hands are dirty. The girls cooking have cleaner hands.
Отстань ,должно..не должно..😮
Похоже их заставляет оператор Авы папа, больше комментариев будет, видно что они провоцируют своих подписчиков 😮
هذاه سميرة انسانة عظيمة تعمل الخير بميزان حسناتها الله يوفقها في حيتها لعمل الخير ارجو من الجميع يدعون بلخير لي سميرة
اين هي سميرة هل هي من العائلة؟
@@hawlerhawleri1195لا دكتورة افا ومحمد
انا اتابعكم من بلاد الحرمين واحب عايلتكم واتابعكم باستمرار واحس انكم عايله راقيه بالرغم من بساطة حياتكم الا انكم عايله راقيه في تصرفاتها وكل الاحترام لكم وخاصة الجد والجده قلوبنا معكم واتمنا ان تنجزون بناء بيتكم قبل البرد
Ну да, утончённая.
Биби платком нос вытирает.
Это утончённость?
Welcome back home Mohammad God bless you my chaild ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mohamed my angel 😇 ❤❤❤❤
@@FazOmar-zs8pm Yes I know you like Mohammad 😁
Wow wow wow, I really love the way you people welcome Muhammad and the parents back home, this is called LOVE, and this is how the family is supposed to be. You can even see the joy in Muhammad face, that he is really happy to come back home. Please you people keep it up, this is a good spirit, because where there is love, unity and one mind, there is progress, success and blessings. Even Ava is happy to see Muhammad. Everybody make effort. God will not leave you like that, He will support and heal these children.❤
Please let grandma know that bouncing the baby is bad. When she bounce’s the baby her brain shakes. Please stop it’s a big concern
I have told them the same thing several times. They treat her like a rag doll shacking her around . The worst of them all is the bigger boy. Always right in her face and you can tell that she does not like it. I fill so sorry for this baby.
You’re right that shakes the baby’s brain to bounce her the way grandma does and that big boy drags her like a rag doll. Why can’t someone stop this? Don’t understand why you buy new clothes and kids puts them on dirty bodies after being in all that dust and dirt. I thought those close would be good for pajamas for them to have something clean to put on after bath snd then sleep in them. I also noticed again how John bibi kisses on biggest twin boy and very little attention to other twin and to aras son she just ignores. She treats the other small boy same way. It seems like all of it’s fake and just fine for camera. Kids needs to stay off construction site it’s dangerous.
У неё в это время закатываются глаза, особенно правый...
Это ребёнок страдает от такого обращения😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Но, нужно исполнять свои роли каждому....
When the camera focus on Ava every one crabs her like a doll rag 😮😢
Ava is not a baby for goodness sake
Welcome back our beautiful Mohammed
Mohamed my angel 😇 ❤❤❤❤❤
E un bambino dolce
Este si es buen mensaje 👏👏👏
Quando Ava levanta os olhos para olhar para cima, ó olho da direita revira totalmente aparecendo somente a parte branca, não é normal, alguém já prestou atenção??????
I think it’s lazy eye, it can be treated by an ophthalmologist.
نعم لاحظته من فترة واخبرت احسان به ليست اليمين فقط حتى اليسار ،يكون ضعف بأحدى عظلات العين.
اذا لم يتم معالجته في بدايته سوف يؤدي الي الحول الدائم .
ولكن لا حياة لم تنادي
Si es lamentable pero son las consecuencias de casarse con primos hermanos
@@gs462002deben de parcharle el ojo bueno para que el que está con estrabismo se enderece , de esa manera se corrige
Ficar horrível ela é especial e doente e uma criança com problemas genéticos os pais e primos
Please don’t pick up Ava all the time let her play on her own she need to move an learn to do things on her own. Stop kissing an huging an lifting her up please let her be. Glad Aria an family is back.
They don't listen!
Goid evening beautiful family..a happy day brings our sweet little Mohammed, Aria, and Tamorth back into the fold ❤
Thumar and Aria i have the greatest respect for you yesterday when you oppolizing to Mohammed put tears in my eyes.
Turn the comments off yesterday I guess he didn't want to read our comments
Yes, I noticed that too!
They are totally dysfunctional
People are being very disrespectful towards them, please don’t compare your life style with them they have many problems there
I wouldn’t either. It’s all disrespectful to the family.
لان التعليقات تجاوزت حدودها وأصبحت مستفزة للغاية وفيها تدخل في خصوصيات العائلة والكل أصبح يصدر الأوامر ويريد من العائلة أن تتصرف مثلهم ...وأعتقد أن هده وقاحة من المشاهدين
Биби не просто трясла ребенка Она ее еще и подбрасывала Голова ребенка тряслась из стороны в сторону Наджма смотри за ребенком
Потом ребенок не реагировала пала в ступор значит нельзя трести
@vitavitalia1 Its Ehsans (cameraman) little daughter. In my opinion he should tell his mother and the other childern not to shake and toss her up. My question to Ehsan DO YOU CARE ??????
Can hurt her brain to shake like that❤
@@LadyTianaz He never corrects or guides the children that I've seen.
@@plakeway2588 Then they can take her to Shiraz.
Oh boy they arrived the kids can’t wait to see what they brought them,they could care less that they went away.
Welcome home Muhammad hod willing youll be better god bless you 🙏🌹🙏♥️🙏❤️🌟🌈🌙
يجب شراء طاولة وكراسي للاطفال من اجل الدراسة وحل واجباتهم المدرسية فالكتابة على الارض تؤذي ظهرهم
A gotowanie na tych brudnych dywanach i jedzenie?
Krucifix ta ava seboji to to nevidíte jste snad ignorujte a nebo ava není vase vasich
Stale vaříte jedno a to samé fuj ryze a to upatlane červené kuře to b y mě rodina vyděsila a hodila by mě to na hlavu je mě divné se na to dívat každý den žádná kreativita nejste přeci ve skalách a Markéty máte dobře zásobene nemuzete si stěžovat kde máte zeleninu pro deti suppolevku tu mají děti také rady ryby králíka jehněčí slepičí hovězí bakara bataty kde je těstoviny čočka hrach špenát květák nic jenom ryze hnusná já už bych neměla domov takhle vařit rodině chacha cha ahoj
John Bibi é uma pessoa alegre, animada e muito ativa! É ela que alegra as crianças com suas músicas e danças. Me admirei em vê-la subida no alto da árvore pra pegar frutas pras crianças. Ela vai além das suas condições físicas e não acho que isso seja falsidade e sim o jeito dela de ser. Prestem atenção nisso: ela tem muito mais ânimo e disposição do que os filhos. Ela enche a casa de alegre e vida! Admiro essa mulher!
A baby walker would be great for ava, but i thing the older boys would break it...
@SharonAskren Are you a " FORTUNE TELLER " ?????
She had a walker a long time ago and yes the older boy broke it
She had a walker, and they broke it
As they did all the equipment, including the wheelchair. They stick their noses in everything.
@@LadyTianaz Haven't you seen what they've done to Muhammad's wheel chair? The swings legs are bending from the big kids swinging on it. Broken bikes. Sharon is a fortune teller in this case.
They handle the baby like a rag doll. We take better care of our pets.
One person commented in the past that this foundation was not necessary unless you intend to make an upstairs house but thatis why the engineer has disappeared because there seems to be some misunderstanding here but no comment from the Perens.Why they keep getting into problems.Theywill not get sound advice from people who knows what they need but hopes their nomadic experience will get them where they want to be and also money is the answer. You have to pay your way ...nothing is free and the cheapest always become the dearest.
Se fosse ingegnere voleva profittare di loro noi non sappiamo
Q poco se les ve lavar las manos,John B, esta con las cabras y va y coge a Ava, la toca, pellizcar sin lavar las manos los niños igual. Cuando van a comer todos sentados, en vez de levantarse y lavarse las manos, hicieron el baño y el aseo, pero q poco se utiliza.
Menos mal vino la otra criada, esta pobre haciendo las tareas y cocinando todo el tiempo. John B. Se dedica al control, la construcción, en vez de ayudar a su nuera en las tareas.
Y llegó el estirado jefe a dar órdenes. John b ya se sentía perdida sin el.
Aria est vraiment une jolie dame, comme sa belle soeur , et deux femmes tres courageuses et qui aiment, adorent meme leurs enfants, desole, pour moi, les enfants sont propres, bien habilles, et mangent à leur faim, leurs familles les entourent parfaitement
Estoy de acuerdo contigo
@@IrmaJuradoContreras Me too
She seems so happy after coming home! So glad love when she smiles and laughs! ❤
John Bibi por favor não faça esse movimento de jogar a ava pra cima que é muito prejudicial a saúde neurológica dela e pode prejudicar o desenvolvimento de firmeza no corpo precisamos que ava ande o mais rápido pra melhorar cada vez mais sua vida. Não me leve ignore por favor só quero o bem e a saúde de toda sua família .
Dios mío son niños.Saludos y bendiciones
تحياتي لك اريا انت لطيفة وحنونة ان شاء الله يمن الله لك بشفاء ابنك
Amén 🙏
Con el favor de Dios que se pueda valer por si mismo , ❤
لالا انها سيه جدن مهمله ابنها عو ذبا الله منها انه ماريض طفل وابوه مشغول بلبنا
Меня,уже Джон Биби начинает раздражать, где камера там и она я очень беспокоюсь за здорровье Мого прекрасного Мухамеда,очень надеюсь что обследования погогут вылечить этого прекрасного мальчика,агелочка ,
بدأت تزعجك ؟
من ثاني فيدو شاهدته وعرفت ما هي !
Cure? Unless they can untangle the genetic puzzle afflicting Muhammad, there is no cure.
Go watch something else I'm happy she irrates you
@@junelucas1959Ясно,как белый день,что близкородственная связь и поэтому такие дети,Ава и Мухамед рождаются..Ну у их так принято,жениться на родственниках,вот и результат!
ДЦП не лечится, умники. Откройте Гугл и почитайте. Обеспокоенньіе 😂
La bebé Ava esta muy tranquila y esos niños la sacan como mun̈eca tirandola es tan estresante ver esa imagen
They do it on purpose because people complain about it.
А ее папаше легко
Es la muñeca de trapo para ellos 😢
Stop complaining. It's ridiculous to complain every day about every little thing. Just watch and be kind. These people live their lives just like you live yours. .
He doesn't care what we think and I believe he got them doing it on purpose
Oh my GOD. Hossein be careful in lifting and carrying Ava. 😮
We are very weird nagme keep Eva with you don’t allowed all the kids be kissing and soaking her fingers in there mouths she will get very sick ❤
He is very rough with her. Even JB is rough with Ava. Mom doesn’t care.
@@brendabernal1803 None of them think they are doing anything dangerous or unsanitary and that all of us are just silly busybodies. Maybe we are. If they don't care, why should we?
The mother cares but most of the time she is busy
They are playing with Ava like she is a doll rag, I can't stand see it 🎉
مبروك الكم حبايب گلبي برلين ❤❤ويارب يكون محمد وافا بصحة وعافيه ❤❤
Finally a decent comment is made
That wretched big twin took Ava roughly from playing with tienez. Just can't leave her in peace. It's so annoying.😂😂😂
Is sick😡
@@Addlemon-y5x Good comment you make so much sense. I agree with you. Have a good day and best greetings from USA.
Concordo ele só sabe comer e atrapalhar a Ava ,deixa Ava mais a vontade seu chato
@@Addlemon-y5xsim é só pra falar coisas boas é?não podemos tampar o sol com a peneira a verdade tem que ser dita,falamos pra ele melhorar
Tianaz should not be near those metal rods. What if she trips and gets jabbed in the eye? I think 95% of viewers have commented how dangerous it is to have the children near the construction site; however, the camera operator prefers not to listen to us. It seems the viewers care more about these children than the Peren family does.
동감합니다 왜 아이들을 먼지나는 곳에 그대로 방치하는지 모르겠어요 심심하면놀이도구등을 사쥐면좋으려마 정말 답답합니다
I agree
Agree 100%
Agree with you 100% 👍🏻
Es otra cultura no nos ban a entender pero ablándeles duro creo que entienden por el bien de los niños los más grandes creo que son imperativos
الحمد الله على سلامة طمهورث واريا ومحمد
والشكر الى صديقة العائلة السيدة سميرة
صاحبة المواقف المادية والمعنوية الى هذه العائلة البدوية
InshaAllah I'm so happy they took Muhammad for his doctors appointment's. They have a long road ahead of them with many treatments at therapies too come.
Praying for Mohamed ❤❤❤
The cameraman may think putting that young girl in every scene will bring more viewers but but it creates just the opposite and puts her in danger in more ways than one...
but she propably learnt it from grandma and no one wants to see her not doing anything ....keep her off some of the scenes for her own good .The boys do work on camera and that is different. A construction site should be off limit to a little girl her age.
Safety FIRST- before views!
Just leave the family to decide what there kids can do,we lived just like this years ago, free to play where ever we wanted.❤
مشاء الله على احبيب محمد صاحب الضحكة الجميلة الله يشافيهم هو و اڤا يارب
Таким детям как Ава и Мухаммед, облегчит их состояние только физиотеоапия,массажы!Вылечить не возможно!
Remember when Shirvan sold his truck and they brought back all that money in the plastic bag?
They paid the contractor some of the money and when he saw the money in the plastic bag he wanted more, except Shirvan, Tarmorth and Jon Bibi all at once came at him and the contractor backed off. I felt at that moment that things between the contractor and the Perens would not work out.
حبيبتي كله تمثيل المقاول هواخوزوج بنتهم زينب وهمه غيرمستعجلين على بناء هذالبيت للتصويرفقط وكسب المال عدهم بيت ثاني كبيرفي نفس هذه القريه عملوفيه عرس بنتهم زينب ولم ينزل المقطع على اليوتيوب حتى لاينكشف كذبهم والمقطع موجودفي قناة اخوجون بيبي قناة باباك قبل سنه روحوشوفوالبيت الحقيقي لجون بيبي هذاكله تمثيل
Закрыли бы палатку, сколько пыли, вся одежда, посуда будет грязная…
@@SosoQun And how exactly do you know that? Lol
@@lindak7567 sai perché scrivono così .perché la figlia di Jon bibi Zainab ha dimostrato la casa in città .Ma questo e casa di famiglia
Que lindo ver esta familia tan unida todos colaboran en las labores. Me encanta cuando llevan regalos para los niños. Que Dios les bendiga cada dia
Que bueno que ya llegó la ayuda para la cocinera, por qué la Bibi no le ayuda, se pasa jugando con los niños y la deja sola haciendo lo comida.
También me fijo que le demuestra más amor al cuate más gordito y hasta él hace una cara de consentido por qué ella lo mima más que al otro
Si e più bello paffuto
Non dire paffuto ????ok e bello proprio
Ten chlapec, už v horách běhal a tulil se k matce víc než ostatní..... ❤
What help 😢😮you mean 🤔 now lazy Najma can relax 😌 as a penguin 🐧 always following the men 😉 😀 😜
@@rudinagrishaj9956второй не хуже, а наоборот сказала бы
صباح الخير مبروك على محمد أريا طهروث الله يعطيهم العافية والحمد لله على سلامتهم حبيبي محمد أول ما جاء البيت شاف إخوانه فرحان الله يشفيه يا رب
لماذا دفنتو الاساسات الغير مبنيه
Admiro muito essa família pela sua união, trabalho, iniciativa e resiliência! Mesmo tristes com a situação, não desistem, vão à luta e vão vencendo a cada dia! Torço por vocês, família Peren!
انا باشفق على الطفله الصغيره الكل بشد فيها ولم يتركوها تلعب برحته
I agree !!!
Tb tô com tanta pena
They don’t care about the safety of children. They ride without seatbelts and standing in back of a truck. If an accident happened children will fly everywhere. Here adults are not in works zone unless they have permission. Very dangerous!
I worry about the children riding in back of truck. One accident and they fly out and some dead children
Definitely, they would not stand a chance!
اتمنى ان يتم بناء المنزل سريعا قبل الشتاء اللهم اجعله منزلا مباركا
Well, I see the young ones helping out
Karen Perry I like your comment about the pet family. That’s why I think that that young man should have gone with his sister to Tyran and get an education and see what the world is like and what the world can offer him instead of living under that poverty and close society, thank youKaren Perry thank you
Grandma you and your family is very hardworking and lovely family i like
Está película se llama " Las andanzas de John Bibi" ella es la que dirige, la actriz principal , siempre delante de la camara! Ya aburre! Nos damos cuenta que se hace la bondadosa pero, con esa actitud que tiene de querer figurar en todo...lo dudo mucho...
JOHN BIBI , se passa por mais uma retardada sempre saltitando na frente das câmeras, em meio aos homens q trabalham, shirvan é um marido muito paciente,é um bom homem😊
💯true 👍🏻
She is a drama queen. She follows the camera around to be in the filming. I don’t like her at all
Jijiji bien dicho drama quee n !
She is a strange old bat after all she is only 46
تحياتي لكم جميعا على مجهودكم الرائع في التعامل مع بعضكم
ایران زندہ باد ایران زندہ باد 🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷🇮🇷💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Раньше я была в восторге от Мехди, сейчас разочаровалась, после того, как он продолжает ездить и дарить подарки своей двоюродной сестре Кобре, которую они с матерью засватали, хочет иметь ребёнка инвалида, я думала он умнее и прислушается ко мнению подписчиков не будет делать глупость… но увы он тоже умом не блещет и идёт на поводу у Бибики не имея мужского, своего слова…очень обидно😢
Cũng chỉ là con rối trong tay bibi mà thôi .Medi không có ý chí .
Если Мехди после всего этого женится на сестре 🤔. Даже не знаю как выразиться. 👎👎
Они просто подогревают интерес зрителей, побуждая их возмущаться и коментировать. А на самом деле Мехди женат на Наджмие. Присмотритесь к их отношениям, а также к тому как Мехди относится к своим дочкам.
Eles já se casaram?
Pobre Ava, parece una muñeca de trapo en manos de la abuela y los niños
Hasta que alguien dice algo al respecto, se porque dejan que la agarren los niños debería la mamá tener cuidado con esa niña se la pueden lastimar y dejar peor que como está .. hasta a la mamá deberían de enseñarla de cómo cargarla porque también la agarra como si fuera de trapo
She is already brain damaged
La mamá está muy ocupada en andar detrás de Tahworth,viven como cavernicolas
@@guadalupetorres7137un día le va a sacar un brazo por la forma como la levanta
@@ernestolugoescalera6155 exactamente parece que no sabe cargar un bebé y eso que la niña es la tercera hija y no sabe cómo agararla
Salam sayang dari Malaysia ..gembira melihat suasana harmony ahli keluarga peren channel. Anda saling tolong menolong membuat kerja. berbeza dengan setengah channel normad Iran ada yang sentiasa bergaduh sesama sendiri berebut harta, wanita ..semoga Allah merahmati keluarga anda semua..❤❤❤❤🇲🇾🇮🇷❤❤❤❤❤
A mi no me preocupa si los chicos se lavan , o no las manos o si cuidan su hygiene. Lo que si me pone nerviosa es ver que los adultos no ponen cuidado a los chicos, y los dejan jugar en el peligro como es la construction. Hay barrillas de hierro, bloques y herramientas. Eso es preocupante que alguno de esos chicos tenga un grave accident por la negligence de los adultos.
But they do are.
Estoy de acuerdo con Tigo pero si te darás cuenta haci son ellos felices en el peligro ay que orar x ellos para que no les pase nada malo x que son niños
They are allowing them to be kids
I’m from a midwestern farming area of the USA. My father was a farmer all his life and grew up on the farm that he farmed from life. I also grew up on a farm with my 3 siblings. It may be of help to those individuals whom are quite worried about the children of Peren get hurt or injured badly in the construction areas along with the dust.
My siblings and I were taught early on in our life that we can get hurt if we attempt to play where or with something we shouldn’t. If we got hurt we learned next time not to do it or at least be more careful. it was called the lesson of hard knocks! Learn from your mistakes.
I believe the Peren Family basically live by the same philosophy. I understand why the Peren adults let the children play where they do; the children need to learn to survive, and play (get
exercise) as this is where they live now.
Hello again and greetings Peren Family ! Poppet is well fed but his fur is totally matted. He needs tobe groomed. And maybe some flea powder would to him some good too. Have a succsessful day. Love and peace.
عندما يعود تهمورت تعود الحياة إلى العائلة انه الشخصية المفضلة لدي
What is she doing out there with a man again around all the construction giving orders?
Bibi Kardashian must have camera time😂
A Bibi começa cantar qdo percebe que está sendo filmada pra aparecer de boazinha 😂
Так и есть
No she doesn't, her son likes to film her
Ortada aptal aptal asalak gibi dolanıyor boş kalabalık bir işe yaramayan
Sem contar q ela vive na frente da camera
Creo que voy a salir de este canal es muy irritante ver a esta señora todo el santo tiempo @@mariaines4768
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن ذوق ام محمد وابومحمد عجيب ومقاساتهم مضبوطة ملبوس العافية ❤❤❤❤
The kids are tossing and pulling on her put her in her high chair near her mother so she can monitor her Ava is not a toy and heys San should know that😢
Well they do it on purpose,because we tell them that all the time,they don’t like to be told.
Familia paren sr.Ehsan lla familia tiene un abuso con aba uste la,enfoca con su cámara más de 50 veces por programa y so mamá hermano le caen encima como abejas ella no puede hablar ni quejarse déjenla en pas eso es maltrato aleje alos hermanitos tíos abusadores ya no los baños asegúrese por el maltrato ala niña
궁굼한게 있어요
지난번대학다니는 딸이 사온옷들
다명품이던데요 바렌시아가,팬디
등등 오늘은 나이키로 애들옷을
사왔네요 먹는것도 잘먹어요
과일은 부지런함 놀때 산에가면 야생과일나무 많던데 나같음
시간내어 야생과일 실컷따다
먹겠어요 구독하면서 이집은
없는집아니네 할때가많아요
They get paid for comments. Good or Bad
댓글다는데로 돈받는다는것이죠?
내가묻는것은 어떻게 수십만원
짜리 명품티를사는냐?였어요
You're all talking about the engineer not showing up to work. What do you expect him to do? You tell him everytime he is there that you have no money and you have to sell this or that just to pay him for the little bit he has done. He has other clients that have money now and can pay. You, unfortunately, will be put on the back burner until you can come up with a way to pay him. Arya and Tahmwurth, you are missed so very much when you are gone. It's like no one wants to do anything unless you guys are around. You are such motivators. Love you both very much and you have very good children.
Почему Вы врете? Почему????Почему видете только негатив? Это очень работящая семья. Стройка большая и денег надо много. Хороших строителей трудно найти.
عائلة بيرين الغاليه على قلبي حفظكم الله ورعاكم واسعد ايامكم بلعكس الجدة حنونة وهذا امر طبيعي ان تقبل الاحفاد وانتي الخير والبركةارجو من الله عزوجل ان يعطيك الصحة والعافية والسرور يارب العالمين
As i am looking at Muhammed i am thinking why pushy Bibi want her son Medhi to marry her neice. She hasn't seen what happened to Nagma and Aria children. By them msrrying their first cousin their children came out hanficap. Do she bibi wsnt Medhi children to come out hanficap too. Next question why medhi don' have a ssy in who he wsnts to marry? Why he have to marry who his mother choose for him? My desr Medhi sit down and think about if you really want to marry your cousin?
I doubt they even read or interpret our comments. Maybe they ignore when we say what they don't like.
They don't care what we say when we are just trying to be helpful. That's a shame.
Maybe they don't have interpreters. Who types the close captions? That tells you everything.
@@jaadenicholas45 هذي عادات وتقاليد القبائل والعشائر في جميع الدول ،الاولا زواج الاقارب وخصوصا ابناء العمومة ،صعب تغيرها في المجتمعات الغير متعلمة
Acredito que os nossos comentário por mais útil que seja para eles, no entanto não dão tanta importância, talvez eles nem veja ou não tome conhecimento.
Mais eu acredito que alguém responde aos cometário, eu só não sei se eles realmente tem conhecimento dos nossos comentário na íntegra.
بنت خاله وليس عمه هي اصلن لاتصلح لزواج استغفرالله صغيره ونحيله وبشعه وهو جميل يستحق افضل
Я смотрю как Биби трясет Аву .мне страшно становится за ее головку ,так нельзя обращаться сней это ребенок ,где оккуратность и ласка к ней?😢
Mira eso de sacudir un niño no es bueno. Pero ellos no saben que peligro es. Más antes uno no savia. Asta que el tiempo pasa van saliendo nuevos estudios. Referente al peligro. De sacudir a un niño.
Aria is really good.The clothes she bought for the boys are beautiful. Aria is good at choosing clothes. The color of the clothes is also beautiful.Muhammad is so cute and handsome boy.❤🥰
Welcome home muhhamed I hope he feels better soon
Am i the only one seeing this one twin literally eating those snacks so fast sitting next to the other one who is eating normal .. he is rocking back and forth and devouring the juice and food as if he is starving and crawling around trying to find another bag with snacks in it ! This is not ok everyone needs to seriously stop putting the camera on him and do something about this !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something is terribly wrong out of all the kids he’s crawling around trying to get all the snacks suckers chips everything and anything he can find to shove in his mouth! THIS BREAKS MY HEART HE SHOULDNT BE ACTING LIKE THIS SOMETHING IN HIS BODY /MIND IS TELLING HIM HES STARVING NEEDS FOOD WHAT IS WRONG JOHN BIDI TAKE HIM TO A DR THIS ISNT A PHASE PEOPLE HES SHOVELING IT IN HIS MOUTH AND STASHING FOOD UNDER HIS PILLOW THIS IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL! TAKE HIM TO A REAL DR NOT A NURSE THAT STOPS BY THIS IS SO SO BAD FOR HIS HEART CONDITION MY SON HAD TO BE TREATED OVER A SIMILAR CONDITION THIS OVEREATING CAN AND WILL CAUSE A HEART ATTACK!!!!!!!
I totally agree !!!
Agree it seems a mental condition
Concordo com tudo que li pq tb vi que ele comia e escondia os doces atrás dos travesseiros,ele tem que ir a um médico e ser educado pela mãe Bibi
تحياتي لك اريا انت حنونة بحق محمد وآل محمد يمن الله لك بشفاء ابنك 🤲
Что у вам девочка Тиана постоянно делает на стройке в пыли, она точно у вас заболеет лёгочным заболеванием от пыли. Уведите её от пыльных работ.
They don’t care they believe their children are different and can withstand those conditions, lol
Тианаз тоже ненормальный ребенок
I think the camera man tells them to do that , not good and it is his daughter 😮
Bu aile pisliğe alışkın, korkma birşey olmaz bunlara. Pislik ruhlarına işlemiş.
Please almighty god watch over these children i pray they don’t get injured in any way shape or form from being on the construction site and in the way of these big machines who cannot see when they back up that a child don’t get ran over or hurt in any way because they’re family will not keep them away from danger in jesus’s name amen! ❤❤❤
@@itiswhatitis-ks9ec Amen 🙏🏼
I agree. They could be around a construction site here in the US. That would be considered negligent and neglect. Endangerment too and Child Protective Services would have to step in. Those kids would be taken if it was here. They work hard and going to school. They will do well in life I hope.
@@treciasaunders8632 oh yes it would absolutely not happen here in the US! First of all personally i wouldn’t allow my children or anyone i know wouldn’t allow their children in around or near a construction site and the workers definitely wouldn’t allow it they would shut the whole thing down if they seen kids anywhere near a construction site. And for parents to see it and allow it shows how different our culture is. If a family here was like this and allowed it the kids would be taken for neglect! CULTURE OR NOT STILL VERY VERY DANGEROUS and they don’t watch them they just giggle and walk away but when get hurt the adult cry about it
if they would listen to us would be saving them from their kids getting hurt this is so sad so sad 😞
Beautiful..the family is back together.. we pray for a miracle for Muhammed and Ava. Thank you God
Everytime Eshan focuses his camera to Ava , the kids would play with Ava right away with exaggeration to the extent hurting the baby . The same with Mohammad on previous videos .
Al camarografo nada más le gusta leer cuando uno dice que su familia es maravillosa cosa que no lo es pero cuando le haces ver que están mal ni caso hace, los niños son sucios y no porque son nomadas, tienen agua y jabón y ropa lo que pasa es que no están acostumbrados a la limpieza igual que la gente grande no diga que porque hay mucho polvo otra vez mientes y sino quieres críticas no pongas que te demos LIKE ya basta de que nos ignores
El camarógrafo es un necio. Se ofende cuando alguien comenta algo que a él no le gusta. No hay que hacer más comentarios y cuando vea que TH-cam no le pague bien ahí se va a arrepentir. Ya sé cree artista el pobre.😅😅😅
Espero que no se la crea Nosotros decidimos okey
@@MariaTeresaToledo-zp6uc te imaginas con mucha plataaa pero de su bolsillo???
أنتي انسانه مريضه وش خصك فيهم هم الناس محترمين
Salam Beautiful Peren Family 🙏 ❤ MA SHA ALLAH MOUHAMED ❤❤❤Aria ❤❤❤❤Tamourth ❤❤❤❤
Disculpen, pero siempre veo que les compran ropa y enseguida corren a ponérsela, sin bañarse primero! Están llenos de polvo de pies a cabeza, cómo no les apetece una buena ducha antes de ponerse ropa limpia y/o sin estrenar. Uno se siente mejor limpito. Ahora tienen toda la comodidad, un baño que muchos quisiéramos tener y con agua caliente. Pleno siglo 21 ya! Saludos a todos! Aún así los aprecio mucho!😘😊
@@beatrizdeuruguay4400 tienen de adorno el baño lastima el gastazo que hicieron para no usarlo
Why Shivram, Jon Bibi , Mehdi, Tehmorth don’t wear masks. All the dust from those loaders will go directly into their lungs and make them sick.
Tambien la ropa aùn que estè nueva.deve lavarse primero❤❤❤
Kusura bakan baksın. Madem bu yoldan bedava para kazanmak istiyorlar o zaman eleştiriye de açık olacaklar. Bahane arkasına sığınarak pis olmak temizlikten kaçmak aklanamaz.
A home that was destroyed after so much blood.,sweat and tears was not made up!!!!!family are surviving and earning everything because of hard work ❤❤❤
Зарабатывает, ха-ха-ха, тратит -- да.
I really enjoyed Mehdi and Mom going to grind their wheat yesterday! it was a typical and very interesting session. and also the fact that Mehdi asks his mother to come with him because he has never done that before!
it was great, I would like them to show us more about their organization, customs, habits, describe the preparation of a dish, the spices used, that the grandmother talks about the medicinal herbs picked in the mountain. their nomadic life told in the evening. that would really be great!! It would be a bit of a change from cement!
see the progress of the work and also talk about real life.
🫶for Mehdi from the car' window today😂
ontem os comentários estava desligado ,acho que não estão gostando dos comentários 😂
Oh well I guess they won’t get paid as much.
Pra não comentar ne
Правильно !! Не пишите на каждый кадр комментарии !! @@rsilva8083
Maybe they just needed a break from all the complainers!!
En los mellizos pequeños el gordito y holgazán es el favorito de la madre, y en los mayores es e camarógrafo el segundo holgazán y listo de la familia que no hace nada, son iguales que su tío el padre de Cobra, ya me cansé de ver tanto teatro e hipocresías, yo voy a vender un coche viejo que tengo y me haré una casa como esa jajajajaja. Tahmorth es el que merece la pena y no lo cuidan. Me habéis decepcionado todos menos él.
I always see Shayan very sad and wonder why ?
Very neglected 😢😮and totally ignored 🙁 😢😢😢
It’s heart 💔 breaking to see 😢
القناة والمدونه الوحيدة الصادقة في حياتها اليومية والتي اتابعها شخصيا ،
اتمني وضع التاريخ والوقت على الشاشة في كل حلقة من حلقاتكم القادمة
Лучше заставьте детей не с лопатами играться, а собрать в кучу все камни и мусор в не достроенном жилище и по всему участку, а то ждёте когда приедет Ария и уберёт всё …😮
Да, там нужно было навести порядок ещё до того, как накрывали крышу.... Как можно ходить и спотыкаться через этот мусор? Засранцы!😮
Дети едят сладости, как будто не когда в жизни не ели
احسن عائلة بيرين .وفقكم الله جميعا .والله يشافي محمد ويسعدكم ب افا ياربي . ويبارك لكم في الجميع جون بيبي و الجد شيفان الرجل الصبور وكذلك الاخ المهدي وتحموت واريا زوجته و ابنتكم .ونعمة والكل ارجوكم بناء منزل عصري مع غرف للنوم و مرتبات للملابس للاطفال و لكل غرفة تبنى حائطيا مع ابواب .اسعدكم الله تعابى والجميع مكافح . ولا ننسى نجمة وجميع
So happy to see the family back together again. I am wondering why Tamworth’s palms are black in spots. Did he undergo some test that may have turned his palms black? So worried. In India they put a die on the hands for celebrations. Could that be what happened to Tamworth’s hands?
Arya looks so happy to be home again. And Mohammed looks pleased to be home too.
What a lovely family. May God bless them all.
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد
الحمد لله على سلامه محمد توصلوا بالسلامه مع العائله والاسره الكريمه الله يحفظكم جميعا ويديكم الصحه والعافيه يسر اموركم يعينكم ويقويكم يا رب
Джон Биби высокого мнения о своем пении,но как она трясет Аву, это ужасно. Главное, Исхан, отец двух девочек не видит , и не реагирует. Ему все равно, а нам то что? Вот когда лохматая Тианаз повредит себе руку или голову, то тогда семья поймет, что категорически нельзя детям быть на стройке, тем более везде торчит арматура. Семья стала играть на камеру, близнецы и Тианаз с Джон Биби. Что- то не то…
Нет. Они будут над раненым ребёнком руки поднимать к нему и в рыданиях просить материальной помощи
But she hasn’t had an accident, you cannot go through life constantly saying somethings going to cause a problem you’d never do anything or go anywhere, life’s for living, and we used to live just like they do 70 years ago, with out all this stupid health and safety rules, it never did us any harm, we climbed every where. Leave the kids to be kids, they are only children once. Stop trying to wrap them In Bubble wrap all the time.
Para de criticar e cuidar da vida alheia, cada um sabe dos seus. critica a vida, dos seus. Se não quer ver não siga, mas respeita os outros. Que falta de respeito, cada um cuida da sua vida
@@angeluskiana Think about it - if you want only adoring comments but no advises & criticism ,the number of comments would drop significantly. They would be financially hurt , making less money. .
❤❤❤ love you Peren family! Lots of love from South Africa!❤❤❤❤
А что МРТ лечит? Для этих детей хоть 10 МРТ сделать, ничего не поможет. Жаль этих детей и их родителей.😢😢😢
MR; muhammetin engelinin ne düzeyde olduğunu gösterir. Kas iskelet sistemi ve beyni ne kadar etkilenmiş onu gösterir. Tedavi öncesi durum değerlendirmesi için şarttır. MR tedavi yöntemi değil, teşhis yöntemidir.
I feel sorry for the children not the parents. They shouldn't married their cousins. Now the children are paying for it.
آلف حمدالله بالسلامه ودعواتنا بالشفاء العاجل لمحمد وايفا وربنا يبارك للجميع وعوده تيموروزوجته للقريه بالسلامه
Mohamed is an angel 😇 ❤
مشاء الله على ام ديالهم الله يحفظها ويرزقها الصحة والعافية توزن بذهب
Último comentário de minha parte se continuarem no meio desta obra e ficarem em cima da Ava e não a colocarem na cadeira e a mãe dar os cuidados necessários simplesmente não vou mais acompanhar porque estas situações está causando mau pra minha saúde
Ya están cansado mucho. Son unos necios no nos tienen en cuenta.
Same here.
I agree
Necesitan un Reporte a TH-cam
De acuerdo con ud. Lo q hace Bibi a Ava es peligroso p el cerebro
Awe I know your heart is broken for your son Ariya… crying is good for the soul.. you have a good cry any time you want
Arya 😮please give Shayan more attention 😢😮😮
تحية كبيرة للاخت سميرة
لقد فعلت المستحيل لاجل هذه العائلة الجميلة ❤❤
مرحبا بعاءلة بيرين الكريمة ❤ مرحبا بمحمد الغالي على قلوبنا و بأريا الحبيبة و تومورث الحنون ❤ أن شاء الله بالشفاء العاجل لمحمد سلامي الحار الى أريا ❤❤❤
Love Mohamed ❤ 😍 💖 ❣
عنده بالعراق الدهن نظيفه للتمن نضعه في مقلاة ونسخنه على النار ثم نظيفه على التمن ونقلب التمن يكون طعمه اطيب حربي يا اريا وشوفي طعم التمن
التمن شنو ؟
@@gs462002يعني رز
@@omargaming7584 اهاااا
Maybe am wrong but as of now I don't think they need an engineer who barely show up for work 😂 Talwart can fins8h the house. I see on AFSHEEN CHANNEL they are building nearly the same size house and they have a nice humble master as they call him which is doing a splendid job and work fast. Bet theu Sav more money without the "engineer " 😁