it was played in court, on what grounds could they injunct it? it was harvested from a public place. Also, tell us all you have something to hide without saying you have something to hide...
She has rights as a data subject and how her image is used, and I doubt McScumbag has any rights over that side of things, irrespective of whether they were harvested in public. Would McScumbag allow someone take his image in public, and try to use it for commercial gain? I think not. He deservedly lost and his behaviour now is that of a scumbag.
@@melissakelly9629 A business partner of McGregor’s has said that he wants to misuse the footage to somehow boost sales of their alcohol. This prompted the injunction. That’s fair. I would like to think that I would have some ownership over my own data in a democratic country - wouldn’t you?
@@KDoc1951if it was a brutal rape why would you be hugging and kissing your rapists? If it was as brutal as she says I don’t think she would be kissing and hugging them.
Why would she want that stopped, surely this will show the truth as in who was raping who? I think the poor man was raped by the sounds if what happened in the corridor, we have the right to see her behaviour… her phone texts to Conor and all, get pictures, she accused him of everything so it’s only fair the public get to see 😡
If I was attacked and people didn't belive me I would truly want the proof out there, but instead she wants her activities hidden from the boyfriend and public???
If you were attacked and (apart from the bruhs) the whole country believed you, why would your attacker be allowed infringe your image rights? Hand is only protecting her image rights. McGregor would do the same if people used his image for a public campaign without his permission.
@finniangallagher awh seriously?? NO I won't buy that bs for a minute, and why? It's because when they questioned her when leaving the hotel as to why she was kissing james she got all distressed !! Common sense should tell you that my attacker would want to hide the cctv evidence at all costs, they would have no interest in it getting to the eye of the public. Come out of it will you.
Who is this "people" who supposedly "don't believe" her? Everyone but *rapists themselves,* believe her!! There is nothing of any kind that could ever be of any evidential value to challenge, context, refute or overthrow what was blatantly obvious from the Medical and Physical *facts* already publicised. Nothing.
@@niallcarney9178Sympathising with a Rapist does not only suggest you are a Rape Apologist. But that you likely are a Rapist yourself. That you would think *anything* could refute the Medical and Physical facts that say everything that anyone could possibly ever need to know. Anything subsequent or surplus to that is wholly and entirely irrelevant .... *unless you are a Rape Apologist, a Rapist Sympathiser, and/or are a Rapist yourself and are attempting to prove that there is or ever could be any argument or mitigation to such profoundly obvious Physical Facts.*
@@jackiedonaldson5218THIS. We do trial by judge and jury in this country. Not trial by TV and not trial by Twitter. From the evidence presented McGregor should have been tried in criminal court. If it happened in France he would be in prison. If it had happened in the US, no doubt Nikita Hand would be vilified and McGregor appointed to the Supreme Court.
In America it is a two-tier justice system. I'm still waiting to see if Trump's 34 charge, found guilty by a jury of 12, gets released to the US/World public.
@@jackiedonaldson5218 I don’t want my taxes going to pay for her antics to be hidden from view so that the rape charge might be shown in a different light.
She's obviously hiding it, because she's been lying, she's a disgrace in my opinion, and McGregor is too, but this makes a mockery of genuine victims. Disgusting.
Hi Terry, very interesting case and as always your commentary is both succinct & clear.. It certainly appears that Mr. McGregor believes that publishing the footage would be beneficial for him, it also appears that Ms. Hand believes it could be harmful for her. It will be very interesting to see what way the judge rules on this and the reasons for his decision. It will also be interesting to know if an injunction to prohibit publication of the video footage would be applicable to other countries and jurisdictions or if the judges decision applies only to ROI.
Actually, if i was attacked in any way i would certainly want that info released if there was people who didnt believe me, Nikita is just embarrassed and doesn't want to admit to her activities. She is a disgrace.@@jackiedonaldson5218
Isn't it great that her legal team are doing yet another expensive case for nothing for Victoria. Will McGregor be billed for this also? He's beginning to look like a cash machine for the legal eagles of Ireland, his own and her team are making a fortune off of him.
The public could end up coming to the same conclusion as the director of public prosecutions if this tape is released. We can't have that happen now can we ?
Even if she succeeds in obtaining the injunction, Nikita's attempt to block access to the footage implies that she thinks it would reflect badly on her - and she cannot obtain an injunciton to stop people from arriving at that conclusion. Thought policing has yet to advance that far.
Would you want footage of the worst night of your life in the public domain? After threats, home invasions,highly publicised Court case etc. That woman's been through enough , he is just trying to smear her
@@jeanmarie3258 No need for him to do that, the girl couldn't get more lower in peoples minds as it is. Dumping her child and partner for 3 days is the worst thing any Mother can do, and all for a good time with a rich and famous personality.
After reading many of the comments supporting Nakitta let me tell you from bitter experience, if you think Solicitors, Barristers and Judges are all honest above board upstanding people its time you woke up and smelled the roses. Money Money Money is all that matters.
Of course. It still doesn't mean Connor is innocent. You can't say this guy hasn't a drug habit and an out of control temper, that hasn't got him in trouble before. He broke a guy's nose in England a number of years back and has countless other offences against women. Money talks and if anyone knows anything about that, it's McGregor.
Terry, from what I could grasp from your slant on this court case you feel that the court decision would be always right, I , myself have a problem with the jury system having been on jury duty twice and seeing how the members can be influenced by what they hear and see if that input is well put by a strong legal professional. I feel that some legal people, knowing in their hearts, that their client is guilty , do feel they must get a result for their client irrespective of their gut instinct. I do appreciate your videos ,great stuff.
If she doesn’t want the footage shown publicly, she is afraid of what the public will think. As a victim of rape myself, I wouldn’t have an issue with that video being shown. I can only assume that it doesn’t show her in a very good light 😉 Perhaps the verdict wasn’t the correct one?
The jury saw the video, public opinion has feck all to do with unless, of course, you think a jury of your peers isn't representative of the public. In which case we look forward to your detailed proposal as to how trials shall be conducted in a fair and equitable way going forward.
@Prometheus_43 You fail to understand the point that I was making. If she has nothing to hide, why object to the release of the video? Was it showing a loving embrace, a drunken woman staggering? I don’t know, but it obviously doesn’t fit the narrative of the outcome, otherwise why object?
@@Prometheus_43arrogent??you don't know what happened in that hotel room either, 1, if an ex mma champ pinned her down and started battering her senseless you would have screamed your lungs off and heard the slamming, instead nothing heard and she walked out peacefully with conor and left the hotel room to what cctv footage shows was her kissing james, 2, She only has a selected memory of the things she wants to remember,??? 3, She is lying.
@davidbarnes241 It's evident you fail to understand the point you are trying to make. The jury in the case saw the video, for anyone else to see it other than those tasked with making a judgement is totally irrelevant. That is a very simple point but apparently too simple for some to comprehend, it's over, time to move on!
@@davidbarnes241 do you not understand that there are multiple pieces of evidence to be considered in a case? Public trial by chinless gobdaws on one piece of the puzzles serves nobody well.
@seaniek9175 It's not her responsibility or duty to back up any decision by any jury. What a mad comment. She doesn't need to pander to a tiny group of online incels.
Its a complicated case, and no doubt theres lots of lies involved, but to actively stop evidence being shown... definitely suspicious. Ive said it from the start, what are you doing in a hotel room if you're in a relationship? Also, what about footage inside the hotel? Surely that would show more.
Even if it's injunctioned, it can still be released from someone outside the state and not Irish the order has no power over that, recent history has shown. Mcgregor would be stupid to do anything though, he got a suspended sentence not long ago but this was civil but it's safe to say next time he's before a judge, which he can't seem to avoid, he's doing some time.
McGreggor doesn’t own the videos nor is he in control of their present or previous distribution so if they successfully serve and prevent him from doing anything with them that for example wouldn’t prevent me for example as I haven’t been served or indeed others who may have copies. And even if it did there is nothing preventing me from sending a copy to someone outside this legal jurisdiction to publish on an international website or channel. By ruling against it in Ireland only makes it an even jusier release.
Next time you are summoned to Court ASK THE COURT TO SHOW ITS JURISDICTION BEFORE PROCEEDINGS COMMENCE and watch the panic. Jurisdiction is a big problem for the legal eagles in a country full of SOVEREIGN People summoned to Court under breaches of LEGISLATION!!!.
Why doesn't she want the public to see the video... Hopefully the court will show the video to the public and the wider world.. the truth will come out.. so release the videos in evidence and let the public the courts make up their mind
Jury and the court guilty of not accepting what the footage showed. West is done finished and no one is safe. Im moving. Got to get out of this place. 😂
As a lawyer yourself and rte should know he was not charged with rape It was sexual assault not rape mate very disturbing to hear you repeat this again
Get over yourself and be thankful you or none of your family have ever been sexually abused - although that is more in hope than expectation with your revolting attitude
@ Thank you for your response I’m not a fan of Conor at all I think he makes every irish person feel shame when we all should be proud of his achievements but now as you are I feel disgusted at this point after all his history has shown I like your content and like your honest opinion If you look the definition and mean they are two different things and two different charges?
Thank you Terry as usual great video….I have mixed feelings about this …unfortunately because of my profession ,it’s difficult to speak on it. Suffice it to say ,I think one is as bad as the other : I will be making an appointment with you soon on a personal matter ,
I walked past a Tesco security camera on the Connolly street yesterday does this mean i can seek a high court injunction to stop Tesco from publishing the footage because I want my privacy respected lol🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@terrygorry I can apply, and it should be rejected, as I have no expectation of privacy in public. I don't see on what grounds an Irish court could issue an injunction to prevent CCTV of Nikita from being released.
It's a shame this was the case McGregor was done for. He is no doubt a violent thug with a past of criminal offences, including sexual assault, but Hand did not behave like a true victim. Her injuries were McGregor's doing, but by behaving the way she did after the attack, she discredits herself. I've no sympathy for McGregor, it's about time he faced some accountability for his impulsive aggression, I just wish it had been a previous victim because this case has most believing he's a good, innocent fella whose been set up.
@FrankNSense-t8t Probably. He still has thousands of likes on his social media comments and millions of followers. Even people on this channel are mostly claiming his innocence.
@@Miss_PANDAS that's the algorithm working, draws em all in. Gives them a false impression of what people think and confirms their opinion. Reading through them you'll notice the more they believe McGregor the less they know about the actual case. That's the online flaw nowadays, it feeds your feelings until u think ur part of something huge, until u belong. Facts are lost, reality meaningless, thugs become Gods.
@@Miss_PANDAS that's the magic algorithms, gut feelings become convictions when people think they're part of something big. Worse, they don't understand why the system/government/courts/media aren't agreeing with them.
Terry thanks for the update on this. Happy new year 2025 via UK. Dar i say it, Never spin from a 1 sided coin. There is none. While i wont take sides either only to say i have watched these celebrity cases unfold little over 5 years time committed must say majority are politically motivated. Believe it or believe it not. My only concern was how long it would take before it would become a stage performance in Ireland. Please pay attention Irish people not to put my own anxieties on here i care about my own too much to have drip fed down our country. Blessings.
Keep it shrouded up. Dont give McGregor any kind of fair play. No way. You cant do that. Maybe you should explain that basically Mr McGregor is being 'criminalized' as a 'rapist' by a civil trial with a,pretty low level of 'proof'. This should worry those of us who care about rule of law and the rights of individual citizens. Thats my opinion.
@@jeanmarie3258 it's NOT a rape case. Civil suit for damages. Not a trial. Not a conviction. A civil suit. If that evidence was put to a REAL trial, Mr McGregor would be acquitted . LETS be real.
@karenstyles6655 It's Victoria who is stamping her feet, she is bringing this case, 20 grand a day in the High Court just for an appearance, those barristers and solicitors she gets for free are so willing to give up their super expensive time for her, again for nothing.
I feel so weary of the ignorance around this. God knows how Ms Hand feels. The jury already saw this footage. They found in her favour, i.e. they found that McGregor did assault (including sexual assault) Ms Hand. It really makes no difference what she was doing in the public areas of the hotel/ carpark afterwards if you have a basic understanding of trauma. We don't all curl up in a ball right away. Our reactions can vary and they can be delayed. The people asking what Ms Hand has to hide are not deep thinkers.
There does seem to be a female - male divide in opinion on this. The civil court has a relatively low bar and I believe the jury was fair on what is really difficult to judge on. She didnt get the 1.4 million euro she was looking for and overall, in balance, she will be out of pocket. If common sense was used here, you wouldnt get very drunk and high on cocaine and end up in a room with a man - certainly not Conor Mcgregor. Did she expect he wanted to play scrabble in the bedroom of the luxury penthouse suite - out of their heads on drink and cocaine? It's been very costly for them both, I don't think preventing CCTV from the case being made public makes any difference now. Women - don't get high and drunk with a "celebrity" in his luxury suite and men - with money - don't end up in a luxury suite with a woman who can destroy you and take millions from you. In both cases it really isnt worth it.
He is guilty. An intoxicated person cannot give consent. Why humiliate her again? To make it less rapey? It's not a crime to be off your head, every sister, daughter, mother, niece is entitled to let loose without being preyed on. Real men know this. Cowards don't, they hide and bully and blame the victim.
McGregor was drunk also so he cant give consent either . Nikita should be convict of rape. She raped James lawerence also cause he was intoxicated and hence by your logic could not give consent 😅
Yeah?? But only 1 needed surgical help in the aftermath, only 1 reported memory loss, only 1 was black and blue. The fan boy blindness is... quite sad actually.
The Jury saw the video thats all thats needed. The law is the law , the jury used their time to make rhe judgement regardless of what your opinion might be.
The case is over, Conor lost and is clutching at straws, no doubt in a vain attempt to impress his less than cerebral cohort of blindly loyal supporters, who will follow regardless of how he behaves or what he does! Think of Trump supporters or religion types, where blind allegiance is the currency by which they operate and thrive.
And she should get the injunction because of the inflammatory harassing and threatening comments that were used by Conor McGregor's company director that said that the video footage would increase sales of his whisky.. that's disgraceful and apart from any emotional points that is threatening language and for that reason she will get an injunction over the publishing of that CCTV
it was played in court, on what grounds could they injunct it? it was harvested from a public place. Also, tell us all you have something to hide without saying you have something to hide...
She has rights as a data subject and how her image is used, and I doubt McScumbag has any rights over that side of things, irrespective of whether they were harvested in public.
Would McScumbag allow someone take his image in public, and try to use it for commercial gain?
I think not. He deservedly lost and his behaviour now is that of a scumbag.
@@melissakelly9629 A business partner of McGregor’s has said that he wants to misuse the footage to somehow boost sales of their alcohol. This prompted the injunction. That’s fair. I would like to think that I would have some ownership over my own data in a democratic country - wouldn’t you?
It probably doesn't show her in a good light, but whatever condition she was in doesn't justify a brutal rape.
@@melissakelly9629 A hotel is not a public place, it’s a privately owned business
@@KDoc1951if it was a brutal rape why would you be hugging and kissing your rapists? If it was as brutal as she says I don’t think she would be kissing and hugging them.
Why would she want that stopped, surely this will show the truth as in who was raping who? I think the poor man was raped by the sounds if what happened in the corridor, we have the right to see her behaviour… her phone texts to Conor and all, get pictures, she accused him of everything so it’s only fair the public get to see 😡
The rape was not on CCTV and our legal process doesn’t involve trial by uninformed public opinion, thankfully
@@Paul-Sinead are you high?
He lost still? With all these proof that you stated??
If I was attacked and people didn't belive me I would truly want the proof out there, but instead she wants her activities hidden from the boyfriend and public???
If you were attacked and (apart from the bruhs) the whole country believed you, why would your attacker be allowed infringe your image rights?
Hand is only protecting her image rights. McGregor would do the same if people used his image for a public campaign without his permission.
@finniangallagher awh seriously?? NO I won't buy that bs for a minute, and why? It's because when they questioned her when leaving the hotel as to why she was kissing james she got all distressed !!
Common sense should tell you that my attacker would want to hide the cctv evidence at all costs, they would have no interest in it getting to the eye of the public.
Come out of it will you.
Who is this "people" who supposedly "don't believe" her? Everyone but *rapists themselves,* believe her!! There is nothing of any kind that could ever be of any evidential value to challenge, context, refute or overthrow what was blatantly obvious from the Medical and Physical *facts* already publicised.
@@niallcarney9178Sympathising with a Rapist does not only suggest you are a Rape Apologist. But that you likely are a Rapist yourself. That you would think *anything* could refute the Medical and Physical facts that say everything that anyone could possibly ever need to know. Anything subsequent or surplus to that is wholly and entirely irrelevant .... *unless you are a Rape Apologist, a Rapist Sympathiser, and/or are a Rapist yourself and are attempting to prove that there is or ever could be any argument or mitigation to such profoundly obvious Physical Facts.*
Makes me think that public opinion would turn against Nakitta if released. If we were in America we'd be allowed see it.
The jury saw it and that’s what matters. Nobody else needs to see it
Get over it. McGregor lost the case, the CCTV shouldn’t be released for gobdaws to slaver over.
@@jackiedonaldson5218THIS. We do trial by judge and jury in this country. Not trial by TV and not trial by Twitter. From the evidence presented McGregor should have been tried in criminal court. If it happened in France he would be in prison. If it had happened in the US, no doubt Nikita Hand would be vilified and McGregor appointed to the Supreme Court.
In America it is a two-tier justice system. I'm still waiting to see if Trump's 34 charge, found guilty by a jury of 12, gets released to the US/World public.
Justice must be seen to be served, not secretly served.
Stinks.... Theres something not right with the whole thing.
The powers that be hate Conor....jury was mostly women too......she was lying her axx off!
She should have nothing to hide ,so why get this injunction, don't think Miss Hand is quite the victim she want us to believe.
I from day 1 said this smells off. Too many factors do not line up correctly .
Who is paying for the application for the injunction? Is the state backing her? A day in the high court can't be cheap?
What difference does it make
Well it's hardly her🙄🙄 sure she hasn't got a bean.
@@jackiedonaldson5218 I don’t want my taxes going to pay for her antics to be hidden from view so that the rape charge might be shown in a different light.
Of course it’s not the state. She has her own legal representation, Terry already covered this.
@InExcelsisDeo24 legal representation with mcgregors money. Sure she hasn't a bean.
She's obviously hiding it, because she's been lying, she's a disgrace in my opinion, and McGregor is too, but this makes a mockery of genuine victims. Disgusting.
I dont like Mcgregor but i hate injustice. This is clearly a parasitic relationship
It should be published so the public can get the truth. The whole story !!!!!
This is So Sad on Everyone .
Natasha O Brien comes to mind they didn't want the CCTV shown neither.
I never heard about that. It wouldn't surprise me if pertinent facts were kept from the public. It seemed like the media coverage was coordinated.
Truth will out in that situation
Hi Terry, very interesting case and as always your commentary is both succinct & clear.. It certainly appears that Mr. McGregor believes that publishing the footage would be beneficial for him, it also appears that Ms. Hand believes it could be harmful for her. It will be very interesting to see what way the judge rules on this and the reasons for his decision. It will also be interesting to know if an injunction to prohibit publication of the video footage would be applicable to other countries and jurisdictions or if the judges decision applies only to ROI.
She has some nerve.. selective memory..if this comes out the game is up and she fully knows that
Game is over: jury decided
The jury saw the footage and it showed how drunk she was. They made their decision based on the evidence put before them.
Game over as the majority of the jury was women🙄🙄
She is no shame that yoke.
@@dubtownman9508 the tantrums grown adults are having over Nikita Hand winning this case are pathetic
What's she afraid off
She is entitled to her privacy. The jury has ruled on it and that is all that matters
Actually, if i was attacked in any way i would certainly want that info released if there was people who didnt believe me, Nikita is just embarrassed and doesn't want to admit to her activities. She is a disgrace.@@jackiedonaldson5218
Given that she has severe PTSD, I'd say she's been left frightened of many things.
@@polly6336 Severe guilt more like.
Isn't it great that her legal team are doing yet another expensive case for nothing for Victoria.
Will McGregor be billed for this also?
He's beginning to look like a cash machine for the legal eagles of Ireland, his own and her team are making a fortune off of him.
The public could end up coming to the same conclusion as the director of public prosecutions if this tape is released. We can't have that happen now can we ?
Even if she succeeds in obtaining the injunction, Nikita's attempt to block access to the footage implies that she thinks it would reflect badly on her - and she cannot obtain an injunciton to stop people from arriving at that conclusion. Thought policing has yet to advance that far.
Would you want footage of the worst night of your life in the public domain? After threats, home invasions,highly publicised Court case etc. That woman's been through enough , he is just trying to smear her
@@jeanmarie3258 No need for him to do that, the girl couldn't get more lower in peoples minds as it is.
Dumping her child and partner for 3 days is the worst thing any Mother can do, and all for a good time with a rich and famous personality.
@jeanmarie3258 it's buyers remorse from a cheater that's what she is and lied...that's what the evidence shows.
@@jeanmarie3258 And it sounds as though Nikita thinks that the footage would smear her.
@@risinggael1685 and what about the medical evidence,does that also show buyers remorse? He's a scumbag
After reading many of the comments supporting Nakitta let me tell you from bitter experience, if you think Solicitors, Barristers and Judges are all honest above board upstanding people its time you woke up and smelled the roses. Money Money Money is all that matters.
Of course. It still doesn't mean Connor is innocent. You can't say this guy hasn't a drug habit and an out of control temper, that hasn't got him in trouble before. He broke a guy's nose in England a number of years back and has countless other offences against women. Money talks and if anyone knows anything about that, it's McGregor.
They're one of the biggest bunch of crooks who ever stood up
Who cares what she wants !!! She was complicit in this . Disgusting woman, hope they put the cctv out there .
Out of a pawltry 200K (not even enough to buy a house), is it really prudent to deplete it even further to pay for very expensive court proceedings?
It will be released sooner or later
Great work Terry, as always
Thanks for sharing, Terry
Thank you
Not wanting the public to see the evidence for themselves = SUSPECT
@@deesee6009 Wrong. The public aren’t judge and jury.
Why do the public need to see it? Are you suggesting that all cctv footage in all cases involving women should be made public?
@@InExcelsisDeo24 if public opinion didn’t matter, she wouldn’t have pursued a public trial - it goes both ways.
@@jeanmarie3258 i’m suggesting not wanting to have the footage seen by the public shows she knows it will not make her look good or believable
@@deesee6009 what other irish rape cases had the cctv footage released to the public?
Terry, from what I could grasp from your slant on this court case you feel that the court decision would be always right, I , myself have a problem with the jury system having been on jury duty twice and seeing how the members can be influenced by what they hear and see if that input is well put by a strong legal professional. I feel that some legal people, knowing in their hearts, that their client is guilty , do feel they must get a result for their client irrespective of their gut instinct. I do appreciate your videos ,great stuff.
If she doesn’t want the footage shown publicly, she is afraid of what the public will think. As a victim of rape myself, I wouldn’t have an issue with that video being shown. I can only assume that it doesn’t show her in a very good light 😉
Perhaps the verdict wasn’t the correct one?
The jury saw the video, public opinion has feck all to do with unless, of course, you think a jury of your peers isn't representative of the public. In which case we look forward to your detailed proposal as to how trials shall be conducted in a fair and equitable way going forward.
You fail to understand the point that I was making. If she has nothing to hide, why object to the release of the video?
Was it showing a loving embrace, a drunken woman staggering?
I don’t know, but it obviously doesn’t fit the narrative of the outcome, otherwise why object?
@@Prometheus_43arrogent??you don't know what happened in that hotel room either,
1, if an ex mma champ pinned her down and started battering her senseless you would have screamed your lungs off and heard the slamming, instead nothing heard and she walked out peacefully with conor and left the hotel room to what cctv footage shows was her kissing james,
2, She only has a selected memory of the things she wants to remember,???
3, She is lying.
@davidbarnes241 It's evident you fail to understand the point you are trying to make.
The jury in the case saw the video, for anyone else to see it other than those tasked with making a judgement is totally irrelevant.
That is a very simple point but apparently too simple for some to comprehend, it's over, time to move on!
@@davidbarnes241 do you not understand that there are multiple pieces of evidence to be considered in a case? Public trial by chinless gobdaws on one piece of the puzzles serves nobody well.
I'm surprised Nikita is trying to prevent the showing of the cctv footage. I'm sure it would back up the decision of the jury.
@seaniek9175 It's not her responsibility or duty to back up any decision by any jury. What a mad comment. She doesn't need to pander to a tiny group of online incels.
I'm not so sure........
@@barry5138I'd be inclined to agree but one way or another I'd suspect judge will rule against McGregor
The medical evidence backed up the decision of the jury.
Nikikta must face up to her role in all this and if that is only the cctv footage drunk well let that be looked at.
McGregor doesn't know you exist. Like all fan boys.
@@emilydebronssshh, keep that under your hat. The poor fella will be crest fallen 😅😂
@killbotone6210.. and her money being spent on a PR team I see
@killbotone6210 ...and I see her money is being spent on a PR team.... go you !!
Does stopping something means you have something to hide 🧐
Eh yeah she wants to hide her body from the public same as you, do you usually ask such terrible questions?
Jeez how utterly deprived you are.
No it means the Jury have seen it and that's all that matters
It's totally answers the question. Which is yes.
@@killbotone6210 hide her body,, she was hardly naked in the elevator and car park was she?
Thank you again Terry 👍👍.!!! Herb ☘️🇮🇪🙏
Terry if the footage was made public wouldn't it impact Macgregor's appeal in a negative way? Since he or his associates are behind its release.
Its a complicated case, and no doubt theres lots of lies involved, but to actively stop evidence being shown... definitely suspicious.
Ive said it from the start, what are you doing in a hotel room if you're in a relationship?
Also, what about footage inside the hotel? Surely that would show more.
Very suspect 😮
Thank you very much ,its really great to hear your independent views
Even if it's injunctioned, it can still be released from someone outside the state and not Irish the order has no power over that, recent history has shown. Mcgregor would be stupid to do anything though, he got a suspended sentence not long ago but this was civil but it's safe to say next time he's before a judge, which he can't seem to avoid, he's doing some time.
I believe Conor is innocent.. Sinead
@@Paul-Sinead nobody cares what you believe
@ no one gives a shit what you believe 🤣🤣
@ and your telling me that why???
@ and you’re stating it in Terry’s comments, why?
McGreggor doesn’t own the videos nor is he in control of their present or previous distribution so if they successfully serve and prevent him from doing anything with them that for example wouldn’t prevent me for example as I haven’t been served or indeed others who may have copies. And even if it did there is nothing preventing me from sending a copy to someone outside this legal jurisdiction to publish on an international website or channel. By ruling against it in Ireland only makes it an even jusier release.
Next time you are summoned to Court ASK THE COURT TO SHOW ITS JURISDICTION BEFORE PROCEEDINGS COMMENCE and watch the panic. Jurisdiction is a big problem for the legal eagles in a country full of SOVEREIGN People summoned to Court under breaches of LEGISLATION!!!.
Ah but meehole martin stood up in the dail and said "sovereignty is an outdated old fashioned idea"it must be gotten rid of.
Being summond to court is but an invitation to attend,you can decline any invitation.
they should have just released the footage without asking anyone and taken the consequences
That’s because she’s lying and she knows she’s won a watch with the result. No way Conor done this.
Why doesn't she want the public to see the video... Hopefully the court will show the video to the public and the wider world.. the truth will come out.. so release the videos in evidence and let the public the courts make up their mind
Jury and the court guilty of not accepting what the footage showed. West is done finished and no one is safe. Im moving. Got to get out of this place. 😂
The secrete Irish state. He can publish in all the rest of the countries of the world, and we can watch and make up our own minds about what we see.
One law for men, one law for wemen
I knew she was a liar
They wanted mcgregger to not run kn politics and they used this cade to tar him
Jesus Terry no getting away from ya your everywhere 😂
As a lawyer yourself and rte should know he was not charged with rape
It was sexual assault not rape mate very disturbing to hear you repeat this again
Yes and the judge ruled that the form of SA was rape. Stop shilling for a notorious PDF File.
Get over yourself and be thankful you or none of your family have ever been sexually abused - although that is more in hope than expectation with your revolting attitude
Thank you for your response
I’m not a fan of Conor at all I think he makes every irish person feel shame when we all should be proud of his achievements but now as you are I feel disgusted at this point after all his history has shown
I like your content and like your honest opinion
If you look the definition and mean they are two different things and two different charges?
Does not seem fair to me .
Terry you stated at beginning of video that High Court jury
Thank you Terry as usual great video….I have mixed feelings about this …unfortunately because of my profession ,it’s difficult to speak on it.
Suffice it to say ,I think one is as bad as the other : I will be making an appointment with you soon on a personal matter ,
The camera never lies . She’s obviously ashamed of her behaviour and worried it will blow her version of events out of the water
I'm a recovering cocaine addict that used to party a lot in clubs, bars,hotels are you saying we deserve to be raped for having addictions?
@@jeanmarie3258are you a clown?
And you are the same person who celebrated when she won. , saying how brave she was..well your not laughing now are you Mr woke solicitor
I walked past a Tesco security camera on the Connolly street yesterday does this mean i can seek a high court injunction to stop Tesco from publishing the footage because I want my privacy respected lol🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes, you can apply.
@terrygorry I can apply, and it should be rejected, as I have no expectation of privacy in public.
I don't see on what grounds an Irish court could issue an injunction to prevent CCTV of Nikita from being released.
It's a shame this was the case McGregor was done for. He is no doubt a violent thug with a past of criminal offences, including sexual assault, but Hand did not behave like a true victim. Her injuries were McGregor's doing, but by behaving the way she did after the attack, she discredits herself. I've no sympathy for McGregor, it's about time he faced some accountability for his impulsive aggression, I just wish it had been a previous victim because this case has most believing he's a good, innocent fella whose been set up.
No, online comments sections of articles with his name in it are not reflective of public opinion. These are just the fan-boys. Most believe Ms Hand
@FrankNSense-t8t Probably. He still has thousands of likes on his social media comments and millions of followers. Even people on this channel are mostly claiming his innocence.
@@Miss_PANDAS that's the algorithm working, draws em all in. Gives them a false impression of what people think and confirms their opinion. Reading through them you'll notice the more they believe McGregor the less they know about the actual case. That's the online flaw nowadays, it feeds your feelings until u think ur part of something huge, until u belong. Facts are lost, reality meaningless, thugs become Gods.
@@Miss_PANDAS that's the magic algorithms, gut feelings become convictions when people think they're part of something big. Worse, they don't understand why the system/government/courts/media aren't agreeing with them.
Would love to know what the whole thing would have costed if McGregor had won ?????
What are you afraid of
What's she worried about she got her money something very fishy going on
Terry thanks for the update on this. Happy new year 2025 via UK. Dar i say it, Never spin from a 1 sided coin. There is none. While i wont take sides either only to say i have watched these celebrity cases unfold little over 5 years time committed must say majority are politically motivated. Believe it or believe it not. My only concern was how long it would take before it would become a stage performance in Ireland. Please pay attention Irish people not to put my own anxieties on here i care about my own too much to have drip fed down our country. Blessings.
Why does she not want public to see cctv ...she won the case...confused..
I think we all know why.
TWo sides to this Story....
None of it very complimentary ,to the "main" participants!
Keep it shrouded up.
Dont give McGregor any kind of fair play. No way. You cant do that.
Maybe you should explain that basically Mr McGregor is being 'criminalized' as a 'rapist' by a civil trial with a,pretty low level of 'proof'.
This should worry those of us who care about rule of law and the rights of individual citizens.
Thats my opinion.
@@vinlennox7658 The brainless who think that anyone’s data should be accessible by everyone clearly don’t give a fig about personal rights.
What other rape cases in Ireland have had the cctv footage made public?
@@jeanmarie3258 it's NOT a rape case.
Civil suit for damages.
Not a trial. Not a conviction. A civil suit.
If that evidence was put to a REAL trial, Mr McGregor would be acquitted . LETS be real.
@@vinlennox7658 and how many of these suits have had the cctv footage released into the public domain?
This is no rape case.
It is a,civil suit. Nothing more.
Look at the agenda driven tie he has on lol
Must be hiding something,but sure she got away with her plan.
There is no need to carry that case on,,,Conor can stamp his feet all he wants,,enough has been done onto that woman. Case Closed...
Going on a 3 day coke bender with mcgregor while your kids sit at home? 😂😂😂 Poor suffering girl
Enough has been done onto her partner who minded there child more like
@karenstyles6655 It's Victoria who is stamping her feet, she is bringing this case, 20 grand a day in the High Court just for an appearance, those barristers and solicitors she gets for free are so willing to give up their super expensive time for her, again for nothing.
I feel so weary of the ignorance around this. God knows how Ms Hand feels.
The jury already saw this footage. They found in her favour, i.e. they found that McGregor did assault (including sexual assault) Ms Hand.
It really makes no difference what she was doing in the public areas of the hotel/ carpark afterwards if you have a basic understanding of trauma. We don't all curl up in a ball right away. Our reactions can vary and they can be delayed.
The people asking what Ms Hand has to hide are not deep thinkers.
There does seem to be a female - male divide in opinion on this. The civil court has a relatively low bar and I believe the jury was fair on what is really difficult to judge on. She didnt get the 1.4 million euro she was looking for and overall, in balance, she will be out of pocket. If common sense was used here, you wouldnt get very drunk and high on cocaine and end up in a room with a man - certainly not Conor Mcgregor. Did she expect he wanted to play scrabble in the bedroom of the luxury penthouse suite - out of their heads on drink and cocaine? It's been very costly for them both, I don't think preventing CCTV from the case being made public makes any difference now. Women - don't get high and drunk with a "celebrity" in his luxury suite and men - with money - don't end up in a luxury suite with a woman who can destroy you and take millions from you. In both cases it really isnt worth it.
@@jasonire Stop. Educate yourself. And please stay far away from women.
Imagine if McGregor had been tried in the US, he would probably be appointed to the Supreme Court.😅
That is if Biden or obama were president
He is guilty. An intoxicated person cannot give consent. Why humiliate her again? To make it less rapey? It's not a crime to be off your head, every sister, daughter, mother, niece is entitled to let loose without being preyed on. Real men know this. Cowards don't, they hide and bully and blame the victim.
They were all intoxicated you muppet.
McGregor was drunk also so he cant give consent either . Nikita should be convict of rape.
She raped James lawerence also cause he was intoxicated and hence by your logic could not give consent 😅
They were all intoxicated, and taking illicit drugs.
Who gave consent is a bit hard to fathom when they are all inebriated.
Yeah?? But only 1 needed surgical help in the aftermath, only 1 reported memory loss, only 1 was black and blue. The fan boy blindness is... quite sad actually.
nah this is bullshit, show the tape
The Jury saw the video thats all thats needed. The law is the law , the jury used their time to make rhe judgement regardless of what your opinion might be.
The case is over, Conor lost and is clutching at straws, no doubt in a vain attempt to impress his less than cerebral cohort of blindly loyal supporters, who will follow regardless of how he behaves or what he does!
Think of Trump supporters or religion types, where blind allegiance is the currency by which they operate and thrive.
He is a con to the benchers
And she should get the injunction because of the inflammatory harassing and threatening comments that were used by Conor McGregor's company director that said that the video footage would increase sales of his whisky.. that's disgraceful and apart from any emotional points that is threatening language and for that reason she will get an injunction over the publishing of that CCTV
I see what you mean but as much of a dirtbag conor is, Nikita is a mess aswell
Thank you