Yo mystic, i have the Oden- Gripped Chaos so should i spend CP on this skin asw? or do ya think gripped chaos has a better ironsight? and also can u please also play snd 1 match and respawns 1 match in ur vids like u normally do?
@@MysticMartian yo king, make a video on the kn44, that weapon its an easy 3 tap consistency on 31 metters, with a ttk on 192ms 🫣 and also an incredible mobility, idk why the chinease haven’t find it, and nobody its using it, and i personaly think, that’s the free legendary weapon at the end of the year
Hi I normally played gyroscope but since I’m on iPad I decide to play without but I’ve been having trouble for more than a month I have an aim not ouf I want to know if you advise me to deactivate the fov synchronization or not and if you have a sense by chance in standard and red point viewfinder to advise me that I test because I tried the sensi low but I don’t manage to play body to corp and the large also I don’t succeed in long distance and in the right middle at times I have a zero tracking
alr so first of all gyro on ipad is a no no secondly fov sync is a preference thing any one has a different experience some migh find it helpful and some don't i advise you to use the sync on for a week and off for a week and see which one is better
The skin looks good and btw any news regarding the false ban ? me and 2 of my others friends account got banned for 10 years . we tried our best but to nothing worked out. i fell that there is an issue wit the anti cheat system. what do you think mate ?
Love ur videos..i was going thru my discord contacts deleting the ones i dont watch anymore and forgot about u cus u were one of the first ones i ever added and im so happy i checked cus u have sum of the best tutorials and content for codm..keep up the awesome content 😎👍🏽💙
You know, I dont even ask any questions about teammates anymore, first I had to drop 21/3 in tdm to win 50:47 . And then matchmaking got tired of me so it gave me 4 mentally disabled bots with bp that where all negative and I had no way to carry this 🤣😐💀
@@MysticMartian thanks bro, I was in need of Oden BP, just like you. Missed the pass where it had custom iron sight and i was using red dot on regular.
Wassup boys today we playing codm with no screen The game was just too easy And on top of that we are currently playing on very high ping, mars isn't the best place for internet
Hey, can you please gift me the battle pass. I’ve been f2p for a long time but I really want the new gun. And if I complete the battle pass I can replenish it forever. I know I am just some random kid, but it would just be a very big favor from me if you could do that 🙏 either way, thank you and keep up the great videos ❤
I was first I get pin :)
You got it❤
If you wish to defeat me
Train for another one hundred years
@@swim1904 technoblade never dies
For those who don't have golden cards sitting around, don't download the oden resources and use it as an m4 skin...still clear iron sights
nice advice but i have downloaded it what do i do now
it's not good
the aimshake is terrible
@@MysticMartian thats where sync ads comes in 😅🤣the lengths we go to imitate a mythic and p2w ironsight
@@MysticMartian do i re install the game 🤔
0:38 AMIR messed up the moment 😓😓
L amir🤣
L 😭
Will u start streaming on YT? great vid btw ❤
i will once i get my full setup❤️
@@MysticMartian Nice ❤️
Yeah this skin looks soo clean
Btw nice video ❤️
Yeah thanks
Remove the magazine attachment and put full ammo perk
You will receive good ammo it can give you a nuke and without downside
Nice bro
that's a nice idea might do it
Yo mystic, i have the Oden- Gripped Chaos so should i spend CP on this skin asw? or do ya think gripped chaos has a better ironsight? and also can u please also play snd 1 match and respawns 1 match in ur vids like u normally do?
iron sight is just based on your own opinion
if you think what you have is good then go for it
It's so nice that you can get the new camo by playing the upcoming zombie mode, just like undead siege and the aether camo !
Well, we don't have that mode yet
Love ur Videos!!! And ur AIM is so good!! haven't subscribed yet but i will If u try tec 9
0:35 you got it and didn't notice lol
I was confused 🤣🤣🤣
145 ms of ttk on the oden its nuts, the oden in snd its crazy good, good video bro
Yeah oden ttk is crazy good
@@MysticMartian yo king, make a video on the kn44, that weapon its an easy 3 tap consistency on 31 metters, with a ttk on 192ms 🫣 and also an incredible mobility, idk why the chinease haven’t find it, and nobody its using it, and i personaly think, that’s the free legendary weapon at the end of the year
3:05 one of the experiences of a solo player in codm 2024 😂😂
It will be available in the horde point its regular hard point with zombies spawning in the hard point
The camo i mean
Ru 10000 % sure lol
Bro right when my parents make me stop playing video games to focus on school CODM brings out really cool stuff. 😭
damn rip💀💀
@@MysticMartian Yeah lmao they don't know about TH-cam though.
love your content man!!!
appreciate it❤️❤️
Hi I normally played gyroscope but since I’m on iPad I decide to play without but I’ve been having trouble for more than a month I have an aim not ouf I want to know if you advise me to deactivate the fov synchronization or not and if you have a sense by chance in standard and red point viewfinder to advise me that I test because I tried the sensi low but I don’t manage to play body to corp and the large also I don’t succeed in long distance and in the right middle at times I have a zero tracking
alr so first of all gyro on ipad is a no no
secondly fov sync is a preference thing
any one has a different experience
some migh find it helpful and some don't
i advise you to use the sync on for a week
and off for a week and see which one is better
@ Okey ty bro❤️❤️
Martian, are you gonna play the upcoming zombie mode on video when it will be released ? I think it would be a great content !
i will definitely do it
1:06 even codm got shocked he got the skin 🤣🤣
yeah fr🤣🤣
That battle pass came back in the vault, you missed it twice
Bro got good luck
Oh yeah definitely 😂
SBMM always loves to mess with us pro's now we gettin' paid actress as teammates 😂
yeah fr💀💀
he was on a mission to kill me
video ha voice live ? ya seda ro badan mizari?
Bro actually got in a iferg video im so proud of br9
Great game play you are very skilled 🎮 👏
Thanks for the visit❤️❤️❤️
It's been more than 3 weeks where are you man are you ok?
im back broski, watch my last vid
@MysticMartian yes just watched it ahahah
The skin looks good and btw any news regarding the false ban ? me and 2 of my others friends account got banned for 10 years . we tried our best but to nothing worked out. i fell that there is an issue wit the anti cheat system. what do you think mate ?
yeah the skin is amazing, and to my knowledge unfortunately the bans can't be reversed
so rip
3:42 what was that lock on 😂😂😂
im fine broski hbu
what device do u play on?
m1 ipad pro
All i ever wanted from the stongbox was the urban tracker skin.. but codm has sucked more than 30 golden tickets from me yet i got nothing
reminds me of the rose skin took me 113 tickets
i have the light blue version of that skin. Got it in 2 pulls and its so clean
yeah it's so good i agree
Love ur videos..i was going thru my discord contacts deleting the ones i dont watch anymore and forgot about u cus u were one of the first ones i ever added and im so happy i checked cus u have sum of the best tutorials and content for codm..keep up the awesome content 😎👍🏽💙
im glad you found me again❤️❤️
Ur just better at everything from ur game sense to ur aim
Much love❤❤❤
I got the pink one in 3 draws without having to spend CP
Martian you should try GKS it got buffed but upon my testing the recoil sometimes feels off 🎉
Yessir will test it
2 days of no ban. Massive dub 😂❤
I saved my token for it and got the purple version its so good
yeah W skin tbh
You know, I dont even ask any questions about teammates anymore, first I had to drop 21/3 in tdm to win 50:47 . And then matchmaking got tired of me so it gave me 4 mentally disabled bots with bp that where all negative and I had no way to carry this 🤣😐💀
yeah sbmm be hittin hard lately
wish i had that luck too, bruuh
داش این pdw که تو بتل پس اومده هم خیلی گاده... اگه دوست داشتی یه ویدیو هم از اون بزار
You have 12 cp, I thought I was the only one with tiny amounts!(I sometimes have 1 cp!)
yeah man i don't buy much cp
Imagine 3 tapping with the oden
it rarely happens
Try this Mr Martian, m4 no gunsmith, basic knife, no perks no score streak or operators skill and no perks. XD i made alot of legendary players upset.
Were they your teammates?
@@garfield3764 u darn well know im talking about the enemy team being upset, most of us rely on skills not the loadout.
i mean
this thing is terrible to play with🤣🤣
@@MysticMartian Yes indeed, but take on the challenge xD ur pro afterall.
the goat poasted the day is saved
I always get same team like u get😂😂 but I'm not as good as u👍
rip man💀
no mythic fennec video?👁️👄👁️
i have a better one on way
Hope somebody looks into you, telegram and files on your main screen, that’s sus af
what is exactly sus lmao
My first 15 coupons failed me
New vid???
yes im back
Is there really a difference tho,mythic is best
for me, yes. Small difference but removing the ring from the default iron sight makes it clearer. Also with diamond camo, the sight is brighter
Bro, that also hella expensive 💀 Also, less aim shake
Yes there's, it's easier to see with, less aimshake
And yeah mythic oden is better but it's 100$
@@Vain7777less aimshake too
@@Vain7777 yh the ring truee,and aim shake
dude where arw u from ??
im from iran broski
bah bah hads mizadam 😂
Ngl my brother was so lucky me and him had 1 coupon each he got the red ferocity and i got the neko neko avatar frame ☠️💀
@@MysticMartian true ,welp supposedly after the buff the lag is better now 💀☠️
no it's not trust me
@@MysticMartian ok I trust u
Bruh what are your rank points
@@MysticMartian mine too
Day 4 of asking martian tu use the lk24
And gg for the oden man lucky you spend 5k cp lol
Yeah i got it fast lol
Amazing as always
you are amazing
I am so glad that your accounts are not getting banned anymore ! Otherwise you would have obtain the world record for the most bans in codm 😅
I think i already do have the WR
No doubt
3:06 this happend to me like 3 days ago 😭i was on 7 loose streak 🥲i was so angry cuz my stupid teammates were doing shits like this 😭😭😭
bro was paid to kill me🤣🤣🤣
@@MysticMartian fr 😭😭😭
The oden will become inferior cuz of the type 63 release
type 63 isn't better than sks
so meta will stay the same
@@MysticMartian but the stats show type 63 has the same 2 shot capabilities and faster fire rate and better mobility
Where the hell is bro?
im back broski😂😂
I pulled it in 2 tickets xD
@@MysticMartian thanks bro, I was in need of Oden BP, just like you. Missed the pass where it had custom iron sight and i was using red dot on regular.
The way idc about skins😂 but meh.
the skin is pretty nice
I did 86 draws and no skin 86 draws
brooooo im sorry😭😭😭
bro needs 20k nerfs
Wassup boys today we playing codm with no screen
The game was just too easy
And on top of that we are currently playing on very high ping, mars isn't the best place for internet
yeah playing codm on nothing hits hard🤣🤣
@@swim1904 fr
i got it after like 6 tries
and stay safe bro ww3 is coming
oh nice
your accent ..are you persian?
yes i am❤️
@@MysticMartian داداشمی😁❤️
amir dalghak video ro kharab kard 😂😂
W Video
appreciate it broski❤️
Hey, can you please gift me the battle pass. I’ve been f2p for a long time but I really want the new gun. And if I complete the battle pass I can replenish it forever. I know I am just some random kid, but it would just be a very big favor from me if you could do that 🙏 either way, thank you and keep up the great videos ❤
what's your discord server id?
join my discord
the link is in my description
i will give one to you
@@MysticMartian I don't use discord often so it might take a while for me to respond
@@MysticMartian I can’t dm you, can you change it from freinds only?
No ur not😂😂
@@MysticMartian Late, I already gave myself "Flash" role 😌
Sooo close to 5k 🫨
i got all 4 in 4 spins 💀💀🙏🙏
I own mythic lol
oh well
cause the mythic is soooo good