@@ArchiveRisenYeah, I love both of them, but Marian's stealthy sniper design and playstyle is my favorite in the game. At least until best girl Haru gets a 5*
I had found a simple change about Marian recently in official release that will help you little bit : Her Aim shot will mark target with fractured feather for 2 sec (mark that will help CLOUD SHOOT decided it's target also which part to shoot at) are now accessible without needed her Manifestation 1, BUT there is no more detonate or dealing additional kinetic dmg after the Cloud Shoot hit the enemy with Fractured Feather mark, this aim shoot fractured feather mark only can used to guide the Cloud Shoot to shoot at the enemy head if you aim shoot them at the head at first (with very small chance to miss to other enemy body part tho) Also for Horn Of The Orca got double nerf in official release - From Semi Auto Sniper become Bolt Action Sniper - Replenish bullet system only work for STANDARD SHOOT (shooting without aiming) when shooting weak spot, so nowadays Marian with Horn Orca user better shooting enemy in a point blank range so can target their weakspot without aiming easily, unless you have eagle eye Or you can do the aim shoot at weak spot to leave a fracture feather mark + skill (will automatic aim at it's weak spot because of the mark at weak spot) + normal/random shoot (also will automatic aim at it's weak spot with chance miss to nonweak spot)
Good info, though I don't think the final comparison is all that useful since Marion and Yao fill very different niches. Yao is definitely better at bosses with easy weakspots especially when they have frequent and large DPS windows. Marion is better at scrap fights and bosses with small heads like Gavin/Joseph, but she really needs the manifestation where her marks aren't consumed.
from my experience on playing her on my first account and yao on my current account, marian deals more consistent dmg than yao since yao pretty much relies on her standard skill and the cd of that skill is kinda long while marian doesnt need those infuse bullets and just straight up shots the enemies but i think yao, if she has all cd down on her standard skill does better dmg than marian. But at the end of the day this is a pve game not pvp so both works good
yao shooting during ult should be fired upon release after holding button instead of fire immediately after charging finish that will make her easier to play
Ohh, sorry about that, that's video is from CBT, it's hard to get the material to build logistic at that time. If you still want to know Marian recommended logistic is Dharma squad, even though Amano Iwato can give more atk buff and permanent as long as we didn't switch the active ops, but Marian does ADS shoot less so she less suitable for Amano Iwato, She just ADS shoot for once to put the fracture feather mark in the enemy weakspot then the next cloud shoot will auto follow to the weakspot and applied the cloud shoot mark(aim bot mark), and you just need to do the normal shoot (non ADS shoot) after that, then the normal shoot will auto aim to the cloud shoot mark right to the weak spot (aim bot mechanism happen without aiming). If you reach M1 Marian, the fracture feather mark will remains at where you first aim shoot at, so you just need to ADS shoot for once the to the cloud shoot + normal shoot + cloud shoot + normal shoot + cloud shoot + normal shoot (so mostly her shoot is normal shoot instead of ADS shoot that makes her not suitable with Amano Iwato logistic) Also for the logistic talent priority 1. +Atk% 2. +Crit Dmg Amp% 3. +Kinetik dmg% (third talent is a must) If you didn't manage to get talent 1. and 2. You can go with Skill Haste is also fine. Her alignment index is not worth build, so don't get alignment index logistic talent.
While for Yao WS logistic the recommended logistic is Amano Iwato squad cause she need to use ADS shoot a lot and make sure you always ADS shoot to trigger the logistic 2nd skill, since that skill is the most powerfull atk buff skill rn. For logistic talent priority 1. + Crit dmg amp% 2. + Atk% 3. + Thermal dmg% (talent 3 is a must) If you didn' manage to get both talent 1. And 2. Then you can go with skill haste. Her alignment index is trash that not easily trigger in max effect at most condition so don't build that in logistic talent.
This video is from CBT footage, the weapon got nerf become bolt action sniper in its official release :"( But you can still ignore that low fire rate if you shoot followed by using skill, the real problem is, it can only replenish bullet when you hip shoot at weak spot, aim shoot no longer replenish bullet
@@ArchiveRisen i heard theres another patch update today and it buffs marian and that weapon u can read it on patch notes i havent read the full information yet but u can use it as your content video and tackle all about this changes
Since the "summer" event came out and you can get 1 free perma character, I was debating because I like both and still miss only these two characters from perma. The thing is that I'll probably go with Marian cause she seems more fun imo, and I don't care that much about strenght, I already have Absconditus and Coronet so I pretty much don't need the character, so I'm just going for gameplay and not "Which is the most op?".
Nice👍🏻, Marian indeed is more fun to play, her mechanism are more unique and good against fast mobile enemy too, even without Horn of the orca she can still playable, just you need to shoot a lot 😅 while Yao is very sign weapon dependend, if you don't have space cowboy, better not choose that one
Im new to the game, I have them both...What I can say is that for my gamestyle I prefer Marian for rushing and quick scoping and skill comboing the enemies...Yao imo is slow burst unit
Thx for explanation!!! I have 3 account and 2 of theo each got Marian and Yao. When i got Marian Swift first, i thought her kill is just some Ballistic shot like Zeta Gundam and kinda wonder with her low damage than Yao. And now i know!!! My bad too didnt read her skill description so well
You're welcome, lol 😂😂 i'm glad this video could help you, anyways there is one simple change about Marian that i know recently Her Aim shot will mark target with fractured feather for 2 sec (mark that will help CLOUD SHOOT decided it's target also which part to shoot at) are now accessible without needed her Manifestation 1, BUT there is no more detonate or dealing additional kinetic dmg after the Cloud Shoot hit the enemy with Fractured Feather mark, this aim shoot fractured feather mark only can used to guide the Cloud Shoot to shoot at the enemy head if you aim shoot them at the head at first
@@ArchiveRisen so if you aim the skill at the enemy head, that random aim shot will automatically shot the head? Im sorry if im too dumb to ask this, but what is Cloud Shot? Ehe, sorry Edit : Is Lyfe Wild Hunt good? I see the skill is fun and burst is cool but support kinda.... ok(?)
@@HAIL_NU Cloud Shoot is Marian Standard Skill So if you AIM SHOOT the enemy on the head, you next use standard skill will automatic shoot at the head, and you can perform an normal random shoot (without aiming) will also shoot at the enemy head (so you get 3x head shoot just from one aim shoot) (it had smool chance of missing to enemy other body part tho) Yeah, Lyfe Wild Hunt is more support type character, she can clean up light enemy with her smg tho but you prefer shotgun than smg right? Just don't use her to shoot at elite enemy or boss with high armor (you will start crying once you see how much bullet went to the back room 🤧😭) Her standard skill also need Manifestation 3 to increase it's duration, im not a whale to reach that far 😃
That last bossfight result was just sad, like a final nail to the coffin of Marian I got her from beginner's banner, but I guess I'm gonna get Yao from S rank selector and Marian won't have any use anymore 😢
I got MArian Swift and Wild Hunt Lyfe in 1 accnt and I'm looking for infosd if Marian is good thanks for your video now I am hook to both of them. Subscribed!
Dua main dps dah di tangan, ambil apa yg anda suka sih boleh2 aja, Fritia memang op, tapi hampir semua stage ga bagus buat dia, apalagi pas lawan boss, kita lagi enak2 semprot ultinya malah kena tampol kan jadi emosi jga, Lyfe wild hunt sih menurut gua, cman ketergantungan dia ama signature weaponnya tinggi karena ga ada 4* weapon yg cocok buat dia, gua masi make 3* weapon aja sampe sekarang tapi dah cukup dmg sih walau cman T5 3* weapon. Marian seru makenya cman harus banyak nembak karena dmgnya rada lembek, jdi yaa pilih jaa Lyfe wild hunt sih menurut gua bang, di awal lyfe dmgnya ngeselin, tapi kalau udh max build oke banget dan mudah makenya
When I asked from gacha meow-smg-girl (Mauxir) and mechamuscular-shotgun-girl (Nita), I got Marian (Swift). And I didn't know she's got an aimbot, for real... Now I'm going to play her alot.
I still don't know about this, many player report this as a bug the way it didnt replenish bullet when hitting weak spot, but for fire rate it got nerf indeed :"( rip Horn of the orca 🤧
Marian's cloudshot does so if you weave the shots with the cloudshots you basically don't ever have to bolt action, So Horn of Orca still works well on Marian
Marian is pretty much for mobile users and players that have serious aiming/sniping issues, she deals a bit more consistent damage and AoE than Yao but not more damage. Yao hits harder but requires above-average skill at the very least to be effective. Also the gap between these two snipers becomes so large at M1-M2 (M for manifestation). The moment Yao reaches M1 and much more M2 she becomes nutty since she would be able to maintain her ultimate from the moment you use it up until the end of the match as long as you know when to reload.
I like to use both of Marian and Yao the truth, because Marian can play in close and range combat as a light enemy cleaner while Yao can be the executor to execute heavy elite enemy or boss, but if you feel waste, you can research about 5* Fritia from other video, since she can become your mid range combat ops if you like, idk anything about her yet, soon i'll take her to try out Just note this : i don't recom queen Fenny or Lyfe the hunt, because queen Fenny need Manifestation 1 to make her standard skill effective while Lyfe the hunt more like support character instead, but if for waifu case, you can choose them 👍🏻
The reason why sniper ops is the best because their gun effective range is so far and ricochet probability very low, so in the whole CBT my best team is Marian (sub dps), Yao (main dps), Fenny Lionheart (support/sub dps). So in close/mid range i can use Marian and Fenny to clean up mess, and in long range i can use Yao and Marian too. But still i suggest you research about 5* Fritia (i kinda worry bout her ricochet probability since AR is second high chance to ricochet when fight agaisnt high armor elite enemy or boss)
Way to increase her dmg (you ask Marian right) - up her lvl - up her weapon - up her skill - logistic use Dharma squad with Talent : 1. Alignment Index + (important) 2. Crit dmg amplifier (important) 3. Atk + 4. Kinetic dmg + - Credit card maybe? 😂 just joking, nothing else maybe other than whaling for her manifestation and weapon
Kalo blm lu tuker 5* selectornya, coba nnton video yg lumayan baru gua tentang best operative in standard banner, penjelasannya khusus buat 5* selector, mana tau ente mau lebih banyak referensi kan 😁👍🏻
Hello. thankyou for your video, its help alot. I wanna ask, did you already play Marian with her weapon on full release ver? Since I got her with her weapon but her passive "Replenishes 1 bullet when hitting a weakspot" seems didnt work. the bullet still reduced by one even I hit the headshot.
Yeah, a lot of players had reported this issue on discord, Horn of the orca already got nerf its fire rate, lets just hope this replenish bullet effect is just a bug :")
Correct, the Dev must be loving yao so much and did Marian dirty Nowdays Marian with Horn Orca user better shooting enemy in a point blank range so can target their weakspot without aiming Or you can do the aim shoot at weak spot to leave a fracture feather mark + skill (will automatic aim at it's weak spot because of the mark at weak spot) + normal/random shoot (also will automatic aim at it's weak spot with chance miss to nonweak spot)
@@mobpsycho6658 if you want to Boss abuse spree.... go for Yao, she just have problem when getting gang up with a bunch of enemy in a tight space, so you better bring AR, SMG, SG ops with her Marian dmg are not as high as Yao but she is good for game progression (she suitable for story, any game mode and boss battle) because she can handle any situation like a pro If you dont like Marian signature weapon, you can use F2P one with Semi-auto Sniper type, even though Bolt action wont hinder her too much as long as you know the triple tap technique The choice is yours 👍🏻
lol! me too. I got her on my 5 accnts, I do have a Yao accnt but afer the latest maintenance patch and with the free 10 summons I pulled out Marian swift that's why I'm here. Looks like its time for me to switch sides haha! Marian + Wild hunt Lyfe in 1 accnt! lets go!
From my opinion, if both maxed out: - Based on Elite or Boss killing Yao can deal better dmg - Based on overall (mobility, survival, dmg and stuff) i think Marian still little bit ahead than Yao. Yao reload too much and only using her stamina to dodge so you need to use her wisely
@@ArchiveRisen Thanks for the answer, I'm in a big dilemma, because I have three dupes of Marian with me and I can get Yao in the selector (since I have his weapon). Since I don't spend a lot of money on the game, I'm afraid I'll make a bad choice in the future regarding Marian, as Yao seems to be absolutely broken
@@own3er375 Marian are good for the whole game progression, since many elite enemy and boss in high stage are agile AF, you have to keep your distance as good as possible, so don't be so regret, though getting 3 dupe are very heart broken for me 🤣 but you can Get Yao for that, both of them can solo each boss in Neural Simulation, it's a win win solution 👍🏻
@@own3er375nly thing that hold Marian back r dupes and investment. If u r in early stick to Yao. If u got 3 dupes of Marian use her since u r already close to M2 u can farm rest through shards. But short and simple. Yao is highest dmg dealer in game. If u look just for dmg marian will never satisfy u. Yao is one dimensional dmg dealer who has long animations and reload times and if u r not skilled she is vulnerable. Marian is flying ninja who pay with dmg for her agility and option to not aim if u use cloudshot. Also weapon of Yao is way better than req for Marian.
Iya, Yao bergantung sama sig weaponnya, hobi dia kbanyakan reload bisa ngurangi dps dia soalnya, kalau dah ada yao ya berdoa lah banyak2 ya kalau meleset 50/50 weapon dapat space cowboy 😂
@@ArchiveRisen yao ny sih udh ada dpt dri banner beginner itu wkwkwkwk dpet ama loli yg bisa ngeluarin laser dri badan nya itu. btw kan nnti bisa ambil char gratis tuh, nah saya bingung bang ambil yao lagi aja biar bisa m1 atau ambil yg lain? saran dong bang
Ambil aja Fenny, Yao & Fenny best dps buat beginner, Lyfe bergantung ama weaponnya lebih parah dri Yao, Marian bagus di awal tpi di endgame rada kalah saing lah. Fenny agak ngeselin di awal aja kayak yao tapi kalau dua anak tu udh M1 mereka GG. Buat M1 - M2 karakter bisa gratis lewat jalanin "story karakternya", dan cukup cepat terjangkau kok, ga perlu pusingin Manifestationnya.
Hemm, both are totally different tho, it's okay to get both of them, since in Neural Simulation you will need to build 2 team, where you can't use same ops/gun to fight both of the boss. Also Marian 4* are not that good to handle a close combat while marian swift are pretty much flexible since her skill uptime fast. If you really like masochist, go for her 👍🏻
@@ArchiveRisenI got 5 star Marian from stater pull, and still not yet using the 5star pick. Since you said we need 2 teams for Neural sim, Should I pick the 5 star Yao and put her into the second team? Or should I pick someone else?
Yep, Yao is the best choice in there, sniper ops had the lowest ricochet rate and hit hardest, as long as you good controling your aim, go for them both you wont regret it, - Fenny the queen you need manifestation 1 to use her basic skill effectively - While Lyfe wild hunt nah... she is close combat support (very good for supporting shotgunner or AR) her ricochet rate will leave you flabbergasted when you shooting boss 🤧 - for Fritia 5* she is new to me, you can research on your own from other content creator, she is AR so her ricochet rate is second high chance, that worry the most, for her ability idk yet
BUT!!! If using sniper kinda boring for you because make game too easy OR you want to choose other for waifu reason, go for it! No one should stop a man from chasing his beloved waifu 👍🏻
This video from CBT 😅 Horn of the Orca still Semi-Auto in the past before official launch, until they change it into Bolt Action Sniper to increase the dmg, but i prever the weapon skill from CBT :"(
What im the world is wrong with your marian? Yours deal no dmg and is level 80? Im at lvl 40 and beat that without her signature weapon im still using a blue one.. huh im genuinely comfused
No, you must be confused, the full build one is only her trial, thats not mine, mine in lvl 42 with no build and signature weapon, its not that i wanna show up i'm a pro or what to beat an over power boss so i just set the boss at certain challange, its just a showcase video to show how attractive she can be, so chill bro 😅
Marian signature weapon got nerf in this official release It's Fire Rate got reduce from 70 (semi auto rifle) to 40 (bolt action rifle), also the replnish bullet system only function when you shoot enemy without aiming, so you need to play her at point blank range, so you can shoot their weak poin without aiming About it's bolt action (low fire rate) can be neutralize if you Aim shoot at the enemy + skill + normal/random shoot without aiming (so you can still shoot 3 times in a row with very fast speed)
Because Horn of the Orca become Bolt action sniper, it's should be have more higher crit dmg than in CBT, so if you got Marian, will be more better if you get her weapon also
@@ArchiveRisen thanks for explanation, since my 1st is yao and her signature, im planning to created 2nd account for mariana... Since everyone say pity event banner didn't carry to next event banner i think invest on wp or standard banner
Wow, youre strong man :") So you just gonna get 1 strongest main dps on each account and then you can start saving up as much as you can for future high quality event banner and hit it hard without regret right? 🤣 nice strategy But dont forget, Neural Simulation need 2 team at least, so you better build up 2 Main dps on each account that can carry on each boss, because you unable to use the same ops or gun to kill both of the boss
🤣👍🏻 nice luck, dont worry, you'll need both of them to form 2 team for some challange in this game, you can build Fenny Lionheart since she is the best F2P shotgunner.
How about this time around is Marian still weaker than Yao and is Marian bug fixed? I like the aesthetic of Marian way more than Yao, hoping Marian will be equal power and or bette?!
Nooo wayyy 🤣 but whyyy, is Yao too stiff and simple for you?? Yao is the best high tier main DPS thoo, there is no need to regret, just work hard shoot harder and farm more digicash to keep pulling till you got marian 😂
@@ArchiveRisen her ultimate sucks for real i don't know if it's cuz I'm playing on mobile or it's just that bad i always try to aim at enemy head ofc so when she makes that charge atk if the enemy moves like 2cm right or left u miss the shot 🙂 so i stoped using her ult 🥲
Aren't you can hold her ultimate charge shoot even after she max charging right? And release the fire button to fire the shoot after you aim the weakspot
Well it's hard to pick two snipers but there's a con of both sniper 5 star characters... What if there's PvP mode... That would be sucks (reminds me of Destiny 2)...
got marian, guess i will build this classy masochist
Yeahh must build, either Marian or Yao is good, but i prever Marian since she had both survival and power balanced
@stevenmontesa8509thankyou very much for your support 🙏😃
@@ArchiveRisenYeah, I love both of them, but Marian's stealthy sniper design and playstyle is my favorite in the game. At least until best girl Haru gets a 5*
Lol 😂 already planned to cheated Marian in the future 🤣 this guy took let them know your next move to another whole lvl
@@ArchiveRisenthats we call it a pro gamer move
Damn that ult on that beat drop was sick 1:40
Thankyou 🤣👍🏻
Wow! Youre right. That was amazing!
I had found a simple change about Marian recently in official release that will help you little bit :
Her Aim shot will mark target with fractured feather for 2 sec (mark that will help CLOUD SHOOT decided it's target also which part to shoot at) are now accessible without needed her Manifestation 1,
BUT there is no more detonate or dealing additional kinetic dmg after the Cloud Shoot hit the enemy with Fractured Feather mark, this aim shoot fractured feather mark only can used to guide the Cloud Shoot to shoot at the enemy head if you aim shoot them at the head at first (with very small chance to miss to other enemy body part tho)
Also for Horn Of The Orca got double nerf in official release
- From Semi Auto Sniper become Bolt Action Sniper
- Replenish bullet system only work for STANDARD SHOOT (shooting without aiming) when shooting weak spot, so nowadays Marian with Horn Orca user better shooting enemy in a point blank range so can target their weakspot without aiming easily, unless you have eagle eye
Or you can do the aim shoot at weak spot to leave a fracture feather mark + skill (will automatic aim at it's weak spot because of the mark at weak spot) + normal/random shoot (also will automatic aim at it's weak spot with chance miss to nonweak spot)
Pin this note man... You're video makes me wanna main this Marian Swift without knowing she was nerfed to the floor
Good info, though I don't think the final comparison is all that useful since Marion and Yao fill very different niches. Yao is definitely better at bosses with easy weakspots especially when they have frequent and large DPS windows. Marion is better at scrap fights and bosses with small heads like Gavin/Joseph, but she really needs the manifestation where her marks aren't consumed.
marian mains represent
Dude you really got me when you tell us not to use Yao at all😂
yeah i swear, i hate it when i said it 🤣but i like that part about Yao!
from my experience on playing her on my first account and yao on my current account, marian deals more consistent dmg than yao since yao pretty much relies on her standard skill and the cd of that skill is kinda long while marian doesnt need those infuse bullets and just straight up shots the enemies but i think yao, if she has all cd down on her standard skill does better dmg than marian. But at the end of the day this is a pve game not pvp so both works good
Nice comment Fluffy chan 👍🏻👍🏻
Yeah, I plan to build a team for both.
Yes if you have skill issues with aiming yao is not for you .
best explained comparison thanks
You're welcome 😁👍🏻
yao shooting during ult should be fired upon release after holding button instead of fire immediately after charging finish
that will make her easier to play
July 26,2023
Horn of the Orca nerf to the floor.. Bullet replenish from hitting a weak spot will only work in hip fire mode 😞
I couldn't find the logistics you showed where toget that? 🤔
Sorry i don't really understand your question, which logistic do you mean? Do you mean Dharma Squad for Marian Swift?
@@ArchiveRisen for yao those logistics you said will talk about it later
Ohh, sorry about that, that's video is from CBT, it's hard to get the material to build logistic at that time.
If you still want to know
Marian recommended logistic is Dharma squad, even though Amano Iwato can give more atk buff and permanent as long as we didn't switch the active ops, but Marian does ADS shoot less so she less suitable for Amano Iwato, She just ADS shoot for once to put the fracture feather mark in the enemy weakspot then the next cloud shoot will auto follow to the weakspot and applied the cloud shoot mark(aim bot mark), and you just need to do the normal shoot (non ADS shoot) after that, then the normal shoot will auto aim to the cloud shoot mark right to the weak spot (aim bot mechanism happen without aiming). If you reach M1 Marian, the fracture feather mark will remains at where you first aim shoot at, so you just need to ADS shoot for once the to the cloud shoot + normal shoot + cloud shoot + normal shoot + cloud shoot + normal shoot (so mostly her shoot is normal shoot instead of ADS shoot that makes her not suitable with Amano Iwato logistic)
Also for the logistic talent priority
1. +Atk%
2. +Crit Dmg Amp%
3. +Kinetik dmg% (third talent is a must)
If you didn't manage to get talent 1. and 2. You can go with Skill Haste is also fine. Her alignment index is not worth build, so don't get alignment index logistic talent.
While for Yao WS logistic the recommended logistic is
Amano Iwato squad cause she need to use ADS shoot a lot and make sure you always ADS shoot to trigger the logistic 2nd skill, since that skill is the most powerfull atk buff skill rn.
For logistic talent priority
1. + Crit dmg amp%
2. + Atk%
3. + Thermal dmg% (talent 3 is a must)
If you didn' manage to get both talent 1. And 2. Then you can go with skill haste.
Her alignment index is trash that not easily trigger in max effect at most condition so don't build that in logistic talent.
I have here and shes pretty awesome still got my free pick too
You got Marian from beginner banner??
@ArchiveRisen sorry for late reply i got it from that discount banner 8 per 10 pull
why is this weapon have 75 Rate of fire but when i saw this on weap banner it only has 40??? is there a weapon upgrade or parts to increase fire rate?
This video is from CBT footage, the weapon got nerf become bolt action sniper in its official release :"(
But you can still ignore that low fire rate if you shoot followed by using skill, the real problem is, it can only replenish bullet when you hip shoot at weak spot, aim shoot no longer replenish bullet
@@ArchiveRisen i heard theres another patch update today and it buffs marian and that weapon u can read it on patch notes i havent read the full information yet but u can use it as your content video and tackle all about this changes
Yeah, i had read it on twitter yesterday, after went home from work today i've been workin on it, finally done :")
Thankyou for the reminder 👍🏻
Ezgod music is such good taste
Yeah indeed! 👍🏻
How can I open the game's characters
Emm, what do you mean by open the game's character? If you want to unlock them then you have to gacha/pull in "Echo" section
Since the "summer" event came out and you can get 1 free perma character, I was debating because I like both and still miss only these two characters from perma.
The thing is that I'll probably go with Marian cause she seems more fun imo, and I don't care that much about strenght, I already have Absconditus and Coronet so I pretty much don't need the character, so I'm just going for gameplay and not "Which is the most op?".
Nice👍🏻, Marian indeed is more fun to play, her mechanism are more unique and good against fast mobile enemy too, even without Horn of the orca she can still playable, just you need to shoot a lot 😅 while Yao is very sign weapon dependend, if you don't have space cowboy, better not choose that one
Lost to Yao from Haru event, she's my main now
Im new to the game, I have them both...What I can say is that for my gamestyle I prefer Marian for rushing and quick scoping and skill comboing the enemies...Yao imo is slow burst unit
Thx for explanation!!!
I have 3 account and 2 of theo each got Marian and Yao. When i got Marian Swift first, i thought her kill is just some Ballistic shot like Zeta Gundam and kinda wonder with her low damage than Yao. And now i know!!!
My bad too didnt read her skill description so well
You're welcome, lol 😂😂 i'm glad this video could help you, anyways there is one simple change about Marian that i know recently
Her Aim shot will mark target with fractured feather for 2 sec (mark that will help CLOUD SHOOT decided it's target also which part to shoot at) are now accessible without needed her Manifestation 1, BUT there is no more detonate or dealing additional kinetic dmg after the Cloud Shoot hit the enemy with Fractured Feather mark, this aim shoot fractured feather mark only can used to guide the Cloud Shoot to shoot at the enemy head if you aim shoot them at the head at first
@@ArchiveRisen so if you aim the skill at the enemy head, that random aim shot will automatically shot the head?
Im sorry if im too dumb to ask this, but what is Cloud Shot? Ehe, sorry
Edit : Is Lyfe Wild Hunt good? I see the skill is fun and burst is cool but support kinda.... ok(?)
@@HAIL_NU Cloud Shoot is Marian Standard Skill
So if you AIM SHOOT the enemy on the head, you next use standard skill will automatic shoot at the head, and you can perform an normal random shoot (without aiming) will also shoot at the enemy head (so you get 3x head shoot just from one aim shoot) (it had smool chance of missing to enemy other body part tho)
Yeah, Lyfe Wild Hunt is more support type character, she can clean up light enemy with her smg tho but you prefer shotgun than smg right? Just don't use her to shoot at elite enemy or boss with high armor (you will start crying once you see how much bullet went to the back room 🤧😭) Her standard skill also need Manifestation 3 to increase it's duration, im not a whale to reach that far 😃
@@ArchiveRisen thx for the answer!
Oh yeah, last question, do the 5 selector have time limit? Still kinda dont know who to select tbh
@@HAIL_NU Looks like it didn't have, just take your time to consider so you wont regret 👍🏻
That last bossfight result was just sad, like a final nail to the coffin of Marian
I got her from beginner's banner, but I guess I'm gonna get Yao from S rank selector and Marian won't have any use anymore 😢
I got MArian Swift and Wild Hunt Lyfe in 1 accnt and I'm looking for infosd if Marian is good thanks for your video now I am hook to both of them. Subscribed!
Thankyou so much for your support 😃🙏
See the problem is, yao also has enya booster her dps plus her m1 gives her alt mode firing, marian wont be able to keep up in boss fights sadly.
Saran dong bang, ane udah punya Yao sama Fenny, nextnya ngambil siapa ya, rencana sih ngambil Fritia, katanya OP
Dua main dps dah di tangan, ambil apa yg anda suka sih boleh2 aja, Fritia memang op, tapi hampir semua stage ga bagus buat dia, apalagi pas lawan boss, kita lagi enak2 semprot ultinya malah kena tampol kan jadi emosi jga, Lyfe wild hunt sih menurut gua, cman ketergantungan dia ama signature weaponnya tinggi karena ga ada 4* weapon yg cocok buat dia, gua masi make 3* weapon aja sampe sekarang tapi dah cukup dmg sih walau cman T5 3* weapon. Marian seru makenya cman harus banyak nembak karena dmgnya rada lembek, jdi yaa pilih jaa Lyfe wild hunt sih menurut gua bang, di awal lyfe dmgnya ngeselin, tapi kalau udh max build oke banget dan mudah makenya
@@ArchiveRisen Oke bang, thank you penjelasannya
Thanks, I'm planning on main-Ing Yao on release this was very helpful.
Whoa, i hope you can get her and enjoy her mechanism, her solid atk is the best among all of them 👍🏻
@@ArchiveRisen it's funny because I'm a sniper in cod too lol
When I asked from gacha meow-smg-girl (Mauxir) and mechamuscular-shotgun-girl (Nita), I got Marian (Swift). And I didn't know she's got an aimbot, for real...
Now I'm going to play her alot.
Lol 🤣🤣👍🏻
Good that I have both of them
i see, they nerf Horn of Orca and turn it into Bolt Action sniper rifle like Yao's Cowboy. rip idk if the replenish bullet skip bolt action or not.
I still don't know about this, many player report this as a bug the way it didnt replenish bullet when hitting weak spot, but for fire rate it got nerf indeed :"( rip Horn of the orca 🤧
Marian's cloudshot does so if you weave the shots with the cloudshots you basically don't ever have to bolt action, So Horn of Orca still works well on Marian
@@katestheo yes and bolt action have more crit multiplier...
Marian is pretty much for mobile users and players that have serious aiming/sniping issues, she deals a bit more consistent damage and AoE than Yao but not more damage. Yao hits harder but requires above-average skill at the very least to be effective. Also the gap between these two snipers becomes so large at M1-M2 (M for manifestation). The moment Yao reaches M1 and much more M2 she becomes nutty since she would be able to maintain her ultimate from the moment you use it up until the end of the match as long as you know when to reload.
M1 marian is stronger tho ?
If I already have Marian, what should I take from the free banner?
I like to use both of Marian and Yao the truth, because Marian can play in close and range combat as a light enemy cleaner while Yao can be the executor to execute heavy elite enemy or boss, but if you feel waste, you can research about 5* Fritia from other video, since she can become your mid range combat ops if you like, idk anything about her yet, soon i'll take her to try out
Just note this : i don't recom queen Fenny or Lyfe the hunt, because queen Fenny need Manifestation 1 to make her standard skill effective while Lyfe the hunt more like support character instead, but if for waifu case, you can choose them 👍🏻
The reason why sniper ops is the best because their gun effective range is so far and ricochet probability very low, so in the whole CBT my best team is Marian (sub dps), Yao (main dps), Fenny Lionheart (support/sub dps). So in close/mid range i can use Marian and Fenny to clean up mess, and in long range i can use Yao and Marian too. But still i suggest you research about 5* Fritia (i kinda worry bout her ricochet probability since AR is second high chance to ricochet when fight agaisnt high armor elite enemy or boss)
@@ArchiveRisen thank you now I know my choice....
Yes i am Marian main. i love her flexibility
How can i increase her dmg ? I have her with signature only hitting for 3k
And they also nerf her weapon in global version
Way to increase her dmg (you ask Marian right)
- up her lvl
- up her weapon
- up her skill
- logistic use Dharma squad with Talent :
1. Alignment Index + (important)
2. Crit dmg amplifier (important)
3. Atk +
4. Kinetic dmg +
- Credit card maybe? 😂 just joking, nothing else maybe other than whaling for her manifestation and weapon
lumayan keren sih ini char, mau aku tuker dia di shop event :v
combonya jga enak, ads - skill - balistic
Kalo blm lu tuker 5* selectornya, coba nnton video yg lumayan baru gua tentang best operative in standard banner, penjelasannya khusus buat 5* selector, mana tau ente mau lebih banyak referensi kan 😁👍🏻
@@ArchiveRisen siap makasih bg sarannya 😁
Hello. thankyou for your video, its help alot. I wanna ask, did you already play Marian with her weapon on full release ver? Since I got her with her weapon but her passive "Replenishes 1 bullet when hitting a weakspot" seems didnt work. the bullet still reduced by one even I hit the headshot.
oh Ive checked on discord community and seems like its bugged rn
Thankyou for your information, because i haven't got Marian yet in this full release 😂
I have the same problem aswell, I got Marian and her signatured weapon, i really hope its a bug.
Yeah, a lot of players had reported this issue on discord, Horn of the orca already got nerf its fire rate, lets just hope this replenish bullet effect is just a bug :")
Love the classy masochist
also she solos so damn hard holy shit. CQC sniper all the way!
Yeah! She hit harder the most, just need to make sure the enemy didn't jump around, her bullet is sure pricey 😂
Im kinda sad. Her weapon seems to have gotten reworded on global launch to only standard shots reloading a bullet (not aimed shots).
Correct, the Dev must be loving yao so much and did Marian dirty
Nowdays Marian with Horn Orca user better shooting enemy in a point blank range so can target their weakspot without aiming
Or you can do the aim shoot at weak spot to leave a fracture feather mark + skill (will automatic aim at it's weak spot because of the mark at weak spot) + normal/random shoot (also will automatic aim at it's weak spot with chance miss to nonweak spot)
@@ArchiveRisen So Yao better then? I still have my free selector ticket 😆
@@mobpsycho6658 if you want to Boss abuse spree.... go for Yao, she just have problem when getting gang up with a bunch of enemy in a tight space, so you better bring AR, SMG, SG ops with her
Marian dmg are not as high as Yao but she is good for game progression (she suitable for story, any game mode and boss battle) because she can handle any situation like a pro
If you dont like Marian signature weapon, you can use F2P one with Semi-auto Sniper type, even though Bolt action wont hinder her too much as long as you know the triple tap technique
The choice is yours 👍🏻
@@ArchiveRisen alrighty, thx!
@@mobpsycho6658 you're welcome
i wanted either of them on beginner banner but wild hunt haunted me on all 5 acc :')
Omg, you have the best of luck lol 😂😂😂 just cope with it :")
She love you, so love her back
lol! me too. I got her on my 5 accnts, I do have a Yao accnt but afer the latest maintenance patch and with the free 10 summons I pulled out Marian swift that's why I'm here. Looks like its time for me to switch sides haha! Marian + Wild hunt Lyfe in 1 accnt! lets go!
NICEE! I like lyfe wild hunt! As a waifu 😂
But she can be a very good support thoo! Hope you enjoy it 👍🏻
The division PTSD bullet sponge enemy and peashooter damage plus mihoyo style RNG
I got Yao from the free event. She is absolutely fun to use as a support and a dps. And I don’t even snipe!
In your opinion, even with both characters maxed out, do you still think yao is better?
From my opinion, if both maxed out:
- Based on Elite or Boss killing Yao can deal better dmg
- Based on overall (mobility, survival, dmg and stuff) i think Marian still little bit ahead than Yao.
Yao reload too much and only using her stamina to dodge so you need to use her wisely
@@ArchiveRisen Thanks for the answer, I'm in a big dilemma, because I have three dupes of Marian with me and I can get Yao in the selector (since I have his weapon). Since I don't spend a lot of money on the game, I'm afraid I'll make a bad choice in the future regarding Marian, as Yao seems to be absolutely broken
@@own3er375 Marian are good for the whole game progression, since many elite enemy and boss in high stage are agile AF, you have to keep your distance as good as possible, so don't be so regret, though getting 3 dupe are very heart broken for me 🤣 but you can Get Yao for that, both of them can solo each boss in Neural Simulation, it's a win win solution 👍🏻
@@own3er375nly thing that hold Marian back r dupes and investment. If u r in early stick to Yao. If u got 3 dupes of Marian use her since u r already close to M2 u can farm rest through shards.
But short and simple. Yao is highest dmg dealer in game. If u look just for dmg marian will never satisfy u. Yao is one dimensional dmg dealer who has long animations and reload times and if u r not skilled she is vulnerable.
Marian is flying ninja who pay with dmg for her agility and option to not aim if u use cloudshot.
Also weapon of Yao is way better than req for Marian.
sign wp yao penting bgt ya bang? dmg nya gede bgt bjir pdhl masi level 42. udh level 50 mentok² 4k doang jir
Iya, Yao bergantung sama sig weaponnya, hobi dia kbanyakan reload bisa ngurangi dps dia soalnya, kalau dah ada yao ya berdoa lah banyak2 ya kalau meleset 50/50 weapon dapat space cowboy 😂
@@ArchiveRisen yao ny sih udh ada dpt dri banner beginner itu wkwkwkwk dpet ama loli yg bisa ngeluarin laser dri badan nya itu. btw kan nnti bisa ambil char gratis tuh, nah saya bingung bang ambil yao lagi aja biar bisa m1 atau ambil yg lain? saran dong bang
Ambil aja Fenny, Yao & Fenny best dps buat beginner, Lyfe bergantung ama weaponnya lebih parah dri Yao, Marian bagus di awal tpi di endgame rada kalah saing lah. Fenny agak ngeselin di awal aja kayak yao tapi kalau dua anak tu udh M1 mereka GG. Buat M1 - M2 karakter bisa gratis lewat jalanin "story karakternya", dan cukup cepat terjangkau kok, ga perlu pusingin Manifestationnya.
@@ArchiveRisen fenny ya... oke deh kalo gitu, makasi bang🫰🫰🫰
Sama2 mas👍🏻
PC : Very Easy
HP : Hard or Very Hard😅
I wish I got Marian instead of just meta
What do you mean? Did you mean you got Yao?
@@ArchiveRisen I did, lmao. While Yao is all well and good on her own personality wise, I just find Marian more intresting.
Ohh i see 🤣🤣 i hope one day Marian come home for you 👍🏻 her kit indeed much fun because we can do more thing than just shooting
I don't even have a 4* gun for her, have yao and space cowboy so...
When I already have 4* Marian with investment, is it still good to have her 5*?
Hemm, both are totally different tho, it's okay to get both of them, since in Neural Simulation you will need to build 2 team, where you can't use same ops/gun to fight both of the boss. Also Marian 4* are not that good to handle a close combat while marian swift are pretty much flexible since her skill uptime fast. If you really like masochist, go for her 👍🏻
@@ArchiveRisenI got 5 star Marian from stater pull, and still not yet using the 5star pick. Since you said we need 2 teams for Neural sim, Should I pick the 5 star Yao and put her into the second team? Or should I pick someone else?
Yep, Yao is the best choice in there, sniper ops had the lowest ricochet rate and hit hardest, as long as you good controling your aim, go for them both you wont regret it,
- Fenny the queen you need manifestation 1 to use her basic skill effectively
- While Lyfe wild hunt nah... she is close combat support (very good for supporting shotgunner or AR) her ricochet rate will leave you flabbergasted when you shooting boss 🤧
- for Fritia 5* she is new to me, you can research on your own from other content creator, she is AR so her ricochet rate is second high chance, that worry the most, for her ability idk yet
BUT!!! If using sniper kinda boring for you because make game too easy OR you want to choose other for waifu reason, go for it!
No one should stop a man from chasing his beloved waifu 👍🏻
@@ArchiveRisen I am more on power level side rather than waifu lol. I don't even mind they release male characters.
the weapon now horn orca needs to reload everytime shoot like yao @@,
This video from CBT 😅
Horn of the Orca still Semi-Auto in the past before official launch, until they change it into Bolt Action Sniper to increase the dmg, but i prever the weapon skill from CBT :"(
What im the world is wrong with your marian?
Yours deal no dmg and is level 80?
Im at lvl 40 and beat that without her signature weapon im still using a blue one.. huh im genuinely comfused
No, you must be confused, the full build one is only her trial, thats not mine, mine in lvl 42 with no build and signature weapon, its not that i wanna show up i'm a pro or what to beat an over power boss so i just set the boss at certain challange, its just a showcase video to show how attractive she can be, so chill bro 😅
do i really need marian signature?
Marian signature weapon got nerf in this official release
It's Fire Rate got reduce from 70 (semi auto rifle) to 40 (bolt action rifle), also the replnish bullet system only function when you shoot enemy without aiming, so you need to play her at point blank range, so you can shoot their weak poin without aiming
About it's bolt action (low fire rate) can be neutralize if you Aim shoot at the enemy + skill + normal/random shoot without aiming (so you can still shoot 3 times in a row with very fast speed)
Because Horn of the Orca become Bolt action sniper, it's should be have more higher crit dmg than in CBT, so if you got Marian, will be more better if you get her weapon also
@@ArchiveRisen thanks for explanation, since my 1st is yao and her signature, im planning to created 2nd account for mariana... Since everyone say pity event banner didn't carry to next event banner i think invest on wp or standard banner
Wow, youre strong man :")
So you just gonna get 1 strongest main dps on each account and then you can start saving up as much as you can for future high quality event banner and hit it hard without regret right? 🤣 nice strategy
But dont forget, Neural Simulation need 2 team at least, so you better build up 2 Main dps on each account that can carry on each boss, because you unable to use the same ops or gun to kill both of the boss
Glad i got her and her weapon space coboy for now she deals 8k - 12k for now thx for the video
You're welcome 👍🏻👍🏻
you dont need to evade if you got a healer Yao bois. 😂🤣
I already bought my ticket to Shotgun Town, no regret.
I dont know if im lucky or not i just got marian and got space cowboy and then i take yao from the selector now i have 2 op sniper with no sg user 😅
🤣👍🏻 nice luck, dont worry, you'll need both of them to form 2 team for some challange in this game, you can build Fenny Lionheart since she is the best F2P shotgunner.
marian is good sniper alt
but yao still the main sniper
How about this time around is Marian still weaker than Yao and is Marian bug fixed? I like the aesthetic of Marian way more than Yao, hoping Marian will be equal power and or bette?!
I wish i watched this before chosing Yao cuz i regret it srsly
Nooo wayyy 🤣 but whyyy, is Yao too stiff and simple for you??
Yao is the best high tier main DPS thoo, there is no need to regret, just work hard shoot harder and farm more digicash to keep pulling till you got marian 😂
@@ArchiveRisen her ultimate sucks for real i don't know if it's cuz I'm playing on mobile or it's just that bad i always try to aim at enemy head ofc so when she makes that charge atk if the enemy moves like 2cm right or left u miss the shot 🙂 so i stoped using her ult 🥲
@@ArchiveRisen i just hope if i ever lose a 50-50 chance i get Marian 🙏
Aren't you can hold her ultimate charge shoot even after she max charging right? And release the fire button to fire the shoot after you aim the weakspot
I hope you got your luck 😁👍🏻
Marian geulis kang
Jelas atuh 👍🏻
Halo bang
Aya naon atuh?
Well it's hard to pick two snipers but there's a con of both sniper 5 star characters... What if there's PvP mode... That would be sucks (reminds me of Destiny 2)...
Yao is waifu
She's weak. Her damage is very low.
u dont know how to shoot, how to build right, she can defeat any boss right now
I just claim Fenny from recruit elite since I have Marian 4 star already.... after I watch this, I regret didnt pick Marian 5star instead of Fenny 🥲
Don't be like that :"(
I pick fenny too eventhough i know Marian and Yao is the MVP, because Fenny is the best gurl!!! You should cherish her more! 😃
Don't feel regret man, Fenny is a good fire rate support and close range DPS, I'm planning to get her next since I pick wild hunt for AoE and CC