I like to sit in dalaran looking at people's transmogs. And when i see one that i like a lot i /w the guy that wears it to tell him i like it. And then nothing, i just like being nice... Good night !
Michael Höflich I play on a private server and I do some quests on wotlk western plaguelands for loremaster and I found there a lvl 33 guy who didnt have any clue about wow, he is an original english gentleman and he was nice with my help we flew back to undercity, from there zepped to org and I travelled with him in my mammoth to Desolace, I told him if I wasnt around probably no one wouldve helped him, Its good thing to experience wow for first time.
Control Ward I play private servers too and have run into a couple new players, it was really fun and refreshing helping them.. I spent a couple hours with one of them. Don't experience that much, if ever in Legion.
When I'm bored in wow I go to my alt server, Moonguard US and go to Goldshire and take screenshots for my folder on my computer called "Moonguard Hall of Shame"
I've mained horde for so many years I finally decided to make an alliance character and read the quest text. It reignited my love for this game, made me return to the RP scene and I'm having loads of fun again :3
The favourite things I like to do, is to challenge myself to solo dungeons with my low level alt, that are just slightly below it's level, to keep it challenging (I don't believe in heirlooms). Or if I have my guild with me, we like to make level 1 characters and have a race across the continent though the dangerous zones, to see who can find the safest path and dodge monsters the best, whether by evasive maneuvers, or by using the competitors as bait - the possibilities are endless. It kinda covers the world exploration part too. @Nixxiom This could be a cool Twitch event idea. Make a raid with viewers and do the level 1 race on stream, while also having someone observe everything, to avoid cheaters :) If it's already this fun with just a handful of us, I imagine a full raid would really be a blast.
Dave Asher 'I don't believe in heirlooms' you're an idiot, you definitely believe in heirlooms. Whether or not you choose to use them is a different story, but considering they're a proven fact of the game you don't just not believe in them.
There's several videos on it if you're interested, it's a pretty simple process and you'd get approved in a heartbeat. Just a suggestion, would probably help you grow your audience too. But anyways, I really love your videos man, huge fan, keep up the good work and thank you for so many hours of joy.
I got a wow challenge for you: Tauren lore challenge Rules: - No deaths, obviously. - You can only play a tauren. - You can only wear armor bought at an armor merchant (until lvl 60, more info down bellow). - You can only eat cooked meat, no first aid, potions or raw meat from an animal, it has to be cooked. - You can change your weapons during the challenge, you are allowed blues for your weapon but only the first you find, after that you can trade it for greens. - You can add new armor to your outfit, shoulders, necklace, rings, etc, but they are the only ones you get, the first ones you find, no changing them (if your first shoulders are blue you can keep em'). - No professions. - You can be either a marksmanship hunter, a ranged shaman, a shadow priest or a balance druid. - No dungeon, raids, pvp, etc. - You can only change your gear at level 60, the first replacements you find, no higher than white. - You can only buy the first riding speed, the one at lvl 20. - You can only have unarmored kodos for mounts. - No flying (doesn't include flight paths). - No pets allowed (if you are a hunter, you can trade your pet for your mount, your pet can only be a kodo). - No guilds, no group, no external help. Goal: - You have to do all the quests in mulgore. - You have to do all the quests regarding the grimtotem in thousand needles - You have to do all the quests regarding the tonka in dragonblight. - You have to do the major storyline quest in highmountain. - Once all is done, you will have completed the challenge.
This leveling challenge is for Forsaken and its called the Dark Ranger: First rule you must create a forsaken hunter, and you can only level in the dark lorderon areas without your hunter pet, you can only use Darkish gear to fit it with the lore, and you can only get your bow upgraded, your gear can be only white. You finish the game when you find your first ELITE spider on the same level as you and you need to tame it, and level it up to your level. And you must do leveling in areas where you go against the scourge or against the worgen, if you might get till tbc, you have freedom of choice in leveling, after it same rule. Your end game should be when you finish 20 quests in silverpine, western plaguelands, and eastern plaguelands, even if you do all the quests is fine. You CAN'T tame an elite spider PRE level 20. Hope you would enjoy this Nixxiom FOR THE FORSAKEN!
NO HEIRLOOMS, and you can only use your skeletal mount on roads, off roads NADA! You are a dark ranger, you stalk the wild and hunt down the scourge and worgen.
Sounds awesome! I think about trying it out! And since i am a gnome fan i am thinking of making a gnome related leveling challenge for my self! For Gnomeregan!!!!
I decided to write up a WoW challenge! Feel free to comment if you play it! Ranger Challenge. Rules: > If you die, it's game over, unless you are in a party with an individual that can revive you lore-wise (engineering items do not count). You cannot enter a party after death to be revived. > No Heirlooms > No Flying (Excluding Flight Paths) > No Auction House > You cannot send gold or supplies to this character. > You must either be Night Elf or Blood Elf > You can only be a Hunter. > You may not do Battlegrounds. > You can do one dungeon per 6 hours. So, theoretically, you could do 4 dungeons in a day. (6x4 = 24 hours) > You may only wear gear you have crafted or purchased from vendors, with the exception of armor from quests that you may either equip or vendor. However, for every green item you must have a white item, and for every blue item you must have two green items. By some odd chance you get an epic item, you may only have one. You can interchange gear for gear at any time. (E: Swapping a green for another white, swapping a blue for a stronger green, etc.) > Your weapon must always be a bow, with the exception of survival which must always have a spear. > You must pick up the profession Skinning, Cooking, and Fishing. The others are up to you. > You may only heal by consuming food you have purchased from a butcher or cooked yourself. > If you fish, you must either cook what you catch or sell it to a vendor. > If you kill an animal, you are obligated to skin it. > You may only vendor items when your bag is full. > You must keep food & drink in your bag at all times, or you automatically lose. > You must feed your pet. > Furthermore, if you do not ''unlock'' the ability to tame other creatures as detailed below, you must use your starter pet for as long as you play the challenge. >> For Night Elves, you can begin taming other creatures once you have either tamed the saber Rak'shiri from Winterspring or Olm the Wise from Felwood. >> For Blood Elves, you can begin taming more exotic creatures once you have either tamed the dragonhawk Sunwing in the Burning Steppes or Rrakk the bat in Thousand Needles. > All the quest in your starter zone must be completed (Eversong Woods and Teldrassil respectively). > For Night Elves, you must complete the main story quest in Darkshore. > For Blood Elves, you must complete the main story quest in Silverpine Forest. > The challenge ends when you have completed all the quests in Val'sharah as a Night Elf, and all the quests in Azsuna as a Blood Elf.
Number 11 - go online and complain how WoW is boring and tell everyone that WoW is dead... Unfortunately, certain part of player base does that because it doesn't take so much effort as trying all of these above.
I never get bored of wOw and yeah thinking about it - it does help keeping it fresh.. trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone. I started as a Enhancement Shaman and then when friends and family joined in I started an EleSham (Ya know when there wasn't dualspec) loved every moment.. I tend to make my characters as busy as possible so as to get the most out of everythin whilst using up your time... never been into fishing but did it anyway realised it helped with my cooking and when you got waterlogged trunks and such it also helped with my leatherworking and my brothers tailoring, my nephew's alchemy and so on. Archaeological finds made you money, gave you new toys, mounts, exclusive treasured account bound gear and now pets. We recently got into gettin involved with the events and we're loving it.. Pirate Day and Brewfest around the corner and I canny wait... always had such a laugh. And last month we started somethin really peculiar... Created characters on the Alliance.... flat out main reason is we were interested on sein things from the other sides pov and we all got out of our comfort zone.. tanks being dmg... dmg trying out tanks and me being Mainly dmg (but I'm decent at tanking too) trying out Healing for the first time and not only that... trying out the Monk; MistWeaver... (never even looked at monk before) And we are having an Absolute blast!! I've bitten into the lore and love the World of Warcraft even more today and I'm trying to pass that lore knowledge on to my guildies.. purposely taking them to certain locations dungeons/raids and quests to further educate them on what exactly the fuck Is going on. The games lore.. it's mysteries.. it's way of pushing you one way but thinking the other, it's magic... I could talk about it all day everyday. Thanks for your videos Nixx and for the warm welcome on one of your streams!
When I’m bored, I love traveling around and discovering more of the map that’s hidden. My most favorite thing to do is come across areas that are mind blowing and sooo beautiful. WoW is a gorgeous game!
When I get board I will do several things, level alts for certain goals I want to do on them. They are usually dealing with transmog, title, or mount though. I'll look at pets in the pet journal that I want and try and get them. Lastly I go and take screenshots of areas I think look neat and then sometimes make it into a movie with windows movie maker.
I got a leveling challenge: So it might already be a thing, but not sure. Anyway I call it the Adaptation challenge. U start off without any gear, so u have to remove everything you've got and the only way u can get gear is through killing mobs. Also, u cannot do this challenge as a spellcaster (cause that would be too easy.) U cannot choose any talents, but u may choose whatever spec u like. Gear can ONLY be obtained through mobs, and it can only be up to green quality. The ONLY piece of gear ur allowed to buy from a vender is a weapon, but if one drops from a mob, u must use that instead (no matter if its better or not) and u can only do quests up until lvl 10. Furthermore, if u die, u lose!
Kaizilla The Beast that would be a really crazy challenge! My adaption would be: Every time a usable item drops, you HAVE to equip it and drop the previous item. I think that would be totally fun 😁
oneofusisanalien its not necessarily every weapon that's able to be equipped, for example, if ur a hunter and a one-handed dagger drops, but u've got a bow or something, u wouldn't have to switch it
Also, I forgot to mention, no heirlooms, ur not allowed the heirloom mount and not allowed to send gold to ur character either. Also, the only mounts u can use r ur race mounts, as in dwarves can only use rams, tauren can only use kodos.... (mostly cause I say so and its my challenge)
What I like to do is go back, make an alt and level through old zones where I made my first ever character. It brings me back, and reminds me of reasons I still play
I actually quit wow a couple months ago for personal reasons, but to go with your in-game challenges idea, i thought you might like one I used to do with friends. I called it Mage Darts. What you do is with a mage (i suppose priest with levitate could work too) that has the fastest possible flying speed... fly up as high as you can in Storm Peaks. Pick a spot on either side of Northrend, for example the Alliance starting area in Borean Tundra, Point your mount roughly in the direction of the spot you chose, and then fly for exactly 5 seconds in that direction. At the 5 second mark, while still flying in that direction to keep forward momentum, cast slow fall to dismount yourself, and keep casting it when it's close to expiring. You can probably do variations of this like levitate or goblin glider etc, but I find slow fall to be most interesting b/c you can't chance course, so you just have to wait and see where you end up. I almost ended up in Coldera once. Another fun challenge you might enjoy is Demonhunter Parkour in Silvermoon City. See how high you can get in Silvermoon with only demon hunter abilities and/or gliders. The very first video in my channel is of my demon hunter at the highest point I could get to. I had originally been trying to get to the bridge between those 2 towers... but ended up on top of the taller one lol. Keep in mind, there are sometimes ways thru or around invisible walls. The vid I made tho encountered no invis walls. I only needed my DH abilities AND a goblin glider to get there as the glider is a bit more powerful that the DH glid.
So, there's this thing me and my friends did during the content draught of WoD. We would get together in one of our garrisons and play hide and seek. It's pretty simple, but lots of fun. Basically, the seeker scrolls all the way into 1st person and turn of his HUD and turn off the option to see player names, while the seekers would wear RP clothes that would make them sort of blend in with the followers in the garrison (you can use any low level gear, mostly grey and green armor pieces). It was really fun and had some great laughs while playing. There are some pretty awesome places you could hide. Also you can use any toy or spell etc to help you out to hide better. Give it a shot, it's pretty fun.
you can always walk up to a random player sitting in a city-hub and yell "I CHALLENGE YOU SIR TO FIST-FIGHT!" then you go to a dueling are and fight with auto-attacks and no gear on you.
My favorite secret place would be those Dwarven mountaineers you occasionally see fighting a black drake along certain flight paths that go through the Burning Steppes. They've been there for as long as I can remember (started in late vanilla/early BC) that made the world seem alive. Considering I quit back during mid cata and came back in April with a new account, one of the main things I've been doing for fun is seeing what's changed by exploring areas from past expansions as well as seeing the stuff I missed such as Pandaria. Sure people may have their gripes about some of the previous expansions, but I enjoyed some of the aesthetics and lore that they had to offer as I leveled up from a newbie to max level once again.
I need Blizzard to do legacy servers, i was to young to appreciate BC and ran around doing quests like an 11 year old would do back then. I keep hearing it was the best expansion and I wanna relive it
I tend to go headlong into doing one thing in wow until i get bored of it. So sometimes i get burned out and feel a bit aimless. My favourite thing to do to fix this is to go look for something i haven't done yet and really get stuck into it. This last few days i've gotten bored of doing Argus on all my alts, so i grabbed my main and started working through all of the fishing content in Legion, i had alot of fun and now i feel like i've accomplished something and i contributed to raid feasts too. :)
Something I did awhile back was to get a hold of all standard achievements for dungeons and raids (by mostly soloing them), collecting the rewards such as the titles and the mounts. Of course there are achievements that "require" other people to help you... but there is usually a way around it in some shape for for that gives a unique way of taking on a boss fight or running through the instance. At first I thought it was impossible to solo Deathwing unless you had another person with you, until i found out you can strafe back and forth across his back, resetting his death roll ability. When I say standard achievements, i mean just the ones that are available under the dungeons/raids tab and not anything under Legacy or Pets, or etc.
This makes me wish they'd introduce some levelling challenges as an actual achievement with some cool transmog/mount rewards. It'd be awesome to get a new challenge every couple of months.
Recently? I go through the process to obtain one of the mounts hidden behind puzzles. Namely Riddler's Mind Worm and Lucid Nightmare. Lucid Nightmare was a lot of fun to obtain.
Thanks very much again Nix, for a very informative and worthwhile vid my Buddy. Ever since Vanilla, I have ALWAYS read the quest texts and sundry articles of information available in game. I suspect the main reason I do so is because back in the fledgling years of PC gaming (i.e the late '70s & early '80s) if you didn't read all the provided info, you pretty much had zero chance of completing your goals and objectives. I just carried on doing so even in 'modern' games that as you mentioned, you can now plow through totally oblivious to the history and meaning behind the actions taking place. Also, I WANT to know why the hell I'm doing things and especially with Lore dumps, I receive far more enjoyment from the game if I feel I have active participation in determining resolutions from my invested time. I can understand why folks would overlook text/story dumps, if they are perhaps doing a quest for like the third time in a row but to NEVER read them? Damn, just how busy is a person that has time to play a game but only gets to enjoy half of it? That mindset will forever baffle me. To each their own I guess but the only one missing out, is the one rushing to the end, imho. =\ ( ' o ' ) /= edit: just a quick add, a play-style I've had fun with on a few occasions, is seeing just how far I can progress in the PVE content (i.e. level attained) using just white/gray gear (sometimes greens). Except for weapons, since if you can't even hurt a mob, you'll hit the wall way too soon. I find this has helped me improve my defensive game play significantly at times, since I'm essentially totally dependent on knowing my spells/tactics/talents to their utmost or die all the time. Great fun when soloing but I'd not recommend it when grouping (say, for Dungeons) or even your friends will rage/quit on ya, heh! :)
I do Number 3 all the time. I know there's people that in a hurry to finish the quest fast as possible but i actually take my time and appreciate some of the lore behind it.
I have a thing I like to do every so often called "Geology runs". Collecting rocks and crystals is a RL hobby of mine and building a collection in WoW has been something to do. My main has his reagent tab and two bank organized bags full of stones, metals and gems. Goal is to get a stack of 200 of everything in there, including the really rare metals like Khorium. Needless to say it's a work in progress.
In vanilla I leveled an undead warrior without equipping any items. Maxing out the bare handed skill was so satisfying and fighting bare handed with an undead was strangely appropriate because of the animations. It's pretty cool :)
Glitching is my favorite. Scholomance, Stratholme, Zul'Farrak, Eversong, Ghostlands, Zul'Aman, etc. Several in Kara. Tons of great areas to glitch. Its fun finding your own.
This is an older video and I'm only watching it now, but I remember back in Wrath a few of my guildmates and I would chat in Vent and go around Dalaran and inspect people and laugh at the bad (like unsuitable) gear, gems, enchants, etc. they had. Lmao. It was rather mean, but it's just a fond memory I have of back in the day. Anyway, love the video as always and thanks for the great suggestions!
I love to hunt out near pointless achievements that I previously skipped over, such as the Pepe achievements. It's rather fun simply because it results in having a set goal and often heading to some area I haven't been to in a while or trying to work out the most effective way to tackle it. Otherwise, I usually just farm for transmog sets, the new set tab is kinda nice since it helps make keeping track easier
One thing I like to do is turn off my UI (or just my minimap) and travel around on foot or a ground mount and just appreciate the scenery. Sometimes it helps to have a set destination in mind, like Ironforge to Gadgetzan, or Thunderbluff to Undercity (without using the zeppelins). It can be really relaxing.
question. last time I played was WOD. and now Im thinking of going back. which will be better? play legion or wait for the battle of azeroth? and if I will wait for Battle. will I need to purchase Legion or just go straight to battle? TIA
I happened to be finishing up Loremaster about two weeks ago before 7.3, and while doing Winterspring I happened upon a cave on the northern edge of the continent, outside of the zone itself, and it contained a crazy ass puzzle. Turns out they'd just added it in 7.2.5, and somehow I happened to stumble on it in the same patch. Crazy how they can still surprise us!
Best idea for a leveling challenge: The pokemon master challenge, you pick 4 level one pets, one rare and two poor and one common and one uncommon (or three of either common or uncommon, and you can only level your character past level 10 (just for OCD's sake) if you gain one level on a pet, heirlooms are allowed if you want them but you can't give the pets any extra boosts other than their natural progression with you. Mic and match pets to your hearts content, if you want to have a team with both poors and a rare that's chill if you want an even balance do it man. To make it harder add in the additional rules: you can't backtrack to leveling zones for easy experience, and you can't stockpile levels (by for example hitting level 40 in western plaguelands and then grinding a level one pet by 10 levels so that you can completely skip doing pet battles in the next leveling zone), hard mode option two: Nuzlocke mode, in this mode if one of your battle pets from your 5 die its gone forever you can't revive it using your spells, if this happens you can replace it for a level one battle pet of a lower rank than the one you lost (minus poor which can't get lower).
When I'm bored, I go fishing. Back in WotLK, I was obsessed with fishing those coins out of the fountain just outside the Ally bank in Dalaran. I'd go and fish in Wintergrasp for hours at a time while chatting with friends. I like WG because of the element of surprise of the BG. Always have to look over your shoulder, which is nice since I only play PvE servers. BUT...most times, Horde would come and stand right next to me at the lake and I'd wave, they'd wave back, and we'd just stand there and fish. The Rogues tho. Those effing ROGUES!
When my guildies and I are bored we play Kickfish. The Whitewater Carp toy is super underrated and is best played in dangerous spots, like volcanoes and end raid bosses. Just agree on a goal location for your two teams and battle it out for the fish and all its glory!
I have decided to start writting a field diary/journal from the perspective of my character. By the end of it I'm hoping to have it detail his adventures through all the xpacs like he is taking notes for his job and writting about cool things he's seen and what not I've given myself limitations of reading all quest text, only doing dungeons at the end of zones I've completed that have the dungeon in them, only doing a dungeon or raid once and sectioning things like bulk amounts of quests and traveling into days and have him write about his daily doings at the end of each of his days to make the world seem larger and more stunning.
Im already prepping for when i will get bored at the end of legion. How? Well im farming legendaries on every class so once we get to that point where there is nothing to do while we wait for wrath of the old gods i will be doing all the mage towers.
Burning Steppes made me laugh my ass off from start to finish when you take the time to immerse yourself in the text and why you're doing what you're doing. It all ties in nicely at the end. Another great one from Cata+ was the Dragon's Mouth in Badlands. I think the "quest chain" is called "The Day Deathwing Came/Arrived" anyway, a dwarf, orc, and gnome tell you about their first day seeing DW. You get to play through their experiences and overall the 3 quests (3 parts made into one) are entertaining and unique. Next time you're in a zone, take your time with it because they all have their charm.
I love to try to get better in different roles. I'm so used to being on my Afflock that it's a breath of fresh air when I hop on my MW monk or my DH. There are so many playstyles to play around with that it's hard to *really* get bored unless you just can't get yourself motivated to try them out. Though tanking and melee dps will always be my weak points because I'm so used to not having to follow the boss around.
God dammit Nixxiom, your videos suck... when they end ;) Your videos are so damn enjoyable I just want to keep watching/listening. Keep up the good work my man
I have a Hunter called Frankenboner who i log into whenever i'm bored. He is on an epic quest to tame every unique rare mob in the game. I then screenshot every tame as a note. I'm currently lvl 55 and have tamed around 30 so far. Once i get flying i will do the last few in Azeroth then be off to Outland. It;s fun to have a character where there is some quest or mission you have set yourself outside of just leveling or PvP or raiding.
I think guild housing in world of Warcraft would be where if you buy it after getting an achievement (battle pets, PVP,PVE,etc,) than it wouldn't be displayed, or hung up on the walls, or shown, and only a person who got the achievement after the guild house has been bought is shown. I think this will have players of the guild of mainly achievers to reach out to some new people so they can interact. Guild houses will need money to upgrade them (level 1 will have a small house, comparable to some of the human houses, only showing an achievement or two, etc.) the final level will have all the achievements on the wall, have separate rooms to house things, like pets hunters tamed which walk around the guild house, inside and outside, and each pet does something differently, such as dogs pouncing on random players, imps lighting players on fire, etc. guilds will mainly be in the areas you mentioned in your "things that annoy you" video. Guilds can wage wars with each other, for achievements and stuff, and mainly impact the style of the people and surroundings. Guilds that control an area has NPCs that patrols the area, walls & towers around the area, and quest givers don't change all that much other than some dialogue changes for certain characters. Before I get on to the guild wars, guilds can make troops, siege weapons, etc. Guilds who war over areas, to put it simply, there is a mod for Skyrim the elder scrolls for one of the important wars makes it seem like there's a war going on. NPCs are fighting each other, siege weapons all over the place, and NPCs of the faction can give leveling players questing in the area can get quests that are like "kill the troops of the other faction" or "sabotage the flying aircraft, and so much more. Each victory depends on the amount of players that died on a faction as well as the NPCs. If the other faction fails on the assault, the land is safe and in the guilds hands. An player's character will go to the guild house if they log off. The player will take an hour to cross the sea on boat and zeppelin, in real time, and take 20 minutes to cross an zone, if the player has an mount, takes double amount of time without mount.
I made my own "challenge" and made an attempt to read ALL quest text on my toons (I've since not played because of RL). The "challenge" may not be much of a challenge, more of an "immersion enhancer" to try to enjoy the world more. No quest gear, only vendor and pick ups (no heirlooms), no flight paths, no dungeon finder, and read all the quest text! It just forces you to see the world more, interact with old NPC vendors, and find excitement in mobs dropping gear again.
I love making challenges for myself. Like right now I am leveling up a night elf hunter, but I am not using a pet and I am making myself stay in Kalimdor for as long as it lets me level. Makes it a lot of fun and it's making me enjoy the hunter class a whole lot more.
The one thing I would do when bored is just go down the dungeon list and re-run them. Fly out to them all and jump in. See how much of it you can mass pull, or sit and enjoy the storyline that played out in them. Plus side, you can get some extra golsd from selling the items you get, might get a nice new transmog item, or for some runs, a rare mount.
Ideas for leveling challenges: 1. No talents. You cant pick talents as you level. 2. No mounts, you are not to use mounts while leveling. 3. Once every 10 levels, remove a piece of armour. The slot must remain empty for the rest of your leveling. 4. Once every 5 levels. Go to either Stormwind or Ogrimar, and whisper 5 random people, letting them know how happy you are for leveling up 5 levels.
If you're hunting transmogs and want to create transmog sets i highly recommend that you use the AddOn called Mogit over the model viewer. It is a far smoother experience since it is all done in game. You can create sets, save them, mark items to a wishlist, see where everything drops and just navigating through all the items is incredibly simple and convenient since the item is shown, you don't have to navigate a list and pick and item based on the name and then look at it. It also only shows you obtainable items.
Here is a good one if your of age. Find smoking spots, find a campfire that is in a strange place and just sit and smoke. Even better if you have friends that do it also, maybe take it a step further and start a rp. My favorite is go to a enemy capital and find a spot to smoke (probably a spot guards wont rape you instantly), wait to see how long until someone comes and ruins your smoke session....if no one ever comes...well stir up trouble or find another spot. Also funny thing, the outhouse in WoD i used as a smoking spot. I was quite surprised to find a ghost inside with me while i smoked. Thought it was something that didn't belong. I'll miss you outhouse ghost!
I would add 2 more additions to n.o. 3, if you reach max level of the zone you questing in, stop xp gain until you finish that zone, and only enter instances, if you are send by quest, or have done the questchain in the zone (like in Codarra, where the quest that sends you the Nexus was removed)
I usually boot up Warcraft 3 and play the campaign a bit, I'll usually head to the major geographical locations in wow that were key story points in wc3 (like Andorhal) just so I can really refresh the nostalgia I have for the series.
I'm a big fan of making an alt, minimizing the UI and enable the actioncam. Remember to read the quest descriptions and you can essentially solo-rp, without falling into the dark caverns of Goldshire.
One add-on that helped me was the Tom Tom, you could use it for whole bunch of things. Great video, even though wow is a huge game it does get boring especially when that mount don't drop
I've made two lore leveling series where I take a character from 1 to max level and read all the quest text as I go. They didn't always fully complete but my druid one was really fun. Also I'm starting to make Legion Class Mount videos for my 12 characters I play.
Can you do a warlock leveling 1-110? Maybe explain how to start off with new accounts, with no heirlooms. How to get that sweet coin? What transmog you like and what you like to see in other characters? -Lamb.
I've been a warrior main for 8 years. But In legion when the argus patch came out I read about all the catch up things to help new ppl. So I switched my 8 year old warrior out for a pallidan and it's so refreshing to try a new class out
Me and some guildies were bored so what we did was go on a new server on horde (we're alliance) and all 5 of us made forsaken characters and just leveled together while riding our heirloom bikes...we made a guild that I called Zombikers...yeah it was a lot of fun and we still go back to these characters from time to time although not the 5 of us together since it's pretty hard to get 5 people to be online at the same time.
when im bord in wow i youse an item caled "last relic of argus". i got it from archaeology. It is an item that teleports you to a random zone in kalimdor or the eastern kingdom(and some times in Hellfire Peninsula). after having used it is usually explore the area for a bit or do an old raid that happened to be nearby. Highly recommend for people that wanna do something but don't know what they want to do.
Here's a good one. Back during Cata, my Dad would make these lvl1 toons, and see how far he would go to travel around Azeroth, Outlands, Northrend, and has done it in Panda Land too. He got a port from a Mage and traveled at lvl1 in Panda Land, climbing out off the seven stairs place. And through out running around at lvl1, he hardly got killed!!! Now my Dad just makes lvl1s, see how long they last for while he lvls them, and he'll then decide to either delete them, or keep them lol. When I get bored on WoW, I go kill my toon off of Karazhan Bridge lol.
I like to just find some achievement from old content (or new) that I haven’t played in and then spend my free time trying to get it. When I first joined in MoP, for fun I ran around the whole world trying to find every location for my map as well, and I got to see a lot of old zones and content I hadn’t experienced or seen before.
I did blood death knight tank since they changed the spec to make blood a tank. Last month I decided to try the brewmaster monk tank. Was such a breath of fresh air, you guys.
What do i do when im bored in WoW? Do Legion pickpocketing. And for my Leveling Challenge: "The Craftsman Challenge" - Can only use crafted armor and weapons - Trinkets, Rings, Necklaces and Cloaks from Quests, Drops or Vendors are allowed. - Death is Permanent - No Heirlooms - No Dungeons - No EXP boost potions - Can't use auction house to get the materials, (YOU GOTTA DO IT YOURSELF) - Can't send Materials from your other characters through Trade or Mail You can choose when you want to beat the challenge, You can stop at level 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 100 and 110
Related to the leveling challenges: The farthest I ever got in the main quest of Morrowind was during an RP challenge I created for myself. I gave up because of a combination of following the actual main quest too far and me failing to keep to a part of the challenge (not allowed to use daedric weapons, because they're inherently evil in the eyes of the fanatic I was RPing). At some point I want to try again, probably using Tamriel Rebuilt to join House Indoril instead of Redoran...
Earlier i have just slowly stopped playing the game. But now... i created a copy of my main on Argent Dawn (mostly because i heard stories of Goldshire) and now..... and now.... i'm more on AD doing actual RP events than i am on my main. It's a ton of fun, and i don't regret it at all
I'm at the moment trying out Protection specc on my Paladin for the first time since cataclysm, been playing Retri for the longest time and jumped from class to another. Also started doing pet battle again since MoP. The game feels totally different now.
When I'm bored I go achievement hunting, especially old ones that are pretty quick to do beacuse of the level cap. I've been doing the Loremaster and Explorer achis in the past months slowly.
Usually when I get bored in wow I always end up creating an ALT. most of the time I do it to help the Guild achievement for "Classy race" (already fully did worgen and draenei) on my way to complete it for pandaren and dwarfs and the remaining ones. When I do this I always force my self to WALK, literally WALK through out all the starting zone all the way to lv 15-20. it gives time to lea back and admire the world, reminds me of the good old days where we used to WALK (run) back in vanilla with out a mount until lv 40/60 when we changed out armor type to the next better one (like warriors, shamans, etc) and by playing a different race and class I never played or never liked I ended up growing a love for these alts. that's how I got a Gnome rogue worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/bronzebeard/nobledagger Who I ended using on my D&D/Pathfinder game with friends IRL a Panda Shaman, worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/argent-dawn/akinijou Guild members jokes saying chubby furry girls could never be sexy, so got her a sexy mog. goblin warlock, worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/veknilash/zoefelcannon crazy things happen when you are bored xp I also ended up with one of my favorites: my psyco mental green fur pleague DK female tauren, worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/steamwheedle-cartel/limonpie inspired by a youtube video one day I was equally bored and depressed. th-cam.com/video/WHLb9JTjzkM/w-d-xo.html and basically I got full 12 classes on Alliance and 12 on Horde, all characters with their own back ground info and RP Story
When I'm bored I troll World Events. Like during Boat Bash and people have to fish alot to build their boat. I sneak up as a druid and stun them when theyre mid cast and run away, restealth, and RETURN. I spent 2 hours doing this. Eventually there was a horde group that would continously hunt me down and sometimes they got me.... That's what WoW is all about
run of the gnomes. you can only be a gnome and can be any class they can be that you want . no quests. 2 to 3 players. try to thrive at the highest level area possible.
such a nice video. I'm getting bored for doing WQ and shit for the flying thing in bfa even though it is getting easier but i just dont see much sense behind it. So I made me a guild and I now try to learn all the cooking recipes in WoW starting from the beginning, so i at least can kinda see some motive behind all this WQ and saving or killing or guiding those goddamn turtles
I like to sit in dalaran looking at people's transmogs. And when i see one that i like a lot i /w the guy that wears it to tell him i like it. And then nothing, i just like being nice... Good night !
Michael Höflich I play on a private server and I do some quests on wotlk western plaguelands for loremaster and I found there a lvl 33 guy who didnt have any clue about wow, he is an original english gentleman and he was nice with my help we flew back to undercity, from there zepped to org and I travelled with him in my mammoth to Desolace, I told him if I wasnt around probably no one wouldve helped him, Its good thing to experience wow for first time.
Me too! Except when i RP.
Michael Höflich damn, i tought i had some mental problem but hey, im not alone out here!!!
Control Ward I play private servers too and have run into a couple new players, it was really fun and refreshing helping them.. I spent a couple hours with one of them. Don't experience that much, if ever in Legion.
When I'm bored in wow I go to my alt server, Moonguard US and go to Goldshire and take screenshots for my folder on my computer called "Moonguard Hall of Shame"
I've mained horde for so many years I finally decided to make an alliance character and read the quest text. It reignited my love for this game, made me return to the RP scene and I'm having loads of fun again :3
The favourite things I like to do, is to challenge myself to solo dungeons with my low level alt, that are just slightly below it's level, to keep it challenging (I don't believe in heirlooms).
Or if I have my guild with me, we like to make level 1 characters and have a race across the continent though the dangerous zones, to see who can find the safest path and dodge monsters the best, whether by evasive maneuvers, or by using the competitors as bait - the possibilities are endless. It kinda covers the world exploration part too.
@Nixxiom This could be a cool Twitch event idea. Make a raid with viewers and do the level 1 race on stream, while also having someone observe everything, to avoid cheaters :) If it's already this fun with just a handful of us, I imagine a full raid would really be a blast.
Dave Asher that would be a fun TH-cam series as well!
Dave Asher That sounds really cool :D
Dave Asher 'I don't believe in heirlooms' you're an idiot, you definitely believe in heirlooms. Whether or not you choose to use them is a different story, but considering they're a proven fact of the game you don't just not believe in them.
Frost Wolf Be sure to check your grammer before calling someone an idiot. Lol
How about getting the explorer title at lvl 1
of course ... i must train my pets and be a pokemon master!
Uhh... don't you mean battle pet master?
If you know what I'm talking about you win 🤣
Don't ya mean super pocket slave monster master?
thats what i said Dwifflez
Gotta catch 'em all!
Rat you win lol
Is it me or does he say at least once in EVERY video that he has been playing since Vanilla?
That's a vanilla player for you, they will tell you no matter what that they played vanilla
funny thing is he's said he started right at the very end of vanilla as well. like just say you started tbc mate
I've been playing since vanilla, and I can confirm this statement.
I have played 15 secs in a private server.
Playing since vanila.
I've been playing on myself for 10 years. playing since vanilla
B-but Nixxiom.. I don't have any friends..
Yeah, I know
@@lehtivaa same
i have friends but not friends that play wow just my brother. And i still play this game
I can be your friend
we can be friends...
Oh wait im on the internet så im a whale...
Yah do pet battles
hirumaredx I wanna be the very best ^_^
Darth like no one ever was (tam tam tam)...
Bro why don't you apply for the checkmark by your name, lol. You're over 100k subs. Some people apply at 5k and get it.
I dont know how
There's several videos on it if you're interested, it's a pretty simple process and you'd get approved in a heartbeat. Just a suggestion, would probably help you grow your audience too. But anyways, I really love your videos man, huge fan, keep up the good work and thank you for so many hours of joy.
When I get bored in wow I watch Nixxiom. Eyyyy!
FanskapsJägar'n may sound silly but when I watch him he kinda inspires me to play I'm not sure if inspire is the right word to use or not
FanskapsJägar'n same here bro
When I get bored of Nixxiom I play world of warcraft . Eyyyyyyy!
I got a wow challenge for you:
Tauren lore challenge
- No deaths, obviously.
- You can only play a tauren.
- You can only wear armor bought at an armor merchant (until lvl 60, more info down bellow).
- You can only eat cooked meat, no first aid, potions or raw meat from an animal, it has to be cooked.
- You can change your weapons during the challenge, you are allowed blues for your weapon but only the first you find, after that you can trade it for greens.
- You can add new armor to your outfit, shoulders, necklace, rings, etc, but they are the only ones you get, the first ones you find, no changing them (if your first shoulders are blue you can keep em').
- No professions.
- You can be either a marksmanship hunter, a ranged shaman, a shadow priest or a balance druid.
- No dungeon, raids, pvp, etc.
- You can only change your gear at level 60, the first replacements you find, no higher than white.
- You can only buy the first riding speed, the one at lvl 20.
- You can only have unarmored kodos for mounts.
- No flying (doesn't include flight paths).
- No pets allowed (if you are a hunter, you can trade your pet for your mount, your pet can only be a kodo).
- No guilds, no group, no external help.
- You have to do all the quests in mulgore.
- You have to do all the quests regarding the grimtotem in thousand needles
- You have to do all the quests regarding the tonka in dragonblight.
- You have to do the major storyline quest in highmountain.
- Once all is done, you will have completed the challenge.
Mederik Caya I like this idea 👍
Sounds cool
This leveling challenge is for Forsaken and its called the Dark Ranger:
First rule you must create a forsaken hunter, and you can only level in the dark lorderon areas without your hunter pet, you can only use Darkish gear to fit it with the lore, and you can only get your bow upgraded, your gear can be only white. You finish the game when you find your first ELITE spider on the same level as you and you need to tame it, and level it up to your level.
And you must do leveling in areas where you go against the scourge or against the worgen, if you might get till tbc, you have freedom of choice in leveling, after it same rule. Your end game should be when you finish 20 quests in silverpine, western plaguelands, and eastern plaguelands, even if you do all the quests is fine. You CAN'T tame an elite spider PRE level 20. Hope you would enjoy this Nixxiom FOR THE FORSAKEN!
NO HEIRLOOMS, and you can only use your skeletal mount on roads, off roads NADA! You are a dark ranger, you stalk the wild and hunt down the scourge and worgen.
@Nixxiom Answer pliz
Quite nice actually in my opinion
Sounds awesome! I think about trying it out! And since i am a gnome fan i am thinking of making a gnome related leveling challenge for my self! For Gnomeregan!!!!
I would love to try this challenge!
The forsaken lore is my favorite ❤️
I swear to god If i hear
"I've been playing World Of Warcraft since vanilla" one more tine.....
BDD I've played WoW since Vanilla ;)
BDD have you even played vanilla?
Does it count if I played on Nostalrius?
yeah but it's starting to get on my nerve beceause it makes US vanilla players like old people talking about how the old days were better
I played wow since wc1 get on my level scrub
I decided to write up a WoW challenge! Feel free to comment if you play it!
Ranger Challenge.
> If you die, it's game over, unless you are in a party with an individual that can revive you lore-wise (engineering items do not count). You cannot enter a party after death to be revived.
> No Heirlooms
> No Flying (Excluding Flight Paths)
> No Auction House
> You cannot send gold or supplies to this character.
> You must either be Night Elf or Blood Elf
> You can only be a Hunter.
> You may not do Battlegrounds.
> You can do one dungeon per 6 hours. So, theoretically, you could do 4 dungeons in a day. (6x4 = 24 hours)
> You may only wear gear you have crafted or purchased from vendors, with the exception of armor from quests that you may either equip or vendor. However, for every green item you must have a white item, and for every blue item you must have two green items. By some odd chance you get an epic item, you may only have one. You can interchange gear for gear at any time. (E: Swapping a green for another white, swapping a blue for a stronger green, etc.)
> Your weapon must always be a bow, with the exception of survival which must always have a spear.
> You must pick up the profession Skinning, Cooking, and Fishing. The others are up to you.
> You may only heal by consuming food you have purchased from a butcher or cooked yourself.
> If you fish, you must either cook what you catch or sell it to a vendor.
> If you kill an animal, you are obligated to skin it.
> You may only vendor items when your bag is full.
> You must keep food & drink in your bag at all times, or you automatically lose.
> You must feed your pet.
> Furthermore, if you do not ''unlock'' the ability to tame other creatures as detailed below, you must use your starter pet for as long as you play the challenge.
>> For Night Elves, you can begin taming other creatures once you have either tamed the saber Rak'shiri from Winterspring or Olm the Wise from Felwood.
>> For Blood Elves, you can begin taming more exotic creatures once you have either tamed the dragonhawk Sunwing in the Burning Steppes or Rrakk the bat in Thousand Needles.
> All the quest in your starter zone must be completed (Eversong Woods and Teldrassil respectively).
> For Night Elves, you must complete the main story quest in Darkshore.
> For Blood Elves, you must complete the main story quest in Silverpine Forest.
> The challenge ends when you have completed all the quests in Val'sharah as a Night Elf, and all the quests in Azsuna as a Blood Elf.
Ady Good luck to anyone who tries it I can already see the contest entrants dying a ton of times.
I may try it. Thanks for the idea!
Ady thanks for the idea gonna try this with my friend oneday
Achievements. :D
Remus same *,*
Remus And reps.
Number 11 - go online and complain how WoW is boring and tell everyone that WoW is dead... Unfortunately, certain part of player base does that because it doesn't take so much effort as trying all of these above.
Beatrixacs300 everyone knows that wow will never die. wow will one day out live humanity.
the I HATE YOU CHALLENGE:you can't wear anything and can only autoattack
2:12 remember in classic when you had to read the quest text and couldnt skip it. ah, good times.
If I do the Iron Man Challenge, does that make me able to fly without a mount?
Only if you complete it in under an hour.
Logan Hammonds lol
Depends on which beast form you take,d(r)u(i)de
Iron men are too heavy for flight or swims.
sushanalone because of their balls
I never get bored of wOw and yeah thinking about it - it does help keeping it fresh.. trying new things and getting out of your comfort zone. I started as a Enhancement Shaman and then when friends and family joined in I started an EleSham (Ya know when there wasn't dualspec) loved every moment.. I tend to make my characters as busy as possible so as to get the most out of everythin whilst using up your time... never been into fishing but did it anyway realised it helped with my cooking and when you got waterlogged trunks and such it also helped with my leatherworking and my brothers tailoring, my nephew's alchemy and so on. Archaeological finds made you money, gave you new toys, mounts, exclusive treasured account bound gear and now pets. We recently got into gettin involved with the events and we're loving it.. Pirate Day and Brewfest around the corner and I canny wait... always had such a laugh.
And last month we started somethin really peculiar... Created characters on the Alliance.... flat out main reason is we were interested on sein things from the other sides pov and we all got out of our comfort zone.. tanks being dmg... dmg trying out tanks and me being Mainly dmg (but I'm decent at tanking too) trying out Healing for the first time and not only that... trying out the Monk; MistWeaver... (never even looked at monk before)
And we are having an Absolute blast!! I've bitten into the lore and love the World of Warcraft even more today and I'm trying to pass that lore knowledge on to my guildies.. purposely taking them to certain locations dungeons/raids and quests to further educate them on what exactly the fuck Is going on.
The games lore.. it's mysteries.. it's way of pushing you one way but thinking the other, it's magic... I could talk about it all day everyday. Thanks for your videos Nixx and for the warm welcome on one of your streams!
you are never bored cause you need to farm gold for gametime....
Dániel Kácsor or spend all that gold on Ellek Plushies... hell yeah
2:50 That was the best quest chain in the game.
Objective: 0/5 ??? DO THE THING!
When I’m bored, I love traveling around and discovering more of the map that’s hidden. My most favorite thing to do is come across areas that are mind blowing and sooo beautiful. WoW is a gorgeous game!
When I get board I will do several things, level alts for certain goals I want to do on them. They are usually dealing with transmog, title, or mount though. I'll look at pets in the pet journal that I want and try and get them. Lastly I go and take screenshots of areas I think look neat and then sometimes make it into a movie with windows movie maker.
I got a leveling challenge: So it might already be a thing, but not sure. Anyway I call it the Adaptation challenge. U start off without any gear, so u have to remove everything you've got and the only way u can get gear is through killing mobs. Also, u cannot do this challenge as a spellcaster (cause that would be too easy.) U cannot choose any talents, but u may choose whatever spec u like. Gear can ONLY be obtained through mobs, and it can only be up to green quality. The ONLY piece of gear ur allowed to buy from a vender is a weapon, but if one drops from a mob, u must use that instead (no matter if its better or not) and u can only do quests up until lvl 10. Furthermore, if u die, u lose!
So i cant get use gear from quests?
Kaizilla The Beast that would be a really crazy challenge! My adaption would be: Every time a usable item drops, you HAVE to equip it and drop the previous item.
I think that would be totally fun 😁
Wouju no, every bit of gear u get from quests u have to either sell or destroy
oneofusisanalien its not necessarily every weapon that's able to be equipped, for example, if ur a hunter and a one-handed dagger drops, but u've got a bow or something, u wouldn't have to switch it
Also, I forgot to mention, no heirlooms, ur not allowed the heirloom mount and not allowed to send gold to ur character either. Also, the only mounts u can use r ur race mounts, as in dwarves can only use rams, tauren can only use kodos.... (mostly cause I say so and its my challenge)
Have you been playing sins vanilla? You filthy casual I have been playing since chocolate
ive been playing since alpha chocolate get on my level nerd
Lol you noob I started in strawberry
Purple Nomad I’ve been playing since milk
Lmao I’ve been playing since caucau beans
@@spectrent i've been playing since cau cau seeds
The "Try to talk with a Demon Hunter in Goldshire Challenge"
When I'm bored in WoW, I show off my epic flying tricks, by flying underground for example.
You forgot the best one:
Going to forums to rant about how Vanilla WoW was cooler.
What I like to do is go back, make an alt and level through old zones where I made my first ever character. It brings me back, and reminds me of reasons I still play
I actually quit wow a couple months ago for personal reasons, but to go with your in-game challenges idea, i thought you might like one I used to do with friends. I called it Mage Darts.
What you do is with a mage (i suppose priest with levitate could work too) that has the fastest possible flying speed... fly up as high as you can in Storm Peaks. Pick a spot on either side of Northrend, for example the Alliance starting area in Borean Tundra, Point your mount roughly in the direction of the spot you chose, and then fly for exactly 5 seconds in that direction. At the 5 second mark, while still flying in that direction to keep forward momentum, cast slow fall to dismount yourself, and keep casting it when it's close to expiring.
You can probably do variations of this like levitate or goblin glider etc, but I find slow fall to be most interesting b/c you can't chance course, so you just have to wait and see where you end up. I almost ended up in Coldera once.
Another fun challenge you might enjoy is Demonhunter Parkour in Silvermoon City. See how high you can get in Silvermoon with only demon hunter abilities and/or gliders. The very first video in my channel is of my demon hunter at the highest point I could get to. I had originally been trying to get to the bridge between those 2 towers... but ended up on top of the taller one lol. Keep in mind, there are sometimes ways thru or around invisible walls. The vid I made tho encountered no invis walls. I only needed my DH abilities AND a goblin glider to get there as the glider is a bit more powerful that the DH glid.
So, there's this thing me and my friends did during the content draught of WoD. We would get together in one of our garrisons and play hide and seek. It's pretty simple, but lots of fun. Basically, the seeker scrolls all the way into 1st person and turn of his HUD and turn off the option to see player names, while the seekers would wear RP clothes that would make them sort of blend in with the followers in the garrison (you can use any low level gear, mostly grey and green armor pieces). It was really fun and had some great laughs while playing. There are some pretty awesome places you could hide. Also you can use any toy or spell etc to help you out to hide better. Give it a shot, it's pretty fun.
The lore alt idea is great I must say. Thanks!
you can always walk up to a random player sitting in a city-hub and yell "I CHALLENGE YOU SIR TO FIST-FIGHT!" then you go to a dueling are and fight with auto-attacks and no gear on you.
My favorite secret place would be those Dwarven mountaineers you occasionally see fighting a black drake along certain flight paths that go through the Burning Steppes. They've been there for as long as I can remember (started in late vanilla/early BC) that made the world seem alive. Considering I quit back during mid cata and came back in April with a new account, one of the main things I've been doing for fun is seeing what's changed by exploring areas from past expansions as well as seeing the stuff I missed such as Pandaria. Sure people may have their gripes about some of the previous expansions, but I enjoyed some of the aesthetics and lore that they had to offer as I leveled up from a newbie to max level once again.
I need Blizzard to do legacy servers, i was to young to appreciate BC and ran around doing quests like an 11 year old would do back then. I keep hearing it was the best expansion and I wanna relive it
Stromboli dude when i was 12 my highest character was 42.
SaladNinja because back in BC the game made you think for yourself
And now its out again on classic XD
I tend to go headlong into doing one thing in wow until i get bored of it. So sometimes i get burned out and feel a bit aimless. My favourite thing to do to fix this is to go look for something i haven't done yet and really get stuck into it. This last few days i've gotten bored of doing Argus on all my alts, so i grabbed my main and started working through all of the fishing content in Legion, i had alot of fun and now i feel like i've accomplished something and i contributed to raid feasts too. :)
Something I did awhile back was to get a hold of all standard achievements for dungeons and raids (by mostly soloing them), collecting the rewards such as the titles and the mounts. Of course there are achievements that "require" other people to help you... but there is usually a way around it in some shape for for that gives a unique way of taking on a boss fight or running through the instance. At first I thought it was impossible to solo Deathwing unless you had another person with you, until i found out you can strafe back and forth across his back, resetting his death roll ability. When I say standard achievements, i mean just the ones that are available under the dungeons/raids tab and not anything under Legacy or Pets, or etc.
This makes me wish they'd introduce some levelling challenges as an actual achievement with some cool transmog/mount rewards. It'd be awesome to get a new challenge every couple of months.
"I played in V A N I L L A !" -Nixxiom, 2017
Love all Your videos
Recently? I go through the process to obtain one of the mounts hidden behind puzzles. Namely Riddler's Mind Worm and Lucid Nightmare. Lucid Nightmare was a lot of fun to obtain.
RampageBW1 i still prefer my glorly of dragon soul raider achievment.
Thanks very much again Nix, for a very informative and worthwhile vid my Buddy.
Ever since Vanilla, I have ALWAYS read the quest texts and sundry articles of information available in game. I suspect the main reason I do so is because back in the fledgling years of PC gaming (i.e the late '70s & early '80s) if you didn't read all the provided info, you pretty much had zero chance of completing your goals and objectives.
I just carried on doing so even in 'modern' games that as you mentioned, you can now plow through totally oblivious to the history and meaning behind the actions taking place.
Also, I WANT to know why the hell I'm doing things and especially with Lore dumps, I receive far more enjoyment from the game if I feel I have active participation in determining resolutions from my invested time.
I can understand why folks would overlook text/story dumps, if they are perhaps doing a quest for like the third time in a row but to NEVER read them? Damn, just how busy is a person that has time to play a game but only gets to enjoy half of it?
That mindset will forever baffle me. To each their own I guess but the only one missing out, is the one rushing to the end, imho. =\ ( ' o ' ) /=
edit: just a quick add, a play-style I've had fun with on a few occasions, is seeing just how far I can progress in the PVE content (i.e. level attained) using just white/gray gear (sometimes greens). Except for weapons, since if you can't even hurt a mob, you'll hit the wall way too soon. I find this has helped me improve my defensive game play significantly at times, since I'm essentially totally dependent on knowing my spells/tactics/talents to their utmost or die all the time. Great fun when soloing but I'd not recommend it when grouping (say, for Dungeons) or even your friends will rage/quit on ya, heh! :)
I do Number 3 all the time. I know there's people that in a hurry to finish the quest fast as possible but i actually take my time and appreciate some of the lore behind it.
I have a thing I like to do every so often called "Geology runs". Collecting rocks and crystals is a RL hobby of mine and building a collection in WoW has been something to do. My main has his reagent tab and two bank organized bags full of stones, metals and gems. Goal is to get a stack of 200 of everything in there, including the really rare metals like Khorium. Needless to say it's a work in progress.
In vanilla I leveled an undead warrior without equipping any items. Maxing out the bare handed skill was so satisfying and fighting bare handed with an undead was strangely appropriate because of the animations. It's pretty cool :)
I enjoyed listening to you on DD. I'm so glad you do these on your own as well. I will be bingeing on these now since I'm mostly new to wow ^~^.
Glitching is my favorite. Scholomance, Stratholme, Zul'Farrak, Eversong, Ghostlands, Zul'Aman, etc. Several in Kara. Tons of great areas to glitch. Its fun finding your own.
This is an older video and I'm only watching it now, but I remember back in Wrath a few of my guildmates and I would chat in Vent and go around Dalaran and inspect people and laugh at the bad (like unsuitable) gear, gems, enchants, etc. they had. Lmao. It was rather mean, but it's just a fond memory I have of back in the day. Anyway, love the video as always and thanks for the great suggestions!
I love to hunt out near pointless achievements that I previously skipped over, such as the Pepe achievements. It's rather fun simply because it results in having a set goal and often heading to some area I haven't been to in a while or trying to work out the most effective way to tackle it. Otherwise, I usually just farm for transmog sets, the new set tab is kinda nice since it helps make keeping track easier
One thing I like to do is turn off my UI (or just my minimap) and travel around on foot or a ground mount and just appreciate the scenery. Sometimes it helps to have a set destination in mind, like Ironforge to Gadgetzan, or Thunderbluff to Undercity (without using the zeppelins). It can be really relaxing.
question. last time I played was WOD. and now Im thinking of going back. which will be better? play legion or wait for the battle of azeroth? and if I will wait for Battle. will I need to purchase Legion or just go straight to battle?
I happened to be finishing up Loremaster about two weeks ago before 7.3, and while doing Winterspring I happened upon a cave on the northern edge of the continent, outside of the zone itself, and it contained a crazy ass puzzle. Turns out they'd just added it in 7.2.5, and somehow I happened to stumble on it in the same patch. Crazy how they can still surprise us!
Best idea for a leveling challenge: The pokemon master challenge, you pick 4 level one pets, one rare and two poor and one common and one uncommon (or three of either common or uncommon, and you can only level your character past level 10 (just for OCD's sake) if you gain one level on a pet, heirlooms are allowed if you want them but you can't give the pets any extra boosts other than their natural progression with you. Mic and match pets to your hearts content, if you want to have a team with both poors and a rare that's chill if you want an even balance do it man. To make it harder add in the additional rules: you can't backtrack to leveling zones for easy experience, and you can't stockpile levels (by for example hitting level 40 in western plaguelands and then grinding a level one pet by 10 levels so that you can completely skip doing pet battles in the next leveling zone), hard mode option two: Nuzlocke mode, in this mode if one of your battle pets from your 5 die its gone forever you can't revive it using your spells, if this happens you can replace it for a level one battle pet of a lower rank than the one you lost (minus poor which can't get lower).
When I'm bored, I go fishing. Back in WotLK, I was obsessed with fishing those coins out of the fountain just outside the Ally bank in Dalaran.
I'd go and fish in Wintergrasp for hours at a time while chatting with friends. I like WG because of the element of surprise of the BG. Always have to look over your shoulder, which is nice since I only play PvE servers. BUT...most times, Horde would come and stand right next to me at the lake and I'd wave, they'd wave back, and we'd just stand there and fish. The Rogues tho. Those effing ROGUES!
When my guildies and I are bored we play Kickfish. The Whitewater Carp toy is super underrated and is best played in dangerous spots, like volcanoes and end raid bosses. Just agree on a goal location for your two teams and battle it out for the fish and all its glory!
Hey Nixxiom, can you please tell me what screen recorder you use to record the wow video? Thank you :3 I hope you reply
I have decided to start writting a field diary/journal from the perspective of my character. By the end of it I'm hoping to have it detail his adventures through all the xpacs like he is taking notes for his job and writting about cool things he's seen and what not
I've given myself limitations of reading all quest text, only doing dungeons at the end of zones I've completed that have the dungeon in them, only doing a dungeon or raid once and sectioning things like bulk amounts of quests and traveling into days and have him write about his daily doings at the end of each of his days to make the world seem larger and more stunning.
Im already prepping for when i will get bored at the end of legion. How? Well im farming legendaries on every class so once we get to that point where there is nothing to do while we wait for wrath of the old gods i will be doing all the mage towers.
Burning Steppes made me laugh my ass off from start to finish when you take the time to immerse yourself in the text and why you're doing what you're doing. It all ties in nicely at the end.
Another great one from Cata+ was the Dragon's Mouth in Badlands. I think the "quest chain" is called "The Day Deathwing Came/Arrived" anyway, a dwarf, orc, and gnome tell you about their first day seeing DW. You get to play through their experiences and overall the 3 quests (3 parts made into one) are entertaining and unique.
Next time you're in a zone, take your time with it because they all have their charm.
I love to try to get better in different roles.
I'm so used to being on my Afflock that it's a breath of fresh air when I hop on my MW monk or my DH. There are so many playstyles to play around with that it's hard to *really* get bored unless you just can't get yourself motivated to try them out.
Though tanking and melee dps will always be my weak points because I'm so used to not having to follow the boss around.
God dammit Nixxiom, your videos suck... when they end ;) Your videos are so damn enjoyable I just want to keep watching/listening. Keep up the good work my man
I have a Hunter called Frankenboner who i log into whenever i'm bored. He is on an epic quest to tame every unique rare mob in the game. I then screenshot every tame as a note. I'm currently lvl 55 and have tamed around 30 so far. Once i get flying i will do the last few in Azeroth then be off to Outland. It;s fun to have a character where there is some quest or mission you have set yourself outside of just leveling or PvP or raiding.
I think guild housing in world of Warcraft would be where if you buy it after getting an achievement (battle pets, PVP,PVE,etc,) than it wouldn't be displayed, or hung up on the walls, or shown, and only a person who got the achievement after the guild house has been bought is shown. I think this will have players of the guild of mainly achievers to reach out to some new people so they can interact. Guild houses will need money to upgrade them (level 1 will have a small house, comparable to some of the human houses, only showing an achievement or two, etc.) the final level will have all the achievements on the wall, have separate rooms to house things, like pets hunters tamed which walk around the guild house, inside and outside, and each pet does something differently, such as dogs pouncing on random players, imps lighting players on fire, etc. guilds will mainly be in the areas you mentioned in your "things that annoy you" video. Guilds can wage wars with each other, for achievements and stuff, and mainly impact the style of the people and surroundings. Guilds that control an area has NPCs that patrols the area, walls & towers around the area, and quest givers don't change all that much other than some dialogue changes for certain characters. Before I get on to the guild wars, guilds can make troops, siege weapons, etc. Guilds who war over areas, to put it simply, there is a mod for Skyrim the elder scrolls for one of the important wars makes it seem like there's a war going on. NPCs are fighting each other, siege weapons all over the place, and NPCs of the faction can give leveling players questing in the area can get quests that are like "kill the troops of the other faction" or "sabotage the flying aircraft, and so much more. Each victory depends on the amount of players that died on a faction as well as the NPCs. If the other faction fails on the assault, the land is safe and in the guilds hands. An player's character will go to the guild house if they log off. The player will take an hour to cross the sea on boat and zeppelin, in real time, and take 20 minutes to cross an zone, if the player has an mount, takes double amount of time without mount.
I made my own "challenge" and made an attempt to read ALL quest text on my toons (I've since not played because of RL). The "challenge" may not be much of a challenge, more of an "immersion enhancer" to try to enjoy the world more. No quest gear, only vendor and pick ups (no heirlooms), no flight paths, no dungeon finder, and read all the quest text! It just forces you to see the world more, interact with old NPC vendors, and find excitement in mobs dropping gear again.
I love making challenges for myself. Like right now I am leveling up a night elf hunter, but I am not using a pet and I am making myself stay in Kalimdor for as long as it lets me level. Makes it a lot of fun and it's making me enjoy the hunter class a whole lot more.
one thing they used to do all the time before BC was to have lvl 1 naked runs to horde capitals. Naked gnome runs were the most fun
The one thing I would do when bored is just go down the dungeon list and re-run them. Fly out to them all and jump in. See how much of it you can mass pull, or sit and enjoy the storyline that played out in them. Plus side, you can get some extra golsd from selling the items you get, might get a nice new transmog item, or for some runs, a rare mount.
Ideas for leveling challenges:
1. No talents. You cant pick talents as you level.
2. No mounts, you are not to use mounts while leveling.
3. Once every 10 levels, remove a piece of armour. The slot must remain empty for the rest of your leveling.
4. Once every 5 levels. Go to either Stormwind or Ogrimar, and whisper 5 random people, letting them know how happy you are for leveling up 5 levels.
If you're hunting transmogs and want to create transmog sets i highly recommend that you use the AddOn called Mogit over the model viewer. It is a far smoother experience since it is all done in game. You can create sets, save them, mark items to a wishlist, see where everything drops and just navigating through all the items is incredibly simple and convenient since the item is shown, you don't have to navigate a list and pick and item based on the name and then look at it. It also only shows you obtainable items.
Here is a good one if your of age. Find smoking spots, find a campfire that is in a strange place and just sit and smoke. Even better if you have friends that do it also, maybe take it a step further and start a rp. My favorite is go to a enemy capital and find a spot to smoke (probably a spot guards wont rape you instantly), wait to see how long until someone comes and ruins your smoke session....if no one ever comes...well stir up trouble or find another spot. Also funny thing, the outhouse in WoD i used as a smoking spot. I was quite surprised to find a ghost inside with me while i smoked. Thought it was something that didn't belong. I'll miss you outhouse ghost!
I would add 2 more additions to n.o. 3, if you reach max level of the zone you questing in, stop xp gain until you finish that zone, and only enter instances, if you are send by quest, or have done the questchain in the zone (like in Codarra, where the quest that sends you the Nexus was removed)
I usually boot up Warcraft 3 and play the campaign a bit, I'll usually head to the major geographical locations in wow that were key story points in wc3 (like Andorhal) just so I can really refresh the nostalgia I have for the series.
I'm a big fan of making an alt, minimizing the UI and enable the actioncam. Remember to read the quest descriptions and you can essentially solo-rp, without falling into the dark caverns of Goldshire.
One add-on that helped me was the Tom Tom, you could use it for whole bunch of things. Great video, even though wow is a huge game it does get boring especially when that mount don't drop
I've made two lore leveling series where I take a character from 1 to max level and read all the quest text as I go. They didn't always fully complete but my druid one was really fun. Also I'm starting to make Legion Class Mount videos for my 12 characters I play.
Hey, have you ever tried play new alt with xbox controler? :) It feels little bit like diferent game
Can you do a warlock leveling 1-110? Maybe explain how to start off with new accounts, with no heirlooms. How to get that sweet coin? What transmog you like and what you like to see in other characters?
I pet battle, but I also love tourism and sightseeing; there are some lovely zones out there and some real horrors!
I've been a warrior main for 8 years. But In legion when the argus patch came out I read about all the catch up things to help new ppl. So I switched my 8 year old warrior out for a pallidan and it's so refreshing to try a new class out
Me and some guildies were bored so what we did was go on a new server on horde (we're alliance) and all 5 of us made forsaken characters and just leveled together while riding our heirloom bikes...we made a guild that I called Zombikers...yeah it was a lot of fun and we still go back to these characters from time to time although not the 5 of us together since it's pretty hard to get 5 people to be online at the same time.
when im bord in wow i youse an item caled "last relic of argus". i got it from archaeology. It is an item that teleports you to a random zone in kalimdor or the eastern kingdom(and some times in Hellfire Peninsula). after having used it is usually explore the area for a bit or do an old raid that happened to be nearby. Highly recommend for people that wanna do something but don't know what they want to do.
most of your vids start with "been playing since vanilla" I love you
Here's a good one. Back during Cata, my Dad would make these lvl1 toons, and see how far he would go to travel around Azeroth, Outlands, Northrend, and has done it in Panda Land too. He got a port from a Mage and traveled at lvl1 in Panda Land, climbing out off the seven stairs place. And through out running around at lvl1, he hardly got killed!!! Now my Dad just makes lvl1s, see how long they last for while he lvls them, and he'll then decide to either delete them, or keep them lol. When I get bored on WoW, I go kill my toon off of Karazhan Bridge lol.
For me i like to level a character only from quests. No dungeons, no grinding just story line. I love it!
Nix what app do you use for your machinima?
I like to just find some achievement from old content (or new) that I haven’t played in and then spend my free time trying to get it.
When I first joined in MoP, for fun I ran around the whole world trying to find every location for my map as well, and I got to see a lot of old zones and content I hadn’t experienced or seen before.
I did blood death knight tank since they changed the spec to make blood a tank. Last month I decided to try the brewmaster monk tank. Was such a breath of fresh air, you guys.
What do i do when im bored in WoW?
Do Legion pickpocketing.
And for my Leveling Challenge:
"The Craftsman Challenge"
- Can only use crafted armor and weapons
- Trinkets, Rings, Necklaces and Cloaks from Quests, Drops or Vendors are allowed.
- Death is Permanent
- No Heirlooms
- No Dungeons
- No EXP boost potions
- Can't use auction house to get the materials, (YOU GOTTA DO IT YOURSELF)
- Can't send Materials from your other characters through Trade or Mail
You can choose when you want to beat the challenge, You can stop at level 60, 70, 80, 85, 90, 100 and 110
Related to the leveling challenges: The farthest I ever got in the main quest of Morrowind was during an RP challenge I created for myself. I gave up because of a combination of following the actual main quest too far and me failing to keep to a part of the challenge (not allowed to use daedric weapons, because they're inherently evil in the eyes of the fanatic I was RPing). At some point I want to try again, probably using Tamriel Rebuilt to join House Indoril instead of Redoran...
My boyfriend and I go exploring every once in a while and we've found quite a few really cool stuffs to enjoy. :3
There are a few fun mini-games in wow, i like to seek out silly shit and weird locations/npc's.
Earlier i have just slowly stopped playing the game. But now... i created a copy of my main on Argent Dawn (mostly because i heard stories of Goldshire) and now..... and now.... i'm more on AD doing actual RP events than i am on my main. It's a ton of fun, and i don't regret it at all
I watch videos like this to remind me of the love I had for the game when I first started playing
I'm at the moment trying out Protection specc on my Paladin for the first time since cataclysm, been playing Retri for the longest time and jumped from class to another. Also started doing pet battle again since MoP. The game feels totally different now.
I downloaded a thing on my computer that reads the quests aloud and I love it
I definitely read the text for the merloc quest in suramar. i loved it hahah
When I'm bored I go achievement hunting, especially old ones that are pretty quick to do beacuse of the level cap. I've been doing the Loremaster and Explorer achis in the past months slowly.
Usually when I get bored in wow I always end up creating an ALT. most of the time I do it to help the Guild achievement for "Classy race" (already fully did worgen and draenei) on my way to complete it for pandaren and dwarfs and the remaining ones. When I do this I always force my self to WALK, literally WALK through out all the starting zone all the way to lv 15-20. it gives time to lea back and admire the world, reminds me of the good old days where we used to WALK (run) back in vanilla with out a mount until lv 40/60 when we changed out armor type to the next better one (like warriors, shamans, etc) and by playing a different race and class I never played or never liked I ended up growing a love for these alts.
that's how I got a Gnome rogue worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/bronzebeard/nobledagger Who I ended using on my D&D/Pathfinder game with friends IRL
a Panda Shaman, worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/argent-dawn/akinijou Guild members jokes saying chubby furry girls could never be sexy, so got her a sexy mog.
goblin warlock, worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/veknilash/zoefelcannon crazy things happen when you are bored xp
I also ended up with one of my favorites: my psyco mental green fur pleague DK female tauren, worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/steamwheedle-cartel/limonpie
inspired by a youtube video one day I was equally bored and depressed. th-cam.com/video/WHLb9JTjzkM/w-d-xo.html
and basically I got full 12 classes on Alliance and 12 on Horde, all characters with their own back ground info and RP Story
When I'm bored I troll World Events. Like during Boat Bash and people have to fish alot to build their boat. I sneak up as a druid and stun them when theyre mid cast and run away, restealth, and RETURN. I spent 2 hours doing this. Eventually there was a horde group that would continously hunt me down and sometimes they got me.... That's what WoW is all about
run of the gnomes. you can only be a gnome and can be any class they can be that you want . no quests. 2 to 3 players. try to thrive at the highest level area possible.
such a nice video. I'm getting bored for doing WQ and shit for the flying thing in bfa even though it is getting easier but i just dont see much sense behind it. So I made me a guild and I now try to learn all the cooking recipes in WoW starting from the beginning, so i at least can kinda see some motive behind all this WQ and saving or killing or guiding those goddamn turtles