Lel smahser is balanced enough cuz the penetration shet. While annilalator needs nerf on the turret cuz very op. Gravedigger welp doesn't need buff or nerf
Anyone who sees a Gravedigger: *Runs away like they would when they see FV183* (EDIT): I realized the gravedigger is pretty much a militarized KITCHEN GUN
You need to do a separate video about the best of burning games as a whole. Compared to when the mode was first released, this time it's absolutely insane.
Actually I have a technic to on how to kill a gravedigger your gonna need four team mates first step break it's engine next break it's tracks both of them then your gonna need a destroyer to explode it's ammorack and it's done but if the gravedigger spots your gonna have to move to another spot and do it and nice video bro I really like your channel
*"Gravedigger = Burning Games = A10 Warthog"* - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
AMX 13 57 is also brrrt machine
Can you tell me the song you used pls, love your vids btw
Вот это могильщик имба мнебы токово
Pls do a face reveal that would be fun!
Hey, Joe, try the Matilda BP. Really fun in burning games
It's like a machine gun of pure devastation
Or su 152. MT 25 is cool too
Yeah, but what about the stock gun from the Churchill l
@Ruggedpotato1 yeah, less dpm but still a pew pew gun
*"Pew pews OP"* - Totally Sun Tzu
@@noFPSS you clearly dont know who wrote the book of strategy dont you
Ray mak will be proud of you!!
Holy shit ur here again wtf is happening
Holy shit ur here again wtf is happening
Tank:WG Nation
WoTB Joe:Let's combine them
the song is russian, but yes
@@Gamerrabbit60 finland
I am from Finland so… cringe
@@Gamerrabbit60 The song is Finnish..
Njet Molotof
WG balance team: Ill allow it.
the gravedigger isn't that op tbh, its impossible to hit anything from long range.
1. Anni
2. Smasher
That 2 need nerf pretty bad
@@rickylim5828 even the owners of those scary tanks will not mind a nerf
Lel smahser is balanced enough cuz the penetration shet. While annilalator needs nerf on the turret cuz very op. Gravedigger welp doesn't need buff or nerf
@@hockkeetan6282 smasher need nerf till 50dmg per shot
Leopard with an upgraded gun:"Look what he needs to mimic a fraction of my power!"
Me with at 7 stock gun:are you challenging me?
AT7 with 10 shot clip: Finally a worthy opponent!
Gravedigger, the digger that digs your grave before you even see it digging your grave
After he said “get back here chaffee” I knew the “get over here” was gonna come 🤣
E25 : finally a worthy opponent our battle legendary
Hey Joe, the Action X is super OP in this mode. You should give it a try :)
Me: wow anni so good
*sees this video about gravedigger
Me again: thinking about life choices
*Skoda T25 + burning games = stupidly broken*
Dude took cyber bullying to a whole new level
Yess thank you for listening to me :D it’s so fun to play!
This song is about Molotov who gave an ultimatum to Finland to give the provinces from Lentngrad
1:10 he bought a kitchen gun
Most satisfying thing ever; bouncing a shell from a Smasher
e25 + adrenaline + burning games + gun rammer
Trust me ive tried it
Me: oooooooooo yeaaaaah
Enemy tesm: Ah shit, here we go again
Kitchen Gun's chaotic Texan cousin.
Gravedigger is the greatest counter to smasher
i am not the only one find it absolute funny when some little kids accuse anyone of hacking when its a mobile game
When u decided to be a scrap yard tank but u want a m1 garand for a gun
Anyone who sees a Gravedigger: *Runs away like they would when they see FV183*
(EDIT): I realized the gravedigger is pretty much a militarized KITCHEN GUN
Actually i think the annihilator is the kitchen gun BANG BANG BANG
Grave digger + HE Goes brrrrrrrrrrt
Why is all the collector tanks in tier 7 so OP? I want all of them, gravedigger,smasher, the LOT
The "top gun" medal maker machine
Gravedigger like a mobile machine gun
The P2W pew pew machine
Meanwhile Leopard: Amatuers...
Gravedigger: WHAT did you say?
Leopard: I said *AMATUERS!*
This tank its underrated.. But over power as well
Kitchen Gun bang! bang! bang!
*Confused warthunder noises*
mark: his name is "GRAVEDIGGER"
Annihilator:am I joke to you?
Gravedigger: Nope we both have BBBBBRRRRRTTTTTT
smasher plus burning games equals hell
Correction: The ultimate brrr wallet warrior
This takes rng deaths to a whole new level
Double Autoloader at T10 is insane at respawn
You need to do a separate video about the best of burning games as a whole. Compared to when the mode was first released, this time it's absolutely insane.
When u talk it makes ur videos way better
All finish fans when they hear Niev Molotov 🤔
my dream tank
matilda BP:bruh,that's cute
people who use sherman and chi to or chi nu are good people they help us grin
The background music lol
*Snow starts speaking Finnish*
joe... play churchill 1 with stock gun. 1.3sec reload after respawn
Gravedigger is the icon of madgames its simply op in its own gamemode
"AT 7 down
Eagle 7 let me get round"
~WoTB Joe
burning game EZ Gravedigger
This tank make Annihilator and smasher *BAD*
Worst Behavior by Bishu in the 5th minute
brrrrrtt machine?
more like
*Plep Plep Plep Plep Plep Plep* machine
Everytime i see gravedigger on enemy team, i instantly laughing and tell my team to play around because we will instantly lose🤣🤣
I'm satisfied that u put Finlandia
Everyone:nooo u cant use gravedigger
Him:haha ap goes brrr.
Now imagine doubles hot on this tank
will Gravedigger be in shop sometime?
Fair and Balanced i see.
The Bonk machine
Sometimes I wish I had this tank 😂
The anni and the gravedigger have to be banned
hey, what’s the song in the first segment’s background? really catchy.
Njet Molotoff eurobeat remix
me wishing to have gravedigger
The real *M A S H E N G A N*
Video ideea : Action X in brurning games
Hey joe try the at-15 in burning games and make sure you use adrenaline
Can someone send me a link of the sound effect at 5:20 ?
so basically no one is going to talk how grille 15 is super op on being medic at burning games
WT traktor too
@@Tankdestroyer467 grille has extra 500 dpm
@@mywinrateis71andisuckatwot72 try ISU 152 or SU 152 using the 3k dpm gun in ur last live ur gonna love it
@@mywinrateis71andisuckatwot72 Tru...
@@Tankdestroyer467 lol
The JPanther you spell jagdpanther
1:51 kitchen gun!
What’s the song at 4:44 please I need it to now
0:16 What the music?
Njet Molotof
what the sigma
Sheridan is too much fun lol
Wait that's not a brrrt machine it's PEW PEW PEW 2 !!
Yep, brrrt machine is Annihilator
@@Galaxy-oy4nj yes true and pew pew a is a at7
the kitchen gun
Actually I have a technic to on how to kill a gravedigger your gonna need four team mates first step break it's engine next break it's tracks both of them then your gonna need a destroyer to explode it's ammorack and it's done but if the gravedigger spots your gonna have to move to another spot and do it and nice video bro I really like your channel
Kitchen gun be like : 1:08
T23E3 is one of my favorites for this mode
Le Funny UFO Nomad Tank with funny 76mm
This tank is illegal i love it
Brrrrt machine or... pay to win machine jsjsjsj i like that tank
let me just say one thing: u nailed it
Burning games plus loght tanks are a cool combination imo
in the age of op Tanks comes the kv-2 pestitank control
waiting for this to be done in uprising with the doubleshot ability
Dont have gravedigger? Simple
Buy at7 then use the autoloader gun
why is it that nearly everything special tends to be VII? like Annihilator, Smasher, Gravedigger, Dracula, Helsing
It’s just cause it’s a battle pass but slightly more expensive thus tier 7 being the reward and also we don’t need more broken tier 8s in tier8
fun fact this video was on top of the p2w pew pew machine for me lol
Resume the video beng,beng,bang.
use this, but with double shot in uprising
great choice of music
Can you tell me the first one?
@Luke Harris thanks
what is name of music?
Nice song at the start!
Judging by the accent:
WotB Joe = World of Tanks Bri’ish Joe
Try the Tiger 1 next, it's reload speed literally is like a single shot rifle